Annual Report 2012
Annual Report 2012
io ns to sn ess ut Sol Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Madison, WI Permit No. 2333 ht Po l r ch i g s le Home Administrative Offices 306 N. Brooks Street Madison, WI 53715 Keeping the Light On 2 0 1 2 P o r c h l i g h t A n n u al R e po r t where to find us administrative office hospitality house and digs 306 N. Brooks Street Madison, WI 53715 1490 Martin Street Madison, WI 53713 Phone: (608) 257-2534 Fax: (608) 257-2507 Phone: (608) 255-4401 Fax: (608) 258-4848 Email: Website: Email: digs Phone: (608) 252-8522 drop-in shelter 116 W. Washington Avenue Madison, WI 53703 Phone: (608) 255-2960 safe haven 4002 Nakoosa Trail Madison, WI 53714 Phone: (608) 241-9447 Fax: (608) 241-4441 Email: Porchlight Mission Porchlight strives to decrease the Dane County contents Letter from the Executive Director and Board President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–3 homeless population by providing shelter, housing, Board of Directors.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 supportive services, and a sense of community in Porchlight Program Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ways that empower residents and program Chefs Auction: Cuisine and Compassion. . . . . . . . . . . 6–7 participants to positively shape their lives. Dina: Taking Care of Her Family. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Floyd: A New Beginning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Linda: A Healthy Life is Possible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Rob: Go-To Guy and Family Man. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Financial Statements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12–13 Thank You.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–15 Individual Donor List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–23 Organizational Donor List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24–25 Drop-In Shelter Volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Where to Find Us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back cover a m i s s i o n to h e l p t h o s e i n n e e d d 1 keeping the light on “Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. S had experience working with a number of chronic homeless households. While the road to long-term sustainable housing is hardly straight, nor without pitfalls, we have had successes. Linda’s story of overcoming chronic alcohol abuse, told in this annual report, is one example. In another instance, a gentleman, who was on the City’s alcohol ban list for repeated alcohol-related nuisance violations, has successfully completed treatment and maintained housing for almost a year. Housing this one individual saved this community approximately $50,000 in resources otherwise used for police, jail, detox, shelter and hospital services. everal months ago, I attended a meeting where a participant stated that for some chronically homeless there is simply nothing that can be done. No matter what housing, what services, what opportunities are made available, they will remain homeless. This was not intended to be a statement of moral approbation but rather a recognition that causes of homelessness, such as chronic substance abuse, mental health issues and other disabilities, are simply too much for some to be overcome. However, the assertion was only partially accurate. To be sure, many of the chronic homeless are very challenged. Based on regular surveys, we estimate more than 100 chronic homeless households are in emergency shelters or on the streets. The overwhelming majority of these are single adults suffering from severe mental illness and substance abuse, often both. Sadly, these ailments are usually long-term, often beginning in adolescence and continuing throughout adulthood. This makes it difficult to reach these persons and when they try to make changes in their lives, the burdens seem insurmountable. Porchlight continues to expand its programs to reach individuals and families in need. Last December we opened our Nakoosa Trail facility with 48 units of housing and, equally as important, expanded program space for services. As part of the new Nakoosa Trail campus, we are expanding services for treating substance abuse, increasing support group opportunities including Alcoholics Anonymous, SMART recovery and developing gardens, as well as expanding our Porchlight Products training and employment program. Yet, that does not mean we should give up— on anyone. Low-cost highly subsidized housing, psychological treatment with prescription medications and alcohol and substance abuse treatment combined with coordinated case management can make a difference. Porchlight has We have increased our outreach services in coordination with Meriter at their Health Hut facility for homeless persons on Fish Hatchery Road. We worked with Dane County to open a very successful Daytime Warming Shelter on East Washington Avenue that served hundreds of persons, both single individuals and families, connecting them with greatly needed services. None of this could have happened without the tremendous support of this community. Several years ago, one of our experienced alcohol and drug addiction recovery counselors, Karen Romanouski, summarized it best. She noted, “For whatever reason, for people suffering from long-term substance abuse, sometimes a light suddenly clicks on. I don’t understand how or why, but it just does and that is the beginning of their recovery.” We all wish we knew what we could do to actively change someone’s desperate circumstances, but that remains a mystery. What is no mystery is the critical importance of being there with the right assistance at the right time. Without the housing, treatment and support, there would be no hope for any of these chronically homeless households. Steve Schooler, Executive Director of Porchlight with Sheri Carter, President of Porchlight’s Board of Directors Very truly yours, Steven J. Schooler Executive Director, Porchlight Dr. King’s observation is apt; sometimes it is only in the deepest of darkness that we can actually perceive light. However, if no light exists, there is no hope. Porchlight’s mission is to keep the possibility of housing, combined with the necessary services, available to those in need. We thank you—all of our supporters and volunteers—who allow us to provide the housing, services and programs that keep the light on for those most in need in our community. It is this hope that sustains the possibility of making a difference in the lives of so many. Sheri Carter President, Porchlight Board of Directors only in the darkness can you see the stars 2 3 P o r c h l i g h t P r o g r am s P o r c h l i g h t P r o g r am s Members of the Porchlight, Inc. Board bring a rich mixture of skills, resources, perspectives and backgrounds to their tasks as directors. They represent Madison’s business, education and social service communities. The Board directs the activities of Porchlight, Inc., overseeing operations and monitoring management of its programs. 2012 directors entry” to the community service system and offers basic services, such as three free meals each day, free laundry, shower facilities and a mailing address, as well as free psychiatric clinic. Safe Haven also offers 14 temporary-placement SRO (single room occupancy) units to homeless men and women. In 2012, Safe Haven served 153 drop-in guests and overnight housing for an additional 62 mentally ill persons. Porchlight’s Drop-In Shelter offers temporary emergency shelter for homeless men every night of the year at three locations: Grace Episcopal Church, St. John’s Lutheran Church and First United Methodist Church. In 2012, the Drop-In Shelter provided shelter, meals, showers and laundry facilities for 1,273 men. Sheri Carter, President Christine Thomas, Vice-President Kevin Huff, Secretary Kelly Eakin, Treasurer 2012 other directors Tracey Caradine David Ginger Jeremey Shepherd Will Crump Brian Hornung Susan Steinhauer Brian Donley Barbara Karlen Sal Troia Jeffrey Femrite Peter Mortenson Robin Frisch T. Michael Osborne ma d i s o n c a r e s c ap i t al c ampa i g n c omm i t t e e Diane Endres Ballweg, Chair Steve Saffian Melissa Auchard Scholz Kathy Sandefur Don Becker Paul Sergenian Sharon Chamberlain Rick Schmidt Peg Davey Alexandra Wright Fritz Grutzner Porchlight’s Housing Program offers low-cost housing at 23 Madison and Dane County locations providing more than 300 units to families and individuals. Transitional housing is available for up to two years; permanent housing is available indefinitely. Porchlight staff helps residents manage money, develop job skills and connect to basic services. Porchlight housing served 453 men, women and children in 2012. Porchlight has three programs that are offered through housing operations: PTO (Partnership for Transitional Opportunities); START (Sobriety Training After Recovery Treatment); and STABLE (Skills Training and Barrier Limiting Education). PTO provides housing and counseling for men and women who are in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. PTO served 34 men and women in 2012. START participants must have a minimum of six to 12 months of consistent recovery from addiction and must be involved in group therapy and service to the community. In 2012, START provided services to 8 people. STABLE offers housing and independent living skills primarily for women with mental health issues. STABLE served 12 individuals in 2012. Hospitality House is a daytime resource center located at 1490 Martin Street that provides services to Dane County’s homeless and low-income population. Services include employment and housing counseling, telephone access, transportation and medical and legal clinics. In 2012, Hospitality House assisted 298 persons in obtaining employment. DIGS, Porchlight’s eviction prevention program, is located at Hospitality House and at Sunshine House in Sun Prairie. DIGS continues to be collaboration with area faith communities to centralize emergency eviction program assistance. In 2012, 1,165 households were counseled and 971 received some form of financial assistance through DIGS. Through follow-up checks on households receiving CDBG funding, 80 percent of households maintain housing at six months while more than 74 percent retain housing for a year or longer. The Porchlight Products Program provides employment opportunities, job and life skills training and a safe, supportive community to formerly homeless men and women living with mental illness and/or a physical or cognitive disability. In 2012, 42 training program participants, including permanent part-time staff members, worked alongside 49 community volunteers to create jams, pickled items, dry mixes for baked goods, and sauces. Over 75 percent of all ingredients are sourced from local farms using sustainable agriculture methods. The Porchlight Products kitchen is located at the Brooks Street facility. Safe Haven is a program for homeless men and women who suffer from chronic and persistent mental health illnesses. Safe Haven serves as a “portal of 4 5 c h e f s a u c t i o n : c u i s i n e a n d c ompa s s i o n T his was quite a winter for blizzards. It seemed every week a fresh storm would brew in the west and hit home hard. Schools closed, roads became impassable chunks of thick ice, and silence settled over our homes and businesses. A deep appreciation developed for a safe, warm home in which to wait out the winter. But after three months of this weather, the hibernation was over and cabin fever began to climb. And so, on March 6, when another snowstorm and covered the city, everyone who could make it out of their driveway came to Porchlight’s Original Chefs Auction for a night of fine food and festivities to support Porchlight Products. Guests traveled from table to table, sampling fare and sipping cocktails. The Tony Castaneda Latin Jazz band played music fit for an evening far away from the cold dreary night. But the evening couldn’t last forever and soon the culmination of the night, the Live Auction, began. Laughter and shouting rose up across tables as guests vied to outbid one another for private dinners and party contributions from the participating chefs. More than a few sleeping bears were woken from their Wisconsin hibernation as the bidding took off! When all was said and done, chefs and guests together raised more than $18,000 to support the Porchlight Products program. The program seeks to expand to Porchlight’s new Safe Haven facility, providing housing and shelter for men and women with mental health issues, constructed with the donations to the Madison Cares Capital Campaign. The funds raised at Porchlight’s Original Chefs Auction will be used to impart a second chance to men and women well on their way to a safe and stable life. Safe inside the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, which boasts two tropical gardens, more than 200 guests enjoyed samples from 10 of Madison’s most unique restaurants. Each chef incorporated a Porchlight Products item with their signature cuisine: Steenbock’s on Orchard provided a rich roast duck breast that contrasted perfectly with the tart Porchlight Products cranberry sauce. The Underground Food Collective offered colorful plates of house-made charcuteries alongside Porchlight Product’s crisp rhubarb jam. The Porchlight Products program provides job and life skills training to formerly homeless men and women living with a chronic physical or mental disability, within a supportive community kitchen setting. Together, employees and dedicated volunteers create jams, sauces, pickled items and dry baked-goods mixes available at local restaurants and grocery stores. More than 75 percent of all ingredients used are sourced from local farms using sustainable methods. In this way, the Porchlight Products program continues to serve a vulnerable Johnny Delmonico’s smoked whitefish and potato dauphine dish cleverly nestled the Porchlight Products pickled green beans with remoulade sauce. Angelo’s spinach-stuffed ravioli tossed in Porchlight Products savory tomato sauce was a huge favorite of the night. A dessert favorite, Daisy Café and Cupcakery’s miniscule yet decadent cupcakes, incorporated Porchlight Products chocolate chip pancake mix. population while responsibly supporting a healthy environment and a strong local economy. and Fresco; Michael Pruett and Steenbock’s on Orchard; Dan Bonnano and A Pig in a Fur Coat; John Williams and Sundara Inn & Spa; Matt Robertson and Underground Food Collective. Porchlight extends a sincere thank you to our evening’s guests, Shauna Baranczyk of the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, Lisa Loop and Greg Frank of Food Fight, Inc., and the participating chefs and restaurants who donated their ingredients, live and silent auction items, time and considerable creative talents: Pat Augustine and Angelo’s; Tim Larsen and Cooper’s Tavern; Daryl Sisson and Daisy Café and Cupcakery; Eric Benedict and Johnny Delmonico’s Steak House; Dan Fox and Fox & Bird; John Jerabek This evening would have not been possible without the commitment and kindness of these extraordinary members of our community. We look forward to another successful event next year! a n i g h t o f f i n e f o o d s an d f e s t i v i t i e s 6 7 d i n a : b u i l d i n g a n e w l i f e f o r h e r f am i l y T here’s a shared view about what homelessness looks like: a single male individual, with a ragged appearance, clearly on the fringes. But this perception misses an increasingly large part of the picture—the hundreds of families seeking shelter and affordable housing each year. Despite working full-time, Dina and her two young children faced this desperate option as she struggled to find affordable housing. Dina, Sheree, age 6, and Kourtney, age 3, found housing with Porchlight just in time. Due to a bad landlord reference from her past, Dina has struggled to find affordable housing, maintain full-time employment and find child care that is both reliable and cost-efficient for a single parent. Moving in late August to a Porchlight affordable family housing property, Dina’s family has settled into a two-year transitional support program aimed at equipping Dina with strong housing references, enhancing life skills and developing goals to reinforce the progress she is making on her own. Before working with Porchlight, Dina worried constantly about finding and keeping affordable housing in a neighborhood that was safe and supportive for young children. Even missing a few days of work to take care of a sick child would mean a significant cut in her income, leaving her scrambling to pay rent and bills on time. Since moving into Porchlight housing, Dina says, “I have a feeling I’m going to get to my ultimate goal.” Dina is returning to school, and although she jokes that she’ll likely graduate at the same time as her daughter due to the demands of working full-time and being a single parent, she says, “If I’m not going to do it, no one else is! I just want to show Sheree and Kourtney something else.” Porchlight is proud to support Dina as she builds a more stable and secure life for herself and her children. Dina with her children, Sheree and Kourtney, in their home. f lo y d : a f r e s h s t a r t A fter being released from prison, Floyd had nowhere to go and no idea how he would live the rest of his life. His future stretched out before him as he scrambled to find employment and housing, necessary requirements of his parole. Floyd didn’t know where to turn. His anxiety and depression, already a terrible barrier to his stability, became unbearable. Staying at Porchlight’s Drop-In Shelter was Floyd’s only option, until he heard about Safe Haven. After receiving daytime services at Safe Haven while waiting for a temporary room to open, Floyd began going to support groups and therapy appointments, determined to commit to the effort required to reach recovery. Floyd was soon accepted into Safe Haven housing and continued to build trusting relationships with Safe Haven staff, who offered constant support and an ear to listen. While Safe Haven staff worked with Floyd to build a strong foundation of recovery, they also continued to aid him in his search for permanent housing and employment. Floyd participated in the Safe Haven Meal Program, which trains Safe Haven shelter guests over a six-month period, providing the ability to experience positive working relationships and employment references. Floyd, and his case manager, Hope, in his new home. Floyd says, “I’m working part-time now, and I’m comfortable where I’m at.” At the end of March, Floyd moved into permanent affordable housing through Porchlight. He continues to remain committed to his recovery and acknowledges that this past year has required a tremendous amount of personal strength. “You guys have done so much for me. But you’ve got to be able to help yourself, too. I’m a totally different person. I’d still be at rock bottom without Porchlight and Safe Haven.” Floyd’s confidence and sense of security deeply benefited from his new role of responsibility and he happily accepted a custodial position at Safe Haven when it was offered. After noticing the care and pride Floyd took in his work, he was offered another parttime position at Porchlight’s Brooks Street facility. h e l p i n g to c r e at e a b r i g h t e r f u t u r e 8 9 L i n d a : a h e al t h y l i f e i s po s s i b l e L r o b : g o - t o g u y a n d f am i l y ma n R inda came to Porchlight housing at the lowest point in her life. She had been drinking heavily for 20 years, but the recent death of her husband and niece had caused a profound sense of unmanageable grief. Unable to afford an apartment on her own, she was living with her mother and feeling the effects of her addiction to alcohol. Her health was a constant struggle and she suffered from more than one heart problem. She felt lost and alone. When she was accepted for Porchlight housing, though she had finally found stable housing, she still had a very long way to go. During her first years with Porchlight, Linda struggled to maintain sobriety. Her drinking began to cause serious health complications and Linda found herself in the hospital due to a difficulty with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. While there, she developed pneumonia. Linda’s system was so weak that she was forced to remain in the hospital for more than two months. When Linda finally went home, something clicked. Linda and her adorable pet Joel. Linda is approaching her two-year sobriety anniversary this spring. “I quit for a reason and now I don’t even miss it. I feel a lot better.” Although it took many years and many different attempts to obtain stability in her life, Linda feels she is exactly where she should be. Linda relied heavily on her support network at Porchlight as she committed to staying sober. She also began to attend Alcoholics Anonymous with her neighbor and adopted a pet rabbit to keep her company. Named after a nephew who had passed away at a young age, Joel Camacho Cruz is a constant source of comfort and provides a sense of purpose. Linda’s own housekeeping greatly improved since she began caring for Joel. She started to explore options to keep busy and started a small part-time business creating local holidaythemed crafts. ob is known as the go-to guy in the Porchlight Products kitchen. As an employee for more than two years, he has trained and worked alongside more than 100 volunteers and 20 employees. Rob believes that the Porchlight Products program— which provides formerly homeless men and women living with a mental illness and/or a cognitive or physical disability with employment experience, life skills, training and a supportive community environment—is the perfect fit for him. Though he recently graduated from MATC’s Culinary Arts program, he has no plans of moving on just yet. The part-time hours, flexible schedule and supervisor’s support are crucial in his most important role as a single father of two young daughters, Nalah, age 8, and Kyah, age 7. Rob was in danger of becoming homeless again last year when his apartment became uninhabitable with many dangerous defects that the landlord failed to repair. Rob involved the City of Madison Inspection Division for assistance, but while five pages of repairs were cited, the landlord refused to make any improvements. Rob was understandably worried about the risks his daughters faced growing up in a home that was crumbling around them. Rob with his daughters, Kyah (left) and Nalah. through Porchlight’s Housing First program, which aims to keep young families with limited income together and out of the shelters. Rob, Nalah and Kyah love their new home, which is close to the girls’ school and many parks. Rob’s schedule at Porchlight Products allow him to leave work in time to pick up his girls after school and spend evenings together making dinner, reading and doing homework. Rob says of his experience with the program, “Porchlight Products is critical to me. I don’t know where I’d be without it. What we’re doing is special. It’s not just a place where you punch in and punch out; everyday, I learn something new.” However, as the primary caretaker and only source of income, his options for finding affordable housing in a safe environment were limited. Rob turned to his supervisor at Porchlight Products, Todd Dennis. Todd helped Rob apply for affordable housing with Porchlight. Within a couple months, Rob and his two girls moved into a safe and affordable apartment working together for a better life 10 11 2012 funding sources and expenses 2012 Revenue* Drop-In Shelter United Way Madison Community Development Block Grant Dane County State of Wisconsin Housing Hospitality House $135,033 $133,767 Safe Haven $82,834 Brooks Street $37,000 United Way $3,500 $106,286 $219,348 $5,942 $153,070 $7,273 $56,500 $67,636 $33,118 Madison CDBG $367,815 $14,000 Grants $1,500 Rent $162,611 $27,637 State of Wisconsin $344,766 $112,436 $306,804 Grants $191,381 $390,631 $948,812 $116,479 $69,412 $8,634 $12,503 $900 $5,803 $2,733 $1,652,087 $531,585 $966,597 $444,069 $787,957 Other Gov’t. $320,804 $8,200 Rent $1,029,965 Contributions* $1,305,948 $124,902 Other $386,817 $100,754 $25,039 $6,700 $447,953 Other $5,102 $241,882 HUD $330,755 Other Gov’t. TOTAL $388,634 Dane County Department of Housing & Urban Development Contributions Housing Support Services revenue by funding sources 2012 $146,841 $717,645 $0 $300,000$600,000$900,000$1,200,000 $1,500,000 *Contributions include a donation of 10 condominiums valued at approximately $600,000. 2012 expenses* Personnel Drop-In Shelter $290,344 Housing Hospitality House $390,036 $301,915 Housing Support Services $469,933 Safe Haven $311,956 Brooks Street Operating 56,848 59,796 27,892 133,900 51,242 178,555 Space 39,625 318,716 17,833 340,492 70,153 277,117 44,101 183,945 22,272 10,718 27,007 $812,649 $531,585 $966,597 $444,069 $940,283 Special Costs TOTAL $386,817 e x p e n s e s b y p r o g r am s 2 0 1 2 $457,604 Drop-In Shelter $386,817 Housing $812,649 Hospitality House $531,585 $966,597 Housing Support Services Total Agency Income for 2012: Total Agency Expenses for 2012: $616,800 Safe Haven $4,082,000 Capital Expenditures for 2012: $67,034 Total Restricted Income for 2012: $50,000 $444,069 $940,283 Brooks Street $0 $200,000$400,000$600,000$800,000 $1,000,000 *Figures are unaudited and do not include the capital campaign. 12 13 thank you! The list of those who gave cash donations fails to recognize many thousands who donated their time and talents. The doctors and attorneys who staff our clinics contribute greatly to assist the persons we serve. The medical clinics at the Drop-In Shelter and Brooks Street, and the legal clinic, also operating at the Drop-In Shelter, have assisted numerous homeless guests with an array of medical and legal problems. The Volunteer Psychiatric Clinic, coordinated by Dr. Ron Diamond, provides invaluable free psychiatric services at Safe Haven and has expanded services to include continued assistance with medication monitoring. Also, Dr. Cate Ranheim and Meriter Foundation have been instrumental in operating additional health clinics for treatment of our guests and residents. These clinics and their many volunteers have been a welcome addition to the medical services provided to those that have few other options when it comes to medical care, particularly those that need ongoing treatment. This community has generously supported our annual operations, helping us to sustain such critical programs as Safe Haven, the Drop-In Shelter and Hospitality House, which charge no fees for shelter and services. We have also expanded services and housing for families and individuals through Housing First (in partnership with United Way and Summit Credit Union) and through expanded numbers of single-room-occupancy housing units. As in the past, our contributors are listed without regard to levels of giving, not because amounts are unimportant, but because we do not want the There are also the many donated services and auction items that have made our Annual Dinner and Silent Auction a tremendous success; we raised more than $75,000 in 2012 from this event alone. A listing of all the persons who contribute time, talents and items to support our programs would comprise a telephone directory. l r ch i g io ns to sn ess Built through contributions to the Madison Cares Capital Campaign, this facility is comprised of Safe Haven, a shelter for men and women living with mental illness; the Partnership for Transitional Opportunities program, which provides housing and supportive services to homeless men and women in recovery from drug or alcohol abuse; and an additional 16 permanent affordable-housing units for homeless individuals. This new facility is a remarkable expansion in our ability to serve and house the homeless. ut Sol We have tried to provide an accurate alphabetical list of contributors. There are numerous spouses and other household members not listed. For households, we have listed the person who actually signed the check, but where there was an indication of additional contributors for a household we have tried to include them as well. If you have contributed but your name is not included, we apologize. Please let us know, so we can correct any inaccuracy. For those wishing to remain anonymous, we have respected that request. For those who would like to be anonymous in future listings, please let us know. We are tremendously grateful for the overwhelming community support. Without community support we would not be able to accomplish much of the goals of the programs described in this report. These programs, and the people they help, are the difference your gifts of time, talents and resources have made. Thank you! Beyond the professional clinics, there are donations of time by numerous individuals and organizations who assist with work projects, provision of services at Hospitality House, and of course, the Drop-In Shelter. Our Drop-In Shelter volunteer network of 60-plus organizations and more than 1,700 people has been simply fabulous. The temporary Daytime Warming Shelter on East Washington Ave. served an average of 100 people per day for more than four months thanks to the essential help of hundreds of donors, volunteers and neighborhood advocates. We are truly grateful. Po amount to obscure the recognition and expression of gratitude for the gift, however large or small. ht For many struggling to escape homelessness, the barriers encountered daily often seem insurmountable. Each step forward seems to lead to two steps back. Part of our challenge at Porchlight is to effectively provide both the tools and long-term support needed to overcome these many barriers. Last fall, Porchlight took a permanent step forward through the remarkable support of our community when we opened our Nakoosa Trail Campus, providing an additional 48 units of housing for homeless men and women. s le Home Also, our programs would not be possible without the support of our long-term funding agencies: City of Madison Community Development Block Grant Commission; Dane County Department of Human Services; the Community Development Block Grant office; the State of Wisconsin; the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority; the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; and the United Way of Dane County. We also received significant additional support this year from numerous public and private foundations, businesses, organization and individuals for our capital campaign. Without their extensive support, the project would not have been completed. g r at e f u l f o r o u r c om m u n i t y ’s s u p p o rt 14 15 2 0 1 2 i n d i v i d u al d o n o r s t o po r c h l i g h t , i n c . 2 0 1 2 i n d i v i d u al d o n o r s t o po r c h l i g h t , i n c . Nancy Abraham Carol Aspinwall Jane and Kenneth Belmore Jeannette Breunig Virginia Cardarella Betsy Abramson and David Seligman Lee Atterbury Michael Bemis Lois Brick Gary and Marylou Ace Judith Aubey Gerry Bennicoff Sue and William Bridson Deborah Cardinal and Walter Burt American Family Insurance Melissa Auchard-Scholz and Karl Scholz Lawrence and Janice Bensky Robert and Mary Kay Bright Julie Adamson Paul Augenstein Bonnie and Rodney Benson Peggy and Mark Afable Linda Austin Eric Berg Steve and Wendy Brockert Eileen Ahearn and Mark Kliewer Brian Aydemir Mike and Debra Bergen Rebecca Brockman- Schneider Margo and Peter Ahrens William and Barbara Babcock Laura Berger Ellen Broeckert Karen Akrabawl Doug Bach Steve and Trudy Bernsten Karl and Aimee Teo Broman Richard Albert Christy Bachmann Barbara Besadny Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brooks Mark Albertini Mary Bade Jacqueline Bessey Fernanda Brown Barbara and Dennis Best Ellsworth and Dorothy Brown Nancy Beyler Lucy Brown Tammy Bieberstein Sharon Browning Ronald and Charlene Caucutt Mary Jo Biebl-Yahnke and Ross Yahnke Andrew Bruce Doug and Sherry Caves Leah Bruno Mark Buffat Doug and Christine Chambers Mary L. Albrecht Winifred Bade Alec Albrecht Margaret Bade Ellen Aldridge Daniel and Linda Bader Steve Ales Kathryn Bader Baine Alexander Donna Bailey Paula and Robert Alt Mary Bailey Anna Biermeier and Roger Hanson Carol Alvin James Bailey Linda Billings Phyllis Anderson Margaret and Mark Bakken Rachel Bishop Mary Anderson Thomas and Marie Balistreri Barbara Blackburn Elizabeth Anderson Ford and Penny Ballantyne Sarah Whelan Blake Karen Anderson Kenneth Ballweg Sarah Bland Gary and Esther Anderson Ben Ballweg Sharon Blattner-Held F. W. Anderson Sam and Annie Ballweg Judith Block Harriet and Duane Anderson David and Linda Balsiger Katren Blofeld Kelsey Anderson Bonnie and William Baptist Mary Blonigen Kevin and Mary Jo Anderson Steven and Leigh Barczi Helen Boley Toni Andress Tom Barrett Denise Boudreau Robert Andrews Marie Barwick Debra Bougie Celeste Anton David and Inez Baskerville Joyce Apfel Tom Brissette Roger Buffett Christopher Bugg Charles and JoAnne Bunge Sarah Buob Molly Bur Ron Burke Mary Burke Mary and Robert Burke Susan and John Burmeister Michael Burns and Nancy Zucker Sara Burr Laura, Benard and Toby Cohen James Dahlberg and Elsebet Lund Krista Dopf Deborah Cohn Mary Dahlstrom Jack and Sandy Carlson Corine Cohn Robin Douthitt Margaret Carlson Fred and Wendy Coleman Donn D’Alessio and Julie Hayward Mary Ellen and Ronald Carne Victoria Colle Kent Carnell and Barbara McFarland Mike and Lisa Collins Quentin and Mary Carpenter Kathryn Colwell Robin Carre and Beth Potter Keretha Cash Pauline and Keith Colston Terri Connelly Cronk and Jack Connelly Carla Draper Katherine Davey Linda and Michael Drea Elizabeth Koehl and Robert Dreps Fred and Shirley Davie Audrey Conrath-Monson Wynn and Loree Davies Dr. Mark Cook Peter Davis Frank and Mary Ann Cook Donna Davis Samuel and Kaye Cooke Steven and Karen Day Jeannette and Guerdon Coombs Amy DeBaker Kimberly Coplien Eve and Carl Degen Peter Chase Richard Corey Beverly DeGroot Evonna Cheetham Louis Sampson Cornelius Patrick Delmore Naomi Chesler Susan and Kevin Corrado Paul Delong Timothy and Barbara Chesney Joseph Corry Bruce Deming Coletta Corwin Joshua Deno Betty Chewning and Larry Lundy Carla Ann Corwith Robert and Christine Denzin Daniel Chitek and Mary Delaney Edward and Victoria Cothroll Zoya Cottom Allan Deptula and Alfred Andreychuk Daniel Cottom Gordon and Gail Derzon Lauren Couillard Edouard and Jeannine Desautels Yvonne Bowen Ms. Devon Christenson Laurie Cox Thomas and Sally Basting Sarah Boyd John and Terry Busby Judith Christenson Richard and Alice Appen Mark and Janice Bauman David Boyden Robert and Betty Bush Megan Christiansen Jim and Holly Cremer-Berkenstadt Inga Arendt Susan and Ellis Bauman Paul and Ann Boyer William Busse Brent Christianson Jeanne Arendt Bill and Nancy Boyle Frank and Cindy Byrne Mary Christie Barbara Armento Dean and Nancy Baumgardner George Brader Carol Christison Lisa Armstrong Norm and Marion Beachley Jill Bradshaw Peter and Aine Calgaro Joan Calkins Bradley and Barbara Armstrong Robert and Mary Bean Elizaabeth Callaghan Ellouise and Marvin Beatty Fred Brancel and Mary Ann Litwiller Jeanne Armstrong Kenneth Beck Dorothy Brar Ann Camillo Anne Arnesen Isabel Beck Matt Braund Andrew Campbell Bernadeen Arnold and Karoline Kaylor Paul Beckett Don and Carola Breckbill Terressa Campbell C. Brooks Brenneis Bill Campbell Jill Aruguete Alice Beckner Anita Been Tim Bressers Peter and Marsha Cannon Robert J. Beggs Malcolm Brett Jennie Capellaro 16 Edward and Elizabeth Daub Jim and Susan Connors Philip and Judith Cox Livia Asher Stephen and Alice Drake Patrick and Mary Cassady Dianne Christensen Melody and Robert Doyle Thomas and Kathleen Dare Peg Davey and Tom Zanzig Laurits R. and Bea Christensen Ruth and Warren Downs Lynne and James Doyle Marvin and Mildred Conney Dennis Chaptman and Margaret Collins Tammy Downing Jacqueline D’Aoust-Trevino Charles and Pamela Cashman Judith Burnstyn and Stephan Deutsch Esther Cameron Donald and Deborah Dantinne Jane Doughty Dr. David Michael Deci Jon Dresser Richard and Doris Dubielzig Robert Duecker Janet Dunaway Nancy and Michael Dunham Janice Durand Padraic Durkin Sheryl Lynn Dwinell Lloyd and Pat Eagan Robert and Marilyn Eagle Kelly Eakin and Marla Maeder Beth and Michael Eaves Lori and Gary Edelstein William and Lynne Eich Linda Eisele Leslie Eisenberg Jane Eisner Robert Dettman and Eleanor Curtin Jeffrey and Elizabeth Ekola Daniel and Shirley Dettmann Read Eldred Ann and Phil Dettwiler Chris Elholm Shirley and James Devine Katherine Elliott Barb and Dick Devoe Paul and Janet Emmerich Bruce Croushore and M. Michele Hilmes Claire Dick Nancy and Gordon Enderle Barbara Dimick Jill and Richard Endres Margaret and Michael Cullen Maxine Dimick Nick Endres Shirley Culp Florence Disch Diane Endres Ballweg Mary and Thomas Curtin Damian and Karen Dischler Lois Curtiss Jacquelyn Dix Kenneth and Marge Engelman Betty and Corkey Custer Susie and Matthew Dixon Victoria and Timothy Enright Patricia Coakley Chuck Czuprynski Richard Dodd Teri Enters Jill and Steve Cohan Mary Czynszak-Lyne Isa Dolski Kendra Eppler Lauren and Christopher Clausen James and Charlene Cleasby Craig and Mary Clemons Kevin and Kathleen Clougherty Alan Crist Rev. Clyde and Mary Jo Cross Dick and Judy Ela Rae Erdahl 17 2 0 1 2 i n d i v i d u al d o n o r s t o po r c h l i g h t , i n c . 2 0 1 2 i n d i v i d u al d o n o r s t o po r c h l i g h t , i n c . Marla Erdman Emily Friend Susan Goldwomon Mark and Janis Hanson Jim Hirsch Cheryl Hytry-Weisensel Daniel Kaiser Joyce Knutson Andrew and Linda Erdman Otto and Patricia Frischolz David Hardel Thomas and Joyce Hirsch John and Karen Icke Robert Kaiser, Jr. Harold and Ellynn Ericksen Leslie Frisinger Theodore and Mary Lou Goodfriend Doug and Laura Hisey Mary Ihlenfeldt Balkrishna and Vanmala Kale Stacy Koch and Tom Stolzenburg Richard Erney James Fritz Robert Gooze Hall Hardy Therese Harmes Linda Hitchman James and Kitty Imhoff Stephen and Linda Kalin William Kolb Carol Froistad Dorothy Gosting Mike Harper James and Barbara Hodder Karen Ingmundson Daniel Kammer Max and Janet Koletzke Nichole Fromm Paul and Sylvia Gould Freda Harris Glen and Michelle Hofer Margaret and Paul Irwin Barbara Karlen Beverly Koltes Richard Amasino and Janice Fullenwider Daniel and Alice Gould Henry Hart Susan and Stephen Hoffenberg Megan Isaacson Carol and Richard Karls Elizabeth Koopmann Jesse and Nancy Ishikawa David Karpe Korey Kopp Adam and Barbara Hogan Olivia Ishikawa April Kats Shirley and Robert Kopp Sally Iverson Phyllis and Robert Kauffman Rebecca Kordahl Carol Jackson Douglas Keillor Carol Korf Lucy Jackson Ann-Britt Keillor Sid and Nancy Korn Greg Jackson Shirley Keller Daniel Korth C. Lynn and Paul Jacobsen Hank and Louise Koshollek Gwendolyn Costa Jacobsohn Robert Keller and Catherine Kestle Virginia James Sam Kellerman Gordon and Carol Kowing Julita Jankowska Terry and Mary Kelly Carol Krause Jim and Betsy Jansen Bob and Marita Kelter Deborah Kretchmar Julann Jatczak Katherine Kemper Karen Krueger Vincel Jenkins Robert Kennedy, Jr. Elizabeth Krug Kimberly and John Jensen Mary Beth Keppel Merriel Kruse Ann and Norman Jesse Jennifer Kerwin Kris and Penelope Kubly Jane Jiumaleh Claudia Kessel Ross Kuehn Timothy Johannes Gary Kessler Paul and Atsuko Kusuda Brian and Julie Hornung Terri Johnson Jan Ketzler Linda Kwiatkowski Arthur and Norma Hove Ken Johnson Katherine and Peter Kiesch Joan Kwiatkowski Ryan Hover Steve Johnson Eunhye Kim James and Shirley Lake Jerilyn Howe Richard and Adelle Johnson Suzy Kim Rod and Diana Lakes Tom Howe Jane Johnson Margi and David Kindig Ruth Lalley James and Cindy Hoyt Phylis Johnson Kathleen King Leslie and Kevin Lally Jean Hudkins Mary and Dan Johnson Mary and William King Jane Landretti Kevin and Amy Huff Patricia Johnson Kathleen King Thomas and Connie Lange Barbara Hummel Mary Johnson Jane and Nicholas Lardo Susan Humphrey Joan Johnston Frederick and Marilyn J. Kinney Craig Hungerford and Linda Olson Michelle Jolly Donna Kirschenmann Scott and Lani Largent Frederick Hunt Omer and Mary Jones Jeanne Hunter Laurie Warren Jones Denise Hurd Edward Jordan Hickorie Hurie Deborah Jorstad Mary Jo Hussey Theresa Judd Ellen Hustad Deborah Juneau and Jerome Buhman Martin and Terry Evanson Laurie Everitt Kristi Everson David and Mary Ellen Ewanowski Matthew Gaboury Paul Grace and Denise Breyne Nancy Gaedke Ben Graf and Ann Sheehy Johanna Fabke Timothy Gaillard Laura Graham Sally Falk Joseph Gallina Tamara Graham Eugene and Linda Farley Eunice Gandt Nelson Graham Gail and Richard Farrell Roger Garms David Fawcett Deirdre Garton Ronald Grasshoff and Terri Broxmeyer Elizabeth Fayram Denise Garvin Annette Felice Elinor Gbedey Bob and Pat Fessenden Barbara Gehl Amy and Marty Fields Dina Geier Florence Filley Erica Gerhardt Helen Findley Barbara Gerloff Carole Finley and Linda Quillen Trevor Ghylin Heidi Fischer Patricia Gibeault Bev Everson Margot Fischer Steve and Mary Fix Shannon Flasch Nelson and Ann Flynn Milton and Emily Ford Ariel Ford Robert and Margo Forsberg Rita Fose David and Kay Foss Veronica and David Franchino Laurel and Chris Franczek Zorko Greblo Kenneth Green Lauren and John Greene Dianne Greenley Patricia Gregory Marie Griesbach Mary Griffin Walter and Marcia Griskavich Tony Gibart Ron and Lucy Gibson Kim Giese and Bob Stabler Charles and Jan Gietzel Anders and Kristine Gilchrist Elizabeth Walker Gill Daivd Ginger Karen and Jerry Gipp Carol Glaser and Jenny Gumperz Sharon Frank Sandra and Norris Glick Margaret Franklin Steven and Nancy Gloe Marian Fredal Denise Gloede Catherine Frederick Peter and Linda Goethche Barbara and James Freeman Ken Golden Carolyn and Perry Frey Gary Freyberg David Goldfoot and Lorraine Broll Richard and Patricia Friday Michael Goldsberry Susan Friedman-Hill Herman Goldstein Maristela Hasenmyer Steven and Annn Holmes Paul and Jacqueline Hass Marian Holton-Manuel Emily and Brock Hastie Robert and Mary Holtshopple Emily Hauck and Janet Swain Penny Holum John and Gwen Haugen Toni and Larry Holweger Robert and Judy Havens Patrick Holzem Hugh Hayes Grace Homb Ann Haynes Kathleen Hoover Palmer and Lydia Haynes Kathleen Hoppe Kristine Hebel Jim Horn Eloise Hein Helen Horn and Ralph Petersen Ruth Heins Ruth Heitz Leona and Don Grubb Dean and Barbara Hekel Diane Gullixson Kirsten Held Larry and Kathryn Gundlach Kathleen Held Jean Gunnulson Herbert Hellen Jan and Donald Haasl Billie and Simon Hellerstein Anne Habel Mark and Mary Henderson Elizabeth Hachten Duane H. and Bonnie L. Hendrickson Christine Hall and Craig Barnekow 18 Paula Hollenbeck A. Archer and Jeanne Grover Emily Hall and Jim Miller Jamie Hollenback Elizabeth Hatzheim Paul and Pat Heiser Mitchell Hagens Philip Glende and Ruth Vander Horck Rosanne and Bernard Hartung Dr. Jeffrey Grossman Ellen Hadidian Sara and Edward Gleason Jennifer Hart Herb and Sue Heneman Deborah Henke Christine Henning Stan and Jane Henning Maureen Hall Thomas L. Herman Michael Hall and Paulina Skiba Kent Peterson and Ann Herrold-Peterson John and Diane Halvorson Donald and Karen Hester Richard Hammerstrom Robert Hetzel Stanley Hamre, Jr. Barbara Hickey Jennifer Hanrahan Fannie Hicklin Duane Hansen Kerry Hill Julie Horner and Michael Vahldieck John and Bonnie Hustad Whalen John and Lorrie Hylkema Richard Klaas Lee and Rosemary Jones Christine Klann Sanford Klein Judie and Stephen Kleinmaier Ann Klinger Kathryn Klubertanz Deborah Kmetz Karyn Knaak Lorine Kahl Joan Knudson Debby Kahl Doug Knudson 19 Kate Kowalski Jann and Horacio Lardo Marilyn Larsen Terry Larson Carolyn Larson John Larson Elizabeth Larson Audrey Larson Michael Lashua Robert and Lucy Lasseter Jessica Lathrop Lyle and Linda Laufenberg 2 0 1 2 i n d i v i d u al d o n o r s t o po r c h l i g h t , i n c . Kathie Nichols Jeanne Parus David Quade David and Miriam Rohrer Laurie Elwell and Richard Niess Judy Paschen LuAnn Quella Lynne and Gay Ronne Mark and Lori Quinn Judtih Rose Mary Miron and Gene Summers Carol Nimlos Gretchen Patey Seema and Vinay Patil Paul Rabinowitz and Birgit Christensen Laura Rose Shirley Mitchell John and Jane Norman Rita and James Mitchell Timothy O’Brien Laurel Rabson and William O’Brien H. Robert and Brenda Rosebrough Kathleen and Robert Mohelnitzky Daniel O’Brien Michele Lavigne Carmen Lucey Linda Matusewic Wayman and Maria Lawrence Barbara Luedke Carolyn May Jocelyn Milner and Mark Ediger Brian and Becky Mayhew Danial Minkus Clifford Lawton Ken and Elrene Lund Peter Lundberg Doug and Joan Maynard Ronald Luskin Barbara Mc Grath Lesleigh Luttrell Patrick McBride Dave Lyford Michael Lyman Michael Rothstein and Sharon McCabe Jane Lynaugh Joseph McCormick Mary Ann Lynch Richard McCoy Richard Lyngaas Tim McCumber and Abbey McCumber Helen Le Roy Peggy Leah Joanna Lee Gerald and Charlotte Lefert Debra and Thomas Leffler Richard Lehmann 2 0 1 2 i n d i v i d u al d o n o r s t o po r c h l i g h t , i n c . Nancy and Ronnie Mohr Kenneth Mohr Clare Nordman Dan and Beth O’Brien Monica O’Brien Dick Moll Mary K. O’Connor and Bob Bocher Cornelia McDermott Leslie Montgomery Carrie O’Connor Patricia McDermott Amy Moore Jill O’Connor John McDonor Cynthia Moore Mary Kay O’Connor Gregory Pfluger and Constance McElrone Peder Moren Allan and Eleanor Odden Mel Morgenbesser Debra Oetzman Paul and Jane McGann Nathan Morris David Ohls Fran and Kay McGuire Peter Mortenson Raymond and Star Olderman Doug and Norma Madsen Chandler and Beverly McKelvey Stephen Morton Debra Olin Paula McKenzie Kelly Olmstead Stuart Levitan Shana Magill Susan Moskwa Tom and Kate McMahan Bruce and Cheryl Olsen Matthew Lind Mary Maher Nancy Motisi Jean McMillan James and Judy Olson David and Ruth Lindorff Robert and Helene Maldegen Donald Moynihan David and Jean McMillan Kim Olson Jane Lindsay Shelly Malofsky William and Susan Mueller Cary and Brenda McNatt Vicki Olson Ann Lindsey and Charles Snowdon Joanne and Olav Malvik Tersea Mulrooney Christopher Mambu-Rasch Ann McNeary Ann Munkres Peter and Cheryl Olson Diane Marie Linn Supone Manakasettharn Kathleen McQuade Earl and Eleanor Munson Megan O’Malley James Lins Susan Mansfield Catherine McTavish Peggy Munson Robert and Sammy O’Malley Mary Linton Gladys Manzo Nancy and Howard Mead Beth Murray Nancy O’Neill Dan and Bettine Lipman Bruce and Ruth Marion John Meek Mary Myers Deanna Opsal Roland Littlewood Laurel Mark Scott Meeker Joseph and Joan Nagle William Orosz and Catherine Fagen Debbie and Rich Lloyd John Markson and Diane Rivard R. Leroy Metcalf Catherine Loeb and David Griffeath Stephanie Marquis Daniel and Debra Meyer Janet and Jay Loewi Carol and Stuart Martell Willis Long Ann Martin Jack Longert Michael and Beth Martin Fred and Debra Loomis Peter Leidy John Leja Tammara LeMay Paul Lenhart Karen Leonard-Berg and Ronald Berg Joan Lerman Wilbur Less Dan and Kathy Levin Lynn Levin and Mark Lederer Mary Kay Lyons Judy Lyons Stewart Macaulay Don Macaulay Rira MacDonald Michael and Mary Mack Marcia Mackenzie Cindy and Mark Mackenzie Peter and Donna Napoleone Patricia and William Paul Dr. Richard Pauli Robert and Jane Pearson Stephanie and Durrell Brenneman Ramer Donald Pederson Bill Rasche Marguerite and Leroy Pedracine Deb Raupp Daniel Pekarsky and Stephanie Stone Sheri Rein Mary Beth Peranteau Glenn Reinl and Sara Krebsbach Ernell Rothe Catherine Rottier Mary and Kendall Rouse Sandra Rowe William Rowe Joanne and Barry Rowe Mary Frances Rowley Lloyd and Sandra Rowley David R. Petit Linda Reivitz Ann Rulseh Joyce and Vince Petruzates Debbie Remington Cathy Runnels Karen Pfanku Margaret Rentmeesters Ingrid Russell Rick Phelps Barbara Rex Thomas Ryan Lynn and Sally Phelps Carrie Rachard Jeanne Pien Ronda Richards Frank Ryan and Susan Spahn Judith Pierotti Katherine Richards Allen and Judith Pincus Stanley Richardson Katherine Pitzen Kim Richmond Gary Plummer Clarissa Sue and Marvin Richter Bethany Pluymers Kate Poff John and Sally Ouellette Jenny Pols Lorraine Meythaler Janet Nelson and Timothy Reilley Julia Potter Bruce and Kay Michaelis Jeff and Mary Nelson Brion and Cathy Pagel Robin and Steve Potter Carol Milanich James Nelson Deepa Pal Mary Powell Parker Palmer Phillip Premo Eric Marty Harry Miles and Susan Earley Lois Nelson Mary Jeanne Palmer Treater Prestine Brian Lorbiecki Peggy Marxen Allen and Jody Miller Beverly and Gerald Nelson Paula Panczenko Karen Pribbenow Robert and Susan Loudon Julie Maryott-Walsh Robert and Lynette Miller Helene Nelson and Jim Arts Alice Paremski Jerome Pribbenow Kerrie Louis Mary Mastaglio Mike and Rita Miller Joesph Nestler Bill Parenteau Walter and Karen Pridham Lori Lovegrove John and Carol Mathis Jon and Maurine Miller Briana Nestler Deborah Parker Mary Kay Pryce Nancy and Truman Lowe Kari Matson-Fortney Donald Miller Eric Nett Mary Parks Janet and John Lubniewski Carolyn Mattern Kerri Miller Kaaren Neuendorf Mary Parman Beth Ament and Steve Pudloski 20 Meredith Ross and David Ward Kristen Peterson Carol and Nick Pollis Mike Parrott Jeffrey Ross Edward and Mary Lou Reisch Diane Ottow Paul Nelson and Jane Lewis Elizabeth Reinartz Doreen Peterson Noreen Poirier Charles Marshall Sherry and Fred Reames Daniel and Mary Petersen Marian Osterberg Jaqueline and John Meyer Molly Raisbeck William Peden and Chelcy Bowles Barbara and Henry Nehls-Lowe Arthur and Susan Lloyd Thomas and Karen Ragatz Bobbi Peckarsky and Steve Horn Meghan Rose 21 James and Carol Ruhly Maria and Rob Sadowski Jane Sadusky Steven and Lennie Saffian Scott and Katherine Sager Richard Sals Jeffrey Richter Jack Saltes Claire Rider Katherine Sample Gregory and Janice Robbins Kathy and Gary Sandefur Rick Roberts Ruth Sanderson Ann Roberts Beverly Sandvold Janet Robertson Kevin Santulis Mary Ann Robertson Gloria Sarto Celeste Robins Sherie Sasso Cheryl Robinson Norma Satter Patricia Robinson Diane Sattinger Daniel Rodman Jeff and Jamie Sauer Mark and Dana Roffers James Saunders Pat and Jeff Roggensack Rachelle Saunders Paul Rogovich Joanne and Don Schalch Michele Rohan Amber Schauf 2 0 1 2 i n d i v i d u al d o n o r s t o po r c h l i g h t , i n c . Roy Schenk and Kathy Seifert Beverly Scheuers Jonathan Seymour Dr. Greg Sheehy and Barbara Sheehy Charles Squires and Daniel Ross Ralph and Jerry Tarr Carol Vander Sluis Bonnie Wendorff Jonathan Woolums Ann Varda Aimme and Cory Wendt Jill Wootton Anne Stacy Margaret Tennessen Ei Terasawa-Grilley Teri Varney and Linda Scharnberger Ronald and Judith Wenger Nancy Worcester Sallie Vergeront Lisa West Beth and James Wortzel Jack and Nancy Westman Florence Wetzel Alexandra Wright and Michael Soref Patricia and John Wetzel Thew Wright III Linda Sue Weynand William Wuellner, Jr. Caren and Michael Whalen Susan and Rolf Wulfsberg Michael and Ann Whaley Paul Wydeven Joseph Schirmer and Jane Brelis-Schirmer Don and Carolyn Shelp Tim and Lori Stadelman Katherine Kvale and Thomas Schirz Janice Sheppard Karl and Judy Stadler Emilie Shields Ken Stanek Dr. Richard and Joan Shropshire Margaret Stansfield Peggy Siegel C.E. Stark Patricia Schmid Rick and Ann Schmidt Joan Schmit Deborah Schmitz Eunice Schmitz Matthew and Theresa Silbernagel Susan and Daniel Schnee Daniel Silvers Helen Schneider Tom Simon James and Marilyn Schoberg Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Singer Anne and Larry Schoenemann Ann and Thomas Sippy Steven Schooler Phil Stark Judith Siers-Poisson Karen Steckling Jennifer White Ruth Yarborough Jennifer Stenglein Kristi Thorson John Vraga Richard Whittington Michele Yazici Cathy Stephens Ronald and Laureen Thorstad Priscilla Wade Paul and Rosemarie Wieland Jim and Jessica Yehle Gary and Dee Wade Barbara and H.K. Wiesner Guy Throvaldsen Mary Paulauskis Eunice Wagner Loma Will Anders Yocom and Ann Yocom Engelman Ray and Pat Wahlton Jim and Ellen Willett Stephen Young Rebecca Thousand and Eric Anderson William Waite Kathy Williams Karen Young Charles and Gloria Waity Barbara Williams James Young Ellen Walczak John and Mel Williams Elizabeth Zakszewski Robert and Elaine Waldo Peter Williams Sarah Zaretser Kiki Walker Roger and Kristi Williams Christine Zeal Carol Walker Mark and Margaret Williams Dan Zellner David Walsh Lydia Zepeda Jane Walters Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Williamson Deneen Wanta Marc and Marcia Williamson Joseph and Mary Warnemuende Krista Willing Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman and Rabbi Renee Bauer John Willis Alan and Marilyn Zuckerman James Wartinbee, Jr. Damien and Judith Wilson David and Sandra Zweifel Mona Wasow Judie Wilson Helen Zwickey Agnes Watry John and Vicki Wilson Susan Watson Ruth Wilson Janice Weatherhogg Mary Alice Wimmer Lori Weaver Philip and Judith Winkel Mary Weaver Ed Wirka John Unertl Steve and Susan Webster Leah Wisdorf Acacia Latka and Nicholas Utphall Christine Weidner John Witte Marc and Leslie Weinberger Grace Witter White Patricia and Rodney Van Deventer Warren and Marie Weinstein Larry and Donna Wold R. Weiss Nancy Van Dyke Barbara Wolfe and Robert Havemen Len Van Ess Karl and Mary Janet Wellensiek Janet and Michael Van Vleck Eric and Kathy Wendorff Mark Stern Kari Stetson Terry Sizer and Mark Miller Tom Stolper Robert and Joann Skloot John and Lou Stolzenberg Dennis and Judith Skogen Sarah Stolzenburg David Slautterback Marlene and Mathew Storms Nancy Slavik Gregory Straub Nancy and Jerry Slominski Richard and Judith Strauss Janette Smart Galen Strebe Merribeth Smith Charles and Elizabeth Strother Barbara Schwab Judy Schwaemle Eric and Sara Schwartz David and Sherrie Schwoegler Diane and James Scorgie Paul and Carol Scott Kathy Stewart Sharene and David Smith Doug and Beckie Strub Charles and Patricia Smith Angela Stryck Kelly Smithback Suzanne Stute Marvin and Colleen Smitherman Jacqueline Suleski Linda Seaquist Florian and Louise Smoczynski Edith Sullivan William and Julie Segar Mary Sobota Roger Sunde Christine Seibert Ronnie Jo Sokol Mrs. W. Sundquist Lydia Seifter Betsy Solomon Kaia Lynn Sunne Mafmudije Selimi Louis and Elsbeth Solomon Kathleen Swanson Kathleen Sell and Betta Owens Michael Soref Kathleen Swanson Paul Sergenian Nancy Sorensen Thomas Sweeney Jill Speer Laurie Swimm Carrol and Nancy Spencer Kent and Linda Syth Erica Serlin and Ken Kushner Jenny Sesing Tom Severson Monica Sundal Daniel Splaingard Tania Syty and Wayne Purdy Carrie Springer Myron and Margaret Talcott 22 Michael Vlies Marcia and Bob Voss Dorothy Sivam Keith Schulz John Thomas Matt Visker David and Rhonda Thompson John and Elizabeth Stofflet Leah Schultz Christine Thomas Todd Violante Betty Steinhoff Grace Stith Rhea Schultz Elizabeth Theisen Ellen Vinz Joan Yagla Kathy Sitter Michael Schultz Marlayne Testolin Michael Verveer Christine White and Edward Ryan Michael Schroeder Eric and Jane Schulenburg Willam and Cheryl Tesnow Pamela Vorass Woody Kneppreth and Monica Sitter Keith and Sandra Schroerlucke Lois Tesch John Thompson Bruce and Dawn Steinhofer Roger and Peggy Schrantz Gillian Schroeder Tom Terry Clifford Voegeli Jim Stehley Tom Sitter 2 0 1 2 i n d i v i d u al d o n o r s t o po r c h l i g h t , i n c . Willard Thurlow Mary Tierney Michael Tobin David and Nancy Topp John and Rebecca Tradewell Jeffrey Trapp Sal and Judy Troia Carol Troyer-Shank Gina Truly Bruce Tulloch Amy Turim Judi Turkel Michael Tuten and Carol Huber Gretchen Twietmeyer Mark Udvari-Solner Julie Underwood Elise and Kevin Yanke William Zilisch Barbara Wollmer Dr. Karl Wolter Linda Vandenberg 23 2 0 1 2 o r g a n i z a t i o n al d o n o r s t o po r c h l i g h t , i n c . 2 0 1 2 o r g a n i z a t i o n al d o n o r s t o po r c h l i g h t , i n c . A. Paul Jones Charitable Trust Crossroads Church Grace Lutheran Church Physicians Plus Insurance Corporation The Ironman Foundation, Inc. Aberdeen, LLC Group Health Cooperative Madison Community Foundation St. John’s Lutheran Church Crossroads Coffeehouse, LLC Crossroads United Methodist Church H & H Industries, Inc. Madison East High School CUNA Mutual Group Foundation Heitzinger and Associates Hensel Woodworks, LLC Madison Gas & Electric Foundation, Inc. Quality Hardware Inc. St. Martin Lutheran Congregation The Kuntz Family Foundation, Inc. c/o Robert W. Baird Madison Festivals, Inc. Pierce’s Community Foundation St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Madison Hair Designers Red Ink Editorial Services Madison Homebrewers & Tasters Guild Richard B. Anderson Family Foundation Madison Monona Lioness Rochdale International Co-Op Madison Rotary Foundation Rough Sportswear Madison South Rotary Foundation Samaritan House Housing Ministries of American Baptists in Wisconsin Madison West High School Slow Food UW-Madison Endres Manufacturing Irwin A. and Robert D. Goodman Foundation, Inc. Austad & Son, Inc. Epic Systems Corporation J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc. MEDiC Clinics–University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Badger Bites Eppstein Uhen Architects J.P. Cullen & Sons, Inc. Memorial UCC Bashford United Methodist Church Eugenie Mayer Bolz Family Foundation, Inc. Jack DeLoss Taylor Charitable Trust Mendota Financial Group Becker Law Office Benjamin Franklin Lodge #3 Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mt. Horeb James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Midvale Community Lutheran Church Beta Sigma Phi Chapter/ Beta Sigma Phi Evans Scholars Wisconsin Chapter Johnson Bank Monona United Methodist Church Bethany UMC Evjue Foundation, charitable arm of The Capital Times JP Morgan Chase Foundation Advent Lutheran Church Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc. Alpha Delta Kappa– Iota Chapter American Family Insurance Dale Heights Presbyterian Church American Transmission Company, LLC Dane County Bar Association, Inc. Amgen Foundation Credit Card Staff Dean Health System Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin Homeodynamics, LLC Hooper Foundation and General Heating & Air Conditioning Hope Lodge No. 17 Door Creek Church Douglas Stewart Co. Associated Bank Employee Benefits Corporation Bethel Lutheran Church Hillel Foundation, University of Wisconsin-Madison DL and LF Rikkers Foundation Inc. Arbor Covenant Church Association of Wisconsin Lobbyists High Point Church JP Morgan Chase Faith Technologies, Inc. First Baptist Church Judy and Jim Sloan Foundation Blessed Sacrament First Business Bank La Force, Inc. BMO Harris Bank First Congregational UCC Calvary Gospel Church First Unitarian Society Lake Edge Lutheran (ELCA) Church Chase Bank First United Methodist Church Bethel Lutheran Church Women Chase Family Foundation Chubb & Son / Federal Insurance Company Clarence W. Firari Revocable Trust Club 5 Cogdell Spencer Erdman Community of Hope UCC Community Pharmacy Cooperative Corporate Business Systems Covenant Presbyterian Church Markesan United Methodist Church Messiah Lutheran Red Frog Events Shomos Family Foundation Smith & Gesteland, LLP Specialized Electric, Inc. Westminster Presbyterian Church The Northern Trust Company Westminster Presbyterian Church–Women St. Peter Lutheran Church The Vogel Foundation Inc. WHEDA Statesider Thomas Kemp Foundation Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek Steve Brown Apartments TOSA Foundation Wines for Humanity Strand Associates, Inc. Tweedee Media, Inc. WIPFLI Students for Social Welfare– UW School of Social Work U.S. Bancorp Foundation Wisconsin Bankers Association Summit Credit Union Univeristy Hill Farms Association Unity Church of Madison Sun Prairie UMC Sustainable Engineering Group, LLC Sweet Orchard Outreach Ministries Wisconsin Built, Inc. Wisconsin Craft Market UW Credit Union Wisconsin Medical Society UW Health Community Relations WISPIRG Women of Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mt. Horeb WISPIRG Beat Hunger St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church TDS Waunakee Rotary Foundation Temple Beth El Wear Your Music St. Dunstan’s Church– Outreach Committee The Brittingham Fund, Inc. West Bend Mutual Insurance Company Charitable Fund Women’s Club of Madison West Koshkonong Lutheran Church Zion Church ELCA St. Ignatius Catholic Church The Cremer Foundation The Firm, LLC Zander Solutions 2 0 1 2 D r op - i n s h e l t e r o r g a n i z a t i o n al v ol u n t e e r s Mount Horeb School District –High School Student Council Mt. Zion Baptist Activity Group First Baptist Midvale Lutheran St. Paul’s Catholic Center National Guardian Life Insurance Amma Satsang of Madison First Presbyterian Waunakee Temple Beth El Arbor Covenant First Unitarian Monona Knights of Columbus New Life Christian Center, a Component of the Madison Community Foundation Asbury UMC First Unitarian Society Mt. Zion Baptist Church Friends Meeting Orchard Ridge UCC University UMC Assumption Greek Orthodox Bashford UMC First UMC Our Lady Queen of Peace Good Shepherd Lutheran Parkside Presbyterian Waunakee Knights of Columbus Lakeview Student Impact Nimick Forbesway Foundation Beth Israel Center Bethany UMC Grace Episcopal Plymouth Congregational UCC Westminster Presbyterian Frederic Ogg Testamentary Trust Lawton & Cates, S.C. Norman Bassett Foundation Bethel Lutheran High Point Church Prairie Unitiaran Windsor UCC Blackhawk Jefferson Middle School London Moravian Women’s Fellowship North American Mechanical, Inc. Second Baptist GFS Market Place Livesey Painting, Inc. Blessed Sacrament John Deere Credit Sherman Avenue UMC Oakhill Correctional Institute Lake Mills Moravian Sikh Society of Wisconsin Orchard Ridge UCC Christ Lutheran Church of DeForest Carol Wilson Covenant Presbyterian Lake Mills UMC Springs of Hope Outrider Foundation, Inc. Crossroads UMC Lake Edge UCC St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Peach Pies Caberlesque St. Francis Xavier Perkins Coie Dale Heights Presbyterian Local 311 Firefighters Evonne Walsh and Holly Telfer St. Ignatius Phoebe R. and John D. Lewis Foundation Divine Savior UMC Madison Christian Community East Madison Baptist Messiah Lutheran St. Martin Lutheran Lake Edge UCC Lakeview Moravian Women’s Fellowship Fox Lake Correctional Institution Gingras, Cates & Luebke Godfrey & Kahn SC Loyal Order of the Caribbean Soul–Southern WI Parrot Head Club Good Family Foundation Good Shepherd Crafty Quilters c/o Sue Berkan Luther Memorial Church Grace Episcopal Church M3 Insurance Grace Episcopal Churchwomen Madison Area Alternative Fund 24 St. John’s Lutheran 25 Unity Vedanta Society of Madison i n d i v i d u al s Rose Wood
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