Leading The way wiTh TeChnOLOgiCaL expeRTiSe


Leading The way wiTh TeChnOLOgiCaL expeRTiSe
AHEAD The CUSTOMER Magazine of KraussMaffei Issue 02.2012
The KraussMaffei
Group has a global
presence. Countries
with subsidiaries are
marked in blue.
In the white-colored
regions, the Group is
represented by over
570 sales and service
The CUSTOMER Magazine of KraussMaffei Issue 02.2012
Innovative, multifaceted talents
Leading the way with
technological expertise
Wind energy
Solar energy
KraussMaffei Group
Utility vehicles
Construction materials
Injection Molding Machinery
Injection Molding Machinery
Reaction Process Machinery
Extrusion Technology
KraussMaffei Group
Wide-reaching expertise with Technology3
The KraussMaffei Group is the only provider in the world to possess the essential machine technologies
for plastics and rubber processing with its KraussMaffei, KraussMaffei Berstorff, and Netstal brands:
Injection Molding Machinery, Automation, Extrusion Technology and Reaction Process Machinery.
The group is represented internationally with more than 30 subsidiaries and over ten production plants as well as about 570 commercial and service partners. This is what makes us your
highly skilled and integrated partner. Use our comprehensive and unique expertise in the industry.
Further information available at:
Cover story
4Leading the way with technological
7Interview: Developing the cutting edge
Brand & markets
8 Wide-ranging expertise in the field of
­injection molding
9 First technology-spanning energy
Dear Customers and Readers,
Many athletes have produced inspiring peak performances at the Olympic Games in
London. In addition to being impressed by the athletes “wanting to give their best,”
I was often struck by the reasons they gave for what they were trying to achieve and
what drove them on. Usain Bolt, for example, declared with self-assurance, “I always wanted to drive myself towards achieving what no one else has ever managed
to do before. I always wanted to be a trendsetter.”
As is often the case, there is a close analogy between sport and the world of
­business. What is it that makes a businessman a trendsetter in his sector? He can
do more than the competition. He sets new standards. He is innovative and exudes enormous passion and conviction for what he does. All of that also applies to
KraussMaffei and, in this edition of AHEAD, we will show you how we are setting
new trends in the sector time and time again. And so, we have assembled here for
you many interesting contributions and market and project reports all related to this
topic, which will show you how we are using our first-class machines, technologies,
and solutions to bring your production to the peak of its potential.
For instance, with our new GX range in 2012, we have already set a new international standard in powerful injection molding machines for numerous sectors. We are
also ahead of the field in solutions for global trends in plastics. For example, when
the main concern is to reduce energy consumption by following the trends in lightweight construction. In this edition, we show you some of our trendsetting solutions
from MuCell to CoverForm through to high-pressure RTM processes.
We are naturally proud when sector experts recognize our performance, as, for
example, when we received the JEC Europe Innovation Award and the SPE Award
for our brochures on fiber composite solutions this year.
As a sector leader, we want to continue to set trends and are therefore developing
our organization with this in mind. Through a new orientation in injection molding
and reaction process machinery, we are ideally positioned in relation to our customers‘ fields of activity and in future, will be able to react even more constructively
to your individual needs.
And you can rest assured that we protect our innovations against undesirable imitation, which is of course all to your advantage. We are maintaining our intuitive
sense for forward-looking trends with currently around 1,450 patents and an annual
production of between 30 to 50 inventions. Take advantage of the situation and be
AHEAD with us, not just today but also tomorrow and the day after!
I hope you enjoy reading the magazine.
10 30 years of KraussMaffei Automation
12 The new benchmark: The GX Series
14 Major order from Saudi Arabia
14 “Competence Show” in the Land of the
Rising Sun
15 The right man for the job
15 Concentrated expertise for customers
16 Positive signals from southern European
Processes & products
20Efficient manufacturing of
fiber composite components
21GX: Great potential in lightweight
2130 percent lighter airbag housing
Property rights secure
technological advantages for
the benefit of the customer
KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH
Krauss-Maffei-Strasse 2
80997 Munich
Phone + 49/89/88 99-0
Fax + 49/89/88 99-2206
Systematic patent protection at KraussMaffei,
KraussMaffei Berstorff, and Netstal
Person responsible:
Imre Szerdahelyi (responsible for content
according to German media law)
Editor-in-chief: Eva Münzenmaier
The protectors of intellectual property in the
KraussMaffei Group have their hands full. For
they have approximately 1,450 patents – which
include patents that have been granted and
registered as well as utility models – that need
to be managed and regularly reviewed. And
between 30 and 50 new inventions are added
to these each year. This is a considerable
added value, above all for our customers who
benefit from these innovations.
Editorial team:
Markus Betsche (MB), Eva Münzenmaier (EM),
Claudia Stadler (CS), Imre Szerdahelyi (IS),
­Joachim Weber (JW)
Property rights – as international as our
business Since the KraussMaffei Group with
its worldwide branches numbers among technological leaders, many patents are also reg­
istered beyond Europe, above all in the USA,
China, and Japan. And this innovation lead is
consistently secured: The company uses legal
means to prosecute patent infringements –
whether they concern machines or processes.
A strong competitor The high value of our research achievements for the customerʼs benefit can be seen from three examples: Inventions that were made ready for series
production with passion and ambition and
make us a strong competitor. It is hardly
possible to imagine KraussMaffei now without
reversing plate technology, which is used, for
example, in SpinForm technology. As a sub­
stitute for the usual rotary table technique, the
reversing plate offers the advantage of work­
ing in parallel with optimum use of space.
Consequently, the cycle times become sub­
stantially shorter; the installation effort and use
of molds, on the other hand, decrease rapidly.
Almost self-evidently, the patented QuickSwitch
from KraussMaffei Berstorff is a technology
that is used in polyolefin pipe production and
in PVC processing. Using it, the producer can
change the pipe dimension at the touch of a
button in mere minutes. The centerpiece is the
calibration basket, with which the complete
system can be set quickly to the desired pipe
in just one step. Calitec is another industrial
property right that Netstal has patented. This
innovative cooling system supports preform
cooling by means of compressed air. With this
system, the PET preforms are cooled again
optimally and without interruption after demolding. Consequently, the cycle time in production is shortened and the article quality is
sustainably improved. CS
Partners & projects
22Rapid growth in North America
2 3 “PURtrain” is on target for the automotive
24Group presence without borders
25 Technical treats for the Far East
26Energy efficiency: Smart pipes
26ELION 3200: A successful concept
26Plant expansion in Slovakia and China
27Property rights secure
technological advantages
Frank Peters
Executive Vice President Sales
Trade show calendar (October 2012 – March 2013)
Fakuma, Friedrichshafen
16.10.2012 – 20.10.2012
KraussMaffei Group
Materialica, Munich
23.10.2012 – 25.10.2012
ITHEC, Bremen
29.10.2012 – 30.10.2012
Feipur, São Paulo
06.11.2012 – 08.11.2012
JEC Americas, Boston
07.11.2012 – 09.11.2012
Brau Beviale, Nuremberg
13.11.2012 – 15.11.2012
Tyres & RubberTec, Shanghai
14.11.2012 – 16.11.2012
KraussMaffei Berstorff
Euromold, Frankfurt
27.11.2012 – 30.11.2012
Plast Eurasia, Istanbul
29.11.2012 – 02.12.2012
Arabplast, Dubai
07.01.2013 – 10.01.2013
KraussMaffei, Netstal
ACMA, Orlando/Florida
29.01.2013 – 31.01.2013
Interplastica, Moscow
29.01.2013 – 01.02.2013
KraussMaffei Group
Tire Technology Expo, Cologne
05.02.2013 – 07.02.2013
KraussMaffei Berstorff
Medtec, Stuttgart
26.02.2013 – 28.02.2013
JEC, Paris
12.03.2013 – 14.03.2013
Photo credits:
Harald Mehnert, Stefan Kruppa,
group-internal pictures, plainpicture, Corbis
Concept and design:
Kirchhoff Consult AG, Hamburg, Germany
Weber Offset GmbH, Munich, Germany
The customer magazine is published twice a year in
German and English. The magazine may only be reprinted with the written permission of the publisher.
Technology leadership KraussMaffei is a pioneer in several
fields, which enables it to help its customers be technological
30 years of KraussMaffei automation Exciting exhibition
pieces demonstrated what industrial and linear robots can do.
Southern Europe The classic holiday countries offer more than just sun and sea. They also have some good news,
­especially when it comes to the plastics sector. The CX 300-1400 PolySet completes the machinery package offered
by the Greek company Dasyc S.A.
Cover story
In many business areas, such as automotive and commercial vehicle manu­
facturing, the component requirements are becoming more demanding.
The typical demands include greater mechanical strength and lower weight.
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
Cover story
Innovative, multifaceted talents
Leading the way with technological expertise
Technological leaders are characterized by their tendency to not only detect important market trends, but also to
set them in the first place. KraussMaffei is carrying out pioneering work in several fields, which enables it to help its
customers be technological leaders.
Text: Joachim Weber, EVA MÜNZENMAIER Photos: Harald Mehnert
he JEC Europe Innovation Award, which KraussMaffei won in
April 2012 (more information on page 23), was symptomatic
of its excellence. On one hand, it proved yet again that innovation frequently springs from collaboration between different
disciplines. On the another hand, it reaffirms KraussMaffei’s
strategy with regard to innovation and technology, in which lightweight
construction plays an important role as one of the biggest technological trends.
“Developing innovative and ready-to-use operational process solutions to replace conventional materials with plastic is one of our core
competencies,” explains Jochen Mitzler, Manager of the ­Strategic
Product Management Department. “Our clients’ requirements are
­increasing across sectors: the plastic parts have to be lighter than
conventional materials yet just as stable. At the same time, several
functions must be integrated, which makes the manufacturing process more complex, yet the assembly costs must be reduced. In order
to appear high-quality, the visible parts must also be visually attractive and must have pleasant haptics – and all of this at optimized manufacturing costs.” KraussMaffei has reinforced its expertise: ­Munich
is home to the world’s most versatile TechCenter for lightweight components and fiber composite technology. Customers benefit from
­K raussMaffei’s expertise in the fields of injection molding machinery
and reactive materials processing, which produce a wide range of customized and process-specific solutions.
Supporting customers throughout the entire value-adding chain
According to Thomas Elfroth, Sales and Product Manager Composite/Surfaces: “When it comes to new processes, our customers demand a clear reduction in costs along with qualitative improvements
throughout the process.” These requirements can be seen not only
in the automotive sector, but also in the consumer electronics sector, the household appliances sector, and the packing industry. At the
same time, there is also a standing order to increase the efficiency of the manufacturing process. Ever-decreasing cycle times, lower
scrap rates, lower energy consumption, and reducing material costs –
all these are additional goals that have to be attained simultaneously.
Since the keyword is “multifunctionality,” an ever-increasing level of
integration between the operations has to be achieved as well.
A facility that KraussMaffei installed for a large European car manufacturer reveals what lies behind this approach. Two double swivelplate machines use a fully automated process to produce components
having an outer skin and a sub-structure. Both of them are injectionmolded separately, joined together accurately by rotating the two
swivel plates, and connected tightly with a third plastic component.
This serves to integrate a large part of the assembly process into the
plastics processing phase.
High and versatile expertise in process engineering across sectors
KraussMaffei’s process engineering is always impressive. The
“FiberForm” process is ideally suited to applications in which
strength is more important than the surface aesthetics, such as the
supporting structures found in vehicles. The so-called organic sheets
or endless fiber fabrics that are found in the thermoplastic matrix are
thermally reformed in the injection mold. They are then over-molded,
back-molded, or over-fed with another thermoplast, such as a glass­
fiber-reinforced polyamide. This makes it possible to “integrate”
other functions, such as stiffening ribs or extension elements. With
its high degree of automation and cycle times of less than 60 seconds, FiberForm is ideally suited to the large-series production of
new, light structural components.
The HP-RTM process, which is another process used for the production of structural components, is generally used for small and medium-sized series because its current cycle times range from three
to five minutes, depending on the size of the component. In this process, a pre-finished reinforcing material, such as carbon fiber tissue,
is soaked into a sealed, evacuated mold that has no air voids with the
help of an epoxy resin, which eventually hardens.
KraussMaffei’s new light construction center is
opening up new horizons for process-spanning
1. Semi-finished products from the roll
2. Handling the ready-made semifinished products
3. Transfer to the preform station
5. Transfer the preform
to HP-RTM station
6. Pull vacuum (optional)
7. Resin transfer/hardening
8. Component removal
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
Cover story
The MX 4000-24500 uses the process known as structural foam
injection molding. Components are created with a compact outer
skin and foam structure on the inside.
CeLLForm (MuCellTM)
Rear RSP
(non-return valve)
SCF interface kit
SCF injector
Front RSP
(non-return valve)
SCF dissolution
in the melt
SCF metering system
Plasticizing the
plastic melt
Erich Fries, Manager of the Composites/Surfaces business unit,
thinks the carbon fiber composite parts have a lot of potential. “If, in
the course of future E-mobility, the automotive industry is forced to
make up for heavy batteries in other places, there is hardly an alternative to structural components based on RTM. In the future, the process will also be used in large-scale production,” he says. “Our goal
is to enable automation of the entire process, right from unwinding
the carbon fiber to cutting the finished part.” He believes that cost reduction options are present not just with regard to fiber material, but
also with regard to plastics: “There have already been attempts to
replace the epoxy resin with polyurethane or modified polyamides.”
Premium-quality clean-room standards Various plastic components are also coming to the fore in medical technology and the pharmaceutical industry. Irrespective of whether they are used as product components or as packaging material, hygiene is always the top
priority. Consequently, plastic processing machines that conform to
clean-room technology standards are in great demand. Conformity
with the strict guidelines is guaranteed by various engineeringrelated details, such as encapsulated lubrication, using water cooling instead of air cooling, flat surfaces, anti-static paints, and control
systems that satisfy the strict documentation-related requirements,
including those applicable to the production of pharmaceuticals.
The process of producing thermoplastic foam structures with the
help of chemical or physical foaming technology is another lightweight construction method. In the case of CellForm processing or
foaming, the granulated or gaseous blowing agent is fed into the melt
in order to reduce the density of the plastic. Chemical and physical foaming make it possible to reduce the density and eliminate the
holding pressure of the plastic, which has several advantages: faster cycles, less material usage, dimensional stability and lower costs.
Even in this context, various group sectors work together closely. According to Mitzler, this is because: “In our case, new products and
processes are increasingly the result of close collaboration with our
clients and the synergy that exists between our areas of expertise,
which are injection molding technology, extrusion technology, and
reaction process machinery. This unique combination really sets us
apart and is what our Technology 3 formula stands for.”
Improved surfaces through innovative processes The goals of several surface techniques, which combine various process steps into a
single step, lie between achieving aesthetic value and attaining costeffectiveness. For example, SkinForm combines injection molding
processes and reaction process machinery: a thermoplastic component is injected into a mold and it is then flow-coated with polyurethane during the second cycle. This produces a component that is
characterized by, among other things, leather-like haptics, soft touch,
high scratch-resistance, and polychromatic if required.
The ColorForm process has a similar functionality, in that it makes
it possible to imprint thin layers of lacquer onto various plastics directly in the mold. In a single step, it creates perfect high-gloss surfaces in conjunction with the production of the parts, without having
to go through the usual process steps, such as cleansing or prime
coating. The CoverForm process was the result of interdisciplinary collaboration with the material manufacturing company E
­ vonic.
Here, the PMMA injection-molded parts are given a thin, transparent, scratch-resistant and chemical-resistant surface using a
multi-component reactive system, which has an acrylate base, both
in a mold and a process.
→ Read
We would be happy to send you brochures about the automotive
industry, fiber composite technology, surface technology, RTM
or other innovative technology. For more information, visit: ­
Jochen Mitzler
Manager – Strategic Product Management –
Injection Molding Machinery
KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH
Cover story
Developing the cutting edge further
When it comes to reducing the weight and thus
vehicles’ energy consumption (which in future will
include an ever-increasing number of electric
cars), lightweight construction solutions and, in
particular, fiber-reinforced plastics are of critical
importance. Erich Fries, Manager of the Compos­
ites/Surfaces (fiber composite and surfaces) busi­
ness unit talks about the challenges and potential
opportunities facing composite parts.
the Interview was conducted by Markus Betsche.
AHEAD: What goals you have set for yourself?
Fries: As always, fiber composite and lightweight components have
a lot of potential. New reports dealing with new fields of application,
technology, or materials are coming in almost every day. Our goal is
to expand our cutting edge in this business area further and to adapt
our technology to “carbon,” the fiber of the future. Our motto is “one
must pray for miracles, but work hard for changes” (Thomas Aquinas). We are going to encounter a wide range of new and interesting
technology. We consider this challenge to be an opportunity that we
can overcome as a team.
AHEAD: What are the target groups you are looking at?
Fries: Our clients from the automotive industry, the utility vehicle
sector, the transport sector (for example rail transport), and the
aircraft construction sector are looking for a competent partner who
can support them across the entire process chain, which ranges from
the very first component idea to series production. In this regards, we
are currently well placed with our products and services, as well as
with our partners Dieffenbacher, Fraunhofer, and LCC, for example.
Our goal is to further strengthen and expand this collaboration. For
us, being a frontrunner also means assuming a leading role vis-à-vis
networks and clusters.
AHEAD: When it comes to composites, which materials do you think
will come out on top?
Fries: Even today, when they hear the word “composites,” most
people think of carbon-fiber-reinforced components in an epoxy
resin matrix. For us, the field is a lot wider than that. In the case of
reactive materials, we see polyurethane and casting polyamides as
good alternatives, and when it comes to thermoplastic materials, PA
and polypropylene have already proven themselves. When it comes
to reinforcement, the situation can involve any of the different types
of fibers that are more or less well established, depending on the
client’s requirement. There is not yet a clear trend in this dynamic
developmental environment but at the moment, everything seems
to be pointing toward carbon. However, you cannot ignore the hybrid
formulations either: the vehicles of the future will have a combination
of different materials (carbon/aluminum combinations).
Erich Fries considers the market for composite facilities to be a growing market.
AHEAD: Are the processing techniques already well established?
Fries: In the field of composites, there are several old and wellknown manufacturing processes that have already proven themselves
in production environments and there are several new approaches
as well. The highly complex requirements due to the required unit
numbers, the automated processes, the need to guarantee reason­
able material costs, and the maximum possible reduction in the
component’s weight lead to many variants. Developing this procedure
definitely has not yet reached its conclusion. In case of the HP-RTM,
two process variants, namely compression RTM and wet molding,
were developed recently and both have their own specific advantages.
For example, in case of wet molding, the carbon fibers (scrap produced during the preform production) can be recycled as piece goods.
AHEAD: What motivates you?
Fries: When customers reward our performance with orders! At the
moment, we are particularly happy about successfully completing
a development project that we carried out in collaboration with a
well-known car manufacturer, who awarded a contract worth several
million euros to us and Dieffenbacher, one of our partners. Right from
the beginning, we were closely involved with the component development process and working out the manufacturing process. And we
are already looking forward to the next step, which involves activating
the complete HP-RTM line.
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
Brand & markets
Brand & markets
Wide-ranging expertise
in the field of injection molding
„We want to use our performance capabilities and outstanding
machine technology to generate even more value added for our
customers along their entire value-adding chain. To this end,
we will maintain the separate market presence of the Netstal
and KraussMaffei brands with a clearly defined product port­
folio and their independently operating sales organizations.“
Dr. Hans Ulrich Golz, President of the Injection Molding Machinery Segment
Our motto is: Together, we are stronger. Since
1 July 2012, the KraussMaffei Group has added a
comprehensive sector: injection molding machin­
ery. It unites the KraussMaffei and Netstal brands.
The company has consciously decided to take
this step, to increasingly align its services to its
customers’ requirements along the value-adding
chain, to utilize the market potentials better, and to
use the innovative strengths of both these brands
more aggressively by joining them together.
The advantage for our customers: both the brands’ strengths are retained with a clearly defined product portfolio. The most important
objective is “to offer the customer the best solution, irrespective of
the brand and the location.” Dr. Hans Ulrich Golz, President of this
sector, is very happy that he “could virtually fill all management positions in the Injection Molding Machinery sector with experienced
and highly competent managers from the KraussMaffei Group.”
In addition to his task as the head of the sector, Dr. Golz has also assumed the task of leading the sales division for the Netstal brand.
Mr. Frank Peters is the Executive Vice President Sales. Dr. Karlheinz Bourdon is responsible for the Technology fields (among
others, Research and Development, Processing, and Automation).
„By pooling the excellent know-how of two strong brands, we
can offer our customers the right product of the right brand for
them from our wide and powerful product portfolio, as well as
the corresponding services tailored to their individual needs.
We are also emphasizing our technology leadership on the
market. We are highly motivated and are gaining momentum.“
Frank Peters, Executive Vice President Sales
Dr. Bernd Thurat heads the Operations Department and Renzo
­Davatz heads the Service Department, including the Used ­Machinery
The Injection Molding Machinery sector is presenting itself to customers with a new consolidated distribution channel. The entire
injection molding business will be divided into seven business
units in the future and these will be oriented towards the target
•A utomotive, led by Mr. Bengt Schmidt, under the KraussMaffei
•Technology, led by Mr. Klaus Bange, under KraussMaffei with the
KraussMaffei and Netstal brands
•L ogistics and Packaging (thick-walled), led by Mr. Bengt Schmidt,
under the KraussMaffei brand
•P ackaging (thin-walled), led by Mr. Markus DalPian, under the
Netstal brand
•S crew-cap closures (CAP), led by Mr. Markus DalPian, under the
Netstal brand
•P ET, also led by Mr. Markus DalPian, under Netstal with the
KraussMaffei and Netstal brands
•“In the Medicine BU, we will continue with the two-brand strategy
under the leadership of Mr. Patrick Blessing,” said Dr. Golz. “This
is because we have two complementary product portfolios and excellent expertise in the field medical technology at both locations.
Therefore, we believe that we can better tap growth opportunities
in this way.” EM
Brand & markets
First technology-spanning energy analysis
“Blue power” meets “think blue. Factory.”
It was a first: Together with Siemens, KraussMaffei carried out an extensive, energy-related machine-system analysis for
Volkswagen. The goal was to evaluate the energy consumption associated with the production of instrument panels. The holistic
inspection of the complex process provided the fundamental principles for further optimization of the processes, the drive tech­
nology, and the thermal budget.
Challenging roles As part of the “Think Blue. Factory.” program,
Volks­w agen has set clear goals for itself in terms of an ecological installation: based on the annual values for the year 2010, the company
is planning to reduce the environmental pollution caused by all of its
facilities by 25 percent by the year 2018. This applies to the CO2 emissions, the amount of waste produced, the energy consumption of each
vehicle, and the amount of water consumed by the factories. These
goals are being met with the help of KraussMaffei’s “BluePower” initiative, which is aimed at the efficient use of energy and resources.
Stirring device
Disc filter
power pack
Tempering unit
Heat exchanger
Stirring device
Disc filter
Tempering unit
Heat exchanger
Compressed air
Pump P
Chiller for
water supply
Pump I
Mixing head hydraulic
Specific gas consumption
Process management determines the potential for savings The biggest consumer of the round table was the process of tempering the
molds, followed by the vacuum supply, the metering system, and the
exhaust system. The detailed analysis of different system statuses
provided interesting savings potentials. The results can be applied to
other productions as they are, after which they are incorporated into
the development of new generations of machines. For example, an optimized operation with individual components of the round table that
were designed in accordance with the results opened up savings potential of up to 10 percent. The system control unit plays a decisive role
in this process: In this case, it is possible to save intelligent processes
that control the operational behavior of the system components, depending on the process requirements. The individual measures alone
can save up to 30 MWh of electrical energy per annum. MB
0.14 0.12
0.15 0.10
Every journey begins with the first step Each optimization process begins with a detailed analysis of the energy consumption of every single consumer load. The list of the included system components makes
clear just how important the holistic approach is. In the case of the production line for instrument panels, the list included, along with the injection molding machine and the facility for the production of the slush
skins, a prewarming station, a round table with 12 mold carriers (each
with a clamping station and an opening), a mixing machine, a metering
machine, three robots, several heating units and heaters, and various
pumps. A total of 25 measuring devices had to be installed on the round
table, after which they had to be connected to a central PC via a WLAN
connection, thus enabling data recording. The measurements were recorded over more than ten days so that the energy-related interaction
between the system components during downtimes and over the weekend can be recorded. The power consumption levels of various injection units were measured and counters were used to measure the consumption of compressed air and cooling water. The recorded data was
used to determine the specific energy consumption of every component.
Taking complex production systems into consideration
Power consumption [kW]
The production lines for instrument panels are highly complex structures. The overall process incorporates several different processing
techniques and automation components. In order to be able to work eco­
nomically and in a way that makes efficient use of resources and energy, the separate process steps must first be aligned with each other in a
manner that cuts across different technologies. Concrete measures can
be derived from the product-specific total energy consumption. Several
analyses of this nature have already been carried for individual injection
molding machines and extrusion lines. But Volkswagen, Siemens, and
KraussMaffei were the first to examine an entire production line.
Mean value
Extensive measurements and evaluations provide a thorough
­ nderstanding of the energy consumption that is required by the process
and their correlations.
Brand & markets
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
Several exhibits demonstrated to visitors the
versatility of the KraussMaffei industrial and
linear robots.
Brand & markets
30-year anniversary of Krauss-Maffei Automation AG
Experiencing robots
Text: Eva Münzenmaier Photos: Stefan Kruppa
id you known that robots can tell
different brands of candy bars
apart? No? And that they can put
on a puppet show? Again, no? A
few peculiar exhibits at the event
marking this year’s 30th anniversary of
Krauss-Maffei Automation AG made it clear
that, in the world of robots, there are few
limits. When it comes to plastic processing,
KraussMaffei’s industrial and linear robots
perform the most complex tasks throughout
the production flow. They are always accurate, quick, and efficient.
The highlights among the exhibits were a
robot equipped with a camera system, which
served guests the candy bars of their choice,
and an industrial robot produced by Kuka,
which used meticulous movements to perform a puppet show – entertainment of a different kind. “The more complex the task, the
more it delights our technicians,” explains
General Sales Manager Thomas Marufke
with a smile. “Regardless of the application,
we find a way of setting it up as efficiently as
possible for our clients.”
Efficient production and complex robotics
were just two of the themes that held the
attention of over one thousand visitors, clients, suppliers, and employees who were
present at the Schwaig facility in July. “Our
company has been ordering machines made
by KraussMaffei, including the associated automation solutions, for twelve years.
Thanks to KraussMaffei’s consistently positive and quick implementation, we are looking forward to a successful collaboration
with them in the future as well,” explains
Erhard Dietsch, who is responsible for automation technology at Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co KG. “These anniversary celebrations gave us the opportunity to once
again get to know several new approaches
and ideas, some of which came from our interactions with other clients, regarding how
we could use automation to make our production more efficient.”
“After all the work we have done together
over so many years, it was great to see so
many familiar faces at a celebration of this
nature. All you can do is congratulate them
for throwing such a wonderful birthday
party,” agrees Johann Kerler, Maintenance
Manager at Mouldtec Kunststoff GmbH,
which is located in the city of Kaufbeuren. “I
was particularly impressed by the Augsburg
Puppet Theater exhibition. We have been a
client of KraussMaffei Automation for more
than 20 years. Their innovative and sustainable solutions never cease to amaze us!
Many of our oldest systems are still running
in a three-shift operation.”
Steady growth with automation solutions
At present, work can be carried out simultaneously in up to 15 production cells in the
workshops in Schwaig. KraussMaffei develops between 300 and 350 three-axis linear
robots and about 50 six-axis industrial robots
every year. “And the numbers are going up,”
according to Thomas Marufke. Six months
ago, the production and assembly facilities in
Schwaig were doubled to about 1,700 square
meters. It is now working at full capacity and
nine vacancies have been announced at the
company’s headquarters.
In order to ensure that the company’s growth
continues to be sustainable and successful,
the people in Schwaig are banking on a longterm relationship with professionals and
trainees from the region. Mechatronics engineers and managers are trained on a regular
basis. On the open house day, guests were
able find out about the current job openings
and training opportunities. “This is the third
year in a row since 2009 in which we have
outdone ourselves,” reports Marufke. The
export share is already 60 percent and we
thus need to think carefully about further expansions. “These days, even non-­European
clients want us to set up production facilities in their countries.” ­
K rauss-Maffei
­Automation AG, which was founded by Josef
­Neureder, has expanded steadily over the
last 30 years. It now has a total workforce of
about 180 employees, ten of whom are apprentices, at the main plant in Schwaig and
the branches in Munich and Schwerin. Since
2002, the company has been a subsidiary of
the K
­ raussMaffei Group.
According to Thomas Marufke, Sales and
Commercial Manager, the company’s strategy has been conclusively confirmed by the
fact that it was necessary to constantly increase the workforce and production area
in the last three decades in order to cope
with the demand for automation solutions
in the industry: “As a mechanical engineering specialist, we are very successful thanks
to our flexible size and the expertise of our
skilled workers. We supply customers both
with standard products and with customized,
highly complex automation solutions. We will
continue to apply this recipe for success in
future as well and will market our products
even more extensively throughout the world.”
1,000th large robot from Schwerin There was
yet another reason to celebrate, too. Just in
time for the company’s anniversary, the branch
factory in Schwerin delivered its 1,000th robot.
The LRX-S 350 linear robot has a payload
of 35 kg and will be installed in future at a
customer in the USA on a K
­ raussMaffei
CX 350-3000 injection molding machine.
The plant in Schwerin was established in
2000 and started producing robots in 2001.
A total of 22 employees now produce large
linear robot devices in the LRX/LRX-S 250
to 1000 Series with a payload of between
25 and 100 kg, as well as side-entry robots.
Along with standard “pick-and-place” tasks,
these devices can also perform challenging
tasks, such as inserting metal parts like contacts, rings, sockets, and plugs. However, the
product portfolio also includes complete solutions for demolding injection molded parts
and for separating, sorting, or packing product units (for example a cutlery set comprising a knife, fork, spoon, and serviette).
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
Brand & markets
The GX Series sets new standards in terms of
performance, usability, and value retention.
Text: Eva Münzenmaier Photos: Harald Mehnert
A murmur went through the 400 guests, the drum roll rang out,
the fireworks went off, and the curtain fell, giving the world its first
glimpse of the first next-generation machine: the GX – a new dimension in injection molding.
But the audience of trade professionals was treated to a lot more than
just that. At the world premiere of the GX Series, which took place
in May, KraussMaffei unveiled and operated a total of six machines
of various sizes, which boasted clamping forces of between 400 and
650 tons and were fully equipped for the production requirements
of a variety of sectors. A light tap on the notebook-sized touchscreen
maneuvered parts of the machinery that weighed several tons – as
easy as operating an iPad.
As if by magic, the bulk of plastic moved through the various production flow stations until it was finally turned into a bottle cap, a box
for vegetables, or cheese packaging. The “self-test” on the clamping
dummy proved to be especially popular. Everyone was able to personally experience the clamping unit’s free movement. Premium-quality
technical presentations and a successful celebration with music, and
lots of good food rounded off the launch ceremony. A special success:
KraussMaffei managed to sell all six exhibits, including the laboratory machine.
“Our clients were particularly interested in the modular automation cells, which featured linear and industrial robots in many different configurations,” explains Dr. Karlheinz Bourdon, Vice President Technology (injection molding machines) at KraussMaffei. “And
I would like to emphasize that the GX is the best machine concept on
the market!”
The GX Series widens the product portfolio in the hydro-mechanical dual-plate machine sector in the medium clamping force range.
The passionate engineering of the developers is manifested in a firstclass machine concept featuring intelligent product innovations such
as the GearX locking device and the GuideX guide shoe. The GX Series sets new standards in terms of performance, usability, and value
retention. The GX machines are impressive during the production of
free-falling packaging parts and premium-quality articles for the
automotive industry or the consumer goods sector.
Brand & markets
A powerful team: GearX and GuideX The GX Series’ hydro-mechanical
clamping unit raises the bar when it comes to quality and productivity.
The excellent dual-platen technology scores highly with a wide range of
innovations. "In my opinion, the GX machines represent the best overall concept," underlined Bourdon. "We talk about a new dimension because our customers can use the machine to get the best results from
their production." With the ingenious GuideX guide shoe, forces are ideally absorbed and the service life of the molds is increased. As an intelligent fixed bearing joint with an optimized FEM design, the GuideX is
not just an “eye-catcher” but a genuine highlight, which ensures excellent platen parallelism due to its stable design and guarantees smooth,
energy-saving movements.
The innovative GearX locking system is reliably activated straightaway
within the shortest possible time and continuously produces quick
machine movements. Arranged in a space-saving way behind the
moving mold-fixing platen, it facilitates simple access and numerous customer-specific options. With a patented locking system and a
guide shoe, the new generation of machines gives the sector exactly
what it wants: even faster production, lower material consumption,
and better-quality products. Furthermore, the machines really save
when it comes to energy consumption because they can be adapted to
the production capacity utilization.
Powerful injection unit with a tried-and-tested plasticizing system
When it came to the GX Series, the designers stuck to KraussMaffei’s
proven screw system, which guarantees a wide field of application. Our
standard plasticizing unit assures optimal melting quality and high
throughput. “Being an expert in specialty polymers, our company also
offers our clients a plethora of material-specific plasticizing solutions,”
explains Frank Peters, Executive Vice President Sales at KraussMaffei.
The Plasticizing Competence Center provides customers with competent advice and there are hardly any limits on areas of application.
The new MC6 control system offers a multifaceted degrees of
­freedom “With the MC6, we have developed a control system that
­s atisfies all our clients’ usability-related requirements,” explains
Bourdon. “Thanks to the SplitScreen and the ProcessDesigner functions, it is clear and unbelievably easy to operate.” In keeping with
our overall energy-efficient design, the MC6 control system has been
equipped with a so-called eco button for the first time. The machine
can thus be optimally configured in terms of energy consumption at
the touch of a button.
The perfect symbiosis of automation and machinery KraussMaffei is
also one step ahead when it comes to fully integrated production systems comprising both machinery and automation. Machine and handling form a functional unit in this combination. The MC6 can also be
used in this way. As a common control system, it allows both functional units – the machine and the automation – to be controlled from
any control panel, which represents added value for clients.
The dialog-based programming wizard in the MC6 control system
even allows beginners to create basic demolding processes in the
shortest possible time. The interactive communication between the
user and the control system makes manual programming superfluous and eliminates programming errors.
On the right track
The launch was successful: the product demand and the sales figures endorse
the overall concept of the GX Series.
“When it came to the launch of the GX, our team really did ac­
complish a lot. The overall machine concept is marvelous, and
I think the company is going to continue to concentrate passion­
ately on the task at hand. And the rewards are being reaped:
the worldwide demand for the products and the sales figures
that we have generated so far have exceeded our expectations.
The numerous worldwide product presentations are proceed­
ing smoothly. We even managed to sell all the machines that
were exhibited at the world premiere in Munich in May.”
Frank Peters, Executive Vice President Sales
The new international dimension The GX Series is also on the right
track internationally. Several customer events took place after the
world premiere in Munich, including in the United Kingdom and in
Mexico, among others. The GX 550-4300, which can run a 450-gram
packaging application with a cycle time of 9.8 seconds, was presented
in Mexico. Various technical presentations provided information about
the new, innovative technology and mechanisms of the series. Numerous visitors were clearly impressed.
Read more about it
Our product brochure “GX Series
Machines” contains further information about the new dimension
of injection molding. Your sales
partner would be happy to send
you a copy.
The new dimension
of injection molding
Machines in the GX Series
Engineering Passion
Brand & markets
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
“Competence Show” in the Land of the Rising Sun
Success story
Major order from
Saudi Arabia
SABIC is one of the largest petrochemical companies in
the world. The Saudi Arabian company has had a business
relationship with KraussMaffei for several decades. A major
order that was placed in June provided yet more evidence
of the trusting teamwork that has existed between the two
sides for so many years: KraussMaffei and KraussMaffei
Berstorff are to set up a fully fledged technological labora­
tory at the new SABIC Plastics Applications Development
Center in Riyadh, the capital of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Such packages of orders don’t come along every day: complete extrusion lines for the PVC pipe, profile, and sheet extrusions as well
as a twin-screw extruder, a few particularly powerful injection
molding machines from the C3 and EX Series – all of this was on the
“wish list” turned in by SABIC Plastics Applications Development
Center. These systems are to be used by the company’s newest development center to equip the technological laboratory in Riyadh.
The laboratory is eventually supposed to develop and test new materials and innovative production processes. SABIC currently operates a total of 17 specialized technological and innovation units of
this nature in Saudi Arabia, the USA, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan,
India, and South Korea. More than 8,000 patents bear witness to the
expertise of SABIC’s researchers and developers.
With more than 40,000 employees in 40 different countries, a turnover equivalent to more than 50 billion US dollars, and profits equivalent to 7.9 billion dollars, SABIC is in the top tier of the global petrochemical sector. Founded through a royal decree in 1976, the
corporation (70 percent owned by the government, with the rest held
by private investors from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states) has
grown rapidly. SABIC may be among the most successful companies
that were founded in the Middle East in the 1970s with the goal of not
only producing oil, but also processing it in order to create added
value in their countries.
SABIC has been working with KraussMaffei for several decades,
which is an expression of the trust shared by the two companies
– something that always plays an important role in relationships
with Arabian companies. “We will do everything we can to once
again completely and thoroughly justify this trust,” said Dr. Karlheinz Bourdon, Vice President Technologies, after the contract was
awarded. “This contract, which has been awarded by a company
whose technological requirements are extremely high, attests to our
overarching expertise with respect to our unique technology.” MB
In just six years, KraussMaffei’s Japanese subsidiary,
which was founded in 2006, has become the market
leader in the Japanese market for reaction process ma­
chinery. This is reason enough to celebrate this success
as part of a “competence show,” whose primary theme
is “Composite Materials & Combined Systems.”
This competence show, which included technical lectures delivered by international experts as well as a trade show, took
place in July in Okazaki, in Japan. More than 40 practical examples held the undivided attention of the more than 200 visitors.
The displayed components were grouped according to individual processes in a theme-oriented manner. The visitors were
especially interested in the fiber composite technology featuring HP-RTM (high-pressure RTM) and the fiber spray process, as well as the process combinations like SkinForm and
KraussMaffei’s employees had their hands full answering visitors’ questions, addressing inquiries, and acquiring projects.
The presentations supplied the listeners with the latest information regarding the latest developments and trends in fiber
composite technology and the production of premium-quality
surfaces. “For us, the event was a complete success, as evidenced by the visitors’ reactions and the many new projects
that we acquired during the event,” says Noriyuki Kanoh, Representative Director of the Krauss-Maffei Japan Corporation.
The Japanese workers and their colleagues from Munich then
celebrated the company’s six-year anniversary with a tradi­
tional Japanese dinner and a visit to a hot spring. On the way
there, they stopped at the “KM26,” a 120-year-old ­K raussMaffei
locomotive, which is considered to be a tourist attraction in
Japan. The local press and three television channels were
present when Mr. Nishi, chairman of the regional tourism
­office, inquired whether this well-preserved locomotive could
be made operational again, and thus fulfill a childhood fantasy
of many Japanese people. MB
The right man
for the job
Composites/Surfaces business unit
Erich Fries
After working with various companies, the environmental engineer who also has management expertise
joined KraussMaffei in 2003. In August 2012, he was
appointed as the head of the Fiber Composites/Surfaces business unit. Thomas Aquinas provided him
with the guiding principle for his work: “One must pray for miracles, but
work hard for changes.” He is already looking forward to the challenges
that will arise in the future as a result of new and interesting technology: “We will overcome them as a team.” He is already focusing on a new
development: using carbon fibers in large series production. Fries enjoys traveling, playing handball, and is interested in Japanese gardens.
Construction/Insulation business unit
Dr. Michael Loferer
He has been responsible for the Construction/Insulation business unit since August 2012. He is highly qualified for this role. After completing a degree
in production engineering at the technical university in Munich, he worked as the Head of Design and
the Head of Technology at Siempelkamp Handling Systeme GmbH. “In
this era of ever-diminishing resources, the importance of energy-efficient buildings is ever-increasing”, he believes. “Our aim is to develop
new products and tailor-made solutions for our customers using innovative ideas combined with tried-and-tested production technology.” In his spare time, Dr. Loferer likes to spend time in the mountains,
both in the summer and winter.
White Appliances business unit
Gabriele Amodeo
The Italian is not new to the KraussMaffei Group. As
a General Manager, he is responsible for managing
KraussMaffei’s Italian subsidiary. In August 2012, he
took on an additional role as the head of the White
Appliances business unit. His degree in mechanical
engineering and his years of professional experience make him the
ideal candidate for this role. In his free time, he likes to go sailing or
skiing, depending on the time of year. His motto is based on experiences gained from sport and throughout his career: “A person is
stronger when in a team.”
Molded Flex/Interior Trim business unit
Wolfgang Frehsdorf
Wolfgang Frehsdorf has been responsible for heading the Reaction Process Machinery Technology and
Production department for KraussMaffei since 1999.
As of 2009, he has been the head of Reaction Process
Machinery Operations. In August 2012, he became the
head of the Molded Flex/Interior Trim business unit. “The new business units can be quickly adapted to specific customer requirements
and offer a uniform organizational structure across the world. This allows us to prepare offers and execute orders quickly,” he said, when
speaking about the advantages of the new organization. The skilled
electronic engineer spends his free time on the golf course.
Brand & markets
for customers
Since July, KraussMaffei’s Reaction Process
Machinery sector has had a new customer
­orientation. In an interview with AHEAD,
­Nicolas Beyl, the head of the sector, explained
the advantages for customers and the op­
portunities that will open up for the company.
The fact that both of these points are closely
linked is not a surprise.
The interview was conducted by Imre Szerdahelyi.
AHEAD: Mr. Beyl, what are the special
features of the new customer orientation? And wherein lie the significant
differences to your sector’s current position within the KraussMaffei Group?
Beyl: With our product ranges, we are
orienting ourselves to our customers’
fields of work. For the White Appliances, Construction/Insulation, Molded
Flex/Interior Trim, and Fiber Composites/Surfaces product ranges, we have defined business units
that match the customers’ specific requirements. These units
integrate customer-oriented functions, such as Technical Sales
Support, Project Engineering, and Application Technology, to
particularly link the Sales and Project Engineering departments more closely. We will continue to integrate extensive
cross-sector functions. These include Construction, Development, Service, and the “supply chain” function, which covers
the Assembly and Logistics coordination.
AHEAD: What are the advantages of this orientation for our
Beyl: The new orientation allows us to better adapt our
wide-ranging and high-performance product spectrum to our
customers’ requirements. We would like to use our wide range
of products and services, as well as our concentrated expertise,
more than ever, to ensure that our customers get individual
support throughout their entire value-adding chain, and we
want to do this in all our markets.
AHEAD: You wish to increase your potential for growth in this
manner. What makes you so confident that you will be able do
Beyl: Primarily, it is, of course, all down to our dedicated and
efficient employees who have played a part in every one of our
success stories up until now. We have excellent technological
expertise and we are market leaders, or at least one of the
lead­ing global companies, for many of our product sectors. We
are also part of a group that gives us innumerable possibilities
to cooperate with one another – be it technically, organization­
ally, or simply collectively and personally.
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
Brand & markets
Positive signals
from Southern
European markets
Stories about the worrying situation in southern European countries dominate our
media headlines on a daily basis. But there is another way. Despite the difficult eco­
nomic situation, there is encouraging news from the real economy, especially from
the plastics industry. Classic holiday countries offer more than just sun, sea, and sand.
The following examples are certainly impressive.
Text: Markus Betsche
Southern Europe
Classic holiday countries offer more than
just sun, sea, and sand.
Brand & markets
Italy’s plastics processors at the Plast 2012 trade fair
Three success stories
This year’s Plast 2012 trade fair provided a good opportunity to cast an eye over the Italian
plastic processing industry. We have taken a closer look at three Italian manufacturers of injec­
tion molded parts for the automotive and domestic appliance industries who have benefited
from KraussMaffei’s expertise in energy-saving, premium-quality investment casting solutions
and advanced integrated processing technology.
Cromaplast srl has its headquarters in Valdagno in the province of Vicenza, where it employs 140 staff and in 2011, achieved an estimated turnover of 16 million euros with the
manufacture of chrome-plated automotive
molded parts. All of the company’s ten injection molding machines are units with hydraulic drive provided by KraussMaffei. Their
machinery includes one machine each with
65, 120, 200, and 300 tons of clamping force,
four with 420 tons and two with 650. Most
of the KraussMaffei machines were introduced as part of a machinery modernization
program in 2010. The last four Italian units
were replaced by the four KraussMaffei
CX machines with 420 tons of clamping force
in 2011.
According to Managing Director Stefano Tecchio, the grease- and dust-free ­KraussMaffei
machines are optimally suited to meeting tight
dimension tolerances and achieving the perfect surface quality that is demanded of automotive molded parts. The parts are chromeplated on production lines with a plating
capacity of 1,800 square meters per day.
Plast3 srl in Fiume Veneto in the province
of Pordenone is one of the three injection
molding companies of the Pezzutti Group.
The group employs 150 staff and possesses 140 injection molding machines. In 2011,
their turnover achieved an estimated 42 million euros. At Plast3, 30 employees work on
23 injection molding machines.
The company operates with four K
­ raussMaffei
machines: one MX 850-12000 and now three
C2 machines with 420 tons of clamping force,
the last of which was not acquired until 2012.
All machines are equipped with robots from
A KraussMaffei C2 420-3500 molds transparent red and white, rectangular carry
boxes made of recycled PET for the furniture
manufacturer IKEA. To qualify as a supplier
at IKEA, KraussMaffei’s “Blue Power” ener­
gy saving procedures, such as cylinder insu­
lation and short cycle times, were a decisive contributory factor, because in this case,
ecological aspects and a low level of CO 2
emission played a special role, reports Managing Partner Ivano Castelli. Another product, which is manufactured with a KraussMaffei 420-ton machine, is a one-piece child
seat insert made of PET.
A highly integrated, 60 percent glass-fiberreinforced polyamide part manufactured
with an 850-ton MX type machine is used
as a component in textile machines. In this
case, it was possible for the temperature of
the compound to be reduced by 40 degrees
through the use of a KraussMaffei HPS highperformance screw. As a result, Plast3 was
able to dispense with a master batch charged
with micro balls. This was previously necessary in order to achieve a better flow rate and
the high level of dimensional accuracy required, as well as an aesthetically pleasing,
uniformly colored surface.
Sole, a manufacturer of automotive molded
parts founded in 1964 with its headquarters
in Oderzo (region of Veneto, province of Treviso) is part of the Gruppo Prima. The company has an eventful history. It passed from
Zanussi (1973) to Electrolux and Gränges
with Plastal, and entered insolvency in 2009.
Quality guarantee
KraussMaffei CX 200-750 with a linear robot from
KraussMaffei at Cromaplast
In 2010, Plastal was taken over by the Gruppo Prima and re-assumed its original name,
Sole SpA.
With around 740 employees, Sole achieved
an estimated turnover of 183 million
euros in 2011. The eleven Italian companies in Italy and the five European non-domestic factories of Gruppo Prima probably turned over 343 million euros in 2011.
The large-scale factories in Oderzo and
Suzzara (three injection molding machines up to 3,000 tons in Suzzara) are
supported by German firms in Ulm (assembly) and Wörth (four KraussMaffei
machines). In Oderzo, Sole uses 50 injection molding machines from various leading
Continued on page 18
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
Brand & markets
Continued from page 17
providers, which, apart from the KraussMaffei units, are mainly Italian machines.
Among the KraussMaffei machines, the six
“SpinForm” machines particularly stand out
and these were introduced for the first time
in 2007. Five of them have a clamping force
of 650 tons and one has 180 tons.
A 650-ton machine (CXW 650-2000/1400),
which was installed in February 2011, produces, among other things, hard-soft dualcomponent door sill covers made of ABS
­(acrylonitrite butadiene styrene)/TPU for the
BMW 3 Series. Two ABB multi-axis robots
(articulated arm or “industrial” version) are
used for removing parts, attaching fastening
clips, and fitting a metal strip to the door sill
molded part.
When Sole introduced the SpinForm machines, there was, according to Giuseppe
Maiarelli, Head of Business Development, a
“plan B” under which it was intended to use
them with two separate molding tools as
well. So far, plan B has not been implemented because Sole uses all SpinForm machines
at full capacity with the usual horizontal rotary cube tool. The SpinForm technology is
now also used for the manufacture of highgloss parts with a piano-lacquer-look finish
in black. In this process, the first operation
using transparent PMMA polymer is followed
by a second that uses colored ABS/PC on the
other side of the rotary cube tool. “Selectively chrome-plated” parts made of two materials, only one of which can be chrome-plated,
are also created on the SpinForm.
Energy saving
A KraussMaffei C2 420-3500 injection molding
machine manufactures PET carry boxes for IKEA
at Plast3.
50 years of successful collaboration
Coscollola – our longest partnership
As early as September 1962, Coscollola (Barcelona) became the KraussMaffei agency for
injection molding machinery in Spain, and
from this cooperation, the first injection molding machine was delivered in January 1963,
which at that time was still of the 150S MONOmat type (manufacturer: Eckert&Ziegler).
But the first KraussMaffei V110-700 injection molding machine came to Spain as early
as 1964. In 1966, turnover already exceeded 1 million DM, a respectable result in the
plastics industry, which at that time was still
emerging, not least because, before its accession to the EU in 1986, Spain levied an import
tax of a full 45 percent on plastics machines.
Today, 22 Coscollola employees attend to
the needs of Spanish customers. In addition
to KraussMaffei injection molding machinery and KraussMaffei Berstorff extrusion
technology, they offer their customer base a
wide range of peripheral equipment for processing plastics. The Coscollola team does
not just regard itself as an agency, but rather as a competent partner for its customers.
“Our focus is on the customer and their needs
and requirements throughout the entire production period,” explains Ricardo Coscollola,
Managing Director of Coscollola Comercial
SL. “We therefore regard it as extremely important that we ourselves also possess competence in engineering, technical support,
commissioning, and service. That makes us
unique in the Spanish plastics market.”
There is enormous competitive pressure
among Spanish plastics processors, which is
increased all the more due to intense global
competition. And so in the current situation,
many investments are postponed or completely canceled. But there are also companies with good basic conditions that operate
successfully with a pronounced orientation towards exports. Some of them recently placed
financially interesting orders with us, especially for injection molding machines.
FPK (Bilbao) – IMC injection molding compounder for automotive structural components made of long glass-fiber-reinforced
thermoplasts. This rapidly growing company
ordered another MX 2700-24500 IMC injection
molding compounder, including an extensive
KraussMaffei automation solution for a factory in Brazil.
Johnson Controls Plastics (Alicante) – Injection molding machines from the CX range
with between 200 and 650 tons of clamping
force produce plastic parts for batteries in the
Spanish factory. With more than 20 further
machines, JCP has far more than doubled its
production capacities in both of the last two
Herolse (Barcelona) – Flexible multi-color
machines based on the MX range. With the
newly ordered MX-Z 1450-4300/1400, the
toolmaker is investing in a flexible manufacturing system for multi-color/multi-part components. A particular highlight of the machine
is the movable injection units, which are able
to serve the various sprue positions in the
molds and as a result, is suitable for all standard sprue positions. The machine is ideally
suited to carrying out trials of new molds for
well-known OEM customers and also for the
production of small and pre-series batches.
As far as extrusion machines bearing the
KraussMaffei Berstorff name are concerned,
our machines made in Hanover – particularly compounding extruders – were in high demand in 2012, too. In spite of a difficult market
situation in the building industry, it was possible to realize some successful projects in pipe
Brand & markets
The Polyload AZ guarantees a constant flow
of material in BMC (bulk molding compound)
SPE (Society of Plastics
Engineers) Automotive Award
All good things
come in threes
Wet polyester processing in Greece
In July this year, a brand new injection
molding machine for wet polyester processing was delivered to Dasyc S.A. (for­
m­e rly known as Technika Plastika S.A.) in
Greece and put into operation. The CX 3001400 PolySet completes the machine package in which Dasyc invested around a million euros. Two further PolySet machines
for processing BMC (bulk molding compound = wet polyester) were already delivered in 2010 and 2011. And so the company
has now installed the first production line
for BMC parts in Greece in its factor y in
Dasyc S.A. was established in 1979 and produces molded parts made of plastic and
BMC as well as composites. The company
provides a comprehensive service including component design and construction,
component mounting, toolmaking, component manufacture, and preassembly. Extensive export experience and many years
of collaboration with well-known, international industrial customers complete their
areas of expertise. Today, components are
produced and delivered to the automotive,
military, aerospace, electrical/electronics,
and domestic appliance industries.
Extensive experience with duroplastic
materials PolySet injection molding machines are suitable for the continuously precise processing of BMC. Based on expertise
in the processing of cross-linked plastics
since 1958, KraussMaffei PolySet machines
stand out due to their highly effective, lowwear conveyor techniques and screws, as
well as robust mechanics on the closing
side in dual-platen technology.
Visualizing complex technologies and processes for customers in a clear and understandable way always poses a new challenge. KraussMaffei have been successful
once again in this endeavor with their brochure on fiber-compound technology. But
that’s not enough. As part of their 11th Automotive Award, the International Society
of Plastic Engineers (SPE) has awarded 1st
place in the image/product brochure category to the product brochure “Fiber compound solutions – for sophisticated lightweight components.” The jury recognized
both the informative graphic organization
of the brochure and the boldness shown in
pointing to one’s own expertise and in highlighting actual deployment possibilities in
the form of exemplary components, rather than merely concentrating on the machines and systems themselves.
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
Processes & Products
Processes & Products
Efficient manufacturing of
fiber composite components
KraussMaffei offers an entire range of processes to manufacture fiber composite components (also see the
cover story on page 5). The latest processes include different variants of resin injection processes. Here is a
brief overview of the latest developments.
New process variants expand the RTM (resin transfer molding)
technology application field Fiber-reinforced plastic parts are characterized by extremely low weight but high rigidity. “Which manufacturing process is best suited to a specific component depends on numerous factors,” said Erich Fries, “above all, the component shape,
the matrix material, and the quantity required are all influencing factors.” The performance profile and the production costs of the component are also critical criteria. They determine which solution approaches and manufacturing processes should be taken into account.
High-pressure resin transfer molding (HP-RTM) with quick reacting resin systems The HP-RTM process (High-pressure resin transfer molding) is suitable for large series manufacturing of lightweight
and high-strength structural components made of epoxy resins.
However, polyurethane or other reaction resins can also be used as
matrix materials. In HP-RTM, the resin is fed into the closed mold
using a self-cleaning high-pressure mixing head. The resin and hardener components are injected into the mixing chamber via separate
nozzles and are mixed there quickly and intensely. This technique allows fast-reacting resin systems to be processed within short reaction times. Using high-pressure injection, the matrix resin wets the
fibers faster, more intensely, and more completely than by using the
low-pressure technique.
The mold can be evacuated and operated with an inner pressure of up
to approximately 100 bar. Even complex, three-dimensional cavities
are filled faster this way and the fibers inside are saturated. At the
same time, air voids are eliminated. There are constant new customer requirements in the emerging lightweight construction and fiber
composite materials sector. KraussMaffei continuously develops its
process and machine technology for this dynamic environment.
KraussMaffei is providing another alternative to the automated series
production of fiber-reinforced lightweight components in the form of
the wetmolding procedure. Here, a fiber pile is fixed in a flat state
without preforming. The mixing head is not positioned directly on the
mold, but is fixed on a traversing unit. While the mixing head moves
in a line over the fiber stack, the application device applies a laminar thin resin layer on the fiber stack. As soon as the fibers are covered with resin, the fiber pile is transported to a mold and pressed
there. The preforming of the fibers in wetmolding thus takes place
first with the mold closing movement. An important advantage of the
wet-molding process is that even recycled fibers can be used to reinforce components. MB
C-RTM, Compression RTM
Compression resin transfer molding (C-RTM) and wet molding
– two new HP-RTM variants In C-RTM, the mold is not completely
closed initially, but only up to the defined gap. Next, the resin mixture
enters the mold, with or without low mold-internal pressure. Some of
the fibers are already saturated by the resin; the greater part of the
resin quantity, however, is virtually “floating” on the fiber above. This
is followed by a compression stroke – the mold is completely closed
and the cavity corresponds to the shape of the final component. The
compression stroke has the effect of pushing the resin through the
fiber in the Z-direction and the fiber is wetted completely. This process is advantageous for delicate preforms due to the low material
 1.Semi-finished products from
the roll
 2.Handling the ready-made
semi-finished products
 3.Transfer to the preform station
 5.Transfer the preform to the
CRTM station
 6.Close the mold on the compression
stroke, vacuum (optional)
 7.Resin injection
 8.Press (compression)
10.Component removal
Processes & Products
GX: Great potential
in lightweight
The GX Series, which was introduced in May 2012, has
already proven itself to be a market leader in only four
months. The high worldwide demand is not a surprise and
KraussMaffei is going one step further. Thanks to the pre­
sentation of a MuCell application at the Fakuma 2012 trade
fair, the GX Series has unlocked a new area of application.
Finely graduated modular design with high
productive efficiency Thanks to its extensive
option catalog, the GX Series offers a base
for versatile injection molding processes. At
the Fakuma trade fair, a GX 450-3000 powered with CellForm technology used a physical foam (MuCell) to produce an interior trim
component for the automotive industry. The
physical foam is part of KraussMaffei’s CellForm technology for foamed thermoplasts
in injection molding processes. “When combined with a MuCell equipment package and
a precise injection and plasticizing unit, the
GX Series is almost predestined for process-reliable production of foamed parts,”
said Dr. Bourdon, Vice President Technology
at KraussMaffei. “This application shows
the enormous potential still contained in
lightweight thermoplastic solutions.” The
high shot-weight constancy (of less than
+/– 0.1 percent deviation) ensures reliable
production, even with the highest possible
demands. Productivity is therefore maintained. As the fastest dual-plate machine on
the market, the GX and the GearX interlock
offer the shortest travel times and maximum
productivity. The smooth-running mechanics
and the GuideX guide shoe reduce traction
resistance by up to 80 percent, and ensure,
together with the hydraulic concept that has
been designed for minimum flow losses,
maximum energy efficiency. MB
The production cell using GX and LRX robots
can also be operated from the rear side of the
machine using the hand-held robot.
Your advantages at a glance
• Less viscosity and better flow
• Holding pressure phase omitted
• Sunk spots omitted
• Shorter cycle times
• Low warpage
• Clamping forces considerably reduced
Lightweight, thin but still stable Organic-sheet hybrid technology has considerable potential for
lightweight construction. As far as green mobility is concerned, this technology can contribute by
reducing the weight, the fuel consumption, and vehicle emissions considerably. The example of
a passenger airbag module housing demonstrated this clearly. Compared to an injection-molded, series-manufactured module made from glass-fiber-reinforced polyamide 6, the housing
manufactured from the organic sheet was lighter by over 30 percent. The demonstration product was designed as part of a joint pre-development project between TAKATA AG in Aschaffenburg, LANXESS AG in Leverkusen, Bond-Laminates GmbH in Brilon, Christian Karl Siebenwurst
GmbH & Co. KG in Dietfurt, and KraussMaffei. The airbag housing contains the gas generator
and the folded airbag. Its long sidewall panels are made of molded organic sheet containing
47 percent of volume endless fibers in polyamide 6 and are over-molded and reinforced in specific areas with polyamide 6 that is modified with impact-resistant properties. Owing to the design
of organic-sheet hybrid technology, the thickness of sidewall panels can be reduced by three to
four millimeters, to 0.5 to 1 millimeters. As a result, it is possible to reduce the weight. MB
→ I nformation about ITHEC trade fair
The first international conference and specialist trade fair with a focus on “thermoplastic
composites” will take place on October 29/30, 2012 in Bremen. On the topic of manufacturing
processes, Martin Würtele, Head of Technology and Development at KraussMaffei, will give a
lecture on “ fully automatic injection molding production of textile-reinforced components.”
Furthermore, on its trade fair stand, KraussMaffei will present options using fiber-reinforced
thermoplasts, as well as composites with reactive matrix systems. Visitors have the opportunity to talk with our on-site experts and get more information about the technology that is
ideally suited to them.
30 percent lighter airbag housing
The passenger airbag module housing, which is
made using organic-sheet hybrid technology, is over
30 percent lighter compared to an injection-molded,
series-manufactured model made from glass-fiberreinforced polyamide 6.
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
Partners & projects
Partners & projects
Success story
KraussMaffei sheds new
light on American plastics
processing companies.
Rapid growth in North America
Quality is the key
KraussMaffei has been present in the USA for more than 45 years and in that time, the
company has constantly adapted its product and service range to this particular market
and has thus become a renowned company.
“The encouraging developments in the North American market were
evident to us thanks to the increase in orders over the last year,” said
Paul Caprio, the head of the US-subsidiary of KraussMaffei Corporation. “We are extremely pleased with the consistently high demand for
our products this year and our customers’ very positive response to our
machine and service quality. The complete machine range from 35 to
4,000 t clamping force, and the optimally adapted automation solutions
precisely fulfill our US customers’ requirements, to be able to compete
successfully in the international market.“ The latest orders from two
demanding US-based companies have proved this in an exemplary way.
Large machines at SLP Lighting begin production With over
40 years of experience in the field of commercial lighting products, the Koller-Craft subsidiary, SLP Lighting, is one of the leading
American manufacturers of lights and lighting systems for industrial applications and of lighting systems in the automotive sector. SLP
is now also using premium-quality KraussMaffei machines at its
plant in Sullivan, Missouri. Two injection molding machines, sizes
MX 2000-12000 and MX 2700-17200, began producing transparent
diffusion lenses this year.
“We were impressed from the very beginning by the efficiency of the
MX machines where part quality and productivity are concerned,”
said David Koller, SLP Managing Director. “The professional working
methods of the KMC employees during the project phase and the machine installation showed us that KraussMaffei is the right partner for
our company.” Thanks to the increased production capacity, SLP can
respond to the ever-rising demand for premium-quality lamps and
still keep to short lead times.
Multi-component machines for rear lights at Proper Group International Molds used to produce automobile headlights are part of
the core business of Proper Group International, along with injection
molds for textile back injection or glass insert molding for multi-component parts and also for premium-quality visible parts. The company also supplies molds for polyurethane processing. After signing a strategic partnership agreement in 2008, the Proper Group and
KraussMaffei have successfully positioned themselves as system
partners for injection molding technology and polyurethane technology in the US market. They have been successfully providing complete
ready-for-use solutions ever since. A live demonstration for manufacturing SkinForm components from thermoplastic substrates with
premium-quality soft-touch surfaces at the NPE 2012 trade show
proved this in an impressive manner.
At Proper’s joint technology center in Warren (Michigan), ­K raussMaffei
can use injection molding machines with a clamping force of between 80 and 2,700 t for development, testing, and mold trials.
In the course of this cooperation, Proper has recently ordered an
MXZ 1600-12000/3000 multi-component machine that should serve
for mold trials and manufacturing reflector housings for the automotive industry. MB
Partners & projects
“PURtrain” is on target
for the automotive industry
Although eight partners had to share the JEC Innovation Award 2012, none of them was
bothered by it. On the contrary, they were all proud of the award that they had received
collectively for a lightweight construction application for rail vehicles. ­KraussMaffei was
one of the prizewinners.
Paris, March 2012: At the world’s largest
fiber composites trade show, JEC Composite Show, Jan Kuppinger from the
Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie (Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology) (ICT) accepted the JEC Innovation Award 2012 in the Manufacturing
Process category, as a representative of
the network of eight partners, who collectively made headway in the field of lightweight construction. Their “creation” may
not sound interesting at first glance: a selfsupporting diesel engine housing for rail
Although the length and the width of the
demonstration prototype, based on a polyurethane sandwich structure, were only
4.50 meters and 2.50 meters, respectively,
it made the engineers’ hearts beat faster.
The part has the same properties, but it is
35 percent lighter than its counterpart made
of steel and aluminum, and comprises fewer
Together with ICT and Bombardier Transportation, Werk Hennigsdorf, and with support from the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research, the partners KraussMaffei,
Bayer MaterialScience, DECS GmbH, the
DLR-Institut für Fahrzeugkonzepte (DLR
Institute for Vehicle Concepts), the Institut für Flugzeugbau der Universität Stuttgart (Stuttgart University Institute of Aircraft
Design), and the Karlsruher Institut für
Technologie (Karls­
r uhe Institute of Technology) have pooled their expertise to find
a completely new solution in just three and
half years. Josef Renkl, the R&D Director of
KraussMaffei’s Reaction Process Machinery,
emphasized in Paris that it is a solution that
can be “directly applied to other sectors such
as the automotive industry.”
KraussMaffei develops new manufacturing
processes The work for the “PURtrain” project was anything but trivial. This is because
it was not at all meant to replicate a metallic
engine housing using plastic. The partners
had to work together closely to carry out extensive development activities along the entire value-adding chain. The tasks included
developing new manufacturing processes
(for which KraussMaffei was responsible),
new sandwich-core and top-layer materials,
new fire protection systems, in-house design
principles, and even computation methods.
The result was a sandwich component made
using a glass-fiber-reinforced polyurethane
layer and a paperboard honeycomb core. The
polyurethane (PUR) was initially modified in
such a way that it complied with fire protection regulations. Then the fiber-spraying process used to apply PUR layers was optimized.
A new mixing head made it possible to manufacture even the most complex structures –
which was necessary to reduce the number of
components – in the sizes required.
The demonstration component fulfilled all
requirements stipulated in the requirement
specifications, e.g., puncture strength, which
is an important criterion. This is important
since the engine housing is suspended under
the passenger compartment and above rails.
Its task is to protect the engine from the impacts of stones, collect any oil that may leak,
and prevent fire from spreading in case of
fire. In the meantime, extensive tests must
be conducted to check whether the jointly developed product can cope with all of these
Erich Fries is visibly proud: “It is an exciting
project, which once again showed that lightweight construction is not only relevant in the
automotive industry.” JW
JEC Europe Innovation Award
The development consortium around
Fraunhofer ICT was also able to score
points. The SCS process (Structural
Component Spraying), a manufacturing
process for lightweight structures which
is based on sandwich structures, and
spraying processes for glass-fiber-reinforced polyurethane resins, was awarded
the JEC Europe Innovation Award 2012 in
the Manufacturing Process category.
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
KraussMaffei Group
KraussMaffei Group
International trade fairs
Group presence without borders
Through joint brand launches, for example, at leading trade fairs in Italy and the USA, the
KraussMaffei Group and its strong brands are recognized throughout the world.
Text: EVA Münzenmaier
Plast Milan
Efficiency and resource savings are also increasingly decisive factors for Italian processors when deciding to invest. The KraussMaffei
Group entered the race on precisely these topics with intelligent solutions at the Plast Milan 2012 trade fair.
All around the world
The NPE trade fair in Orlando and Plast in Milan were just two examples of
successful joint exhibition appearances. The KraussMaffei Group will also be
exhibiting as a complete entity at the Fakuma 2012 trade fair.
NPE Orlando
KraussMaffei presented energy-efficient machines from the ­A X Series,
as well as powerful and integrated manufacturing concepts based on
the CX and MX Series. There were also polyurethane solutions for premium-quality surface finishes on display, classic foaming processes,
lightweight construction processes, as well as insulation applications
for the white goods sector. One of the highlights, previously unprecedented in the USA, was the live presentation of the SkinForm process
in one production cell with a CX 200-1400 hybrid injection molding machine and a RimStar hybrid mixing and metering system for polyurethane processing.
In presenting the AX and EX Series, KraussMaffei exhibited powerful,
all-electric machines for all production requirements. In a live demonstration, liquid silicone rubber (LSR) was processed under clean-room
conditions and complex, technical formed parts were produced in an
energy-efficient process.
Netstal displayed a system solution specially optimized for packaging
tasks, created from the powerful ELION 1200, which included mold,
automation, and other peripherals. During the demonstration of thinwall injection molding, it was possible to save up to 60 percent in energy consumption compared with conventional drive systems.
KraussMaffei Berstorff received numerous inquiries from the building industry, especially in the polyolefin pipe extrusion sector. The
QuickSwitch system in particular generated a great deal of interest,
with which pipe dimensions can be changed at the press of a button
without interrupting the production process. Visitors to the trade fair
were also greatly interested in systems to manufacture technical films
made of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA).
More efficient production thanks to constant improvements: Netstal
presented highly efficient production of closures on an ELION 2800
with the new electric form closure with energy recuperation. The
PCO 1881 drinks closures were produced at a cycle rate of 3.5 seconds
using a 72-cavity mold.
The energy-efficient IPC system from KraussMaffei Berstorff was in
great demand. This system cools the pipe in addition to conventional
external cooling, using ambient air from the inside. American customers are particularly impressed by the significant increase in output of
up to 60 percent, which achieved by this system, especially as resources and energy consumption is also significantly reduced.
“Two criteria are critical for our American customers in their decision to buy, namely perfect product quality and extremely high output
performance. In this case, we offered first-class solutions at the NPE
trade fair. Customers were really impressed,” explains Paul Caprio,
Head of the American subsidiary.
This is the motto under which the KraussMaffei Group will be
­presenting the “best-in-class” solutions for efficient production
with outstanding results at this year’s Fakuma trade fair. You can
experience the new dimension in injection molding for the first
time “live” at stand 7303/7304 in hall A7 – a GX450-3000 CellForm with LRX 250 linear robot as a technology platform with a
thermoplastic lightweight construction application. You can also
look forward to other high-tech exhibits and processes from the
KraussMaffei, KraussMaffei Berstorff, and Netstal brands – for
an efficient production process in injection molding, reaction, and
extrusion technology.
KraussMaffei Group
Trade fair and production location in China
Technical treats for the Far East
The KraussMaffei Group took several important steps towards developing its joint presence in China with
its three brands KraussMaffei, KraussMaffei Berstorff, and Netstal in China.
Text: EVA Münzenmaier
According to an old Chinese saying, “a long journey always starts with the first
step.” The KraussMaffei Group took a few great strides forward this year at the
Chinaplas exhibition and in the plant at Haiyan.
Chinaplas 2012
“Open house” in the plant at Haiyan
Chinaplas once again confirmed that, for Chinese processors, reliable and innovative machine technology bearing the “Made in Europe”
stamp is very popular. The KraussMaffei Group offered a good many
technical treats for innovation-hungry plastics processors, with applications from injection molding, reaction, and extrusion technology.
During the Chinaplas trade fair, the KraussMaffei Group opened the
gates of its production plant in Haiyan. This gave customers the opportunity to view machines and systems, which had been specifically
designed for Chinese requirements and locally manufactured, actually
in operation.
High on the visitors’ list of interest was the MX swivel plate and embossing machine from KraussMaffei. This machine has positioned itself just as successfully in the Chinese market as the CX Multinject for
multicolor and multiple component applications.
KraussMaffei presented a type MX850 injection molding machine,
which is entirely manufactured in Haiyan. Also high on the list of interest were machines, systems and tooling systems for polyurethane
foam applications, for example refrigerators, insulation applications,
or lightweight components.
Performance and efficiency in the PET sector. Netstal presented a
high-quality application on the PET-LINE. This application was based
on a platform with 3,500 kN clamping force and covered the range of
48 to 128-cavity molds with a highly cost-efficient total system. “With
this system, we provide an excellent solution for the growing drinks and
foodstuffs packaging sector in China,” explained Markus DalPian, Head
of the PET business unit at Netstal.
KraussMaffei Berstorff scores points with products that are manufactured locally. “Our customers in Asia attach a lot of importance to locally manufactured machines, which also satisfy extremely high technological demands,” informed Fan Kai Jun, General Sales Manager
for Extrusion Technology in China. A rising demand in the PVC, pipe,
and profile extrusion sectors proves him right. And with its proven 36D
single-screw series, KraussMaffei Berstorff is well equipped to cope
with the requirements of the rapidly growing Chinese polyolefin pipe
KraussMaffei Berstorff showed two pipe extrusion lines which, processed material of local origin. The high-speed systems produced hotwater pipes made of PP-R for the supply of fresh water with diameters
ranging from 20 to 63 mm, as well as heating pipes made of PE-RT
from 20 to 32 mm. “Since the initial start-up of our own manufacturing
plant, we have been producing, among other things, the core components for both systems, the KME 60-36 B/R single-screw extruder and
the KM-RKW 32 spiral mandrel distributor pipe heads from the Performance series,” explained Harald Schweitzer, Head of the Chinese
subsidiary. “As from now, we offer our customers complete pipe extrusion systems with all downstream units locally manufactured, which
set new standards in terms of quality and performance.”
AHEAD Issue 02.2012
KraussMaffei Group
Smart pipes
One of the current global mega-trends is “energy efficiency.”
KraussMaffei Berstorff is not just following this trend when it
comes to their own products. Their customers can also score
points on the market thanks to their results from increasing
their energy efficiency.
It is becoming increasingly ­
c ommon
to make effective use of heat and cold,
which are often the by-products of
other processes. It is important that these forms of energy can
be transported across both short and long distances with as little
loss as possible. For this reason, KraussMaffei Berstorff has developed a solution: insulated pipes, in which several plastics have
been integrated to form a highly efficient compound. Their extremely low thermal conductivity (for experts: at a minimum at 0.02 to
Pipes full of intelligence
Energy-efficient transportation in
polyurethane-insulated pipes
0.03 W per Kelvin and meter) makes them the ideal transport medium for both heat and cold. These plastic pipes, which usually have
one or two medium pipes on the inside and are surrounded by polyurethane insulation and have an outer coating of polyethylene, are
not only considerably more compact, more flexible, more leakproof, and easier to lay. Thanks to a continuous manufacturing procedure with a high level of automation, they are also significantly
more cost-effective. In short, they really are “smart” – just like the
systems that produce them.
ELION 3200: A successful concept
continues to grow
The ELION Series has successfully established itself on the market. With the new 3200
model, Netstal is offering a highly efficient solution to manufacture complex moldings.
In 2003, Netstal launched its all-electric ELION
Series. This high-performance injection molding
machine quickly proved itself to be one of the most
efficient and most precise all-electric machines on the market. And
not much has changed since then.
At the Fakuma 2012 trade fair, Netstal is presenting the latest newcomer to the series: the ELION 3200. Together with Müller Fabriques SA, Netstal is displaying a complete system for manufacturing thin-walled covers for cream cheese packaging. The
polypropylene molding has been developed with a total cycle time of
less than ­3.5 ­seconds on a 4+4-cavity multi-daylight mold. A completely ­automated system inserts the labels, removes the finished
parts, and stacks these parts. The maximum output is 8,230 pieces
per hour. The electrically driven clamping unit can be combined with
the hydraulic high-performance injection unit from the EVOS Series.
The energy-saving potential of this hybrid technology with innovative
Eco Powerunit drive unit has been put to full use. When compared to
a conventional hydraulically driven toggle-lever machine, the ELION
hybrid can save energy by up to 50 percent.
+++ News ticker +++ News ticker +++ News ticker +++
Plant expansion in Slovakia
Plant expansion in china
The expansion of the KraussMaffei Group production plant in
Sučany (Slovakia) is making very good progress. “Production in
the second assembly hall is expected to be able to start as early
as the end of 2012, rather than in the first quarter of 2013, as originally planned,” said Plant Manager Vladimir Boda. The intention
in the future is to use the production plant in Sučany, which covers a production surface area of around 13,000 m2, to additionally
manufacture robots, injection molding machines from the EX Series, and machines and systems for reaction process machinery,
as well as trimming components of the KraussMaffei brand.
The extension of the production capacities at the production plant
of the KraussMaffei Group in Haiyan (China) is going according to
plan. By spring 2013, it is intended to double the production surface area to around 22,000 m2. In future, injection molding machines for PET applications of the Netstal brand will be manufactured here, in addition to machines and systems for reaction
and extrusion technology. The MX 850-6100 injection molding machine from the KraussMaffei brand with a clamping force ranging
from 8,500 to 40,000 kN will also be produced for the Chinese and
Asian markets.
Cover story
4Leading the way with technological
7Interview: Developing the cutting edge
Brand & markets
8 Wide-ranging expertise in the field of
­injection molding
9 First technology-spanning energy
Dear Customers and Readers,
Many athletes have produced inspiring peak performances at the Olympic Games in
London. In addition to being impressed by the athletes “wanting to give their best,”
I was often struck by the reasons they gave for what they were trying to achieve and
what drove them on. Usain Bolt, for example, declared with self-assurance, “I always wanted to drive myself towards achieving what no one else has ever managed
to do before. I always wanted to be a trendsetter.”
As is often the case, there is a close analogy between sport and the world of
­business. What is it that makes a businessman a trendsetter in his sector? He can
do more than the competition. He sets new standards. He is innovative and exudes enormous passion and conviction for what he does. All of that also applies to
KraussMaffei and, in this edition of AHEAD, we will show you how we are setting
new trends in the sector time and time again. And so, we have assembled here for
you many interesting contributions and market and project reports all related to this
topic, which will show you how we are using our first-class machines, technologies,
and solutions to bring your production to the peak of its potential.
For instance, with our new GX range in 2012, we have already set a new international standard in powerful injection molding machines for numerous sectors. We are
also ahead of the field in solutions for global trends in plastics. For example, when
the main concern is to reduce energy consumption by following the trends in lightweight construction. In this edition, we show you some of our trendsetting solutions
from MuCell to CoverForm through to high-pressure RTM processes.
We are naturally proud when sector experts recognize our performance, as, for
example, when we received the JEC Europe Innovation Award and the SPE Award
for our brochures on fiber composite solutions this year.
As a sector leader, we want to continue to set trends and are therefore developing
our organization with this in mind. Through a new orientation in injection molding
and reaction process machinery, we are ideally positioned in relation to our customers‘ fields of activity and in future, will be able to react even more constructively
to your individual needs.
And you can rest assured that we protect our innovations against undesirable imitation, which is of course all to your advantage. We are maintaining our intuitive
sense for forward-looking trends with currently around 1,450 patents and an annual
production of between 30 to 50 inventions. Take advantage of the situation and be
AHEAD with us, not just today but also tomorrow and the day after!
I hope you enjoy reading the magazine.
10 30 years of KraussMaffei Automation
12 The new benchmark: The GX Series
14 Major order from Saudi Arabia
14 “Competence Show” in the Land of the
Rising Sun
15 The right man for the job
15 Concentrated expertise for customers
16 Positive signals from southern European
Processes & products
20Efficient manufacturing of
fiber composite components
21GX: Great potential in lightweight
2130 percent lighter airbag housing
Property rights secure
technological advantages for
the benefit of the customer
KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH
Krauss-Maffei-Strasse 2
80997 Munich
Phone + 49/89/88 99-0
Fax + 49/89/88 99-2206
Systematic patent protection at KraussMaffei,
KraussMaffei Berstorff, and Netstal
Person responsible:
Imre Szerdahelyi (responsible for content
according to German media law)
Editor-in-chief: Eva Münzenmaier
The protectors of intellectual property in the
KraussMaffei Group have their hands full. For
they have approximately 1,450 patents – which
include patents that have been granted and
registered as well as utility models – that need
to be managed and regularly reviewed. And
between 30 and 50 new inventions are added
to these each year. This is a considerable
added value, above all for our customers who
benefit from these innovations.
Editorial team:
Markus Betsche (MB), Eva Münzenmaier (EM),
Claudia Stadler (CS), Imre Szerdahelyi (IS),
­Joachim Weber (JW)
Property rights – as international as our
business Since the KraussMaffei Group with
its worldwide branches numbers among technological leaders, many patents are also reg­
istered beyond Europe, above all in the USA,
China, and Japan. And this innovation lead is
consistently secured: The company uses legal
means to prosecute patent infringements –
whether they concern machines or processes.
A strong competitor The high value of our research achievements for the customerʼs benefit can be seen from three examples: Inventions that were made ready for series
production with passion and ambition and
make us a strong competitor. It is hardly
possible to imagine KraussMaffei now without
reversing plate technology, which is used, for
example, in SpinForm technology. As a sub­
stitute for the usual rotary table technique, the
reversing plate offers the advantage of work­
ing in parallel with optimum use of space.
Consequently, the cycle times become sub­
stantially shorter; the installation effort and use
of molds, on the other hand, decrease rapidly.
Almost self-evidently, the patented QuickSwitch
from KraussMaffei Berstorff is a technology
that is used in polyolefin pipe production and
in PVC processing. Using it, the producer can
change the pipe dimension at the touch of a
button in mere minutes. The centerpiece is the
calibration basket, with which the complete
system can be set quickly to the desired pipe
in just one step. Calitec is another industrial
property right that Netstal has patented. This
innovative cooling system supports preform
cooling by means of compressed air. With this
system, the PET preforms are cooled again
optimally and without interruption after demolding. Consequently, the cycle time in production is shortened and the article quality is
sustainably improved. CS
Partners & projects
22Rapid growth in North America
2 3 “PURtrain” is on target for the automotive
24Group presence without borders
25 Technical treats for the Far East
26Energy efficiency: Smart pipes
26ELION 3200: A successful concept
26Plant expansion in Slovakia and China
27Property rights secure
technological advantages
Frank Peters
Executive Vice President Sales
Trade show calendar (October 2012 – March 2013)
Fakuma, Friedrichshafen
16.10.2012 – 20.10.2012
KraussMaffei Group
Materialica, Munich
23.10.2012 – 25.10.2012
ITHEC, Bremen
29.10.2012 – 30.10.2012
Feipur, São Paulo
06.11.2012 – 08.11.2012
JEC Americas, Boston
07.11.2012 – 09.11.2012
Brau Beviale, Nuremberg
13.11.2012 – 15.11.2012
Tyres & RubberTec, Shanghai
14.11.2012 – 16.11.2012
KraussMaffei Berstorff
Euromold, Frankfurt
27.11.2012 – 30.11.2012
Plast Eurasia, Istanbul
29.11.2012 – 02.12.2012
Arabplast, Dubai
07.01.2013 – 10.01.2013
KraussMaffei, Netstal
ACMA, Orlando/Florida
29.01.2013 – 31.01.2013
Interplastica, Moscow
29.01.2013 – 01.02.2013
KraussMaffei Group
Tire Technology Expo, Cologne
05.02.2013 – 07.02.2013
KraussMaffei Berstorff
Medtec, Stuttgart
26.02.2013 – 28.02.2013
JEC, Paris
12.03.2013 – 14.03.2013
Photo credits:
Harald Mehnert, Stefan Kruppa,
group-internal pictures, plainpicture, Corbis
Concept and design:
Kirchhoff Consult AG, Hamburg, Germany
Weber Offset GmbH, Munich, Germany
The customer magazine is published twice a year in
German and English. The magazine may only be reprinted with the written permission of the publisher.
AHEAD The CUSTOMER Magazine of KraussMaffei Issue 02.2012
The KraussMaffei
Group has a global
presence. Countries
with subsidiaries are
marked in blue.
In the white-colored
regions, the Group is
represented by over
570 sales and service
The CUSTOMER Magazine of KraussMaffei Issue 02.2012
Innovative, multifaceted talents
Leading the way with
technological expertise
Wind energy
Solar energy
KraussMaffei Group
Utility vehicles
Construction materials
Injection Molding Machinery
Injection Molding Machinery
Reaction Process Machinery
Extrusion Technology
KraussMaffei Group
Wide-reaching expertise with Technology3
The KraussMaffei Group is the only provider in the world to possess the essential machine technologies
for plastics and rubber processing with its KraussMaffei, KraussMaffei Berstorff, and Netstal brands:
Injection Molding Machinery, Automation, Extrusion Technology and Reaction Process Machinery.
The group is represented internationally with more than 30 subsidiaries and over ten production plants as well as about 570 commercial and service partners. This is what makes us your
highly skilled and integrated partner. Use our comprehensive and unique expertise in the industry.
Further information available at: