October 4 2013c - Richland School District Two
October 4 2013c - Richland School District Two
Charger Chronicles October 4, 2013 Blythewood Middle School (803) 691-6850 ~ www.richland2.org/bm Dr. Brenda Hafner, Principal Heartfelt Habits by Rob Baggett One of the challenges of being human is the very nature of freedom. It is completely bound up with responsibility, something we often try to avoid. Here is what Sigmund Freud had to say about it: “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.” Student Council Officers 2013-2014: Travor Decker, V. President, Rylie Beasley, President, and Kennedy Richardson, Secretary For more, go to: robbaggett.blogspot.com Lifeskill of the Month Respect: PTO COOKIE DOUGH FUND RAISER PICK-UP The Smokey Mountain Cookie Dough pick up is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9th from 2:00 to 6:30 p.m., in the gym lobby. Please make arrangements to pick-up your student’s items on that day.. Please contact Leanne Thompson at blythewoodmiddleschoolpto@gmail.com with any questions. Make-up Pictures Monday October 14 To pay on-line visit: To treat people in the manner in which you expect to be treated. To show consideration for another person's feelings and interests. An attitude demonstrating that you value another person. – Urban Dictionary “Self-respect is the root of discipline: the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.” – Abraham J. Heschel October 05 Walk for Life 09 8th Grade EXPLORE Testing Interim #2 Available Online Pep Rally Fundraiser Pick-up—2:30—6:00 p.m. 14 School Make-up Picture Day 15 Parent University—6:00 p.m. 16 8th Grade Class Picture 17 & 18 Student Holiday 22 Charger Zone Begins—2:30 until 4:45 p.m. 25 End of first 9 weeks Character Awards Breakfast—8:00 a.m. 28 SIC Meeting—6:00 p.m. www.strawbridge.net. Use the following school code: 70801002 e lor g p Ex stin Te It was an amazing day at Blythewood Middle School. It was the best turn out ever for our very popular Muffins for Mom. The show of support was AMAZING! Hundreds of moms and students showed their support for Breast Cancer Awareness by donning pink the day before the 2013 Walk for Life on Saturday, October 5. In support of this event Blythewood Middle School raised $775. The money raised will go directly to the Breast Cancer Walk for Life. A big thank you to our PTO parents and student organizations for making the day a huge success! Go CHARGERS! Pink Out! Muffins for Mom Book Fair Go Chargers! BMS Goes PINK! Health Careers Academy For 8th Grade Students "The Mid-Carolina AHEC offers a Health Careers Academy for 8th grade middle school students. This program provides exploration into health careers and prepares students for health care training programs through activities that focus on communication, math and science. The program will be held at Midlands Tech Airport Campus one Tuesday night per month from 6:00— 8:00 p.m. beginning in January. The orientation will be held in December. The application deadline is Nov 15th! Please find the web link below for further information and an application. There are paper copies of the application and program booklets in Ms. Schmitz' office for interested students. http://hcp.midcarolinaahec.org/helpful-informationlinks/latest-news/11-congratulations For additional program information, contact the program coordinator; Erica Davis: ericadavis@comporium.net (803) 286-4121. BMS Media Center is Open! 7:00a - 2:30p Mark your calendar! Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the media center starting October 4th through October 11th! E-books Students are able to check out, download and read digital books on their chromebooks and personal devices. Students use their personal student ID numbers and unique password (the same information they use to log onto school computers) to log in. Visit Overdrive and Follettshelf today to get started. Destiny Quest Students are able to log into Destiny Quest to check the due dates of their library books, search the catalog and find print & digital materials. Visit Destiny Quest today to get started. Looking for an ebook to read? Check out Overdrive by visiting http://richland2.lib.overdrive.com/. The link is also available on the homepage of the BMS library website. Log in using your student ID number and unique password. Read ebooks on your Chromebook or download them to your personal mobile devices. See Mrs. Swetnam in the library for more information. Football/Volleyball Schedule Football Head Coach - Arthur Osborne Asst. Coach - Jason Minkel Volleyball Head Coach – Lisa McDowell Mr. Sidney Johnson – Athletic Director Team Schedule 2013 Volleyball—$2.00 Date Football—$4.00 Location (Student Grades/Progress) Oct. 7 Volleyball ONLY @MRM Oct. 9 MRM @BMS Oct. 16 SPMS @BMS Oct. 23 BMS @LMS (School Website) (Pay for meals online) ATTENTION PARENTS: Please bring your picture ID when signing in as a visitor or signing out your students. NO EXCEPTIONS. Follow BMS Parent University Tuesday, October 15th, 2013 6:00 to 7:35 p.m. BMS parents are always eager to learn how they can help their children succeed. Parent University strives to satisfy that desire by providing courses that address a variety of student needs. This semester’s choices include four 45 minute classes. Please go to: http://goo.gl/GIXKKT to register for up to two classes. Or, if you prefer, you may sign and return a hard copy of this form to your child’s homeroom teacher. Choose only two: ____The Blythewood Historical Society (at 6:00 and again at 6:50 p.m.) The Blythewood Historical Society will present a brief PowerPoint showing historical buildings in Blythewood and share a Walking Tour brochure of town buildings. Then, parents will be treated to a literal walking tour of the murals on our school’s walls. A History of Murals will be presented by town citizens standing at each location. This is an excellent opportunity to become better informed about and connected to our community. ____Getting to Know Edmodo (at 6:00 and 6:50 p.m.) Science teacher Nicole Schuldes will teach parents how to use Edmodo, the educational website used by most of our teachers to post assignments, quizzes, and to communicate other important information to students. ____Social Media Mama (at 6:00 and 6:50 p.m.) Do you ever wonder what your child is doing on social media sites? What are Instagram and Tumblr? Join us for a session on social media as we share what every parent (Dad included) needs to know. We’ll also tell you how to help your child avoid exposing too much personal information on-line and how to combat cyber-bullying. _____Charting your Child’s Academic Course (at 6:00 and 6:50 p.m.) Dr. Cheryl Canty-Caughman, our Director of Guidance, will share information about the academic choices available in middle school. She will show how academic decisions and achievement in middle school prepare our students for success in high school. _____I will not be able to attend. __________________________ __________________________ _________________ Parent’s signature Your Child’s Name Homeroom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return the upper portion of this form to your child’s homeroom teacher. Your signature lets us know that you received this information. Or, if you prefer, go to http://goo.gl/GIXKKT to register for courses. Mark your calendar for: Parent University: Tuesday, October 15th, 6:00 p.m. Duke TIP Test Dates A letter went out this week to 7th grade students who qualified for the Duke Talent Identification Program. The test dates included in the letter were incorrect. The correct test dates are as follows: SAT Dec. 7, 2013 Jan. 25, 2014 Location Options Codes Ridgeview HS 41-202 Spring Vly HS 41-196 Ridgeview HS 41-202 Spring Vly HS 41-196 ACT Dec. 14, 2013 Feb. 8, 2014 Location Options Codes Richland NE 203280 Spring Vly HS 156420 Richland NE 203280 Spring Vly HS 156420 BMS students qualify for Duke TIP by scoring in the 95th percentile or above on the 5th or 6th grade MAP test or by scoring Exemplary on at least one subtest of the PASS test in the past two years. BMS Spirit Wear On Sale Monday, October 7 BMS Café During Grade Level Lunches Last chance to get your spirit wear before the pep rally and game on Wednesday, October 9th New Elementary School Opening Fall 2014 In the fall of 2014 Richland 2 will be opening our newest elementary school, Elementary 19, to downsize overcrowding at Lake Carolina Elementary School and to help manage future growth in this area. To find out more information about the opening of this school, please go to: https:// www.richland2.org/Pages/elementary19.aspx Attention 8th Grade Students/PSAT Eighth grade students will have the opportunity to take the PSAT during school on Wednesday, October 16 at BMS. The cost to take the PSAT is $14.00 and the deadline to register for the test is Wednesday, October 9. Please make checks payable to Blythewood Middle School. Contact Marcella McCoy if you have any questions at 6916850 ext. 85407. After-School Clubs & Activities for our Upcoming School Year: We are very excited to offer many after-school clubs and activities for the 2013-2014 school year. For more information, please visit: https://www.richland2.org/bm/ Pages/Activities-and-Clubs-.aspx Pre-order your 2013-2014 Yearbook today! Don’t Wait! Pre-order your Medication Procedures In order for your student to take a prescription medication at school, we must have signed permission. In addition to the parent’s signature, a physician’s signature must be obtained for the administration of all prescription medications; this includes inhalers. A current prescription bottle or prescription label/box for inhalers will be required. Any over the counter medication must be provided by the parent and will require a signed parent’s permission form. These forms are available in the health room. For 2014 Yearbook today! Order online at www.yearbookforever.com Or under Quick Links or from Mrs. Shelley each morning in the Media Center after 7:15. The cost is $35.00 2013 Lions Club Annual International Peace Poster Project The local Lions clubs wish to extend their 17th annual invitation to our middle school students to participate in the International Lions Club Peace Poster Project. This year’s theme is “Our World, Our Future”. See Ms. Burgess in room #303 for rules, requirements, and details. All entries are due by October 25th. Richland School District Two does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, or other protected characteristics in its programs and activities. Inquiries regarding the district's nondiscrimination policies should be made to: Chief Human Resources Officer; 6831 Brookfield Road, Columbia, S.C. 29206. Telephone: 803.787.1910.
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