IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.4 How to Integrate Data into Tririga Real Estate Environmental


IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.4 How to Integrate Data into Tririga Real Estate Environmental
IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.4
How to Integrate Data into
Tririga Real Estate
Sustainability Impact
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.
List of Figures.................................................................................................................... 3
Revision History................................................................................................................. 4
1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 5
2 Overview......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 TRIRIGA.......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Building Management System or Aggregator................................................... 8
2.3 Data Collection Code....................................................................................... 9
2.4 Csv-to-Fact tables ETL..................................................................................... 9
3 Summary of Toolkit Content............................................................................................. 9
4 Moving Data from BMS to Staging Tables..................................................................... 10
4.1 TRIRIGA Interface.......................................................................................... 10
4.2 Building Management System (BMS)............................................................. 11
4.3 Data Collection Code..................................................................................... 12
4.4 Using IBM Tivoli Monitoring............................................................................ 14
4.5 Csv-to-Fact tables ETL................................................................................... 15
5 Building a Custom ITM Agent........................................................................................ 15
5.1 Considerations for Agent................................................................................ 15
5.1.1 Defining Data Sources ................................................................................. 16
5.1.2 Subnodes...................................................................................................... 17
5.1.3 Attribute Groups and Attributes..................................................................... 18
6 Product documentation.................................................................................................. 22
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Figure 1. Overview of write to TRIRIGA database...............................................................6
Figure 2. Overview of write to CSV file................................................................................7
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TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability: Integrating data
30 Jan 2014
Initial version.
10 Feb 2014
Integrated review comments from KA and CR
Added ITM agent information in section 5
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TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability: Integrating data
In the IBM® TRIRIGA® Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager
application, meter and sensor data from buildings can be integrated so as to allow reports
and analytics to be run against that data. Prior to version 10.4, the focus was integration of
monthly data into TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability. New features in
TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager v10.4 additionally
leverage hourly and daily data from meters and sensors. This data may be aggregated into
a building management system (BMS). Energy data from meters and sensors may also be
collected into systems that complement the BMS.
Because terminology is not consistently used throughout the industry and there may be
some readers who are new to energy management terminology, let us first cover some
basic terms that will be used in this document:
Building management system (BMS) is a system, typically a combination of
hardware and software, that monitors and controls various aspects of a building
such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. A BMS may also
be referred to as a building automation system (BAS) or supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA) system.
Aggregator is a system that collects data but due to nuances in functionality is not
technically a BMS. These systems will be referred to as aggregators because they
aggregate information from meters, sensors, or building management systems
while not necessarily having the functionality of a building management system.
Meters and Sensors are devices that measure characteristics. Sometimes meter
and sensor are used interchangeably.
A meter is a device that measures flow or usage, typically electrical, water,
or fuel. Meters may be built into a larger device, such as an air handling
unit (AHU) measuring its electrical usage, or be adjacent to a device, in
which case it is typically measuring the power or energy being consumed
by that device. Alternatively, it may be connected to an electrical feed to
many devices or even an entire building, in which case it is measuring the
power or energy used by all devices being fed by that wire.
Sensor is a device that measures non-electrical elements. It may measure
the flow rate of gas or liquid, temperature, humidity, fan speed, percent
openness of a valve, whether a space is occupied, whether an air handling
unit is in economizer mode, etc. It may be built into a larger device, such
as an Air Handling Unit, or be adjacent to a device, in which case it’s
typically measuring conditions under the control of that device or critical to
the operation of that device. Alternatively, it may be more of a stand alone
sensor, such as a zone temperature in the vicinity of several Air Handling
Units that could affect its value.
Because of the finer granularity of the data, the increased frequency of moving it into
TRIRIGA, and the increased amount of data, new data integration techniques are
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TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability: Integrating data
This document will cover some of the various techniques that can be used to integrate this
data. Of course, TRIRIGA supports various ways to integrate external data.
Let’s start with the overview and then drill down into each part of it.
This document will focus primarily on 2 methods of collecting data from BMSs or
In these figures, the GREEN boxes represent toolkit content that is provided on Service
Management Connect (SMC) to make the integration easier. DOTTED LINES represent
entities, such as code or files, that customers, business partners, or services is responsible
The first method looks like this:
Toolkit Overview – Method #1
Monthly data
Daily data
Hourly data
Sample ETLs
Sample OM pkg
Monthly data
Daily data
Hourly data
Sample ETLs
Data Collection Code
Data Collection Code
of general
Building Management System
Building Management System
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Figure 1. Overview of write to database
The second method looks like this:
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TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability: Integrating data
Toolkit Overview – Method #2 - Writing from csv file
Monthly data
Daily data
Hourly data
Sample ETLs
of general
Building Management System
Building Management System
© 2014 IBM Corporation
Figure 2. Overview of write to CSV file
Both methods are very similar, however in the first method the data collection code writes
into a database whereas the second method writes to a comma separated value (csv) file.
In both cases, it is moved from the database or csv file into TRIRIGA using sample ETLs.
For a specific BMS or aggregator these methods are mutually exclusive. Do not collect
data from the same BMS or aggregator using both methods because that will cause
duplicate data in your fact tables and lead to erroneous results.
If you have multiple BMSs or aggregators, you may use different methods to communicate
to each.
There are four layers in the above figure as follows:
Data collection
Building management system (BMS) or aggregator
Meters and sensors
Let’s take a look at each of these layers.
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First, at the top, in red, is TRIRIGA. The diagram shows 3 tiers within TRIRIGA.
Within the various TRIRIGA applications, the top, customer-facing layer are the reports,
scorecards, and workflows (analytics) that render the data in meaningful and actionable
ways. There are no toolkit items in this domain; all of this functionality is provided by the
TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager application. Refer to
the product documentation at
g.html for more details.
The next layer includes the fact tables. The product ships with four fact tables: monthly,
daily, hourly, and analytics. There are no toolkit items in this domain; all of this functionality
is provided by the TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager
application. Refer to the product documentation at
g.html for more details.
The toolkit content starts one more layer down with the staging tables. Default staging
tables are included in the toolkit. We recommend using staging tables. As you can see in
the diagram, we recommend three staging tables which correspond to the three
summarization intervals, monthly, daily, and hourly. The staging tables provide a temporary
repository within the TRIRIGA tablespace that facilitates validation and augmenting of the
data as it is moved from the staging tables to the fact tables. There are sample extract,
transform, and load scripts (ETLs) that move the data from the staging tables to the fact
tables. Refer to the SMC content here TBD for details about the functionality of the staging
table-to-fact table ETLs. Note that the staging tables could be bypassed, however the
functionality in the sample staging table-to-fact table ETLs would need to be provided
elsewhere in the process.
Building Management System or Aggregator
At the bottom of the diagram is the building management system (BMS) or aggregator.
Depending on how your environment is set up, data from all of the buildings in your
enterprise may be consolidated or the data may be distributed throughout your enterprise.
The specific functionality provided by BMSs and aggregators varies by vendor and version,
so check with your vendor for specifics. In general most, if not all, BMSs and aggregators
have an internal repository, or cache, of data from connected meters and sensors.
Additionally, they may have a repository that stores previous (historical) values.
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The mechanisms for accessing these repositories will vary by vendor, but may include one
or more of the following mechanisms: application programming interface (API), export tool
within the BMS, or support for SQL.
Data Collection Code
In the middle of the diagram is the code that will move the data from the BMS or
aggregator into TRIRIGA. The technique chosen to get the data out of the BMS or
aggregator may be an extract, transform, and load (ETL) script, shell script, tooling like the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent Builder, or code in a programming language like Java or C++.
Csv-to-Fact tables ETL
Figure 2 depicts an alternative data collection method. If you can get your data into a
comma separated value (csv) file, then you may use a sample ETL provided in the toolkit
to populate the Fact tables from that data.
Summary of Toolkit Content
Figures 1 and 2 highlights the toolkit contents in green. The toolkit contains the following
information and sample code:
An Object Migration (OM) package that contains sample staging tables
Sample ETLs (one each for monthly, daily, and hourly) that move data from the staging
tables to the fact tables. These samples work with the sample staging tables that are
contained in the OM package.
Sample ETLs that move data from an external data source to the staging tables. These
samples work with the sample staging tables contained in the OM package and a IBM
Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) Tivoli Data Warehouse (TDW) schema designed for
Sample ETLs for populating the fact tables from a comma separated value (csv) file
Documentation (this document) regarding things to think about when you are
implementing data collection
Documentation (this document) regarding general concepts around building
management systems and aggregators
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Moving Data from BMS to Staging Tables
For the purpose of this discussion, staging tables refers to the four sample staging tables
used by TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager:
triAssetEnergyUseMFact, triAssetEnergyUseDFact, triAssetEnergyUseHFact, and
In TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager, you should choose
the most appropriate technique for your environment to move your meter and sensor data
from the BMS or aggregator repository into the staging tables. Factors that might influence
this decision might include everything from BMS interfaces available to the skill set you
have available.
There are ETL tools, like Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI), that are very powerful. Tivoli
Directory Integrator is provided with TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability
Impact Manager. Additionally, there are monitoring tools such as IBM Tivoli Monitoring that
have capabilities that are conducive to this implementation, such as Agent Builder and the
Warehouse agents.
While there are far too many factors to make a specific recommendation, there are
considerations that are common regardless of the technique that you choose.
The following sections will use a question and answer format to draw attention to certain
facets that you might not have thought about.
TRIRIGA Interface
Do you use the staging tables, or bypass them and write directly into the fact
The advantage of using the staging tables is that you can use the sample staging table-tofact table ETLs. The name of these can be misleading because these ETLs do much more
than just move data from staging tables to fact tables. Refer to the SMC content here TBD
for details. If you choose to write directly to the fact tables make sure that you incorporate
the appropriate functionality from these samples into your code.
Note that neither staging tables nor fact tables are designed to be warehouses. This
applies generally to TRIRIGA as well as to the TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental
Sustainability Impact Manager staging tables and fact tables. These tables should not
contain raw data; they should only contain summarized data. These tables should not
contain data for every meter in the enterprise; they should only contain data that is
currently being consumed by reports, charts, or analytics or data for which there is a plan
to have reports, charts, or analytics use.
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What do you need to know in order to insert rows into the TRIRIGA staging tables?
You are going to need to know which columns are required versus optional. You will need
to know what the time stamp format is for all of the time stamps. You will need to know the
specific values supported for any special strings. You will need to know what units of
measure (UOM) are expected for each numeric field. All of these answers can be found in
the staging table documentation here TBD.
How often should data be pushed into TRIRIGA?
The sample staging-to-fact ETLs are designed to run every hour. This allows analytics to
detect issues within an hour of when they occur so that corrective action can be taken
quickly for maximum benefit. If you plan on running the analytics less often, for example
daily instead of hourly, then that lessens the need to push data into TRIRIGA every hour.
Be aware that this also affects reports and charts in TRIRIGA and if the data collection gets
out-of-sync with the rules (if the rules run just before the data is available), it could be the
next collection interval before a problem is detected. The longer the interval, the more
significant the impact will be. Generally is preferable to push data into TRIRIGA every hour.
Building Management System (BMS)
When you design and implement your interface to the BMS, you will need to have a good
understanding of the details of your BMS. The design and implementation will depend on
many factors. While the specifics will depend on your BMS, you can start with the following
general questions:
How often will you want to collect data from the BMS?
The answer to this will provide a lot of direction to you. If the BMS does not store historical
data, then you need to collect data often enough such that the sample size yields a
reasonably accurate average for the hour. Generally collecting every 15 minutes yields a
reasonable average while not placing too much of a burden on the network nor BMS. If the
BMS does store historical data, then you can collect data hourly or even less frequently but
will need to ensure that the BMS populates the historical repository at an appropriate
frequency and will need to understand how long the data persists in the BMS's historical
If the BMS supports exporting its data, can it be automated, and how secure is it?
If the BMS supports exporting data to a spreadsheet, then is it a command that needs to
be run manually on the BMS, or can you schedule or invoke it from an external script (shell
script or batch/command file)? If it can support invocation from an external script, how is
security handled (does it require authentication before the command can be run)? Where
will you store the resultant spreadsheet and how will it be secured? While this may be the
simplest technique for collecting data from the BMS, make sure security and automation
match your needs.
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Does the BMS summarize the data?
Does the BMS just provide the raw values collected from the devices/meters, or does it
have the ability to summarize the data for hourly, daily, and monthly intervals? For
monotonically non-decreasing values, like energy use, TRIRIGA expects the summarized
value to represent the difference between the latest sample and the first sample of a given
interval. For all other numeric values, such as temperatures, TRIRIGA expects an average
of all samples taken during the interval. If the BMS does not summarize the values, then it
will need to be done after the values are collected.
Does the BMS provide normalized data?
If your enterprise resides in a single geographic location, then it is possible that all of your
BMSs use the same units for similar metrics, for example Fahrenheit for all temperatures,
and kWh for all energy. If so, then normalization is not necessary, just make sure that the
thresholds of the analytics are suitable for the units being used. Out-of-the-box thresholds
assume metric units and will not be acceptable if you are using English units. If you have
disparate units, and you don’t want to maintain multiple thresholds in your analytics, then
the data will need to be normalized such that the same units of measure are used
consistently across the enterprise before it gets pushed into TRIRIGA. Most BMSs support
derived, also called virtual, data points. Thus even if a meter reports temperature in
degrees F, the BMS will support creating a derived data point which the reported value
converted to degrees C. However, if this is not already programmed in the BMS, it may be
cost prohibitive to add all of the data points. If data needs to be normalized and it’s cost
prohibitive to do so in the BMS, then it will need to be done after the values are collected
from the BMS but before they are put into TRIRIGA. This applies to both numeric and
string values. For String values it would be preferable to have On represented by a single
string, like “On” versus requiring TRIRIGA to interpret “true”, “Yes”, “On”, and “1” all as
If you have multiple sites and multiple BMS vendors, are there any common
If you have multiple BMS systems, you may want to look for a common way to interface to
all of them. While there is no standard protocol that every vendor supports, many vendors
support one or more of the protocols of the Object Linking and Embedding for Process
Control (OPC) Foundation.
Data Collection Code
Because so many variables that depend on your environment, the skills that are available
in your organization, and budget, it is difficult to be specific about the data collection code.
Generally speaking, the code will need to interface with the BMS and the code will need to
interface to the TRIRIGA database, specifically the staging tables.
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Things to think of when you design the code include the following questions:
Do you collect data as current/”live” values or historical values?
Most, if not all, BMSs will support a current/”live” repository and allow clients to retrieve
those values. Support for historical collection is less certain, and could be less consistent in
terms of how long values are stored. If your BMS has an historical repository and a client
interface into it, then that may simplify your client and could alleviate the need for your
code to have a persistent storage. However, make sure you understand how long data will
be stored in the historical repository, consider client, network, and BMS performance of
collecting multiple values for potentially hundreds or thousands of data points.
Do I need to summarize the data?
If you are collecting the current/”live” values of the data points from the BMS, then the BMS
will not be summarizing the values. Thus, you will need to summarize the values after
collecting them from the BMS and before pushing them into TRIRIGA. This will require a
persistent store of values collected throughout the interval. A data warehouse would be one
way of doing this. Tools such as IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) provide a robust data
warehouse solution which includes summarization and pruning of data no longer when it is
no longer needed.
If you are collecting from the historical repository, it is possible that your BMS or aggregator
summarizes data. If not, then you will either need to calculate the appropriate summarized
values. If you plan on using other tools to summarize the values, e.g. calculate the average
for the hour, they may be sensitive to when the data was collected. For example, if using
ITM, the Summarization and Pruning agent will not handle summarizing rows that were
collected at the same time, even if they actually represent different sample times.
Do I need to normalize the data?
What does normalization mean? What if meters in some of your buildings report
temperature in Fahrenheit and others report temperature in Celsius? What value do you
set for the threshold of the analytics? Charts that graph those values will make it difficult to
compare apples-to-apples. TRIRIGA will not normalize the units of measure; converting
similar metrics to the same units needs to be done before the data is pushed into TRIRIGA.
If you use consistent units of measure throughout your enterprise or if you are willing to
have copies of the same analytics with thresholds that reflect various units, then you may
decide normalization is not needed. If either of these is not true, then normalization is
needed somewhere in the process before the data is pushed to TRIRIGA. While the BMS
is capable of normalizing the values, probably the most convenient place for normalization
is in the data collection code.
Refer to the Staging table documentation here XXX or the Fact table documentation here
XXX for details of the expected units of measure in TRIRIGA.
Can you collect the meter units from the BMS?
Do you know all of the units used throughout your enterprise, and the abbreviations used
by each of your BMSs, or do you need to make adding new conversions easy to do?
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What do I do if communication to the BMS is disrupted?
Because your code will likely be running on a different box, remote from the BMS, fault
toleration will be important. If you select a technique where a pipe/connection is set up and
commands and responses flow through that pipe, then you need to consider how to handle
that pipe getting broken between data collection intervals (while no data is flowing) as well
as during data collection. Can you tolerate skipping/missing one interval of collection? Can
you just collect the missed data or do you recollect all of the data for the interval? What
does the BMS support?
If you are completely unable to collect any data, then that's somewhat easy, you just don't
create a raw data row to represent that time interval. When the raw data is summarized,
there will be fewer, or no, rows for a particular interval. If there are no raw rows for a
summarization interval, then there should be no summarized rows for that interval. If there
fewer rows, then the average will be less precise.
If this becomes a persistent problem, you may want to have your data collection code send
an SNMP event, or you may want to update the staging table-to-fact table ETLs to send
notifications when the number of samples is consistently low.
What do I do if some, but not all data points are collectible?
There could be times when the communication to the BMS is working, but some data is not
collectible. As with a complete communication disruption, you should consider how to
identify the data point(s) that failed, can you retry just the data points or do you recollect all
data points. The out-of-the-box analytics and reports expect null for data points that either
do not exist or can not be collected.
If you are unable to collect some data points associated with a device, but can collect
some, the problem is more difficult. Since all data points associated with a device are
stored in a single row, you want to create the raw row, but for values that cannot be
populated, what do you do? If you are using ITM Agent Builder, null is not allowed for an
attribute, so the staging table-to-fact table ETLs expect -1 (for numbers) or “-1” (for strings)
and inserts null into the fact table when those values occur. If ITM Agent Builder is not
used, then you may use null or -1 in the raw data row.
If this becomes a persistent problem, you may want to have your data collection code send
an SNMP event, or you may want to update the staging table-to-fact table ETLs to send
notifications when the number of samples is consistently low.
Do I need to have a warehouse?
As was stated earlier, the TRIRIGA Staging table and Fact tables are not intended to be a
warehouse. What this means is that 1) raw data which has not been summarized should
not be stored in TRIRIGA, and 2) pruning/cleaning of the data in TRIRIGA should consider
TRIRIGA tablespace size and performance. If you decide you need a warehouse, perhaps
because you need to store the raw data for subsequent summarization, then that should be
done outside of TRIRIGA.
If you decide to implement a warehouse, you may want to avoid storing data as key/value
pairs. Implementing a table where all meters for a specific device and time interval are
stored in a single row (a column for each meter) may be more efficient.
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How do I specify the data points to be collected?
A BMS may contain data points that are completed unrelated to energy and do not need to
be collected. You should consider collecting only pertinent data. As was stated earlier, the
TRIRIGA Staging tables and Fact tables should only contain data currently being used for
or expected to be used for analytics and charts. However if you implement a warehouse
outside of TRIRIGA, you may choose to collect additional data and store it in your
warehouse. If you do so, make sure you consider impacts to the BMS, network, and
warehouse performance.
Using IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Some of the issues mentioned above can be solved by using IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM).
ITM provides a robust warehousing solution. Data that is collected by an ITM Agent can be
warehoused in the Tivoli Data Warehouse (TDW) and the ITM Summarization & Pruning
Agent will take care of summarizing the data for hourly, daily, and monthly intervals. It also
can prune old rows so as to control the database size. It is very customizable.
If no existing ITM Agent interfaces to your BMS, then you can use the Agent Builder to
create a custom agent. The Agent Builder provides an eclipse-based development
environment and supports several out-of-the-box data sources that might meet your needs
and prevent you from having to write and maintain Java or C++ code. If no out-of-the-box
data sources interface to your BMS, then there could still be advantages to using ITM’s
custom data provider support rather than writing everything from scratch.
If you choose a solution that leverages ITM, there are sample warehouse-to-staging table
ETLs to help you quickly implement that part of the data flow.
Refer to Building a Custom ITM Agent for more details.
Csv-to-Fact tables ETL
Some of the issues mentioned above can be solved by using the sample csv-to-fact table
These ETLs accept a csv file as input. The file should contain normalized raw data. The
ETLs will summarize the data and put it directly into the Fact tables.
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For more information about the csv-to-fact table ETLs, see SMC here TBD.
Building a Custom ITM Agent
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) Agent Builder can be used to build a custom agent to
collect data from your BMS or aggregator. The Agent Builder User’s Guide is available
The Agent Builder is a very flexible tool, and could be overwhelming to someone new to
the technology. This section will provide some guidance to help you design and implement
your data collection process.
Considerations for Agent
Within the Eclipse-base Agent Builder, there are a few areas that are particularly important
to understand if you are new to this tool. These areas include the following:
Data Source
Attribute Groups and Attributes
5.1.1 Defining Data Sources
When you use the Agent Builder, one of the first decisions you will need to make is the
data source. There is some general information here:
As the name implies, you are configuring or defining the mechanism that will be used as
the source of the data, or in other words, how the data will be collected.
The list of supported data sources might be overwhelming, but there are some that can be
excluded immediately as inappropriate for use in collecting data from building management
systems. The following data sources are unlikely to be appropriate for collecting data from
building management systems:
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Windows service
SNMP Events
AIX binary Log
Windows Event Log
Command return code
There are still a lot of options remaining, which is both good and bad. One or more of the
following could be appropriate:
Log File
Output from a script
Java API
While SNMP, JMX, HTTP, SOAP, and Socket could be feasible for building management
systems, the appropriateness of each will heavily depend on what the building
management supports as well as how complex the payload is. While some vendors might
support SNMP, there could be restrictions on how their SNMP MIB can be used within
solutions. JMX may work as a transport protocol, but the agent builder functionality may
not be able to process the payload as needed. While some vendors might support HTTP or
a SOAP interface, if they have any special DLLs that need to be referenced, you may not
be able to reference them from the data source.
This leaves JDBC, Log File, Output from a script, and Java API.
If the building management system exposes data via a JDBC connection, then that
alternative may be the most secure and easiest to implement. Restricting data collection to
only the points of interest to you, mapping a data point to a device attribute, and
normalization may be more difficult or need to be hard coded. Hard coding these would
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mean that adding a new attribute will require a rebuild of the agent. Additionally, depending
on how the building management system organizes the data, it could be difficult to pivot
the data so that one row reflects all of the attributes associated with a device for a specific
time period.
If the building management system can write data point values to a log file, then the Log
File data source may be appropriate. Maintaining security of data written to a flat file should
be considered. Also, the same issues that exist for JDBC with respect to hard-coding data
points of interest, mapping, normalization, and pivoting the data also exist with the Log File
data source.
Output from a script and Java API are more flexible because it's easier to manipulate the
data before passing it along to the agent process. You have much more control over what's
collected, how it's mapped, massaging the values, and organizing the data. For these data
sources, you will create a separate program or executable. For Output from a script, you
may use any programming language you prefer. For example if the building management
system has Visual Basic samples, you might decide to use Visual Basic. You may decide to
make some behavior controlled by external configuration files (data points to collect,
mapping, normalization formulae, etc.) in order to avoid having to modify the code when
small changes are needed. If the building management system supports a persistent
connection, you may need to do something extra to ensure you don’t initiate and tear down
the connection on every call as that could be very inefficient. You may also want to collect
multiple data points from the BMS in one call rather than one-at-a-time.
5.1.2 Subnodes
When you use the Agent Builder, another decision you will need to make is whether to use
subnodes. There is some general information here:
This affects the organization of the data and affects how much data is transferred between
the data source and the agent.
Because of the potentially very large amount of data that you may be collecting from a
building management system, the recommendation is to use subnodes. Specifically, you
should have a single subnode type, such as BMS, and represent each device as a
subnode of that type. For example, AHU1 would be represented as a subnode. Organizing
the data by subnodes provides very useful groupings of data if you decide to use the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal (TEP).
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TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability: Integrating data
5.1.3 Attribute Groups and Attributes
Attribute groups correlate to database tables and attributes correlate to database table
columns. As such, how attribute groups and attributes are defined have a very significant
affect on how the data is organized in the Tivoli Data Warehouse (TDW).
While the Agent Builder abstracts database concepts so that someone doesn't need to
know about databases to use the Agent Builder, someone familiar with database concepts
can probably see these concepts leaking into the options presented on the GUI. This is
especially true when defining attributes:
If you are going to use the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) Summarization and Pruning Agent
to summarize your raw data, then choosing the appropriate numeric type of Gauge versus
Counter will ensure the resulting summarized values are useful. For building management
systems, Counter should be used for any monotonically non-decreasing number, for
example an electrical energy meter that continuously increases month after month until if
eventually wraps back to zero. When Counters are summarized, the delta from the start of
the interval to the interval is calculated and is particularly useful for energy data. Numerical
values like temperatures, humidity, flow rates, instantaneous power typically increase and
decrease over time, so the Gauge type should be used. When Gauges are summarized,
the average and maximum are calculated and are particularly useful for these types of
environmental metrics.
If you are going to write your own summarization code, not use the ITM Summarization
and Pruning Agent, then it doesn't matter whether you use Counter or Gauge.
If you are going to use the sample warehouse-to-staging table ETLs, then there are
specific attribute groups and attributes that must be defined. If you are going to write you
own ETLs to move your data into staging tables, then there is no restriction on the attribute
groups and attributes you define.
If you want to use the ITM Summarization and Pruning Agent and the sample warehouseto-staging table ETLs, the following attribute groups and attributes are required:
There must be an attribute group named K79_BMS_DEVICE_PROPERTIES. That
attribute group must contain the following attributes:
Summary_Column_Name – this should be defined as a string with a length
of 300. This will be populated with the column name in the summary
attribute group that is associated with this point
Tririga_Property - this should be defined as a string with a length of 300.
This will be populated with the field name in the sample staging table
associated with this point
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TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability: Integrating data
There must be an attribute group named K79_BMS_DEVICE_SUMMARY. That
attribute group must contain the following attributes:
Device_Name - this should be defined as a string with a length of 400.
This will be populated with the name of the device as it is known in the
building management system. For example, B002-AHU01.
Device_Type – this should be defined as a string with a length of 400. This
will be populated with a device type that is recognized by the TREES
components. Valid values are: AHU, Chiller, Meter.
Device_SubType - this should be defined as a string with a length of 400.
This is currently not used by TREES, but is important if in the future you
want to filter out information based on subtype, for example if you develop
a rule that is only appropriate for roof-mounted AHUs, then setting this
value to “roof” would enable that filtering.
Nameplate_ID – this should be defined as a string with a length of 150.
This will be populated with the Nameplate ID as it exists in the TRIRIGA
asset record for this asset. For example, AHU-0001
Counter64_01 – this should be defined as a Numeric, 64 bit, Purpose =
Counter, Scale Decimal adjustment = 1. This will be populated with a
numeric value that is monotonically non-decreasing, such as energy from
a meter.
Gauge32_01 - this should be defined as a Numeric, 32 bit, Purpose =
Gauge, Scale Decimal adjustment = 1. This will be populated with a
numeric value.
Gauge32_02 – same as Gauge32_01.
Gauge32_03 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_04 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_05 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_06 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_07 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_08 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_09 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_10 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_11 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_12 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_13 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_14 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_15 - same as Gauge32_01
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Gauge32_16 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_17 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_18 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_19 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_20 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_21 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_22 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_23 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_24 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_25 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_26 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_27 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_28 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_29 - same as Gauge32_01
Gauge32_30 - same as Gauge32_01
Short_String_01 - this should be defined as a string with a length of 50.
This will be populated with a string value.
Short_String_02 – same as Short_String_01
Short_String_03 - same as Short_String_01
Short_String_04 - same as Short_String_01
If you are going to write your own warehouse-to-staging table ETL, then you can name the
attribute groups and attributes whatever you desire. While having attribute names that
match the TRIRIGA property they are associated with is simpler, beware that doing so
means extending the data model, i.e. adding a new attribute, will require rebuilding the
Product documentation
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TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability: Integrating data
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