The Lone Star Regalia - 2016 Spring Bulletin


The Lone Star Regalia - 2016 Spring Bulletin
Texas Society Daughters of the American Revolution
The Lone Star Regalia
Volume XXXIV, Edition 1
Fall 2015
A Message from your State Regent
Judy Callaway Ostler
Greetings Texas Juniors!
It is with great pride that I offer up words of praise for the wonderful work
you are doing in your support of the Texas Society. This is an amazing time
to serve DAR as a Texas Junior. Thank you for bringing home first place in
every Junior Membership Award handed out at the 2015 Continental
Congress. You are an incredible group of ladies and so vital to the successes
of TXDAR. Congratulations on this wonderful achievement.
In this Issue
Texas Awards at
Continental Congress
Dates to Remember
Continental Congress
Fall Forum Schedule
"Miss Lynn"
Committee Spotlights
Helen's Help Desk
Many of you have accepted positions as State Chairs, Vice Chairs and
Committee Members during the Ostler Administration. I am so grateful for
the leadership qualities of our Texas Juniors and your willingness to serve
TXDAR in the promotion of historical preservation, education and patriotism
in Texas. I look forward to working with each of you in your positions.
At this writing, Texas has 1,564 Junior Members. 166 Juniors were approved
during the month of August. This is remarkable! It is so important to TXDAR
that you participate in our Fall Forum and State Conference events,
especially those involving paging. TXDAR Pages are the backbone of
successfully run Texas State events. Paging is a wonderful opportunity to
meet and make lifelong friendships. Please encourage all TXDAR Junior
Members to sign up to page at State Conference this year. We need you.
As we live out our theme for this administration of “Inspiring faith of our
founding fathers, hope for America’s future and love of God, home and
country,” I look forward to your support for the TXDAR Executive Board
knowing that we stand firm in our support of our Texas Juniors. I am
honored to serve as your state regent for 2015-2018, and I am excited about
all the opportunities in our future as we serve God, home and country
Inspiring faith, hope and love,
Junior Membership
TXDAR Junior Council
Dear Daughters and friends:
“Service Ties Us Together” is the Junior Membership theme during Mrs.
Ostler’s administration, and, like our enthusiasm for TXDAR, we wear our
“Totally Texas” bowtie proudly. We invite EVERYONE – Daughters, HODARs,
SARs, C.A.R.s, and friends – to celebrate our active service in support of
historic preservation, education, and patriotism as the tie that binds us to each
With the first summer as a Council under our “bows," Texas Juniors have much
to be proud of! Thanks to our supporters, Texas Juniors were recognized this
June during Continental Congress for their tremendous hard work and
generosity. Congratulations on an AMAZINGLY impressive list of National
awards! Just as impressive was the announcement that DAR Junior Members
had contributed $186,400.00 to six DAR-supported schools through the Helen
Pouch Memorial Fund in 2014 – with Texas as a significant contributor. A
special thank you to Brandi Sellepack and the Junior Membership Council for
your “Friendship Through Service” during the last three years. You have set a
standard of excellence that the 2015-18 Junior Membership Council will aim
toward in all that we do.
To keep this tradition of excellence moving forward, this August, our state
Junior Membership chairs and vice chairs attended our annual planning
meeting in Arlington. As a part of the busy weekend, we learned more about
the roles and responsibilities of the committees within the Junior Membership
Council, developed the 2015-16 operational calendar for Junior events and
programs, and had a fantastic time learning more about each other while
developing friendships. Our plans to help create meaningful experiences for
Texas’ Junior members include a fully developed in-chapter program on how
to recruit and engage Junior Members, trendy bow-themed items at low-cost
price-points to help chapters recognize and appreciate their Juniors, and social
and service-oriented events that will bring Juniors together across various
regions of the state.
We’re looking forward to sharing more details on how “Service Ties Us
Together” at Fall Forum! You won’t want to miss our Junior/Pages event on
Saturday, September 12th at 7:30am where we will discuss all the ways our
Junior Members can make big impacts on their chapters, communities, and
TXDAR. Our refreshed “Junior Bow-tique” will have National sales products,
gently used items, silent auctions, and limited edition bowtie shirts and door
hangers – perfect ways to support and celebrate our Texas Junior members, all
helping us create Texas-sized impact at DAR schools through the Helen Pouch
Memorial Fund.
Tied Together In Service,
Jeannie Deakyne
State Chair, Junior Membership
Jeannie Deakyne
Junior Membership Chair
Gwen Parks
Friends of Jr. Membership Chair
Lauren Miller
Junior Events Chair
Sarah Adams
Junior Sales Chair
Angie Dodd
Junior Shoppe Chair
Jamie Burchfield
Lone Star Regalia Chair
Shawna Ditmore
Outstanding Junior Contest Chair
Shannon Cranson
Pages Chair
Allie Dunklin
"Miss Lynn" Doll Co-Chair
Shannon Owen
"Miss Lynn" Doll Co-Chair
Casey Nichole Hoffman
Juniors Club President
2|Lone Star Regalia, Fall 2015
Texas Junior Membership Sweeps National Awards!
First Place, Largest Total Contribution
to the Helen Pouch Memorial Fund
First Place, Overall Junior Sales
First Place, New Juniors by Application
First Place, HPMF Contribution
First Place, New Friends of Jr. Membership
Most Outstanding State Committee Report
Fall Forum Casting Call!
American Girl (or 18-inch equivalent) dolls
are needed for our Friday Night Fashion
Show featuring the fabulous fashions of
Miss Lynn and the Dazzling Daughters.
Please bring your labeled dolls to the
Junior Bow-tique on Friday! Email to let us
know to expect you!
Where do the dollars go?
Measuring the Impact of the Helen Pouch Memorial Fund
The impact that the Helen Pouch Memorial Fund has in support of K-16 education is staggering! In 2014 alone,
DAR Junior Members contributed $186,400.00 to six DAR supported schools, with Texas Juniors leading all other
states in their generous total donations. Just think of the impact TXDAR Juniors can make in 2015!
Kate Duncan Smith DAR School - $44,012 total
$20,000 for new playground equipment
$17,000 for new elementary school carpet
$3,092 for student health needs
$3,150 for laminating equipment
$770 for high school art supplies
Tamassee DAR School- $44,057 total
$18,562 for a new outdoor basketball court
$17,800 for new playground equipment
$7,695 for a HVAC System for the Robert Building
Crossnore School- $25,000 total
$25,000 for a campus community center
Hindman Settlement School - $30,885 total
$5,400 for the summer tutoring program printing
$5,000 for the meals for summer tutoring program
$12,000 for the dyslexia program
$5,210 for dyslexia program technology needs
$3,275 for technology replacement costs
Hillside School- $22,446 total
$11,000 for construction of a baseball diamond infield
$350 for a Vernier probe app
$10,996 for campus energy efficiency improvements
Berry College - $20,000 total
$6,000 for student work for the Martha Berry Digital Archives Project (2 Students)
$6,000 for a Gate of Opportunity Scholarship
$2,000 for an interpretive marker at Victory Lake
$6,000 for historical markers at Oak Hill Gardens
During the Wright TXDAR Administration, Texas Juniors:
Total Overall Contribution to the Helen Pouch Memorial Fund:
857 New Juniors Approved by Application
126 New Friends and Best Friends of Junior Membership
Congratulations and a special thank you to Honorary State Regent Pamela
Wright and Junior Membership Chair Brandi Sellepack for their vision,
leadership, and enthusiastic support of Texas Juniors and the Helen Pouch
Memorial Fund!
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Junior Events
At Fall Forum please join us for a special event Friday night in the Junior Bow-tique (Shoppe)! Open until
midnight- it will include the Texas premiere of the Miss Lynn Doll and a Friday night-only sale alongside
treats, goodies, and lots of fun! After a quick rest, please join us bright and early for a 7:30 am Page Meeting
to socialize and learn more about paging.
The 3rd Annual TXDAR Junior and Page Retreat will be held in January in Austin. Together with informative
sessions about Junior Membership, we will celebrate DAR's 125 Years of Service with an outing to a local
nonprofit. Please contact me if you have a suggestion for an Austin charity that accepts group volunteers.
Lauren Miller
State Chair, Junior Events
Fall Forum will be your first opportunity to celebrate our new logo and theme, so
please help us spread the “Service Ties Us Together” theme by bringing 1 dozen
bow-themed treats (cookies, cupcakes, rice krispie treats, etc.) to Fall Forum for the
Friday night special sale.
Please drop off your treats at the Junior Bow-tique (Junior Shoppe) beginning at
2pm on Friday. You may pick up your containers on Saturday from the Junior Bow-tique.
All proceeds benefit the Helen Pouch Memorial Fund. Please contact Lauren Miller with any questions.
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Friends of Junior Membership
The Friends of Junior Membership Endowment Fund is used to support Junior Membership projects at the
DAR schools. Members and chapters are encouraged to contribute any amount to this fund. Those who
contribute $100 or more are eligible to purchase the Friends of Junior Membership pin from Hamilton
Jewelers to wear on the official ribbon. If you are already a Friend of Junior Membership, make an additional
$100 donation, and you are eligible to purchase the Best Friends pin.
To make a donation to Friends of Junior Membership or to become a Best Friend of Junior Membership, the
donor sends the money directly to the Office of Development. Complete the Donations and Contributions
Form (DEV-1003), which can be obtained from your chapter treasurer, this Chair, or from the DAR members'
website. Complete page 1 with your personal and payment information. On page 2, select number 19 under
the "Education" category, and indicate the amount of your contribution. To be eligible for the Friends of
Junior Membership pin from Hamilton Jewelers, a minimum donation of $100 is required. Send the form to
the Office of Development address as listed on the top of page 1 of the form.
If you are already a Friend of Junior Membership, become a Best Friend by contributing $100 or more to
Friends of Junior Membership. By making an additional donation, you are eligible to purchase the Best
Friends Pin. This is listed as number 28 on the Donations and Contributions Form. All donations apply
toward membership in the Heritage Club.
Please contact this Chair with any questions about being a Friend or Best Friend of
Junior Membership.
Gwen Gerber Parks
State Chair, Friends of Junior Membership
"Service Ties Us Together" Items Available at Fall Forum
Lapel Pin $10
T-shirts, assorted sizes $20
5|Lone Star Regalia, Fall 2015
Charm $10
Junior Shoppe
This Chair and her amazing team of Vice Chairs are
already gearing up for the Junior Shoppe "Bow-tique" at
Fall Forum – please let your chapters know that there
are 3 ways in which they can help our Juniors through
participation in the Shoppe:
• New or gently used, clean items to the Junior
Shoppe, including holiday, patriotic and Texasthemed items, handmade items, and craft kits.
• Voice Items: Items of rarity, value, or
uniqueness to be considered as a part of the
drawings at State Conference.
• Silent Auction Items: Items offered for highest
bid during the Silent Auction portions of Fall
Forum and State Conference.
• These donations will be accepted all yearround, and chapter awards will be given out at
the end of each year at State Conference.
2. VOLUNTEER! in the Shoppe. We happily rely upon
ALL of our members who are able to lend a helping
3. SHOP! at the Junior Shoppe during Fall Forum Funds raised are used to provide financial assistance
to the DAR Schools as a function of the Helen Pouch
Memorial Fund.
Juniors will be on hand in the Junior Shoppe beginning at
2pm on Friday to accept your generous donations, or
contact us at 806-435-0097 and we will be happy to help
transport your items from the lobby to the Shoppe.
Please feel free to contact this chair with any donations,
questions, or concerns – thank you for your support!
Angie Dodd
State Chair, Junior Shoppe
Burlap Bow Door Hanger
Available at Fall Forum!
Thanks to the creative heart and hands of Mary
Barrow (Lady Washington Chapter), these door
bows will be available for purchase at Fall Forum
with all proceeds benefiting Texas Juniors'
support of the Helen Pouch Memorial Fund - only
$25, or $35 if you'd like it shipped home or to a
Please contact Mary at
to pre-order for pickup at Fall Forum or to
arrange for shipping.
Dates to
TXDAR Fall Forum
September 11-12, 2015
TXDAR Junior & Page Retreat
January 2016
117th TXDAR State Conference
March 10-13, 2016
125th Continental Congress
June 15-19, 2016
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Junior Sales
Greetings, Texas Daughters! I am very excited to begin this Administration as the Junior Sales Chair. I had a
great time at Continental Congress, catching up with faraway friends and working in the Junior Shoppe, a great
way to prepare myself for what these next 3 wonderful years will surely bring! We will have a great setup at
Fall Forum, and I hope that you all can stop by to shop, shop, shop!
The newest version of the Junior Sales Order Form will be available on the Texas DAR members’ only website
soon. Please use this form to order for yourself or a friend! Remember, all items sold are Nationally approved
items and can be worn anywhere, not just DAR activities. If you would like Junior items at your meeting or
workshop, please contact me to set it up. I will be more than happy to send you a package or have someone
bring products to sell! I have had several requests for Junior Products at meetings and workshops already.
By purchasing Junior National Products, your chapter receives credit toward Texas Junior Awards and the State
Society toward the National award. At State Conference, one Chapter will earn the Sparkling Tiara award,
which will be given to the Texas chapter who has supported Junior Sales the most throughout the year. Shop
early and often, and your chapter may be recognized for your generosity to Texas Juniors and the Helen Pouch
Memorial Fund. My Vice Chairs and I look forward to seeing all of you at Fall Forum!
Sarah Adams
State Chair, Junior Sales
Junior Sales Items Spotlight
Texas Juniors Club
Any current Texas Junior or any
member who joined Texas DAR as
a Junior Member is eligible to join
the Texas Juniors Club. Dues are
just $2.00 per year for current
Juniors or $50 for lifetime dues for
any past Junior members. After
payment of dues you may
purchase the official Texas Juniors
Club pin from Hamilton that may
be worn on the official insignia.
Visit the Junior Bow-tique at Fall
Forum to pay dues, or contact
Juniors Club President Casey
Hoffman (
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124th Continental Congress ● June 24th-28th ● Washington, DC
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124th Continental Congress ● June 24th-28th ● Washington, DC
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Continental Congress … through the eyes of a First-Time Page
On my way to my first Continental Congress, I was excited but a bit nervous mostly thinking that all my carefully packed dresses would burst out of my
suitcase in an explosion of white. After arriving without incident, I quickly felt at
home in Constitution Hall when the events kicked off. I learned that Continental
Congress isn’t so different from State Conference, but it’s much larger and
provides the wonderful opportunity to connect with the DAR and its members
on a national and international level. Navigating the labyrinthine buildings is
more difficult at first, but I eventually learned my way around!
As one of my first events, the page meeting and flag rehearsal put me right at
ease by introducing me to the key information, people, and resources that would help me throughout
the week. At the end of the meeting, I got to learn about my specific paging assignment and meet my
fellow pages. I was a House Committee page, and I had a great time! In addition to keeping the peace in
the halls by patrolling with “Quiet Please” signs while business sessions occurred, I got to help with a
variety of roles that gave me a broad behind-the-scenes view of Continental Congress, such as
distributing information to State Regents, lining delegates up and walking them to the well-orchestrated
voting area, filling in as an exit page, and proudly carrying the Texas flag during the processional on
National Defense Night. I also helped welcome guests to the Texas Tea and get them lined up to sign in
and join the receiving line.
Not wanting to get overwhelmed at my first Continental Congress, I didn’t sign up for any big events this
time, but I enjoyed going to some of the forums to hear about what’s happening in different DAR
committees. I watched the evening programs from the Pages Lounge, where I got to hear the speakers
and bond with other pages at the same time. At the more informal Celebrate America! Night, I had fun
catching up with my TXDAR friends, visiting the array of booths to learn about exciting ongoing projects,
and attending presentations by the extremely entertaining D. Joshua Taylor and our President General.
My favorite thing about Continental Congress was getting to meet DAR ladies of all ages from all over. I
met pages from other states and loved getting to know them and hearing about how the DAR is run in
their states. One of the places where I got to meet other people was the taxi on the way to and from
headquarters - after piling into a cab, we would all introduce ourselves and have friendly conversations
on the drive. I never knew who I would share my ride with, from other first-time pages to former State
Regents, but every new acquaintance treated me like an old friend.
I can’t wait to go back next year, armed with my new experience and know-how. I hope to see you
Lauren McMahon
State Vice Chair, Pages Committee
Margaret Montgomery Chapter
2015 Fall Forum Events
Friday, September 11, 2015
2:00 pm
Junior Shoppe Setup
7:30 pm
Evening Meeting with State Chair Intros
10:00 pm-midnight
Friday Night Sale in the Junior Shoppe
Saturday, September 12, 2015
7:30 am
Pages Meeting
8:00 am- 2:00 pm
Junior Shoppe Open
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Outstanding Junior Contest
Paging is, without a doubt, one of the most direct ways
to serve the Society that tie us together in service and
friendship. The Page committee is one of the best
ways to get integrated into the organization and learn
the ins and outs of how the society works.
Chapters are encouraged to select a Junior (18–35
years of age) as its Chapter Outstanding Junior. Each
DAR chapter may select one Outstanding Junior per
year whether or not she has the points to enter the
Contest. We would like all chapters whether you
have one or many Junior members to name a Chapter
Outstanding Junior.
The Page Committee is excited about what's to come
this year... and to start, we'll see you at Fall Forum! We
invite you join us Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. to
learn more about Paging and to ask any question you
have. Not a morning person? Have other places to be?
The Page Committee will have a table in the Junior
Shoppe, so come talk to us! We would love to meet
you and talk with you about the joys and benefits of
We are still determining our needs for pages at Fall
Forum, so keep an eye on the Texas DAR Junior
Membership group or the Texas DAR group on
Facebook. More details will be posted there as we
finalize them.
If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to
contact the committee at
Shannon Cranson
State Chair, Pages
Lone Star Regalia
The Lone Star Regalia is an online-only publication of
the Texas Society Junior Council published four times
a year (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer). To receive
notice when the next issue is available, email to be added to the
distribution list.
Jamie Burchfield
State Chair, Lone Star Regalia
Vice Chairs:
Allie Dunklin
Kate Johanns
Maria Minzenmeyer
Lisa Smith
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By selecting a Chapter Outstanding Junior, you are
recognizing the hard work and dedication of a young
woman and encouraging her to be active in DAR and
her community to further the DAR’s historical,
educational, and patriotic objectives.
All Chapter Outstanding Junior Members will be
recognized during State Conference with a certificate
presented by the State Regent. In addition, the
chapter may wish to purchase a Chapter Outstanding
Junior Member pin from Hamilton Jewelers and/or a
Chapter Outstanding Junior Award Certificate from
the DAR Store online to present to their honoree.
Also, if you are named a Chapter OJ and have at least
10 points per Part III, DAR Leadership section of the
OJ Contest application form then you are able to
enter the contest and are encouraged to submit your
application no later than October. Feel free to
contact me if you are interested in entering the
contest. The State Outstanding Junior Member and
Runner-Up will be announced on an evening as
designated by the State Regent at State Conference.
Who knows… the next winner could be you!
Please contact me if you have questions or need
further information about the Outstanding Junior
Contest or naming a Chapter
Outstanding Junior.
Shawna Ditmore
State Chair, Outstanding
Junior Contest
Miss Lynn
2016 National Junior Membership Doll
Saluting Dazzling Daughters!
Celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the National Society
Lynn Forney Young
Thankful Hubbard
Lynn Forney Young, President General
and 100 Dazzling DAR Daughters
Texas Daughters across the Lone Star State lovingly created Miss Lynn's fabulous wardrobe and accessories, including 125 separate
outfits. Here's a glimpse at some of the Dazzling Daughters. Sponsoring chapters are listed below each Daughter.
All proceeds benefit the Helen Pouch Memorial Fund.
Ellen Hardin Walworth
Gen. Levi Casey
Dr. Mary Edwards Walker
Martha Jefferson Randolph
Princess Agnes Winona
Leclerq Salm-Salm
Sam Houston
Mary Baker Eddy
San Jacinto
Harriett Stone Lothrop
Corrine Lindy Boggs
Mary Tyler
Dina Merrill
Col. George Dashiell
Mildred M. Anderson
Marsha Evans
Captain James Jack
Anna Mary Robertson Moses
Samuel Sorrell
Voices are one for $5 or five for $20.
Please make checks payable to TXDAR.
Allie Dunklin & Shannon Owen*
National Co-Vice Chairs, Junior Doll 2016
9108 Zyle Road, Austin, TX 78737
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Miss Lynn ● 2016 National Junior Doll ● Saluting Dazzling Daughters
Laura Welch Bush
George Blakey & Joseph Ligon
Frances Willard
Wolf Creek
Elizabeth Dole
Daniel Coleman
Susan B. Anthony
Margaret Montgomery
Bo Derek
La Villita
Margaret Seddon
Alexander Hodge
Clare Booth Luce
George Washington
Mary Hogg Koops
Fort Bend
Ginger Rogers
La Villita
Jane A. Delano
Corpus Christi
Albion Bacon
Guadalupe Victoria
Lillie Hitchcock Coit
Corpus Christi Chapter
Mary Cunningham Logan
Mary Tyler
Jennie Brownscombe
San Jacinto
Mamie Eisenhower
Lost Pines
Frances Parkinson Keyes
John Abston
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Emily Warren Roebling
Lt. Thomas Barlow
Janet Reno
Austin Colony
Grace Murray Hopper
Western Trail
Julia Roberts
Spring Creek
State Chair and Vice Chair Spotlights
Jeannie Deakyne
State Chair, Junior Membership Committee
Lucretia Council Cochran Chapter, Arlington
Family: Husband, Will; daughters Libby (6), Emma Kate (2), Evie (2)
Occuptation: Director of TCU's Neeley School of Business Executive
I wish I knew how to: Sew. My mother is an AMAZING quilter.
I'd love to be able to learn how to do anything beyond just sewing on
a button.
What experience has changed you the most? This is honestly a toss up- either my time spent in the Army
in Iraq, or motherhood. I've fought quite a few battles during both 
One thing people would know about you: If there is a small town pageant in Texas, I've judged it!
Favorite DAR experience so far: There are so many of them, but the experience that stands out the most
to me is each time I have the opportunity to carry the Texas Flag during National Defense Night at
Continental Congress. When the Texas Flag appears, Texas Daughters always erupt with cheers that are
just a little bit louder than any other night. It's like being a DAR rockstar.
The best lesson I've learned from my DAR experiences so far is: Our American history matters. It shows
us the highs and lows of what determined women and men can accomplish in the name of a cause so
much larger than themselves. That spirit- to not just persevere, but to create a movement- is as relevant
today as it was 240 years ago.
Shawna Ditmore
State Chair, Outstanding Junior Contest
Jane Douglas Chapter, Dallas
Pets: 2 cats and many other animals- deer, quail, roadrunner,
raccoon, sheep
Occupation: Corporate Accountant
If I could, I would: Travel more. Love to travel and haven't seen enough
of the world yet.
My favorite junk food is: anything salty or sour
One thing people wouldn't know about you : I am allergic to chocolate
and eggs.
Favorite DAR experience so far: Paging for the Office of Development at
Continental Congress this year where I learned many, many things about
DAR in general and worked with some of the most encouraging, lovely
staff members.
The best lesson I've learned from my DAR experience so far is: DAR is full of welcoming and wonderful
individuals who can come together to support the objectives and purposes of the society as one even
though we all have varying backgrounds, education, experiences, employment and opinions.
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State Chair and Vice Chair Spotlights
Gwen Gerber Parks
State Chair, Friends of Junior Membership
Brazos Valley Chapter, Houston
Occupation: Certified Child Life Specialist / Instructor for Texas
Tech University
If I could, I would: travel the world doing volunteer work as a Child
Life Specialist.
My favorite quote is: "To know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived- that is to have succeeded." Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'm tired of: The entire Frozen gang… I love them all but, I'm tired.
What experience has changed you most? Living in Lubbock, Texas, 596
miles away from home for 6 years. Lubbock is where I earned 2 degrees and
found my husband along the way! I was able to graduate on time not once,
but twice. My husband was an added bonus.
Favorite DAR experience so far: There are many, but I love watching the American flag fall from the
ceiling of Constitution Hall as the President General processes in at Continental Congress. It always makes
me smile!
The best lesson I've learned from my DAR experiences so far is: It's a small world!
Lisa Smith
State Vice Chair, Lone Star Regalia
Captain Molly Corbin Chapter, Grapevine
Occupation: Teacher
Family: Two children; 7 year old son (Austin) and 10 year old
daughter (Laura)
My favorite book is: The "Little House" books
My favorite quote: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths
We take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
My favorite junk food is: chocolate covered pretzels
I'm tire of: political disagreements
Three accomplishments you are proud of: Master's degree from UT,
raising two beautiful children, making a difference in kid's lives.
One thing people wouldn't know about you: I have been skydiving.
Favorite DAR experience so far: Paging at Continental Congress, when
the flag comes down is always a moving experience.
The best lesson I've learned from my DAR experiences so far: There are a lot of people who love
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State Chair and Vice Chair Spotlights
Allie Dunklin
National Co-Vice Chair, Junior Doll
State Vice Chair, Lone Star Regalia
Rio Grande Chapter, McAllen
Family: Husband, Bill; 3 sons: Griffin (20 months),
William (4 months), and Wellington (4 months)
Pets: Bella, Rudy, and Fergie (all Yorkies)
I wish I knew how to: do more home renovation projects myself.
When you look in the mirror, you see? Usually a child – either hanging on my leg or in my arms.
One thing people wouldn’t know about you: For four years, I played on an Adidas-sponsored year-round
basketball team that was ranked number 8 in the nation.
Favorite DAR experience so far: Introducing the Community Award recipients at State Conference. The
recipients all utilized their talents in order to help make a difference in their community. From serving on
the board at Mothers Against Drunk Driving to building homes for returning veterans, it was clear that
these were worthy recipients.
The best lesson I’ve learned from my DAR experiences so far is: If you see a white dress, buy it! Ok… not
the only lesson I’ve learned! The best lesson I have learned from my DAR experiences has been if we do
not take the initiative to preserve our history, there is a good chance no one else will. It seems that the
importance of historical preservation has not been passed down through the generations and DAR has
really helped me to see that in order for our cemeteries, monuments, markers, etc. to withstand the
elements, someone needs to step up and help. By physically preserving these symbols of history we are
also preserving our history’s memoires for future generations to learn and appreciate.
NSDAR Day of Service is October 11th!
To commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the National Society,
each chapter has been encouraged to participate in the NSDAR Day
of Service on our Founder's Day, October 11, 2015 by choosing
meaningful service projects for their communities. Please send
photos and details about how your Junior Members participated to so they may be featured in our next
Lone Star Regalia
Connect with TXDAR on Facebook!
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Winter Issue Deadline is
November 15!
Please send articles, photos, and Junior
happenings (chapter events, wedding,
birth, graduation announcements) to
State Board Spotlights
Judy Ostler
State Regent
Major Jarrell Beasley Chapter, Crockett
Family: Daughter, Jennifer Ostler Stanney, DAR member
Pets: Sophie and Gracie (two Maltipoos)
Community Activities: Church, Houston County Historical
Activities Center
I wish I knew how to: play the piano well
If I could, I would: Hot Air Balloon
My favorite quote is: "I can do all things through Christ who
Strengthens me." Phil. 4:13
My favorite movie is: Gone with the Wind and Out of Africa (tie)
My favorite junk food is: Cheetos
What experience has changed you most? The loss of my son.
When you look in the mirror, you see? A creation of God, though not His best!
One thing people wouldn't know about you: I was once assigned my own Scotland Yard Agent.
Favorite DAR experience so far? Being installed as State Regent of Texas DAR.
The best lesson I've learned from my DAR experiences so far is: DAR is the best support system a woman
can have!
Zia Lowe
State Historian
Lost Pines Chapter, Smithville
Occupation: Broker Associate with RE/MAX
Bastrop Area
Family: Husband, Jason; Son, Gibson Lee (5.5 years);
Daughter, Gemma Kay (2.5 years)
Pets: Mango, cat; Mazy, dog
Community Activities: Executive Board of the
Children's Advocacy Center
I wish I knew how to: sing. I'm totally tone deaf.
My favorite quote is: "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
(apparently, according to Google, there is some debate as to who first said it)
My worst habit is: procrastination
Favorite DAR experience so far: I have had so many great ones. Pretty sure being named National Runner
Up with my Grandmother and best DAR friends in attendance has been the best so far.
The best lesson I've learned from my DAR experience so far is: A strong group of women that think
outside themselves and want to make an impact in their communities and beyond can accomplish just
about anything.
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An Afternoon of Service with the USO
The USO, or United Service Organization, has a
long and rich tradition of supporting troops both
overseas and at home. So it’s no wonder that
ladies from the Daughters of the American
Revolution have a long history of being involved
with this organization. Considering the USO’s
Mission Statement is “To Lift the Spirits of
America’s Troops and their families,” it’s no
wonder that some of our daughters have decided
to take up this cause. This summer, we’ve been busy with activities that carry on the tradition, along
with our regular duties at the airports.
In case anyone isn’t familiar with the USO, I’ll give you a quick background. Founded in 1941, the USO
was a way to provide morale to troops deployed overseas during World War II. The USO was disbanded
twice, once after World War II, and the second time after the Korean War, but since then has been in
continuous operation since the Vietnam War, thanks mostly to private donations. Surprisingly, the
government contributes less than 13% of the total revenue of the USO in order for the centers and
programs to operate at their very best. While the USO is better known for its concerts overseas for the
troops, and the “Hollywood Canteens” of yesteryear, the USO of today is very much involved stateside
with home front activities at airport centers and send off activities, as well as events designed to keep
the troops spirits up while they are stationed here at home. And because we have a Joint Reserve Base
right here in Houston, along with two airport duty stations, plus a Military Entrance Processing Station,
we manage to keep ourselves incredibly busy!
One of the bigger events the USO in Houston hosted, along with the Astros, was a deployment
ceremony for the 136th Expeditionary Signal Battalion for the Army National Guard at Minute Maid Park.
The Battalion was being deployed for Southeast Asia, and we were in charge of making sure that the
Battalion and their families were comfortable, processed through the gates quickly, fed in a timely
manner, and the best part of all, flying the colors! The USO volunteers had the honor of unfurling the
gigantic flag on the field before the game while the on-field deployment ceremony was taking place, and
it was amazing. Not only did I get to stand on a real Major League baseball field, I got to see something
that not a lot of people get to see up close. It was really cool to hear the commander explain what was
happening while the flags were being waved as well, because many times, you see a lot of flag flapping,
but not much else.
It was a great day, and even though I got to do some really neat things, and had some pretty great stuff
happen to me, this is not the reason why I work with the USO. I really enjoy meeting the people who are
volunteering to leave everything and everyone they love to go into the unknown and do something that
I’m not sure that I would be brave enough to do. So I at least try to be brave for them in some small way
and make one day the best day they may be able to have.
Emily Ash
Brazos Valley Chapter
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Helen's Help Desk
The answers to all of your DAR and Junior Membership Questions!
Dear Helen: I'm attending my very first Fall Forum and I have no idea
what to wear! I don't have a specific page assignment, so should I wear
white? -Frightened First-Timer
Dear Frightened First-Timer: Attending your first DAR anything can be overwhelming, we've all been
there! Pages are needed at Fall Forum, but it's much more relaxed than State Conference so there aren't
really specific assignments. You can wear white and page as needed and then enjoy the meetings and
workshops when not needed as a page. The Junior Bow-tique (Shoppe) can almost always use additional
hands and we definitely need as much help as possible during the special Friday Night Sale from 10 pm
until midnight. Enjoy your first Fall Forum, I hope it's the first of many!
Dear Helen: I always hear about how chapters should name a Chapter Outstanding Junior but none of
our Juniors have the required 10 points to enter. They work and have families and can't attend our
meetings each month. What should I do? -Confused Chapter Regent
Dear Confused Chapter Regent: The Outstanding Junior Contest can be very tricky to navigate! There is
actually no points requirement for naming a Chapter Outstanding Junior. If your Chapter OJ doesn't plan
to enter the Contest, then an election isn't even required. You are correct that 10 points are required to
enter the Contest and the Minutes do need to reflect that your OJ was named if she enters. It sounds
like your chapter may have a number of Junior members that aren't able to actively participate for
various reasons. That doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't name a chapter OJ! Bestowing the honor on a
Junior member may give her an incentive to participate in the future when she is able. The OJ contest
also recognizes community service, so you may consider her involvement in her community when
deciding which Junior to name.
Do you have a question about Junior Membership or TXDAR? Ask Helen! Your question could be
answered in the next issue of the Lone Star Regalia. E-mail all questions to
Juniors On the Go!
Marie Segura, born July
13, 2015 at 8:02 pm,
weighing 8 lbs 1 oz. and
measuring 19 inches
long. Welcomed with
love by parents Alice
Wood (Captain Molly
Corbin Chapter) and
Nicolas Segura.
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Allie Dunklin (Rio Grande Chapter) , husband
Billy and big brother Griffin welcomed twins
William Hailey IV (left) and Wellington
Morgan (right) on April 28th.
2015 TXDAR Junior Council Planning Meeting ● Arlington ● August 14-15th
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