Amazon River Cruise


Amazon River Cruise
ear Friends,
During the last four decades, I have had the privilege of
traveling to many parts of the world. My visits to Amazonia
are among my favorite nature experiences. A cruise on a
mornings, afternoons, and evenings – and some of the best
birding and wildlife viewing in the Amazon.
The leadership provided by our guides, Steve Hilty, David
classic riverboat is the ideal way to experience the incredible
Ascanio and Andrew Whittaker, makes our Amazon River
biological richness of Amazonia.
Cruises special. All three are superb leaders, with a wealth of
Most people are pleasantly surprised at how comfortable
knowledge about the birds and natural history of the Amazon.
travel can be in the heart of Amazonia. The airy, breezy ship
They are terrific at spotting birds and other wildlife and showing
and air-conditioned cabins mitigate the effects of even the
them to tour participants, and this provides an enriching and
hottest days, and visitors soon discover that insects and
most enjoyable experience.
mosquitoes, far from being the torment they are imagined, are
Only a few spaces remain available on our January 8-18
little or no problem at all. Our cruise offers you perhaps the
and February 19 -March 1, 2015 Amazon River Cruises. I hope
most comfortable and luxurious way possible to explore the
you will reserve one of them. I can assure you that you will be
Amazon while still retaining the ability to visit remote
very glad you chose to join this wonderful trip.
regions. The excellent shipboard staff and crew will respond
to your every need. You will enjoy exciting exploratory trips
Best wishes,
Victor Emanuel
Hoatzin ©Shutterstock
Amazon River Cruise
White-throated Toucan ©André Bärtschi /
Amazon Ri
he Amazon region conjures many images, but it is,
above all, a realm of superlatives. The centerpiece of this vast
region is the Amazon River itself, the largest river in the world.
The Amazonian region boasts the highest diversity of both
birds and plants anywhere in the world. The very word
“Amazon” brings to mind images of broad, sinuous rivers, treelined banks, strange animals, bright butterflies, and glorious
sunsets. Along the river one may see macaws, parrots, and
oropendolas flying overhead, ponderous Horned Screamers
rising from stream banks, and exotic wildlife that includes
Hoatzins, Umbrellabirds, sloths, fresh-water dolphins, and
La Estrella Amazonica’s spacious cabins are individually
climate-controlled, air-conditioned, and include private tiled
bathrooms, hot-water showers, and beautiful, spacious rooms.
The ship features excellent food and an open-air upper deck for
great wildlife viewing by day and stargazing by night. Stable
flat-bottomed boats powered by quiet engines permit
exploration of small streams.
The mobility of our ship and its excursion boats will allow
Yellow-rumped Cacique © David Ascanio
us to explore different habitats and streams each morning and
afternoon, and provide exceptional opportunities to see birds
and wildlife. Some birds will be common, widespread
Amazonian species such as Black-collared Hawk, Black-fronted
Nunbird, Oriole Blackbird, Yellow-rumped Cacique, and
Russet-backed Oropendola. Others will be more local species
such as Hoatzin, Short-tailed Parrot, and river island specialties
such as Red-and-white Spinetail and Black-and-white Antbird.
Amazon River Dolphin ©
iver Cruise
La Estrella Amazonica
A brilliant blue Plum-throated Cotinga perched in a
treetop, a pair of Blue-and-yellow Macaws winging overhead,
a swirling group of White-winged Parakeets along the river,
or a White-eared Jacamar in the morning sun—it is hard to
predict which of these or many other experiences will
delight you the most. We’ll also fill some spare shipboard
time with discussion and explanation of Amazonian natural
An exploration of the Amazon region in comfort and style. An
outstanding array of relatively easy-to-see birds and mammals
on this exciting excursion to the heart of upper Amazonia.
history, as well as recaps of daily excursions in the evenings.
I: January 8-18, 2015
Machu Picchu Pre-trip, January 3-8, 2015
We are confident that at the end of this extraordinary cruise,
II: February 19-March 1, 2015
Machu Picchu Pre-trip, February 14-19, 2015
you will have a greater appreciation and understanding of
Cabins begin at $6295 from Lima
Machu Picchu Pre-trip, $3995 from Lima
the Amazon region and the myriad creatures that make it
Tour Leaders: I: Steve Hilty & David Ascanio
II: David Ascanio & Andrew Whittaker
the most complex ecosystem anywhere on Earth.
La Estrella Amazonica © International Expeditions
Chestnut-eared Aracari © Shutterstock
Join us!
US Postage
Austin, Texas
Permit #1501
2525 Wallingwood Drive, Suite 1003
Austin, Texas 78746
Plum-throated Cotinga ©Steve Hilty
 Victor Emanuel Nature Tours  VENTBIRD
512.328.5221 ◆ 800.328.VENT (8368) ◆ ◆
David Ascanio
Exploring a tributary of the Río Ucayali © Steve Hilty • La Estrella Amazonica bar deck © International Expeditions
Steve Hilty