A Sticky Situation
A Sticky Situation
CONTROVERSIAL CALENDAR The Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority donates the money raised from their annual calendar to the lion 's Club-WPSD TV6 Easter Seals telethon . To avoid the ruling, the 1986-87 calendar did not include athletes associated with the NCAA. .OUT OF UNIFORM Racer football players Kevin Uhls, Kirk Brunson and David Dercher stand on the sidelines during the Southeast Missouri game. The players had to sit out only the first game of the season. A NCAA ruling that prohibited athletes from promoting commercial products proved to be A Sticky Situation By Mark Cooper t was a bad break," according to David Dercher. Dercher, a junior from Leawood, Kan., and a punter for the Racers, was not commenting about a game or a blocked punt. "I don't think it was fair," he said. Dercher decided, along with several other student athletes, to participate in the Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority's annual charity calendar, which raises money each year for the Lion's ClubWPSD -TV6 telethon. The athletes were then forced to sit out ten percent of their fall schedules because of a NCAA ruling that prohibited athletes from being paid or permitting the use of their name or picture to directly advertise, recommend or promote the sale or use of a "commercial product" or service. Because of the ruling, Dercher missed the Racer's first game against Southeast Missouri. "The NCAA interpreted the rule in such a way that the calendar constituted a violation, even though those posing did not receive pay and the money raised went to charity," said Craig Bohnert, sports information di rector. As a result of the ruling Dercher along with Kevin Uhls, a sophomore 206 Sports and special team's center from Louisville, and Kirk Brunson, a junior safety from Evansville, Ind., had to sit out one game or "ten percent" of their season, according to Dercher. Other athletes involved with the ruling were: rifler Pat Spurgin; Bud Ward and Rick Leonard of the golf team; basketball players Craig Taley and Leslie Ford; Steve Nussmeier and Val Lemoignan of the men's and women's track team; and Starr Jones and Alan Farmer of the ten niB teams. Also affected were Tom Garguilo, Van Golmont, Jay Connell, Greg Doss, and David Butts of the baseball team, all of which had to sit out two' games of their schedules. "They (the NCAA) could not have let us off the hook because they got a few other schools like Nebraska at that time for similar violations," Dercher said." Pat Spurgin agreed, "I suppose they put the rule in there for some reason but I don't see where I did anything wrong. All we were doing was helping out a charity and I don't see anything wrong with that." "The guys did it for charitable cause and I think the NCAA needs to use some good ole common sense with their decisions from now on," said Coach Frank Beamer. "I never felt it was violation," atheltic director Johnny Reagan said. this was a violation, it is certainly a misdemeanor. " Mandy Murphey, coordinator the Tri-Sig calendar, agreed and the sorority would try to avoid trouble again. "There won't be any athletes volved with the NCAA in this calendar," Murphey said. said, the calendar will . of student ambassadors and ;:,umrne:rl Orientation counselors, among non-athletes. "We hope to use athletes year," she said. Until then, Dercher did not sitting out. "As a matter of fact, said, "if I had to sit out a game year, the first game against S()l1tlH'" Missouri would have been The NCAA did not spoil charitable nature either, but he look better before he leaps next when dealing with regulations cerning his playing time. "It's one of those things that along with the system," golf Buddy Hewitt said. "We have to by the NCAA rules. You can't the NCAA." "I was just at the wrong place at wrong time," Dercher said . •