Fourteen vying for eleven seats in Matagorda
Fourteen vying for eleven seats in Matagorda
EagleMed Presents At CofC Luncheon East Side TechnoSharks At State PISD Honors School Board Trustees See PagE 2 See PagE 5 See PagE 7 Fourteen vying for eleven seats • Annual CofC Winter Texan • in Matagorda County primaries Chili Supper Tues. at KC Hall BY BRANDI G. WEST Palacios Beacon With 14 candidates having filed for 11 offices, the ballots for countywide and precinct level offices in the March Democrat and Republican primary elections have been finalized. All candidates have at least one similarity; all are Democrats. Three contested races will be on ballot, but only one, to nominate a new District Clerk, will be a countywide decision. District Clerk Becky Denn will not be running for a sixth term; Jamie Crawford Bludau and Marcy Craft will be on the ballot. One of the contested races involves a chair on the five-member County Commissioners Court. In JAN. 15, 2014 VOL. 107 • NO. 3 PALACIOS TEXAS • P. O. Box 817 • 453 Commerce Palacios, Tx. 77465 (361) 972-3009/Fax 972-2610 E-Mail: Website: BEACON DEADLINE IS 5 P.M. FRIDAY Except for paid advertising, all articles, photos or other information submitted on Monday will be published on a space available basis only. Open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Beacon Closed Wednesdays Observing Our TH 107 Year 1907-2014 BEACON BRIEFS ■ Fri. deadline to register for youth basketball All registration forms and information must be turned in by Fri. (Dec. 17) to participate in the Palacios Youth Basketball League. Forms must be turned in to Trent Weixelman, Aaron Wollam or Gary Figirova. ■ BBQ, auction, raffle fundraiser Sat. at KC Hall A BBQ dinner, auction and rafffle fundraiser will be held from 4 - 6 p.m. at the Palacios Rec. Center. Plates are for $8. Fourwheeler raffle tickets are available for $20. Auction will start at 5 p.m. Proceeds benefit the Palacios area youth (4-H, FFA, FCCLA) participating in the Mat. Co. Fair. Fundraiser sponsored by the Palacios Supporters. ■ Lumberyard Grill presents Jerry James Fri. Jerry James will be playing at the Lumberyard Grill on Fri. (Jan. 18). SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEACON $25 A YEAR IN COUNTY $35 A YEAR OUT-OF COUNTY (See COUNTY, Page 3) The Palacios Chamber of Commerce will honor the city’s part-time residents with the 10th annual Winter Texan Chili Supper this Tues. (Jan. 21) at the KC Hall, located at 700 Main St. Along with the chili supper comes all the fixins’ from cornbread, homemade desserts, tea, coffee. Palacios’ ‘snow birds’ also have the opportunity to win a variety of door prizes, donated from local shops and businesses. Returning to town again for this year’s Chili Supper will be the Shiner Hobo Band, who will provide a south Texas polka flair for the winter guests. The Shiner Hobo Band is under the direction of City Manager for the City of Palacios and member of the CofC Board of Directors, David Kocurek. The serving will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will continue until all the vittles have been served. If anyone would like to help assist at the event or help donate items for the door prizes contact Pam Oliver at the Chamber office at 972-2615. BEACON PALACIOS WEDNESDAY The Only Newspaper In The World Published Just For The Palacios Area. Pct. 4 (Blessing, Markham and a portion of Bay City) area incumbent David Joe “Woody” Woodson is not seeking re-election of a third term. On the ballot will be Aaron C. Green and Charles “Bubba” Frick. The third contested race on the ballot is for Commissioner Pct.4 Justice of the Peace 75¢ USPS 418460 Serving The City By The Sea Since 1907 Palacios Supporters BBQ, Auction & Raffle Fundraiser Sat. at Rec. Center 1 SECTION, 12 PAGES Burglars are back and more brazen Also Chief Miles expressed vacant homes are being specifically targeted; however, After a brief hiatus during instances of burglaries of boats the holidays the burglars are have also occurred. at it again and even more Typically targeted hours are brazen than before. Palacios during the night. Police Chief David Miles Chief Miles believes the best indicated tenants awakened thing anyone can do is to watch by one of these offenses have out for each other. Moderate elevated the alert on local law investments in security alarm enforcement. systems are always suggested. Palacios Police Chief David Chief Miles said, “If you lose Miles indicated one of the some kind of family heirloom; suspects has been identified the return is many fold over.” and an additional suspect is “I strive for people to come being closely monitored. together and watch out for Chief Miles’ message of each other as neighbors’; that’s ‘Prevention being much the biggest defense we have,” easier than suppression’ concluded Chief. was continuous through the interview. According to Miles, the culprits have been targeting specific items with the number one commodity being flat screen televisions. Besides TV’s, other items these theives are looking for include: liquor, jewelry and any other small item he/she can get their hands on. Upon hearing these types of items sought by the alleged Displaying a few of the goods bound for the auction block Sat. (Jan. 18) at the annususpect(s) a disease that al barbecue dinner and auction fundraiser sponsored by the Palacios Supporters are: (front, l-r) Brooke Vandenbergh and Lanae Tucker; (back) Jordan Sanchez, Jennifer immediately is brought to Fort and Clayton Stuhrenberg. Along with the items pictured above, the auction will also mind was that of addiction. feature two trailer tires courtesy of Palacios Auto & Towing; feed donated by various “One of the most common local feed stores and a large picnic table. Items will benefit local 4-H, FFA and FCCLA purposes for crime is to support The Palacios Mexican youth organizations. For more info see ad on Page 2. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) some kind of dependency,” Restaurant, known by said Chief Miles. locals and visitors alike as PMR, is looking to be the first eatery in town to serve mixed drinks. Before any cocktails are shaken or stirred, PMR owner Daniel Molina must submit a request for a license to sale mixed beverCampo Civic Center will be “Rice, Rice members prepare recipes showcasing By Chinatu Gladrich Texas A&M AgriLife Extension ages. However before he & More Rice.” This program, sponsored rice. An educational program will also Agent - Matagorda Co. can apply for licensing, by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension be presented. the issue of mixed beverService in Colorado, Jackson, MatagoRegistration and refreshments will beThe theme of the Western Rice Belt age sales must officially be rda and Wharton Counties, will provide gin at 8:30 a.m., and the program will Production Conference Consumers’ Proeducation, entertainment and fun. (See PMR, Page 2) gram on next Weds. (Jan. 15) at the El (See RICE, Page 2) Attendees will watch committee BY BRANDI G. WEST Palacios Beacon PMR in search of signatures 250 sginatures needed for mixed beverage initiative on May ballot ‘Rice, Rice & More Rice’ theme for Western Rice Belt Production Conference this Weds. Public invited to 100th Coming bayfront improvements birthday celebration for courtesy of Seawall Commission Margaret Lynn on Tuesday BY TERRY MOSIER Family and friends of Margaret McElrath Lynn, longtime resident of Palacios, would like to extend an invitation to Lynn’s 100th Birthday party. Lynn has been an active participant in city and county government since 1984 and is well known for her life-long contributions to the Palacios area. This celebration will be held on (See LYNN, Page 9) Margaret Lynn Palacios City Manager David Kocurek was on hand and offered a big ‘thank you’ on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Committee for the coming improvements to the bay front area at last week’s meeting of the Matagorda County Seawall Commission. Commissioners had recently approved funding for additional solar trash compactors, a four-foot wide Americans with Disability Act accessible side walk from the parking lot to the walk area for wheel chairs, three exercise pads and three more composite benches on concrete pads along the splash apron. Pavilion Update Joe Kana, Seawall Commissioner and chairman of the Pavilion Committee reported the committee had a meeting scheduled for Mon. (Jan. 13) for the purpose of evaluating the two proposed sites for the Pavilion. A town hall meeting is slated for next Thursday (Jan. 23) at the City Hall Council Chambers to hear public input on the project. Turtle Point Bulkhead Bulkhead repairs are at completion. Chairman, Craig Wallis, pointed out to the commissioners that after visiting the site, “It has an un(See SEAWALL, Page 10) • Palacios Beacon For News & Advertising Deadline 5 p.m. Friday • Page 2 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY RICE (Continued From Page 1) begin at 9 a.m. The first 150 persons who register will receive registration bags with rice recipes, bags of rice and other educational materials; they will also be eligible for numerous door prizes that will be given out throughout the morning. Following the program, all participants will be invited to a catered luncheon. Persons arriving after 9:30 a.m., however, will not receive registration bags, door prizes or luncheon tickets. There is no fee, and reservations are not necessary. This program is open to persons of all ages, regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin. Any person who has a disability that may require an accommodation to participate in the conference is asked to contact their local county Extension Office. PMR selected Chamber Business of the Month PALACIOS Mexican Restaurant (PMR) was honored as the CofC’s Business of the Month at last week’s general membership meeting. Pictured are: (front, l-r) Stephanie Jaime, Elvin Nunez, Daniel Molina and Brenda Hurtado; (back) David King, Ron Laws, Ryan West, Janie Gulley, Vicki Adams, Charlotte Tucker, Glen Smith, Becky Johnson, JoAnne Estopinal, Pam Oliver and Cheri Waites. (Beacon Photo by Brandi G. West) Chamber luncheon goes ‘up in the air’ with EagleMed medical transport service along with EagleMed, who sent down its medical transport plane from San Marcos, but were unable to make it due to inclement weather making flying in by helicopter not feasible. “Our aircraft can fly-in in conditions that helicopters can’t,” said Welch. “Our fixed wing aircraft can come in and serve your community with inclement weather conditions, so you don’t have a loved one sick or injured in the hospital and not be able to get them out.” Palacios’ Dr. Gustavo Gross left a good impression on Welch, “It was exciting to meet Dr. Gross and see the dedication he has to providing high quality patient care to the citizens of Palacios and surrounding area.” Welch added, “You don’t find someone with that kind of drive and commitment to the community and that’s a great and exciting thing for Palacios.” While EagleMed’s closest facility to Palacios is currently San Marcos, Welch noted a new base of EagleMed operations will be opening in Houston in March of 2014. The new base will provide helicopter or fixed wing response to Palacios just 30-minutes away. Welch indicated PCMC CEO Alden ‘Van’ Vandeveer recently signed of letter of BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Editor Tim Welch, Texas Program Manager for EagleMed presented the program at last week’s General Membership meeting of the Palacios Chamber of Commerce. With a large number in attendance, Welch provided a glimpse into the history, values and services of EagleMed, a provider of air medical transport services via helicopter and fixed wing aircraft. Welch recalled coming to Palacios prior to Christmas for the Community Health Event put on by the Palacios Community Medical Center. Welch noted other air medical transport services were invited to attend the event Town Hall meeting next Thursday over site location for new Pavilion The City of Palacios, with Randall-Porterfield Architects, Inc., will hold a public Town Hall Meeting concerning the site location for the proposed Palacios Pavilion on January 23 (Thursday) from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. All citizens and interested parties are encouraged to attend. Call me today for a complimentary insurance review. (979) 244-4671 Hank E. Huitt 3120A Ave F Bay City Insurance subject to availability and qualifications.Allstate County Mutual Insurance Company, Irving, Texas. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. Bar-B-Que & Auction Saturday, January 18 th BBQ$ .00 8 Plates ----- r ele 4-Whe kets i Tc Raffle 00 $ 20 each PALACIOS RECREATION CENTER Serving 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Auction will start at 5 p.m. Proceeds to benefit Palacios Area Youth Participating in the Matagorda County Fair Sponsored by: The Palacios Supporters understanding for EagleMed to be the preferred provider for fixed wing transport. New Members Chamber President Glen Smith introduced the two newest CofC members: Stephanie Rodgers of STO and Brandi West of the Palacios Community HUB. Seaside Holiday Barney Gulley reported that 2013’s Seaside Holiday and Christmas on Main was ‘pretty good’, albeit with just about half of the normal crowd out due to the downright chilly temperatures. Smith offered a big ‘thank you’ to the volunteers who helped take down the decorations the previous weekend. Keeping with the big ‘thank you’, Gulley made sure to publicly thank Gene Eggemeyer, Joe Kana and Gary Hafernick as well as several city employees for their help taking down the big lighted Christmas tree along the bay front and other larger decorations. The Palacios CofC Board of Directors are scheduled to meet at 12-noon Thurs. (Jan. 16) at the Chamber office, located at 420 Main St. PMR (Continued From Page 1) put before the residents of the City of Palacios. In order for the issue to be placed on the local election ballot, a petition with a total of 250 signatures of voters who reside within the Palacios city limits, must be submitted by next Saturday (Jan. 24). If the signatures are obtained before the deadline, the City would then put the issue of whether to legalize the sale of mixed drinks in the City of Palacios on the ballot in May for City voters to decide whether they are for or against the proposed issue. The last time an issue dealing with alcohol was put to a vote before City by the Sea voters was in 1941, when the issue was whether they were in favor of sale of ‘all alcoholic beverages’. The measure was approved by a 408-173 margin. However, because ‘mixed drinks’ weren’t sold at that time, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) has taken the position that if there is a want to sell mixed drinks in the City of Palacios the issue has to be put before the voters. BACODA to meet Jan. 28 at A&A BBQ CANDIDATE Tri-County Coalition/BA- CODA meeting will be Jan. 28 at A&A BBQ in Bay City at 11:30 a.m. Discussion will be over what strategies to implement to help stop the harmful impact of substance abuse in our communities. Deadline 5 p.m. Friday for all photos and articles to be submitted for consideration to be published in the Palacios Beacon. LISTINGS The following have paid to have their names listed as candidates for Matagorda County Judge. The cost for the Candidate Listing is $30. The cost for the candidate listing plus a one time candidate announcement article is $50. The deadline for inclusion in the Candidate Listing or to submit a candidate announcement article is 5 p.m. Friday. MATAGORDA COUNTY JUDGE PALACIOS BEACON Area Briefs First female Detective for Wharton PD WHARTON: Wharton Police Department has promoted their first ever female detective, Donna Guanajuato, 37, from patrol officer to sergeant in the Criminal Investigations Division (CID). “I’m excited and I like new challenges,” said Guanajuato. The process all applicants, including Guanajuato, consisted of testing and then going through a lengthy interview process. According to Captain Richard Coleman, Guanajuato was an easy choice for CID. Also according to Coleman, Guanajuato “Will help us tremendously” by bringing insight to her duties and particularly will provide ease and comfort to female victims. “It’s a lot different and there’s a lot more responsibility,” Coleman noted. –Wharton Journal Spectator Preservation efforts paying off in Port A PORT ARANSAS: The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and groups such as the Audubon Society consider some birds as ‘species of concern’and preservations efforts initiated in 2008 are doing just that; preserving these species. The Port Aransas Nature Preserve, a 1,200 acre area and specifically an area known as Charlie’s Pasture, state owned land between Port Street and the Corpus Christi Ship Channel, Piper Channel and State Hwy. 361 is seeing significant nesting increases. Approximately $2-million in city certificates of obligation created trails, boardwalks and observation towers with a pavilion and barriers to protect the interior of the preserve. According to a study produced by the Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program researchers found: 10 nesting attempts by Wilson’s plovers, 6 nesting attempts 10 years ago; 13 nesting attempts by snowy plovers, none 10 years ago; and least tern nesting found 116 nesting attempts, and minimal if any at all 10 years ago. –Port Aransas South Jetty SWAT team in standoff NAVASOTA: A Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT), the Department of Public Safety and the Grimes County Sheriff’s Office were all called into a family violence incident that led to a 2.5-hour standoff. Assistance was needed with an alleged family violence incident that resulted in rounds being fired at law enforcement and the arrest of Kenneth James Griggs, 30, of Navasota. “Upon arrival, they (officers) were met by Mr. Griggs, who officers determined to be intoxicated, and proceeded to investigate the claim made by Ms. Davis. Mr. Griggs refused admittance to the home by closing the door on officers and as officers attempted to get Griggs to come outside to speak with them, he proceeded to fire a shotgun inside the home,” City of Navasota Marketing and Communications Director Corey Johnson. – The Navasota Examiner Sealy’s Port City Stockyards is no more SEALY: A longstanding company, the Port City Stockyards Company, founded in 1931 has been sold to Gekabi, Ltd of the Woodlands. Billionaire businessman and owner George H. Bishop of Gekabi, Ltd is also the founder and chief executive of GeoSouthern Energy Corporation. The significant decline in the cattle population has made the livestock auction yard obsolete. “We felt the property was becoming more valuable as a development property,” said J.D. Sartwelle Jr. Port City Stockyards Company president and also third generation owner. The last auction, according to Sartwelle was on Dec. 18, 2009. - The Sealy News Three arrested in stabbing murder EL CAMPO: Daniel Martinez Hernandez, 27, was found deceased by local law enforcement and three people were arrested for his murder. This is an ongoing case, according to El Campo Police Chief Terry Stanphill, the three arrestees were: Marvin Reynaldo Privado-Deleon, Natalio Leivo, and Angel Gorgonio Alvarado and were each charged with murder. “It was a stabbing,” said Wharton County District Attorney Ross Kurtz. It was not reported if the murder weapon was recovered. “The team did a great job, working extremely hard and did not go home until the suspects were in custody,” Stanphill said. –El Campo Leader-News Palacios Air Repair Heating & Air Conditioning Sales, Service & Installations 979-429-7488 407 Henderson (Hwy. 35) • Palacios, Tx. Richard Bari • No Charge Service Call • NATE McDONALD [Pol. Ad. paid for by Sharyl K. McDonald, Treasurer, 206 CR 208, Bay City, TX 77414.] HOME COMFORT SYSTEMS Innovation never felt so good. FREE ESTIMATES Confused about Healcare Reform? MEHOP and PCMC are here to help! MEHOP’s Certified Application Counselor will be available to provide information, answer questions and assess individual’s eligibility for Marketplace health plans, state programs & any subsidies. For more information please contact Brandy Rodriguez at 979-245-2008 ext. 322. Wed., January 15th and Wed., January 22nd - 1pm to 5pm at Palacios Community Medical Center • 311 Green Ave. If you are interested in applying for health coverage through the Marketplace, you will need to provide some information about yourself and your household. Information you should bring with you include the following. • Social Security Number (or document numbers for legal immigrants). • Employer and income information. for everyone working who needs coverage. (ex: pay stubs or W2). • Policy numbers for any current health insurance plans. DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 - Page 3 • Palacios Police Reports • The 2014 CofC Awards Banquet is Individuals listed have been arrested and/or charged with an offense. Inclusion in this report does not imply that the person is guilty of any crime. The following are offense and arrest reports submitted by the Palacios Police Dept. to the Palacios Beacon as of noon Friday. ARRESTS William Franklin Cress, 22, 1511 E. Bayshore Dr., arrested at 3:35 a.m. on Jan. 4; disorderly conduct/discharge of firearm and public intoxication. Isreal Navarez Garcia, 40, 916 Perryman Ave., arrested at unknown time on Jan. 4; failure to comply with sex offender register. Francisco Javier Boone III, 43, 311 Commerce St., arrested at 7:16 p.m. on Jan. 5; no drivers’ license and failure to maintain financial responsibility. Naomi Alamia, 34, 138 Sandpiper Cir., arrested at 12:24 p.m. on Jan. 6; felony warrant, transferred the Matagorda County Jail. INCIDENTS Criminal attempt: Burglary attempt was reported at 115 Main on Jan. 3; one car wash machine broken into and another damaged. Abandoned Vehicle: Police officer was dispatched to 900 block of Morton at 10:01 a.m. on Jan. 4; unable to locate the owner; vehicle towed. Criminal Trespass: Officer dispatched to 500 block of 1st St. at 6:48 p.m. on Jan. 4; report initiated. Robbery: Officer dispatched to 200 block of Henderson to investigate a past robbery at 7:39 a.m. on Jan. 6; locked bag with >$1,600 stolen. Terroristic Threats: Officer called to the Police Departments lobby at 8:22 a.m. on Jan. 6; phone threats documented. COUNTY with opponents Hilda Guillen Gomez and incumbent Mark A. Finlay. Finlay has been in this office since Aug. 2012 when he defeated Norman C. May and completed the unexpired term From the Police Chief By Police Chief David Miles There have been several people come to my office this week to report property they have had stolen, after learning about some burglaries that were committed recently. This needs to be reported as soon as you find it missing. If we don’t know about during our investigations, we won’t know to look for it while we are working on other cases. It seems to be that our recent burglars are looking for flat screen TVs. If you have one in your house, it might be a good idea to keep it where it can’t be seen from the window. Burglary of a Habitation: Officer dispatched to 100 block of Welch at 12:32 a.m. on Jan. 7; nothing was taken. Burglary of a Habitation: Officer dispatched to 300 block of South Bay at 7:57 a.m. on Jan. 7; electronics valued > $1,800 stolen. Burglary of a Habitation: Officer dispatched to 200 block of 12th St., at 11:17 a.m. on Jan. 7; electronics > $800. Assault: Officer dispatched to 300 block of Green St. at 7:06 p.m. on Jan. 7; past assault. Hit and Run: Officer dispatched to 100 block of Sandpiper Cir. At 1:28 p.m. on Jan. 8; report initiated. (Continued From Page 1) of Commissioner Pct.4 Justice of the Peace which Green held for six terms. Unopposed candidates for the eight offices, all incumbents and Democrats, are the following: Collision Repair Specialist • Computer Diagnostics • Brake Service • AC Service • Tune Up • Restoration Quality Work • Insurance Claims Welcomed County Judge Nate McDonald, for a third term. County Clerk Janet Hickl, for a second term. County Treasurer Tammy L. McDonald, currently completing the unexpired term of Amy King Perez who resigned in 2012. Pct. 2 County Commissioner Kent Pollard, for a second term. Pct. 1 Justice of the Peace Jeannette T. Bell, for a third term. Pct. 2 Justice of the Peace Suzan Thompson. Pct. 3 Justice of the Peace Jerry W. Purvis. Pct. 6 Justice of the Peace Raymond Taggart. CITY OF PALACIOS TOWN HALL MEETING Concerned about the new Pavilion? Want to know more about whether this project will happen? Do you have an opinion about where a new Pavilion should be built? Then attend the town meeting/ public charette on next Thursday, January 23 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm in the City Council chambers. City Council and the architect will be here to answer your questions. We want to hear your concerns, questions and comments! This is your opportunity to make your voice heard! All are welcome and encouraged to attend. For questions before the meeting, please contact City Hall at 361-972-3605 slated for Feb. 20 at Rec. Center “It’s a Royal Affair, Sorta’ is the theme of the 2014 Palacios Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Banquet, to be held at 6 p.m. on Feb. 20 at the Palacios Recreation Center. Dinner, special entertainment, and the announcement of the 2014 Palacios’ Man of the Year, Woman of the Year, and Business of the Year will be included on the evening’s program. Mark February 20th on your calendar now! For more information or to purchase tickets contact Pam at 361-972-2615. Corporate Sponsors are welcome and encouraged. • Happenings at the Palacios Community HUB • Renovations are underway at the Palacios Community HUB (HUB) located at 205 4th St. between Ace Hardware and the Palacios VFD Fire Station. This facelift, so to speak, is made possible by donors within the community and even as far as New Braunfels who believe in the mission of the HUB and the availability for all individuals to participate in activities at the HUB in the near future. Renovations will continue as donors continue to actively participate in the opening of the HUB. Specifically the doors will open as soon as these renovations are mostly complete. A ‘Grand Opening,’ with official ribbon cutting and open invitation to the public to view the new facility will be announced in the near future. The mission of the HUB is to ‘Strengthen Families through Literacy and Community Service,’ and addressing all aspects of literacy is the overall goal. Literacy exceeds the ability to read proficiently the HUB will address: workforce literacy, community information, health literacy, early childhood education services, free legal aid quarterly, tutoring for GED/ESL students, and family oriented recreational activities. The HUB’s information center with provide literature, websites and pictures of cultural and recreational activities available in the Palacios area. All Palacios organizations are encouraged to utilize the HUB’s family friendly meeting room and already on the agenda is Wisdom Speaks, a professionally facilitated ‘fun’ group discussion geared towards the wiser generation to promote memory retention, social engagement and literacy at all age groups. First BookMatagorda will also begin using the family friendly meeting room monthly for their board meetings. Partnerships are underway and additional opportunities for the public to attend seminars Campbell-Huitt Insurance 328 Commerce Palacios, TX 361-972-2551 Auto-Bonds Business Home Life Flood and workshops will be also announced monthly. In order for this project to succeed, belief of the HUB Task Force is that the HUB have support from all entities: government officials, funders, the business community, social service agencies, educators, community volunteers, literacy providers and the local families themselves. For more information about the HUB, to make a donation, or to schedule an event at the HUB contact Brandi G. West at the HUB office 972-9990 or 361-212-2181. Sponsored by Palacios Beacon Come Join the Fun Omar’s Bar & Grill ~ Mixed Drinks & Draft Beer ~ Open 7 Days A Week • 10 a.m.-2 a.m. No Minors after 9 p.m. DJ’s on Saturday Nights 814 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios • 361-356-1072 7th Annual Chicken Fried Steak Dinner Friday, January 24th 4:30 pm to 7:30pm at the KC Hall off Nichols Rd. in Bay City, TX (Next to the Fairgrounds.) Dine-In or Drive Through For ticket or sponsorship information call: 979-245-9109 “Supporting the Crisis Center” Creating Hope for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Child Abuse-Both Adults and Children. Palacios Pampered Pets 713 First Street • Palacios 361-676-3309 The grooming shop is located behind the residence and faces Humphrey St.. OPEN Wed.- Sat. by appointment All pets must have a current vaccination certificate!!!! FULL GROOMING SERVICES FOR YOUR DOG Bath, Nails & Breed Appropriate Trimming CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY! Page 4 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY 10 YEARS AGO-2004 Bill Turner, Harbor Master and Port Director for the past 6-1/2 years tenders resignation. Sharkette soccer ‘scores’ first-ever win with 2-1 victory over El Campo. 15 YEARS AGO-1999 Over 70 cititzens attended the Town Meeting, facilitated by the LCRA, to address goals for the community and how to achieve them. The area code for the Palacios area changed from 512 to 361. The price for First Class stamps rose to 33-cents. 20 YEARS AGO-1994 Jim “Matress Mac” McIngvale, president and owner of Gallery Furniture in Houston, will be the guest speaker for the annual Palacios C of C Awards Banquet. The doors of Palacios’ General Hospital will be closed to in-patient service in the near future if the Matagorda County Hospital District board of managers follow through with cost-cutting measures. Matagorda County high school students who are involved in the countywide Teen Court program enacted a “mock trial” for the benefit and recruitment of Palacios High School Teens. 25 YEARS AGO-1989 Jack Lesley of City State Bank began his term as president of the Palacios Chamber of Commerce with John Lenihan of Leisure Lodge Nursing Home serving as vice-president. A Theodore Roussrea painting valued at $40,000 was recovered by police and a 23-old Palacios man was arrested on felony theft charges. Eli Mayfield resigned as Palacios city attorney after having served 35-years. Clutch free throws by Cassie Kubecka and Billye West in the final two seconds of overtime gave the 7th grade Sharkettes a 17-16 win over Tidehaven. Isaac Robinson tallied 12 and Dennis Smith netted 11 as the varsity Sharks edged Cuero, 57-55. 35 YEARS AGO-1979 The Palacios Area Swimming Pool Committee reports that they have raised almost the full amount for the local pool. The Committee has now worked for a year and a half to raise the money and wishes to make an appeal to the citizens of the area to send their contributions. In response to petitions from interested citizens and environmental groups throughout Texas, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board will hold a prehearing conference in Houston on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensing proceedings on the application for the operation of Units one and Two of the South Texas Project. 45 YEARS AGO-1969 The Lions Club will sponsor the Great Merlin Mystery Show Saturday night at the Palacios Recreation Center. Continued growth of existing and new facilities looms ahead for 1969 at Alcoa’s Point Comfort Operations, according to E.L. Wahlsten, operations manager. City council tabled until the next meeting a rate adjustment request by Houston Natural Gas, increased the local garbage collection fee and authorized the purchase of needed equipment for the city and airport. 50 YEARS AGO-1964 John D, Bridgers, coach of the Baylor Bears, will be guest speaker at the annual football banquet on January 16. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Tresselt were the parents of the first baby born in Matagorda County in 1964. He arrived at 1:06 am. 55 YEARS AGO-1959 The Curtis Family opened their new Super Market at the corner of Fourth and Main. A three million dollar processing plant was scheduled to be built in the area. This plant will extract the valuable hydrocarbons and add pressure to send the gas on its way through pipelines. Palacios Junior High School had been accepted by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. 60 YEARS AGO-1954 The city council voted to grant a quick claim deed to Crawford Packing Company for a section of land just north of the company’s machine shop, south of Duson St. Mrs. Hilma Hitt and Jim Selkirk were seeking re-election to the office of county clerk and county tax assessor collector, respectively. J.F. Williams was sworn in as commissioner of Precinct 2, succeeding the late Ed C. Baker, who recently died while in office. 65 YEARS AGO-1949 Marvin Curtis was one of two men inducted into the army from the Bay City draft board since the second wartime draft. Work on filling and leveling the football field was nearing completion. Dr. Jackson P. Birge resigned his position as director of Matagorda County Health Unit. 70 YEARS AGO-1944 The year’s first fire was at the Bowen bus station, when the sheds at the rear of the building were badly damaged. Miss Jane Elder was to review ”The Burma Surgeon” at the Baptist banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanders were the parents of a son born Jan. 3. Sheriff B.E. Sailor announced for a second term of office. 75 YEARS AGO-1939 Miss Eloise Parton and C.B. Sexton were married in the First Baptist Church Dec. 31 with Rev. L.W. Crouch officiating. The Matagorda Shell Company had made application to construct a dock and channel in Tres Palacios bay at the south end of 6th street. 80 YEARS AGO-1934 The Missouri Pacific Railroad donated the depot at Collegeport to be used as a community house. A note dated June 12, 1912, written by Alice Carger of Glen Rose, TX, while vacationing in Minnesota wrote a note and placed it in a bottle, the bottle was found in Carancahua Bay by Bill Cornett. 85 YEARS AGO-1929 Miss Lillian Phillips and P.A. Richman were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Salsbury, Rev. G.F. Gillespie officiating. Earl Armstrong, of Matagorda, lost two fingers and had his hands badly lacerated by the explosion of a “dud” he picked up while walking along the bayshore in the Turtle Bay community. 90 YEARS AGO-1924 Miss Eunice Traylor and Ralph Bussell were married at the Methodist parsonage, Rev. Hester officiating. O.L. Williams of Brownsville and Emmett Margerum of Corpus Christi were determined to spend Christmas with home folks and after missing their train at Blessing counted ties into Palacios. Roads were such that a car could not make the trip. 95 YEARS AGO-1919 The Beacon editor was presented a nice lot of roasting ears by J.G. Moffett, who had grown them on his farm north of Palacios. Young people home from school and other duties for the holiday period were Theo Driskill, Noble Parker, Glenn Hall, Harold Feather, Ramsey Campbell, Craig Cates, George Hillyer, Wm. Elder, Minnie Lee Robinson, Alice Campbell, Nannie Truitt, Marianna Elder, Ima and Helen Wagner. Nate McDonald announces run for Spring substitute orientation for Palacios ISD re-election as Matagorda Co. Judge Friday at Admininstration Building [Nate McDonald has authorized the Palacios Beacon to publish the following paid political announcement concerning his candidacy for Matagorda Co. Judge in the Nov. 4 election.] Nate McDonald has filed to seek reelection to a third term as County Judge for Matagorda County. "With Matagorda County now working together in an unprecedented fashion and new career opportunities being created everyday, we have the momentum and capacity to do great things for our citizens," states McDonald. We have weathered one of the worst economic downturns in the history of our country and continue to maintain one of the lowest tax rates in the State. Our business community is now poised to take advantage of the influx of new dollars into our market and we continue to recruit and site the retail, service and entertainment venues that our citizens ask for. Our economic development team has brought new career opportunities to Matagorda County, as represented by Chemicals, Inc., Tres Palacios Gas Storage, Century Refiners, Dunn Heat Exchangers and Tenaris Bay City to name a few. It is also important to note that the South Texas Project, Oxea and other valuable, long term partners for Matagorda County are undergoing expansion and improvement projects, thereby committing to the long term health of our workforce. In now serving as Vice Chairman of the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Board of Directors, I keep a close eye on the funding that becomes available in our thirteen county region. To that end, we have been awarded over sixteen million dollars in Hurricane Ike disaster recovery funding that has been used to harden and repair the coastal areas of our county. We also continue to receive grants that benefit our Crisis Center, District Attorney's office and Boys and [Pol. Ad. paid for by Sharyl K. McDonald, Treasurer, 206 CR 208, Bay City, TX 77414.] Palacios Beacon Periodical Class Postage Paid At Palacios, Texas 77465 (USPS 418460) AIRLINE CAREERS BEGIN HERE Girls Club, among others. We were fortunate to prevail in arguing our county's case for continuing attainment status for air quality in 2012 versus the EPA, which has had much benefit for our citizens and industry. We are now in the midst of a fight for our water future. "The LCRA has abandoned the fair, equitable and reasonable approach to water management and caved in to the political pressure being exerted by high placed politicians in the Highland Lakes region," says McDonald. Conversly, we advocate basin wide management practices and will make that case wherever needed, so that we gain equal consideration. In closing, I want to thank each Matagorda County citizen for allowing me to serve and assure you that I am completely committed to continuing the progress now being made. Furthermore, I look forward to the March 4, 2014, primary election and November 4, 2014, general election and humbly ask for your support in my bid to continue serving as your County Judge. Become an Aviation Mechanic. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified – Housing available. Job placement assistance CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance Dallas - 800-475-4102 or Houston - 800-743-1392 Published Weekly each Wednesday By: PALACIOS BEACON TONEY PUBLISHING COMPANY 453 Commerce • P. O. Box 817 Palacios, Texas 77465 ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In County...$25.00 • Outside-County...$35.00 ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS STOP AT EXPIRATION DATE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Palacios Beacon, P. O. Box 817, Palacios, TX 77465. Palacios ISD and students, Our family would like to send our thanks for the wonderful memorial held in honor of our loved one, Coach Arredondo. Words cannot express the gratitude, pride, and honor we felt being at your school and listening to stories about how she touched each of your lives. She was not a boaster about her own accolades but the reality is she was a very special teacher and coach. You are proof of this. The love and respect we felt when each of you recalled how she changed your lives spoke in volumes. It is still unbelievable that she has left us so soon and we, too, believe she had unfinished business. But, the Lord had a different plan for her. Please accept our gratitude for being there for her funeral and sharing a final farewell with us. You have made a difficult time much easier knowing she had so many prayers and well-wishers. Thank you for your kind words to our family while we were in Palacios visiting. Your hospitality will not be forgotten. Sincerely, Coach Dondo’s family Substitute orientation will be held on Friday (Jan. 17) from 9 a.m.-12-noon in the PISD Administration building. All persons interested in becoming a substitute are required to attend. This is the only orientation that will be held for the second semester. If you are interested in substituting for Palacios ISD, you must attend this training. After the orientation, those interested in substituting will have an opportunity to vis- it each campus and speak with the campus administrators. If you have not completed an online application, you will need to go to and complete the application for substitutes and then complete and submit the criminal history form. If you have any questions, please contact Martha McEntire or Lynne Mumme, Director of Human Resources 361-972-5491. AUCTION OF FARM AND AQUACULTURE EQUIPMENT Commercial State Bank will conduct an Auction of the following Farm and Aquaculture Equipment on TUESDAY, JANUARY 21ST, AT 11AM. Registration for the auction will open at 10 am. 1. KUBOTA MODEL M7040DT TRACTOR, 2006 Year Model, S/N – 52179, 540 RPM PTO, 16.930 Rear Tires, 4WD, 3 point hitch, 1 rear Hydraulic Remote, Canopy, Hours Unknown. 2. LONG MODEL 2610 TRACTOR, Year Model Unknown, 16.9-28 Rear Tires, 3 point hitch, 540 RPM PTO, Diesel, 2 Rear Hydraulic Remotes, Engine needs significant repair. Long Model 1548A Front End Loader, 6’ Wide Bucket, Hours Unknown, Tractor S/N – 64012374, Loader S/N – 1639. 3. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTOR MODEL 666 TRACTOR, 1975 Year Model, S/N – U015546, 540 RPM PTO. 3 Point Hitch Wide Front Axle, 15.5 -38 Rear Tires, 2 Rear Hydraulic Re motes, Diesel, Hours – Unknown. 4. BUSH HOG MODEL 2615 LEGEND SHREDDER, Year Model – Unknown, S/N – 12-08224, 15’Wide, Pull Type, 540 RPM PTYO, Hydraulic Lift, Hydraulic Fold, (6) Pnumatic Rubber tires. 5. CHEVROLET MODEL 3500 TRUCK, 1988 YEAR MODEL, (Farm Use Only), S/N – KF301402, Standard Transmission, Gasoline, With Weigh-Troxin, Model 915 Scale Monitor, Aer way Feed Hopper with Honda 24 H.P. Gasoline Engine. 6. SHOP BUILT FUEL TANK, 200 Gallon Capacity, Steel, GPI Electric Fuel Pump, Electric Fuel Pump, S/N – FBX44533 7. SHOP BUILT FUEL TANK, 500 Gallon capacity, Steel, Tuthill Electric Fuel Pump, S/N – AH570.898. 8. 1000 GALLON CAPACITY PLASTIC TANK, 5 HP Gasoline Engine. 9. SOUTHWEST FABRICATION FISH FEED STORAGE TANK, 2007 Year Model, 25 Ton Capacity, Steel, Overhead Stand. 10. DENNIS MANUFACTURING FISH FEED STORAGE TANK, 2006 Year Model, Steel, Overhead Stand. 11. SHOP BUILT SUBMERSIBLE PUMP, 15 HP Electric Motor 12. SHOP BUILT SOCK SAVER AERATOR, Portable, (2) 15” Tires 13. S&N AERATOR, Year Model Unknown, S/N – AE9522, Portable, 540 RPM PTO, (2) Transport Tires. 14. HOUSE AERATOR, S/N 7658, Portable, 540 RPM PTO, (2) Transport Tires. 15. Twelve (12) HOUSE AERATORS, Year Model – Unknown, S/N – Unknown, 12’ Wide, Steel Paddles, 10 HP Electric Motor. 16. Twenty (20) PRIME LINE AERATORS, 2006 Year Model, Galvanized Paddles, 10 HP Electric Motors. The items specified above shall be sold at public auction “absolute” with no minimum, no reserve to the highest bidder. The successful bidder shall be required to pay a 10% Buyers Premium and the full sales price on the conclusion of bidding. All items shall remain in the possession of the Auctioneer until full payment has been from the purchaser. PLACE OF AUCTION: 4545 COUNTY ROAD, PALACIOS, TEXAS, Call Kenneth Johnson, Commercial State Bank, at 361-972-1181 for further directions and information. Palacios Beacon YOUTH DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 - Page 5 Annual ‘Maroon & Orange Affair’ Feb. 6 at Fat Grass PJHS Art Dept. presents: Dark Water Rising Celebrating United Hands PICTURED are: (front) Alex Le, Ramiro Zamora, Saul Sanchez, Lane Vavra and Vincent Nguyen; (back) Mrs. Melody Egg, Kylie Kolar, Nicole Sirianni, Todd Pate, Nancy Valdez, Kate Frenzel, Bailey Engel, Diana Paniagua, Nellie Valdez, Bryan Thomas, Cara Polk, Ryan Bowers, Cyra Polk Beatriz Valle and and Mr. Gus Valcik. (Submitted Photo) East Side 4th graders donate to VFW The East Side Veteran’s Day ceremonies undoubtedly had a big impact on the 4th grade students. They, overwhelmingly, voted to dedicate the funds collected during the 2nd six weeks to the Palacios VFW. Mr. Gus Valcik , of the Palacios VFW, is pictured with the students who participated in the 6 auctions from which the funds were collected. The $125 donation from East Side Bay will be doubled dollar for dollar through a matching grant. These students created, produced, and managed the auction sale of 6 donated items. An “infomercial” video was electronically sent to all East Side staff, who are then able to bid repeatedly until the close of bidding on each Friday. East Side Bay kids are planning another donation at the end of the 3rd six weeks. The annual Matagorda County scholarship fundraiser, ‘Maroon & Orange Affair’ will be held at 6 p.m., Feb. 6 at The Fat Grass Restaurant in Bay City. The area alumni of Texas A&M University and The University of Texas put aside their fierce rivalry each year to join forces to raise scholarship funds to both universities that benefit local youth in Matagorda County. Guests will be served a 4-course meal prepared by the chef at Fat Grass Restaurant. Each table will have their own Aggie or Longhorn waiter. At the end of the night, the waiters will pool their tips. Whichever team collects the most money will fly their flag over Bay City’s City Hall for a week! A live auction is also a featured event. Sponsorships are available. Contact Lynsey Curtner for more info -- or 979-240-4006. Info may also be picked up at Frankson and Griffith CPA’s in downtown Bay City, 2245 Ave. G PJHS collecting Lowe’s receipts Palacios Junior High School is once again collecting Lowe’s (Super S) receipts dated between August 17, 2013 – March 31, 2014. The school will earn free educational equipment by collecting register receipts from Lowe’s. The PJHS Art Students participated in a school-wide interdisciplinary unit based on the book Dark Water Rising about the Galveston Hurricane of 1900. The students drew their hands and different background areas to represent people celebrating their differences. They drew a joining blue ribbon to represent people banding together when there is a tragic event like The Great Storm of Galveston in 1900. The blue in the ribbon represents the unity in rebuilding their lives after a natural disaster. The art show opened Monday at the Administration foyer and will be on display until the end of January. TechnoSharks place 30th at State THE TechnoSharks from East Side Intermediate would like to thank everyone that supported us through the past months of competition. Special thanks to those that we interviewed for our project and those who let us perform our skit for them. We placed thirty out of the sixty teams that went to state. Our hometown support meant the world to us. TechnoShark team members pictured are: (front, l-r) Julian Diaz, Kevin Tran, Jacob Hernandez, Cyra Polk and Tony Lam; (back) Omar Muniz, Rodrigo Valdez, Patricia Castanon, Anh Dang and Ayden Delgado. (Submitted Photo) Terrific Tigers of the Week at Blessing Elm. SELECTED as Blessing Elementary’s Terrific Tigers of the week are: (front, l-r) Hunter Ryman, Agustin Barajas-Garcia, and Valerie Galvan; (back) Lizette Sustaita, Walker Griffith, Adriano Sandoval and Logan Crow. (Submitted Photo) This Week in Texas History Jan. 15, 1841: Congress of the Republic chartered Houston and Austin Turnpike Co. to lay out Austin-Houston road. Jan. 16, 1860: Adolphus from Page Prussia,1 a longMat. Co. Fair Association 1.12.14:Layout 1 1/10/14Glaevecke 11:53 AM term observer of life on the Texas-Mexico border, gave the governor of Texas an account of events connected with the socalled Cortina Wars. Jan. 17, 1874: Reconstruction declared ended in Texas when President U. S. Grant refused to send troops to Austin to oppose the election of a Democratic governor. 1929: Popeye, the Sailor Man, renowned comicstrip character, first appeared in print in the Victoria Advocate. TALENT SHOW Jan. 18, 1887: Evan Jones, Sponsored by: Matagorda Regional Medical Center farmer and populist leader, was elected president of the Sunday, February 16th • 1 p.m. Texas Farmers’ Alliance. 1971: Bay City Civic Center U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed suit in federal court alleging stock fraud against a number of Texas state officials 14 - HS Senior accused of making profitable, quick-turnover, bank-financed stock purchases in return for the passage of legislation desired by Deadline for entries is Friday, January 31 @ Noon a Houston businessman Frank W. Sharp. This scandal became 14 - 19 yrs. PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION known as the Sharpstown scandal. In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. O.R. Kubecka Jan. 19, 1857: Colonel Robert Junior, Intermediate & Senior Divisions E. Lee passed his fiftieth birthday Sunday, February 16th Immediately following Talent Show while on duty with the US Army at Bay City Civic Center at Fort Brown. Deadline for entries is Friday, January 31 @ Noon Jan. 20, 1798: Anson Jones, last President of the Republic of Texas, born in Massachusetts; died Jan. 9, 1858. 1891: Governor James Stephen Hogg inaugurated; first native Texan to be elected Join us on Facebook! governor. Jan. 21, 1861: Legislature convened in Austin to debate secession. 1879: Governor Oran M. Roberts inaugurated his payas-you-go policy. 2014 Students of the Week at Central SELECTED as Students of the Week at Central Elementary were: (front, l-r) Angel Velazquez, Greenlie Jasek and Adria Flores; (back) Jalisa Martinez, Yvon Nguyen, Bianey Hurtado, Mayra Sanchez and Luis Silva. (Submitted Photo) Palacios Medical Clinic 1519 4th Street • Palacios • 361-972-2000 We’re here for you newborns to seniors * Family practice * Physicals * Preventative services * Well Child Exams * Family planning Gus Gross, MD & Katie Gilbert, FNP-C Now accepting new medicare patients se habla espanol Page 6 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Worship At The Church Of Your Choice Owners Richard & Nancy Rhoades 972-6281 317 Henderson Palacios, Tx Quality, Variety and Value! 702 Henderson (Hwy 35) • Palacios (361) 972-2534 MATGORDA HOUSE HEALTHCARE CENTER Skilled Nursing Facility 700 12th • Bay City • 979-245-7800 Admissions Director: Debbie Castillo Oscar’s Pest l ro Cont alist i c e p S Pest Fre Ter e Inspemite ction & termite cOntrOl “The Only Name You Need to Know in Pest Control” Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in , , but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, iniquity endures all things. Love never fails. I Corinthians 13:4-8 AGAPE FAMILY OUTREACH 1811 Newsom Blvd. Sunday Fellowship: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Discipleship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Eric Young Church Phone: 972-0800 Oscar TOrres, Owner (361) 578-7378 • (361) 920-7378 Palacios Funeral Home 701 1ST STREET • 972-2012 ASAMBLEA APOSTOLICA DELA FE EN CRISTO JESUS 710 8th Street Lunes-Oracios 7:30 p.m. Martes-Culto Juvenil Bilinque: 7:30 p.m. Miercoles-Culto De Adoracion: 7:30 p.m. Domingo Escuela Dominical: 9:45 a.m. Culto Evangelisticio: 2 p.m. Pastor: Eddie Martinez Phone: 972-2419 COLLEGEPORT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pastors: Andy & Janell Blair Church Phone: 972-1158 FIRST BAPTIST of PALACIOS PALACIOS HOUSING AUTHORITY Located at Seacrest Estates 45 Seashell • (361) 972-3721 111 N. Main St. • Port Lavaca, TX • 361-552-5441 BIBLE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP 451 Commerce Street Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Richard Alamia Assistant Pastor: Carmen Rios Phone: 972-6171 FIRST UNITED METHODIST Melstan Feed & Seed BLESSING CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Serving the Community 43 Years 39 South 11th St., Blessing Sunday Services: 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. Mon-Sat: 11am-1:30pm & 5-9pm 1917 13th St. • Bay City • 979-245-2097 BLESSING CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY Railroad & Pecan Streets Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Pastor: Steven Walker BLESSING FIRST BAPTIST 459 Main Street • Palacios, TX • 361-972-2585 817 FM 616 361-588-9579 Hotel Blessing Blessing, TX Join us on FaceBook W W DOCK TURNING BASIN 2 361-972-5012 # P.O. 342 1407 MBox AIN STREET Palacios, TX PALACIOS, TEXAS77465 77465 361-972-1555 Serendipity Bay Resort 1001 Main St. ~ Palacios 361-972-5454 CARS SUV’s TRUCKS PALACIOS AUTOS 361-972-3596 • 117 Henderson • Palacios, TX 1-877-4-BAY CITY The Trull FoundaTion 404 FourTh STreeT • PalacioS,TX • 361-972-5241 Serving the Palacios - Matagorda County Area Since 1967 Palacios Antiques & Resale 501 First Street • Palacios 361-972-1380 Open Fri. & Sat. 10am - 5pm • Sun. Noon - 4pm Prime Parts Supply 709 Henderson • (361) 972-2565 Sunday School: 8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9:45 a.m. & 7 p.m Wednesday Service: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Larry Swift Church Phone: 588-7325 Pastor’s Phone: 588-6313 CARANCAHUA CHAPEL Corner CR 470 / CR 476 Carancahua Community Ctr. Sunday Service: 8:30 a.m. Wed. Service: 6 p.m. Pastor: Bob Keprta Casual Dress 3rd & Lucas Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday Adult Choir: 6 p.m. Pastor: Rev. David King Church Phone: 972-3013 Pastor’s Phone: 972-6005 FIRST UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 525 Morton Street Sunday Service: 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m. Pastor: James & Susie Jimenez Se Habla Español Church Phone: 972-2707 HOUSE OF GOD SECOND PRESBYTERIAN (Bilingual) 9th & Morton Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-5254 LA VINA DEL SENOR Domingo: 9.45 a.m., 6 p.m. Miercoles: 6:30 p.m. Viernes: 6:30 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST 6th at Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class: 7 p.m. Phone: 972-2132 CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 508 4th St. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Worship Service: 7 p.m. Pastor: Lloyd Rodriguez Church Phone: 972-6550 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS Phone: 972-1606 4th & Rorem Sunday School: 9 a.m. Bible Class: 9 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:15 Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Pastor: J. Jeffrey Baxter Church Phone: 972-3852 PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA 3rd & Morton Sunday School: 9:40 a.m. Sunday Coffee: 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Pastors: Andy & Janell Blair Church Phone: 972-2124 Pastor’s Phone: 972-5389 LABOR OF LOVE MINISTRIES 4th & Morton Domingo Escuela Domincal: 9:45 a.m. Adoracion: 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Miercoles Estudio Biblico: 7 p.m. Pastor: Juan Aguilera Parsonage: 972-5542 1800 First St. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; 6 p.m. Wednesday. Service: 6:00 p.m. Pastors: Billie Burch Church Phone: 972-3675 361-972-5923 Palacios House of Flowers 414 Main St. • Palacios • 361-972-2517 Under New Management Irene Page, Owner WES’ FEED & MORE 1160 FM 616 • 361-588-6631 Tire Shop 361-588-6660 Blessing, Texas 77419 The Luther Hotel An Historic Inn 408 South Bay Blvd. 361-972-2312 STP Nuclear Operating Company 1004 Magnusson Confessions Saturday: 5-5:45 p.m., or by Appointment Saturday Mass 6 p.m. Sunday Vietnamese Mass: 8 a.m. Sunday English Mass: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Spanish Mass: 11 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Bryan Heyer Church Phone: 972-2446 ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL 3rd & Main Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer: 10:30 a.m. Church Phone: 972-2744 Church Fax: 972-1334 THE LIVING WORD CHURCH 12th & Henderson Sunday Worship 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday Youth Service: 7 p.m. Intercession: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 7 p.m. Pastor: Tony Flores Church Phone: 972-2352, 972-2955 TRINITY BAPTIST WEST PALACIOS CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 808 9th St. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Praise-Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m. Pastor: Raymond Salinas Church Phone: 972-6262 Pastor’s Phone: 361-588-7117 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To list your church information on this page, for free, bring, mail, fax or e-mail your information to the Palacios Beacon. Fax: 972-2610; or E-mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When visiting the businesses and services listed above, thank them for sponsoring this Church Page. 215 5th St. Palacios 361-972-5900 Coastal Properties "Strong Churches Make Strong Communities" EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY HUD CERTIFIED Dairy Queen ST. ANTHONY’S CATHOLIC MIDFIELD COMMUNITY 10th & Ritchie • PO Box 657 Sunday Worship: 6pm Thursday Worship: 7pm Church Phone: 361-649-4715 Pastor: Kenyon Hamilton 1105 Henderson Mon-Fri: 7:30am-4:30pm, Sat: 8am to Noon After Hours - By Appointment Only SOLID ROCK FELLOWSHIP 2nd & Rorem Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. Pastor: Louis Rush Church Phone: 972-3139 NEW BEGINNINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD PALACIOS AUTO & TOWING www. 1008 5th Street Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Monday: 7 p.m. School of the Book Wednesday Worship: 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Danny G. Perez Church Phone: 972-2849 Pastor’s Phone: 972-2475 Junetta St., Midfield Sunday Worship: 7:30 a.m. Pastor: Clyde Grier (361) 972-2222 1-800-787-7741 OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN LCMS 202 Main Street Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning PILGRIM ROSE BAPTIST Worship: 10:45 a.m., 9th & Moore Sunday Family Bible Study 5:45p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Wed. Youth & Children Activities: 6 p.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Wed. Church Prayer Time: 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service: 6:30 p.m. Pastor: Chris Webb Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m. Associate Pastor of Ministries: Pastor: LeRoy Monroe James Collins Phone: 972-6482 Church Phone: 972-5486 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 308 4th Street ~ Palacios 215 Henderson Ave. 361-972-2554 Open: 10am-10pm PALACIOS HEALTHCARE CENTER 1414 4th Street 361-972-2542 “The Small Home with the Big Heart” 502 FM 616 Blessing, TX 7:30am-5pm Hours: Mon.-Fri.: Sat.: 7:30am to Noon Antonio’s Tire Service Cell:(979) 323-4700 Shop:(361) 588-6594 • Road Service Available 7days a Week • 24 Hours a Day • Verner L. “Butch” Bowers Attorney-At-Law 807 Henderson • Palacios • 361-972-2545 BIG G Auto GlAss 1-800-460-2080 Proudly Serving the Palacios Community Cut-n-Curl 400 Henderson Ave. #1• Pelican Plaza Palacios • 361-972-3905 Hairstyling for the whole family LAGASSE MARINE WAYS Turning Basin 1 • 361-972-6060 We Support Our Community & Local Churches Capt. Tom’s Seafood 361-972-3780 CAMPBELL-HUITT INSURANCE 972-2551 Homes • Business • Life 453 Commerce • 361-972-3009 • Fax 361-972-2610 LIFE S TYLES DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Palacios Beacon Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 - Page 7 •Birth announcements must be submitted within 4 weeks of birth to be published free of charge. Otherwise, a $20 charge applies. •Wedding stories must be submitted within 4 weeks of ceremony to be published at nominal rate, otherwise $5.50 per column inch rate will apply. 61st Deutschburg Seafood Lunch, Dinner next Sat. TRUSTEES for Palacios ISD are: (front, l-r) Greg Stuhrenberg and Rick Cink; (back) Peter Zamarripa, Donna Brune, Patty Frankson, Cara Herlin and Greg Hunter. (Submitted Photo) PISD recognizes Trustees for School Board Recognition Month January is School Board Recognition Month and Palacios ISD is joining other districts across the state to thank these community volunteers for their commitment and contributions to our public schools. “School board members serve countless hours working to make public education the best it can be for every child,” said Superintendent Vicki Adams. In a climate of change and challenge, they develop policies and make tough decisions on complex educational and social issues that affect the entire community and the lives of individual students. They bear responsibility and oversight in Palacios ISD for an annual budget of $15.4 million, 1500 students in grades PK – 12, more than 240 employees and 4 campuses. Preparing today’s students to be productive citizens and the leaders of tomorrow is a tremendous task. As elected officials, school board members are the voice of their communities, serving first and foremost in the best interest of our schoolchildren,” said Adams. The men and women serving Palacios ISD and their years of service are Cara Herlin, 35 years; Steve Stuhrenberg, 19 years; Rick Cink, 16 years; Patty Frankson, 10 years; Peter Zamarripa, 8 years; Greg Hunter, 1 year and Donna Brune, 7 months. “We proudly salute these education advocates as they provide vision and leadership for student achievement, academic programs, district funding, and school facilities. Their service ensures that decisions about local public schools are made by those most familiar with the needs of our community’s children and families,” said Superintendent Adams. “These dedicated individuals deserve recognition and thanks for their unfailing commitment to the continuing success of our students now and in the future.” Mayor John Sardelich has again proclaimed January as School Board Recognition Month and each Palacios campus will recognize Board members this month for all their hard work. Palacios ISD is a Met Standard school district receiving Distinction Designations at all 4 campuses. Adams said, “Great leadership always begins with a willing heart, a positive attitude, and a desire to make a difference. Please join us as we applaud these local leaders for truly caring about our kids.” The Deutschburg Community Club will host its 61st Annual Seafood Lunch and Dinner Benefit from 11 a.m. -6 p.m. Jan. 25th at the Deutschburg Community Center on FM 1862 northwest of Palacios. Plates are $10 and the menu consists of: shrimp, oysters, and catfish served with cheesy rice, beans, pickles, onions, hot rolls, coffee, tea, and dessert is included. Patrons can use the famous ‘ m a d e - t o - o r d e r ’ To - G o Window or Dine in and get a chance to bid on one of the area’s most delicious baked items at the Cake Auctions held at 11:30 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. The proceeds from this event benefits Senior Citizens Centers, Food Pantries, Volunteer Fire Departments, Scholarships and various other organizations. All are encouraged to come enjoy a delicious meal and help the Deutschburg Community Club to do what they enjoy most, helping others. Fundraising tips courtesy of HUB Jan. 22 at PAF The Palacios Community HUB will be hosting Layne Neuenfeldt, Rural Literacy Coalition Fund Development Consultant; to assist any interested organization in learning how to maximize future fundraising endeavors on Jan. 22 (next Wed.) from 9:30 a.m.-12 noon at the Palacios Area Fund located at 454 B. Main St. in Palacios Seaman-Garcia wed in Mexico Tiffany Leanne Seaman & Joe Garcia Jr. were married on November 1, 2013 in Riviera Maya, Mexico. Tiffany is the daughter of Becky Seaman Garcia and the late Roy Seaman, and Joe Garcia Jr. is the son of Joe & Carol Garcia, all of Palacios. The wedding was held at Secrets Maroma Beach in Riviera Maya, Mexico. The ceremony was performed on the beautiful Maroma Beach, followed by an enjoyable, fun-filled reception, dinner and dance. Approximately 90 close family members and friends were in Mexico to celebrate with the lovely couple. Given in marriage by her grandfather, James Milam Sr., the bride was attended by sisters, Daphni Bowers and Brittany Pena, and best friends, Emily McGlothlin, Brooke Herbst and Haley Garcia. Groomsmen were Nicolas Arab, Mark Bier, Bryan Blasingame and Jasper Garcia Jr., all great friends of the groom; and brother, Benjamin Garcia. James Hanger and Greg Brevik served as ushers. The bride graduated from Texas A&M University and works for a national accounting firm. Joe graduated from the University of Texas with his doctorate of pharmacy, and is a Pharmacist. The couple currently resides in Austin, TX. Alapha Club rings in new year with new officers Ciro would like to thank each of the following for their donation and giving me a home with the best sheriff’s office in Texas. Leonard Cornelius Family Mark & Teri Treadway M.C.C.L.E.A. Alumni Assoc. Morgan & Joy King Mark Schuhsler Joe & Peggy Black Jay Ledwig Jr. Leroy Graham Prime Parts - Palacios VFW Post 2438 Cecil Lee Post 649/ American Legion Blessing Son’s of the American Legion/ Post 649 Blessing STP Nuclear Operating Co. One Hundred Club of Matagorda County Bay City Lions Club Everyone Who Donated Cash Frank “Skipper” Osborne, Sheriff Thank You! The Alapha Club began 2014 with electing the officers who will serve the 2014-2015 year, beginning in June. They are President, Sue Stacy; Vice President, Deborah Smith; Secretary, Candice Neese; Treasurer, Frankie Faye Cooper; Photographer, Judy Davis; and Parliamentary Critic, Pat Yeager. Members were treated to a program presented by Barbara Curtis, Betty Scurlock, and Charlotte Tucker on the 26th First Lady, Helen Herron Taft, wife of President William Howard Taft. We learned that Helen, also known as “Nellie”, was an outgoing woman who pushed and prodded her husband into the Presidency. She had attended a White House affair as a teenager, and was most impressed with the pomp and circumstance. She declared that she would marry someone who would be President someday. That day arrived in 1909, after Teddy Roosevelt threw his support behind Taft. We can thank President Taft for the implementation of the 16th amendment, which gives the government the right to collect taxes! A mother of three, Helen ONE CALL ONE LOW PRICE Advertise Your Business or Event STATEWIDE Regional ads available Contact this newspaper for more information 000-000-0000 361-972-3009 Taft was in her element in the White House. She and the President loved to entertain, so there was constant social activity at the White House; they even celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary during that time, said to be the most elaborate occasion of the administration. She was involved in the political life of her husband, but she also fought for and won legislation providing for better working conditions for factory workers. She is also responsible for the planting of the famous Cherry Blossom trees in Washington. In fact, the tree she personally planted is still there. President Taft served one term, and then returned to Washington as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1921. After his death in 1931, Helen travelled extensively all over the world. She died in 1943 at the age of 81, and is the first of two First Ladies buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Palacios Pride Pick it uP LUMBERYARD GRILL 515 Commerce • Tues.- Sat./11am to 9pm • 361-972-1479 Daily Lunch Specials Along with Burger Baskets like the Bubba Burger it’s a 1/2 Pound pattie stuffed with bacon and pepper jack cheese. Served with home fries for $12.95 You are invited to help Celebrate Margaret Lynn’s 100 th Birthday on Saturday, January 18 th from 1pm to 4pm at the Texas Baptist Encampment 100 First Street Palacios, Texas Your presence is my greatest gift. Page 8 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY DEADLINE Beacon Classified Ads 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY 972-3009 Classified Deadline 10 A.M. MONDAY $5.00 Per Insertion for 25 Words Or Less • Payment required at the time of placement for all Classified Ads Office: 361-972-3200 Palacios Autos 117 Henderson David and Jody Cassady Owner/Broker • 16 Peggy - 3bd, 2ba, Fantastic home with open floor paln at Schicke Point. $240,000. • 0 CR 305 - 7.88 Acres - Build what ever your little heart desires. $394.000. • 1102 8th St. - 4bd, 2ba, Oldie but goodie on corner lot. $69,000. • 0 Riverside Dr. (TPO) - 2 Riverfront lots with water & electricity. $25,000. • 710 Rorem - 2bd, 2ba Home. Charming and ready to move in. $69,000. SOLD • 314 CR 304 - 4 Acres of land with many possibilities. $50,000. • 222 E. Lou Lou Lane - 3bd, 1ba, A great little fish camp at Schicke Point. $50,000. • 504 Humphrey - 2bd. 1ba Cute starter or empty nester home. $59,500 • 74 Grand Oak 2 (TPO) - 3bd, 2ba, A lovely home with 5 well maintained fenced in lots. With a huge garage/work shop. $96,000. • 311 Rorem - 2bd, 1ba, Coastal Charmer! This home welcomes you with open living areas. With additional living area in garage. $55,000. • 27 Catamaran - Two beautiful lots well maintained. There is a septic, storage building and a sun room. $32,000. REDUCED $28,000. • 47 Riverside Dr. (TPO S/D) - 3bd. 2ba. Immaculate home on 4 lots. There is also a river front lot across from home. $159,900 • 205 Main St. - 3bd. 2ba. Classic Charmer! Super location, a few blocks from downtown & bay. $125,000 REDUCED $110,000. • 729 CR 305 - 4bd. 3 ½ ba. Luxurious water front home with a little over 2 acres. The master bedroom is downstairs with an awesome view of the bay. $319,000 • 00 Hwy 35 W. - 1.79 Acres – Spectacular homesite ready to build on. There is a 401ft. water well and under ground electricity. $135,000. • 0 First St. - 2 Lots These lots are 1 block from E. Bay Blvd. & 3 blocks from S. Bay Blvd. Not far from downtown. $59,000. REDUCED $49,000. • 0 Matagorda - A beautiful lot 1 block from E. Bayshore Dr. $15,000 PENDING • 0 Turtle Bay Cove Dr - 2.73 Acres – Excellent waterfront property on Turtle Bay. Great homesite! Possible Owner Finance. $80,000 • 39 Palacios Bay Dr. (Beachside) - A waterfront lot in a gated community. $94,000 • 111 5th. St. - A view of the Tres Palacios Bay from this lot. One block from the seawall and downtown. $50,000 Your Coastal Property Specialists! PIERCE REAL ESTATE 438 MAIN ST • 361-972-0810 NEW LISTING - 108 COMMERCE- Three bedroom, two bath home on oversized lot, barn/storage and carport $79,900. 500 WELCH - Three bedroom, three bath home on oversized corner lot. Lots of potential $80.000. 409 E. BAYSHORE - Castner Cottage, A great home on the water or rental income for a weekender, 325’ lighted pier, $229,500 411 E. TRES PALACIOS - Camp Logan, Bay view from the front porch, formal dining, $189,950 320 E. TRES PALACIOS - Two for less than the price of one. The 3/1 house is a SOLD fixer upper but the 1/1 APARTMENT is ready to go, $69,000 ABALONE, IN BOCA CHICA - Secluded with a view of a nice horse ranch, $4,000 SE CORNER OF SH 35 & 11th - Commercial lot waiting for a business, $99,925 GREEN & 7th - Behind Lowe’s, subdivision waiting to happen, 19.83 acres, $999,925 SH 35 & UNIVERSITY - Storage building with office space, can be divided several ways, call John for more information, $299,000 (office currently for rent) John L. Pierce Broker/Owner/GRI I can help you as a buyers rep even if it's not my listing. 506 Morton Avenue RE/MAX Coastal Properties 3 BR 2 Bath house, Central Air & Heat, new flooring, new roof, New Stove, new refrig., new Washer & Dryer, New countertops, new kit cabinets. Fenced yard. Price REDUCED to $85,000.00. Call Ron Laws with Re/ max Coastal Properties at 979-240-4413 300 Austin Avenue RE/MAX Coastal Properties 3 BR 2 Bath House, 2 car garage, fenced yard. Fire place. Central Air & Heat, new wood floors, countertop, cabinets. Price REDUCED to $132,000.00. Call Ron Laws with Re/max Coastal Properties at 979-240-4413. 2009 LINCOLN MKS, 64K miles $16,900. IN-HOUSE FINANCING FOR SALE: 1+ Acre Tracts. Owner financing available. $4,000. Down, $225/ month. Call Ron @ 979-240-4413. (37-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ FOR RENT FOR RENT: One bedroom house. Newly built. Central Heat/Air. Privately located, very nice. $550/monthly + deposit. Call 832-692-5789. (3-2tp) -----------------------------------------------AVAILABLE FOR LEASE: 327 E. Bayshore Drive. A split level waterfront home. 2BD, 2BA, upstairs and a 1BD, efficiency downstairs. Renting all as one. $1,200/month + deposit. Call 361-655-3515 or 361-218-0516 for more information. (1-3tp) -----------------------------------------------1 Bedroom apartment Completely furnished apartment. All bills paid, includes WIFI and Cable/Movie channels. Washer dryer on site. $675.00 per month to drama free tenant. No pets, No smoking. See our website www.palacioshousingsource. com for photos, contact info (48-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR LEASE: 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 story Townhome. Very nice unit in quiet 10 unit complex w-great neighbors. Includes washer/dryer. $695/month, $725/deposit. Furnished or unfurnished. E-mail: paul@ (44-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR RENT: 2BD, 1BA, Unfurnished Duplex. $625/month, $625/deposit, No smoking. No pets Call 361-972-1438. (35-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ STORAGE UNITS 10’ X 10’ Climate Controlled Heated and Cooled 2601 Perryman 979-240-4413 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 2 Story house in Tres Palacios Oaks, 3BD home built on three lots. The third lot has water, sewer, septic, and electric also. A three bay garage with one bay converted to built in with work benches. Stove, refrigerator and dish washer included. $65K asking will discount to $55K for cash buyer. Contact Vic Collins @ 1-281-543-9069. (47-tfc) -----------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 3-Plex $92,000. Firm. Gross estimated annual income $18,960. Call Ron Laws with Re/Max Coastal Properties @ 979-240-4413. (44-tfc) --------------------------------------------------------FOR SALE: 3BD, 2BA, House, CH/A, Privacy fenced yard, New Frigidaire Stove and Refrigerator. New Granite sink, new counter tops, new cabinets, new laminate floor. Remodeled bathrooms with new fixtures, tile floors. All electric, 5 ceiling fans, back deck, covered porch, $95,000.00 Call Ron at 979-240-4413. (19-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ Ron Laws 979-240-4413 Broker/Owner Tammy Hill 979-240-3420 Realtor Charlotte Tucker 979-241-8615 Realtor Independently owned and operated Frontier $7,900. at LAND FOR SALE Robbie Brieden 361-920-2891 Realtor • 134 Sea Bass - Bayview home, under constuction on 2 lots, New Septic. Boca Chica S/D $60,000. Call Ron • 298 Sea Bass - Great getaway house. 1BD, 1BA, tile floors. Attached garage has 1BD, 1BA as well. $95,000. Call Ron • 304 S. Bay - 2BD, 2BA, Fantastic location with waterview of Tres Palacios Bay. Swimming pool. $234,000. • 379 Walnut, Lolita - 1BD, 2BA, fenced yard, workshop. Could be 2 bedroom, second room doesn't have a closet. $78,000 Call Robbie. • 2372 CR 305 - Olivia area. 3BD, 2BA, on 5 Acres, with 3 car garage, metal buildings, property is crossed fenced. $139,000. Call Ron CONTRACT PENDING • 771 CR 305 - 3BD, 1 1/2 BA, Brick home with waterview. Situated on 4 acres. Attached on car garage. $361,000. Call Ron • 312 Duson - 3BD, 2BA, with open conceptCONTRACT floor plan & wood PENDING burning fireplace. Enclosed front porch & detached garage $184,500. Call Charlotte • 412 Lucas - 2BD, 2BA, Covered front porch, kitchen and diningroom have been remodeled, large utility room. $74,900. Call Charlotte • 507 E. Bayshore Dr. - 2BD, 2BA, Open concept home with beautiful view of the Bay. $141,000. REDUCED $129,000. Call Tammy • 116 Willowrun - Cozy 3BD, 2BA, in Tres Palacios Oaks. 2 Car garage. $62,000. Call Tammy • 205 Duson - Very nice 2BD, 1BA, with CONTRACT one car garage. A PENDING brick home with fenced yard. $115,000. Call Ron • 506 Morton - Newly remodeled 3BD, 2BA home. Stainless steel appliances, large backyard. Must see! $95,000. REDUCED $85,000. Call Ron • 568 Bayview - 2BD, 2BA, in Cape Carancahua w/waterview on 3 lots, jacuzzi tub and lots of extras Must see $175,000. Call Robbie • 517 Lucas - 2BD, 2BA Home great for entertaining with outdoor BBQ room. $115,000. REDUCED $110,000. Call Robbie • 1200 4th St. - Old Charm Victorian on corner lot. 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 story home with wrap around porch. $159,000. REDUCED $149,000. Call Ron • 300 Austin - 3BD, 2BA, Home with new wood floors, kitchen cabinets & countertops. Fenced yard. $158,000. REDUCED $139,000. Call Ron • 1517 8th Street - 3BD, 2BA, Brick home on corner lot. Large living room, garage converted to game room/studio. $139,000. Call Tammy • 312 Perryman - 2BD, 1BA, House with new kitchen cabinets. Metal building. $75,000. Call Ron • 604 4th Street - 3 Unit Apartment building, 2 Story - Downstairs 3BD, 2BA, 2 Units upstairs- Each 1BD, 1BA. $110,000. REDUCED $ 92,000. Call Ron • 307 Windswept - Located in Sunrise Bay Sub-Division. This 3BD, 3BA, open concept home has a beautiful view of the bay. $279,000. Call Charlotte • 413 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview from balcony, $215,000. Call Charlotte • 415 E Bay Blvd. - 3BD, 3BA, Town home with waterview, gated parking in the back. $215,000. Call Charlotte • 2209 Bayshore Dr. - Beautiful 4BD, 3BA, two story home with private pier. Many extras. Call Charlotte for details. $980,000. • 10 2nd Street- Jensen Point, 3BD, 1BA, Beautiful waterview. Access to boat ramp. $140,000. Call Tammy • 502 Elizabeth - Great view of the Bay. 2/2 w/garage, great yard, $180,000. REDUCED $170,000. Call Charlotte SOLD • 805 Ave C, Blessing - 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, cinder block home, remodeled bathroom. $45,000. Call Tammy • 898 CR 324 - Nice country home on 20 acres! 4 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath, brick home with large barn. $295,000. $275,000. REDUCED $245,000. Call Robbie • 401 Henderson - Strip Mall! Great Business location! $325,000. Call Charlotte LAND • Lot 146 - Bayview in Cape Carancahua. Gated community with boat launch, pool, piers. $10,000. Call Ron • 552 Bayview - 2 Lots. Great lots to build on. S/D has piers, boat launch, pool. $19,000. Call Ron • Lot 24 Windswept - Sunrise Bay S/D. Fantastic view of Carancahua Bay. $45,000. Call Ron • 633 Swallow Drive - 2 Great lots to build on, includes small building and power pole. S/D has boat launch, pool and pier. $21,000. Call Ron • Lot 14 & 15 Red Snapper - 2 Lots with view of Carancahua Bay. $20,000. Call Ron • River Hollow Way - 1 Acre of River front property, lots of trees. $51,500. Call Tammy • Lot 3 Red Snapper - Waterfront lot with concrete bulkhead. Great view. $110,000. Call Ron • Tiger Shark - Waterfront lot in Boca Chica Subdivision $12,500. Call Ron • 6405 SH 35 - 1.73 Acres of undeveloped waterfront property on Turtle Bay. Over 148 ft. of water frontage with seawall. $92,000. Call Ron • FM 3280 - 627.71 Acres in 2 different tracts. $1,489,000. Call Dan • 503 E Bay Blvd. - Wateview, great building site, close to boat ramp. $150,000. Call Charlotte • Lot 3 Red Snapper Lane - 1.14 Acres. Water front lot with bulkhead. $110,000. Call Ron • 28 Windswept Dr. - .95 acre Sunrise Bay SD. $109,000. Call Robbie • 10 Acres-Collins Rd - Great tract for building or commercial, fenced. $65,000. Call Ron • 2 Acres - on Tres Palacios Bay -"Collegeoport" with 120' of Bulkhead $105,000. Owner financing available. Call Ron • 1st & McGlothin - 6 Lots, Road frontage on 4 sides. $115,000. Call Ron • E. Bayshore Dr. - 1.49 Acres would be great homesite with view of the bay. $110,000. Call Charlotte • 141 Sandollar - Boca Chica Lot #74. $6,500. Call Robbie • Lot # 13 & 14 - Live Oak Landing, Blessing, $49,900. Call Robbie • Lots 1344 & 1345 - Cape Carancahua, Waterfront lots-$79,000. each. Call Ron • Lot 1 - Carancahua Bay, 6+ Acres 150 feet water front. $110,000. Call Ron • Lot 1B - Carancahua Bay, 6+ Acres 150 feet water front. $110,000. Call Ron • Lot 2- Carancahua Bay, 6+ Acres 150 feet water front. $110,000. Call Ron • Lot 3 - Carancahua Bay, 6+ Acres 150 feet water front. $110,000. Call Ron • Koontz Street - Nice building site. Close to wetlands & birding. $12,000. Call Ron • 1st & Beecher - Lots 1, 2 & 3, Foley's 3rd ext., Hwy. Frontage, $90,000. Call Charlotte • Palacios Acres - Lot B - 2.08 Acres on 12th Street. Great location and close to town. $35,000. Call Ron • Palacios Acres - Lot C - 2.08 Acres. Convenient location. Close to town. $35,000. Call Ron • Riverfront Property - Live Oak Landing S/D, Lot 9, 2 acres. $89,000. Call Robbie • Lots 4-6 - Cape Carancahua #5 (Hwy 35), $75,000. REDUCED Call Tammy • 57 Bayshore - 2 Waterfront lots in Cape Carancahua. 122x150 - Lots 57 & 58, $79,000. Call Ron • 1620 Ruthven - 1 acre waterfront property with bayfront view $70,000. Call Tammy • Lot 63, Sea Urchin Drive - 75x104 lot in Boca Chica across from reserve. $7,500. REDUCED $5,900. Call Robbie • 2201 First St. - 6 acres in town. Building not included. $220,000. REDUCED $217,500. Call Charlotte • 684-685 Swallow - 130' x110' $12,000. Call Ron • Sea Urchin Boca Chica- $8,000. Lot 62 across from reserve. REDUCED $7,000 Call Robbie • 8.2 Acres on Green Ave. - $145,000. Possible owner finance. Call Ron • 1 Acre tracts on Collins Rd. - Great Building Site! Call Ron • 862 CR 478 - 1.3 Acres on Carancahua Bay - w/ 308' waterfront, Wonderful homesite. $159,995 $139,995. REDUCED $ 139,000. Call Charlotte • Bayshore Dr - 2.5 Acres WATERFRONT Land. Great Homesite! $295,000. REDUCED $199,000. Call Charlotte • Waterfront Cape Lots: Lot 404-$80,000. Call Ron. • Various Lots in BEACHSIDE S/D, some foreclosures, Sunrise Bay, Bay Point, Live Oak Landing, TPO, Cape and Boca Chica RENTALS: • 441 Main St. - Commercial Building $500/month, $450/deposit • 1007 Moore - 2/1, N/S, No pets, $650/month, $600/deposit. • 1200 4th St. - 4/2, N/S, No pets, $1400/month, $1200/month. • 1104 Johnson - 3/3, N/S, No pets, $650/month, $600/deposit. • 300 Austin - 3/2, N/S, No pets, $1300/ month, $1250/deposit. • 1617 E. Bayshore - 3/2, N/S, No pets, $1200/month, $1000/deposit. • VACATION RENTALS AVAILABLE BUYERS, COME SHOP WITH US. WE CO-BROKE See our website at FORCLOSURE 2001 NISSAN YOU CAN NOW VISIT US ON OUR NEW WEBSITE Dan Tucker 979-241-5457 Broker/Owner COASTAL PROPERTIES 215 5th Street 361-972-5900 361-972-3596 H Auto Detailing by Appointment H MISCELLANEOUS GORDO ROUND BALES of Hay for sale. $45 each. Call the Ag shop @ 361-972-3212. (3-2tc) LIGHT DOZER or BACKHOE SERVICE BY: GENE EGGEMEYER • Fence line cleaning • Small Pond Construction • Dirt/Gravel Leveling If you need it pushed, leveled, or cleared call 361-972-5593 361-676-0386 (cell) SERVICES RENTALS: Tiller, sewer tape, gas line test gauge, anchor machine, appliance dolly, pressure washer, cement mixer, electric jackhammer, scaffolding. Porter’s Ace Hardware, 405 Main St., Palacios. 361-972-5222 (1-tfc) ------------------------------------------------ SUPPORT GROUPS DRINKING PROBLEM?: CAN’T STOP? , Episcopal Hall, 3rd & Main St., Palacios, Thursday, 7 p.m. & Sunday 3:30 p.m. Call John (361)5539638 or Jeff (713)299-7179. (34-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ WANTED PALACIOS PET PALS needs Weight Circles from Purina Brand Dog and Cat food bags and boxes. They can be used to get discounts. Please call 361972-0100 for more information or mail cut out circles to Pet Pals, P.O. Box 215, Palacios, TX or drop in Palacios at H.L.C. Bookkeeping, 217 Fifth St., during business hours. (18-tfnc) ------------------------------------------------ HELP WANTED BOWERS SHRIMP& FISH, 24781 SH 35 S, Palacios, TX 77465 is now hiring for all positions at both Processing Plants. Please inquire within. Esta contratando empleados para varias posiciones. Para mas informacion acudir al la oficiana. -----------------------------------------------CZECH CATHOLIC HOME is seeking a CNA. Contact Tria Svatek @ 979-648-2628. Hillje community. Hwy 59/FM 441. Benefits. E.O.E. (3-4tp) ------------------------------------------------ REWARD LOST: Male Chocolate Lab. Approx. 7 years old. Named Duke. Has one eye missing. Last seen in Deutchburg area. REWARD! Call 361-8722420. (52-4tc) ----------------------------------------------- FUNDRAISER 1st UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH : Beef Enchilada Casserole, $8 per plate, Fri., Jan., 17th, 10 am to sold out, 423 6th St. Pick up or will deliver. Call 361-237-0199 or 361-218-5334. Plates include: Enchilada Casserole, Rice, Beans, Onions & Bread. (3-1tp) ----------------------------------------------- Wed., January 22nd - 10am @ Serendipity Bay Resort 1001 Main St. • Palacios, TX 1980 Euphoria Pearson Sail Boat 26 feet long, 10 ft. beam, 4 ft. draft. TX number - 4635 HN SOCIAL WORKER PART TIME Flexible hours may be available! Applicants must possess Texas license, excellent interpersonal, organizational and computer skills. Duties include maintaining care plan notes, documentation, social intervention, etc. EOE. For more information, call our Administrator at (361) 9722542, or apply at PALACIOS HEALTHCARE CENTER 1414 Fourth Street, Palacios. CNAs LVNs MED AIDE 36th Annual Cattleman Bull and Female Sale January 18, 2014 12:00 Noon El Campo Livestock Company Selling 95 Bulls Also selling a select group of replacement females. For more information: Immediate openings on various shifts available. Requires State certification or license. Very competitive rates & benefits available for our full time employees! Experience preferred, not necessary. EOE. Call our Administrator, 361-9722542 or apply in person at PALACIOS HEALTHCARE CENTER 1414 Fourth Street, Palacios. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS Matagorda County Drainage District Number Three will accept sealed bids on a per hour basis, including move-in and move-out, travel time, and overtime, up to 3 p.m., Monday, January 27, 2014 on the following: 1. Trackhoe (specify size or sizes) 2. Backhoe 3. Dragline (specify size or sizes) 4. Dozer (specify size of sizes) 5. Motor Grader (specify size) 6. Shell or gravel (per yard or ton) 7. Road Culverts (various types, sizes, etc.) 8. Various herbicide chemicals (per lb. or gal.) 9. Hourly rates for application of chemicals CONTINUED ---------------------------------------------------- 903-850-3449 903-452-5622 Kelly Conley Lic. 9558 Adrian Knight Lic. 11102 PUBLIC NOTICE CONTINUED All bid with fuel charges will be rejected. Bids are for materials or work to be furnished from February 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. For details, specifications, etc., please contact the District Coordinator, Bill Miller, at his office at 807 Henderson, Palacios, Texas. Please return all bids to the District’s Office at 807 Henderson or P.O. Box 799, Palacios, Texas 77465. All bids must be accompanied by certificates of insurance indicating public liability and workman’s compensation coverage. Those who have turned in bids and insurance for 2014 need not do so again. The Matagorda County Drainage District Number Three reserves the right to accept any bids deem advantageous to it or to reject any or all bids.(3-1tc) Verner Bowers Attorney for Matagorda County Drainage District Number Three Little Ads Get Attention Your Reading One Now! GARAGE SALES YARD SALE: Big Family, Thurs., Jan. 16th, 8am to ?, 405 Rorem. Lots of misc. items. (3-1tp) ----------------------------------------------GARAGE SALE: 2 Families. Fri., Jan. 17th, 8am to 2pm, 515 Lucas. Clothes and lots of other misc. items. (3-1tp) GARAGE SALE: Fri., Jan. 17th & Sat., Jan. 18th, 8am to ?, 810 Johnson. If it is raining, will have it inside. Clothes, purses, shoes, jewelry, boots & household items. (3-1tp) ----------------------------------------------MAIN STREET MARKET DAYS: First & Third Saturday of the month, 9:30am to 1pm, 438 Main Street, Palacios. Parking lot next to Old Main Bookstore. Arts & Crafts, Produce, Jewelry, Homemade Goods, Etc. For more information or a booth space call 361-972-1438 (6-tfc) ----------------------------------------------YARD SALE: Sat., Jan. 18th, 8am to 12 Noon, 207 E. McGlothlin. Like new baby clothes & items,(walker, rocker, sit’n’playstation), women’s clothes & household items. (3-1tp) ----------------------------------------------GARAGE SALE: Fri., Jan. 17th & Sat., Jan. 18th, 8am to 12 Noon, 1724 4th Street. Large gas heater, clothes, baby items & housewares. (3-12tc) ----------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF DARLA COBB MATTHES Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of DARLA COBB MATTHES, deceased, were issued to me as Independent Executrix on the 6th day of January, 2014, proceeding indicated below my signature hereto, which is still pending, and that I now hold such letters. All persons having claims against said Estate, which is being administered in the county below named, are hereby required to present the same to me respectively, at the address below given, before suit upon the same are barred by the general statute of limitations, before such estate is closed, and within the time prescribed by law. My residence is in the county of Matagorda in the State of Texas and claims my be presented at the Law Offices of Gwin & Gwin, 1940 Avenue G, Suite 3, Bay City, Matagorda County, Texas or at P.O. Box 150, Bay City, Texas 774040150. (3-1tc) SUZANNE COBB GREEN Independent Executrix of the Estate of Darla Cobb Matthes, Deceased Probate #PR13-9108, in the County Court of Matagorda County, Texas TexSCAN Week of January 12, 2014 DRIVERS PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE OTR drivers, REAL ESTATE APU equipped, pre-pass, EZ-pass, passenger policy. 2012 and newer equipment. 100% ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VIEW Lake NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825; Medina/Bandera, 1/4 acre tract, central W/S/E, RV, M/H or house OK only $830 down, $235 month (12.91%/10yr), GuarAT NATIONAL CARRIERS, We’ll call you and your pet by name. But, you have REGIONAL CDL-A Drivers! Averitt offers anteed financing, more information call to hire on first! 6-months OTR refresher fantastic benefits and weekly hometime. 1-830-460-8354 training program. 1-888-440-2465; www. 1-888-362-8608. Paid training for recent ACREAGE REPO with septic tank, pool, pier, grads with a CDL-A and drivers with limited experience. Apply online at AverittCareers. ramp. Owner finance. Granbury 1-210-422-3013 BEST LEASE PURCHASE in the industry com; EOE AFFORDABLE RESORT LIVING on Lake with 99¢/gallon diesel fuel, $100 weekly Fork. RV and manufactured housing OK! GuarHELP WANTED bonus, new trucks, top pay and great anteed financing with 10% down. Lots starting freight lanes. Hirshbach; 1-888-514-6005 RIO GRANDE Valley Media Network in as low as $6900. Call Josh, 1-903-878-7265 or South Texas is looking for a performance LOOKING TO SALE land? Reach over CDL TRUCK DRIVER Training in Burleson, driven National Advertising Sales Manager. 2-million readers for one low price in the Qualified candidates will grow national TX. Small classes, low cost, financing availTexas Statewide Advertising Network. able. Millis Training Institute for more details advertising revenue for AIM Media Texas Rio Contact this newspaper or call 1-800-749call: 1-800-937-0880 Grande Valley. We are an EOE. If interested 4793 for more detail. apply at or submit your DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED now! Learn to resume and qualifications to Darla Gomez at $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, MH drive for Werner Enterprises. Earn $800 per or cabin. Gated entry, $690 down, 1400 E Nolana, McAllen, TX 78504. week. No experience needed. Get your CDL ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90-days same as cash, MEDICAL and pre-hire now. 1-888-734-6710 Guaranteed financing, 1-936-377-3235 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED in Hutchins, MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES Needed! VACATION TX. Become a driver for Covenant Transport! Become a medical office assistant now! No experience needed. CDL training gets you Online job training gets you ready. Job WEEKEND GETAWAY available on Lake ready ASAP! Earn $750/week + benefits! placement when program completed. Call Fork, Lake Livingston or Lake Medina. for details! 1-888-368-1638; Rooms fully furnished! Gated community with 1-888-778-0460 clubhouse, swimming pool and boat ramps. EXPERIENCE FLATBED DRIVERS: Call for more information: 1-903-878-7265, Regional opportunities now open with plenty MISCELLANEOUS 1-936-377-3235 or 1-830-460-8354 of freight & great pay! 1-800-277-0212 or SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $4897.00. Make and save money with your own bandmill. OWNER OPERATORS: Home weekends Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to & throughout the week. Dedicated, year ship. Free information/DVD, www.Norwood$ ‘round recession-proof freight. 100% fuel 1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N surcharge to drivers. CDL Class-A + 1- year 290 Newspapers, 871,154 Circulation SAFE TUBS driving experience. Contact Ty 1-866-478$ 9977. SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB Alert for seniors, bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by OWNER OPERATORS - 2800-3200 miles/ 93 Newspapers, 297,505 Circulation week average. ALL miles paid. Texas/ Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic jets with less than 4-inch step-in. Wide door, anti-slip $ Oklahoma lanes. Home weekly, fuel surcharge/cards/discounts. Paid plates, floors, American made, installation included. 97 Newspapers, 366,627 Circulation permits, weekly settlements. 1-888-720- Call 1-888-960-2587 for $750 Off Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Statewide Ad.................. 550 North Region Only ...... 250 South Region Only ..... 250 1565 TRAINING PAID CDL Training! No experience AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become needed. Stevens Transport will sponsor an Aviation Maintenance Technician. FAA the cost of your CDL training. Earn up approved training.Financial aid if qualified. to $40K first year and $70K third year. Housing available, job placement assistance. Excellent benefits, 1-888-726-4130, www. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. EOE 800-475-4102 or Houston: 1-800-743-1392 West Region Only .......$250 98 Newspapers, 205,950 Circulation To Order: Call this Newspaper direct, or call Texas Press Service at 1-800-749-4793 Today! NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is Extend your advertising reach with TexSCAN, your Statewide Classified Ad Network. DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY NOTICE OF TAX RESALE ( Properties previously struck off to MATAGORDA COUNTY) (See note below) Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne Pursuant to a resolution of its governing body under Section 34.05(c), Property Tax Code, Matagorda County has requested a public re-sale by my office of certain properties previously foreclosed and bid off to the taxing units in the suits described below. Therefore, I will on February 4, 2014, at the North Entry, 1700 7th Street of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Bay City, Texas, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. on said day, beginning at 10:00 A.M., proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder, and in the manner provided by Section 34.05(d), Property Tax Code, all of the right, title and interest of the taxing units, acquired through each of the suits listed below, in and to the following described real estate being situated in Matagorda County, Texas, to wit: Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 - Page 9 Life Mate-designated ‘man cave’ provides for my needs Note: Matagorda County is the taxing unit to which the property was struck off to in trust. Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne, By: __________________________ Date _____________ Cause # Judgment Date Struck-Off On Sale # Account Number Style of Case Legal Description $750.00 LTS 774 & 775, EL DORADO S/D, VOL 6, PG. 37* $1,500.00 $1,361.00 TR. 1: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, HIGH MEADOW EXTENSION, LT 661, VOL 7, PG 5*(47560/R16421) TR. 2: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, HIGH MEADOW EXTENSION, LT 662, VOL 7, PG 5* ( 47561/R16424) TR. 3: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, HIGH MEADOW EXTENSION, LT 666, VOL 7, PG 5* ( 47565/R16434). TR. 4: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, HIGH MEADOW EXTENSION, LT 667, VOL 7, PG 5* (47566/R16436) TR. 1: MORRISON & COOPER SRVY, ABST 63, 1.00 AC, MORE OR LESS, VOL 149, PG 434* $1,300.00 $957.00 $1,300.00 $957.00 $1,300.00 $957.00 $1,300.00 $957.00 $8,000.00 $4,000.00 TR. 2: MORRISON & COOPER SRVY, ABST 63, 2.00 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, VOL 53, PG 174* $14,000.00 $4,000.00 Legal Description TR. 3: LT 19, BLK "A" OF RE-SUBD OF BLKS 7, 9 & 11, WHITSON ADDN, E HALL LEAGUE, ABST 45, VOL 2, PG 1* TRES PALACIOS OAKS, CREEKSIDE SEC, LT 1482, VOL 6, PG 50* 48303/R17896 Estimated Adjudged $2,450.00 $2,450.00 Minimum Bid Value (See note (See note below) below) LT 727, EL DORADO S/D, REC'D CABINET 1, SLIDE 285 "A"* 47560 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHARLES E. BROWN, ET AL T15,416 04/03/13 11/05/13 47561 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHARLES E. BROWN, ET AL 5 T15,416 04/03/13 11/05/13 47565 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHARLES E. BROWN, ET AL 6 T15,416 04/03/13 11/05/13 47566 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. CHARLES E. BROWN, ET AL 7 T15,559 05/29/13 10/01/13 13792 8 T15,559 05/29/13 10/01/13 13793 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE JAMES BREE, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE JAMES BREE, DECEASED, ET AL Style of Case MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE JAMES BREE, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. T.I.D.E. INC; ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF ACADIA, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. BENNIE MCNEIL, ET AL T14,710 03/03/04 07/06/04 36970 2 T15,315 11/15/06 03/06/07 T15,416 04/03/13 11/05/13 37010 4 3 Sale 9 # Cause # T15,559 Judgment Date 05/29/13 Struck-Off On 10/01/13 40913 Account Number 10 T15,577 05/29/13 10/01/13 48303 11 T15,714 10/06/10 02/01/11 R17264 12 T15,738 05/29/13 10/01/13 46609 13 T15,961 02/01/12 06/05/12 R16013 14 T16,043 05/29/13 10/01/13 35445 15 T16,110 02/01/12 06/05/12 40775 16 T16,130 08/09/11 12/06/11 T16,132 05/29/13 10/01/13 28561 18 T16,323 05/29/13 10/01/13 30756 19 T16,354 06/26/13 11/05/13 48062 20 T16,354 06/26/13 11/05/13 48061 T16,363 Cause # 04/03/13 Judgment Date 07/02/13 Struck-Off On 47785 22 T16,363 04/03/13 07/02/13 47786 23 T16,363 04/03/13 07/02/13 47831 24 T16,363 04/03/13 07/02/13 47832 25 T16,385 05/29/13 10/01/13 T15,430 04/07/10 08/03/10 44191 17 21 Sale # 26 36561 Account Number R17724 MATAGORDA COUNTY AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. ALLEN DILLARD, A/K/A ALAN EUGENE DILLARD, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH EISENRING, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. FRITZ HYLTON, A/K/A FITZROY AUGUSTUS HYLTON, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. TERRI MILLS A/K/A TERRY L. MILLS MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. F. LEAL A/K/A FLORENTINO LOPEZ LEAL, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. C. W. WOODLAND, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. GENE FRITSCHE, DECEASED MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. GENE FRITSCHE, DECEASED MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET Style of Case AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. TERESA CARTER AKA TERESA HOWARD CARTER, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. TERESA CARTER AKA TERESA HOWARD CARTER, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. TERESA CARTER AKA TERESA HOWARD CARTER, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. TERESA CARTER AKA TERESA HOWARD CARTER, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. MARVIN BOWERS, DECEASED, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. MALCOLM D. BROCK Estimated Minimum Bid (See note below) $750.00 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. GERALD L. HIGGINS, A/K/A GERALD LEE HIGGINS, ET AL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. FELIX LUNA, ET AL 1 Adjudged Value (See note below) $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 W. F. TETTS RE-S/D OF LT 3, WHITSON ADDN, CITY OF HOUSTON, BLK 2, LT 9, VOL 2, PG 47* LT 449, TRES PALACIOS OAKS, LIVE OAKS SEC, VOL 4, PGS 47-50* (47359/R16013) $17,510.00 $7,200.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 15, LT 864, VOL 5, PGS 29-33* $12,500.00 $4,266.00 LT 7, BLK 19, EXTENSION TO D. P. MOORE'S 2ND ADDN, BAY CITY, VOL 60, PG 182* $2,500.00 $1,946.02 LT 48, BLK 3, CAMELOT FOREST, SEC 1, VOL 8, PG 1* $500.00 $500.00 EL DORADO S/D, LT 241, VOL 6, PG 37* $750.00 $750.00 TOWN OF COLLEGEPORT, BLK 15, LT 6, VOL 30, PG 345* ( ACCT NO. 30756 / R13054) $750.00 $750.00 TRES PALACIOS OAKS, OAK MEADOW SEC, LT 1212, VOL 6, PG 31* (48062/R17416) $1,300.00 $1,100.00 TRES PALACIOS OAKS, OAK MEADOW SEC, LT 1211, VOL 6, PG 31* (48061/R17414) $1,300.00 $1,100.00 TR. 1: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, Legal Description HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 907, REC'D IN CABINET 1, SLIDE 270 B*(47785/R16872).. $1,300.00 Adjudged Value (See note below) $927.00 Estimated Minimum Bid (See note below) TR. 2: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 908, REC'D IN CABINET 1, SLIDE 270 B* (47786/R16874). $1,300.00 $927.00 TR. 3: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 956, REC'D IN CABINET 1, SLIDE NO. 270 B* (47831/R16958). $1,300.00 $927.00 TR. 4: TRES PALACIOS OAKS, HIGH MEADOW SEC, LT 957, REC'D IN CABINET 1, SLIDE 270 B*(47832/R16960). $1,300.00 $927.00 REDUS S/D, BLK 2, LTS 4 & 5, VOL 2, PG 31* $4,310.00 $2,500.00 TRES PALACIOS OAKS, CREEKSIDE SEC, LT 1390, VOL 6, PG 51* (48217/R17724) $3,600.00 $1,500.00 TRES PALACIOS OAKS, OAK MEADOW SEC, LT 1126, VOL 6, PGS 31-33* (47985 / R17264) Notes: All sales are without warranty, expressed or implied. Specifically, there is no warranty as to title or physical condition (including the condition or existence of any improvements). The sales are subject to any rights of redemption as provided by law. All volume and page references in the legal description refer to the records of the County Clerk of Matagorda County. All prospective bidders should make their own investigation of the title held by the taxing entities and the value of the property. Prospective bidders are encouraged to consult their attorney. Prospective bidders should not rely on the "Adjudged Value" as representing the actual value of the property or any information regarding the property contained in the records of the Matagorda County Appraisal District . Payment must be made in cash or by cashiers check. All sales are final. All Sales subject to cancellation without prior notice. RECENT CHANGES IN THE PROPERTY TAX CODE NOW REQUIRE PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY TO HAVE A STATEMENT FROM THE MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR CERTIFYING THAT THE PERSON/FIRM/COMPANY PURCHASING PROPERTY AT A TAX SALE OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES TO ANY TAXING ENTITY WITHIN THE COUNTY. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A TAX SALE DEED TO ANY PROPERTY YOU PURCHASE WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATE. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE SALE. WILLIS WEBB Guest Columnist There are many reasons I refer to my wife Julie as Life Mate other than the obvious reference to longevity of cohabitation. She is a very gifted writer and recognizes the prerequisites for inspired creativity. Ahem. Plus, we have raised a son some of whose prominent proclivities are similar to those of his Mom. We’ve been in the retirement mode now for six-plus years, but 18 months ago, Life Mate and Son “conspired” to move us closer to him so, as I half-kidding describe the arrangements, he’ll only have to drive 5-6 minutes instead of a like number of hours in order to put me in an “old folks” home. (Son’s in the real estate binniss here and he’s a crackerjack. Cares about his clients. His momma did us proud in raising him). Previous owner(s) of our little bungalow, took a former back patio and walled it in, wisely installing nine windows and a door, extending to a new covered patio area, and adding another open “slabbed” spot. The enclosed patio we rehabbed into my “man cave”/ work area. When duty calls, I’m tabbed for physical skills such as moving the cooker/barbecue grill out onto the open slab spot in good weather or, if this region’s “liquid sunshine” dictates, under the covered area, where I hold forth as the chief meat-turner a la my “specially-purchased,” outsized grill tool set. But, I digress. Back to my “man cave” and its functionality (that’s a good life style-decorator term, isn’t it?). The aforementioned windows, venetian-blind covered, provide lots of light for tasking at the Apple MacIntosh (I’ve always been a “Mac Man”). There are a couple of file cabinets in the Man Cave and two such drawers in this heavy, custombuilt thing I call a desk. There are three bookcases/ shelves making room for some of our books and a flat screen TV where Son and I can watch sports. If the noise bothers Life Mate, she can close the LYNN sliding door and wall us off as we dissolve into man-cave antics, while she watches some weepy movie. Ick! Our reading interests are fairly diverse and the shelves reflect that. Mysteries are prominent mixed with some historical novels, biographies and even some old Will Rogers offerings. Humor is a daily “fix” need in our household and that’s reflected as well in the book case display. Of course, there’s a special section for my hero and friend, Leon Hale, whose 11 books are proudly displayed. However, one task remains for that segment. A few of his books are unsigned, so a special trip to Leon’s country place is in the offing. Pride comes into play in such a room as the Man Cave. Awards are the principal feelings-on-the-sleeve (wall in this case) of the Man Cave. Over more than half a century in newspaper editing and publishing, awards gratefully came with some regularity. Most of them were left at various newspapers where I made stops, so they could be displayed to reflect the overall staff and company effort it takes to produce a quality product. There’s a miniature statue of a newsboy holding up a paper while selling it on the street. The full-size sculpture adorns the entry to the Texas Press Association building in Austin. The replica was presented at my retirement. Of course, my signature sojourn on country newspapers was the final 16 years at The Jasper Newsboy. Another memento is a glassdomed display of a gold pocket watch hanging from a post, a special version of the traditional retirement gift from a former supervisor and friend. (I’ve long carried a pocket watch since precious metals create a rash on my wrist). Some of the plaques that decorate the wall are personal awards but, fittingly, the final active years newspaper contest awards hanging here are products of an extremely gifted writer, Life Mate, who makes me very proud. Finally, there is one small plaque that reflects our personal mantra of newspaper service: “Public sentiment is everything. With it nothing can fail. Without it nothing can succeed.” — Abraham Lincoln Willis Webb is a retired community newspaper editorpublisher of more than 50 years experience. He can be reached by email at wwebb1937@ (Continued From Page 1) Sat. (Jan. 18) from 1-4p.m. at the Texas Baptist Encampment Cafeteria located at 100 First St. Lynn is a retired educator and businesswoman and was first elected to the Palacios City Council in 1984. At the April 18, 1985 Council meeting Lynn was nominated by John Sardelich (now Mayor of Palacios) and was appointed as Mayor Pro Tem. Lynn was the first woman in Palacios to be elected Mayor Pro Tem and served in this capacity until May 1987. Lynn also served on the Board of Equalization Committee for the City Council alongside Sardelich. Alongside Man of the Year John Toellner, Lynn was selected Chamber of Commerce Woman of the Year in 1985. Additional terms re-elected to Council were in 1986 and 1988. At age 75, Lynn resigned as councilwoman on April 24, 1989 to accept the appointment to the office of Justice of Peace Precinct 3, an unexpired term by the Matagorda County Court of Commissioners. At this time the Palacios Beacon recounts Lynn expressing her tenure as councilwoman “As one of the happiest times of my life.” Lynn resignation was in effect for December 31, 1990. Life of service continued for Lynn as she was sworn in on November 18, 1993 to fill the vacancy of Vernon “Butch” Bowers as Municipal Judge, position which he had held for 24 years. Lynn remained as Municipal Judge until 2001. This past Tuesday night at the Palacios City Council meeting, Mayor Sardelich will present Margaret McElrath Lynn and the City with a Proclamation declaring Jan. 18th Margaret McElrath Lynn Day in Palacios. Page 10 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 SEAWALL DEADLINE DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY NOTICE OF SALE (Continued From Page 1) finished appearance. The contract work is complete, but additional back fill is needed to get the proper drainage to allow water to drain out of areas and not remain where it can be trapped behind the new bulkhead and cause future problems from washing out areas that will require maintenance.” The other commissioners agreed and will conduct a site visit before the next month’s meeting. A decision on what extent back fill and elevation grade is required will be approved. Appelt Property Matt Glaze, with Urban Engineering, said that Lester Contracting of Port Lavaca is now ready to start work. The hold up has been with paper work. Inspector’s Report Larry Lanfear, inspector for the district, also presented the following report: • Pavilion: There are several area lights and spot lights out on the pavilion. I have renewed a request to America Electric to provide a proposal for changing the photocell system to a two photocell system in lieu of having each light on a separate photocell. • 1st Street Pier: There are 2 area lights out on the T head. • Groins: There are 2 area lights out. • River Road:Two cap boards are missing. Observed several camp fire sites but no damage to the wall. • East Bay Pier: One spot light is out. • East Bay Boat Ramp: Inspected on low tide. Structure is in good shape. We do have some silting between the south dock and the breakwater. • South Bay Boat Ramp: Inspected on the low tide. We have one fender board that is loose. Depth of the channel looks good. There is some silting at the end of the dock. • Bay Front Walk: There is one AEP light that is burning during the day. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 12, 2014 at 7 p.m. at the Matagorda County Navigation District #1’s Administration Building. STATE OF TEXAS MATAGORDA COUNTY Back in IN stock to make BACK STOCK!!! a great gift.... For aChristmas limited time only Pictorial Reflections Of The Palacios Area $ $20 30 00 Sale # Cause # Judgment Date if you qualify*, the first 20 days of your stay with us are COVERED 100% under medicare part a. *Resident Must Meet Medicare Part A Eligibility Guidelines Stop by for a complimentary cup of hot chocolate and a tour. Contact Admissions Coordinator Gidgett Reynolds at 361-649-5400. Admissions Coordinator Gidgett Reynolds 361-649-5400 We accept Medicare, Medicaid, Private Pay, Private Insurance, and V.A. (361) 552-3741 524 Village Road, Port Lavaca, TX Style of Case Legal Description Adjudged Value Estimated Minimum Bid T15,063 09/18/13 33687 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. MICHAEL W. BYRD, ET AL DOWNEY CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 10, LT 128, VOL 5, PG 13* $21,450.00 $13,600.00 2 T15,562 09/18/13 16720 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY AND BOLING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. M. S. SPRADLEY, ET AL TR. 1: ABST 108, Z. WOOD LEAGUE, US BOND & MTG S/D, BLK B-2C1, VOL 1, PG 82 & VOL 310, PG 13* $8,760.00 $4,800.00 3 T15,562 09/18/13 16721 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY AND BOLING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. M. S. SPRADLEY, ET AL TR. 2: ABST 108, Z. WOODS LEAGUE, US BOND & MTG S/D, TRACT B, VOL 1, PG 82 & VOL 310, PG 16* $9,260.00 $5,500.00 4 T15,627 09/18/13 14521 DECEMBER 12, 2013 10.18 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, MATAGORDA COUNTY AND LAWRENCE RAMEY LEAGUE, BOLING INDEPENDENT ABST 79, VOL 202, PG 228*. 202, SCHOOL DISTRICT, ET AL VS. PG. 228* UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF OTIA WILLIAMS, ET AL $28,520.00 $19,700.00 5 T15,898 09/18/13 16711 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. HORACE JOHNSON, ET AL $16,280.00 $5,500.00 6 T16,182 09/20/13 48606 DECEMBER 12, 2013 VAN VLECK ORIGINAL MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL TOWNSITE, BLK 15, LT 10, VOL 7, VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF MARIA F. RUIZ AKA PG 299* MARIA RUIZ $23,270.00 $21,300.00 7 T16,245 09/18/13 34735 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. GULF COAST HOME BUILDERS, INC., ET AL TR. 1: DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 15, LT 153, VOL 5, PG 29-33* $1,500.00 $1,500.00 8 T16,245 09/18/13 35876 DECEMBER 12, 2013 Acct # MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. GULF COAST HOME BUILDERS, INC., ET AL Style of Case TR. 2: DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 18, LT 15, VOL 6, PG 29-33* Legal Description $12,500.00 $5,300.00 Sale # Cause # Judgment Date Order Issue Date ABST 108, Z. WOOD SURV, ACS 0.5, MORE OR LESS, VOL 279, PG 407* Adjudged Value Estimated Minimum Bid 9 T16,248 09/20/13 35270 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. ELBERT L. WILSON, DECEASED, ET AL DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 15, LT 687, VOL 5, PG 29-33* $1,500.00 $1,500.00 10 T16,299 09/20/13 32867 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. EDWARD M. RICHTER, DECEASED, ET AL DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 6, LT 161, VOL 5, PGS 2-4* $3,000.00 $3,000.00 11 T16,312 09/18/13 33720 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF DORTHEY NANCE AKA DORTHY NANCE, DECEASED DOWNEY'S CANEY CREEK CLUB, SEC 10, LT 161, VOL 5, PGS 13-15* $21,000.00 $4,900.00 12 T16,330 09/20/13 37935 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. HELEN HENERY, DECEASED, ET AL GRASSY POINT S/D, CITY OF PALACIOS, LT 35, VOL 79, PG 805* (ACCT NOS. 37935/R29630, 37936/R29631& 37937/R29632) $40,000.00 $10,400.00 13 T16,335 09/18/13 48658 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. PAT RODRIGUEZ, ET AL TOWN OD VAN VLECK, BLK 24, LTS 21-22, VOL 7, PG 229* $5,040.00 $5,040.00 14 T16,345 09/20/13 17100 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL AND PALACIOS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS. JOHN RICHARDS J. ALLEN SURV, ABST 110, ELIJAH DECROW 1/3 LEAGUE, ABST 141, J. TILLEY LABOR, ABST 395 & ELIZABETH GREEN LEAGUE, ABST 165, 1 ACRE, MORE OR LESS, DAMAGE PARCEL #4 (U/D INTEREST), VOL. 265, PG. 548 & VOL 671, PG 131* (ACCT NO. 17100/R11223) $2,500.00 $2,500.00 15 T16,391 04/03/13 40704 DECEMBER 12, 2013 MATAGORDA COUNTY, ET AL VS. SUSAN WELLS NALLEY, ET AL D. P. MOORE'S 2ND ADDN, LTS 15 & 16, BLK 11, VOL 8, PG 319* $101,100.00 $18,000.00 Palacios Beacon Our main goal is to assist in achieving the highest level of functioning, while providing a comfortable environment in which to recover from illness, injury or infections. Acct # Order Issue Date 1 453 Commerce • Palacios, Tx. • 77465 Caring Is Our Calling! BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE and issued pursuant to judgment decree(s) of the District Court of Matagorda County, Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date, in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to me directed and delivered as Sheriff or Constable of said County, I have on December 12, 2013, seized, levied upon, and will, on the first Tuesday in February, 2014, the same being the 4th day of said month, at the North Entry, 1700 7th Street of the Courthouse of the said County, in the City of Bay City, Texas, between the hours of 10 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. on said day, beginning at 10:00 AM, proceed to sell for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the defendants in such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants, the same lying and being situated in the County of Matagorda and the State of Texas, to-wit: By Vikijane Mosier The Palacios and Blessing Libraries received a donation from the Bay City VFW Post. We have great news for science lovers; we will start having a science club at 5 pm on Thursdays, beginning January 16th. We are getting geared up and ready for the Science Rocks trailer which will arrive July 8th here at the library. We will be learning about all aspects of science, there will be guest speakers, and we will also do some hands on experiments. This is open to all elementary age children mainly 3rd through 7th which is the age group the Science Rocks trailer will be planning for. Home schoolers are welcome also. Homework program has begun now that children are back in school; we have several high school helpers who will assist children with homework. If your child is not already signed up come by the library for more information. The Story Hour program has also reconvened, Tuesdays at 10 o’clock, this week we read The Biggest Best Snowman by Margery Cuyler. The children attempted to make real miniature snowmen with Sonic ice, but it didn’t work out as planned so we went back to the drawing board. Plan B, the children all assembled their own version of paper snowmen. Everyone attending received a book from First Book Matagorda. § § § (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Matagorda County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respective tract.) or, upon the written request of said defendants or their attorney, a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any property sold shall be subject to the right of redemption of the defendants or any person having an interest therein, to redeem the said property, or their interest therein, within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to which the defendants or anyone interested therein may be entitled, under the provisions of law. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceeds of said sales to be applied to the satisfaction thereof, and the remainder, if any, to be applied as the law directs. RECENT CHANGES IN THE PROPERTY TAX CODE NOW REQUIRE PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY TO HAVE A STATEMENT FROM THE MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR CERTIFYING THAT THE PERSON/FIRM/COMPANY PURCHASING PROPERTY AT A TAX SALE OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES TO ANY TAXING ENTITY WITHIN THE COUNTY. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A TAX SALE DEED TO ANY PROPERTY YOU PURCHASE WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATE. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MATAGORDA COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE SALE. Dated at Bay City, Texas, December 12, 2013 Sheriff Frank "Skipper" Osborne Matagorda County, Texas By Deputy Notes: The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudged value. However, the Minimum Bid for a person owning an interest in the property or for a person who is a party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL TAXES DUE ON THE PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT. For more information, contact your attorney or LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP., attorney for plaintiffs, at (713) 844-3576 S PORTS DEADLINE DEADLINE55P.M. P.M.FRIDAY FRIDAY Palacios Beacon Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 Page 11 Sharks dealt back-to-back blowout losses by Goliad, AP The Tidehaven Tigers came up short on the court against Bloomington and Industrial last week, losing both games by a combined 10 points. Early last week, the Tigers were bounced by Bloomington 55-49. Jaron Johnson pumped in 24 points for the Tigers. Eric Villareal tallied eight points, Nathan Galvan finished with six and Isiah Martinez netted five. Last Friday, the Tigers’ fourth quarter comeback ran out of steam as the Cobras held on for a 49-45 win. At the forefront of the Tiger attack was Johnson, who finished with a team high 16 points. Nathan and Leighton Galvan each registered seven points. Villareal finished with six points and Steven Davidson tallied four points. Morales netted three points and Nathan Sliva pitched in with a deuce. The Tigers were to host Refugio, beginning at 5 p.m. on Tues. (Jan. 14) before traveling to Goliad for a Fri. (Jan. 17) contest for Tiger supremacy. In Goliad last Tuesday, the Sharks were blasted 79-39 by the Tigers. “Goliad took advantage of our turnovers and capitalized,” said Shark coach Trent Weixelman. “We do a really good job on defense and limit teams scoring in the half court set, but turning it over in transition leads to easy layups for opponents.” Weixleman added, “The good thing is the kids still work extremely hard and give 100% in every practice and game and I’m proud of their effort.” Jackson Kelley had the hot hand for the Sharks and pumped in 20 points. Sam Schulman finished with six points and Miguel Gutierrez netted four. Isaiah Thomas pumped in three points. Cameron Sides and Justice Acosta each scored two points; and JR Shelby and Jordan Sanchez each netted one free throw each. At home last Friday, the Sharks succumbed to the size and speed of Aransas Pass 67-26. “We knew we had a tough task going into the game. They have a huge size advantage having a nearly 7-ft. center and 6’-4” forward. But our goal was to make us better and not focus on AP.” Thomas led the Sharks with seven points. Schulman and Acosta each netted six points in the loss. Justin Filip, Shelby and Sides each scored two points and Kelley added one from the charity stripe. The Sharks were to host Bloomington, beginning at 5 p.m. on Tues. (Jan. 14) before traveling to Refugio on Fri. (Jan. 17). LITTLE ADS GET ATTENTION! You’re Reading One Now! Soccer Sharks kickoff season with two wins BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Editor The varsity Palacios Sharks suffered back to back losses at the hands of Goliad and Aransas Pass. Tigers come up just short in losses PALACIOS’ Sam Schulman looks for someone to pass the rock to with AP’s 7-footer blocking the lane. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Kitten 8th ‘A’ claim Hallettsville Tourney crown The Tidehaven JH 8th ‘A’ Kittens won the Hallettsville Tourney title over the past weekend. The Kittens avenged an earlier loss by sinking Edna’s rustlers 41-25 in the opening round. Bryce Galvan led the Kitten charge with 14 points. Calvin Walker netted eight and Jacob Galvan seven. In the title game, the Kit- tens clawed Hallettsville for a 25-18 win. Bryce Galvan scored 11 points, Walker added six; Jacob Galvan finished with five and Chris Rodriguez tallied three points. Earlier in the week, the ‘B’ team downed Industrial 1511. Adren Soto led the ‘B’ bunch with seven points. Bobby Brune scored five, Jacob Galvez added two, and Darrien Kemp netted one point. The ‘A’ team blew away Industrial 45-25. Bryce and Jacob Galvan led the Kittens with 13 and 12 points, respectively. Rodriguez pumped in eight points, Walker finished with seven and Hackfield scored three. The Sharks of the soccer pitch wrapped up the first week of action with a 2-1 mark from tourney play in Giddings. “The kids played hard and I definitely have no complaints about our effort,” said Shark coach James Overton. “We struggled a bit early on due to our youth and experience, but put things together nicely at the end. We have been hobbled by injuries lately and I was especially proud of our JV kids stepping up and playing in the tournament.” The Sharks were still trying to find their soccer legs in the first round loss to Brookshire Royal, 3-0. Palacios regrouped to dispose of Bellville in round two, 3-1. Jose Moreno, Juan Mancera and Gilbert Hernandez put the ball into the net for Shark goals, with assists coming from Mancera and VARSITY Shark Isaiah Thomas (25) hangs in air while trying to get a clean look at the basket in last week’s 67-26 loss to Aransas Pass. Thomas led the Sharks with seven points against the state ranked Aransas Pass Panthers. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Mauro Gonzales. In the final round, Palacios pitched a 4-0 shutout of La Grange. Cristian Ayala and Moreno each tallied two goals in the Palacios win, with assists coming from Beto Borja and Marco Zamora. Palacios was to host Sealy on Tues. (Jan. 14) and will be back in tourney play this Thurs. - Sat. (Jan. 16-18) in Brenham. JV Sharks fall short tp to AP 40-34 JV Shark Isaac Filip plays keep away from an Aransas Pass Panther, while teammates Miguel Gutierrez (13) and Jimmy Casas (2) look to be Filip’s outlet. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) The JV Sharks came up short in last week’s 40-34 loss to Aransas Pass. “It was another game that came down to the last few minutes,” said JV Shark coach Gary Haynes. “We just didn’t take care of the ball and that’s something we’ll fix in the coming weeks.” Donald Trinh and Miguel Gutierrez led Palacios in scoring with 12 and 11 points, respectively. Troy Lewis worked the paint for 10 points. Adrian Ortiz tallied three points and Isaac Filip and David Garza each finished with two points. JUNIOR varsity Shark Troy Lewis (44) goes for the putback after snagging the rebound with Donald Trinh (22) looking on in last week’s 40-34 loss to Aransas Pass. Lewis finished with 10 points. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Page 12 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., January 15, 2014 Palacios S PORTS DEADLINE 5 P.M. FRIDAY Beacon Sharkettes play ‘best game of year’ in win over Aransas Pass BY RYAN WEST Palacios Beacon Editor The roller coaster ride of the hoops season is in full swing for Palacios’ varsity Sharkettes with a split in last week’s action. Last Friday, the Sharkettes orchestrated their best performance of the year in a 60-43 victory over the Lady Pan- PALACIOS’ Geneva Perez denies a Lady Panther shot attempt. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) thers of Aransas Pass. Sharkette coach Aaron Wollam called it ‘the best game we’ve played all year’. “The kids got after it on defense and shot the ball and ran the floor well on offense,” added Wollam. “Hopefully this win will give us a boost for the second round (of district play).” The Sharkettes staked out a 23-17 halftime advantage before erupting for a 22-point third quarter that put the game out of reach. Palacios’ powerhouse in the paint, Geneva Perez just missed out on a triple double with 20 points, 10 rebounds and eight steals. Lila Filip pumped in 11 points and tallied six assists, four steals and four rebounds. Jennifer Fort finished with 10 points and four boards. Payton Bates chimed in with seven points, six rebounds and four steals; Sydney Garcia registered seven points and three rebounds and Sabrina Garcia hit the hoop for five points and grabbed three rebounds. Earlier in the week, the Sharkettes were bounced by Goliad 51-42. For Palacios, their undoing came in the first quarter of play. While the Lady Tigers were off and running, the Sharkettes were slow (to say the least) out of the gates as Goliad ran up a 21-4 advantage. The point discrepancy would prove costly, as the Sharkettes closed out the final three quarters by outscoring Goliad 37-31. “We had a terrible first quarter,” said Wollam, “and played great the last three quarters, we just came up a little short.” “We managed to cut the lead to five with a little over four minutes left and again had a tough time finding a way to win. The kids fought Sharkettes 5th at Stafford Soccer Tourney The soccer playing Sharkettes kicked off the 2014 season by taking 5th place at last week’s Stafford Tournament. In the match for 5th place, the Sharkettes squared off against Houston Reagan. The Sharkettes and Houston Reagan finished regulation tied 1-1, with Palacios’ goal coming off the foot of Leah Perez. The game then went to a shootou to decide the victor. Palacios’ Cruz Mancera, Bianca Gonzales, Crystal Hernandez, Breana Alavarez, Jacqueleen Segovia and Ariana Zamora found the back of the net for goals as the Sharkettes prevailed via a 7-6 advantage. Goalie Nicki Le registered seven saves in goal. Segova notched two shots on goal and Breana Alvarez and Cruz Mancera each provided one shot on goal. Palacios was dealt a 2-0 loss by Houston Lee in the opening round of play. In round two, Royal squeaked past Palacios 1-0 on a penalty kick. The Sharkettes were to travel to RockportFulton on Tues. (Jan. 14) before hosting Brookshire-Royal at 5 p.m. on Fri. (Jan. 17) in the Sharkettes’ home opener. back, we just have to find a way to score points in the fourth quarter and finish with a win.” Perez was again at the forefront of the Sharkette attack and finished with 16 points and 10 rebounds. Bates tallied nine points and six rebounds and Sa. Garcia netted eight points and three steals. Filip was held to six points and three steals and Brooke Munoz found the hoop for two points. The Sharkettes (11-8, 2-5) were to host Bloomington on Tues. (Jan. 14) and will travel to Refugio on Fri. (Jan. 17) for a 5 p.m. meeting with the Lady Bobcats. Palacios Pride Pick it uP VARSITY Sharkette Lila Filip (5) picks the pocket of an Aransas Pass Lady Panther for the steal in Palacios’ 60-43 victory. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) Tying times for Tigerettes continue on court The trying times on the hardwood for the Tidehaven Tigerettes continued with a losses last week to Bloomington and Industrial. The Tigerettes tipped off last week with a 52-35 loss to Bloomington. “The game turned out not the way we wanted it to, but there were some good things that we did,” said Tigerette coach Steve Fiala. “We made some shots that we have been missing, but we just couldn’t make the easy ones when we needed to.” Robin Krenek finished with a team high 16 points and nine rebounds for Tidehaven. Briana Sanchez hit the rim for eight points and four rebounds. Sarah Siptak netted four points and two rebounds and Kelsey leach finished with three points and two boards. Chelcy Broussard and Gracie Huddleston each pumped in two points. Earlier in the week, the Tigerettes were snake bitten 41-17 by Industrial’s Lady Cobras. Tidehaven played a great first half, limiting Industrial to 14 points while putting up 11 of their own. The Tigerette demise came in the second half with a scoreless third period as Industrial surged ahead with 27 second half points. Melanie Brewer led Tidehaven with seven points and hauled in four rebounds. Kelsey Leach, Siptak, Broussard, Krenek and Huddleston each finished with two points. The Tigerettes were to host Refugio on Tues. (Jan. 14) before hitting the road to Goliad on Fri. (Jan. 17) JV Tigerettes The JV Tigerettes let Bloomington slip away with a 26-20 victory early last week. Lauren Bullockk led the Tidehaven charge with seven points and Briannia Armour tallied six points. Vanessa Palacios, Laura West and Luz Palomares each scored two points and Vivianna Kuykendall tallied one point. Industrial dealt the JV Tigerettes a 36-8 thrashing last Friday. Palomares and Armour each scored three points and Bullock pumped in two points. Sharkettes take 5th at Dickinson meet The Palacios powerlifting Sharks and Sharkettes kicked off the 2014 season at Dickinson last week. The Sharkettes finished 5th in the team standings. Palacios’ Savannah Hunter cruised to 1st place in the 132-lb. division with a 700-lb. combined lift. she racked 255-lbs. in the squat rack, 180-lbs. on the bench press and 265-lbs. in the deadlift. Ana Gonzalez finished with a 710-lb. combined total to place 2nd in the SHW division. She squatted 270-lbs., benched 150-lbs., and deadlifted 290-lbs. Ana Ortiz took 2nd place in the 105-lb. class with a combined lift of 375-lbs. She lived 130-lbs. on the squat, 80-lbs. on the bench and 165-lbs. in the deadliest. Placing 4th in the 114-lb. division with a combined total of 520-lbs. was Sissy Martinez. She racked 190-lbs. in the squat, 105-lbs. on the bench and 225-lbs. in the deadliest. Lacee Ramirez lifted a total of 405-lbs. in the 132-lb. division. Sharks Palacios’ Oziel Rios captured first in the 181-lb. group with a combined total of 1235-lbs. He squatted 435-lbs., benched 335-lbs., and deadlifted 465-lbs. Michael Latapie placed 3rd with an 1100-lb. combined lift in the 148-lb. division. He squatted 380-lbs., benched 305-lbs, and deadlifted 415-lbs. The Shark and Sharkettes lifters will be in Goliad this Sat. (Jan. 18) POWER, PERFORMANCE, PEACE OF MIND Purchase any new Suzuki outboard from 40 to 300 HP between Jan 1 and March 30, 2014 and receive Suzuki’s standard 3-Year Limited Warranty plus Suzuki’s 3-Year Extended Protection Plan at no additional charge. That gives you six years of product coverage FREE. It’s a value worth up to $1640. For more information see your nearby dealer, or visit Donny 25 Years Experience Frank 1729 1st Street • Palacios 361-972-6629 Palacios varsity Sharkette basketball 2013-14 MEMBERS of the varsity Sharkette basketball team are: (front, l-r) Kolbe Huffman, Marissa Estrada, Toyisha Triplett, Sydney Garcia and Sissy Martinez; (back) Brooke Munoz, Payton Bates, Lila Filip, Geneva Perez, Destiny Terassas, Jennifer Fort and Sabrina Garcia. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West) BOAT SHOW SPECIALS DIGITAL DEAL$ Heading to the boat show? See your Suzuki Marine dealer and ask him about additional incentives when you purchase your Suzuki outboard at the show. Gimme Six Extended Protection offer applies to new (unused, not previously warranty registered) Suzuki DF40A through DF300AP 4-stroke outboard motors. Promotion applicable to eligible stock in inventory which is sold and delivered to buyer between 1/1/14 and 3/30/14 in accordance with the promotion by an authorized Suzuki Marine dealer in the continental US and Alaska to a purchasing customer who resides in the continental US or Alaska. Within 60 days of purchase date, customer should expect to receive an acknowledgement letter with full copy of contract including terms, conditions and wallet card from Suzuki Extended Protection. If an acknowledgement letter is not received in time period stated, contact Suzuki Motor of America, Inc. – Marine Marketing at 714-996-7040, ext.2242. The Gimme Six Promotion is only available for recreational, non-commercial use. There are no model substitutions, benefit substitutions, rain checks, or extensions. Not redeemable for cash. Suzuki reserves the right to change or cancel this promotion at any time without notice or obligation. This promotion can be used in conjunction with other Suzuki offers. ©2014 Suzuki Motor Corporation of America, Inc. Don’t drink and drive. Always wear a USCG-approved life jacket and read your owner’s manual. SZ_G6_1PGDlr_010214_DF300AP.indd 1 1/2/14 11:40 AM
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