2014 annual report - Downtown Kingsport Association
2014 annual report - Downtown Kingsport Association
2014 A N N UA L R EP O R T January 2014-December 2014 Annual Report Included Photo by Derek Cress Who is the DKA? The Downtown Kingsport Association (DKA) is a private, non-profit membership organization 501(c)(6) dedicated to Kingsport’s Downtown revitalization. Our purpose is to promote Downtown Kingsport as the “heart” of our community, to strengthen the economic viability by encouraging business diversity, and to enhance the unique physical characteristics of historic Downtown Kingsport. The DKA is coordinated by a full-time executive director, a Board of Directors, support staff, volunteer committees, business owners, residents, and community leaders. Mission To promote Downtown Kingsport as the “heart” of our community, to strengthen the economic viability, and to enhance the unique physical characteristics of historic Downtown Kingsport. Vision Downtown Kingsport is the Destination for the regions Arts, Cultural, Dining, and Shopping experience. History The Downtown Merchants Association precedes the Chamber of Commerce, dating back to 1939. After functioning as a committee of the Chamber, DKA formed an independent organization in 1974. A professional Director was hired in the late 1970’s. A Letter From Our President 2014 was an amazing year for the Downtown Kingsport Association! It was also a year of great accomplishments and progress forward. Sherri Mosley has consistently performed with excellence, professionalism, and diligence in her role as DKA’s Executive Director. Kendall Flegel was hired as our Associate Director while also serving an additional role with PEAK, the young professionals group sponsored by DKA. Emma Clark is also an important asset to the organization, tirelessly working to educate and assist the numerous inquirers who want to learn more about what’s going on in Downtown Kingsport. Our new location at the heart of Downtown on Broad St. has allowed DKA to keep its finger on the pulse, while at the same time being a center of information for visitors in Downtown Kingsport. We have been very busy helping affect change in Downtown Kingsport! This involved the following new initiatives and activities: Continued progress and results from the 4-Point Main Street Committees: • Design • Economic Restructuring • Promotion • Organization Planned, designed, and partnered with the City on numerous capital streetscape improvement projects: • Created two Parklets on Broad St. • New Benches and Trash Cans throughout Downtown • Dog Waste Stations • Addressed Lighting Issues in Downtown • Updating of the Christmas Décor for 2015 season and beyond. Coordinated a fact-finding mission to Pigeon Forge to gather insight from their Winterfest Lighting experts • Traffic-calming of Center St. with the addition of a center turn lane and bike lanes • Downtown Planning Day to educate the community on best-practices for Urban Design and highlight the potential for future projects in DT KP • Led efforts for the cleanup of blighted and neglected areas in Downtown by partnering with Code Enforcement Spearheaded and rallied support for various Arts initiatives in the CBD • Painted Trash Cans and Benches on Market St. • Initiation and Implementation of the Kingsport Keys Piano Art Project. Partnered with Urban Synergy and Hay House to transport and store the pianos and procured local artists to paint and display the finished works of art. • Partnered with Urban Synergy to bring the Arts and Engage Kingsport to DT KP through The Flying Pig Gallery & Studio • Artistic Painting initiative proposed for Downtown Utility Boxes and Traffic Control Boxes. Sponsored by Julie Gunn and STYLE New signage throughout Downtown • New stop signs with black posts in Nolen Square • Heritage Trail Signs – upgraded all signs and posts; added several new markers • Assisted the City in the implementation of Wayfinding Signage: Downtown Pedestrian Area Academic Village Welcome to Downtown Gateway Parking Garage and Parking Lots Coordinated and held several successful social & fundraising events: • Madmen-Themed Annual Fundraiser with over 200 tickets sold • Holiday Open House – huge success with record sales reported by several merchants • “Jingle & Mingle” Holiday event • 2nd Annual Holiday Loft Tours that was expanded to a 2-Day event in 2014 with over 300 tickets sold • Partnered with Stir-Fry Café, Sleepy Owl Brewery, and Reedy Creek Vineyards to host the 1st Annual Downtown Kingsport Farm-To-Table event with over 80 attendees celebrating our excellent local food and beverage options. Led and/or facilitated several marketing and economic development initiatives: • 2 Community Impact Projects for 2014 Leadership Kingsport Class: a proposal for creation of a Centre Park/Outdoor Active Play area and an Innovative Entrepreneurship Center • Newly designed Billboard on I-26 and I-81 to highlight Downtown Kingsport’s Progressive environment • 2014 marked the arrival of multiple New Restaurants, Boutiques, 2 wine bars, and a fine-spirits Distillery • Major employment announcement from IntelliHARTx, the medical patient contact center, who partnered with Urban Synergy to create their urban campus in Downtown Kingsport • Addressed Parking Issues in Downtown through the hosting of an ongoing Positive Parking forum • Created a marketing Parking Map showing all available public parking lots with number of parking spaces and walk times in conjunction with Kingsport G.I.S. • Free Hospitality Training offered to Downtown restaurants • Hosted The IDEA Initiative - Ignite Downtown Economic Action with Todd Barman – Principal Member Barman Development Strategies In addition to these new initiatives and activities, DKA continued to coordinate and fund the Christmas Tree Lighting. We also partnered with KCVB and the Chamber of Commerce to put on the 4th of July fireworks display and numerous other Downtown events. Along with the KCVB and our merchants, DKA helped to provide matching funds for downtown advertisement and interstate billboards. You can see that your Downtown Kingsport Association has been quite busy in the revitalization and promotion of Downtown Kingsport. It has been my pleasure to be part of it by serving as President of the Association for the past year. I sincerely thank Sherri Mosley, Kendall Flegel and Emma Clark, our Board of Directors, the City of Kingsport, the Chamber of Commerce, and our volunteers, donors, and partners for their support and contribution. I am confident that together we will help Downtown Kingsport fulfill its potential as a Destination Downtown. Sincerely, Angela L. Vachon Photo by Derek Cress Main Street Four Point Approach The DKA is a member of the National Main Street Program under the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Kingsport was first recognized as a Main Street community in 1985. The City of Kingsport provides monetary and service support to the DKA to carry out the association’s mission. Currently, the DKA is recognized as a state and national Main Street program. The Main Street Four-Point Approach is a unique economic development tool and also the foundation for local initiatives to revitalize their districts by leveraging local assets—from cultural or architectural heritage to local enterprises and community pride. The four points of the Main Street approach work together to build a sustainable and complete community revitalization effort. Organization Organization establishes consensus and cooperation by building partnerships among the various groups that have a stake in the commercial district. Committee Members: Penny Gray - Chair Lisa Williams Debbie Waggoner Beverley Perdue John Barber Penny Gray Organization Chair Achievements: - Increased our Partnerships by 50% - Supported PEAK (Professionals Engaged in Advancing Kingsport) - Co-hosted the Art Crawl with Engage Kingsport - Created and designed new website - Successfully organized Community events: Madmen Annual Dinner, 4th of JulyFireworks Celebration,Christmas Tree Lighting and Holiday Celebration Dogwaste Station sponsored by Kingsport Imaging Systems. Bench Sponsorship Rack Card Design Design means getting Main Street into top physical shape and creating a safe, inviting environment for shoppers, workers, and visitors. Design Committee Members: Cindy Saadeh - Chair Bonnie Macdonald Julie Gunn Angela Vachon Lynn Tully Justin Steinmann Achievements: - Installed 17 Dog waste stations - Installed 2 Parklets - Painted the wooden trash cans and wooden benches along Market St. - Organized and Implemented the Art in the heart Art Festival - Hosted Flower Pot Planting Day planted over 55 pots in Downtown - Hosted 6 Positive Parking Forum Meetings Cindy Saadeh Design Chair s ed rg ch n e B n w o t wn o D a r o s n eone! Spo ory of som m e m r o r o hon ch n e B n w o t or a Down Spons Buy one in emory of honor or m someone! Buy one in “Downtown Kingsport has become a bustling, fun, e s from nc hes ar Ben e Fu pbeat Sit from U c hes are rnishings ith a benc h w a r o f 0 ved t is $130 late with your lo Total cos ass p rative br me. comeme one’s na Be vibrant place to be and I am happy to be a part of s Upbea nishing t Site Fur it. I work downtown, I live downtown and I walk my dogs downtown…It’s my neighborhood, and I with a a benc h loved r o f 0 0 your t is $13 late with Total cos p s s a r b rative me. comeme one’s na love it! In the 25 years I have lived in Kingsport, the downtown area, right now, is at it’s best I have ever known it to be. With every passing month since I moved from suburbia into a downtown loft last year, the area has grown incredibly and with the news they are building a dog park soon well….this has made my Urban living now perfect! I love my furry fellas and having a place for them to enjoy is awesome. -6550 423-246 gsport.org ntownkin www.dow -6550 423-246 gsport.org ntownkin www.dow The Downtown Kingsport Association has done a smashing job of bringing attention and making the 4 2/12/201 5:42:09 PM downtown region a comfortable and fun place to be. We are blessed to have such a warm and friendly atmosphere downtown in which to live, play and simply enjoy!” Lynda Fontaine Promotion Promotion takes many forms, but the goal is to create a positive image that will rekindle community pride and improve consumer and investor confidence in the commercial district. Members: Taylor Rutherford - Chair Anissa Kittrell Hannah Musselwhite Jacki Ewing Melissa Goins Achievements: - Developed Downtown Loyalty Card with 30 Participating Merchants - Organized and Implemented Window Decorating Contests - Coordinated new Billboard Design for I81 & I26 - Founded Kingsport Keys Piano Project - Participated in multiple Ribbon Cuttings - Implemented a Jingle & Mingle Shopping Event - Implemented a Spring Open House with Downtown Merchants - Spring it On (Flyer) - Hosted First Annual TriSummit Bank Farm to Table Event “Macados could not be happier to be located here in Downtown Kingsport. The business here has been wonderful and has exceeded our expectations! We are very thankful to have DKA behind us and are very impressed with how eager and driven they are to make Downtown a wonderful and exciting place to be. We are very excited to be a part of its growth and success. We are also very pleased with how helpful the City Officials and Mayor Phillips have been to us. I can’t wait to see where we are 5-10 years down the road. My predictions are, with the people behind DKA reaching for the moon, everyone in the tri-cities will be coming to Downtown Kingsport and not Johnson City or Bristol.” Taylor Rutherford Joshua Chrisley Chair of the Promotion Committee General Manager, Macados Economic Restructuring Economic restructuring strengthens the community’s existing economic assets while diversifying its economic base. Members: John Vachon - Chair Jeff Fleming Jeff Frazier John Barber Corey Shepherd Lynn Tully Justin Steinmann Kathy Richards Dan Wernick Jeffrey Stoner Pam Mahaffey Achievements: - Maintained Downtown Building and Business Inventory inside Nolen Square - Recruited Macados Restaurant - Recruited 2 New Wine Bars and Moonshine Distillery - Recruited IntelliHARTx - Appeared in Ideal Living Magazine - Hosted a community forum with Todd Barman; an Economic Restructuring strategist - Co-hosted Community Planning Day with the City of Kingsport “Participation and membership in the Downtown Kingsport Association has been vital to connecting Intelli-HARTx to community resources and other businesses that can support our employees and our growth. It’s like having a concierge service to connect you with everything you need to be successful. The Downtown Kingsport Association leadership team and staff are wonderful about creating meaningful events and networking opportunities to support the growth and development of the business community here. We are proud to call Downtown John Vachon Economic Restructuring Chair Kingsport our home and to be new members of the Downtown Kingsport Association.” John M. Kunysz, Jr. - Intelli-HARTx, LLC Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer 2013 2014 Community Population: Net of all gains and losses in jobs: Net of all gains and losses in new businesses: Number of building rehabilitation projects: Number of public improvement projects: Number of new construction projects: Number of housing units created: upper floor or other 50,264 (20) 33 11 5 35 4 51,274 60 30 18 2 3 2 $ Value of Private investment spent in above projects: i.e., individuals or private sources of $ spent on building rehabilitation, public improvements, or new construction. $509,791 $3,122,363 $ Value of Public investment spent in above projects: i.e., city, county, state or federal $ spent on building rehabilitations, public improvements, or new construction. $862,748 $2,684,233 $ Value Total of all Investment add public and private investment $1,372,539 $5,806,596 15% 15% $10-$14 $234,000 2,240 $10-$14 $245,000 1,700 Ground-floor vacancy rate when DKA started (1985: 55%): Ground-floor vacancy rate today Rental rate per square foot when program started ($3-$5): Rental rate per square foot today Program’s annual operating budget Total Volunteer Hours "The Downtown is the heartbeat of any city. DKA does a great job working with our merchants to continue revitalizing our Downtown by having great events that bring customers to enjoy this important area of our city." John Clark DKA Events Sammy Kershaw Concert Photos by Derek Cress Membership Goals Members: 100 Dues: $5,000 Sponsors: 5 Sponsorship Dollars: $10,000 Actual Statistics Committee Goals Actual Communications Social Media/Website Interaction: 5% growth per month, Average Facebook growth: 17% per month, 700 'likes' on Facebook, by the end of the year. Presented PEAK's overall goals to several community civic groups, Domtar, Eastman, WJCW, WKPT, The Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Mayor and Alderman. Civic Volunteerism Social Engagements Professional Development 6 projects 6 events 4 Events 10 projects completed Of these 10 events, PEAK participated in a Habitat for Humanity Build, packing backpacks at Second Harvest, and partnering in hosting a Blood Drive with Marsh Regional Blood Bank. 9 events hosted as well as 3 "Sneak PEAK" events. Our first official event of the year hosted almost 300 young professionals at BANQ. PEAK also hosted events at several locations around town including Sleepy Owl Brewery, Stir Fry Cafe, and even hosted our first annual Garage Band Jam, a concert featuring Folk Soul Revival & Annabelle's Curse on top of the parking garage in Downtown Kingsport. 4 events, Hosted two Lunch & Learn events with David Golden of Eastman Chemical Company, and Carl Torbush of East Tennessee State University, as well as collaborating with Fun Fest Maker's Faire and RCAM's design thinking class for two excellent events. Members: 220 Dues: $10,750 Sponsors: 7 Eastman, Domtar, DKA, Century 21 Legacy, Bank of Tennessee, TriSummit Bank, branded Sponsorship Dollars: $10,000 5 Core Components Social Engagements: Our social engagement platform will serve as an opportunity for members to network, both personally and professionally, with fellow PEAK constituents, as well as unwind from the rigors of the workweek. Civic Volunteerism: The focal point of this component will be the continual improvement and growth of Kingsport through volunteer efforts. We live and/or work here; therefore we have an innate responsibility to serve in some capacity as stewards to the Kingsport community. Professional Development: PEAK will be comprised of a diversely talented constituency, however there is always room for improvement. Through guest speakers and in-house training the aim of this component is professional growth. Regional Networking: Engaging other young professional organizations throughout our region will allow PEAK, as well as individual members, to establish symbiotic relationships with like-minded groups. Talent Recognition: PEAK ‘s Talent Recognition initiative will serve as an internal headhunting group geared toward assisting with job vacancies brought forward from local business and industry. 2014 PEAK Board Members SETH JERVIS, CENTURY 21 LEGACY JASON FREEMAN, WELLMONT PRESIDENT CIVIC VOLUNTEERISM CO-CHAIR Chr The Dec Dur ing Reg COREY SHEPHERD, CITY OF KINGSPORT BRANDON SNEED, DOMTAR VICE PRESIDENT CIVIC VOLUNTEERISM CO-CHAIR ASHLEY NELSON, EASTMAN MIN YOUNG COLLINS, BELL HELICOPTER SECRETARY COMMUNICATIONS CO-CHAIR KENDALL FLEGEL, DKA SAM BOOHER, WILSON WORLEY & GAMBLE TREASURER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO-CHAIR ASHLEY HOOD, EASTMAN SOCIAL CO-CHAIR emb Chr v E ent EMMA CLARK, DKA ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT nte st eL At K istra ight t ing (30 ingspo ion: 4 Cele 0W rt C : 3 bra 0 .M e nter tion 5 a : 1 r ket 5 for Jud P St.) M Hig ging h er E :M • P a r duc • A izes fo in Sta atio ge ll p r1 n The roceed st & 2 at Chu s to nd P rch Bar king lace Circ Reg go to le T is t r Lot a t io ree by wards , 5: n is PEA 30P $10 K M per dog M e d ia PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO-CHAIR SOCIAL CO-CHAIR Co er as 6th Tre istm HALEY SHIPLEY, MOUNTAIN STATES HEALTH ALLIANCE TARA BURNS, BRANDED i stm as How Co stu l - i d me ay Ca Pea Spons or R S V P tered foodkwmilembers and C o c k t a il at ’s app p r e c i al be providedotential membt ir e • cash ted b ers we b y Feb l r u a r yars will be acvome • Age 21 ail -4 20th – i n f oable • Free9ad m @ypki n g s p oission rt.co m 2014 DKA Members Partners ($3,500+) City of Kingsport Eastman Chemical Company First Tennessee Bank Indian Path Medical Center Eastman Credit Union Gold ($1,000) Bank of Tennessee Domtar Health South Higher Education Center Mountain Region Family Medicine TriSummit Bank Silver ($500) Appalachian Electric Power Anderson Compounding Pharmacy Citizens Bank Regions Bank Wellmont Bronze ($250) Barberitos Blackburn, Childers & Steagall Burger King Carter-Trent Funeral Home Chef’s Pizzeria Dent K. Burke First Broad Street United Methodist Church First Kingsport Credit Union Food City Grant Tire & Automotive Hamlett Dobson Holston Medical Group Holston Valley Broadcasting Jefferson Federal IntelliHARTx Kingsport Chamber of Commerce Kingsport Housing Authority Suntrust Bank Wilson, Worley & Gamble Small Business ($100) 8X Consulting A Little Dab Able Printers Absolute Communications AdviCoach A-Hood Bonding Aid & Assist at Home Artiques AYP Automotive Beach Hut Shaved Ice Bear N Friends Toy Shoppe Bingham & Hensley Blakley-Mitchell Blankenship Law Office Bloom Boutique Blue Ridge Properties Branded Breaking Tradition Buddy & Debbie Waggoner Burk Consulting Center Key Building Century 21 Legacy Cham Percer - CPA Charmed Southern Christ Fellowship Church Cindy Saadeh Fine Art Gallery Cross Country Mortgage Crossfit Kingsport Cumberland Marketing Dent Magic Diamond Exchange Dirtwerks Dunkin Donuts East Tennessee Brain & Spine Edinburgh Group Edward Jones Investments Express Sign Finer Furnishings First Bank & Trust First Community Bank Edward Jones Investments El Volcan Express Sign Finer Furnishings First Bank & Trust First Community Bank First Presbyterian Church Fixalotta Frank Gibson - Attorney Frank Merendino, DDS Gateway Self Storage Gazebo Party Shop Great Commission Church Haggle Shop Heirloom Antiques Holston Habitat for Humanity H.O.P.E. Hibu Magazine Highlands Health Manage-ment Hyatt Cleaners Imperial Family Medicine Integrity Capital Management Joyful Stillness Yoga Studio Keener & Nancy Mallicote Kingsport Ballet Kingsport Centre’ Realty Kingsport Digital Printing Lake Pointe Advertising LampLight Theatre Leaping Lizards Little Cake Macado‘s Made in the Shade Margaret Moore Mason Jar Eatery Michael Richards Home Repair Model City Groove School Monty & Deb McLaurin Moore’s Pharmacy MR Cleaners Mr. Turkey Leg Nooks & Crannies Now Or Never Tattoo and Boutique Oak Hill Funeral Home Oasis of Kingsport Ozark Mountain Brewing P & J Antiques Pal’s Picsee Studio Pope-Robinette Insurance POSH Spa & Salon Powell Valley National Bank Professional Women’s Network Rodefer & Moss River Mountain Antiques Saxon Clark Enterprises Shabby Allie’s Signature Properties Sonitrol of the Tri-Cities Sophisticats Spa Sprouty Pea Stir Fry Café Style Sullivan Lands, Inc. Summer Fox - Allure Salon TCI Group The Bagel Exchange The Cash Company of Kingsport The Mustard Seed Café The Nutty Java The Perfect Pair The Wooden Hanger Thomas Development Company Times Digital Group TK’s Big Dogs TNT Sports Place Todd & Dossett Town & Country Real Estate Town Planner Tri State Enterprises Trulife Realtor Turquoise Boutique Two Dads Café n Catering Uncorked Up Against the Wall Gallery Urban Synergy & BANQ Variety Vito’s Italian Ristorant Walker’s Shoe Repair Wexford House White Floral Wray Law Firm Xcellerated Fitness Friend ($50) Adam Gray Amanda Looney Ashley Nelson Beine & Associates Beverley Perdue Bob Turner Bobbie Phillips C & S Transit David & Yvonne Raden David Straight Doug Trail Ed & Pam Mahaffey Edward Mills Elizabeth Boyd Greg and Denise DePriest Hannah Musselwhite Jeff Fleming Jeff Frazier John & Karen Barber John Perdue Mary Kilpatrick Mike McIntire Pamela Salley Pat Lee Harrison Penny Gray Robyn Berrigan Stan and Kim Pace FY 2014 Budget Summary Expenses Income 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 33% 28% 20% 10% 32% 7% 2014 Board of Directors President Angela Vachon, Urban Synergy 0% Partnerships Memberships Community Events Merchant Events Vice President Beverley Perdue, Downtown Resident Secretary Pam Mahaffey, Eastman Credit Union Expenses 100% 90% 80% Treasurer Anissa Kittrell, TriSummit Bank Past President John Barber 70% 60% 50% 40% KCVB Jud Teague 54% 30% 20% 10% 0% Administration 16% 15% 14% 1% Promotion Committee Design Committee Organization Committee ER Committee Penny Gray Bonnie Macdonald, Kingsport Cultural Arts Tracy Morelock, ABC TV/19 Stella Robinette, H.O.P.E. Kathy Richards, AdviCoach Taylor Rutherford, Stir Fry Café Cindy Saadeh, Cindy Saadeh Fine Art Jeffrey Stoner, Jeffrey Stoner Photography Dan Wernick, Domtar Lisa Williams, Mountain States Health Alliance Debbie Waggoner Lynn James, Bank of Tennessee Jeremy Salyers, First Tennessee Bank Ex - Officios Miles Burdine, Kingsport Chamber John Campbell, City of Kingsport John Vachon, Urban Synergy Jeff Fleming, City of Kingsport Pat Houchens, P & J Antiques Dennis Phillips, City of Kingsport Aundrea Wilcox, KOSBE Tommy Stanley, Food City Staff Sherri Mosley Executive Director Kendall Flegel Associate Director Emma Clark Administrative Assistant Photo by Derek Cress J O N AT H A N L A I N G Report designed by Jonathan Laing: Web and Graphic Design Services jlaing2521@gmail.com jonathanlaing.com
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