Real Service Dodgeball - Bulldog Houses


Real Service Dodgeball - Bulldog Houses
October 14, 2005 Volume 87 Edition 2B
Page 3
By: Ken Kayser
Editor’s Viewpoint
Page 7
Featured Recipe
Page 5
Real Service Dodgeball:
On Thursday, October 6, 2005, the Real of the teams and spectators was outstanding.
Service Organization held a dodge ball The teams consisted of 6 to 10 members. The
tournament to support the relief efforts for rules for the game were fairly simple and
the hurricane victims of the south. As the BSection Real Service Organization, we hope
to combine efforts with those of A-Section in
fundraising for the victims of the hurricanes
and present one large donation to a specific
charitable organization to help restart the
lives of so many thousands of people. Over
A-Section, Robert Marias held a volleyball
tournament for students and faculty, raising
over $200.
For the dodge ball tournament, we had 70
participants, which, for our first year hosting
this event, is a great result. The excitement
As said before, we had 70 participants and
many spectators. The registration fee was
five dollars per person, but every team member walked away with at least a small prize.
This event raised over $350 for the hurricane
relief efforts. The winning team was UNIT
53 and Second place went to joined efforts of
ALPHA. Thank you to everyone who participated. We hope to host this event each year
and making this a very large fundraiser with
increased participation. We have already
thought of many ways to improve the event
and hope all of you who played on Thursday
will participate in the future if possible. We
are very proud of our efforts and for combining the donations of A-Section, giving us
slightly altered from the intramural rules. a total of over $500 in donations. Lastly, we
In the tournament, players were allowed to hope everyone had a great time.
use the dodge balls in their hands to deflect
We would like to continue our efforts
those being thrown at them. Many people in raising money for the victims of the hurasked prior to the event about this rule, and ricanes by positioning orange buckets in the
with students being so adamant about it we CC to collect small change or any donation
played by those rules. If you have seen the from any persons or organizations on cammovie dodge ball, you know how much fun pus.
the game is and how the game works. For
Thank you all again to everyone that
those of you who have not seen it, we recom- helped support the event.
mend you do, not only for the knowledge of
the sport but for a great laugh.
Real Service
Penny Wise and Dollar Foolish
By: Farahida Jamaluddin
Monetary black holes. You know what I’m
talking about. Those places where your money just seems to vanish. Vending machines,
late fees, bank fees, fines, need I go on?
Who really gets full on food from vending
machines? You’re paying $1.50 for a bottle
of Mountain Dew that will give you an energy rush all of 2 minutes. On the 4th floor,
DEX (Delta Epsilon
Chi) holds a fundraiser in the Business
Department, which
consists of them selling snacks which are
much cheaper than
the ones in the vending machines. $1 for sodas, 50¢ for snacks (not sure about the prices).
You’re contributing to an organization and
saving money! You’re also certain to get your
food since there’s no worry about the vending
machine not working or taking your cash. So
why not walk those extra flights of stairs?
As for late fees, Kettering’s library doesn’t
have them, so no worries about that overdue
book. But bank fees are still prevalent, the
most common being paying that $2 fee when
withdrawing money from an ATM that isn’t
associated with your bank. $2/week to withdraw $20 comes to (for a Kettering school
year of 6 months) $48/year. That’s $48 that
you could have spent or left in your account.
Your way out? To get ‘cash back’ when you
go shopping and pay with your ATM/debit
card. On checkout, you can choose $20 cash
back or more. Or go to one of the fee free
Credit Union ATMs in Flint (Flint Teachers
Credit Union at Lynden and Calkins or the
ATM at Lynden and Corunna) But in Flint,
never carry a lot of cash on you, as I’m sure
you’ve heard.
At the moment, I’m focusing on ways
for you to spend less. During your academic
term, you should never spend more if you
can get away with less. In later articles, I
will discuss how you can put that extra cash
to work for you since you’ve worked hard
enough for it!
What’s Inside?
Campus Life
Clubs and Orgs
Student Voice
Arts & Entertainment
Wrappin’ It Up
Page Kettering University - The Technician
October 14,2005
Campus Life
Fall 2005 Co-op Tailgate
By: Roneesh Vashisht
Despite the cold weather,
everyone at the Fall Co-op
tailgate seemed to be enjoying
themselves, even the people
in the dunking booth. The fall
tailgate is a chance for incoming freshman to get a chance to
introduce themselves to their
co-op managers, someone who
they will be working with a lot
until they find job placement.
This year, the Pi Kappa Alpha
fraternity brought entertainment in the form of a dunking
booth. Students could purchase
a throw for $1, $5 to throw up
close, or $10 to just hit the button
to dunk the person in the booth.
The over $200 raised is being
donated to the American Cancer
Society. Like pervious years,
WKUF provided the music, and
had prizes of their own for give
away. Sigma Alpha Epsilon provided hot dogs for all the students, and Delta Tau Delta had
muffins and brownies. As most
upperclassmen know, finding a
co-op can be hard, and the tailgate is a good way for freshman
to get started on the process. The
introductions are informal, most
students use this time to just say
hi and schedule a time to meet
personally with their manager.
For those looking for a co-op,
manager Darren Heartwell has
some pointers for students. First,
students should make it a point
to touch base with their co-op
manager on a consistent basis.
A co-op manager focuses on
this full time, and can provide
a student with much needed
guidance. Also recommended is
those students check the co-op
navigator website daily. This is
a streamlined way for students
to get their resumes to the right
people in the company at the
right time. Students should
also make sure to attend the job
fair held on campus each fall.
The job fair provides students
Discover KU
with unparalleled access to as
much as thirty companies at one
time, many doing interview on
campus the next day. Though,
he says, the single most important thing a student can do is to
just be proactive in the search.
Caron Wilson, corporate relations manager, who helped to
plan the tailgate also had valuable information for students.
For those looking on their own,
she recommends that students,
upon finding a company they
are interested in, bring the information to their manager and
work with them to contact the
company. A co-op isn’t like a
full time job or summer internship, and sometimes needs to be
explained. A manager can help
in writing a cover letter and initially contacting the company.
In the end students had a good
time, and the turnout was better
than previous years. Not a bad
way to begin a fall term.
Get Involved! It’s time for
Discover Kettering, our annual
fall open house and we need
your help welcoming visitors
to campus. In return you get
a FREE Discover Kettering
t-shirt!!! Discover Kettering
Saturday, November 5th Sign
up to volunteer in the Office of
Admissions on the 4th floor of
the Campus Center. Or, call
Shari Luck at 762-9783, email at
Mock Interviews
Are you prepared for your
next interview? Are you interested in improving your interviewing technique? Would
you like to stay current with the
latest in interviewing practices?
The Cooperative Education and
Career Services office is offering a great new service .Mock
Interviews! Mock Interviews
will be available 3rd and 4th
week! Be prepared to take this
seriously. You will receive on
the spot feedback regarding
your preparation and answers.
Your interviewer will provide
Three Free Lines (TFL) is a section of the Technician dedicated for students and faculty to write
suggestions for improving your
in whatever they want, up to about 250 characters. Email your submissions to
interviewing skills and landing
All submissions must include your name, and be submitted with a Kettering email address. Submisthat dream job! If you are intersions judged to be racist, sexist, homophobic, or attacks of personal nature will not be printed.
ested all you need to do is contact your co-op manager. Call
WKUF-LP Meets Every Tuesday
I question Pedro’s Ability to Thanks to everyone who played
or email your co-op manager
at 8pm in BJ’s Lounge Many Govern
Dodgeball for Katrina. It was a
today, do not delay!
Show Openings Available
rousing success!!
Three Free Lines
TiVo, the greatest invention
TFL Submissions are accepted since the VCR is now only
from anyone with a Kettering $49.99 after $150 Rebate Goto
E-Mail Address Send them to for details
Attention Kettering IT: You are
An optimistic suggests the glass TEH SUCK Replace IE with
is half full, a pessimist suggests Firefox or better yet Replace
it’s half empty, and the engineer Windows with Mac OS X. Since
measures it twice as big as nec- most of the Bandwidth probessary.
lems are caused by spyware.
Thomas E. Gill
Assistant Editor:
Charley Hollenbeck
Layout Editor:
Justin Tiedt
Copy Editor:
Gina Sweet
Distribution Editor:
Michael Lockwood
Staff Writers:
Marcus Bady
Jon Kowalski
Lindsey Lloyd
Jeff Plotzke
Juniper Elliot
Paul Kruse
Lacy Piippo
Roneesh Vashisht
Submission Policy
The Technician welcomes submissions from Kettering University students,
faculty, administration, and the Kettering
University community. Please submit any
articles either by floppy disk, CD-ROM,
Zip Disk or via e-mail to “”. Please send any file(s) larger
than 500kb to “kettering_technician@”. Document formats should
be either in .DOC, .RTF, or .TXT formats,
and pictures should be either JPEG or
TIFF formats with a resolution of at least
300dpi. Do not embed pictures inside the
articles. Any picture imbedded inside an
article will be discarded. If submitting by
disk, please drop the disk off in Student
Activities. Please do not submit hard copies, there must be a digital submission of
all articles. No anonymous submissions
The Technician Meets Every Tuesday at Lunch In BJ’s
Looking for place to meet other
Kettering Students Try Facebook.
Freshmen, know where you are
going to live next year? Don’t
wait, make arrangements now.
Don’t be left out 10th week next
term with no place to live next
Why is it, if I’m in my Apartment 100ft from the AB I can’t
pick up WKUF, or any Radio
Station but CK 105.5, B 95, or
NPR? Yet I get in my car and I
can get everything?
will be accepted. The opinions expressed
are not necessarily those of the Technician.
Any and all articles may be censored by
KSG or Kettering University administration, which means the articles in the paper
may not fully express the author’s views
or the truth.
TFLs must be submitted by the date
articles are due to kettering.tfl@gmail.
com. Any obscene, defamatory, or crude
submissions will not be published. TFLs
may be used for any other use, so long
as each TFL submission is less than 250
characters in length.
The Technician is published roughly
bi/tri-weekly by the students of Kettering
University. Any and all students are welcome to join. The Technician is printed by
Morningstar Publishing in Mt. Pleasant,
Michigan. The Technician is created with
Adobe InDesign 3.0 (PC), 4.0 (Mac), Photoshop 8.0 (PC), 9.0 (Mac), and Acrobat 6.0
(PC), 7.0 (Mac). The newspaper is financed
in part by the Kettering University Student
Activities Fee.
Article Submission Distribution 3rd Edition: October 21 4th Edition: November 4 October 28 November 11 Week
Kettering University - The Technician
Page October 14, 2005
COMPASS Welcomes Freshman!
By: Jon Kowalski
How many students will I
know? Will I be able to find my
classes? Is the food any good?
These are just a few of the ques-
extremely well, as we received
many compliments from parents about the move-in process
and the weekend in general. On
behalf of all
of COMPASS Crew,
I’d like to
offer a special “Thank
Yo u ! ” t o
who made
We e k e n d
such a
great success, and
the Class
of 2010.
Here’s to a
4 ½ years at
Above: Loukas Wright and Dwight Linen II use
teamwork to climb the Giant’s Ladder. Photo
courtesy of Jon Kowalski.
tions that were racing through the
minds of many of the incoming students in the Kettering Class of 2010
when they arrived on campus just a
few weeks ago. In order to answer
these questions, and provide incoming students with a great way to start
off their first term at Kettering, COMPASS 2005 kicked into high gear on
September 29. The four days of programming ranged from Sex, Alcohol,
and Success speakers, to Bowling, a
Scavenger Hunt, and other Social and
Networking events. Thanks to the
support that COMPASS Crew (the
students that organize Orientation)
received from the Group Leaders and
Move-In Buddies, the weekend went
Leadership Opportunity for Students
By: Jon Kowalski
Before the Fall Term begins, ladder covering about 50 feet)
approximately 50 of the members and other team-building and
of the Class of 2010 joined sever- leadership exercises. While the
al upperclassmen for a three-day program is designed to promote
camp held
in Northern Lower
Michigan to
learn about
leadership, meet
some new
friends, and
have a great
time! Camp
was held
26-28, and A large group of COMPASS participants are hypnotized on
a l l o w e d Thursday evening. Photo courtesy of Doug Chemelli.
some Freshmen the opportunity to meet leadership within the incoming
upperclassmen and other class- class, and participants often
mates before the rush of Ori- reflect on how challenges they
entation began later that week. overcame in the group exercises
Participants worked in groups can relate to challenges they
of 12 on a High Ropes course, may face on campus, it’s also a
a Giant’s Ladder (7 rungs of a great opportunity to hang out
with fellow Kettering students
up north and have a blast!
Many past attendees rate Camp
COMPASS as one of the most
influential events of their Kettering career since it allowed them
to make so many connections
with other involved students
and upperclassmen. On behalf
of all of the COMPASS Crew
members that attended camp,
we wish the best of luck to all
of our 2005 Campers!
Below: Starla Walters explores the high-ropes course.
Photo courtesy of Jon Kowalski.
Above: Students work to get all members of the
group over a 12-foot wall. Photo courtesy of Jon
Below: The Unit Olympics offered a chance for
incoming students to test out their skills on the many
events offered. Photo courtesy of Doug Chemelli.
Above: COMPASS participants take a moment
to chill out during the bowling event on Friday
night. Photo courtesy of Doug Chemelli.
Jon Kowalski served as the COMPASS Crew Chair for COMPASS
2005, and has served on COMPASS
for the last three years.
Page Kettering University - The Technician
October 14, 2005
Arts & Entertainment
New Music
Sufjan Stevens
By: Roneesh Vashisht
Welcome to what I hope is a
continuing article that will help
everyone expand their musical
horizons. New and exciting music
is hard to find, but as most everyone can agree, worth it. I hope this
article can serve as a small guide in
a vast sea of great unheard music.
Without further ado, the first
artist I’ve chosen is someone you
actually might have heard of,
maybe. Sufjan Stevens is the current indie boy setting college radio
on fire, and with good reason, his
latest album Illinoise is arguably
one of the best albums of the year,
and sure to be on many critics top
10 lists.
What is so great about it? Simply put, no album this year has
offered what this one has; lush,
gloriously eclectic, orchestrated
pop music. Yes, pop music. Each
song on the album plays like a
mini symphony, kind of like the
Beach Boys Pet Sounds, but a bit
more serious, with Stevens’ dark
young voice being the centerpiece
of each song.
Thematically, it’s refreshing
because all the songs are written
about the state of Illinois. Illinoise
being the second album in his
very ambitious “50 states” project,
where he will attempt to write an
album about each state, the first
album being about our (and his)
home state of Michigan.
But this isn’t history class on
a CD, Stevens’ songs aren’t facts
set to melody, but meditations on
the experience of what it is to live
and be in Illinois. His folksy lyrics,
backed by a cavalcade of instruments create a sound that not many
artists today are even bothering
with. The upbeat emotion of “Chicago” makes it the most optimistic
song you will hear this year. “The
Predatory Wasps of the Palisades”
combines acoustic guitar, an oboe
and choir vocals for an effect that
you really just have to hear.
“Come on! Feel the Illinoise”
starts as a catchy piano song, only
to turn to nostalgic horn string
combo. At a time when indie music
is either fawning over guys in tight
jeans and suit jackets, or drowning in bands fronted by women
singing pointless, cynical lyrics,
Stevens is something radically different. Gone is the pretension or
the self celebration, and left are 22
orchestrated anthems to a state he
obviously loves.
I can’t recommend Illinoise
enough, likewise for his previous
album Greetings From Michigan: The
Great Lakes State. The latter opening
with “Flint (For the Unemployed
and Underpaid)” a mournful
piano ballad that sums up how
most people feel about our city
in three minutes. If you’re having
trouble imagining what he sounds
like from the descriptions, that’s
because it’s really hard to pin his
sound down.
Just know that on “The Man
“ album this year has offered what this one has;
lush, gloriously eclectic, orchestrated pop music”
of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts”
he combines riffy electric guitar,
acoustic guitar, choir vocals, a
trumpet, and something like a
xylophone, but not all at once, and
not like you would imagine. If that
didn’t pique your curiosity, I have
no idea what would.
Recommended Songs:
Chicago - Illinoise
Come on! Feel the Illinoise
- Illinoise
Romulus - Greetings From Michigan: The Great Lakes State
Flint (For the Unemployed
and Underpaid) - Greetings From
Wallace and Grommet
Curse of the Were-Rabbit
By: Thomas E. Gill
Now for those who don’t know the story of Wallace and Grommet, let me begin
by saying, They are extremely funny. Wallace is an inventor of some of the oddest gadgets you could possibly image.Now many people will shy away from this
movie because it is clay-mation and rated G. Despite this, it is an incredible piece
of work. The story is compelling, full of twists and turns, the extra characters each
have a personality, including several hundred rabbits. In pure British form there is
a lot of sexual undertones and in-jokes.It is not campy, it is genuinely funny on the
merits of the material without making tired references to pop-culture like most of the
offerings from Dreamworks Animation has in the past (Including the funny Shrek
and Shrek 2 which will cease to be funny in a few more years.)The yearly vegetable
contest is coming soon. Wallace and Grommet run a pest control service and humanly take care of the rabbits infesting the city. However, Wallace is not content to
just capture and storage of the vermin, he is convinced he must break the Rabbits of
their veg obsession. Somehow while using his inventions to cure the veg obsession,
he accidentally creates a Were-Rabbit. It is up to them to fix their mistake, without
becoming targets of the growing animosity caused by the Were-Rabbit’s insatiable
appetite.Some of the dialog may be difficult for pure American speakers of English,
but if you pay attention to what is said and how, it will be quite Rewarding.I give
Wallace and Grommet in: Curse of the Were-Rabbit 5 out of 5 stars.
In addition to the Feature, theatres are also showing a short cartoon with the
Penguins from “Madagascar.” This 7 minute cartoon, taking place during Christmas,
is worth the price of admission alone. I nearly fell out of my seat laughing at the
Penguins as one attempts to cheer up the lone Polar Bear at the Zoo.
Kettering University - The Technician
Page October 14, 2005
Arts & Entertainment
Serenity: The new Anti-Trek
By: Thomas E. Gill
All your emotions will be engaged. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll gasp
in shock. What you won’t be is bored.
In 1977 a huge box office success hit the
screen. It’s name was “Star Wars.” Like it not,
“Star Wars” was the first successful anti-Trek
(Star Trek that is.) It showed a universe that was
not perfect, utopian, or even clean. Just look at
the ships, they looked like someone scooped up
all the metal at a junk yard, and fit it together to
form some rudimentary space ship. Whereas
Star Trek showed humans and aliens working
to better themselves and others, and the ships
actually looked like someone took some time
in designing them. However, many fans feel
jaded after the lackluster quality of the Star
Wars prequel movies, and of Star Trek’s prequel
series “Enterprise”. Many of these people have
embraced an entirely new set of animals, Battlestar Galactica (2004)* and Serenity. Battlestar
Galactica has been a resounding success for
NBC Universal’s Sci-Fi Channel, but Serenity’s
parent project “Firefly” was an abysmal failure
for the FOX Network. However creator Joss
Whedon (of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel fame) rallied and was able to create a movie
based on the stories and characters of Firefly,
with that Serenity was born.Serenity brings the
Anti-Trek’s to a climax, being about the lower
rungs of society, fighting the government, and
could be considered a story about Space Cowboys. They fight for what they feel is right, not
what they have been taught to be right. A view
many have felt is missing from other stories.It
is hoped by many that these stories continue,
no word from the studio or creator has yet been
* The addition of the (2004) is to separate the current version
of BSG from the failures of BSG in the 70’s and 80’s.
Required Ingredients:
1 to 2 lbs 80%-92% lean Ground Beef
2 cans Tomato Sauce
2 cans Diced Tomatoes
2 cans Whole Kernel Corn
2 cans Dark Red Kidney Beans
2 cans Van de Camps Pork and Beans
1 can BushÆs Baked Beans (w/ Brown Sugar)
2 packages McCormickÆs Chili Spice (Mix and
Match; Mild, Regualr, or Hot)
2 tbsp Garlic Powder
2 tbsp Chili Powder
Optional Ingredients;
Hot Madras Curry Powder
Worchestershire Sauce
Heinz 57 Sauce
A1 Steak Sauce
HP Sauce
Featured Receipe
By: Thomas E. Gill
Chili de TEG
In a large stew pot, cook the Beef (either
thawed or frozen) until it is a light brown, making sure to break up the birck into the consistancy of Taco Meat. If you are going to use the
honey, use is now, add a 15 second squeze of
the container to the pot and maranade the meat
in it. (Optional: Strain off the grease from the
meat.) Add one package of chili spice, and one
can of each ingredient, and the Baked Beans,
and then the other package of chili spice. Add
additional cans (Remember, do not rinse the
cans into the pot, as that will make chili soup.)
Allow to simmer for half an hour. Add garlic
powder and chili powder, and any optional
ingredient. Stir until ingredients are mixed
well, then let simmer one hour. Serve plain in
bowl with Saltine Crackers or Sourdough Bread
or with shredded cheese over the top. Serving
over rice or macaroni & cheese (Read: Kraft
Dinner) is also acceptable.
Is great as leftovers, however for best results,
reheat on stove and serve over rice, as heating in
the microwave may explode some of the beans.
If you must microwave the chili, please do so
with a paper towel over the bowl.
This chili receipe will be prepared for the
Technician meeting at lunch, on 3rd Week Tuesday in BJ’s Lounge.
Campus Village Apartments
Amenities include:
Satellite TV Service w/ HBO and KU Channel 10
Dual T1 Internet Connection with 100 Base-T internal network
Local Telephone Service
Across Chevrolet from the Campus Center
Electronic Card Access
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Onsite security personnel
Resident Assistance Available 24/7
All utilities included
Protected Package Delivery
Onsite Laundry Facilities for Standard Apartments
In Apartment Laundry Facilities in Premium Apartments
Leases availible for Winter and Spring 06.
Contact Janie at 810-232-4960
Page Kettering University - The Technician
October 14, 2005
Clubs and Orgs
SHPE Welcomes Incoming
By: Armando Gomez, SHPE President
On behalf of our organization, I would like to
invite everyone to celebrate
“El Día De Los Muertos”
(The Day of the Dead) with
us on Wednesday
November 2 (5th
The Day of the
Dead began as
an Aztec celebration originally
celebrated in August. Skeletons
and skulls were
used as symbols
for death and rebirth. Instead of fearing death, they
embraced it and considered
it a “moving-on” to a higher level of consciousness.
When the Spaniards came
and converted the Aztecs,
the Aztecs incorporated
the symbols of the crucifix
and devil into the celebration, which the Spaniards
moved to November 2.
Mark your calendars
for this day and
look for more details, in the Great
Court, about this
and many other
events we will be
Come, be a
part of the most
fun Engineering
Organization on
SHPE meets in the SHPE
Office every Friday during Lunch (12:30 pm) on
the 5th floor of the Campus
Center. There’s always free
food and new comers are
Welcome From
Beta Sigma Phi
The sisters of Beta Sigma
Phi would like to welcome
the new freshmen to campus and welcome everyone
else back. We hope you had
a great work term and will
have an awesome school
For the new ladies,
please feel free to join us at
our events this term.
Halloween Party, 4th Monday from 7 to 9
Roller Skating, 5th Thursday from 7 to 9
A Night in Italy, 6th Friday from 6 to 8
Thanksgiving Party, 7th Thursday from 6 to 7
Professional Leadership
Honor Society
By: Tony Heitmann
Professional Leadership
Honor Society (PLHS), formerly
Management Honor Society
Have you been looking for
a way to be recognized for all
your hard work throughout
your co-op term? Well here is
your chance.
Professional Leadership
Honor Society is accepting
Company nomination forms
are mailed directly to all active
Kettering University co-op employers and additional forms
may be obtained from the Cooperative Education office.
Nominations are accepted:
for A section October-December
and B Section January-March.
What is Professional Leadership Honor Society?
PLHS is an organization
comprised of upperclassmen
who have demonstrated leadership potential as evaluated
by the management of their
co-op employer. All members
are appointed for one academic
year. Activities consist of lunch
and dinner meetings each year.
Speakers are leading executives
in industry and business. Members are given an opportunity to
ask questions of these top executives and become acquainted
with their ideas, backgrounds,
and managerial philosophies.
Who is Eligible?
You must be in good academic standing with the University, completed 56 credit hours,
have completed at least one
co- op term, and be nominated
by your co-op employer.
Any of the two advisors may
be contacted for additional information about the society:
Jennifer Jennings
Work Phone: (810) 762-9547
Office Location: 4-823 CC
Caron Wilson
Work Phone: (810) 762-9832
Office Location: 3-301 AB
Welcome back
from Delta Chi
We’d like to take this
opportunity to welcome
everyone back to Kettering for another semester of
hittin’ the books. It seems
like work term only started a few weeks ago, but
now we’re back in good ol’
Flint. I hope everybody’s
co-op jobs went as well as
their summers. For anyone
in need of a break, we’ll
be holding many fun and
free events. Just ask any
Brother, and he could tell
you more.
Kettering University - The Technician
Page October 14, 2004
Student Voice
Editor’s Viewpoint
Attention Democrats: You’re Wrong
Attention Republicans: You’re too Quiet
By: Thomas E. Gill
Looking at the two different natural
disasters to inflict the US this year, they
had two different reactions. With Katrina,
people didn’t believe how powerful it was,
nor did anyone, ANYONE, do anything
useful to helpful before it hit.
Hell, New Orleans Mayor Ray
Nagin dropped
the ball by not
mobilizing the
school busses
and transit busses in the city
to move people
out, instead he
suggested that those who couldn’t afford to leave to go to the Superdome. Of
course these people would be those who
either haven’t worked a day in their life,
and are on the dole (welfare) or they are
to ignorant to save money and because
of that, they have no way to leave. Unfortunately in many parts of this country,
both cases are the primary domain of
persons of African descent. That explains
complaint number one by the Democrats
“Bush Hates Black People.” When in
fact if welfare was cut back slowly over
time, people would begin to learn how to
support themselves, and a large portion
of those people on Welfare would be self
supportive, entrepreneurial, and be able
to get themselves and their families out
of harm’s way.
Term for New Orleans) and snipers were
all over the city. While there was widespread looting, the media called it looting,
most people were breaking into grocery
stores and Wallgreens (Which are on nearly block in NOLA)
for food, medicine, and aid supplies. Very little
property looting
occurred, and that
which did occur
was usually instigated by NOLA
cops (Who are
known as some
of the most corrupt in the world).
Aide going to NOLA was a huge battle
cry of Democrats after Katrina, but those
people never studied constitutional law.
Each state in the US has some autonomy,
and the federal government must respect
each states rights. Regardless of what
occurs, the National Guard, or any other
Military force may not enter a state for
any reason (Part of the reason why The
Capital is in a neutral territory, governed by the federal government.) Not
to mention that to get anything done in
the government, it takes 24 hours to get
people moving.
On the third day, Wednesday 8/31
Governor asked for Federal Help.
On the fourth day, Thursday 9/1 National Guard Troops begin rolling into
NOLA to offer Aid.
With Rita, anyone who wanted to leave
did. Those who didn’t were on hand to
help in the clean up, and the State asked
for help before landfall, and National
Guard Troops were en route a full day in
advance, and arrived within hours of the
Hurricane passing. Cleanup began almost immediately, in fact my uncle works
at one of the refineries there, and with in
an hour of the storm passing, he was en
route to the refinery to begin cleanup.
Obviously there are some issues,
mainly in relation of the state governments, but because of reactionary forces
in the Democratic party, and those in the
Republican party who don’t want to tick
anyone off, it has been a one-sided affair.
Democrats: You’re Wrong.
Republicans: Grow a Pair.
On the first day, Monday 8/29 the
Hurricane Hit.
On the second day, Tuesday 8/30
Additionally, there were reports of it looked like NOLA dodged a bullet,
widespread looting in NOLA (Colloquial until the levies broke in the evening.
Total Deaths During the
Hurricane Crisis 1,260+
Confirmed Deaths 733+
Deaths Related to Katrina
Number of People Missing
Info and Images: Courtesy of
Wikipedia 10/11/05
Page Kettering University - The Technician
October 14, 2005
Wrappin’ It Up
With a
Club @ KU
Interested in joining one of the
many clubs on campus? Do you
know when or where they meet? Use
this handy chart to locate the club you
are interested, who is the primary
contact for the club, and their email
Club Name
Current Schedule of Shows (KU Channel 10/CVA 58)
This is the current schedule for WKUF-LP 94.3
FM. If you are interested in hosting a show, just
visit the WKUF website at
and fill out the “Host Your Own Show” form.
WKUF-LP staff meetings are every Tuesday in
9 am
10 am
Ben Leland
Xiaowei Ng
Jerome Woods
Bulldog Band
Michael Salyers
12 pm
Chaz Ott
1 pm
College Republicans
Jon Kowalski
Cross Country
Ken Delgreco
Tim Moyer
FIRST Robotics
Dan Swando
Frisbee Club
Andrew Visger
Golf Club
Dave Klooster
Hockey Club
Justin Loechli
International Club
Ernest Estes
Karate Club
Yoshi Ota
Kettering Awareness Mark Lazar
Titus Appel
Lacrosse Club
Jon Szymanski
Off Road Club
Kristen Winter
Outdoors Club
Jordan Sahs
Laurie Smith
Running Club
Eric Huffman
Soccer Club
Xiaowei Ng
Trap & Skeet
Matt Towner
Thomas Gill
Volleyball Club
April Roach
Dave Blanken- blan4678
11 am
2 pm
3 pm
No experience required!
Cameras provided to photographers!
Come be a part of the yearbook staff at
Meetings Friday, 12:20 pm in the Student
Conference Room, 3rd floor CC-lunch
For more information:
Newspaper Staff Members
Write what you want. Huge influence in
decisions. Meet interesting people in the KU
Meetings are Each Tuesday at Lunch in BJ’s
For more info contact Thomas Gill @
FYL with FYL with
S c o t t Scott PorPorter
J a c k J a c k Jack Frost
4 pm
5 pm
A Little
Left with
D a n
A Little Sanity Left with
Dan Swando
Roneesh The Uh? H o t M i x
and Eric S h o w with Lady
with DJ Godiva
6 pm
with DJ
7 pm
S o u l G r e g
Searchin Semrau
with DJ
8 pm
E l e c tronic
Revolution with
Yearbook Staff Members
8 am
In the Booth
with Donnie Mayo
and Dash
W o r l d The Locker
Beat with Room with
Kevin JS Donald and
10 pm
with Dying Phoenix
12 am
1 am
Friday Saturday
In the
w i t h
a n d
with Brian
and Nate
– 1:30)
Jack Frost J a c k
with DJ
A Little Spin City
S a n - with Xaviity Left er B
w i t h
D a n
T h e
U h ?
with DJ
D o u b l e Morbid
DQ with I n f l u x
Tonei and with DJ
Levi Blue Scorn
DJ Shef
Prese n t s
with DJ
9 pm
11 pm
In the
B o o t h
with Donnie Mayo
and Dash
The Hype
S h o w
w i t h
Else with
The Locker
Room with
and Terry
The Locker
Room with
and Terry
Left of
the Dial
w i t h
Digital Underground
with Lightning (11:30
– 2:00)