West Island Youth Resource Guide - CSSS de l`Ouest-de
West Island Youth Resource Guide - CSSS de l`Ouest-de
The West Island Community Resource Centre would like to thank the following community partners for giving their input into the creation of this guide: AJOI Amcal Batshaw Youth and Family Services Big Brothers and Big Sisters West Island Family Resource Centre West Island Youth Resource Guide 2013 Edition Published by: the West Island Community Resource Centre (CRC) City of Pointe-Claire Borough of Pierrefonds-Roxboro CSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île West Island YMCA WIAIH CENTRE DE RESsOURCES COMMUNAUTAIREs DE L'OUEST-DE-L'ILE West Island Community Resource Centre We would also like to thank all of our funding partners for supporting the West Island CRC. A special thank you to: Centraide of Greater Montreal The West Island Youth Resource Guide is a source of information for youth, parents, and professionals who are seeking support services and programs for young people in the West Island community. West Island Community Shares City of Pointe-Claire 114 Donegani Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 2V4 514-694-6404 info@crcinfo.ca www.crcinfo.ca Table of Contents Information and Referral Services ..........................................................page 5 Helplines........................................................................................................page 6 Addictions......................................................................................................page 8 -Rehabilitation Centers Mental Health.............................................................................................page 12 Legal Information......................................................................................page 15 -Legal Clinics -General Information Physical and Sexual Assault....................................................................page 19 Emergency Shelter....................................................................................page 22 We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. ~Franklin Delano Roosevelt Crisis Intervention.....................................................................................page 24 Family Services...........................................................................................page 25 -Community Organizations -Provincial Services -Services for Aboriginials LGTBQ Youth..............................................................................................page 29 Health Services...........................................................................................page 31 -CLSC Youth Clinics -Hospitals Sexual Health..............................................................................................page 33 -CLSC Youth Clinics -Other Resources Pregnancy....................................................................................................page 36 Employment Services...............................................................................page 38 -Volunteer Work Information and Referral Services Educational Resources.............................................................................page 41 -School Boards -Community Organizations -Scholarships for Youth Assistance for Youth with Special Needs ............................................page 46 -Recreation -Employment -Transportation Material Assistance...................................................................................page 50 -Food Resources -Clothing and Furniture Recreation...................................................................................................page 53 -Municipalities West Island Community Resource Centre Phone: 514-694-6404 E-mail: info@crcinfo.ca Website: www.crcinfo.ca Services: Information and referral to a variety of services in the West Island based on individual needs. Also offers a free legal clinic and specialized publications. Information and Referral Center of Greater Montreal Phone: 514-527-1375 E-mail: crgm@info-reference.qc.ca Website: www.info-reference.qc.ca Services: Information and referral to a variety of services across Montreal. In Case of Emergency Fire-Ambulance-Police 9-1-1 Montréal Families Phone: 514-487-8881 E-mail: info@montrealfamilies.ca Website: www.montrealfamilies.ca Services: Information and resources for families. Health Related Info Info-sante 8-11 5 Helplines Depressed Anonymous Phone: 514-278-2130 Services: Helpline for people suffering from depression. DID YOU KNOW… Bureau de Consultation Jeunesse ~Bullying is when a youth or group of young people repeatedly harass one or several other young people physically or psychologically. It usually occurs without adults noticing. Anyone can be a victim. Talk to your parents, teachers or friends. Bullying is a crime. 12 Phone: 514-270-9760 Face to Face Listening and Referral Centre Phone: 514-934-4546 Website: www.face-a-face.org E-mail: info@bcj14-25.org Website: www.bcj14-25.org Services: Helpline and intervention program for marginalized youth in difficulty who want to become more independent in their lives. Éducation Coup-de- fil Phone: 514-525-2573 Services: Professional telephone consultation service for family members, including minors and their friends. Services: Offer listening and information on a variety of issues. Tel-Jeunes Phone: 1-800-263-2266 E-mail: info@teljeunes.com Website: http://en.teljeunes.com/home Services: Free, confidential counselling by phone, online or text for youth. Kids Help Phone Phone: 1-800-668-6868 Website: www.kidshelpphone.ca Services: Offer phone or web counselling to youth 20 years and under. Help with topics such as Bullying, Family, and Sexual Orientation etc. 1 1 6 Ordre des psychologues du Québec: Bullying Tel-Jeunes Website (www.teljeunes.com) 7 Addictions DID YOU KNOW… ~ Binge drinking refers to the heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time. The consumption of five or more drinks in a row by men — or four or more drinks in a row by women — at least once in the previous 2 weeks. You may know from experience that excessive drinking can lead to difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, mood changes, and other problems that affect your day-to-day life. It can also lead to alcohol poisoning, impaired judgement, issues with your physical and mental health and could lead to alcohol abuse. If you feel like you need help- talk to an adult you trust, such as your parents, your doctor, school counselor, clergy member, aunt, or uncle. Drug: Help and Referral Alanon/Alateen Phone: 514-866-9803 Website: www.al-anon-alateen-qc.ca/e-alateen.htm Services: Offers support groups for the friends/families and children of alcoholics. Alcochoix + Phone: 514-273-5600, ext 6360 Services: Assistance program that promotes moderate alcohol consumption for people over 18 years old. DID YOU KNOW… When gambling habits lead to disruption in any major part of your life or when you can’t seem to control your urge to gamble, then it has become a problem. Financially, problem gambling can lead to a loss of income, potential loss of assets, lowered standard of living, or even a loss of employment. Personally, problem gambling can cause conflict with loved ones, and can lead to alienation from family and friends.4 Phone: 514-527-2626 Website: www.drogue-aidereference.qc.ca Services: Bilingual helpline offering information and referrals on substance abuse issues. Alcoholics Anonymous Phone: 514-376-9230 Gambler’s Anonymous Phone: 514-484-6666 Website: www.gamontreal.ca Services: Hotline and information for people dealing with compulsive gambling. Website: www.aamontreal.com Services: Helpline, referral and support groups for alcoholics. 3 Kids Health Website (kidshealth.org) 8 4 http://www.cpha.ca/en/portals/substance/article05.aspx 9 Gambling: Help and Referral Phone: 514-527-0140 Services: Information, referral and help-line available 24hours a day, 7 days a week. Rehabilitation Centers Centre Le Portage: Beaconsfield Phone: 514-694-9894 International Centre for Youth Gambling problems and High Risk Behaviours Phone: 514-398-1391 Website: www.youthgambling.com Services: Centre offering publications and resources related to youth gambling addiction. Website: http://portage.ca/qc/adolescents-quebec-drug-addictionrehabilitation Services: Residential and non-residential treatment for drug addiction, alcohol, gambling and mentally ill chemical abusers. The residential rehabilitation program is available for adolescents with substance dependencies. Pavillon Foster Cocaine Anonymous Phone: 514-486-1304 Phone: 514-527-9999 Website: www.pavillonfoster.org Website: www.cocainomanes-anonymes.org Services: Addiction rehabilitation services for English speaking youth (12-17 years). Services: Self-help group for people looking to break their cocaine habit. Centre Dollard-Cormier Narcotics Anonymous Phone: 514-249-0555 Website: www.naquebec.org Services: Offers a helpline, referral service and support group for people suffering from drug addiction. 10 Phone: 514-982-1232 (Youth Program) or 514-385-1232 (For Emergencies) Website: http://dependancemontreal.ca Services: Rehabilitation services for French speaking people suffering from substance abuse issues. 11 Mental Health Family Life Centre Phone: 514-630-7791 Website: www.familylifecentre.ca DID YOU KNOW… ~Many physical symptoms (headaches/stomach pains, racing heartbeat…) can be associated with anxiety in adolescents. Feeling of fear and dread can become so intense that they keep you from going to school, from being in a group and from many activities that would not be a problem otherwise. If you are feeling anxious talk to someone you trust like your school guidance counsellor, your parents or doctor. There is help! Services: To support individuals and families through referral services, short-term counselling and life skills education. No fee for services. Agence Ometz Phone: 514-343-3524 Website: www.ometz.ca Services: Ometz is a non-profit, community-based human services agency that supports and strengthens individuals and families by offering services for mental health. ANEB Québec CLSC Psycho-Social Intake Phone: 514-630-0907 Phone: Website: www.anebquebec.com 514-639-0650 (Dorval-Lachine) Services: Prevention, information and support including a helpline and support groups for people suffering from eating disorders. Services are also offered to friends and family of these people. 514-697-4110 (Lac St-Louis) 514-626-2572 (Pierrefonds) CLSC Services: Teams can help in case of problems related to mental health, addiction, violence, abuse, poverty, social exclusion, and emotional or psychological distress. Staff assesses your situation and needs and provides you with follow-up or refers you to the right service. West Island Crisis Centre Phone: 514-684-6160 Website: http://www.wicrisiscenter.com/ Services: Help and support for people (18+) in distress. 12 Depressed Anonymous Phone: 514-278-2130 Services: Helpline for people suffering from depression. Action on Mental Illness Phone: 514-486-1448 Website: www.amiquebec.org Services: Helps families manage the effects of a loved one’s mental illness through support, education, guidance and advocacy. 13 Friends for Mental Health Phone: 514-636-6885 Website: www.asmfmh.org Services: Helps families and friends with the support, information and education they need to help them cope with a loved one’s mental illness. Legal Information DID YOU KNOW… Assault: Article 266 of the Criminal Code Revivre/ Reliving Phone: 514-738-4873 Website: www.revivre.org Services: Information and helpline for those suffering from anxiety, depression or bi-polar. *An intentional attempt to use force or the actual use of force against another person without their consent through physical aggression (pushing, hitting, spitting) use of a weapon or threat. Using Explosives: Article 81 of the criminal code. The intentional use of explosives likely to cause serious injury or death to persons or likely to cause serious damage to property. Conspiracy: Article 465.(1) of the criminal code The act of conspiring with anyone to commit a criminal offence. Definition: Article 298 of the criminal code A defamatory libel is matter published, without lawful justification or excuse, that is likely to injure the reputation of any person by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or that is designed to insult the person of or concerning whom it is published. 14 15 Extortion: Legal Clinics Article 346 of the criminal code The act of obtaining something by threats, accusations or violence, inducing or attempting to induce someone to do anything or cause anything to be done, without reasonable justification or excuse. False Messages: Article 372 of the criminal code Everyone who, with intent to injure or alarm any person, conveys or causes or procures to be conveyed by letter, telegram, telephone, cable, radio or otherwise information that he knows is false is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two year. Possession of Counterfeit Money: Article 450 of the criminal code The act of buying, receiving, offering to buy or receive, or have in your custody or possession, counterfeit money. Robbery: Article 343 of the criminal code The act of stealing through the use of intimidation, violence (armed robbery) or threats. Uttering Threats: West Island Community Resource Centre Phone: 514-694-6404 Website: www.crcinfo.ca Services: Offers a free and confidential legal clinic. Please call for schedule or to make an appointment. West Island Black Community Association Phone: 514-683-3925 Website: www.wibca.org Services: Offer a free legal clinic every Thursday. Please call for appointment. Head and Hands Phone: 514-481-0277 Website: www.headandhands.ca Services: Offer free legal consultation for youth (12-25). Call or drop in for more information. McGill University Legal Information Clinic Phone: 514-398-6792 Website: http://licm.mcgill.ca/ Services: Law students offer free legal information. Please call to make an appointment. Article 264.1 of the criminal code A word or gesture made directly or indirectly, by which a person declares an intention to hurt someone. The threat can be to kill or harm a person, or to destroy or burn personal property. 16 17 General Legal Information Crime Victims Assistance Centre (CAVAC) Phone: 514-744-5048 Website: www.cavac.qc.ca Services: Offer front-line services that are free of charge and confidential including: Post-trauma and psychosocial intervention ,information on crime victim rights and remedies ,technical assistance, accompaniment ,referrals to specialized services. Legal Aid (Youth Division) Phone: 514-864-1500 Website: www.justice.gouv.qc.ca Services: Legal information and referral for youth. Educaloi Website: www.educaloi.qc.ca Services: Offers concrete legal information through its website. Also, offer a section for youth rights. Physical and Sexual Assault Resources DID YOU KNOW… ~ Physical abuse can be any kind of hitting, shaking, burning, pinching, biting, choking, throwing, beating, and other actions that cause physical injury, leave marks, or cause pain. People who are abused might mistakenly think that it’s their fault for not doing what their parents tell them, breaking rules, or not living up to someone’s expectations. Teens who are abused (or have been in the past) often have trouble sleeping, eating, and concentrating. People who are being abused often feel afraid, numb, or lonely. Getting help and support is an important first step toward feeling better. If you or anyone you know is being abused, talk to someone you or your friend can trust. 6 West Island Women’s Shelter Phone: 514-620-4845 DID YOU KNOW… Website: www.westislandwomensshelter.org ~ It is illegal in Quebec to use your cellphone while driving - do you really want to take the risk. Using your Cellphone while driving is very dangerous. When you are driving and become distracted, this could lead to an accident. Texting and driving is becoming more deadly than drunk driving is because teens are likely to do it more often. 5 SOS Violence Conjugale 5 CAA- Teen Driving Website (http://www.caa.ca/working-for-you/safe-driving/teen-driving/) 18 Services: Emergency shelter for women and their children. Counselors are available for teens in abusive relationships. Phone: 514-873-9010 Website: www.sosviolenceconjugale.com Services: 24/7 helpline, information and referral for victims of domestic violence. 6 Kids Health Website (kidshealth.org) 19 Montreal Children’s Hospital Phone: 514-412-4481 (Clinique) or 514-412-4499 (Emergency) Website: www.thechildren.com Services: Centre offers services for victims of physical and sexual assault. Aggression Sexuelles Resources (Government of Québec) Phone: 514-933-9007 Website: www.aggressionssexuelles.gouv.qc.ca Services: Offers information and resources for sexual victims and their families. St-Justine Hospital Phone: 514-345-4721 (Youth) or 514-345-4866 (Children) or 514-345-4611 (Emergency) Website: www.chu-sainte-justine.org Services: Centre offers services for victims of physical or sexual assault. Calacs de l’Ouest-de-l’Île Phone: 514-684-2198 Website: www.calacsdelouest.ca Services: Offers help to victims of sexual assault. Montreal Sexual Assault Crisis Centre Phone: 514-934-4504 (emergency) Services: Offers psychological support, medical examinations and legal information for victims of sexual assault. Trêve pour Elles Phone: 514-251-0323 Website: www.trevepourelles.org Services: French service providing assistance and prevention education against sexual assault crimes. 20 21 Emergency Shelter Refuge des Jeunes Phone: 514-849-4221 Website: www.refugedesjeunes.org Services: Emergency shelter for men aged 17-25 years old. DID YOU KNOW… ~ Couch surfing can be defined as situations where runaway or homeless youth are living in unstable and/ or temporary living arrangements such as the couches or spare bedrooms of friends. Youth become homeless for a variety of reasons ranging from aging out of foster care, abuse or neglect at home, parents moving away, or conflicts with their parents. Sometimes, living with others teens are often forced to engage in activities that are not safe or healthy as a way to survive living out of the home. There are shelters and resources to help you out of these situations. For more information, refer to the emergency shelter section.7 Ressources Jeunesse de St-Laurent Phone: 514-747-1341 Website: www.rjsl.ca Services: Emergency shelter for youth 16-22 years old and supervised apartments for youth 18-25 years old. The Bunker-Le Bon Dieu dans la rue (Youth Services) Phone: 514-526-5222 Website: www.danslarue.org Services: Emergency shelter for youth. West Island Women’s Shelter En Marge Phone: 514-849-7738 Website: http://enmarge1217.ca Phone: 514-620-4845 Website: westislandwomensshelter.org Services: Emergency shelter and resources for women and their children. Services: Emergency shelter for youth aged 12-17 years. Héberjeune de Parc Extension Phone: 514-273-2700 Services: Emergency shelter for youth aged 18-25 years old. 7 Webster House Youth Services Website (http://www.websterhouseyouthservices.org/CouchSurfing.html) 22 23 Crisis Intervention Family Services West Island Crisis Centre Parents Anonymous Phone: 514-684-6160 Phone: 514-288-5555 Website: http://www.wicrisiscenter.com/ Services: Helpline and support for parents of youth. Services: Help and support for people (18+) in distress. Action Jeunesse de l’Ouest-de-l’Île (AJOI) Phone: 514-675-4450 Website: www.ajoi.info Services: Street workers offer on-the-spot intervention services for teens in trouble. The workers encourage teenagers/ young adults to discover and develop alternatives to the streets and provide them with the opportunity to speak about their needs. To get accompanied or referred to a shelter that fits your need, you can also call the street worker assigned to your Borough listed on our site. Community Organizations Amcal Family Services Phone: 514-694-3161 Website: www.amcal.ca Services: Counselling services for families, residential program for teens in difficulty and drop-in program for young parents. Agence Ometz Action Jeunesse de l’Ouest-de-l’Île (AJOI) Phone: 514-343-3524 Phone: 514-674-4450 Website: www.ometz.ca Website: www.ajoi.info Services: Ometz is a non-profit, community-based human services agency that supports and strengthens individuals and families by offering assistance in crisis situations. Services: Street workers offer on-the-spot intervention services for teens in trouble. The workers encourage teenagers/ young adults to discover and develop alternatives to the streets and provide them with the opportunity to speak about their needs. Éducation Coup-de- fil Phone: 514-525-2573 Services: Professional telephone consultation service for family members, including minors and their friends. 24 25 Family Resource Centre Centre Cloverdale Multi-Ressources Phone: 514-685-5912 Phone: 514-684-8228 Website: www.familyresourcecenter.qc.ca Website: www.cloverdalemulti-ressources.org Services: Support Youth (aged 5-25) with behavioral, social and academic issues. Our services include: Group and Individual Social Skills Program, Study Skills Program, Girls 2 Ladies Empowerment Group, Family Counselling, Parental Support Groups and Women Support Group. Services: Offer a variety of activities, resources and support for the entire family including: summer camp, parental support groups and daycare services. Family Life Centre Website: www.wibca.org Phone: 514-630-7791 Website: www. familylifecentre.ca Services: To support individuals and families through referral services, short-term counselling and life skills education. Big Brothers and Big Sisters of West Island Phone: 514-538-6100 Website: www.bbbsofwi.org Services: Service providing mentors for children and teens living in single parent families. West Island Black Community Association Phone: 514-683-3925 Services: Offer a variety of activities, resources and support for the entire family including: youth center, legal clinic and counseling services. West Island YMCA Phone: 514-630-9864 Website: www.ymcaquebec.org Services: Offer activities and programs for children, teens including: youth center, teen night, basketball league, leaders in training program, and fitness classes. Agence Ometz Project Communautaires de Pierrefonds (PCP) Phone: 514-343-3524 Phone: 514-683-4164 Website: www.ometz.ca Website: http://pages.videotron.com/pcp/en_index.html Services: Ometz is a non-profit, community-based human services agency that supports and strengthens individuals and families by offering employment, immigration, school and social services. Services: Offer a variety of programs for immigrant and low income families including: young mother’s program, after school homework help and community lunch. 26 27 Carrefour des 6-12 ans de Pierrefonds-Est Phone: 514-685-9598 Website: www.pcpwi.org Services: Homework assistance, family tutoring, recreation supervision, extracurricular activities, home intervention for families, summer and winter camps, summer activities. LGBTQ Youth Helplines Gai-écoute Provincial Services Batshaw Youth and Family Centers Phone: 514-935-6196 / 514-989-1885 Phone: 514-866-0103 Website: www.gai-ecoute.qc.ca Services: Helpline offering listening and information related to sexual orientation. Website: www.batshaw.ca Project 10 Services: Child protection, young offenders and adoption services for English-speaking and/or Jewish French or English speaking individuals. Phone: 514-989-4585 Centre Jeunesse de Montréal Phone: 514-896-3200 Website: www.p10.qc.ca Services: Anonymous and confidential helpline for gay and lesbian youth. Website: www.centrejeunessedemontreal.qc.ca Montréal Gayline Services: Provincial family services for French-speaking individuals. Phone: 514-866-5090 Website: www.gayline.qc.ca Services: Offer anonymous and confidential listening and information related to sexual orientation. Services for Aboriginals LGBTQ Youth Centre Native Friendship Centre of Montreal 28 Address: 202 Woodside Road, Beaconsfield H9W 2P1 Phone: 514-499-1854 Phone: 514-794-5428 Website: www.nfcm.org Website: www.lgbtqyouthcentre.ca Services: Info and referral centre for aboriginal people. Services: Offer a drop-in youth centre for gay and lesbian youth, as well as information and support. 29 Centre de solidarité Lesbienne (CSL) Phone: 514-526-2452 Services: Intervention services including issues with conjugal violence, promotion of health and well-being. Health Services CLSC Youth Clinics CLSC Dorval-Lachine Address: 1900 Notre-Dame, Lachine Phone: 514-639-0650 CLSC Lac-St-Louis Address: 180 Cartier, Pointe-Claire Phone: 514-697-4110 x1313 CLSC Pierrefonds Address: 13800 Boul. Gouin West Phone: 514-626-2572 x4367 CLSC Services: Health services for youth (12-24) including: checkups, medical follow-ups, pregnancy tests, contraception day-after pill information about and screening of sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Teenage Health Unit Hotline Phone: 514-340-8242 Website: http://jgh.ca/en/HerzlFamilyPracticeCentre Services: 24hr hotline for teens (13-19) offered by J.G.H. dealing with questions about health. 30 31 Street Kids Clinic Address: 1250 Sanguinet St, Montreal, QC Phone: 514-527-2361, ext 3682 Services: On-site: doctors, nurses, dentists, psychologists, social workers, and access to showers. Hospitals Lakeshore General Hospital Address: 160, Stillview Avenue, Pointe-Claire Phone: 514-630-2225 Sexual Health DID YOU KNOW… The best time to come up with a plan for your sexual health is well before the time comes. Making decisions under pressure is a recipe for disaster. Will you say no? Will you have adequate protection on hand? Will you discuss it with your partner first? Learn the pros and cons of having sex and then learn how to protect yourself from STDs and pregnancy now, so you can respect yourself and your partner.8 Montreal Children’s Hospital Address: 2300, Avenue Tupper, Montréal Phone: 514-412-4400 Ste-Justine Hospital Address: 3175 Chemin de la Côte-Ste-Catherine, Montréal Phone: 514-345-4931 CLSC Youth Clinics CLSC Dorval-Lachine Address: 1900 Notre-Dame, Lachine Phone: 514-639-0650 CLSC Lac-St-Louis Address: 180 Cartier, Pointe-Claire Phone: 514-697-4110 x1313 8 http://www.safeteens.org/safe-sex/ 32 33 CLSC Pierrefonds L’Anonyme: The Van Address: 13800 Boul. Gouin West Phone: 1-855-236-6700 Phone: 514-626-2572 x4367 Website: www.anonyme.ca CLSC Services: Health services for youth (12-24) including: checkups, medical follow-ups, pregnancy tests, contraception day-after pill information about and screening of sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Services: Help for drug users and HIV prevention. Consult their website or call for the van’s neighborhood schedule. Street Kids Clinic Address: 1250 Sanguinet St, Montreal, QC OTHER RESOURCES Phone: 514-527-2361, ext 3682 Services: On-site: doctors, nurses, dentists, psychologists, social workers, and access to showers. Contraception Info-line Phone: 1-888-671-3376 Info-Sida Phone: 514-521-7432 Aids Community Care Montréal Phone: 514-527-0928 Website: www.accmontreal.org Services: Services for people with HIV and Aids. Cactus Montréal Phone: 514-847-0067 Website: www.cactusmontreal.org Services: Offers help for drug users and HIV prevention. 34 35 Pregnancy Montréal Children’s Hospital Adolescent Clinic CSSS West Island- Birthing Centre Services: Health services for teens and gynecology. Address: 180 Cartier Ave. Pointe-Claire Phone: 514-697-1199 Services: Prenatal group meetings, complete monitoring from your midwife, complementary exams. Birth Right Phone: 514-412-4481 Website: www.thechildren.com Teenage Health Unit Hotline Phone: 514-340-8242 Website: http://jgh.ca/en/HerzlFamilyPracticeCentre Services: 24hr hotline for teens (13-19) offered by J.G.H. dealing with questions about health. Phone: 514-937-9324 Website: www.birthright.org Services: Assistance and support services for pregnant teens and adults. Grossesse-Secours Phone: 514-271-0554 Website: www.grossesse-secours.org Services: Offers support and information for pregnant women. Maison Elizabeth House Phone: 514-482-2488 Website: www.maisonelizabethhouse.com Services: Support services, school and group home for pregnant women and young mothers. Kids Help Phone Phone: 1-800-668-6868 Website: www.kidshelpphone.ca Services: Listening and support for pregnant teens. 36 37 Employment Services DID YOU KNOW… There are several tricks to preparing a good cv : Proofread. Never rely on spell check. Phone: 514-878-9788 Website: www.yesmontreal.ca Services: Offers assistance with job search, career counseling, entrepreneurship for people aged 16-35 years. Centre d’intégration multi-services de l’Ouest-de -l’Île (C.I.M.O.I) Keep it concise. Try to keep your résumé as short as possible—ideally one page, two pages maximum. Phone: 514-693-1000 or 514-685-3000 Be honest. Many people who lie on their applications end up losing their jobs when their employers find out the truth. Services: Offers help with job search, French lessons and integration activities for new Canadian residents. Be professional. Remember, this is a business document, so don’t include unnecessary embellishments like flashy paper or a picture of yourself. 9 Service Canada Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi de l’Ouest-de-L’Île (West Island) Phone: 514-782-0433 Website: www.cjeouestile.qc.ca Services: Drop-in job search assistance, job database and career counseling for people age 16-35 years. Agence Ometz Phone: 514-343-3524 Website: www.ometz.ca Services: Ometz is a non-profit, community-based human services agency that supports and strengthens individuals and families by offering employment, immigration, school and social services. 9 http://www.youth.gc.ca/eng/topics/jobs/resume.shtml 38 Youth Employment Services (Y.E.S) Website: www.cimoi.com Phone: 1-800-935-5555 Website: www.youth.gc.ca Services: Links to help Canadian youth in finding a summer job as well as other employment opportunities. Volunteer Work DID YOU KNOW… ~ Volunteering may be one of the most valuable experiences of your life. It’s a double win: your community or cause benefits from your work and you benefit from your experiences. You learn new skills by trying new jobs. Hospitals, Charities, Clubs, Overseas development organizations, Music and arts festivals, Sporting leagues and events all need volunteers. Look into it today! 10 Government of Canada-Services for Youth Website (www.youth.gc.ca) 39 Volunteer West Island: Youth in Action Phone: 514-457-5445 Website: www.volunteerwestisland.org Services: Offers volunteer placement for youth aged 15-24 in the West Island. West Island YMCA: Community Initiatives Phone: 514-630-9864 x 5202 Educational Resources Place Cartier Phone: 514-694-8500 Website: http://placecartier.lbpsb.qc.ca/index.htm Services: English School offering general and specialized courses leading to a high school diploma. Website: www.ymcaquebec.org Services: Opportunities to volunteer in activities such as homework support, teen night, coaching and more. West Island Citizen Advocacy: Youth Project Phone: 514-694-5850 Centre Jeanne Sauvé Phone: 514-855-4195 Website: www3.csmb.qc.ca Services: French School offering general and specialized courses leading to a high school diploma. Website: http://volunteerwica.com/ Services: Matches youth aged 18-35 to work with intellectually handicapped youth also aged 18-35. A police check and 3 references are required. School Boards Lester B. Pearson School Board Address: 1925 Brookdale Ave, Dorval, QC Phone: 514-422-3000 Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys Address: 1100 Boul. De la Côte-Vertu, St-Laurent, QC Phone: 514-855-4500 40 41 Community Organizations De-Zone Youth Drop-in Centre (West Island YMCA) Literacy Unlimited Phone: 514-694-0007 Website: www.literacyunlimited.ca/index.htm Website: www.ymcaquebec.org Services: Provide tutoring for young adults who wish to improve in their reading, writing and math skills. Also provide computer training for those working on improving their skills. Services: Offer a homework help program and support program to help youth figure out what to do after high school. Carrefour des 6-12 ans de Pierrefonds-Est Phone: 514-630-9864 x 5208 Pierrefonds Community Project (PCP) Phone: 514-684-5995 Phone: 514-685-9598 Website: www.pcpwi.org Services: Homework assistance and family tutoring. Website: www.pcpwi.org Services: Offers an afterschool program that helps children ages 6-12 with homework and language. Family Resource Centre Phone: 514-685-5912 Nouvelle Vision des Jeunes Phone: 514-752-1414 E-mail: jbloms@hotmail.com Services: Enables kids 6 to 12 years from Cloverdale to participate in social, educational and sporting activities. Website: www.familyresourcecenter.qc.ca Services: Support Youth (aged 5-25) with behavioral, social and academic issues. Our services include: Group and Individual Social Skills Program, Study Skills Program, Girls 2 Ladies Empowerment Group, Family Counselling, Parental Support Groups and Women Support Group. Centre Cloverdale Multi-Ressources Phone: 514-684-8228 Website: www.cloverdalemulti-ressources.org Services: Offer a homework help program. Maison des Jeunes de Pierrefonds Address: 4855 Boul. des Sources Pierrefonds, QC Phone: 514-683-4164 Website: www.mdjpierrefonds.org Services: Center that offers homework help. Project L.O.V.E Phone: 514-938-0006 Website: www.leaveoutviolence.com Services: Youth led movement helping those who have been affected by violence (victim, witness or perpetrator). 42 43 Scholarships for Youth DID YOU KNOW… ~ Saving is the key to getting the things out of life that are important to you. A good savings plan sets money aside for big purchases in the future and short-term needs. Even if your only money now is an allowance from your parents, you can get in the habit of saving and get your money to go further. Want a smart way to control your money? Use four little banks. Label each bank with the way you’ll use the money: SAVE, SPEND, INVEST, and GIVE. 11 Montréal Lakeshore University Women’s Club Phone: 514-694-1852 Website: www.mluwc.com Services: Scholarship for West Island females who are enrolled to attend university. Pfizer Canada Young Achievers Awards Phone: 514-636-7314 Website: www.westislandchronicle.ca Services: Scholarships for youth aged 10-17 who are making a difference in their community. Please refer to the website to fill out a form. Aide financière aux études Phone: 514-864-3557 Website: www.afe.gouv.qc.ca Services: Information about government financial assistance for educational expenses. Aditya Youth Trust Fund Phone: 514-684-9920 Website: http://aytf.org/m/AYTFS15/ Services: Helps youth achieve their full potential by offering tutoring, mentoring, financial assistance, camps and sponsorship programs. Discover the Stars- West Island Chamber of Commerce Phone: 514-697-4228 Website: www.ccoim.ca Services: Scholarship for students studying science and technology. 11 http://themint.org/ 44 45 Assistance for Youth with Special Needs Regroupement pour la trisomie 21 Phone: 514-850-0666 Website: www.trisomie.qc.ca Services: Provide information for parents, personal support and conferences/outings for families. West Island Association for the Intellectually Handicapped (WIAIH) Best Buddies Phone: 514-694-7090 Phone: 1-888-779-0061 Website: www.wiaih.qc.ca E-mail: info@bestbuddies.ca Services: Offers a variety of services for adolescents and adults including recreational activities, care and babysitting/companion services. Website: www.bestbuddies.ca Services: Students and people with intellectual disabilities are matched in a one to one friendship. Avatil Phone: 514-634-8944 Website: www.avatil.org Recreation Services: Offers social and emotional support for young adults with a mild intellectual handicap. Special Olympics Phone: 514-843-8773 Autism Montreal Website: www.olympiquesspeciaux.qc.ca Phone: 514-524-6114 E-mail: atedm@autisme-montreal.com Services: Sport programs to enrich the lives of people with an intellectual disability. Services: Provides services such as parental support and advocacy, weekend respite, shadowing and babysitting and a reference center. Supersonics Lakeshore soccer club Phone: 514-697-6973 Family Resource Centre Website: www.lakeshoresoccer.ca Phone: 514-685-5912 Services: Soccer club for people with intellectually disabilities. Website: www.familyresourcecenter.qc.ca Services: Helps children with ADD/ADHD and Autism who are experiencing social, emotional, academic and behavioral difficulty. 46 47 Aqua Percept and Adapted Gym & Swim Phone: 514-630-1202 Website: www.ville.pointe-claire.qc.ca Services: Gym and swim program for children with motor problems, ADD, ADHD or poor coordination. Services: Assist people with an physical or sensorial handicap to find employment. Transportation Adpated Transport (STM) Phone: 514-280-8211 Employment Website: www.stm.info/en/paratransit Services: Transportation services for people with a disability. Agence Ometz Phone: 514-343-3524 Website: www.ometz.ca Services: Assist people with an intellectual handicap to find employment. Action Main D’Oeuvre Phone: 514-721-4941 Website: https://sites.google.com/site/actionmaindoeuvreinc/ Services: Assist people with an intellectual handicap to find employment. L’Étape Phone: 514-526-0887 or 514-526-6126 (TTY) Website: www.letape.org 48 49 Material Assistance Food Resources West Island Assistance Fund Address: 9 rue centre commercial, Roxboro Phone: 514-683-0456 Website: http://www.fdoi.org Services: Food resources and thrift shop for West Island residents. Bread Basket Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue Food Resources Phone: 514-694-5850 Address: 1 rue de l’église, Ste-Anne-de-bellevue Services: Offer good food boxes (fresh fruits and vegetables) and community Kitchens (group cooking and nutritional information for a small fee). Phone: 514-457-5499 Christian Action Address: 98 Aurora, Pointe-Claire Phone: 514-694-9246 Services: Emergency food bank for Pointe-Claire residents. Dorval Community Aid Address: 1335 Lakeshore Drive S-020, Dorval Phone: 514-633-4100 Services: Emergency food source for Dorval residents. On Rock Community Services Address: 9554 Boul. Gouin Ouest, Pierrefonds Services: Emergency food resources for Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue residents. Pierrefonds Community Project (PCP) Address: 12,301 Colin Pierrefonds, QC, H9A 1C3 Phone: 514-684-5995 Website: www.pcpwi.org Services: Offers a community lunch each month, for a small fee. Carrefour D’Entraide Lachine Address: 1176-1180 Provost, Lachine Phone: 514-634-3686 Website: www.carrefourdentraide.org Services: Offer an emergency food bank, community kitchen and second hand clothing for lachine residents. Phone: 514-696-1905 Website: www.onrock.org Good Food Box Services: Food resources for West Island residents. Website: www.bonneboitebonnebouffe.org Services: Fresh fruits and vegetables between at a reasonable price. Please check website for locations in your area. 50 51 Clothing and Furniture Boutique 24 Phone: 514-457-6364 Services: Second hand clothing and household items. Sun Youth Recreation DID YOU KNOW… Physical activity plays an important role in the health, well-being and quality of life of Canadians. People who are physically active live longer, healthier lives. Active people are more productive, and more likely to avoid illness and injury. 12 Phone: 514-842-6822 Services: Clothing for low income families and emergency food. Maison des Jeunes A-Ma-Baie Address: 9625 Boul. Gouin Ouest Pierrefonds Dorval Community Centre Phone: 514-685-2989 Phone: 514-633-4000 Website: http://mdjamabaie.webnode.com/ Services: Clothing distribution for people in need. Services: Center that offers a variety of activities including outings, sports and movie nights for youth aged 12-17. Église St-Joachim Phone: 514-695-3612 Services: Clothing distribution for people need. Thrift Shops for NOVA Phone: Household Goods and Books: 514-457-1642 (St-Anne-de-Bellevue) Household Goods: 514-697-6692 (Kirkland) Furniture: 514-694-8417 (Beaconsfield) Salvation Army Thrift Shop Phone: 514-683-6414 Maison des Jeunes de Pierrefonds Address: 4855 Boul. des Sources Pierrefonds, QC Phone: 514-683-4164 Website: www.mdjpierrefonds.org Services: Center that offers activities including cooking workshops, ladies night and outings for youth aged 12-17. Maison des Jeunes L’Escalier de Lachine Phone: 514-637-0934 Address: 60, 5ème avenue, Lachine Services: Center that offers activities including sport activities and workshops for youth aged 12-17. Services: Second hand clothing and household items. 12 http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/hp-ps/hl-mvs/pa-ap/index-eng.php 52 53 West Island Black Community Association Lakeshore Girl Guides Address: 48 4th Avenue, Roxboro Website: www.lakeshoregirlguides.ca Phone: 514-683-3925 Services: Program for girls and young women to be confident, courageous and resourceful by allowing them to lead and plan activities with their peers. Please contact the guides on their website. Website: www.wibca.org Services: Youth Centre with activities and support for youth. West Island YMCA Address: 230 Brunswick, Pointe-Claire Phone: 514-630-9864 Jeunesse en action (Youth in Action) Email: alban.jerome@hotmail.com Website: http://www.jeunessenaction.org/ Services: Activities and programs including swimming, teen night, fitness for youth. Services: Youth in Action offers many activities for boys and girls aged 0-17 years to encourage participating in a physically active lifestyle and healthy eating habits. Activities take place in L’Île-Bizard-SainteGeneviève and Pierrefonds Ouest area. De-Zone Youth Drop-in Centre (West Island YMCA) Initiative Go DDO Address: 230 Brunswick, Pointe-Claire Email: lmastroianni@ddo.qc.ca Phone: 514-630-9864 x 5208 Phone: 514-684-0070 ext. 265 Website: www.ymcaquebec.org Website: www.initiativegoddo.org Services: Drop-in center with activities including movie night, dances and fundraisers for youth aged 12-17. Services: A project aimed at promoting healthy living amongst children 0-17years old in the Dollard-des-Ormeaux area. Nouvelle Vision des Jeunes PRenforme Website: www.ymcaquebec.org Phone: 514-752-1414 E-mail: jbloms@hotmail.com Services: Enables kids 6 to 12 years from Cloverdale to participate in social, educational and sporting activities. Email: prenforme@gmail.com Phone: 438-495-7733 Website: www.initiativegoddo.org Services: Initiative aimed at generating healthy eating and a physically active lifestyle for 0-17 years old of the Pierrefonds/Roxboro borough. Scouts Canada Phone: 514-334-3004 x 228 Website: www.qc.scouts.ca Services: Organizes activities that focuses to enrich the life of children, youth and adults. 54 55 Municipal Recreation City of Kirkland: Leisure Town of Baie-D’Urfé: Community Life Website: www.ville.kirkland.qc.ca Phone: 514-457-9469 Website: www.baie-durfe.qc.ca Services: Offer a variety of activities for youth and families such their youth council, aquatic and curling club. Phone: 514-630-2719 Services: Offer a variety of activities for youth and families such as tennis, arts and crafts, and family reading club. Borough of Pierrefonds-Roxboro: Recreation Phone: 311 City of Beaconsfield: Recreation Phone: 514-428-4520 Website: www.beaconsfield.ca Services: Offer a variety of activities for youth and families such as swimming courses, art classes and exercise groups. Website: www.ville.montreal.qc.ca Services: Offer a variety of activities for youth and families. City of Pointe-Claire: Sports, Leisure and Social Development Phone: 514-630-1214 City of Dollard-des-Ormeaux: Recreation Phone: 514-684-1012 x 632 Website: www.ddo.qc.ca Services: Offer a variety of activities for youth and families such as babysitter’s courses, teen action and art courses. City of Dorval: Leisure and Culture Phone: 514-633-4000 Website: www.dorval.qc.ca Services: Offer a variety of activities for youth and families such as job co-op, neighborhood parties, youth trust fund and outings. Borough of Ile Bizard / Ste- Genevieve: Recreation Phone: 311 Website: www.ville.montreal.qc.ca Website: www.ville.pointe-claire.qc.ca Services: Offer a variety of activities for youth and families such as parks program, summer camps, kidnetic camp, volunteer screening, CPR and babysitting courses and swimming programs. Village of Senneville: Recreation Phone: 514-457-6020 Website: www.villagesenneville.qc.ca Services: Offer a variety of activities for youth and family such as Senneville day, tennis tournaments, and winter carnival. City of Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue Phone: 514-457-1505 Website: www.ville.sainte-anne-de-bellevue.qc.ca Services: Offer a variety of activities for youth and families including badminton, guitar lessons and special events. Services: Offer a variety of activities for youth and families such as swimming, hockey and special events. 56 57 NOTES 58 NOTES 59 NOTES Scan the QR code or go to www.guide.crcinfo.ca for the mobile West Island Resource Guide. 60
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