Owner of vape shop turns to Facebook
Les couvre-planchers WednesdaY JulY 1 2015 45,652 copies The voice of Montreal’s West island since 1925 • • • • 620-3944 Carpets Linoleum Laminate floors Hardwood floors >5938036 Prévost & Associé 16027, PIERREFONDS blvd, Pierrefonds Owner of vape shop turns to Facebook to catch robber Page 3 Chronicle – Keith McAuliffe L'Anse a l'Orme Opposition to housing development grows Canadaday For greater visibility, advertise in more than 80 newspapers with just one address. 4 Visit us online at www.yourclassifieds.ca >6295211 t. 514.694.8777 info@hypothequerapide.com 6262534 2 - Wednesday July 1, 2015 - The Chronicle - www.westislandchronicle.com KirKland >6296102 www.pointe-claire.ca Carlos Leitão MNA for Robert-Baldwin Minister of Finance Tél : 514 684-9000 Fax : 514 683-7271 ministre@finances.gouv.qc.ca >6292548 Best wishes to all of you for a happy Canada day! Let us celebrate in a spirit of unity and pride. Martin Coiteux MNA for Nelligan Minister responsible for Government Administration and Ongoing Program Review Chair of the Conseil du trésor Tél : 514 695-2440 Fax : 514 695-8648 cabinet@sct.gouv.qc.ca Happy Canada Day! Francis SCARPALEGGIA Let’s celebrate all that we’ve built together Member of Parliament for Lac-Saint-Louis House of Commons 801 Justice Building Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Tel: (613) 995-8281 www.scarpaleggia.ca Facebook/fscarpaleggia francis.scarpaleggia@parl.gc.ca 1 Holiday Avenue East Tower, Suite 635 Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9R 5N3 Tel: (514) 695-6661 >6278565 multi-pretsmr.ca QUÉBEC Local News Store owner takes to social media following attempted robbery Posts video surveillance footage on Facebook page After almost being robbed for the second time in less than two months on June 18, a West Island store owner took to Facebook Saturday, June 20, posting a video of an alleged thief before he was scared away by an audible alarm system siren. t. 514.694.8777 info@hypothequerapide.com Social media vigilantism Georgakis isn’t the first store owner to take to social media to post security footage in an attempt to garner information on their robber. In late March, Domino’s Pizza franchise co-owner Lucian Iliescu posted stills of three masked men allegedly rummaging through the Dorval-based pizzeria in the middle of the night, stealing about $150 and causing $1,500 in damages. In early February, Peter Grant, the owner of Ted’s hobby shop in Pointe Claire, posted images of man who allegedly stole the store’s most popular item - a $600 Blade 350 QX3 quadcopter, also known as a consumer grade drone. Beaconsfield High students’ mini-putt project earns them provincial recognition >6003005 Get pre-qualified for a mortgage refinance to get a better rate consolidate your debts Linda Tosini, B. Comm Mortgage Real Estate Broker Tel.: 514 889 5590 ltosini@multi-prets.com multi-prets.com/lindatosini Arbor Memorial Services in Canada’s Leading Cemetery & Funeral Provider. We provide solutions based on our patients’ needs, budget and overall health. A beautiful smile is nearer than you know, so don’t let a poor one hinder your life. Since our Inception in 1947, we have developed over 150 locations from coast to coast. Along with the most recognized sales force in the country. Available Services • Teeth Whitening Options • Lumineers (No Prep Veneers) • Orthodontics, Invisible Braces FREE* FREE* Smile Make-over Second Consultation Opinion We are seeking dynamic individuals to join our team. You must have great work ethic, strong communication skills. Strong social skills and you must have the drive to be a top performer among your peers. AVIS DE CHANGEMENT DE NOM D’UN ENFANT MINEUR You must be able to work some evenings and weekends. Potential earning $40,000 - $60,000 per year. >6295465 Prenez avis que Lo Yeung Cheung, dont l’adresse du domicile est le 18 Nicholson, Pointe-Claire, Québec, H9R 6A2, présentera au Directeur de l’état civil, en sa qualité de mère, une demande pour changer le nom de Christopher Si Shing Liu en celui de Christopher Cheung. Pointe-Claire, le 31 mai 2015 We will provide the following: Top commissions & bonuses, paid training, Marketing support, full benefits & pension plan. Please forward your resume to fkontos@arbormemorial.com Integrty Trust Teamwork Excellence Plantoday.ca >6300772 Always the best rate... nothing but the best service Seen here is the alleged thief who tried robbing the St-Jean boulevard-based e-cigarette boutique on June 18 before being scared off by the alarm system. Photo Courtesy - Costa Georgakis Are You Embarrassed When You Smile? Are you looking for a dignified and highly rewarding career in sales? Look no more. Home service 6262534 Regular fee $100 Regular fee $100 • Porcelain Veneers • Crowns, Bridges, Bonding • Mini-implants FREE* Orthodontic Evaluation Regular fee $100 *Offers end August 1st, 2015. Call 514-421-3368 to have the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Dr Farnaz Lari, General Dentist 4520 Sources Blvd., D.D.O. www.westislandchronicle.com - The Chronicle - Wednesday July 1, 2015 - 3 It’s one thing to come up with an interesting project at your school – it’s quite another to have your project take first prize in a province-wide Entrepreneurship competition. That’s exactly what happened to nine Beaconsfield High School students when they were presented with first prize in the Secondary Cycle One category for their entry called Mini-Putt Plus, a project designed to make learning math easy and fun. The BHS students were among almost 45,000 students who took part in the annual Quebec Entrepreneurship Contest, at which more than 2,200 projects were submitted for consideration. To read the rest of the story, visit our website at www.westislandchronicle.com. >5903856 ● info.chronicle@tc.tc multi-pretsmr.ca The thief was seen rummaging through Wipaveur vape shop on St. Jean Boulevard, before escaping without stealing a single item, store owner Costa Georgakis told the Chronicle Monday morning. Still, Georgakis, who was robbed of over $50,000 in merchandise in an early May robbery, decided to post the video of the thief on his personal Facebook page. “I figured I don’t know where I’m allowed to post that, where I’m allowed to publish his face. Maybe someone will recognize him. Who knows?” said Georgakis, who opened the electronic cigarette boutique last year. The added security cameras and alarm system following the May robbery helped thwart the thief, added the owner. In fact, when Georgakis was alerted by his alarm system company of a possible entry, he thought it was a false alarm after seeing a live feed into the store. “I thought ‘everything looks good.’ Figured it was a false alarm. They sent cops anyway. Five minutes later I see cops in the store. I was freaking out so I went to the store,” he said. after it was posted on Facebook. People should refrain from taking to social media to track down criminals, according to the Service Policiere de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM). Social media vigilantism, said Sgt. Laurent Gingras in a March interview, can impede ongoing investigations. The problem is that if information is easily available online, the criminals can change their modus operandi. “People need to come to us, first, and let us do our investigation,” he told the Chronicle the Domino’s robbery. The situation can go from bad to worse as Costa Georgakis is the latest West Island store owner to take to social media to post a video or people who post photos of criminals caught in photo of a thief. Chronicle Photo the act on social media networks risk biasing a Though Wivapeur is insured for thefts, the The still images of the day-time robbery court as the accused will already be condemPierrefonds-based store has yet to receive a sui- generated over a thousand views mere days ned in the eye of the public. table offer from its insurance company. KirKland ● anthony.abbondanza@tc.tc multi-pretsmr.ca t. 514.694.8777 info@hypothequerapide.com 6262534 KirKland Local News Opposition of future Pierrefonds West development growing Save l’Anse a l’Orme group leading the charge ● anthony.abbondanza@tc.tc A handful of residents of PierrefondsRoxboro are going door to door, gauging the number of people who are against the borough’s desire to allow the future construction of 6,000 homes within 185-hectares of natural green space found in the Riviere a l’Orme Ecoterritory. The residents, who are members of the group Save l’Anse a l’Orme, have already garnered for their petition roughly 500 signatures on paper and a little over 270 online at www.change.org “We’re not opposed to development. We’re opposed to development in natural spaces in areas with a biodiversity that is unlike any other in Montreal,” said Sue Stacho, one of the members of the group. The Riviere a l’Orme ecoterritory, situated in the western sector of Pierrefonds near Cap St-Jacques, should be protected in its entirety, according to Save l’Anse a l’Orme, because it has a variety of advantages, including the prevention of local flooding, filter air and water, pollination promotion, erosion control, climate regulation, supplies water and provides recreation areas. It’s also home to endangered species such as the Bobolink bird and the Boreal Geographical Turtle. Follow us on social media @WestIslandChron facebook.com/wichronicle Sue Stacho (left) of Save l’Anse a l’Orme outside Montreal City Hall on June 17 protesting the future development of Pierrefonds West. Photo Courtesy - Save l’Anse a l’Orme A long-awaited project Pierrefonds has longed for the development of land found within the ecoterritory for several decades. Until the Montreal Agglomeration marked Pierrefonds West for development in an urban plan recently, it was just a pipe dream. Still, development is many years away from coming to fruition, Pierrefonds-Roxboro Mayor Jim Beis told the Chronicle earlier this year, as development cannot precede the addition of a substantial network of roads – including an urban boulevard connecting the area MAURIZIO . There are four landowners for the said land, including luxury home builder Grilli. Possible alternative Stacho said the group is willing to sit down with developers on possible alternatives, one of which includes “giving landowners land somewhere else so they can build in an area that isn’t sensitive and creating a nearby park for residents to enjoy,” “It’s time for a new way of looking at development. The old models are not working anymore,” she added. NEW SHOWROOM NOW OpEN IN DORVAL C A F É APPORTEZ VOTRE VIN GRAND OPENING Breakfast special >6302127 4 - Wednesday July 1, 2015 - The Chronicle - www.westislandchronicle.com R E S T O in question to Highway 40 – and public transportation. The borough recently rezoned a 200-hectare area for residential development. During a Friday morning press conference, Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre said about 10 per cent of the land will be conserved for ecological purposes When asked whether the borough has received developers’ plans, spokesperson Johanne Palladini said “not much information available as no plan has been drawn in that project yet.” Comptoir St-Denis specializes in the manufacture and installation of GRANIT, QUARTZ, WOOD, SOLID SURFACE 5 $ 95 2738 St-Charles, Kirkland , Quebec H9H 3P6 514-697-5070 455, Fenelon Blvd., suite 303, Dorval, Quebec, H9S 5T8 Tel. : (514) 636-7314 fax : (514) 636-7317 Classified Ads: 1 866 637-5236 PUBLISAC: 1-888-999-2272 Please recycle this newspaper RBQ: 2323-7506-74 General Manager, West of Montreal: Denis Therrien Sales Manager: Sylvie Marleau Sales support Manager: Joy-Ann Dempsey Regional Manager: Sylviane Lussier Sales coordinators: Louise Boyer, Dina Willems, Catherine Bellavance Commercial classified ad sales representative: Françoise Girouard 514-636-7314, ext. 235 www.westislandchronicle.com 2480, rue Henry-Ford Vaudreuil-Dorion, Qc. J7V 9H5 T: 450 455 1120 1250A, chemin Herron Dorval, Qc. H9S 1B4 T: 514 538 7117 Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. >6306543 Sales consultants: Gabor Bacsfalusi, Philip Delli-Quadri, Garry Dale, Christine Legault, Johanne Page News Director : Jean Nicolas Aubé jeannicolas.aube@tc.tc Printed by : Imprimeries Transcontinental 2003 inc. 10 807, rue Mirabeau, Anjou (Qc) H1J 1T7 Division Transmag Published and Distributed by: Transcontinental Media G.P. www.tcmedia.tc News Chief: Catherine Vaillancourt catherine.vaillancourt@tc.tc Reporter: Anthony Abbondanza Graphic Design: Centre d’excellence en édition multiplateforme @WIChronicle 45 652 PRINTED COPIES Publisher’s Liability for error: The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with any advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Any reproduction of advertisements or editorial content, in part or in whole, in an official or unoffical manner, is prohibited without a written permission from the publisher. Distribuée par www.facebook.com/wichronicle Local News Man on 6,000-km Canadian fundraising trek visits Kirkland KirKland HOT ? HUMID ? GET COOL ! Receive up to $ Rebate and don’t pay for 90 days* Ian Bos, 39, is on cross-Canada tour to raise awareness for palliative care facilities. Photo Courtesy – Kirkland visit: http://chpca.convio.net/site/TR/Hike/ So far, the 39-year-old has walked over 1,300 General?fr_id=1400&pg=entry. kilometres in his journey which began in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, on May 21. He hopes to (Source: Kirkland) RBQ 2645 7358-13 t. 514.694.8777 info@hypothequerapide.com Ian Bos stopped by Kirkland’s town hall last week during his 6,000 kmlong cross country walk to raise awareness and money for Canadian palliative care facilities, including the West Island Palliative Care Residence. For more details or to make a donation, please >6286963 arrive in Victoria, British Columbia by October. Bos is running in honour of father, Ted Bos, who died in January after a battle with lung cancer. His father was cared in his final months by the staff at Aberdeen Palliative Care Facility in New Glasgow. Carrying a 20-kg backpack, which holds a tent and a sleeping bag, Bos averages 40 to 45 kilometres on foot every day. ● info.chronicle@tc.tc * Valid on qualifying system purchased and installed before August 21, 2015. Certain conditions apply. Family owned since 1963 450 451-0913 1 800 421-0913 www.ventilairvallee.com tuesDAY, JuLY 7, 7 P.M. tuesDAY, JuLY 14, 7 P.M. © Daniel Bélanger © Félix Renaud or what you will © Julie Beauchemin © Manuel Gallardo et Julian Gutierrez PIERREFONDS-ROXBORO, FREE OUTDOOR SHOWS, SUMMER 2015 Twelfth Night tuesDAY, JuLY 21, 7 P.M. tuesDAY, JuLY 28, 7 P.M. multi-pretsmr.ca 1 800 tuesDAY, AuGust 4, 7 P.M. 6262534 Pierrefonds Public library 13555, boul. de Pierrefonds Presented by the Charles S. Campbell C.R. Succession sHAKesPeAre IN tHe PArK twelfth Night À-Ma-Baie Park, 9625, boul. Gouin Ouest tHÉâtre LA rouLotte roBerto LoPeZ Fifi Brindacier (in french) ProJeCt Grier Park, 17760, rue Meloche new ! MusIC oN tHe terrACe Pierrefonds Public library 13555, boul. de Pierrefonds PIerreFoNDs CuLturAL CeNtre’s terrACe, 13850, BouLeVArD GouIN ouest suNDAY, JuLY 19, 1 P.M. suNDAY, JuLY 26, 1 P.M. Les BruNettes MICHeL BeAuCHAMP West IsLAND YoutH Songs from the sixties to today flamenco guitar concert Classical quintet La revue Pierrefonds Public library 13555, boul. de Pierrefonds fOR the whOle faMily, BRinG yOuR ChaiRS and nOn-PeRiShaBle GOOdS. CanCelled in CaSe Of Rain © Bo Huang suNDAY, JuLY 12, 1 P.M. PAtrICK NorMAND espana Flamenca symphonic orchestra suNDAY, AuGust 2, 1 P.M. trIo DÉBoNNAIre Concert of brass: Classical and jazzy! >6300613 Campbell Concert www.westislandchronicle.com - The Chronicle - Wednesday July 1, 2015 - 5 HABANA CAFÉ DORVAL: 45 Bouchard, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, heating, hot water, fridge and stove included. 514-885-1255 ÎLE-BIZARD: 4-1/2, haut duplex, véranda fermée, près autobus. Cour, stationnement 725$/ mois. Bright 4-1/2, upper duplex, closed veranda, close to buses. Backyard, parking, $725/ month. 514-683-8153 6 - Wednesday July 1, 2015 - The Chronicle - www.westislandchronicle.com KirKland PIERREFONDS: 6-1/2, à 2 pas du Cap St-Jacques et à côté du Collège Charlemagne, avec très grand cour, piscine creusée et four à bois au sous-sol, 1,200$/ mois, libre 1er juillet, 514-626-6369 PIERREFONDS: Beautiful spacious 4 - 1 / 2 , R E C E N T LY COMPLETELY RENOV AT E D . C o n c r e t e building, parking space, janitorial services, near all amenities. Available july 1 s t ! M u s t s e e ... $700, 514-694-7827 PIERREFONDS Ouest: rue Thivierge, 4-1/2, demi sous-sol, très ensoleillé. Près de tous les services et autobus. Libre maintenant. 640$/ mois. 514-943-0074 ROXBORO: 5-1/2, 1,025$; 8-1/2, 1,340$; pour 1er juillet, stationnement, plancher bois, près transport, pas d'animaux, non-fumeur. 438-935-7047 210 Flats / apartments heated for rent 11565, Pierrefonds 3-1/2, 4-1/2: -Tout inclus, libres, rénovés, ensoleillé. -All included, available, renovated, sunny. 514-632-9289 D.D.O. Brunswick, 2-1/2, 3-1/2, 4-1/2, Newly renovated, available, includes heat and hot water, #215 bus stop in front of building. Close to all amenities. Call 514-684-1828 DORVAL: 2-1/2, 3-1/2, 4-1/2, renovated apartments available, includes wooden floors, heat and hot water. Ideal location, close to Dorval shopping center and Lakeshore Boulevard, minutes from Trudeau Airport, train and buses. Call: 514-631-2689 MUST see! Lasalle: clean, 2-1/2, 3-1/2, 4-1/2, heat, hot water included, near school, renovated, balcony/ new windows, wood floors. 514-365-8715 PIERREFONDS:. Gouin Blvd West, near train, 3-1/2, 4-1/2, heated, all included, elevator, renovated, parking, pool. Availab l e i m m e d i a t e l y, 514-690-5930 PIERREFONDS: 2-1/2, 3-1/2, 4-1/2, newly renovated, available, includes heating and hot water. Close to all services and amenities. Bus stop in front of building. Call: 514-683-4372 220 Condos / lofts / townhouses for rent 310 sErvicEs EmploymEnt and training spEcial EvEnt vEhiculEs 300 à 399 400 à 599 600 à 799 800 à 899 900 à 999 Miscellaneous for sale S AW M I L L S f r o m o n l y $4,397. - MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawm i l l s . c o m / 4 0 0 O T. 1-800-566-6899 ext:400OT STEEL BUILDINGS/ METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206. www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. 320 Pets CAT fitter/ house sitter. Away from home ? call Grace 514-696-4823, reliable references. 345 Antiques / art / collections ABRACADABRA turn your hidden treasures into ready cash. International buyer wants to purchase your antiques, paintings, china, crystal, gold, silverware, jewellery, rare books, sports, movies, postcards, coins, stamps, records. 514-501-9072 395 Auctions 390 Garage sales / flea market 412 MEGA Garage Sale Saturday, July 4th 9a.m. to 3p.m., 130 Woodland, Beaconsfield H9W-4W1. Art, rugs, mid-century items, motorized wheelchair (new), clothing, purses, shoes, etc. Furniture, antiques, retro kitchen set, china cabinet, and much more! 403 Childcare / nurseries $7.30/ day CPE approved home daycare, 2 spots available. Educational program, indoor and outdoor activities, m e a l s i n c l u d e d . K i rkland area (close to highways 40 & 20). Please call: 514-693-6981 404 Domestic services offered A-1 Renovator. Bathrooms, kitchens, basements, drywall, floors/ tiles. Free estimates highest quality. Jacques: www.stellium.ca 514-909-6561 * The best massage of the West, (Île-Perrot). 387, Grand Boulevard, suite 201. 514-425-8868. ACTION PEINTURE ET RÉNOVATION INC 514-451-8100 BEST professional Therapeutic massage 114 Boulevard JacquesBizard, Île Bizard, H9C 2T9 A HANDYMAN. No job too small. Call MAC: 514-805-0779 (cell.) 514-624-3003 PROFESSIONAL, relaxing chi nese massage, West-Island, receipts, appointment only; 514-620-0156 Auctions SERVICE maçonnerie. Pose briques, blocs tirage de joint extérieur. 514-831-9023 FERNANDO Déménagement: Prix économique. Emballage. 514-947-9034 MOVING? houses, apartments, offices. Local, long-distance+ U.S.A. Bill: 514-457-2063 442 Construction / renovation / repair chimneys, foundation cracks, pointing, window sills, steps, retaining walls, walkways, repairs. 40 years experience. Miscellaneous for sale $ $ $ $ LOANS $ $ $ $ 514-484-7677. Immediate Response! Bad credit/ no credit! Direct deposit not required. Call now! (24/7). 514-484-7677 Personalized work. Free estimate. Ask for Chris Floors / installation / sanding - ecOlOgical pROducts - cRystal-Oiled flOOR - staining specialist - guaRRanteed wORk THE BEST FLOOR SANDER j.chouinard_3@sympatico.ca Opening hour 9am-9pm RBQ 5631-7605-01 514 990-9010 514 451-0110 448 Cleaning Homme à tout faire lavage de fenêtres, plafonds, céramique, patio, peinture intérieure/ extérieure. Stéphane: 514-608-6266 SABLAGE de Planchers Forget & Fils, pose, teinture, finition au choix. RBQ# 8001-6710-19, 514-367-0900 hunter.davidn@gmail.com Brick • Stone Cement 452 TOUT DANS RÉNOVATION Divisions, plâtre, peinture, gyproc, menuiserie, céramique. ALEXANDRE 514-660-6336 Call David 514-243-2687 FURNISHED room CôteSaint-Paul, all inclusive, Videotron WI-FI available. 438-933-0003, 514-453-0027 Q U A L I T Y PA I N T J O B Dr ywall, plaster, etc. Interested? Call Henry: 514-726-1817 SPRING CLEANING: windows, walls, driveways, gutters, etc... Interested? Call Henry 514-726-1817 • Chimneys/Flues • Foundations • Tuck Pointing • Brick Repairs • All Stonework • Roof Repairs • Cement Stairs and Walkways • Unistone 446 Painting / decorating A-1! Peinture, meilleur prix, estimation gratuite. Painting, best prices. RBQ: 8256-9542. 514-362-0076 PAINTER available for any kind of work: interior, exterior, including spraying. Free estimate. 514-839-5304 514 685 7535 999 Miscellaneous 458 452 605 Floors / installation / sanding Help wanted Electricity S I LVA E L E C T R I C , I n d u s trial, Commercial, Residential, RBQ# 8335-3086-27. R e a s o n a b l e . 5 1 4 - 5 9 5 - 7 6 0 0 , 514-248-9685 474 SMALL masonry contractor, speciality (Brick, stone, chimney, fireplace, pointing, stairs repairs) good price! Cell: 514-867-6271 Home: 514-257-6985 D’VINCI BRICK AND STONE Rooms for rent PAINTING service. Great service, great price! No job too small. Free estimate. Seniors discount! 514-293-1221, 514-924-3776 - flOOR installatiOn HANDYMAN reliable 20 years experience, equipped for any job; Big or small. Plumbing, electrical, carpentry, Etc. Derek 514-898-4392 ALL acces moving, reliable/ insured, local and long distance. Big or small. 514-991-5581 Painting / decorating - sanding and finishing BRICK wall repair, pointing, parging. Windows and doors replacement. Concrete work, foundation cracks. Reasonable price. References. Igor: 514-710-4989 Moving / transport / storage 446 PLANCHERS M&M CHOUINARD inc Rénos résidentielles Estimation gratuite! FUGACE SPA/ MASSAGES Exclusif staff. 102-1 St-JeanB a p t i s t e , C h â t e a u g u a y. 4 5 0 - 4 4 3 - 1 1 2 2 , 450-692-1122 440 Properties for rent QCNA (Quebec Community Newspapers Association) can place your classified ad into 24 weekly papers throughout Quebec - papers just like the one you are reading right now! One phone call does it all! Call Marnie at QCNA 514-697-6330. Visit: www.qcna.org * 514-626-8788. NEW administration Classic massage for relaxation, 4230 boul. St-Jean, suite 211. With receipts. Construction / renovation / repair ! ! No job too small! Kitchen, bathroom Schluter installer, basement, ceramic tiles, hardwood/ floating floors, plaster, paint. RBQ: 8349-3031-01 George: 514-583-8233 Massotherapy / therapeutic treatments 395 D.D.O.: Town houses, on 2 or 3 levels, 2 or 3 bedrooms, 1-1/2/, 2-1/2, bathrooms, pool, security cameras. 514-624-6289 310 415 EXCELLENT massage thérapeutique, 3700, des Sources, suite 201, D.D.O.: 514-685-8866 BEACONSFIELD, fully renovated town house in a quiet neighborhood, 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 bath, indoor parking. 514-209-7827 245 FOR all your caregiving needs, caregiver available, home care services. Bessie: 514-295-4327 AN experienced, efficient and reliable housekeeper looking for work on the West Island. Free estimate. Call Ruth: 514-441-1818 D.D.O. newly renovated, 3 story townhouse, 3 bedroom, finished basement, 1 bathroom, 1 powderoom, dishwasher in selected units, wood floors, washer/ dryer outlets, close to Boulevard St-Johns, minutes from Fairview Pointe-Claire/ Highway 40 and all amenities. Call: 514-620-9090 225 442 Health Conn anD s eCting B uy el in yo lers tog ers e ur ne ighbo ther rhood Landscaping BENJO fence and deck, digging, poles, repairs. Work guaranteed, 30 years experience. B e n o î t : 514-243-4606 480 Roofing * ROOFING Inter-Regional. Repairs guaranteed. Complete Roof. Full insurance. Benoît: 5 1 4 - 2 5 0 - 4 8 1 1 RBQ#8357-9557-01 605 Help wanted BILINGUAL assistant, part-time, days, evenings. Optometrist Clinic, Fairview Shopping C e n t e r. Te l : 514-630-6543, fax: 514-630-7535 JOB OPENING: Zef Scientific, Inc., in Dorval, is looking for an Administrative Sales Assistant for the Sales Dept. This is a full time temporary contractual position for approx. 1 year, with possibility of opening to a permanent position. We are looking for an experienced customer focused, professional, driven, action-oriented individual. Please send your CV to Patrizia@zefsci.com WEST-ISLAND: Driver/ fence installer with drivers licence. $16/ hour. Fax CV: 514-696-6163 gene@supersave.ca or diane@supersave.ca Sekure Cost Review is hiring now! B2B English sales (No experience necessary) With over 250 employees and still growing, many of our Sales Representatives are advancing into higher paying positions. It is an exciting time to be part of our team! 2 locations to choose from! What we offer: • $12/hr plus commission (Quick advancement to $14/hr expected) • Commission & Bonuses • Weekly pay • Medical / Dental benefits • Fulltime Monday – Friday day schedule • iPhone incentive program Call or send your resume right now! Pointe Claire - Janet@ 514-695-6111 ext.112 janetw@sekurecareers.com Downtown – Cristina @ 514-227-6813 ext. 296 cristinav@sekurecareers.com >6267163 AMENITIES included - large clean basement apartment, Pierrefonds, non-smoker, close to buses. Asking $800. Per month. Call 514-880-4307 Flats / apartments heated for rent marchandisE 100 à 299 >6276584 ! ! 3-1/2, 4-1/2 Pierrefonds Chauffés, éclairés Poêle, réfrigérateur, piscine et stationnement extérieurs. 100 canaux HD avec récepteur HD. 514-684-4651 210 rEal EstatE >6262875 Flats / apartments for rent to our AdvErtisErs : Please check your ad the first day it runs, if you find an error call us immediately. in the case an error occurs, our responsability is limited exclusively to the charge for the first week of publication of your ad. All forms of discrimination are illegal. >6181267 toll Free number 1-866-637-5236 205 Deadline : Friday 11 h 00 AM Call centre business hours : Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Payment methods : Maximize your results! Enjoy the free publication of your ad on yourclassifieds.ca. 6291434 multi-pretsmr.ca t. 514.694.8777 info@hypothequerapide.com 6262534 classifieds xtras our e eading H ✓✓✓3✓ Bold ✓ e 3 m ✓✓ a ✓ r ntre, F ✓✓✓3✓ Color all cey! c r u ✓ o a ✓✓✓3 Ask y gent tod a 5369725 KIZMET Centre: a new hub of family support Domesetic services * * Math/ Algebra, functions, physical science, physics, chemistry, and Canadian history * * All levels. TUTOR, HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHER. 514-519-0531 5 years fixted PrOMO 2,54%* * Residential Mortgage only. Certain conditions apply. Rates subject to change without notice. www.multi-pretsmr.ca www.hypothequerapide.com Experts looking for you! *standard residential mortgage. children. The lifetime economic cost of childhood mental health disorders in Canada is $200 billion. Research shows that….every $1 invested in early childhood today will save $7 in health care costs down the road. The fundraising campaign launched on February 27 has already generated $270,000 of the $2 million needed for the bricks to get the building up and running for 2017 in SainteGenevieve, an under-serviced sector of Montreal where 1 in 4 children live below the poverty line. This is a community endeavor because it will take corporate and individual financial and in-kind donations to make this project a reality to help Jumpstart our next generation! If you can help or you know of anyone who would want to be part of this community project, please contact a KIZMET Centre fundraising committee member at WIAIH by phone at 514-694-7090 or by email at info@wiaih.qc.ca. Tutoring MATHEMATICS TUTOR. All grades and CEGEP in your home; 514-421-1844. 945 Car purchase ACHETONS: Autos/ Camions. Route ou ferraille. Payons bon prix. 514-815-3624 SELL EVERYTHING BUY EVERYTHING 24/7 Your Classifieds.ca 950 KirKland 17005 Transcanadienne (corner St-Charles), H9H 5J1 T. 514.694.8777 info@hypothequerapide.com PUZZLE NO. 503 Scrap BUYING cars for scrap. Paying maximum $1,000. Free towing. 514-578-7181 WANTED ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 503 how to play: CARS, VANS OR TRUCKS FOR SCRAP • 7 days a week • Any condition Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box. 514-685-5666 When it comes to * a dollar well spent, we’re VISIONARIES! Winston McQuade, *This offer is applicable on a selection of frames from the exclusive brands and is valid for a limited time. Frame shown is for reference only. Details in store. Michel Laurendeau, optician. Greiche & Scaff ambassador Eye exams performed on site by optometrists • External prescriptions accepted FAIRVIEW POINTE CLAIRE PLACE VERTU QUARTIER CAVENDISH JARDINS DORVAL 514-694-9008 514-336-5614 514-482-8290 514-636-6661 greiche-scaff.com 6262534 www.westislandchronicle.com - The Chronicle - Wednesday July 1, 2015 - 7 MARRIOTT SOLEIL needs home/ office cleaner with experience. Part time, serious and reliable. 514-647-4775 Miscellaneous training OPen >6167509 660 MS lady needs 1 PAB or care giver in DDO or close, with car. Night time from 11pm to 12h30am for 1-1/2 hours, Monday night to Thursday night. Declared. Rose 514-421-5167 705 5 years terM 715 Home care 36 MOnth 2,10%* 2,14%* 2,29%* 3,10%* 5469945 VOUS aimez le public? Recherchons personnel pour promouvoir nos produits dans Home Dépôt. Expérience dans la vente un atout, temps partiel, fin de semaines. M a d a m e G o n t h i e r, Chauffage Wilson, 450-659-2647. 665 2 years t. 514.694.8777 info@hypothequerapide.com Help wanted VariaBLe PrOMO multi-pretsmr.ca 605 KEEP YOUR CURRENT HOME AND INVEST IN ANOTHER! You wou ld like to invest ? KirKland It’s more than mastering ABCs and 123s…..according to child development experts, kindergarten school readiness takes into account a number of factors including fine and gross motor skills, social skills, cognitive and language skills, physical health and an overall well-being. When negative life experiences in the early stages of brain development, it can have an impact on a child’s ability to succeed in school and, by extension, succeed in life. Poverty, stress, poor nutrition, unresponsive parenting can have a detrimental effect on the health and emotional well-being of children. Early childhood intervention is crucial in preventing vulnerability in children. In many Canadian communities, family resource centres have helped parents develop and improve parenting skills to help their children grow up strong and resilient. “A family centre like the KIZMET Centre is where parents can meet and play with their children which enhances bonding and helps their children’s physical and mental development,” said Suzanne Marceau, VicePresident of the Marguerite-Bourgeoys School Board which oversees 73 West Island elementary schools. The KIZMET Centre will be a place for all young children and their parents regardless of socio-economic backgrounds. When they enter through the doors of the KIZMET Centre, no matter their background, children will just be children and mom or dad will just be parents. Presently Canada ranks 27th out of 29 in terms of a country that invests in its young >6258408 Advertorial 8 - Wednesday July 1, 2015 - The Chronicle - www.westislandchronicle.com >6306361
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