Lakeshore to shore up
Lakeshore to shore up
Les couvre-planchers WednesdaY JanuarY 28th 2015 45,630 copies The voice of Montreal’s West island since 1925 • • • • 620-3944 Carpets Linoleum Laminate floors Hardwood floors >5938036 Prévost & Associé 16027, PIERREFONDS blvd, Pierrefonds 30 new beds for West Island hospital Lakeshore to shore up front line TC Media – Chronicle file photo W.I. chamber of commerce optimistic despite closures 6 Talent - where it’s at. 440 Urban Boulevard priority says Kirkland mayor 5 For greater visibility, advertise in more than 80 newspapers with just one address. Visit us online at >6038391 2 - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - The Chronicle - Local News T. 514.694.8777 5924114 Report: Lakeshore General to add hospital beds ● KirKland KirKland The hospital, which serves over 215,000 residents of the West Island, will add 20 general medicine beds and 10 surgical beds, according to a source. “This announcement represents an historic opportunity for our HSSC to develop and better respond to the needs of our population that continues to grow and age,” said the Health and Social Services Centre (HSSC) West Island in an internal email, obtained by the Chronicle, that was sent to LGH staff. The source couldn’t confirm the total cost of the additional beds. The Health Ministry confirmed the addition of the beds. The beds will help reduce the wait time at the hospital. According to a 2013 CBC Fifth Estate report, the average Emergency Room (ER) wait time was 22.7 hours – five more than the Quebec average. The health centre services over 78,000 in the 18-44 age group, and more than 60,000 in the 45-64 age group. The addition of the beds is related to McGill University Health Centre’s (MUHC) move to the new NDG-based superhospital, and according to the source, the HSSC has been chosen by the Ministry of Health to assume some of the former’s services. KirKland The Lakeshore General Hospital (LGH) will add 30 more beds by April the Chronicle has learned. expect a slightly shorter stay in the eR waiting room after April as the Lakeshore General Hospital is set to add 30 beds. TC Media - Chronicle The HSSC West Island will begin seeking The ministry comfirmed to the Chronicle, “The care and services already offered by the HSSC will thus be reinforced. We are in via email, that "proximity services must be new doctors and nurses for employment this discussion to offer first-line services in the deployed to provide primary and secondary month. level care in community hospitals and clinics ." future,” said the local health centre. Notes of Interest also take place after the presentation. Free to members, guest fee of $5, new members welcome. Visit website or call 514-426-8375. p.m., at the Church of the Resurrection, 99 Mount-Pleasant Ave., Pointe-Claire. The topic «Starting your vegetable garden from seeds» will be presented by Christie Lovat. The Annual General Meeting of the Society will Get pre-qualified for a mortgage refinance to get a better rate consolidate your debts Linda Tosini, B. Comm Always the best rate... nothing but the best service Mortgage Real Estate Broker Tel.: 514 889 5590 *Offers end February 28th 2015. Call 514-421-3368 to have the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Dr Farnaz Lari, General Dentist 4520 Sources Blvd., D.D.O. >5903845 >6003005 Are You Embarrassed When You Smile? - The Chronicle - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - 3 the art group and the computer group. Being a ●suPPOrt GrOuPs Centre Bienvenue is looking for volunteers who volunteer at Centre Bienvenue has many advanhave the abilities to listen, adapt and are frien- tages, such as acquiring new skills and work dly, patient, creative and dynamic. The experiences. Volunteering also brings personal Pierrefonds centre helps individuals living with satisfaction that comes from helping people in mental health issues. To offer more activities to your community, and being a positive influence our participants, we need volunteers to help in: on these changes. For more information, contact ● saLes The Pointe Claire Historical Preservation Society the vocal group (singing), the cooking activity, Justine Savoie at 514-421-2212, ext. 26. (SSPPC) is selling its 2015 Heritage Calendars, dedicated to ‘La Pointe’ in honour of the departing sisters of the Congregation of Notre-Dame from the Notre-Dame-du-Vieux-Moulin Convent. The $10, fully bilingual calendar is available at Familiprix du Village, Épicerie Prette, Stewart We provide solutions based on our patients’ needs, budget and overall health. Hall, Dix Milles Villages, Core Business Center A beautiful smile is nearer than you know, so don’t let a poor one hinder your life. and during SSPPC activities. Proceeds benefit Available Services The Montreal Lakeshore University Women’s the SSPPC, a non-profit organization. For more • Teeth Whitening Options • Porcelain Veneers Club offers scholarships to female university information, visit the SSPPC’s Facebook page. • Lumineers (No Prep Veneers) • Crowns, Bridges, Bonding students on the West Island. Deadline for • Orthodontics, Invisible Braces • Mini-implants submissions is March 16, 2015. For more FREE* FREE* FREE* information and application forms visit www. Smile Make-over Second Orthodontic Consultation Opinion Evaluation The Pointe-Claire Horticultural Society will Regular fee $100 Regular fee $100 Regular fee $100 Home service meet on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 7:30 ●haPPenInGs The Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation will hold a fundraising dinner March 23 at Bâton Rouge D.D.O, 3839 St. John’s Blvd., at 6 p.m., with all proceeds supporting the mental health department at the Lakeshore General Hospital. The succulent four-course dinner, featuring an open bar, exquisite chese and cocolate tastings and a fantastic cilent auction will tantalize the senses. Tickets are $150 and come with a $100 tax receipt. Tickets are on sale today, but they are going fast. Call 514630-2081 to purchase your ticket today, or visit them online at Local News T. 514.694.8777 5924114 KirKland KirKland Community Shares’ ‘Tree of Life’ campaign sets record West island pharmaprix pharmacist-owners with Nathalie choo-Foo (bottom row, left) and caroline Tison (bottom row, right) of West island community shares. TC Media – Courtesy of WICS ● (Source: WICS) Notes of Interest >5422690 4 - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - The Chronicle - KirKland West Island Community Shares (WICS) announced last week that the Pharmaprix ‘Tree of Life’ campaign raised a record-breaking $29,179 this year. Ten West Island pharmacist-owned Pharmaprix stores participated in the 14th edition of the campaign, which lasted five weeks in the fall. “Women’s health is a priority for Pharmaprix. More than 15,000 West Island women who seek help from a local community group this year will benefit from the funds raised by the campaign. We’re proud to contribute to their well-being by supporting West Island Community Shares,” said Nada Nasreddine, pharmacist-owner of Pharmaprix Beaconsfield/Kirkland and president of WICS. Since its inception in 2000, the Tree of Life campaign has raised more than $250,000 for the West Island charity. During the campaign, Pharmaprix cashiers asked customers to purchase and personalize a “Tree of Life” icon: a «leaf» for a dollar, a «butterfly» for $5, an «acorn» for $10 and a «cardinal» for $50. The icons were prominently displayed on the Tree of Life in all participating stores and 100 per cent of campaign proceeds were donated to WICS. The campaign helped a segment of the population in need of the charitable organization’s help. “One in 5 West Islanders – 20 per cent of the population - needs the help of a local community group each year,” said Caroline Tison, executive director of WICS. “Thanks to participating Pharmaprix stores, their staff and clients, they will find the help they need, right here in the West Island. The organization, which provides recurrent funding to 38 West Island community groups that deliver services to residents in need, has until March 31 to reach its fundraising goal of $1.3 million. For information WICS, visit ●CLuBs The Lakeshore Stamp Club is looking for new members as it has already started its 2014-15 season. The Club meets at 233 Ste-Claire Avenue in the Church of St. John the Baptist, Pointe-Claire, on most Thursdays in the month. There is the Bourse, twice monthly, where members can buy World Wide stamps, and a discussion group where presentations are made on a variety of interesting philatelic topics once each month. New members are welcome; pay us a visit to see what we are all about, maybe bring your Granddad’s old Stamp Album and we will give you a free evaluation. More details can be obtained from our website at ●MeetInGs The Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild meet every Monday at Centennial Hall, 288 Beaconsfield Blvd., Beaconsfield from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Discover the craft of rug hooking and make beautiful and functional works of art. Courses and materials are offered along with fun and friendship. Saturday meetings are also available at Le Coin Artisanal in Beaurepaire village. Contact Rose at 514-368-9956 or visit the website at for more information. Join this creative and dynamic group representing both genders as well as many cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Local News ● To the contrary, can you name two projects that didn’t end as well as you would hope? A:Our lack of power to stop Canada Post from eliminating home mail delivery to our residents Kirkland enjoyed a busy year in 2014, completing it’s highly-publicized splash pad at Harris Park and repaving major arteries such as St. What are two issues at the top of your Charles Boulevard South. As part of a Chronicle Q and A, the town’s mayor, Michel Gibson, reflected on the year that was, and what Kirkland residents should look forward to in 2015. What’s your 2015 new year’s resolution? A:To continue promoting our open door policy with the Mayor’s meet-and-greet Saturday morning sessions and providing timely information to our residents through effective communication tools such as the Info-Kirkland, the website and the Request on Line system. KirKland Can you name two projects in 2014 of which you’re particularly fond? A:Implementation of an integrated library management system at the Kirkland Library, construction of the Splash Pad at Harris Park and our $5.5M road repaving program that included Saint-Charles Boulevard South, Michel, Viger, Dragon, Bruce and Canvin Streets. priority list for 2015? A:The 440 urban boulevard; the 2015 road repaving programme; the pumping station on Hymus Boulevard; the needs assessment study on service to seniors. KirKland The 440 Urban Boulevard is among mayor Michel Gibson’s top priorities this year KirKland T. 514.694.8777 5924114 Kirkland mayor reflects on past year, looks forward to 2015 Michel Gibson after he beat former Kirkland mayor John Meaney in the 2013 municipal election. TC Media – Chronicle File Photo PUD 2015-eng_Mise en page 1 2015-01-26 11:45 Page 1 OPEN HOUSE ON FEBRUARY 7, 2015: MASTER PLAN AND URBAN PLANNING BY-LAWS OF THE CITY OF DORVAL In order to provide a better opportunity for citizens to review these fundamental documents, in a reasonable period of time, a special information and discussion session, also called Open House, will be held on February 7, 2015, at the Peter B. Yeomans Cultural Center (1401 Lakeshore Drive, in Dorval), from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. During this occasion, city employees and professionals who participated in the making of these documents will be on hand to answer any questions and gather all comments. As of now, as well as after this event, it will be possible to obtain more information regarding these by-laws from the Urban Planning Department at City Hall (60 Martin Avenue) or by calling 514 633-4084. Lastly, a public consultation meeting regarding these by-laws will take place on February 23, 2015, at 7 p.m., at the Sarto-Desnoyers Community Center in rooms C and D. >6033686 master gbrewer [c h a l l e n g e ] ✭✭43 TEAMS✭3 NATIONS✭1 WINNER MAY THE STRONGEST WIN! COME TASTE AND VOTE TODAY for the “Saison de l’OuesT” beer and help make Daniel Ablenas, brewer at 3 Brasseurs Pointe Claire, the master brewer. The “Saison de l’Ouest” is a dry easy drinking beer that has citrus and tropical fruit notes with a peppery kick | Amber 4,8% alc LES 3 BRASSEURS 46A Brunswick Boulevard Pointe-Claire | 514-370-5590 - The Chronicle - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - 5 • By-law that applies to the Sustainable Master Plan • Zoning by-law • Subdivision by-law • By-law on the Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program (SPAIP) • By-law on conditional uses • By-law concerning specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposals for immovables (SCAOPI) [ 2015] >6024660 On January 12, 2015, the City of Dorval adopted, as a first project, a group of by-laws that will replace or complement those already in place. Following are the new by-laws: KirKland KirKland KirKland T. 514.694.8777 5924114 6 - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - The Chronicle - Local News West Island Chamber reassures local labour force ● The West Island shouldn’t have difficulty in attracting new businesses to the area after it was hit hard, last week, by closures and layoffs in the retail and manufacturing sector, according to the executive director of the West Island of Montreal Chamber of Commerce. Joseph Huza told the Chronicle the West Island has a lot to offer to prospective businesses. “For the most part, the West Island does a good job in attracting new business to the West Island as we have so much to offer: skilled labour, excellent education institutions, bilingual workforce, established industries, and an international airport,” he said. Last week, Target announced they were closing all 133 locations in Canada, including their Pointe Claire store. About 200 employees at the St. John’s Boulevard outlet will lose their job within the next two months. The Minneapolis-based retail giant reported US$72.6billion in sales in 2013, yet failed to make an impact in the Canadian market. The Canadian operations have lost over $2 billion in operating losses since 2011. According to Target, the imminent closures will lead to pretax losses of US$5.4 billion in the fourth quarter of 2014. “Post analysis seems to point towards the method in which they entered the market, allowing competitors to adjust, not providing quality merchandise in a timely manner,” said Huza. Around 200 employees at Target’s pointe claire store will lose their job in the next two months. TC Media – Rob Amyot With each Target store at least 100,000 square feet, it’s estimated that at least 13 million square feet of space across the country will be empty in the next16 to 18 weeks. And it won’t be easy to fill, including the Pointe Claire out- giants that could be or would be interested in filling the space Inc. said it was outsourcing jobs at its Pointe Claire distribution let, according to local commercial real estate agent Ron Wiebe. left by Target in Pointe Claire,” he said. centre to supply chain company Genco. “As any one can imagine, there would be very few retail The closures were announced just days after Avon Products Though it’s unclear how many will lose their job, a company spokesperson did say that the “majority will lose their job.” The CLD West Island said news of the job cuts is an example of the fragile state of Quebec’s recovering economy. “It’s always sad for those people that are affected by the economic conditions we have here in Quebec,” the CLD’s director general Nicolas Roy told the Chronicle on Jan. 14. The Pittsburgh-based Genco is expected to take control over the West Island facility, and offer limited employment to former employees – but at reduced wages and benefits. “It is sad as Avon was an excellent contributor to the community, providing long-term employment and support local causes. Replacing these kind of jobs is difficult,” added Huza. Last summer, Avon stated it would slash 600 jobs in its corporate organization in an effort to save $400 million in spending by 2016. The North American business, which is the largest direct cosmetics-selling company in the world, had 36,700 employees by the end of 2013. Meanwhile, Sony is closing 14 stores across Canada, including its outlet in Fairview Pointe Claire shopping centre, over the next eight weeks the company announced last week. Eight employees at the West Island store will lose their job. The electronics giant is expected to lose nearly $2 billion this year. The Chamber said finding new businesses is not only important to “lessen the impact of outflow of employment,” but the key in assuring the long-term viability of the West Island. TC Media - Chronicle Photo 455, Fenelon Blvd., suite 303, Dorval, Quebec, H9s 5T8 tel. : (514) 636-7314 fax : (514) 636-7317 classified Ads: 1 866 637-5236 please recycle this newspaper General Manager, West of Montreal: Denis Therrien sales Manager: Martin Vallée and sylvie Marleau sales support Manager: Joy-Ann Dempsey regional Manager: sylviane Lussier sales coordinators: Louise Boyer, caroline Lespinasse, catherine Bellavance Commercial classified ad sales representative: Françoise Girouard 514-636-7314, ext. 235 sales consultants: Gabor Bacsfalusi, philip Delli-Quadri, Garry Dale, christine Legault, Johanne page news director : Jean Nicolas Aubé acting editor-in-chief: Frédérique charest Printed by : imprimeries Transcontinental 2003 inc. 10 807, rue Mirabeau, Anjou (Qc) H1J 1T7 Division Transmag Published and distributed by: Transcontinental Media G.p. reporter: Anthony Abbondanza Graphic design: centre d’excellence en édition multiplateforme @WIChronicle 45 630 PrInted COPIes Publisher’s Liability for error: The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with any advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Any reproduction of advertisements or editorial content, in part or in whole, in an official or unoffical manner, is prohibited without a written permission from the publisher. Distribuée par - The Chronicle - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - 7 >6037265 Local News KirKland KirKland KirKland T. 514.694.8777 5924114 Pointe Claire launches year-long campaign to celebrate public library’ 50th anniversary ● To honour its public library’ 50th anniversary this year, the mayor of Pointe Claire lauched a year-long festivities campaign last Saturday. The library, located at 100 Douglas-Shand Ave, hosted several activities like the screening of Disney film, cupcake decorating workshops, readings of recent works by local authors, and much more from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to mark the campaign. residential prestige project in vaudreuil-dorion starting at $381 900 Visit Le Grand Duc For more information Police seeking suspect after break-andentering in Pierrefonds 2459 s.f. Police files L’Aurora II 1202 s.f. La Loire II ● 2406 s.f. open 7 days a Week For information • 514 684 1234 • 450 424 1550 opening hours Monday to Thursday 12 h to 8 pm Friday to Sunday 12 h to 5 pm direction • vaudreuil-dorion 1. Highway 40 West 2. Exit 36 (First exit after the L’Ile aux Tourtes’ bridge) 3. Continue along Highway, on Dumberry 4. Turn right on Beaujolais 3317 Beaujolais, vaudreuil-dorion Home, garage, land, GST/PST and rebate included. Price subject to change without notice. RBQ 8333-0340-15 * >6032429 8 - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - The Chronicle - * The year-long campaign will cost $48,000. The library’ 16,000 subscribers and the general public will enjoy a dozen of special activities throughout the year to mark the anniversary, added the mayor. “They can take advantage of our services and enjoy making discoveries in a stimulating environment. This makes our community more interesting and more dynamic,” he said, referring to the library’ subscribers. Montreal police continue their search of the person responsible of breaking into a Pierrefonds apartment last week. During the Jan. 22 incident, a laptop was stolen after a Hortie Street apartment was broken into sometime after the tenant left for work at 11:45 a.m. Upon his return at midnight, he noticed his front door opened; part of the frame touching the floor. According to Const. Daniel Maheu of neighbourhood police station 3, the tenant entered the apartment, but feared the suspect was in one of the rooms. He thereafter left the apartment and called the police. Police can’t confirm whether there was more than one suspect at the scene of the crime. Every room was evidently searched for valuable goods, added Const. Maheu. Police don’t have any leads, or a description of potential suspects. >5983278 EVENT FROM JANUARY 26 TO FEBRUARY 2 RECEIVE THIS GIFT CARD OF TM WITH THE PURCHASE OR LEASE OF A NEW FORD CAR* GET AN ADDITIONAL $500 on select new cars You’re guaranteed to win at your Quebec Ford Store. ^ WINTER WARM-UP BONUS DON’T PAY FOR UP TO ON 0% APR PURCHASE FINANCING 90 DAYS ** monthly term contracts on select new cars (O.A.C. from Ford Credit) Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription.†† - The Chronicle - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - 9 WISE BUYERS READ THE SMALL PRINT. Vehicles may be shown with optional equipment. Limited time offers. Offers only available to qualified retail customers on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Security Deposit may be required by Ford Credit based on customer credit terms and conditions. Offers exclude license, fuel fill charge, insurance, registration, a maximum RDPRM fee of $44 and third-party service fee of $4 for Quebec, if leased, specific duty on new tires, GST and QST taxes. All prices and rebates are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). *From January 26, 2015 to February 2, 2015, receive this gift card on purchase or lease of select new 2014/2015 Fiesta, Focus, Fusion, C-MAX, Taurus and Mustang models. Conditions apply. The CARTE À TOUTTM card is a prepaid $500 credit card. It can be used as is for any occasion. **Between January 3, 2015 and February 2, 2015, offer available on approved credit from Ford Credit on vehicles offering 0% APR purchase financing term contracts (2015 Mustang model for up to 60 months, and 2014 Focus, 2015 Fiesta and Fusion models for up to 72 months). “Do not pay for 90 days” for monthly payment structures and “do not pay for 74 days” for bi-weekly payment structured. First month’s payment will be due, and monthly term payments will commence, 90 days after the contract date. First bi-weekly payment will be due, and bi-weekly term payments will commence, 74 days after the contract date. ^Offer only valid from January 3, 2015 to February 2, 2015 (the “Program Period”) to Canadian resident customers. Receive $500 towards 2014 Focus (excluding S and BEV); and any 2015 models (excluding Focus, Fiesta, and Mustang Shelby GT500) (each an “Eligible Model”) when you the purchase or lease and take delivery of the Eligible Model. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. ††©2015 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under license. ©2015 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. TM T. 514.694.8777 5924114 KirKland Local News Lakeshore Players presents ‘Not Now, Darling’ ● 5-14 at the Louise Chalmers Theatre at John Rennie High School. The popular West Island theatre describes Lakeshore Players announced today the second show in its 50th anniversary season, its latest production, which includes the ‘Not Now, Darling’ will be presented February debuts of over half the cast, as a “zany comedy romp-filled with sex, lies and more than a little innuendo.” Showtime is 8 p.m. from February 5-7 and 11-14. The last day will also include a matinee performance at 2 p.m. Tickets can be purchased of January 26. Costs are $26 for adults, $22 for students and seniors, $23 for QDF members and $16 for balcony seats. Call 514-631-8718 for tickets. For more information, visit Spring break at the zoo Ecomuseum Zoo hosting activities during school break in March ● FEBRUARY 8 FEBRUARY 13 sTuDiO De Musique anCienne De MOnTréal ranDall sPear With ian Kelly and rob lutes Blues Pierrefonds Cultural Centre, 7:30 P.M. $15 adult, $12 senior and student FEBRUARY 27 © Red Work Studio TC Media – Courtesy Ecomuseum Zoo MARCH 13 sOleDaD au hasarD PaTriCia CanO singulier pluriel Theatre (French) east Community Centre, 7:30 P.M. Free (Passes available at libraries) ilusión World Music Pierrefonds Cultural Centre, 7:30 P.M. $15 adult, $12 senior and student Dusty Trails Blues Pierrefonds Cultural Centre, 7:30 P.M. $15 adult, $12 senior and student Day camp To accommodate at-work parents, the © Orchestre Métropolitain © Pierre Ménard MARCH 20 Guy BélanGer be on display. Turtles, snakes, frogs and other unknown species from the animal kingdom will be presented by true enthusiasts of coldblooded animals. At 1:30 p.m., the zoo’s furry ambassadors will be showcased. The zookeepers will present some of the most beloved animal species, such as the Lynx, Woodland Caribou, or the owls. Ecomuseum Zoo is now accepting registration into their Zookeeper-for-a-day program. The program is designed for children, ages seven to 12, who will work hands-on in the caring of the zoo’s animals - of which there are over 115 species - for a period of up to five days. For more information, visit or call 514-457-9449. Not Now Darling APRIL 23 OrChesTre MéTrOPOliTain english Gardens Classical Concert Marie-reine-de-la-Paix Church, 8 P.M. $17 adult, $14 senior and student a Comedy by John Chapman and Ray Cooney Directed by Steve Gillam Check our complete programming at: >5963795 TICKETS: or 311 or Bureau Accès Montréal Pierrefonds-Roxboro >5885376 Classical Concert Pierrefonds Cultural Centre, 2 P.M. $15 adult, $12 senior and student © François-Régis Fournier 2015 PIERREFONDS-ROXBORO ON STAGE 10 - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - The Chronicle - KirKland WINTER © Randall Spear © Artistic agitators KirKland During the first week of March, Montreal’s only outdoor zoo is hosting a slew of activities, including meet-and-greets with some of the Ecomuseum Zoo’s furry stars. From March 2-6, the Ste-Anne-deBellevue zoo’s zookeepers will be hosting special presentations every day. At 11:30 a.m., reptiles and amphibians will Box Office : Guichet 514 . 631. 8718 Tickets Community 5924114 T. 514.694.8777 advertorial Notes of Interest Bon Appetit Friday night dinner club meets every Friday night at 7 p.m. at different restaurants around the city. Everyone above 45 years old is welcome. Info: 514-264-8951. retirement and evolving care home West Island Writers Association (WIWA) welcomes aspiring and published writers of Fiction, Non-fiction and Poetry. Members may publish stories, articles or poems in our seasonal magazine (FORUM). For meeting times and locations, please contact Henri Schmit at 514-624-0378. We adapt to residents, and not the other way around Alpha invites you to its 22nd session on the meaning of life. Join us in a relaxed atmosphere to learn about the Christian faith. Dinners of this 10-week program are at 6:30 p.m. on Fridays at St. Luke’s Church, 106A Anselme Lavigne St., DDO. Cost of each dinner is $8. Sessions are in French. For information or to register: 514-448-4814. Immanuellans meet for dialogue and religious studies of a liberal nature weekly in Dorval. Call 514-636-6205 for details. West Island English Chatterboxes meet every Sat. between 10 and 11:30 a.m. The goal is to help second language English speakers improve their conversational skills in an informal atmosphere. For information visit Singles Breakfast and Dinner Club meets every Sun. from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Brasserie Le Manoir in Pointe Claire (600 St. John’s Blvd.). There are also monthly dinner dances and other activities for people over 50. Call 514-421-8799. HOW DO YOU ASSIST RESIDENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES? Giving quality of life back to our eldest residents is our passion. My team and I see elderly people and those with a loss of autonomy as human beings above all. It would be easy to treat them as “sick people,” but here, we do things differently. ARE THERE STORIES OR PEOPLE WHO STAND OUT AS MORE MEMORABLE TO YOU? First, we avoid anything that could dehumanize them. It is absolutely vital that we not make any assumptions about who our residents are when they arrive. Offering them proper assistance requires that we take the necessary time to get to know each person well, build mutual trust and give them time to get fully comfortable with who we are. At Le Vivalis, the establishment adapts to the residents and not the other way around. Through hard work, humility and respect, we are looking for the best practices. KirKland There are more than 100 people at Le Vivalis, and they are all memorable. Every human being’s daily life is about home, family, pastimes, and taking any of that away can have dramatic consequences. We cannot replace all of those things, but we must listen to each resident and strive to compensate. For example, I visit my residents every day to stay in touch with them, to show them they matter to us. My team is made up of 65 exceptional people who get up every morning to help our residents and improve their quality of life. We have to be humble enough to understand what they are going through. That’s our greatest strength, and that’s how we make a difference. evolving care home 300 stillview, pointe-claire 514 694.4141 medical office • 24-hour nursing • therapeutic bath • respectful and quality service - The Chronicle - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - 11 The Beaconsfield Garden Club holds its meetings every second Wed. of the month. For more information check our website at . The meetings take place at the Herb Linder Annex (next to the Beaconsfield Library), 303 Beaconsfield Blvd. Suggested arrival time is 7:00-7:15. The session starts at 7:30. Fee for guests is $5. For more information check our website at On the desk of Louis Carpentier, General Manager of Le Vivalis, you will find pictures of elderly people who have had an impact on his professional life. These people, along with all of his residents, give him the energy he needs to outdo himself every day and offer the best possible service. >6027489 Pointe Claire Toastmasters Club is a non profit organization situated in the West Island area of Montreal. Description: A gathering of people who meet every Wed. for the purpose of improving our speaking and leadership skills. The mission of our club is to provide a supportive and positive learning environment to help members develop their communication and leadership skills through practice and feedback. Guests are always welcomed! Please join us Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. upstairs at Pointe Claire Curling Club at 250 Lanthier Ave., Pointe Claire, (Please arrive at least 10 minutes early). Contact Sharon White – 514-626-8902 – sharonwhite http://9750. KirKland KirKland ●MeetInGs The Beaconsfield Women’s Club, is a non-profit organization for women offering friendship and activities such as book club, movie night, bridge, theatre, Mahjong, outings, special events, etc. We meet the first Monday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Herb Linder Annex (beside the Beaconsfield Library) 303 Beaconsfield Blvd. For any information, please call Kathy at 514-695-7030. January Pleasurable experiences for brain cells... and taste buds TESTS DE CLASSEMENT | RENTRÉE 2015 part of the menu Éc ol ea ss oc iÉe à l’u ne sc o approche pÉdagogique inspirÉe des grandes valeurs humanistes groupe de soutien à l’apprentissage programmes enrichis activitÉs parascolaires passionnantes milieu sÉcuritaire et stimulant installations sportives d’envergure l’établissement offre un enseignement en formation générale conduisant à l’obtention d’un diplôme d’études secondaires. cours dispensés en français. préscolaire-primaire | secondaire | résidence scolaire Transport scolaire offert dans l’Ouest de l’Île Formulaire disponible sous l’onglet admissions au | 450 451-0815 poste 339 65, rue St-Pierre, Rigaud (Québec) Client : Collège Bourget Annonce N°: 120115-2 Parutions : 28 janvier, 4 et 11 février 2015 Média : Cités Nouvelles The Chronicle Format : 4,861” x 6,208” DE LANGuE Couleur : CMYK fRANçAISE >6007788 12 - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - The Chronicle - of the Bordeaux region would also be discovered. Provincial government agencies as well as municipalities, organizations and individuals offer a whole range of classes for their customers. If some are of a more general nature, designed for beginners, others go into more detail or have tasting as a focus. For those who are interested in this subject, it is important to realize the difference between a class intended for the general public and oenology. The latter is the science of wine making, a technical area involving the chemistry of wine. Make cooking classes KirKland KirKland kind of celebration. Even though its origins wines became much more accessible to the are rooted in antiquity, it was only in the public at large and a passion for many. Wine is an agricultural product coming 1950s that wine ceased to be a luxury product for the elite of society. From then on, from the vine. It is for this reason that it is intimately linked to the idea of the countryside, of soil and sunshine. Learning more about wines by registering for classes is to discover, for example, why the 1re, 2e eT 3e année dU secondaire Beaujolais region of France produces wines 13 fÉvrier 2015 | accUeil 13 h, TesTs 13 h 30 which are light and easy to drink whereas (4e eT 5e secondaire sUr rendez-VoUs) wines from California are full-bodied. It would also be to learn which wines to combine with which foods. The history and traditions behind the illustrious chateaux Friendly get-togethers, romantic dinners for two... they just wouldn’t be the same without a glass of wine. A culinary tradition in many countries, wine plays a part in every vendredi 16 2015 The daily challenge of what to cook for a hungry and fussy family can be a frustrating experience for the person in charge of supper — especially if the feedback is not usually applause! Cooking classes are one solution to this problem, helping weary cooks add interesting new flavours to the family menu. Many different types of cooking classes are available. They can help to correct faulty basic techniques or inspire householders with variety and imagination. Others are designed to help cooks master specific aspects of cooking, such as making chocolate, decorating cakes, or learning the art of “slow-food” cooking. There are also classes to learn to cook with healthier foods or to perfect some international recipes, such as Asian soups, Indian stews, or Italian pasta. Many different formulas of study are available, including private, semi-private, or group classes. Usually, everyone participates in the creation of the dishes and then tastes the results in a friendly atmosphere. Students return home with new techniques and tested recipes to delight their families. The new knowledge will add a whole new dimension of personal accomplishment to meal preparation. So, warm up your winter with some new cooking skills to try on your loved ones. No more wracking the brain for new ideas, no more gloomy faces around the table. Maybe your family will even treat you to another course! Agence : FEEP Design graphique Choisi par l’Université Cambridge Responsable : Paola De Angelis au Royaume-Uni au palmarès 2012 des Tél.: 514 381-8891 poste 273 100 écoles d’exception à travers le monde COLLÈGE PRIVÉ D’ENSEIGNEMENT GÉNÉRAL 5000, rue Pilon, Pierrefonds • 514 626-7060 materneLLe primaire (Subventionné par le ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport) programme enrichi Secondaire (Subventionné par le ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport) programme d’éducation internationale Vie ÉtUdiante ricHe et diVerSiFiÉe EXAMEN D’ADMISSION PRIMAIRE : 9 février 3e année à 6e année du primaire SECONDAIRE : 11 février 2e, 3e et 4e année du secondaire INfORMATION Loreen Faille, poste 216 >5939540 KirKland T. 514.694.8777 5924114 Camps and Education 5924114 2015 It’s time to learn something new Preschool OPEN HOUSE Friday, January 30, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Give your child the gift of additional languages, >6021708 Alexander von Humboldt German International School most communities, ranging from adult sport clubs and lessons to introductory courses in the arts to book discussion clubs and cooking classes. At many community centres, it is even possible to find classes suited to every member of the family. Evening or weekend classes draw us out of our usual routine and give us something to look forward to every week. They also give us something to talk about at the supper table beside the latest sit-com hit on TV! KirKland wide range of evening and weekend activities and courses on offer in your area. The parents among us can confirm that the discovery of horizons beyond school and its usual social environment is beneficial to any child. Adults are no different: meeting others who share our passions and engaging in a stimulating activity motivates us and refreshes our perspective on life. A vast choice of classes is available in NOURVAEMAMUE PROGINFIRMIERS SOINS KirKland comfort an accident victim without aggravating their injuries. The more adults who know these skills, the better our own chances for surviving common accidents! Life-saving skills taught in swimming lessons, first aid training given by non-profit organizations, and workplace safety training are all ways to better equip ourselves to deal with an emergency. Community first aid classes aim to inform and train the general public in basic or advanced first aid, ranging from applying bandages and splints to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It is reassuring if at least one person in every family home is versed in these skills. Companies and businesses with a certain number of employees are expected to ensure that some of their staff are trained in first aid and CPR, and workplace health and safety training is essential for people working in high risk environments, such as restaurants, factories, and construction sites. It is highly recommended that pre-teens and teenagers who want to begin babysitting take a certification course. Babysitting classes, usually offered through non-profit organizations or community centres, train young people to act responsibly in case of an emergency. In addition to reassuring the parents of their young clients, a certified babysitter can be proud of their newly acquired basic first aid skills. Something for everyone When we’re used to a packed routine anchored by a full-time job, it may seem strange to add even more to our weekly schedule with a night class. But making time for ourselves and our interests does a world of good and helps us go back to routine and family energized and nourished. Whether you’re looking for a way to have fun, learn about a new subject, or meet people with similar interests, you’re sure to find something to interest you among the BIEN PLACÉ POUR LE SAVOIR PORTES OUVERTES MARDI 3 février 2015 17H30 À 20H30 >6028431 along with an internationally renowned education. Preschool to Grade 12. Trilingual private school. International community. No eligibility certificate required. 216, rue Victoria • Baie-D'Urfé • 514-457-2886 CÉGEP GÉRALD-GODIN 15615, boulevard Gouin Ouest Montréal (Québec) | H9H 5K8 web WWW.CGODIN.QC.CA - The Chronicle - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - 13 Get moving and stay fit! “This is the year I’m finally going to get in shape!” For so many of us, January means new (or renewed) resolutions to get moving, lose weight, and get healthy. For others, exercise is already an integral part of their weekly routine and the New Year is an opportunity to take advantage of great deals on classes and gym memberships. Whichever is the case for you, it’s possible to find a physical activity that will suit your needs as well as your abilities. Popularized in the 1980s, aerobics and step aerobics are ideal for increasing the heart rate to burn calories and lose weight. Classes are guided by certified instructors and rhythmical music helps with physical coordination and motivation. Groups are variously designed for beginners, intermediate, or advanced participants so that everyone can work out in their own comfort zone. Spinning classes have become popular in recent years. These group stationarycycling sessions have popped up in fitness centres all over the country. This activity is based on the same principal as aerobics, including music, guidance from an instructor, and adapted-level classes. Another newcomer to the world of physical fitness is CrossFit. Developed in California, CrossFit is a brand-name training session available at many gyms that combines weight lifting for building muscular strength with a cardiovascular workout. While this type of high-intensity workout is suitable for high-level athletes, classes are adapted to introduce beginners to the activity as well. Training to save lives Imagine a highway accident taking place right before your eyes or your child choking on a hard candy offered by a restaurant cashier. If you knew basic first aid, you would be able to dislodge that candy or KirKland January T. 514.694.8777 Camps and Education 2015 know how to use your camera? January Do you Most people own digital cameras these days. But how many of us really know how to use them properly? There is so much more to a digital camera than the automatic settings. The best way to make the most of your digital camera is to take some classes in photography or at least attend a basic photography workshop. As well as becoming more knowledgeable about your camera, 10206 – Médias – 28 et 29 janvier 2015 you will learn to take some great photos by using the manual settings. Notions such as exposure, focusing, use of the flash, and shutter speed are not that difficult to master. In just a few weeks you should be able to use your camera to its full potential. As well as learning various techniques, attending a series of photography classes will enable you to develop your “eye”, or your ability to compose a stirring v2 TERMINER SON SECONDAIRE ÉE, N N A E T T ! E C R I N E V A ’ D CHANGEZ Let’s paint me À votre ryth voulez Là où voet/uosu à la maison) (en classe onibilités p is d s o v n Selo fesseur à Avec un prosition au besoin votre dispo Complétez votre diplôme d’études secondaires (DES) ou les préalables requis pour l’admission au Cégep. Faites-le avec la formation à distance assistée (FADA). 14 - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - The Chronicle - landscape shot or place a subject for a posed portrait. Among the many subjects that might be included in a series of classes are how to photograph people, scenery, and buildings, understanding the art of composition and framing, and learning the techniques of night-time or sports photography. Introductory classes in photography usually include a section on theory as well as practical sessions both inside and outside. Many community centres offer basic photography classes to adults, but they are sometimes available in schools or through workshops given by professional photographers. Usually classes are composed of small groups so that everyone receives the digital single-lens reflex (SLR) camera or attention they require. Course require- having a compact camera that has a manual ments may include knowing how to use a override. Did you know that you don’t need any knowledge of drawing in order to learn how to paint? In fact, the only requirement to register for a painting class is simple: the desire to create. So, even though you may never have held a paint brush in your life, you can still embark on a fascinating journey into the world of art, colour, and self-expression. Painting classes in oils, acrylics, watercolours, or gouache, and painting on 50 $ / session d’hiver (Excluant les frais de matériel didactique) VENEZ RENCONTRER (SANS FRAIS) UN DE NOS CONSEILLERS D’ORIENTATION : 514 855.4195 Centre d’éducation des adultes Jeanne-Sauvé 305, avenue Mimosa, Dorval H9S 3K5 • Gare Dorval | Gare Roxboro 209 Angrignon 202 | Lionel-Groulx 195 | Du Collège 191, 211 Terminus Fairview 202, 203 | À partir de Lachine 120, 173, 191, 195 >6016484 canvas, wood, or metal are offered in most communities. Some are evening classes offered at learning institutions, others are Saturday workshops given at community centres. Course fees usually cover all the necessary materials, which the instructor provides unless otherwise indicated. This is especially the case for most beginner classes. An introduction to painting allows people to discover the basic notions of drawing and how to handle the medium: knowing how to use a brush and the colour wheel, how to apply the paint for a desired effect, how to explore space, perspective, and depth as well as playing with light and shadow. These are skills that enable students to explore their abilities and create original works of art. Taking a painting class also builds selfesteem, because it is a way to express oneself other than through words. Painting also helps develop a sense of observation and perseverance. Best of all, learning how to paint can be an escape from daily routine, as you work at your own pace and in your own style, freely expressing your emotions. My My School, School,My MyHome, Home,My MySacred SacredHeart Heart MeetMeet our Head our Head of School, of School, Mr. Mr. Shawn Shawn O’Donnell O’Donnell DQG´QGRXWPRUHDERXW INFORMATION NFORMATION EEVENT VENT- -THE THESACRED SACREDHEART HEARTSCHOOL SCHOOL OFOF MONTREAL MONTREAL DQG´QGRXWPRUHDERXW our our Wednesday, Wednesday, Feb. Feb.4th 4th- -77toto99pm pm- -Holiday HolidayInnInnPointe-Claire Pointe-Claire Worldwide Worldwide Network Network & & Student Student Exchange Exchange Program Program One OneofofCanada’s Canada’sFirst FirstEnglish English Independent Independent Catholic Catholic HighHigh School School for Girls for Girls 3635 3635AtAtwater, water,Mtl, Mtl,QCQCH4A H4A1G1 1G1 - 514.937.2845 - 514.937.2845 - - >6036430 KirKland KirKland KirKland T. 514.694.8777 5924114 Camps and Education T. 514.694.8777 5924114 Talk of the Town Community is our business Talent - where it’s at. Win with The Chronicle! Thanks! KirKland KirKland Just in time for the Holidays, TC Media, publisher of your Chronicle, launched last November the Christmas Elves promotion in collaboration with your local merchants. Thanks to that promotion, about $25,000 in prizes were given away in the province of Quebec. DDO resident Robb Leger was one of the winners. He is pictured here with TC Media General Manager Denis Therrien as he came to our offices to pick up his prize, a $250 IGA gift certificate. champs Basketball provide a service that consists of fun games and self-improvement to the youth of the West-island. Aimed to be fun while applying the necessary fundamental basketball skills: passing, Dribbling and shooting. To get more information visit the web site www. Back to school The Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation wishes to thank the West island community and the many, many wonderful volunteers who took time out to give back to the West island community by helping wrap gifts at Fairview pointe claire from Nov. 22 to Dec. 24, 2014. The more than 175 volunteers that filled more than 600 man-hours required to take care of clients at our two giftwrapping kiosks in the mall allowed the Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation to take further steps in its mission, which is to advance the state of patient care at the Lakeshore General Hospital through the purchase of equipment not funded by the government. Their efforts helped the Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation bring in more than $34,000 toward the purchase of a fetal monitoring system, which will allow expectant mothers and their doctors better peace of mind throughout the delivery process. The Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation would like to extend warm thanks to event sponsors cadillac Fairview, parent company of Fairview pointe claire and club piscine super Fitness pierrefonds, as well as annual partners Aqua spa Lyne Giroux, Montreal Marriott in-Terminal Hotel, Tc Media, The Beat 92.5 and cTV. TC Media photo courtesy Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation Discover the Memory and Alzheimer’s Care option that’s the ideal answer for both you and your loved one. At Résidences Symphonie, our Moments® Memory Care Neighbourhood looks like – and is – a true home. Relationships are less like resident and staff member and more like family. The cozy environment is designed exclusively to accommodate the unique needs of seniors with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other memory impairments. Call today to learn more about the Résidences Symphonie sensitive and engaging approach to memory loss. Independent Living • Assisted Living • Memory Care Respite • Trial Stays >6042233 Memory Care you can both feel good about. Île des Soeurs (514) 767-6792 325 Chemin de la Pointe-Sud Île des Soeurs West Island (514) 695-6695 15 Place de la Triade Pointe-Claire - The Chronicle - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - 15 Monday, January 19, CEGEP students returned to John Abbott to begin the Winter 2015 semester. With the number of newly admitted students up slightly from 2014, the total enrolment for the day division has crested the 6,000 mark. The increase in enrolment this winter is mainly due to 186 additional pre-university students in their 4th semester. Crowded hallways and excited voices is a sure sign that the campus is back to normal. KirKland Fête des Pères Gagnez un rasoir Philips, petits outils avec café – Valeur $ 200.00 Tirage 5924114 T. 514.694.8777 Fête des Pères Tazza di Mattina Inc 5, r ue Centr e Commer cial Espace no 5 Roxbor o, QC, H8Y 2N9 T 514 684-6161 F 514 685-4545 Tirage Nos ser vices / Our services TirageVente de machines à café Espr esso et Cappuccino Sale of Espresso & Cappuccino Machines Fête des Pères Nous sommes ouverts We are open De 9 h à 18 h tous les jour s de la semaine et de 9 h à 17 h le samedi F rom 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every Nos week day ser vices / Our services de machines à café Espr esso et Cappuccino and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. onVente Saturday Sale of Espresso & Cappuccino Machines Gagnez un rasoir Philips, petits outils avec café – ValeurSer $ 200.00 vice et entr etien Nos ser vices / Our services Service Department Vente de machines à café Espr esso et Cappuccino La boutique du café Tazza di Mattina Inc 5, r ue Centr e Commer cial Espace no 5 Roxbor o, QC, H8Y 2N9 T 514 684-6161 F 514 685-4545 Sale of Espresso & Cappuccino Machines Service Department Ser vice et entr etien Service Department Café en gr ains, moulu et en capsules Coffee Beans, Ground Coffee and Capsules Accessoir es pour café, thé et ar ticles-cadeaux Accessories for Coffee, Tea, and Giftware Nous sommes ouverts Café en gr ains, moulu et en capsules Sale of Espresso & Cappuccino Machines Coffee Beans, Ground Coffee and Capsules Ser vice et entr etien Department Accessoir es pourService café, thé et ar ticles-cadeaux Accessories for Coffee, and Giftware Café en Tea, gr ains, moulu et en capsules Espace no 5 VariaBLe PrOMO Roxbor o, QC, H8Y 2N9 T 514 684-6161 Coffee Beans, Ground and Capsules NousFsommes ouverts 514 685-4545 Coffee Beans, Ground Coffee and Capsules We are open Accessories for Coffee, Cer tificats Cadeaux De 9 h à 18 h tous les jour s deGift la semaine Accessoir es pour café, thé et ar ticles-cadeaux certificates Gift Certificates Tea and Giftware Cer tificats Cadeaux Gift Certificates We are open De 9 h à 18 h tous les jour s de la semaine et de 9 h à 17 h le samedi Location de machines pour événements Machine Rental for Special Events F rom 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every week day and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday Open Mon - Fri 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. & Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tazza di Mattina Inc 5, r ue Centr e Commer cial Espace no 5 Roxbor o, QC, H8Y 2N9 La boutique du café 684-6161 T 514Tazza di Mattina Inc r ue Centr e Commer cial F 5145,685-4545 Accessories for Coffee, Tea, and Giftware Location de machines pour événements Cer tificats Cadeaux Machine Rental for Events GiftSpecial Certificates ouverts et de Nous 9 h à sommes 17 h le samedi are open F romWe 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every week day De 9 h à 18 h tous les jour s de la semaine and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday et de 95h àRoxboro, 17 h le samedi QC, H8Y 2N9 5, rue Centre Commercial, Espace no F rom 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every week day Location de machines pour événements T 514 684-6161 F 514 685-4545 and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday Machine Rental for Special•Events 2 years 36 MOnth OPen 2,30%* 2,54%* 2,64%* 3,14%* 5 year terM >6022609 KirKland WE ARE SEPARATING, HOW CAN I BUY BACK MY EX’S SHARE OF THE HOME? Fête des Pères Gagnez un rasoir Philips, petits outils avec café – Valeur $ 200.00 La boutique du café 5 year fixted PrOMO 2,79%* * Residential Mortgage only. Certain conditions apply. Rates subject to change without notice. Experts looking for you! *standard residential mortgage. KirKland 17005 Transcanadienne (corner St-Charles), H9H 5J1 T. 514.694.8777 PUZZLE NO.482 PUZZLE NO. 746 16 - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - The Chronicle - KirKland KirKland ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 482 how to play: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box. ACROSS 1. Drifter 5. Male singer 9. Bizarre 12. Grew older 13. Chorus voice 14. Lad 15. Spruce, e.g. 16. Shortage 17. Comprehend 18. Felt 20. Dawn’s direction 22. Slammer 24. Chess piece 27. TV promos 30. Chicken-to-be 31. Hidden supply 32. Chinese chef’s item 33. Violin’s cousin 35. Cured salmon 36. Decree 38. Long paddle 39. Have a pizza 40. Fly alone 41. Be stuck (on) 42. Ear projection 44. Baby bed 49. Quilting ____ 51. Hasten 53. Calf meat 54. Gallery exhibit 55. Throb 56. Scamps 57. Ford fuel 58. Legal paper 59. Medicine measure DOWN 1. Bonnets 2. Grimm monster 3. Has-____ 4. Lyric poems 5. Cover to protect 6. Malt brew 7. Strong metal 8. Fizzy water 9. Stumbling block 10. Gentle animal 11. Tint 19. Throw out 21. Hot spring 23. Arctic house 25. Stop! 26. Nearest 27. Astonishes 28. Extinct flightless bird 29. Frying pans 31. Kitchen tool 34. Bolted 37. Pigeon call 41. Playing card 43. Slender nail 45. Eager 46. Test model 47. Circuits 48. Alternative word 49. Sack 50. Historical epoch 52. Ship’s pronoun ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO.746 >6016528 Gagnez un rasoir Philips, petits outils avec café – Valeur $ 200.00 La boutique du café D O R VA L : 2 - 1 / 2 , 3-1/2, 4-1/2. Chauffage, eau chaude, cuisinière, réfrigérateur INCLUS. Planchers bois franc. 514-297-6319 220 Condos / lofts / townhouses for rent Properties for rent D.D.O.: Town houses, 1/2 month free! On 2 or 3 levels, 2 or 3 bedrooms, 1-1/2/, 2-1/2, bathrooms, security cameras. 514-624-6289 DDO: 383 Hyman, condo 3 bedrooms, heated, townhouse, finished basement, parking, pool, immediate, $1,400/ month 514-696-5479, 514-944-9673 310 Miscellaneous for sale #1 high speed internet $32.95/ month. Absolutely no ports are blocked. Unlimited downloading. Up to 11Mbps download and 800Kbps upload. Order today at or call toll free 1-866-281-3538 STEEL buildings/ Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206. 390 Garage sales / flea market MOVING sale, dining room, living room, kitchen set, and more. 514-795-9420 404 Domestic services offered AN experienced, efficient and reliable housekeeper looking for work on the West Island. Free estimate. Call Ruth: 514-441-1818 AVA I L A B L E c l e a n i n g lady with experience, honest, hard working. Looking for job in West Island. Serious callers only. 450-656-0290 after 5:00 415 Massotherapy / therapeutic treatments * The best massage of the West, (Île-Perrot). 387, Grand Boulevard, suite 201. 514-425-8868. À découvrir bon massage professionnel. Clinique Chez Isabella. 514-277-9726 BEST professional therapeutic massage 114, Jacques-Bizard, Île Bizard, H9C 2T9 514-624-3003 416 Social activities SOUPER rencontre, Île Bizard. Venez rencontrer l'âme s o e u r. 5 1 4 - 6 2 0 - 8 7 7 9 430 Accounting / income tax Xiaoli Zhong CPA Personal and business tax 514-443-2678, 7 Portway, Pointe-Claire. H9R 5T6 INTELLIGENT FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS INC. Accounting and income taxes for companies and individuals. 20 years experience. Maximum tax refund in 10 days. 514-279-1110 440 Moving / transport / storage ASSURANCE complète, service d'emballage, livraison, petit ou gros déménagement, piano, coffre-fort. appelez-nous pour un devis, 514-453-6969 MOVING? houses, apartm e n t s , o f fi c e s . L o c a l , long-distance+ U.S.A. Bill: 514-457-2063 442 Construction / renovation / repair * No job too small! Kitchen, bathroom, basement, ceramic tiles, h a r d w o o d / fl o a t i n g floors, plaster, paint. RBQ: 8349-3031-01 George: 514-583-8233 A-1 Renovator. Bathrooms, kitchens, basements, drywall, floors/ tiles. Free estimates highest quality. Jacques: 514-909-6561 ACTION PEINTURE ET RÉNOVATION INC 514-451-8100 Rénos résidentielles Estimation gratuite! A HANDYMAN. No job too small. Call MAC: 514-805-0779 (cell.) DAMBER RÉNOVATION Interior renovations, full kitchen, full bathroom, basement, hardwood floors, re-staining staircases, complete painting, outdoor decks. 30 years of experience. Damiano 514-966-0913, HANDYMAN reliable 20 years experience, equipped for any job; Big or small. Plumbing, electrical, carpentry, Etc. Derek 514-898-4392 446 Painting / decorating PAINTING ser vice. Great service, great price! No job too small. Call for free estimate. 514-293-1221 or 514-924-3776 458 Electricity * C e r t i fi e d E l e c t r i c i a n , 25 years experience, low rates, electrical entries, heating, repairs, new construction. RBQ# 5614-6897. 514-996-4787 MAÎTRE ÉLECTRICIEN 10 ans dans votre quartier. Petits/ gros travaux. Panne et urgence. 514-569-2222 S I LVA E L E C T R I C , I n d u s trial, Commercial, Residential, RBQ# 8335-3086-27. R e a s o n a b l e . 5 1 4 - 5 9 5 - 7 6 0 0 , 514-248-9685 Roofing ROOFING Inter-Regional. Repairs guaranteed. De-icing, snow removal. Benoît: 5 1 4 - 2 5 0 - 4 8 1 1 RBQ#8357-9557-01 585 Miscellaneous financial services 605 605 Help wanted 605 Help wanted 605 Help wanted SALON DE L’EMPLOI - ENTREVUES SUR PLACE! Le jeudi 29 janvier de 10h à 16h ASSEMBLEURS SOUS MICROSCOPE RECHERCHÉ: Help wanted BILINGUAL assistant, part time, days, evenings. Optometrist Clinic, Fairview Shopping C e n t e r . 514-630-6543, 514-630-7535 Fax Hotel Quality Suites: 6300, route Transcanadienne, Pointe-Claire H9R 1B9 Téléc.: 514 694-9960 SEKURE COST REVIEW is hiring now! B2B English sales Sekure Cost Review is hiring now! B2B English sales (No experience necessary) (No experience necessary) With over 270 employees and still growing, many of our Sales Representatives are advancing into higher paying positions With over 250 employees and still growing, many of our Sales Representatives are advancing into higher paying positions. It is an exciting time to be part of our team! 2 locations to choose from! It is an exciting time to be part of our team! What we offer: • $12/hr plus commission (Quick advancement to $14/hr expected) • Commission & Bonuses • Weekly pay • Medical / Dental benefits • Fulltime Monday – Friday day schedule • iPhone incentive program Call or send your resume right now! Pointe Claire - Janet@ 514-695-6111 ext.112 Downtown – Cristina @ 514-227-6813 ext. 296 Manoir Kirkland, is a place where every day is an extraordinary day for both our residents and employees. We are looking for a Talented and Passionate COOK and a Skilful WAITER/WAITRESS, ready to invest their experience and skills in a parttime position in our residence. In exchange, we offer a stable, friendly and rewarding working environment, competitive salary, and the respect for good work. Interested candidates are asked to send their resumes either by fax at: 514-695-3777, or by e-mail at: 705 Miscellaneous training COMPUTER/ I-Pad lessons: your home. Beginners/ seniors welcome. 514-694-3893 Help wanted Z APPORTE V! VOTRE C FINANCIAL problems? Drowning in debt! Stop the harassment. Bankruptcy might not be the answer. Together let's find a solution - Free Consultation. Bill Hafner Tr u s t e e i n B a n k r u p t c y. 514-983-8700 605 T. 514.694.8777 480 KirKland Accounting / bookkeeping 999 Miscellaneous 945 Car purchase ACHETONS: Autos/ Camions. Route ou ferraille. Payons bon prix. 514-815-3624 950 Scrap WANTED What we offer: • $14hr – Training @ $12hr • Best Commission & Bonuses in the West • Weekly pay Medical / Dental benefits Fulltime Monday – Friday day schedule CARS, VANS OR TRUCKS FOR SCRAP Call or send your resume right now! Call Janet @ 514-695-6111 ext.112 514-685-5666 *This job not for you? Do you know someone who would be a good candidate? Sekure Cost Review offers a referral bonus of $150.00 If you send us a candidate and they get hired we will pay you for your efforts. Thats right, you do not have to be employed with us to be eligible to earn the money! 705 Miscellaneous training FRENCH & English Teacher available to tutor. Shuli 514-850-7728 715 Tutoring AIDE en mathématiques. Secondaire/ cégep, ACAIQ, à domicile, Sam: 514-229-0054 999 Miscellaneous 715 Tutoring DEMANDÉS/WANTED CAMIONS TRUCKS VOITURES CARS Toute condition / Any conditions TOP $$$ West-End/West Island Auto $ Regd. 8 hres à 21 hres BUYING cars for scrap. Paying maximum $1,000. Free towing. 438-402-8969 Car purchase ! ! ! Achat véhicules/ recyclage/ ferraille. Reçus S.A.A.Q. 514-247-9715 999 • 7 days a week • Any condition 363-6010 MATHEMATICS TUTOR. All grades and CEGEP in your home; 514-421-1844. 945 KirKland ABRACADABRA turn your hidden treasures into ready cash. International buyer wants to purchase your antiques, paintings, china, crystal, gold, silverware, jewellery, rare books, sports, movies, postcards, coins, stamps, records. 514-501-9072 900 à 999 Talent - where it’s at. Miscellaneous 5369725 - The Chronicle - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - 17 225 Antiques / art / collections vEhiculEs 800 à 899 4731848 LUXURIOUS all new, sunny and quiet 4-1/2, available on the 4th floor at les Perles de la Gare in Vaudreuil. 2 bedrooms, 1 large bathroom, walk-in closet, hard wood floors, balcony and air conditioning. All apliances included as well as drapes. Building extras: indoor pool, fully equipped gym, indoor and outdoor parking spots and elevators. Very close to grocery stores, restaurants, new CLSC, sports Complex and train station. For more information, contact 514-928-4204. 345 spEcial EvEnt 600 à 799 KirKland 210 Flats / apartments heated for rent S AW M I L L S f r o m o n l y $4,397. - MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawm i l l s . c o m / 4 0 0 O T. 1-800-566-6899 ext:400OT EmploymEnt and training 400 à 599 >6020330 PIERREFONDS: beautiful spacious 4-1/2, recently completely renovated. Concrete building, parking space, janitorial services, near all amenities. Available now! Must see... $700, 514-694-7827 QCNA (Quebec Community Newspapers Association) can place your classified ad into 24 weekly papers throughout Quebec - papers just like the one you are reading right now! One phone call does it all! Call Marnie at QCNA 514-697-6330. Visit: 432 sErvicEs 300 à 399 Conn anD s eCting B uy eller s tog ers ether in yo ur ne ighbo rhood 5469945 LASALLE: near Newman: 3-1/2, 795$; 4-1/2, 825$, heated, hot water, elevator, spacious, clean, renovated, outdoor pool. Near all amenities. Ideal for people looking for a quiet environment. Available now 514-242-6711 Miscellaneous for sale marchandisE 100 à 299 >6028397 2X5-1/2, coin St-Jean/ Gouin, repeints, 750$800$, non chauffés. 514-884-0464 310 rEal EstatE >6031809 Flats / apartments for rent to our AdvErtisErs : please check your ad the first day it runs, if you find an error call us immediately. in the case an error occurs, our responsability is limited exclusively to the charge for the first week of publication of your ad. All forms of discrimination are illegal. >6024489 205 Deadline : Friday 1 pM Call centre business hours : Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 pM Payment methods : Maximize your results! Enjoy the free publication of your ad on toll Free number 1-866-637-5236 5924114 classifieds xtras our e eading H ✓✓✓3✓ Bold ✓ e 3 m ✓✓ a ✓ r ntre, F ✓✓✓3✓ Color all cey! c r u ✓ o a ✓✓✓3 Ask y gent tod a KirKland KirKland T. 514.694.8777 5924114 KirKland Sports Lions listless in weekend losses Lac St. Louis sit in eighth place; playoff spot already clinched ● The Lac St. Louis Lions (21-16-2) were drubbed over the weekend, losing by scores of 5-1 and 5-2 to Chateauguay and LavalMontreal, respectively. Though the West Island hockey team now sits in eighth place in the Midget AAA Hockey League of Quebec (LDHMAAAQ) with only three games left in the season, they’ve already secured a playoff berth. On Sunday, the Lions put in a listless performance as they visited a very formidable opponent in the Chateauguay Grenadiers (22-10-7). After a pretty even first period, the Grenadiers upped the intensity and pace of the game, outshooting the Lions 18-12 in the middle frame. Though Ryan Brushett’s 27th goal of the season halved the Grenadier’s 2-0 lead just before the end of the second period, the Lions couldn’t muster any offense in the final period of regulation. In fact, they were outshot 14-3 as Chateauguay scored three unanswered goals on a Lions team that was undisciplined. Lac St. Louis was assessed 13 minor penalties. Grenadiers forward Maxime Comtois was The Lions look to break a two-game losing when they take on the commandears of Levis Friday named first star of the game with a goal and an assist. night at the Dollard civic centre. TC Media – Chronicle Photo DDO set to host Rogers Hometown Hockey 18 - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - The Chronicle - ● Several National Hockey League (NHL) alums will join the Rogers Hometown Hockey tour which is about to get underway in Dollard des Ormeaux this weekend. Sportsnet’s PJ Stock and John Bartlett, as well as Montreal Canadiens legend Guy Lafleur are just some of the names expected to descend upon the Dollard Civic Centre on Saturday and Sunday to join Canadian sports broadcast icon and Rogers Hometown Hockey host, Ron Maclean. The two-day event begins at noon on Saturday with several free, hockey-themed and interactive activities, and will end on Sunday after the Canadiens take on the Arizona Coyotes at 12:30 p.m. on City. Thousands are expected to take in the game at the outdoor viewing party. This will be Rogers Hometown Hockey’s 16th stop on a 25-city tour, that’s seen an average attendance of 6,000 people from British Columbia to Ontario, according Sebastian Gatica, senior communications manager at Rogers. Among the highlights at the Civic Centre, located at 12001 de Salaberry Blvd, will be a KidZone with an inflatable mini-stick rink and pick up hockey games on McDonald’s Ball Hockey Rink. The tour will visit St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador on February 7-8. For more information, visit www.hometownhockey. com. PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC VILLE DE POINTE-CLAIRE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC CITY OF POINTE-CLAIRE AVIS PUBLIC PUBLIC NOTICE Avis est donné que le règlement PC-2787-3 modifiant le règlement sur les plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale a été adopté par le conseil municipal le 13 janvier 2015. Ce règlement peut être consulté au bureau du service des affaires juridiques et du greffe à l’hôtel de ville de Pointe-Claire, situé au 451, boulevard Saint Jean, du lundi au vendredi, à l’exception des jours fériés, de 8 h 30 à midi et de 13 h à 16 h 30. Ce règlement entre en vigueur conformément à la Loi. Donné à Pointe-Claire, ce 28ième jour de janvier 2015. Public notice is hereby given that by-law PC-2787-3 amending By-law respecting site planning and architectural integration programmes has been adopted by the municipal council on January 13, 2015. This by-law may be consulted at the Legal Affairs and City Clerk Department at Pointe-Claire City Hall, located at 451 Saint-Jean Boulevard, from Monday to Friday, with the exception of legal holidays, from 8:30 a.m. until noon and from 1:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. This by-law will come into force according to the Law. Given at Pointe-Claire, this 28th day of January, 2015. Danielle Gutierrez Greffière adjointe / Assistant City Clerk >6036271 Lions goaltender Sandro Silvestre made 38 saves in the loss. 48 hours earlier The Lions were just as bad on Friday night as they hosted the lowly Rousseau Royal of Laval-Montreal (12-20-6) at the Dollard Civic Centre. The home team got off to a slow start, allowing three unanswered goals through the first 40 minutes of play. Though defenceman Alexander Krief managed to get the Lions on the board just 2:04 into the final period, the goal was matched a minute later when Dean Liarakos beat Ryan Coughlin during Rousseau Royal penalty kill. Laval-Montreal would go on to score another goal to beat Lac St. Louis 5-2. Coughlin made 28 saves in the loss. Week ahead The Lions need to right the ship – and right it quickly. It won’t be easy; they face the best team in the league Friday night in Dollard des Ormeaux as they host the Commandeurs of Levis (33-5) before welcoming the Amos Forestiers (15-19-4) Saturday night. Puck drop for both games is 7:30 p.m. ! D L O IS “ The DuProprio team made me feel confident ! ” Mélanie from Laval saved $11,000* Trust DuProprio and its team. Our notaries, real estate coaches, representatives and customer service specialists are at your service until the sale of your property! 1-866-387-7677 *The savings are compared to an average commission of 5%. All homeowners featured in our advertisements are and always have been actual clients of DuProprio. >6040342 THE DUPROPRIO TEAM - The Chronicle - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - 19 Sell successfully thanks to our team! Without agent, without commission. 20 - Wednesday January 28, 2015 - The Chronicle - A MADE-TO-MEASURE PLAN FOR MARTIN RRSP – TFSA: ENJOY FINANCIAL FREEDOM AND GET THE RETIREMENT YOU DESERVE. MARCH 2, 2015 RRSP contribution deadline. Meet with your advisor. Caisse populaire Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds 1-800-CAISSES 15 000 Pierrefonds Blvd. Pierrefonds, Qc H9H 4G2 514 620-3000 WISE PLANNER >6018213
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