10-November-December - Kirkland Heritage Society
10-November-December - Kirkland Heritage Society
nner 's :Lake H In the lower porch, Mrs. J.C. O'Conner with baby Ch e n c e in her anms and tlle hired wis 07Ccmner, irl - who may have been Effie Day. On the top port:h are Gt n- .. J ---lharles 07Conner7Henry 07Conner,Lura O'Conner ana Mauu u Lvilrler. ~ Volume l v lssue l u - - 1 #-. 1396 IY U V C I I I U C I~ Y C C C ~ ~ I U C ~ Blackberry Presenes NOVEMBER PROGRAM Plealse Note the Ch:ange of Date!! --- - -November ZU, 7:UU p.m., 1996 [Kirkland Heritage Society ' 1920's MURDER MYSTERY by Alan Stein PRESIDENT'S LETTP' " Bob D U r K C This is usually our last newsletter of the year so it seems appropriate to reflect about what KHS has done this year! Last January we had a Board and Committee Chairs brainstorming session at the Rose Hill Fire Station. Out of that came most of the ideas which we've accomplished this year: nearly all of which resulted from our seeking out and working with othe:r organizations. Among: these are: -e -7 Ciry ur nirkland - Historic Display, Fundi ng1 - Interpretive Markers, Virginia 1V - Comprehensive Plan Update King County Landmarks Division - Funding for Historic Tour Brochure - Trainingfor Hi.storic Sh Kirkland Arts CIenter - Booth and sponsur UJ-SF' v r u r i r Kirkland Chamber of Commerc - Supportfor Historic Tour Gran - Auction & Membership Neighborhood Associaticons 'WAC A'. - North Rose Hill. HiahlaIbuo, Central Houghtc Other Historic 0 - Bellevue & Issaquun, rrugrurn~' - Marymoor - Archives, Marsh Tour - Puget Sound Regional Archives - Centerfor Puget Sound History and Archeology !L-- - f Thanks to each of you from KH Kirkland Heritage Society i ~ Sevenlty years; ago, a 1~rutalcrime in Kirkland sent .shock waves around Yuget Sound. The lifeless body of a young girl had been discovered in the Sammamish Slough. After much investigation, the wrong man was brought to trial. The press had a feeding frenzy, the courtroom became a circus, and justice was never served on earth. To this day, the murder remains unsolved. It also remains relatively unknown. On November 20th, Alan Stein will present the details of this sad event in East Side history. At the time, The Seattle papers had banner headlines about the case almost daily. Today, very fe7N peoplc remember this heinous crime. Using Inews cljippings -. from the East Side Journal, The Seattle rimes and the Seattle P.I., Alan will show us; how anI over-zczalous media, inept investigation and show-bboating 1awyers -. . . . .. allowt:d an innocent man to stand tnal while a killer walked free. e 8 WecdnesdayI,November 20,1996 7:00 p.m. ',m Kirk~ana ~ongregationalChurch 106 5th Avenue, Kirkland . - If you need a ride to KHS meetings, please call ;e Hams; in advance - 822-7 141. Board and Committee Chair Meeting 5 3 0 p.m. Wednesday, November 20,1996 Kirkland Congregational Church KHS Me .re Welcome! ! Page 2 Blackberry Preserves EAST SIDE JOURNAL has become the STSIDE JOUR" ' ' agair TRAINING WORKSHOPS: HOW TO CONDUCT SURVEYS HISTORIC PROPERTmC On October 8 and 15th we had an extremely use training course given by Clo Copass, Historic nner fro]m the King County Preservation Pla~ Landmarks and hcllragc Division. Thank you VP-* GIY much Clo for spending y our time:training us ! TIhis d Historic Sites was arranged by the Plar~ningan1 Committee chaired by Lynette Friberg and Vell Wilson. Although Clo provided a great deal of information about conducting surveys of historic properties, one of the big hits was a wonderful colored map showing the age (10 year increment:s) of all structures. It had been done by King County fnt the new City of E;horelinc:Hopefully we will be able to get a similar rrlap for t:he City when Kirkland 1Zets our GIs mapping system completed. The data on age is available through King County. - It is interesting that this week that thr:owner:s of the Journal American announced that the:y were changing the name of the newspaper to the Eastside Journal, I asked Chuck Morgan, KHS Lifetime member, and retired publisher of the East Side Journal for his reacti:on. He said he Ithought it was a "wise rnove" and it: was "PIersonall:y gratifying the) would return tc3 this more encompassing name " . - 3-:.4* .,. 1" I Lee Ithers who participated in the training in eard, Bob Burke, Barbara Loomis, 7 lewhard, Galen Page, and Nanrv - - Betsy Pringle, tephens. With this corr:group I~f people we ho ~mpletethe prel iminary survey of histol-ic propt .. . . . I the City of K i r ~ a n a .we want to work with tl eighborhood Associations to identify those lildings and sites which they feel are important . r-. re are w'orking t:o get th:is final 1ist of potentially _ ._ -- ---.storic sites and structures incorporated into the nsive P1an. _ A ' -A-.-A..~. . ecognin:e these buildings: What stvle are the There a1re they? What is their historic:name? w i , 1to the paper tc1 urge I told Chuck that I had writte~ . - .. them in their increased emphasis on the bastside, to make a part of that emphasis be on the history of the area. I suggested that through the combined resou rces ofthe various historical groups on the Easts:ide that we should be able to work with them to - - - ---produce a very interesting weekly article witt1 photo~graphs.I also siuggesteci that it would b~euseful if one: of their new re1Iorters h,ad a bac:kgroun d and . . in hi!Story. ongoing- interest I Chuclk applauided the effort ar~dnotedI that tht:"depth ana worth of a newsp;aper is nneasured by its Ieffort to tie its community's hi story to the present." E[e I S to emnhasized how imp01LUL I L is for the citizel-_ - ---rhave i3 sense ()f their klistory and what has go]~einto 3g the piresent. 7Ve will keep you postet3 on our efforts witn me new Eastside Jc t . . . + . . . . :4 - ..:*I_ Answ *I_- . the KHz -1 .he Janu ary BP. Blackberry Preserves IGHT RAIL E. C. McKibbrA recently obtained copy of the East Side News dated January 12, 1912 reported the Kirkland Town Council had passed an ordinance granting a franchise for a streetcar system to Charles Easton and Boor1 Gordon. This included the right to lay rajils, erecl poles and put up an overhead trolley wire system. It was stipulated that they have the option of using an electric cable traction system or any other means of :the cars except that the,y may nlot emplOY PI hc steam lc~comotion. The photo on the following page to the right is a view down Picadilly from a level a bit above the present railroad crossing. Central School is visible so that dates it as some time after 1905. The designated route was to be from the east boundlary of ESrkland ( where the the.n defunct steel rnil1 site was located - about wht=rethe .. "" Costco parking lot now lies) along Pic:aailly he site c)f the (now 7th Avenue) to Market Peter Kirk Building. ,nt directed that the railway line The franchise --t . . must ruIl IIUIII this point down Market Street to Lake Avenue (photo below -old State Bank building was on that comer with the dock across the street) and "along Lake Avenue in a north easterly direction" to where that meets Picadilly Avenue (this would be the general location of Central Way). Also, a line was to run north on Market tcI the cit!Ilimits ;and "alc)ng the whole of Spring Streelt" (today's 1lth. Ave. IJI.). . TIhere wa!;to bes]pecial ccmsideration to the repai r of m acadamized stre.ets althc>ughmost of thf . . streets lnvolvea were gravel. Portions of Picadilly lver sevs ns st:ill had urooden t View Dovvn Marl Building rand Doc Kirkland Heritage Society et Tow:3rd old Bank ~. Source: Kirkl;and Heriitage Solciety Cc Page 4 Blaekberrv Preserves View Down Picadilly St1-eet Loo Source: Marymoor Museurn 'est 's popul Census shows E --I-. :-.&L- --.. 3 JIL. 1 11cUIIIY 111dustriesher c we1c LIIG WUUICII 111il1 and a shingle mill. But our town fathers were thiinking BIG! The same edition printed a franchise reement for installing electric light and power 1ines the city. That franchise went to Boon C;ordon imd te :ila May Gordon. Not long after that daLu :cording the Arlene Ely in Our Foundel-ing rthers) it was James Bell and T. L. Kyler who .-. . . ~videdthe first electric light service to kirkland. hat became of the Gordons, I do not know. They not loom large in further Kirkland history. And thr:street railwav? Well, we are still standing here, wa r the intizmrban. 4 'ate: An interesting and appropriate story lm our past, considering the successful RTA vote .un.-+L llLu,LLri! But don't look for light rail down :adilly or Mark :et soon!I n tge 5 RESIGNS FROM KHS BOA1 In discussions with Corey Kahler earlier rnls r.,.,. he indicated that his schedule was such that he felt it necessary to resign from the KHS Board. Corey served in the capacity as Past-Presiden'IL e President and became He initially was electec President when Barbara Loomis resigned. His term was one of completing the reorganization as KHS. During that time we started our membership growth ie award for Blackberry Presen and re( was thc ling of initiatives with the City ( Kirklail~UIU uther historic groups. One of tho^ w a s Marymoor Museum where he continues as a Board member. He will continue to represent KHS interests cuss cooperative efforts on arch there a, Corey, thank you for your service as Presidtll, , , KHS and your continued interest in helping!! Kirkland Heritage Society Blackberry Preserves KHS BOARD POSITIONS OPEN Interested? MEMBERSHIP and Coi Matt Mc With the resignal .A. -- *L- --int: r Kahler we now nave rwo posirions open on Board. I:F you arc:interested in finding 01 at more about the posit;.ons or serving, please call Bob Burke, I327-. . , n.. - r or me6550 (off-~ce)or 828-4095 (home:). une positions is as Communication C)fficer; 2ind one an At-Large member. Barbara L.oomis has exprr lfficer which is interest in the Communic responsible for publishin berry Preserves, she assumed that positio~l.W G would need a neu filling that Secretary. Anyone interc position?? er - Vic Newhaird. He KHS welcorr .~ has aireaay turnea our to De a great volunteer DY cleaning and acting as a host at the Marsh M;ansion Tour, and by attending both training sessions on conducting inventoric:s of his,toric prc)perties. Thank: also to Sue Carter fc)r renewing her Imember,ship. 1116111"t :rs! If vou wan1: a We now have over 8GI mb-h. memlbership :Form for a frienc1, call m _. \ T ~1. The Boar.d will discuss it: at their meetinj;in Novembr:rand a1I electioIn shoulc be helc at the J;anuary r ORAL E Iteresting excerpts from the Oral History Program rere presented to the membership at the October ieeting by Christina Brugman. While listening to le taped interviews she shared plictures 1which lowed pictures of those who ha1d been i:ntervieured , &,A,.. TX 1. and a very different Kirkland froill Luuay. vv listened to interviews wit:h Helen Mickelson, Orval Higginbotham and Dorri!;Forbes Beecher (we have nwood t.rees in cr parents to thank for tl lanita!). F; he next Oral History Committee meeting will be becember 5, 1996,7:30 p.m. at Christina Brugman's Duse: 11122 NE 132nd, Kirkland - 821 2Lnc TC ou are ir~terested,please plan to attend! by Rmbara Loomis I I - -- . A .-1.- .A. - . 1- - ~ d IE JOURNAL The following article was also in the May 6, 1937 edition of the East Side Journal. I'm sure the: City Parks and Recreation Department would like to see these prices again. And, if the light r;ail would have been built, Waverly Park would be at the end of the line. The article is retyped to make it l,.-:L:lIG~~UIJS. I KIRKLAND'S LAKESHORE PARK. PROJECT NEARING COMPLETION A few more weeks and Kirkland's $12,000.00 park project will be completed and Kirkland's mothers anc dads will not onlv have a fine place to take their children for a summe:r day's cmting and swimming party, but wil 1 have a beautifu11 spot where they can spend a pleasant day picnicking. The Park is located at the foot of 10th Ave. W. righ on the lake shore with close to a thousand feet of lake front which, with the aid of the artificial breakwaters is rapidly being transformed into a splendid sandy beach for swimming. The park is being improved under a Works Progres Administration program, supervised t)y W.J. Vague of Kirkland. An average of 35 men have been working on the park since December 9, and they are expected to complete the present appropriation by the middle of June. However, a new application for an additional $1,500.00 has already been approved. d ' There is also a training session to be given by Lorraine McConaghy which is tentatively scheduled for January 18, 1997,9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The location will be announced later or you can call Christina for information. Kirkland Heritage Society Page 6 The following articles, from the 5/6/37 edition of the East Side Journal, details her career and her constant dedication. A few years after this article, she came out of retirement. War had broken out, and the local shipyard attracted thousands of new workers to aid in the effort. The local schools were not prepared for the arnount oi children flowinig into town. TALES FROM THE EAST SIDE JOURNAL by Alan Stein - *... A while back, I vvas contacted bj1 the La1 --. . .. Washington School Ulstirict. Thiey had discovered a plaque which hoinored L;aura Miller, and they we interested in her accomplishments. This is what unearthed. ' Miss Miller was! 11 ENDS MP.IYYYEARS VF TEACHING 11 Miss Miller devoted her life to a1dvancin,g the -.;enerationsbehind her. For over fifty years she ;athered what she had learned and shared it with hildren. As these children aged, she watched tf their grow, and passed on their experil children. ~NISSMILLER RETIRES AFTER FIFTY 1 YEARS AS 'REACHER ON EASTSIDE1 I n e n Mlnn Lnurn MIllcr rLrpR front nn now sllc fonird 11rr lcachlirg nnllso Centrnl rrndc arlionl nt t h r rnd fnctlon In the prlmnry urrtdrn From thls term .he wlll hn\'c cornplrtrd her clnrrnrn Irnvc come nrnny who hold i ty ycnrs of nchool lrnclrln~nnd thnt hlull plnrr-n In the nRnlrs of tllo nnys MIN Mlllcr "In cnoltff,rV,nnd so tlon. Jrldsra, nlntramrn, doctorn, ntlnlqOnr of IIre e declded to retllo from 111e profrrr- tern nnd burlntwmcn rn In whleh she hnn #pent h r r llfe snfkfncllo~lnof llrr long tcnchlng cnld hnn rnnde much n slpnnl mucccn~. rrcr hltn been to wntch the progrcsn 11 wnl In 18137 thnt MIM I.lttrn Mlller rnndi- by h r r puplln nn Lhry pnurd on ceptcd her fin1 trnchlng ' I r s l ~ n m r n l thrnugh the ~ r n d c a ,a n to I l l ~ l ls c l ~ w l , id wlthout lntenuptlon nhc hns been c o l l r ~ ennd on Into Ilte. Nlnelcrn yonrn of her trncllln# cntenchlng the young people and rlnrth g them out on the road 01 Itfa. 7 ''en m r w e n spen! outnlde the rtnte and lor the Inn1 31 yearn nha hnn k e n ccaUnuounly tenchlnr on the Enshide ot Lake Wuhlnrton. D~rrlng (hat # I yenrn t h a n r a n but u v e n w h d dnyn Ulnt dld not flnd her n w p l l n @ the ohosry rood mornlnm of her puplla. Thrre of t l t a a dnym were loll whllu terchlnr s t Anppy Valley, three at Rme 11111 and one durlnl the past seven y e a n a t Onntrnl aohaal. Bhe taupht In rlnppy Vnllry from 19013 10, Toll I910 12. Role 11111 1911 12: n y l - r 1921 22, hcdmond 1912 16. Ronn It!,r 1.2. 21, ornt.rn1 tmhoot I o n 81. Dcirlna all thrso yrnrr nlln llwr h e n bnlwed by 11rr pnplln nnd rdmlred and hnnnrwl by their p w t r ~ n n n p l l c h r r y r a n o t t ~ n c l ~ lnlln n ~ h u conmtnntly k r p ~ti touch W I ~ I I clvrry I ~ W , 1 iTTTJ5 dovr.pmrnt, a ~ c 1rtnyr11 t w pnrt I 1 ! 1 It1 b r l n r l ~ i rnlnny of 1hr111(11 prncllrnl nppllcnll~~ci.nlo118h ndvn~rrrdIn yrnrn Cl rrr Srxakcrc Arc Chotrn for MI-R Mlllrr In n1III r r ~ r t l r t lnr yor~ng Grrduatto:r Excrc~srs. Grads 1 ro \ V c ~ r C.lps and Gouvns for III wnvlllna rn~tnnlly by hrr cntrtrmT b t r d T l n r I ? School H~story. pornrlcln, I l- --. - 1 1 - ISE(ilJR HI C'SS 1 ;,',;I% GRADUATE "3 i : -- - - D - - I W198 LAURA M n L E R \Vllhln s f e n b y 8 l mi nrrtton In Europe will I rr who by f&ane of blrth b r klnr. l l e hnm na y r t fh U u t would demanrtrrts h b at:llly to hlflll the .rblipuona ox rnas p r r o n . We, In our o m clvb cnmmnnlt~,vs rbaul b hnre m m n r l l o n of oor a m . A caromtlon h a r d upon r r r e q n l t l a s 01 r d c a natnrlly perlannd. We nm (4 r m m with honor r pwhllc r m a n t who hnm npmt flfty y u n of h r r llfe prrpnrlnr your ohlldrrn te bcoame brtter d l l r e n r Bllm Ianrm Mlller I i lhnl knnher. 8hc hna demnnnlrnkd the qcullllu to d c n w a lhnt honor. A grml mnn once =Id, "I would rnthcr be r b e h e r lhnn a p m r h r r . for I hnd rnther ba r f m r lhnn a re-forrnrr." M l n Mlller has h k r n ynnr chlldmn a t mn curl7 nw. when lhclr mfndm nre llkc wnx lo ncclvc and Ilke mnrhle (n relnln Imprm!!onr. and haso led lhem wllh pntlenae and k n d e m . mbng the rmd. IYhll b r s be@n her r ~ t m p r n ~ l l o m ?An nplrlloa1, bet few dl them n~ncinl. I n looking mr Mr llat t ?.pmplh rh* ql1 nnd many wbo occup mpbndble ponlllIn "h dolng 1 h d r fmrt In thls work. ~ ~ ~ om rnr l n t * nl f m m lhem and the knoplcclm thnt .he d m p r S In thelr muaem nnd the rnpcct and nRertlan In whl-h ahe I# held. T h a w nre b r r rompctuntlnna. MInn Mlllrr hnn llvrd up (4 the t c a r h m ' cmrd. "I bdlarc In baym nnd fir(% the mcn and m m r n of the g r ~ bmnmrv. t l h r l nhntmmcr lha bay .ow& the mnn rhrll m p . 1 b l l r v e In the c u m of Ipalnnrc. In the rfflrnry of ~rltools. In the dlynlty of lmrhlng and In the Joy of rer*lnr." ' In th1m rnenrrc wav I nl-h b D.T my t r l b a b l o her work for I hnve known h r r m lnrio porlion m f thom ljfli yeam W. 0 . XLRTRANFT, rormerly manly, n~prrlntendent of ~ h w l r . I grid's I I a - - u s j 9 - ~ ~t r8 o l ~ prnr.IaluI ~ 'ayln( qog 1p3 asea~d'SH)II uo uoyeuuo~u!alorn JOJ lo sa13!1.1~ a~nq!nuo:,o ~.~sed . s , p u c ~ . ~u~gpaJsa1aJu.I ~ asov pue slaquIam Aq pa3npold SI, saMasaq hraqqlrrlg sm lo3 ' ~ ~ 0 VM 8 6 ' P W M '~J S ~ M . a ~ yig v - VOE '.Qa!aos a % ! ~ a pneIyJ!n ~ UUJ U U A J ~ K ~ JU!~.JUI 5oUV-8C8