Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Diocese of Charleston Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church (Corner of Hwy 17 & Moore Drive) Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 5 Saint Theresa Drive Charleston, S.C. 29407 (843) 556-0801 // (843) 556-2851 Fax (843) 766-2128 School Church email: One Family, One Parish, One Church Coming Events! Parish Calendar (p. 1) Parish News (p. 2) Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Happenings (p. 3) Noticias Parroquiales en Español (p. 5) Stewards Corner: Vinny Flynn (p. 7) This bulletin & additional parish information are available at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School: A Ministry of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 843-766-2128 CLERGY OF THE PARISH Served by Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone, Bishop of Charleston The Very Rev. Joseph V. Romanoski, VF, Pastor Rev. Jose Gabriel Cruz Rodriguez, Parochial Vicar Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Sunday: 9:00 AM 11:00 AM (Sign Language Interpreter) 1:30 PM (en Español) 5:00 PM (Life Teen Mass) Place you r m essag e h ere. Fo r m axim um i mpact , use two or t hre e se ntenc es. Weekday Masses Monday—Friday 6:30 AM Thursday - School Mass 8:45 AM James R. Moore, Permanent Deacon Kurt Herbst, Permanent Deacon CHURCH OFFICE STAFF 843-556-0801 PARISH MASS SCHEDULE Confession Saturday: 3:30 PM & following 5pm Mass Domingo: 12:30 PM (en Español) And by Appointment Cindy Kroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary Jodie Parker . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary & Safe Envir PARISH CALENDAR Lori Roberson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary Marianna Williamson . . . . . . . Financial Assistant Theresa Sadler . . . . . . . . . . . . .Financial Assistant SUNDAY: 10:00 AM 6:15 PM May 29 Books Change Lives - Meeting Room Life Teen - Hall Deacon James Moore & Tina Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . Religious Education MONDAY: Sr. Colie Stokes, SSMN . . . . . . . .Adult Formation 6:30 PM May 30 No School Parish Office Closed Books Change Lives - Commons Jack McGovern . . . . . . . . . . . . Stewardship & Dev TUES: 6:00 PM May 31 Mass for Fr. Joseph's 30th Anniv. Reception in hall following Mass WED: 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM June 1 K5 Graduation - Hall WOW - Family Life Center 8th Grade Graduation & reception WOW - Family Life Center THURS: 8:45 AM 12 Noon 7:30 PM June 2 School Mass School Dismissal for Summer Spanish Choir Practice FRIDAY: 6:00 PM June 3 Mass- Andrew's Diaconate Ordination Reception in Hall following Mass SAT: 7:00 PM June 4 Spanish Rosary - Meeting Room Kathleen Ferri . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stewardship & Dev Allyson Moring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minister of Music Wally Romanoskie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance Patrick Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Youth Minister SCHOOL STAFF 843-766-2128 Katharine Murphy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal Sallie Bendt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary Christy Clarey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary Linda McHugh . . . . . . . . . . . .Tuition & Safe Envir FLOWERS FLOWERS IN THE CHURCH are to honor Kathleen Calder Sottile on her birthday, May 25, with love from Bernie, Eileen and family. FLOWERS: To order flowers, please call Alice Bolchoz at (843) 766-7202 by the Sunday evening prior to publication. READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Mon. 5/30 2 Peter (Pedro) 1:2-7 Mark (Marcos) 12:1-12 Tues. 5/31 Romans (Romanos) 12:9-16 Luke (Lucas) 1:39-56 Wed. 6/01 2 Timothy (Timoteo) 1:1-12 Mark (Marcos) 12:18-27 Thurs. 6/02 2 Timothy (Timoteo) 2:8-15 Mark (Marcos) 12:28-34 Fri. 6/03 Ezekiel (Ezequiel) 34:11-16 Luke (Lucas) 15:3-7 Sat. 6/04 2 Timothy (Timoteo) 4:1-8 Luke (Lucas) 2:41-51 Sun. 6/05 1 Kings (Reyes) 17:17-24 Luke (Lucas) 7:11-17 PARISH NEWS The SECOND COLLECTION today is for Education. 5TH SUNDAY FAMILY ROSARY: Father Joseph Romanoski will lead a Family Rosary today (Sunday, May 29). The Rosary will begin at 10:25 a.m. Either come early for the 11 o'clock Mass or linger after the 9 o'clock Mass. The family that prays together stays together! CAVEQUEST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held at Blessed Sacrament Church June 13-17 from 9am to noon. VBS is for kids aged 3 (potty trained - no pullups) to 5th grade! Kids rising 6th grade and up can serve as volunteers and receive 25 service hours! We also need a few more adult volunteers! The registration link for attending and volunteering is https:// FROM LINDA JENKINS: My heartfelt thanks to all of you who blessed me with encouraging words and well wishes as I enter the next chapter on my life journey. A very special thanks to the "daily Mass" group for the monetary gift that will come in very handy! For all gifts and cards received, please know I will treasure all of them along with all of the memories I carry with me. Many of you asked for my new address: 826 Promenade Walk, Ft. Mill, SC 29708. Phone: 843-327-3268. Blessings to everyone, and please keep me in your prayers as you are in mine! Please come to the DIACONATE ORDINATION OF ANDREW FRYML on Friday, June 3rd at 6:00 pm at Blessed Sacrament Church. Bring family and friends! Everyone is invited! A reception will follow. The WOMEN'S GUILD will be installing their NEW BOARD on Saturday, June 4, at the 5:00 pm Mass. Mary Lenda- President, Cynthia Hyska- Vice President, Agnes Seay- Treasurer and Libbie Diamond, Secretary. Thank you to EUGENE AND CONNIE MAH, who have led the coffee and donut ministry. Unfortunately, they are unable to continue leading this ministry. We are currently looking for a family or several families to take charge of the ministry beginning July 2016. If you are interested or if you would like more information, please email or call 843-556-0801. Blessed Sacrament Catholic School will have TWO K3 classes and TWO K4 classes this coming school year. Children on the waiting list can now be enrolled! Since these grades now have two classes, there is availability for new registrations as well! Registration is underway for Blessed Sacrament's FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT SUMMER DAY CAMP. The camp runs June 6 August 5 and is for potty trained children age 3 to rising 8th grade. Weekly cost is $150 per child. For more details, call the school office (843766-2128). SANCTUARY LIGHTS SANCTUARY LIGHTS in the church and the chapel are lit this week in loving memory of Deputy Joseph John Matuskovic with love from Mom and Dad. BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC SCHOOL May has been a month of sacramental celebrations for students at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School. The 8th grade students recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The 8th graders who attend St. Joseph Catholic Church received the Sacrament of Confirmation in May also. Congratulations and blessings as you show God's love by your faith and works. As part of their preparation to receive their First Communion, 2nd graders took part in a retreat where they decorated banners. It was a beautiful day for these children and their families when the 2nd graders received their First Communion. Just recently, students in all graders (K3-8th) were part of the May Crowning and adorned Our Holy Mother with flowers. Mary was crowned with a wreath of flowers as "Bring Flowers of the Rarest" - a Marian hymn by Mary E. Walsh (circa 1981) was sung. The new Communicants led the processing. CELEBRATING SACRAMENTS Baptism: You must be registered and active (use of envelopes) at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church for at least three months prior to the sacrament. Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent. Baptism Class: (for child’s parents) Class is held in the parish hall on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Both parents must attend. Call the parish office to pre-register for the class. First Communion: Preparation occurs in the first and second grades. Registration for Religious Education for those not attending a Catholic school takes place in August. Confirmation: Preparation usually occurs in the seventh and eighth grades. Adults are asked to call the parish office. Marriage: You must be registered and active (use of envelopes) at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church for at least three months prior to preparing for the sacrament. Couples are asked to meet with the priest and begin formal preparation at least six (6) months before their tentative marriage date. Reconciliation: Confessions are heard each Saturday at 3:30 p.m. (in English) and on Sundays at 1:00 p.m. (in Spanish) or by individual appointment with the priest. Anointing of the Sick: The sacrament is celebrated individually upon request. PARISH REGISTRATION The parish welcomes all newcomers and invites you to register. Registration forms are available in the parish office and at the back of the church on the right side. Those seeking to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation and Matrimony must be registered members of Blessed Sacrament Parish for at least three (3) months prior to being able to celebrate these sacraments. If you have a change of address or are moving from our parish, please contact the parish office at 843556-0801 or email Godparents/Sponsors must be registered for at least three (3) months prior to being a Godparent/Sponsor and must be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. If married, he/she must have been married in the Catholic Church. Call the parish office to request a sponsor letter. You should call at least two weeks prior to needing the letter. An active parishioner of Blessed Sacrament Church may be entitled to a REDUCED TUITION RATE AT BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC SCHOOL AND/OR BISHOP ENGLAND HIGH SCHOOL. The criteria for “Active Parishioner Status” is as follows: *Weekly participation in worship through attendance at a weekend Mass, evidenced by your weekly envelope in the offertory. *And active involvement in a parish or school ministry. * And participation in Grateful Sacrificial Giving. CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES Diocesan Office of Child Protection (843) 261-0430 Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator (843) 856-0748 The Mission of the Blessed Sacrament Church is to form and sustain a Catholic Community in which all are welcomed and provided with the opportunity and the means to know Christ better, to grow in faith and love, and jointly to give witness to the Kingdom of God by their lives. MORE PARISH NEWS AROUND THE DIOCESE SUGGESTION BOX DID YOU KNOW? Catholic Counseling Services provides psychological services to adolescents, couples and adults. For information, call Mara Calderon, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, at 402-5417. Most insurances accepted. Services are confidential. At Blessed Sacrament Parish, we value the opinions and input of our parishioners. The online suggestion box and the suggestion box in the church vestibule is an opportunity to share feedback, praise, input, suggestions or concerns with the parish. On a monthly basis, all submissions will be reviewed by the Pastoral Council for discussion and action. The responses will be publicly shared via the parish bulletin. Please include your name and contact information on the suggestion card, so that we can ensure we understand and respond accordingly. Thank you to those who have sent in suggestions! POPE FRANCIS' BOOK on love in the family, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), has arrived! Order yours today. Call Pauline Books & Media at 843-577-0175 or 1-800-876-4463 or e m a i l t h e m a t o r CHORAL MASS: The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Choir's last Sunday of the season will be the Missa Brevis in D Major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Dr. Murray Somerville will be guest organist along with string players from the Charleston Symphony Orchestra. June 5, 2016 at 11:15 a.m. PRAY DAILY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS Lord Jesus, send the Diocese of Charleston more priests, deacons, sisters, and brothers. Choose faithful men and women from our homes, parishes, and schools to serve the People of God. Mary, Mother of the Church, help those who are called to offer a joyful “yes” to God’s invitation. Amen. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS the recently deceased, especially Father James F. Parker, a retired priest of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston. SUMMER CAMP VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you are interested in becoming a summer camp volunteer for Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach, please contact Maria Gurovich at (843) 559-4109 or A LECTURE ON RELIGION AND MIDDLE EASTERN POLITICS AND HISTORY will be given by John M. Thomas, Jr., MA at the Daughters of St. Paul bookstore on June 18 from 6:30pm until 8:00pm. The presentation is part of a summer series on the history of Christianity. All are welcome. A free introductory session of THE CREIGHTON MODEL FERTILITY CARE SYSTEM will be given on June 10 at 7pm in room 8 of the All Ministries Center of Immaculate Conception Church in Goose Creek. For more information and to RSVP, contact Janelle Florendo, MD, FCPI at 843-754-4658 or 1st & 16th 2nd & 17th 3rd & 18th 4th & 19th 5th & 20th 6th & 21st 7th & 22nd 8th & 23rd 9th & 24th 10th & 25th 11th & 26th 12th & 27th 13th & 28th 14th & 29th 15th & 30th All newly ordained priests Andrew Fryml Rhett Williams Franciso Onate-Vargas Jimmy Touzeau Michael Cellars William Frei Patrick Judd Matthew Curley Matthew Bauer All priests serving in our diocese All women religious in our diocese All deacons and religious brothers All men called to the priesthood Bishop Robert Guglielmone RESPECT LIFE EUCHARISTIC CITIZENSHIP: "The Eucharist . . . spurs us on our journey through history and plants a seed of living hope in our daily commitment to the work before us. Certainly the Christian vision leads to the expectation of "new heavens" and "a new earth" (Rev. 21:1), but this increases, rather than lessens, our sense of responsibility for the world today. I wish to reaffirm this forcefully at the beginning of the new millennium, so that Christians will feel more obliged than ever not to neglect their duties as citizens in this world. Theirs is the task of contributing with the light of the Gospel to the building of a more human world, a world fully in harmony with God's plan." Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 2003. ( MASS INTENTIONS MASS INTENTIONS (INTENCIONES DE LA MISA): Betty Albenesius, Stephen Albenesius, Ted Albenesius, Hampton M. Beckmann, Henry “Bunt” Beckmann, Dorothy Lee Bazzle Bendt, Robert Bissey, Les Blyth, Maria Brown (living), Marion L. (Mickey) Burn, Jr., Rev. William C. Burn (7th Anniv., May 29), Howard Carpenter, M/M Thomas R. Cotten, Joseph Walter Cotten, Thomas R. Cotten, Jr., Camellia (Mamie) Figlorelli, Thomas Figlorelli, Roy Fox, Demetrio & Filomena Gonzales, A. Patrick Hiott, Donald Hiott, Elsie S. Holtslander (Happy 95th Birthday, May 30) (living), David Huey (6th Anniv, May 30), William Kenneth Johnson, Arthur P. Jones, Rebecca L. Jones, Daniel Kennerty, Sr., Mildred “Tunky” Kennerty, Basil Kerr, Brenda Kinard, Bernard Maginn, Pat McAlister (living), Neola Beckmann McAndrews, Caroline D. McDermott, Charles W. McDermott, George Moskos, Sr., Beth Albenesius Mullen, Chuck & Jodie Parker (living), Charles Prince, Robert Register, Betsy Robinson, "Dee" Beckmann Shacker, Philip & Teresa Smith (91st Wedding Anniv., May 30), Joseph Soffera, Mary Soffera, Frances H. Stoughton, George & Caronell Thomy, Theodore J. Weinhimer, Jr. (2nd Anniv,, May 28), Lee & Ella Nora Welcker, Ron L. Welcker, and Lucille Zwingmann. PRAYER REQUESTS FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH (POR LOS ENFERMOS DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA): Lorri Ahrens, Todd MILITARY PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY (POR AQUELLOS EN EL EJERCITO): Sr. Mary Bernard (Vietnam), Charlton L. Butler, Gerard Carisio, Steve Carlier, Brian Cummings, Matthew Cummings, Bill Davis, Aaron Dufficy, Brandon Faia, Melanie Graybill, Joshua Henson, Greg Herrod, Llavar Mack, Krystal Mason, Will McCarthy, Daniel Metts, Stanley Morgan, Michael Morrill, William Murphy, Paul Newbold, Brandon Pepper, Derek Pepper, and James Robert Talmage Pinson. Armstrong, Alex Arrieto & Family, Steven Autrey, Prima Bernados, Barbara Burkett, Jerry Burn, Robert Burn, Emma Carothers, John Carothers, Randy Child, Stacy Clingman, Elizabeth Park Coale, Alexis Cooper, Barry Corothers, Patti Currie, Rachel Darling, Maureen Donegan, Carmen Duc, Martha Fox, Scott Fox, Jim Gallagher, Veronica Garcia, Curtis Gaskins, Matt Hoisington, Catherine Hurley, Peggy Joseph, Anderson Kerr, Van Kerr, Sally LaTorre, Dolores Leslie, Gordon & Betsy Long, Lorena Maher, Beatrice McCulloch, Clemmie McLaughlin, M.H. Mikell, Patty Mikell, Joseph Miller, Barbara Miller, Mary Mitchum, Tobie Mitchum, Miriam Moya, Tim Nagle, Connie Panko, Charles Parker, Sr., Deborah Peeler, Kyle Peeler, John Pinto, Terri Twomey Quinn, Jacob Richardson, Joel Rivera, Kim Wade Roberts, Michael Roberts, Joyce Rourke, Patty Runey, David Sellers, Amanda Shealy, Mackie Shieder, Margaret Shieder, Margie Stevens, Mary Taylor, Agnes K. Thompson, Brenda Tippins, Larry Voit, Betty White, Frank White, Damian Wofford, Myle Wright, Charlotte Young and a special intention. Grateful Generous Giving Offertory Week 21 <> May 15 2016 OPERATING BUDGET: $21,000 OFFERTORY: Operating $ 22,924 Outreach $ 2,495 75 Years & Beyond $ 108 TOTAL: 75 YEARS – YTD $ 25,527 $ 12,011 ONLINE GIVING Scan the QR to go to OFFERTORY PARTICIPATION May 8 May 15 Households 1,355 1,355 Envelopes 422 456 Loose Checks 44 45 On-Line 55 43 …………………………………………………………. 1st Offertory <> Total Year-to-Year May 17, 2015 $ 497,567 May 15, 2016 $ 498,877 $+ 1,310 + 0.3% ***************************************** For more information or questions, contact our parish Finance Council: Henry Wilson Rosie Cochran Joe Bolchoz Danny Condon Tony Daniel Larry Earl 266-5400 571-3511 556-1606 571-6118 556-4241 637-1881 Chairman Secretary ▼ ✁✁✂ ✄ P✄☎✂✆☎✂✝✞ ■✂✟✠ A Full Service Printing Company & Copy Center ❚❖✡✡ ✥❘☛☛ 866-651-2111 Call Messner Publications today to advertise your business here! ❈r❡✚❣❤t♦♥ ✛♦❞❡✜ ✢❡rt✚✜✚t② ❈✣r❡ ❊❢❢✤❝✦✐✈✤✱ ✧❝✐✤★✦✐✩❝ ★❛✦✉✪❛❧ ❢❛✫✐❧✬ ✭❧❛★★✐★✮ ❋✯✰✲✳✴✳✲✵ ✶✷✰✯ ✸ ✹✷✺✰✻✼✽✶❍✹✾▲✾●❨ ◆❆✿❀❁ ❂❃❄❅❯❉ ❇❏ ❑ ◗❙❱❲❳ ❩❬❭❪❫❭❴❴ ❵❜❥❥ ❦♠♣❜qs✇①♣q❜③ ④❥④④❦q♠④ ❵q❜ ⑤❜q✇⑥④ q❜ ❦♠s❦⑦❦s✇⑧⑨④ ☞✌✍✍✎✌✏ ✑✒✓✔✕✖✗✘✕✙✎✍ 16-0085-A 866-651-2111
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