AW2 Covenants and Amendments
AW2 Covenants and Amendments
B240HP599 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR AVALON WOODS II, SECTION ONE THIS DECLARATION, made on the date hereinatÿer set forth by HARRISONBURG TOWNHOMES, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as "Declarant." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of 3 certain parcels of land containing 7.0 acres, more or less, located/11 the City of Harrisonburg and being the same property acquired by Declarant by the following deeds: Parcel One - That certain lot or parcel of land containing 4 acres 33 poles, more or less, together with the improvements thereon, and air fights, privileges, appurtenances, easements and rights of ways thereunto appertaining, located on Old Port Republic Road in the City of Harrisonburg, formerly in Central District, Rockinglmm County, Virginia, and further described as follows: "Beginning at a stake in W.G. Leake's line; thence through the tmctN 62 ÿA W 27 poles to a stake; thence S 24 W 29 ½ poles to a stake in John Kelley's line; thence with his line and passing his comer with William Shipe's line S 75 3A E 24 poles to a stake in his line and comer to W.G. Leake; thence with Leake's line N 32 E 24.1 poles to the beginning." Parcel One being that same parcel or tract 0fland conveyed to Declarant by deed dated October 2, 2002, from Eva Tobin, acting by and through Betty Lou (Pete) Ellis, her attorney in fact. Said deed is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia in Deed Book 2146, page 135. Parcel Two - That certain lot or parcel of land containing 72.7 poles, 1 LARÿ & BRADSHAW, RC, AI,'I-FORNEYÿ AT LAW 1,2 NORTH LIBERTY ÿ*TR Eÿ71" P,O, BOXTI HARRIÿONBURG, VIRGINIA 22EIOÿ X:kRhondakEVICIGCOVENAN'I'ÿvalon Woods II Section One,dec B2HOHP60O more or less, together with the improvements thereon, and all rights, privileges, appurtenances, easements and rights of ways thereunto appertaining, situate about one-half mile southeast of Mabel Memorial Church on the west side of the Port Republic Road, formerly in Central District, Roekingham County, Virginia, adjoining Owen DiUard and Melvin Tobin, and according to a survey of A.R. Myers, S.R.C., made April 6, 1920, is bounded as follows: "Beginning at a planted stone on the west side of the road, Manning's comer; thence with his line N 73 ¼ W 7.68 poles to a fence anchor in said line, Mack Johnson's comer; thence with his line N 32 ¼ E 19.88 poles crossing the road tO a stake on the east side of same, new comer; and thence by a new line through the tract, S 10 W 19 poles recrossing the road to the beginning." Parcel Two being that same parcel or tract of land conveyed to Deelarant by deed dated July 15, 2002, from L. Corinne Armentrout. Said deed is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia in Deed Book 2105, page 767. Parcel Three - That certain lot or parcel of land containing 2.5 acres, more or less, together with the improvements thereon, and all rights, privileges, appurtenances, easements and rights of ways thereunto appertaining, situate near Port Republic Road, now Reservoir Street, previously in Central District, Rockingham County, Virginia, now in the City of Harrisonburg, Virginia, more particularly described by a metes and bounds description in that certain deed dated January 24, 1920, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 115, page 527. Parcel Three being the same property acquired by the I)eclarant by deed dated December 16, 2002, from Elzie L. Vest, Rebecca June Bare, Rhonda Harper Lentz, Larry W. Smallwood, Linda L. Matthews, Donnie Lee Smallwood, and Claudia L. Kelly, recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 2184, page 433. Declarant is presently developing a portion of this land containing 4.589 acres, more or less, known and designated as "AVALON WOODS II, SECTION CLARK & BRADSHAW. RC. /ÿ'tTORIÿ EYS AT tAW 92 NORTH U BERIÿt STREET P, O. BOX71 HARR]SONBURG. VIRGIhDA 22803 2 X:W, hondaÿ,EVICK\COVENANTkAvalon Woods II Section One.doo B2HDHP60ÿ ONE" situate on Reservoir Street in the City of Harrisonburg, Virginia, as shown and designated on a plat entitled, "Final Plat of Avalon Woods 17, Section One" dated the 2nd day of July 2003 and revised the 22nd day of October, 2003, Section One" dated the 25th day of September 2003, and made by Barry E. Lotts, land surveyor, which plat is to be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roekingham County, Virginia, immediately prior to the reeordation of this instrument; and WHEREAS, Rockingham Heritage Bank has a Deed of Trust, which is recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 2359, page 783, on the property that is subject to this Declaration, Rockingham Heritage Bank and its Trustee, Stephen T. Heitz, join in the Declaration to evidence their consent; and WHEREAS, Deelarant will convey a portion of the said property containing 4.589 acres as more particularly described on the plat prepared by Barry E. Lotts, dated September 25, 2003, and entitled "Final Plat of Avalon Woods II, Section One" dated the 2nd day of July 2003 and revised the 22nd day of October, 2003, Section One", recorded immediately prior hereto, subject to certain protective covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, liens and charges as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that said 4.589 acres, more or less, of the aforesaid property shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the following easements, restrictions, covenants and liens, all of which are for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability and attractiveness of the real property. These easements, covenants, restrictions and liens shall run with the real property and shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, rifle or interest in the described properties or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. Declarant may choose to add additional property that shall be subject to this Declaration. Additionally, Declarant reserves the right to not add any additional property and to sell or transfer any remaining property owned by Declarant free from this Declaration. 3 CLARK & BRAOSHAW. RC. ATTO RNI.,ÿf S AT LAW BE NORTH LIBERTY ÿrfREET P, O,'BOX 71 HARRLÿOIN BUR G, VIRGINIA 2gB03 X:kRhondaÿVICKÿCOVENANTÿvalon Woods II Section One,dec :EqO"IP60Z ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1. "Association" shallmean and refer to Avalon Woods lI Owners Association, Inc., its successors and assigns. Section 2, "Board of Directors" shall mean and refer to the governing body of the Association. Section 3. "Common Area" shall mean and refer to all real property owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the Members of the Association. Section 4. "Declarant" shall mean and refer to Harrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C., its successors and assigns. The rights and obligations set forth herein of the Declarant, as Declarant, shall cease no later than when the last lot is sold. Section 5. "Development Limits" shall mÿan and refer to the total of 7 acres, more or less, as previously set forth herein, and any additional land which may be owned or acquired by the Declarant, that may become a part of the Properties at the discretion of the Declarant. Section 6. "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plot of land shown upon any recorded subdivision map of the Property, with the exception of the Common Area. ection 7, "Member" shall mean and refer to every person or entity who holds membership in the Association as follows: + (1) Class A. ClassA members shall be compromised of those persons or entities which own a fee simple interest (or an undivided fee simple interest) in, and are the record owners of title to, any lot in the Association's Development; provided, however, that Class A members shall not include (i) persons or entities holding such an interest solely as security for the performance of an obligation, or (ii) the Developer, Harrisonburg Townhomes, LL.C., its successor or -ARK & BRADSHAWÿ RC, ATTO R NÿEi AT LAW |2 NORTH LIBERTY .ÿTRKIÿT P,O. BOXTI HARRISONEIURÿ, VlROINIA 2280ÿ X;ÿIUION DAÿV] CIÿ'O VIINAN'IÿVALON WOOD$ II S£CllON ONKDOÿ0O-L 171ÿ11/3/ÿ 82HOqPSOg assignee. (2) Class B. The sole Class B member shall be Harrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C., the developer of Avalon Woods Subdivision, or its successor or assignee. Section 8. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any lot which is a part of the Property, including the Declarant and contract sellers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Section 9. "Properties" shall mean and refer to that subdivision of land containing 4.589 acres, more or less, being more specifically described on plats prepared by Barry E. Lotts, Land Surveyor, dated September 25, 2003, and entitled "Final Plat of Avalon Woods II, Section One", that is recorded immediately prior hereto. Section 10. "Voting Power" shall mean and refer to the total vote authorized under Article IV herein. ARTICLE II PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARATION AND ADDITIONS THERETO Section 1. The "Properties." The Properties are and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to this Declaration. Section 2. Additions to the Properties. Additional properties may become subject to this Declaration in ihe following manner: ao LARK & BRADSHAW, RC. ATTORNE%'.8 AT LAW" 32 NORTH LIBÿTY SI'R ÿ ÿi" P.O, BOÿ(71 HAIÿRIÿOÿBURÿ, VlRGIHtA 22805 Additions by the Developer. The Developer shall have the unilateral fight to subject to the Declaration any additional property that lies within the Development Limits, provided that not more than five (5) years have lapsed since the recordation of the last SuppIementary Declaration among the land records X.-YÿION DAÿ VIOY,ÿOVB.N.,kI¢DA VALON W'OO0'ÿ II 'ÿIÿC'I1ON ONÿC,9ÿ I I'M:Iÿ'ÿ/ÿ ZÿOqPSOÿI of the City ofHarrisonburg, Rockingham County, Virginia. The Supplementary Declaration which subjects additional property within the Development Limits to the Declaration shall describe the real property to be annexed to the scheme of this Declaration and shall state that it is being made pursuant to the terms of this Declaration for the purpose of annexing the property described in the Supplementary Declaration to the scheme of this Declaration and extending the jurisdiction of the Association to Cover the real estate so described in such Supplementary Declaration. The Supplementary Declaration may contain such complementary additions and modifications to this Declaration as may be necessary to reflect the different character, ff any, of the real property being annexed or the various housing or community style characteristics and development approaches to which the annexed land or parts thereof may be subject, all of which may be significantly at variance with other portions of the Properties, but all of which shall be consistent in quality with the improvements constructed on the Properties. The additions authorized under subsections "a" and "b" shall be made by complying with the requirements of the applicable City/County Zoning Ordinance; by securing the approval of the Federal Mortgage Agencies, ff required; by recording on these land records one or more Supplementary Declarations of covenants and restrictions with respect to the additional property; and by filing with the Association the preliminary plat for such addition. Section 3. a. The Development Limits Land. The Development Limits shall not bind the Developer to add to the Properties any or all of the lands which are shown on the Development Limits, nor to improve any portion of such lands unless and until a Supplementary Declaration is filed by the Developer for such property which subjects it to this ;LARK & BRAE)SHAW, RC. A'r'r o R NESt'S AT LAW 92 NORTH LIBÿ['¢ STREET P. O. BOR71 HAR RI,ÿONBURG, VIRGINIA 22a03 Declaration. Thereupon, the Developer shall be obligated to complete development of the portion of the Properties annexed by the Supplementary Declaration. X;'ÿH ON DA',,E V] CÿOVE'I,ÿAI/rÿAVAIJQ N WOODS II ÿECI'ION Oÿ1ÿ. IX)O'S, | Itÿ:|ÿ):ÿ;ÿ D2qOqP605 b. Unsubmitted Land. The Developer herebY reserves the right to develop the land depicted in the Development Limits and not yet submitted to this Declaration, as desired by the Developer in response to changes in technological, economic, environmental, or social conditions related to the development or markethag of the land or to changes in requirements of government agencies and financial institutions. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Every Owner, including the Declarant, shall be a Member oft.he Association. Where there is more than one Owner of a Lot, each Owner shall be a Member. Membership shall be appurtenant to, and may not be separated tÿom, ownership of any Lot, except to person occupying a Lot as herein provided. Ownership of a lot shall be the sole qualification for membership. The benefits of membership may be assigned in writing with a copy to the Board of Directors by the Owner to any person who occupies Owner's Lot. ARTICLE IV VOTING RIGHTS Each Owner shall be a Class A Member and shall be entitled to one vote for each Lot as to which he qualifies as an Owner. However, in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any Lot, except the Deelarant as a Class B Member. The Class B member shall be entitled to three (3) votes for each Lotin which it holds the interest required for membersliip by Article Three. Where there is more than one person or entity constituting the Owner of a lot, the vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they among themselves determine. LARK & BRADSHAW, RC. ATTORNEYÿ AT LAW a2 NORTH U8 ÿRTy .ÿT Iÿr P.O.BÿXTI HARRISQNBtJRG, VÿGINIA 22ÿ03 XzkRHOIÿD Aÿ VICIÿ OV'EN ANIÿ VALOÿq WOODS II $ E:ÿ'TION OI'/IÿI:X)Cilÿ 1116; | ÿ€ ÿ B2qOHP808 ARTICLE V COMMON AREA Section I. • Obligations of the Association. The Association, subject to the fights of the Members set forth in this Declaration, shall be responsible for the management, maintenance, repair and control for the benefit of the Members of the Common Areas conveyed to it, including the detention pond and spillway, and all improvements thereon, and shall keep the same in good, clean, attractive and sanitary condition, order and repair. Section 2, Members' Easement of Enjoyment. Every Member shall have a right and easement of enjoyment in and to the Common Area, and such easements shall be appurtenant to, and shall pass with, the title to every Lot, subject to the following provisions: (1) The right of the Association to charge reasonable fees for the use of any facility situated upon the Common Area. (2) The fight of the Association, in accordance with its Articles and Bylaws to borrow money for the purpose of improving the Common Area and facilities and in aid thereof to mortgage said property. (3) The right of the Association to suspend the voting fights and right to use of the facilities by an Owner for any period during which any assessment against his Lot remains unpaid. (4) The right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area or any easement therein to any public agency, authority or utility for each purpose and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to in the instrument of dedication or transfer. No sueh dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an instrmnent signed by two-thirds of the voting power has been recorded, agreeing to such dedication or transfer. Section 3. Delegation of Use. Any Member may delegate in Accordance CLARK & BRADSHAW, RC, ATTO R H K'Y!t ÿT LAW 92 NORTH LIÿIERW 5ÿ P.{ÿ, BoX ?l HARRISOIqBURÿ, VfRGINIA 328o3 ¾.'ÿtHONDAÿVIC KÿOVENANTÿVALÿN WOODÿ U SBCTION ONF-DOCiIÿ1176:12i'N03tÿIÿ B2HOLIPB07 with the Articles and By-laws enacted thereunder, his right of enjoyment to the Common Area and facilities to the members of his family, his tenants, contract purchasers who reside on the property, or otherwise, as provided in the by-laws or Rules. Section 4. Title to the Common Area. The Declarant hereby covenants for itself, its heirs and assigns, that it will convey fee simple title to the Common Area to the Association with good and marketable title and free and clear of liens no later than when the last lot is sold. ARTICLE IV EASEMENTS Section 1. Encroachments and Support. If any improvement constituting part of any Lot or part of the Common Area now or hereafter encroaches on any (other) Lot or on the Common Area by reason of: (1) the original construction thereof; (2) deviation within normal construction tolerances in the maintenance or repair of any improvement; (3) the settling or shifting of any land or improvement, an easement is hereby granted to the extent of any such encroachment for the period of time the encroachment exists. To the extent that any land or improvement constituting part of any Lot or part of the Common Area now or hereafter supports or contributes to the support of any land or improvement constituting part of any (other) Lot or on the Common Area, the former 'is hereby burdened with an easement for the support of the latter. Section 2, Easement Reserved to Declarant. The Declarant hereby reserves an exclusive easement over the Properties, which easement shall arise upon the conveyance of the Common Area to the Association whether or not mentioned in that conveyance, for the purpose of: I.Jt.R K & BRADSHAW, RG. ATI'ORNEYS AT LAW tÿ: NORTH LIlt ERTY STREET P. O. IÿOX 71 HArÿIRIÿC.HBURG, 91RGINIA ;128O3 3RH Q14 DAÿE V1 CKÿOVENANTÿVALON WOODS II $ F.LÿI ON ONEDOÿ1176:llt3ÿeÿ B2ÿOÿP608 (1) Completing the construction of all improvements on the Property; (2) Placing and maintaining signs on the Common Area; O) Placing communications, Cable television, or satellite infrastructure upon the Property; and (4) Any other lawful purpose. This easement shall be perpetual and exclusive to the Declarant. Utilities. The Property as a whole is hereby made subject to an easement for the provision to any portion or portions of the Property of utilities, including water, sewer, electricity, gas, and telephone service. Any pipes, conduits, lines, wires, transformers and any other apparatus necessary for the provision or metering of any utility may be installed, maintained or relocated where initially installed with the recorded permission of the Deolarant, where contemplated on any site plan approved by the Deelarant. The fight is hereby reserved to the Declarant to grant to any pubic utility companies easements over and through any portion or portions of the Properties, including (without limitation) any Lots of which the Declarant is not the Owner at the time such easements are granted. The right is further reserved to the Deelarant to grant any easements required by any government or govermnental agency over any portion or portions of the Properties, including (without limitation) any Lots of which the Declarant is not the Owner at the time such easements are granted. The Property is subject to a 10' Utility Easement inside all exterior property lines and centered on all interior lot lines except where lot lines pass through buildings as shown on the Final Plat of Avalon Woods l-i, Section One, prepared by Barry E. Lotts, dated July 2, 2003 and revised October 22, 2003, and recorded immediately prior hereto. Section 4, Easement for Ingress and Egress for the Benefit of the Owners of Lots in Avalon Woods II (Section One and all future sections) and :LARK & BRADSHAW, Re, ATTORNÿ AT LAW 92 NORTH LIB EWFÿ STREET P. O, IÿlOX 7 I HARRISONBURO, VIRGINIA Z803 ,'ÿI-{OH D^ÿVICkÿV£N,ÿCPÿV^LON WOODS tl S BCTION ONÿDOC/OÿI | 'N:l lt3/ÿ€t fl2qOÿlP60ÿ all Additional Land which may become part of this development. Declarant hereby conveys to the Owners of Avalon Woods II (Section One and all additional land which may become part of this development over which the private access easement passes), their heirs, suecessors, and assigns, and the Association, its successors and assigns, an easement for ingress and egress across all Lots and Common Areas over which passes the Private Access Easement, as shown on the plat entitled "Final Plat of Avalon Woods, Section One", prepared by Barry E. Lotts, L.S. dated November 16, 2000, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Cabinet C, Slide 47, and the plat entitled "Final Plat of Avalon Woods, Section Two",ÿ prepared by Barry E. Lotts, L.S., dated February 14, 2002, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Cabinet C, Slide 107, and the plat entitled "Final Plat of Avalon Woods, Section Three, dated May 1, 2003, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book ÿ_, page __._._, and over all additional land, which may later be added to this development, and which connects to the Private Access Easements aforesaid. Provided, however that the land identified as additional land contained in the Developmental Limits shall not be encumbered by said easement tmtil such time as it becomes part of this development by the recordation of a Supplemental Declaration. Section 5. Easement for Ingress and Egress for the Benefit of the Owners of Lots in Avalon Woods Sections One, Two, Three and Additional Land. Declarant hereby conveys to the Owners of Lots in Avalon Woods Section One, Two, and Three and all additional land identified within the Development Limits which becomes part of this development, their heirs successors and assigns, and to the Avalon Woods Owners Association, Inc., and the Association, an easemem for ingress and egress over and across all Lots and Common Areas in Avalon Woods II, Section One over which passes the Private Access Easement, as shown the on the plat entitled "Final Plat of Avalon Woods II, Section One,'" prepared by Barry E. Lotts, L.S: dated July 2, 2003, and revised October 22, 2003, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk' s Office hnmediately prior hereto. Section 6. Mutual Access Easement. This Property is subject to a 10' mutual access easement along the inside of all rear lot lines as shown onthe Final Plat of Avalon Woods II, Section One, prepared by Barry E. Lotts, dated July 2, 2003, and revised October 22, 2003, and recorded immediately prior hereto. CLARK 0l BRAIÿSHAW, RC. ATTQRNEÿtÿ; AT LAW 9;ÿ NORTH LIBE]RW BTREET P.o, BOX 7l HAIRRIÿON EIUROI. VIRGINIA 22803 82HOqP610 Section 7, Easement for Operation, Maintenance and Replacement of Stormwater Drainage Improvements. Declarant hereby assigns to the Association an easement for the storm water drainage improvements shown on the plat attached to the Stormwater Management Easement and agreement dated June 27, 2003 and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 2314, page 589. Said easement shall be for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, adding to or replacing, present or future storm drainage facilities, necessary structures and appurtenances necessary for the disbursement of storm water and for its transmission through and across the property of Grantors. Section 8 Private Access and Utility Easement. All common areas are subject to private access and utility easements. Section 9. Parking Easement. Each Owner is hereby declared to have an easement and the same is hereby granted by the Declarant over aU lots and Common Areas for the sole purpose of ingress and egress and the parking of vehicles as set forth herein. ARTICLE V COVENANTS FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS Se..ction 1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligations of Assessments, The Declarant, for each improved lot owned within the Property, hereby covenants, and each Owner, of any Lot by acceptance of a deed therefore, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other conveyance, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association; (1) annual assessments or charges, and (2) special assessments for capital improvements, such assessments to be fixed, established, and collected from time to thne as hereinafter provided. Such annual and special assessments, together with any interest thereon and costs of collection thereof, including reasonable attorney's fees, as hereinafter provided, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which each such assessment is made in the manner as hereinafter provided and subject to prior liens upon the property as hereinafter provided. Each such ..ARK ÿ, BRKD,ÿHAW. RC. ATTORN EYÿ ÿ.ÿ LAW )2 NORTH LIBIÿR'i'V ÿT R FJÿ" I',o. BOX71 HARRISONIÿ,URG, VIRGINIA 22BO:3 XSJÿ.H ON DAÿLÿ/ICIÿ VIÿN AN'I\A VA/..ON WOODS II SELÿrtON ONE DOC,ÿO-117611 .ÿ€0lt ÿ B2q0ÿPGIÿ assessment, together with such interest costs, and reasonable attorney's fees shall also be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. Section 2. Purpose of Assessments, The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Property and in particular for the administrative costs of the Association and the improvement, maintenance, and repair of the Common Area. The Association shall use such assessments and levies for the general purposes stated above, and in addition thereto shaU be required to maintain and operate the following: (1) The Association shall provide maintenance and repairs on the Common Area, including improvements such as the walkways, the storm water system, detention pond, spillway, and the covered shelter area. If need for such repair is caused by the willful or negligent act or omission of an Owner, lfis family, guests, or tenants, the costs of such repairs shall be added to and become a part of the assessment to which such Lot is subject. (2) The Association shall maintain all open and Common Areas, as well as all lights, travel ways and parking areas. The Association shall contract for services for the collection of garbage and trash and shall provide snow removal and grass cutting for the Common Area. (3) The Association shall operate, maintain add too and replace, present or future storm drainage facilities, necessary structures and appurtenances necessary for the disbursement of storm water and for its transmission through and across the property identified on the Tax Maps Harrisonburg, Virginia as 84-C-2. Further, the Association shall maintain the Spillway area located on that parcel of land identified on the aforesaid Tax Maps as 84-C-2. CLARK ÿ BÿAI3SfÿAW, P.C. A"¢TO fÿN E¥ÿ AT LAW 12 NORTH LIBERTY ÿ'lr ÿ*ÿ g,o÷BoxTt HARRIÿONSUIÿG, VI/ÿ(31NIÿ 2280ÿ (4) The Association shall operate such recreational facilities as it deems X.'ÿFION DAÿ VIC iÿV'ÿIAI'TIMÿVALON WOODS II 8 E C'I'ION ONB.DOCJOÿI I'/ÿt;I lOiOXgt" 02qOqP612 proper for the use of the Members. (5) The Association shall further be in charge of the general policing and control of the entire subdivision. Section 3. Annum Assessments. Within thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting of the Association, the Board of Directors shall estimate the net charges to be paid during the following year (including a reasonable provision for contingencies and replacements and less .any expected income and any surplus from the prior year's operation). Said "Common Expense Fund" shall be assessed to the Owner as provided in Section 5 of this Article. Declarant will be liable for the amount of any assessments against completed units owned by the Declarant; however, there shall be no assessment on unimproved Lots owned by Deelarant. If said sum estimated proves inadequate for any reason, including nonpayment of any Owner's assessment, the Board of Directors may at any time levy a further assessment, which shall be assessed to the Owner in like proportion unless otherwise provided herein. Each Owner shall be obligated to pay assessments made pursuant to this paragraph to the Board of Directors annually or in such other reasonable manner as the Board of Directors shall designate. (1) The Common Expense Fund may also include such amounts as the Board of Directors may deem proper for general working capital, for a general operating reserve, for a reserve fund for replacements and major maintenance and to make up for any deficit in the common expenses for any prior year. (2) The omission by the Board of Directors before the expiration of any year to fix the assessments hereunder, for that or the next year, shall not be deemed 'a waiver or modification in any respect of the provisions hereof or a release of the Owner from the obligation to pay the assessments, or any installment thereof for that or any subsequent year, but the assessment fixed for the preceding year shall continue until a new assessment is fixed. (3) The Board of Directors or its designee shall keep detailed, accurate LARK 8= BRAD.SI":AW, RC, /ÿTTO R/qÿ& AT LAW 92 NORTH LIEflERTY ST R ÿ',K'T P,O, BOX7! HARRIgONQURI3, VIRGINIA 2280:ÿ LÿHONDA'tE VIIC ÿ)VF*N/tN'IMIVALON WOODS II r-J: C"l'lO N ON F. DOC,ÿ0- 1176:1ÿnJ00;€ÿ1 B2HOHP813 records in chronological order, for the receipts and expenditures affecting the Common Area and any other expenses incurred. Records and vouchers authorizing the payments involved shall be available for examination by the Owner upon written request at reasonably convenient hours. Section 4, Special Assessments for Capital Improvements. In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the Association may levy in any assessment year, a special assessment applicable to that year only, for the purpose of defraying in whole or in part, the cost of any construction, or reconstruction, or unexpected repair or replacement of a described capital improvement upon the Common Area, including the necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto, provided that any such assessment must be approved by two-tNrds of the voting power. Voting for special assessments shall be in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called for this purpose, pursuant to the normal notice required for meeting as provided under the By-laws of the Association, ifn0ne is so provided or under Virginia state law. Section 5. Uniform Rate of Assessment. Both annual and special assessments must be fixed at a uniform rate for all improved Lots, and may be collected on an annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly basis as determined by the Board of Directors. There shall be no assessment for unimproved Lots owned by the Deelarant. Section 6. Effect of Nonpayment of Assessments. Any assessments, which are not paid when due, shall be delinquent. If the assessment is not paid within thirty (3 0) days after the due date, the assessment shall bear interest fromthe date of delinquency, up to the maxhnmn interest rate provided by law. The Association may bring an action at law against tlie Owner personally obligated to pay the same, or foreclose the lien against the lot(s) involved, and interest, costs, and reasonable attorney's fees of any such action shall be added to the amount of such assessment. An action at law to recover a money judgment for delinquent assessments shall be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing same. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by non-use of the Common Area or abandonment ofkis Lot, CLARN & BRAIDSHAW, RC. AT'CORNEY6 AT LAW 12 NORTH LIBERTY ÿ'i'RItlÿl" P,O, BOX71 H-I'RRIÿONBURÿ. VIRGINIA 2ÿ003 X:'ÿIÿJIONI)Aÿ VlCÿ VE }l.ÿrlÿVAl,o}l WooDs II ,ÿcllo}l o }IK D(r-Jÿ0. I 176:l:/;,gto:ÿ B2qOqP61ff Section 7 Lien for Payment of Assessments and Subordination of Lien to First Mortgage. There shall be a continuing lien upon each of the individual tots herein, in order to secure the payment of any of the assessments provided under this Declaration. Such lien shall include interest costs and reasonable attorney's fees incident to collection of the assessment. Such lien shall be at all times subject and subordinate to any first mortgage or deed of trust, securing an institutional lender, placed on the property at any time. However, at such time as the Association places on record a notice of delinquency as to any particular Lot on a form prescribed by the Board of Directors, then, from the time ofrecordation of said notice the lien of such delinquency assessments in the amount stated in such notice shall become a lien prior to any mortgages or deeds of trust placed of record subsequent to the date of said notice, in the same manner as the lien of a docketed judgment in the Commonwealth of Virginia. A certificate executed and acknowledged by a majority of the Board of Directors stating the indebtedness secured by the lien upon any Lot created hereunder, shall be conclusive upon the Board of Directors, as to the amount of such indebtedness on the date of the certificate, in favor of all persons who rely thereon in good faith, and such certificate shall be furnished to any Owner or any encumbrances or prospective encumbrances of a Lot upon request at a reasonable fee. Unless the request for a certificate of indebtedness shall have been complied with within fifteen (15) days, all unpaid assessments that become due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinate to the lien held by the person making the request. Any encurnbrancer holding a lien on a Lot may pay any unpaid assessments payable with respect to such Lot and upon such payment such eneumbrancer shall have a lien on such Lot for the amounts paid of the same rank as the lien of his encumbrance. Upon payment of a delinquent assessment concerning which such a certificate has been recorded, or other satisfaction thereof, the Board of Directors shall cause to be recorded in the stone manner as the certificate of indebtedness a further certificate stating the satisfaction and the release of the lien thereof. The lien of the assessments provided for herein, whether or not notice has CLARK ÿ BRAIÿ..qHAW, RC. ATTÿ3RNEYS AT LAW 92 NORTH IÿIBIÿR'TY STÿJÿ P, O. BOX 71 , HARRISO HBURG. VIRGINIA a2ao3 X:k,ÿtlOIq D A'd VIC ÿ ÿ V ÿ1ÿ/th"lÿ Wÿ.ON WOODS |1 SECTION ONIÿ.IÿOC/00.1 ] l& I;PJ0.ÿ:¢ÿ, B2HOHP615 been placed of record as above provided, may be foreclosed by a Bill in Equity in the same manner as provided for the foreclosure of mortgages, vendor's liens, and liens of similar nature. ARTICLE VI PARTY WALLS Section 1. General Rules of Law to Apply. Each wall which is built as a part of the original construction of the homes upon the Property and placed on the dividing line between the Lots shall constitute a party wall, and, to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article, the general rules of law regarding the party walls and liability for property damage due to negligence or willful acts or omissions shall apply thereto. Section2. Sharing of Repair and Maintenance. The cost of reasonable repair and maintenance of a party wall shall be shared by the Owners who make use of the wall in proportion to such use. Secti.qn. 3. Destruction by Fire or Other Casualty. Ira party wallis destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, an Owner who has used the wall may restore it, and if the other Owner thereafter makes use of the wall, they shall contribute to the cost of restoration thereof in proportion to such use, without prejudice, however, to the fights of any such Owner regarding liability for negligent or willful acts or omissions. Section 4. Weatherproofing. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, an Owner who by his/her negligent or willful act causes the party wall to be exposed to the elements shall bear the whole cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elemeiats. Section 5.. Right of Contribution Runs with Land. Therightof any Owner to contribution from any other Owner under this Article shall be appurtenant to the land and shall pass to such Owner's successors in title. Secti0n6. Arbitration. LARK & BR,ADSHAW, RC, A"r'ronN Ky B AT LAW 9t NORTH LIBERTY .ST R Eff'ÿ P,O. BOX 7t HARRISONBURG, VlRÿINtA 228oa In the event of any dispute arising X;ÿ FION DAÿ VIC ÿVlÿ NidClVWALON WOODS II SECTION ON E,tXÿ200-1176:12PdO3:¢tl B2ÿoÿP.ÿIÿ concerning a party wall, or under the provisions of this Article, each party shall choose one arbitrator, and such arbitrators shall choose one additional arbitrator. ARTICLE VII ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL The Architectural Review Board. Section 1. Composition. Until the Developer's rights cease, the Architectural Review Board shall be composed of the Developer and its designees. When the Developer's rights as Developer cease, the Architectural Review Board shall consist of three or more persons who shall be appointed by the Board of the Association. Section 2. Powers and Duties, The Architectural Review Board shall regulate the external design, appearance, and location of improvements located on the Properties in such a manner so as to preserve and enhance values and to maintain a harmonious relationship among structures and the natural vegetation and topography. In furtherance thereof, the Architectural Review Boards shall: (1) Review and approve, modify, or disapprove written applications of Owners and of the Association for improvements or additions to Lots, Units, or Common Areas. Notice of any disapprovals of applications shall be by Registered Notice. Approvals shall be sent by regular mail. (2) Monitor Lots for compliance with architectural standards and approved plans for alteration m accordance with the Bylaws and all Resolutions of the Board of the Association. (3) Adopt architectural standards subject to the confirmation of the Board of the Association; and { d 3LÿRK & BRADS}-[AW, RC. i ATTORNEYS AT LAW g2 NORTH LIBERTy STREET P,O, BOX7 I I'fARR{9ONBURÿ, VIRGINIA 22BOÿ (4) Adopt procedures for the exercise of its duties. X.ÿPJ4 ON O A ÿ VICIÿlÿ V IÿN h N'P,A V/d,ON WI)OI),ÿ l| 8ÿON ORK I)Or-.'ÿ- I I ÿ:1ÿ,ÿ1 2qOÿP617 Section 3. Failure to Act. In the event the Architectural Review Board fails to approve, modify, or disapprove, in writing, a correctly filed application within forty-five (45) days, approval will be deemed granted. Notification of total or partial disapproval shall include the reasons for such disapproval. Failure of the Architectural Review Board or the Board of the Association to enforce the architectural standards or to notify an Owner of noncompliance with architectural standards or approved plans for any period of time shallnot constitute a waiver by the Architectural Review Board or the Board of the Association of the enforcement of this Declaration at any later date. ARTICLE VIII EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE Owners shall be responsible for the maintenance of their Units and their lots, including but not limited to lawn care and maintenance. However, in the event an Owner of any Lot shall fail to maintain the premises and the improvements situated thereon in a manner satisfactory to the Board of Directors of the Association, aider approval by two-thirds (2/3) decision of the Board of Directors, the Association shall have the right, through its agents and employees to enter upon said parcel and repair, maintain, and restore the Lot and the exterior of the buildings and any other improvements erected thereon. The cost of such exterior maintenance shall be added to and become part of the annual assessment to which such Lot is subject, and the expense of such exterior maintenance shaU become a lien upon the subject property. It is a condition of these covenants that the Association, is and shall be, ,deemed general contractor for the purpose of qualifying to file a mechanic's lien, and every lot owner so in default, by the acceptance of his deed, and those claiming lien, and every lot owner so in default, by the acceptance of his deed,, and those claiming under him, hereby agrees to pay such expense, and grants permission to the Association, to enter upon suchLot and make such exterior maintenance without being guilty of trespass, and said Association, its agents and employees, shall not be liable in damages to any lot owner except for willful and tortious acts colrmaitted beyond the scope hereof. Any assessments under this paragraph and the preceding paragraph hereof, shall constitute liens and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 55-516 oft.he Code of Virginia, as amended. CLARK ÿ, BRAOSHAW. RC. A'i-FORNEYÿ AT LAÿV 2 NORTH ÿ.IÿI,ERTY ÿ-rREÿ" P.O. BOX7 I H.ÿRRISONBURG. VIRQIH3A 2280.3 X:sJÿJÿ ON DAÿ VIC Kÿ VgN AN'TÿAVALON WOODÿ ]1 $£CTION O/41ÿ,DOC/00-11 "/6: I lPJ0,1:ÿ[I 2HI]HP818 During the period of Declarant Control, Deolarant reserves the fight to enter upon Lots, whose appearance is unacceptable to Declarant, and mow the lawn of said Lots. The cost of this mowing shall be the responsibility of the Lot Owner. ARTICLE IX USE RESTRICTION Seeti0n 1., Limitation on Use of Lots and Common Area. The Lots and Common Area shall be occupied and used as follows: (1) All Lots shall be used for single-family residential purposes oÿy, No more than two unrelated people can inhabit a Unit. (2) No Owner shall occupy or Use his Lot, or permit the same or any part thereof to be occupied or used, for any purpose other than as a residence for the Owner and the Owner's family or the Owner's lessees or guests. (3) There shall be no obstruction of the Common Area. Nothing shallbe stored in the Common Area without the prior written consent of the Association. (4) Nothing shall be done or kept in any Lot or inthe Common Area that will increase the rate of insurance on the Common Area, without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors. No Owner shall permit anytlung to be done or kept in his Lot or in the Common Area which will result in the cancellation of insurance on any Lot or any part of the Common Area, or which Would be in violation of the law. No waste will be colmnitted in the Common Area, (5) No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on or from any Lot or the Common Area, without the prior written consent of the Association. CLARK R. BNADSHAW, RC. A'm'OfÿNÿ-¢S A T I.A W 92 NORTH LIBE;RTY STREET P.O.ÿOXTI HARRlaONÿURO, ÿ/tR<31NI.=. 221ÿ03 X:ÿHON DAÿ V[C k'ÿ VE NANIÿVAJ.ON WOODS II SECTION O/ÿDOC/@- ! 176:1ÿ€t" IIIlllllllllll 2HOHPBIB (6) No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept in any Lot or in the Common Area; except that dogs, cats, or other commonly accepted household pets may be kept on a Lot, for non-commercial purposes, subject to rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors. (7) No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on in any Lot or in the Common Area, nor shall anything be done therein which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the other Owners. No use shall be permitted or maintained on any Lot or Common Area which produces or contributes to noise, that because of excessive or unusual volume, duration, intermittence, time of day, beat, frequency, or pitch is objectionable to Owners of other Lots in Avalon Woods. The Association Board of Directors shall pass appropriate resolutions for the enforcement of this use restriction, which may include, but is not limited to an additional assessment to be levied against the Owner responsible for the violation. Such assessments, together with any interest thereon and costs of coUection thereof, including reasonable attorney's fees, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which each such assessment is made and subject to prior liens upon the property. Each such assessment, together with such interest costs, and reasonable attorney's fees shall also be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. (8) Nothing shall be altered or constructed in, or removed from, the Common Area, except upon the written consent of the Association. (9) There shall be no violation of rules for the use of the Common Area and Lots adopted by the Board of Directors and furnished in writing to the Owners, and the Board of Directors is authorized to adopt such rules. (10) :LARK ÿ BRADSHAW, RC, ATTORNEVS AT LAW g;ÿ fqOfÿH MBEW[Y STREIÿT P,O. BOX71 HARRÿ9ONÿURO, VIROINIA 22803 Nothing in this Declaration shall be construed to deny the right hereby reserved to the Declarant for a period of one year following the X:ÿP.H ON D AÿE Vt CIÿ VE}La.N']ÿA VALON WOODS II SEbÿqON ONK [XÿJ00-1 ITgÿIlP30I¢1ÿ B2q0qPÿ20 recordation of this Declaration to maintain sales offices anywhere on the Common Area or on any Lot of which the Dedarant is the Owner. (11) Declarant shall initially allocate to Owner two parking spaces for each unit. The Association shall be responsible for allocating two parking lots to the Owner of each Unit after the period of Declarant Control ceases. No unit shall occupy more than two parking spaces except for "temporary guests." Temporary guests shall mean less than two nights per month (12) No motorized vehicles of any kind shall be permitted upon any areas within said subdivision except for the streets and parking areas constructed by Declarant. No right of velaicular access shall exist across any Lot in said subdivision except for those areas upon which streets or parking areas have been constructed by Deelarant. (13) There shall be no fencing or hedges in the front of any of the townlaouse units, and all fencing to the rear of the townhouse units shall be attached to the individual unit and be of one-inch by sixinch pressure-la'eated lumber on both sides of a board-on-board fence not higher than six feet, mounted to the property wall and to extend no more than twelve feet from the party wall. No fence shall be constructed until the Architectural Review Board and Board of Directors of the Association shall have approved the same. (14) Each Owner shall keep all Lots owned by him and all improvements therein or thereon in good order and repair and free of debris, including, but n& limited to, the seeding, watering and mowing ofaU lawns, the pnming and cutting of all trees and slu'ubbery, and the painting (or other appropriate external care) of all buildings and other improvements, all in a manner and with such frequency as is consistent with good property management. In the event an Owner of any Lot shall fail to maintain the premises and the improvements situated thereon as provided herein, the Association, after notice to LARK & BRADSHAW, RC, AT"r O R NEYÿI AT LAW 92 NO RÿFÿ LIBER'nÿ ÿ,TR E ET P. 0, 'BOX 7 I HARRISIONBURG, VIRGINI& 22BOÿ X.'ÿ.IÿNIOÿ.ÿ V] C ÿV ENANTÿVAbON WOOD $ II SECTION ONB.DOCiO0-I 1q6;12,ÿ/0.t:ÿ1 @2HOHPB2ÿ the Owner as provided in the Bylaws and approval by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, shall have the right to enter upon said Lot to correct drainage and to repair, maintain and restore theLot and the exterior of the building erected thereon. All costs related to such correction, repair or restoration shall become a special assessment upon such Lot. (14) No baby carriages, bicycles or other articles of personal property shall be deposited, allowed or permitted to remain outside of any townhome except on the rear patio. The Association shall specifically have authority to impound all such articles to remain outside in violation of this provision and to make a charge for the safekeeping and return thereof. (15) No building, structure, addition or exterior alteration (including basketball backboards, rhns and nets) or improvements of any character shall be constructed upon any Lot or dwelling located thereon, except as exterior painting is permitted by the prior paragraph, unless the plan of construction, including quality of workmanship, design, colors and materials, shall have been approved in writing by the Owners Association as being in harmony with the whole subdivision, especially the adjoining townhouse unit. (16) No boats, mobile homes, motor homes, campers, buses, trailers of any type, tractors, trucks or any other motor vehicle, other than automobiles, motorcycles, pickup trucks or vans shall be permitted on any Lot, except during the course of construction. No motor vehicle or materÿal portion thereof that does not have a current license or current Virginia inspection sticker shall be permitted on any Lot. Section 2,, Entry for Repairs. The Association or Declarant or their agents may enter any Lot or residence thereon when necessary in connection with any maintenance, landscaping or construction for which the Association or CLARK & BRADSHAW. P,C. /ÿTFORNkÿY5 AT 1.ÿ' g= NORTH LIBERTY =STR EIFr g.O. BOX?I HARIÿONBURÿ, VIMGINIA X:kP.H O N DA£EV] O WÿOVENJLN'[VÿVAIÿ N WOODS 11 sECHON QN E.DOC/Cÿ1176:|ÿf" B2HOHP622 Declarant is responsible. Such entry shall be made at reasonable hours and with, as tittle inconvenience to the Owner as practicable, and the Association or Declarant out of the Common Expense Fund shall repair any damage caused thereby. ARTICLE X INSURANCE The Board of Directors shall have the fight to purchase insurance for all Lots and residences thereon or for a limited group of owners which decide to participate in type, amount, and coverage policies, whether purchased by the Association or individual Owners, shall be paid for by the individual Owners, either directly to the Association, as the Board of Directors may designate, on a pro-rata basis. The premium for said insurance, ffunpaid, shall become a lien upon the individual Lot in the same manner as provided for the annual and special assessments. Should an individual Owner request more than the minimum coverage required by the Board of Dkectors, then the Board of Directors, if purchasing insurance, shall order this additional coverage for the individual Owner to be paid for by him at the time of purchase. ARTICLE XI GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1, Enforcement. The Association or any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration or the By-laws or rules and regulations of the Association. Failure by the Association or by an Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction therein contained sfiall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Section 2. Severability. Invalidation of any one of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any other provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect. CLARK & PlRADSHAW, RC, A"CrOrlNEys AT LAW 92 P,IO 1ÿ U BEIIFiÿ 3'I*RIÿ ÿw.r P.O. EIOX7 | HJdÿRISÿNBURG. VEROINLA 22SOS X,ÿRHON DAÿVIC ÿ.zÿVIÿ HAMP.A VALON ÿqOODÿ] II SBCTION ON E.DOCJO0.1176e 12/ÿ0k¢,ÿ B2NONPG23 Section3, Duration. The covenants, conditions, reservations and restrictions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the land, and shall inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by, the Association, the Declarant, or the Owner of any Lot subject to this Declaration. their respective legal representatives, heirs, devisees, successors, and assigns, for a term of twenty (20) years from the date this Declaration is recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods. Section 4. Amendment. For a period ofthree (3) years after the recording of this Declaration, the Developer may make any amendment unilaterally which is required by the Federal Mortgage Agencies or the City of Harrisonburg or Roekingham County, Virginia, as a condition of approval of the documents by the execution and recordation of such amendment following registered notice to all Owners. After such three (3) year period, or to make any amendment which is not one required by such agencies, any amendment shall be accompanied by a document signed by such agencies, any mnendment shall be accompanied by a document signed by not less than sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Class A Members and the Deelarant. Any amenchnent must be recorded in the land records of Rockingham County, Virginia in order to become effective. Section, 5, Interpretation. All the terms and words usedin the Declaration, regardless of the number and gender in which they were used, shall be deemed and construed to include any other number (singular or plural), and any other gender (masculine, feminine or neuter), as the context or sense of this Declaration or any paragraph or clause hereof may require, the same as ffsueh words had been fully and properly written in the number and gender. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Declarant herein, has caused this instnmaent to be signed this ÿ day ofÿ 200ÿ_... CLARK & BRADSHAW, P,C. P.TTOR NEY.S AT LAW eZ NORTH LIBERTY ÿ'RE Er P. O. box 11 HARRIÿONBURG. VIRGINIh, 22BO3 25 B2HOHPG2ÿ HARRISONBURG TOWNHOMES, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company DAVID GILMER FRACKELTON, Manager ROCKINGHAM HERITAGE BANK, Noteholder By: ÿ]ÿ ÿ.ÿ lÿSÿl) STEVEN ÿ. GORDON, iÿceÿsident (Seal) TEIÿ-IEN T. HÿTZ, Trustee COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, CITY OF HARRISONBURG to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in the aforesaid jurisdiction this ÿ day of ÿ 200_ÿ, by DAVID GILMER FRACKELTON, Manager ofHarrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, on behalf of the company. My commission expires: U)!ÿO [g-ÿ CLARK & BRA.DSHAW. RC. A'I'lrORNÿ"YS AT LAW 02 NORTH kllÿ El:rlÿ ÿTR£E'T P.O, BOXTI HARRIBCNÿIURO. VIROINIA ;Z2803 26 B2ÿOÿP62S STATE OF VIRGINIA AT LARGE ÿ, CITYÿ OF ÿ2h,(ÿ"ÿ'Yh t k_ÿ), to-wit: (,-) ! day of 'k Tlÿe foregoing instrument was acknowledged befiore me this. 2003, by Steven H. Gordon, Vice President of Roÿkingham Heritage Bank, Public My commission expires: \ÿ ÿ 0"-] STATE OF VIRGINIA AT LARGE % CÿÿOF ÿ%ÿÿÿ)ÿ, to-wit: . , ..ÿ.:ÿqÿe foregoing instrument was acknÿedged before me this ÿ day of , 2003, by Stephen TmHeitz, Trustee;.... . 2- ÿ ÿ ÿ Notary Public ÿ i.ÿGlt'llA: In ÿ (;;ÿ,ÿidÿ i31l{co ol ;ÿ.o 6'ifct, lt CoÿJÿt oi ÿ(ÿdÿ1[,ÿ/18ÿÿ40ourÿty o foregoing instmmont was this day presented trÿ 1,he offk;e afgreÿaitl, and is gÿUÿer wÿ ÿe cediflcate of acknovÿed.ÿement annÿed, admitted ÿ reÿerd ÿis "I, day ol 'ÿ'.." ,20 ÿ at ÿd,,1. I w, rttfy ÿat lxes ÿre paid ÿ,lÿen app/ÿabie: ee. 58-54 - Slate ÿ Ceunty ÿ City ec. 58-ÿ.1 - Slate ÿ County ÿ City ÿ Trÿnsfÿrÿ :tec0rding ,3:3.°° Copies ÿ,ÿ TESTE L WAYNE I./ÿBPÿ CLARN & BRADSHAW, RC. ATTORNEY-,=j ATLAW 02 NORTH LIBERTY ÿTREET P,O. 80X 71 HAÿRI$OHBUIÿO, VIROINI& ;Z2ÿ03 CLF..B ÿ )eed Book No ÿ"I',:>ÿ-- Paÿe 27 4,,c,,. so B2q63P708 DECLARAÿON OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS OF AVALON WOODS II, SECTION TWO CITY OF HARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA This Declaration of Protective Covenants ("Declaration") is made this 8th day of April, 2004, by HARRISONBURG TOWNHOMES, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, hereinafter "Declarant," WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain property in the City of Harrisonburg, Virginia, which consists of twenty-five (25) lots, with common areas, being developed as Avalon Woods II, Section Two and being more particularly described on a plat prepared by Barry E. Lotts, Land Surveyor, entitled "Final Plat of Avalon Woods II, Section Two, dated December 30, 2003, and revised February 10, 2004, which plat is to recorded.immediately prior hereto; and WHEREAS, Lots 48 through 72, inclusive, as shown on the aforesaid plat, are to be sold subject to the Declaration of Protective Covenants and Conditions of Avalon Woods II, Section One dated December 4, 2003, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2404, at Page 599, in order to insure purchasers of said lots a uniform mode of development; and WHEREAS, Rockingham Heritage Bank has a lien on the property that is subject to this Declaration. Rockingham Heritage and its Trustee join in the Declaration to evidence their consent; and NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant covenants and agrees for itself, its successors and assigns that Lots 48 through 72, inclusive, as shown on the plat of Avalon Woods ;I, Section Two shall be sold and held by the purchasers thereof, their heirs, successors, devisees, and assigns, subject to the L3E/MBC:¢I#J Drafted by: ;LARK e BRADSHAW, RC, A'I'TORHÿYS AT LAW 92 HOR"H LIBERT'ÿ 5THÿ£'ÿ P.O. BOX 7 I H ,lIRfllS OtÿBURC;, VIROIN[A 2B03 lg'04 Declaration of Protective Covenants and Conditions of Avalon Woods II, B2£63PT09 Section One recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 2404, at Page 599 and also to the easement contained herein and all easements as shown on the aforesaid Plat which is recorded immediately prior hereto. Declarant hereby conveys to the Owners of Lots in Avalon Woods Section One, Two, and Three, Avalon Woods II Sections One and Two, and all additional land identified within the Development Limits which becomes part of this development, their heirs successors and assigns, and to the Avalon Woods Owners Association, Inc., and to the Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., an easement for ingress and egress over and across all Lots and Common Areas in Avalon Woods II, Section Two over which passes the Private Access Easement, as shown the on the plat entitled "Final Plat of Avalon Woods I1, Section Two," prepared by Barry E. Lotts, L.S. dated December 30, 2003, revised February 10, 2004, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office immediately prior hereto. Invalidation of any of the provisions of this instrument by judgment or Court Order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions and shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WI-IEREOF, Harrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C., Rockingham Heritage Bank and its Trustee have caused this deed to be signed in their names and on their behalf as thereunto duly authorized. aP,.ISONBUI G TOWN OMES, LLC., a Virginÿlimited liabiliÿ, com)?y DAVID GILMER FRACKELTON, Manager ROCK1NGHAM HERITAGE BANK, Noteholder By: Qÿÿÿ4"ÿ'- (Seal) STEVEN I-[ GORDON, Executive Vice President LARK & EIRADSHAW, RC ATTORN Eÿ'ÿ AT LAW g;l NORTH L.tB[:ff]'y s'rREÿI" P.O. aOX 7ÿ tARÿISONBUR& VIÿ01NIA B2N63P?lO f , STEPHgN T. HEITZ, Soleÿcting Trustee COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, CITY OF HARRISONBURG, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in the jurisdiction aforesaid this ÿ day of April, 2004, by DAVID GILMER FRACKELTON, Manager of Harrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C,, a Virginia limited liability company on behalf of the company. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, CITY OF HARRISONBURG, to-wit: Subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledged before me by STEVEN H. GORDON, Executive Vice President, of Rockingham Heritage Bank, ¢"N Noteholder, thisÿ__._ day of April, 2004. My Commission Exl:" NOTARY PUBLIC 3LARK & EIRA[)£;HAW. P,C, ^'rTORNÿ't S AT LAW 92 NORTH LIBERTÿ 5TRÿhÿ P O. AOX ÿt HARRIÿONÿUR(/. VIRGINt^ 22003 B2q63P711 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, CITY OF HARÿSONBURG, to-wit: Subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledged before me by STEPHEN T. HEITZ, TRUSTEE, this ÿ day of April, 2004. My Commission Expires: ÿk¢ÿ,(ÿ)ÿ . ÿ'ÿ NOTARY PuBLrd Z; -4 i ' --Jr,:.. Vi,ÿGÿlA Iÿ lÿe Clod('s Offi,;,e of Uÿe Circ;JLt Court Of IRockilÿm Oounty 1"he toregÿng Ins.',umdÿ waÿ ÿ!s dsy' !:reserved in tÿe office alores.ÿId, and 18 logeÿer wilfÿ the cer ti!]caÿe ÿ zck;ÿow/ÿdgemÿot annexeÿ, admÿed to record ÿ Oÿy oI.ÿÿ, 20..O_q.. at .ÿM. I ceÿ that lÿe£ iverÿ.ÿ paid whÿ,a ÿnÿlicabte: .. ;" t't*Ltl Sec. 58-54 - 8f.,ÿte ...... Coÿn!$,ÿ Oilÿ! 8eo.5ÿ.5ÿ 1 - " , .-ÿ-Simo ...... CoÿJnÿy ÿ Ol,',t ÿ Transler,._.___. Recordin!;, ÿ Copies ÿ TESTtÿ L WAYNE ÿARPEIR LÿK 0cod Book No CLARK e BRADÿHAW. RC. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' NORTH LIBERTY-ÿTR EEl1ÿ P O, Iÿ,OK 71 HARRtSONBURO. VIÿNI^ 2003 .4? 4-ÿ ÿ _ Paÿe ...o],..ÿ. ÿ ÿo "x,- Bÿ5?OP302 DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS OF AVALON WOODS H, SECTION THREE CITY OF HARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA This Declaration of Protective Covenants ("Declaration") is made this 19th day of October, 2004, by HARRISONBURG TOWNHOMES, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, hereinafter "Declarant," WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain property in the City of Harrisonburg, Virginia, which consists of fourteen (14) lots, being developed as Avalon Woods I1, Section Three and being more particularly described on a plat prepared by Barry E. Lotts, Land Surveyor, entitled "Final Plat of Avalon Woods I1, Section Three, dated August 16, 2004, which said plat is to be recorded immediately prior hereto; and WHEREAS, Lots 73 through 86, inclusive, as shown on the aforesaid plat, are to be sold subject to the Declaration of Protective Covenants and Conditions of Avalon Woods II, Section One dated December 4, 2003, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingharn County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2404, at Page 599, in order to insure purchasers of said lots a uniform mode of development; and WHEREAS, Rockingharn Heritage Bank has a lien on the property that is subject to this Declaration, Rockingham Heritage and its Trustee join in the Declaration to evidence their consent; and NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant covenants and agrees for itself, its successors and assigns that Lots 73 through 86, inclusive, as shown on the plat of Avalon Woods II, Section Three shall be sold and held by the purchasers thereof, their heirs, successors, devisees, and assigns, subject to the Declaration of Map No. 84 C t8 MBC/LSE:dm Drafted by: )t.ARK 6= BRADSHAW, RC ATTOR NIJTf..ÿ• AT LAW 9Z HORTH LIBER3N ÿ'REET P,ÿ.BOX7 I HARRISON'BURG, VIRGINI^ 2;zaÿ t0/IPA;'¢ #04.1147 Protective Covenants and Conditions of Avalon Woods H, Section One recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 2404, at Page 599 and also to the easement contained herein and all easements as shown on the aforesaid Plat which is recorded immediately prior hereto. 82570P303 Declarant hereby conveys to the Owners of Lots in Avalon Woods Section One, Two, and Three, Avalon Woods II Sections One and Two, and all additional land identified within the Development Limits which becomes part of this development, their heirs successors and assigns, and to the Avalon Woods Owners Association, Inc., and to the Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., an easement for ingress and egress over and across all Lots and Common Areas in Avalon Woods II, Section Three over which passes the Private Access Easement, as shown the on the plat entitled "Final Plat of Avalon Woods II, Section Three," prepared by Barry E. Lotts, L.S. dated August 16, 2004, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office immediately prior hereto. Invalidation of any of the provisions of this instrument by judgment or Court Order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions and shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Harrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C., Rockingham Heritage Bank and its Trustee have caused this deed to be signed in their names and on their behalf as thereunto duly authorized. HARRISONBURG TOWNHOMES, L.L.C., a Virginiÿimited liabilÿmpany (Seal) DAVID GILMER FRACKELTON, Manager ROCKINGHAM HERITAGE BANK, Noteholder By: ÿÿ (Seal) STEVEN H. GORDON, Executive Vice President S:I'tÿPI-ÿEN T. H'EITZ, Sol,)Xcting Trustee ' :LARK & BRADSHAW, RC. /ÿTTOÿ EYS hT LAW 2 HORTH LIBER'Pt STREET P.O. BOX 7ÿ HARRIÿONSURO. VIRGI NIA 228O3 B25?OP30H COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, CITY OF HARRISONBURG, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in the jurisdiction aforesaid this ..ÿ day of October, 2004, by DAVID GILMER FRACKELTON, Manager of Harrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company on behalf of the company. My Commission Expires: ÿ. ,----x "ÿ NOTARY PUBLIC COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, CITY OF HARRISONBURG, to-wit: Subscribed, swom to, and acknowledged before me by STEVEN H. GORDON, Executive Vice President, of Rockingham Heritage Bank, Noteholder, this eÿ0% of October, 2004. My Commission Expires: to7/3//°g/ :LJÿ,RIÿ & BRAOÿ,HAW, RC. ATTORNL=Yÿ AT LAW 2 I',IORTH LIBERTY £tTREL='lr P.D, BOÿ(71 HARRÿSONÿURG, VIRGINIA ;t280:ÿ B25?OP305 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, CITY OF HARRISON-BURG, to-wit: Subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledged before me by STEPHEN T. HEITZ, TRUSTEE, tlaisÿtÿaÿ day of October, 2004. My Commission Expires: /o/ÿ///Oÿ' oJ ¢"2+ +i+I ._J ++ :rÿ _ : ::.. . ,:" .: ;.': ÿ:; 1+, E ..J VÿRGtI'Iÿ,: In tÿe Work's Oflicÿ ot the Oimmit Ooud ot Rookinglmm County 3 13 ,,-j +0 lemÿ;oÿ;g ]nstpJmcnt wÿs this day presented ifl the office almssaid, and 1$ totÿ (aÿet witJi llte cer'ÿcate ackli0ÿ'$.ed gÿt)f m[.ÿlann admitlod ÿxÿ d, to rammÿ ÿB dayof Or'.4- ., 20__ at ÿP,+, I comfy ÿat tams were paid when applicable: Sÿ, 5ÿ+54 - Stem__ County__ Cÿ/__ +i See+ 58-54,1 - State __ C0_unty__ City __ Transfer......, Recording ÿ Cÿtÿe. ÿ ÿ ' ÿS'[E L WAYNE HARPER CLEI1K OeedSookÿ 2S ÿ/0 :LARK 8, BRADSHAW+ Re, AT'tORN EYS AT LAW 92 NORTH LIBERTY STREET P O. BOX 71 HARRISOHBURG+ VIROINIA 22803 4 Page 3o.._ÿ 2.& o9 Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37047 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Chaz W. Evans-Haywood CLERK OF COURT I I H Il l ilJrlJI I l l l lIFl l I J I JUlJ Harrisonburg, VA 22801 60 2009 00037047 Instrument Number: 2009- 00037047 As Recorded On: November 24, 2009 Amendment Parties: AVALON WOODS II OWNERS ASSN INC To NO GRANTEE Recorded By: COLDWELL BANKER FUNKHOUSER Num Of Pages: Comment: ** Examined and Charged as Follows: ** Amendment Recording Charge; 6.50 10 or Fewer Pages 14.50 21,00 ** THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT ** I hereby certify that the within and foregoing was recorded in the Clerk's Office For: ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, VA Record and Return To: File Information: Document Number: Receipt Number: Recorded Date/Time: COLDWELL BANKER FUNKHOUSER P O BOX 1426 November 24, 2009 01:45:56P HARRISONBURG VA 22801 2009- 00037047 156011 Book-Vol/Pg: Bk-OR VI-3626 Pg-792 Cashier / Station: A Wolverton / Cash Station 3 THE STATE OF VIRGINIA} ,.i ÿ?,'o'ÿ .... ÿ lv,.ÿ .... COUNTY OF ROCKINGHAM} I ceriXy thaA the docÿmÿnl to which tNs autÿcÿon b afTÿed iÿ II IlUO COPy of a record In tÿe Rocldngham County CÿCUll Court Clerk's Ofÿcÿ and that I am the 0uÿodÿ 0f that record, CLERK OF COURT ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA 4 Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37047 7. AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTSÿ CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR AVALON WOODS IIÿ SECTION ONE THIS AMENDMENT, made by Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation, (the "Association"), located in Harrisonburg, Virginia, amends the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions for Avalon Woods II, Section One (the "Declaration"), dated December 4, 2003 and recorded on December 9, 2003 in the Clerks Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2404 Page 599, and applied to Avalon Woods II, Section Two by Declaration dated October 20, 2004, and recorded on October 26, 2004, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2570, Page 302. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Article XI, Section 4 of the Declaration provides that the Declaration may be amended and any such amendment shall be accompanied by a document signed by not less than sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members and the Declarant, Harrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C.; WHEREAS, the rights and obligations of the Declarant have ceased in accordance with the Declaration; WHEREAS, at least sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members have agreed to amend the Declaration; NOW THEREFORE, the Declaration is amended as follows: The headings of the Declaration Articles are amended to read: ARTICLE t-ÿ V____II-EASEMENTS ARTICLE ¥ VI_._!I-COVENANTS FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS ARTICLE ÿ VIIi.PARTY WALLS ARTICLE VII I__X_X-ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL ARTICLE VIII X-EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE ARTICLE tqg XI--USE RESTRICTION ARTICLE ÿ XI_II-INSURANCE ARTICLE X-t XIII-GENERAL PROVISIONS Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37047 Witness the following signatures and seals, Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation By'. ,ÿJ ÿ'ÿ,ÿ-ÿ:ÿ,ÿ (SEAL) Its.. COMMONWEALTH .OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF ÿlMlÿkÿd'0ÿ , to wit: The foregoing instrument ,was acknowledged before me in the jurisdiction aforesaid this qÿtÿdayofMarch, 2009, by ÿ/\(2Kka,- ÿ'XFÿ.-\ÿ ,whois ÿiÿSÿ(ÿlÿt of n Woods II Owners Association, ÿnc., a V0ginia corporation, on behalf of the corporation. My commission expires ÿ'ÿ]1"ÿ ÿ\, ÿt0ÿ Registration number q eÿ\ 0 9o ÿ\ NOTARY PUBLIC | | ] AMISHA L, PIERCE NOTARY PUBLIC REGISTRATION # 721031 I l COMMONWEALTH OF VIRG,,,,'h.. | MY COMMISSION EXPIRE' |,, , MARCH31,2012 Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37047 CERTIFICATION Pursuant to section 55-515. I of the Code of Virginia and XI, Section 4 of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions for Avalon Woods II, Section One, I, 'ÿ/ic-ÿ ÿPtÿaÿ.,,.\cl , ÿro.sÿ,+.ÿ.-ÿ , of the Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia coÿoration, hereby certify that at least sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members have consented to the adoption of this Amendment. Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation Date: tÿ [ aÿ/eÿÿ By: 7)ÿj 4"-:a@.1 'ÿ ÿ'ÿ , (SEAL) ' COMMONWEALTH .OF yIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF ÿ0-tIÿ21"h't3M'ÿ , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledgedbefore me in the jurisdiction aforesaid this tqL[ÿ day of March, 2009, by ÿi (LILt&: I'1300tK3ÿ , who is ÿ)ÿ'#3.ÿ} of n Woods II Owners Association, ÿc', a virginia corporation, on behalf of the corporation. My commission expires l"ÿ(ÿC.ÿ 31, ÿ(3t 0 Registration number h ÿ.\ ÿ,1 NOTARY PUBLIC 09002121 AMISHA L, PIERCE NOTARY PUBLIC REGISTRATION # 7210311 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINI:, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH31,2012 __ --- __ __ __ ÿ" 2- 2- ;..ÿ-2----E2= .,Jm,ÿrÿu,.2ÿ' *ÿ Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37049 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Chaz W. Evans-Haywood CLERK OF COURT Harrisonburg, VA 22801 6O200900037049 Instrument Number: 2009- 00037049 As Recorded On: November 24, 2009 Amendment Parties: AVALON WOODS II OWNERS ASSN INC To NO GRANTEE Recorded By: COLDWELL BANKER FUNKHOUSER Num Of Pages: Comment: ** Examined and Charged as Follows: ** Amendment 6,50 Recording Charge: 10 or Fewer Pages 14.50 21.00 ** THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT ** I hereby certify that the within and foregoing was recorded in the Clerk's Office For: ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, VA File Information: Document Number: 2009- 00037049 Record and Return To'. COLDWELL BANKER FUNKHOUSER P O BOX 1426 Recorded Date/Time: November 24, 2009 01:45:56P HARRISONBURG VA 22801 Receipt Number: Book-Vol/Pg: 156011 Bk-OR Vl-3627 Pg-1 Cashier Station: A Wolverton / Cash Station 3 THE STATE OF VIRGINIA} COUNTY OF ROCKINGHAM} .iU/ It ..... ,.:L'., I c eÿ'#y Ihat the document to which this autheniÿcmbon h erÿKI ts a true COpy of • record in the Rocldrÿgharn COUÿy Circuit Court Cleric's Ofÿce arÿ that I am the 0ÿtodÿan of that racofd, / r ,.O " .ÿ ÿ L,,ÿ"ÿ." ..... .? .ÿ 'ÿ ...... CLERK OF COURT ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37049 /. AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTSÿ CONDITIONSÿ RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR AVALON WOODS IIÿ SECTION ONE THIS AMENDMENT, made by Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation, (the "Association"), located in Harrisonburg, Virginia, amends the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions for Avalon Woods II, Section One (the "Declaration"), dated December 4, 2003 and recorded on December 9, 2003 in the Clerks Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2404 Page 599, and applied to Avalon Woods II, Section Two by Declaration dated October 20, 2004, and recorded on October 26, 2004, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2570, Page 302. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Article XI, Section 4 of the Declaration provides that the Declaration may be amended and any such amendment shall be accompanied by a document signed by not less than sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members and the Declarant, Harrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C.; WHEREAS, the rights and obligations of the Declarant have ceased in accordance with the Declaration; WHEREAS, at least sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members have agreed to amend the Declaration; NOW THEREFORE, the Declaration is amended as follows: ARTICLE/qÿ XI USE RESTRICTION Section 1, Limitation or use of Lots and Common Areas. (13) There shall be no fencing or hedges in the front of any of the townhouse units, and all fencing to the rear of the townhouse units shall be attached to the individual unit and be-of than-si-x--feet shall not be higher than six feet. No fence shall be constructed until the Architectural Review Board and Board of Directors of the Association shall have approved the same. (14) Each Owner shall keep all Lots owned by him and all improvements therein or thereon in good order and repair and free of debris, including, but not limited to, the seeding, watering and mowing of all lawns, the pruning and cutting of all trees and shrubbery, and the painting (or other appropriate external care) of all buildings and other improvements, all in a manner and with such frequency as is consistent with good property management. However, the Association shall mow any unfenced ar.ea on each Lot so long as there is no exceptional or excessive landscaping, as determined by the Board of Directors of the Association. In the event an Owner of any Lot shall fail to maintain the premises and the improvements situated thereon as Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37049 provided herein, the Association, aRer notice to the Owner as provided in the Bylaws and approval by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, shall have the right to enter upon said Lot to correct drainage and to repair, maintain and restore the Lot and the exterior of the building erected thereon. All costs related to such correction, repair or restoration shall become a special assessment upon such Lot. (44-) Q.ÿ No baby carriages, bicycles or other articles of personal property shall be deposited, allowed or permitted to remain outside of any townhome except on the rear patio. The Association shall specifically have authority to impound all such articles to remain outside in violation of this provision and to make a charge for the safekeeping and return thereof, (-t-5-) ÿ No building, structure, addition or exterior alteration (including basketball backboards, rims andnets) or improvements of any character shall be constructed upon any Lot or dwelling locatedthereon, except as exterior painting is permitted by the prior paragraph, unless the plan of construction, including quality of workmanship, design, colors and materials, shall have been approved in writing by the Owners Association as being in harmony with the whole subdivision, especially the adjoining townhouse unit. (-t-&) 10_7) No boats, mobile homes, motor homes, campers, buses, trailers of any type, tractors, trucks or any other motor vehicle, other than automobiles, motorcycles, pickup trucks or vans shall be permitted on any Lot, except during the course of construction. No motor vehicle or material portion thereof that does not have a current license or current Virginia inspection sticker shall be permitted on any Lot. Witness the following signatures and seals. Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation Date: i l / 2#/o°[ By: "kÿ..ÿ0ÿ (SEAL) Its: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF ÿ!ÿ(\ÿ!ÿ\ , to wit: M The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in the jun.'sdiction aforesaid this day of March, 2009, by 'q \ÿlÿI'fk'l'ÿoÿd , who is ÿ'(ÿlÿJÿof Avalon Woods II Owners Association,ÿInc., a ÿrirginia corporation, on behalf of the corporation. My commission expiresÿ'ÿ03ff.ÿ ,a,j, ÿ 0t Registration number qÿl\ Oÿ \\ t NOTARY PUBLIC ................ NOTARY PUBLIC REGISTRATION # 7210311 l COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31,2012 . AMISHA L. PIERCE ........ I __ II ! Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37049 CERTIFICATION Pursuant to section 55-515.1 of the Code of Virginia and XI, Section 4 of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions for Avalon Woods II, Section One, I, /ic.hÿ ÿo,oÿ,ÿ , {>rÿe-._ÿ . of the Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virgihia corÿboration, hereby certify that at least sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members have consented to the adoption of this Amendment. Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation By: 'ÿOÿJVÿÿ Date: /__ÿ.! ÿq't bÿ (SEAL) Its: ÿre.5;,0aÿ COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF }5OJriSonÿ,Jaÿ , to wit: 0 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in the iurisdiction aforesaid this day of March, 2009, by 'qiÿ['l'ÿ013ÿ\ÿ , who is ÿ\(ÿM)t' of Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Incl, a ÿirginia corporation, on behalf of the corporation. My commission expires {'lÿ(.tff,ÿ ÿ\, aO\ÿ, Registration number q ÿ \ (3:3kÿ NOTARY PUBLIC 09002017 NOTARY pUBLIC COMMONWeAlTH OF I MYCOMM'SS'ONEXP'RES {.,ÿ,, MARCH 31,2012 ÿ1ÿ Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37048 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Chaz W, Evans-Haywood CLERK OF COURT Harrisonburg, VA 22801 60 2009 00037048 Instrument Number: 2009- 00037048 As Recorded On: November 24, 2009 Amendment Parties: AVALON WOODS II OWNERS ASSN INC To NO GRANTEE Recorded By' COLDWELL BANKER FUNKHOUSER Num Of Pages: Comment: ** Examined and Charged as Follows: ** Amendment Recording Charge: 6,50 10 or Fewer Pages 14.50 21.00 ** THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT ** I hereby certify that the within and foregoing was recorded in the Clerk's Office For: ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, VA Record and Return To: File Information: COLDWELL BANKER FUNKHOUSER P O BOX 1426 November 24, 2009 01:45:56P HARRISONBURG VA 22801 Document Number: 2009- 00037048 Receipt Number: Recorded Date/Time: 156011 Book-Vol/Pg: Bk-OR VI-3626 Pg-796 Cashier / Station: A Wolverton / Cash Station 3 THE STATE OF VIRGINIA} COUNTY OF ROCKINGHAM} t;/ HT, 7', ',,:,:).. j..£J I teddy {hÿ lhe doÿment to which Ihÿ autÿnbcÿon is afÿxed Iÿ a Ipuo ¢o1ÿ' of a record ,n ÿe Rocldngham Count'/Circuit Court Clerk's Ofÿce an0 tÿat I ÿm the ouÿtoÿan of thai ÿecoÿ0. d,ÿ,.41:2. CLERK OF COURT ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA 4 Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37048 AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR AVALON WOODS IIÿ SECTION ONE THIS AMENDMENT, made by Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation, (the "Association"), located in Harrisonburg, Virginia, amends the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions for Avalon Woods II, Section One (the "Declaration"), dated December 4, 2003 and recorded on December 9, 2003 in the Clerks Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2404 Page 599, and applied to Avalon Woods II, Section Two by Declaration dated October 20, 2004, and recorded on October 26, 2004, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2570, Page 302. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Article XI, Section 4 of the Declaration provides that the Declaration may be amended and any such amendment shall be accompanied by a document signed by not less than sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members and the Declarant, Harrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C.; WHEREAS, the rights and obligations of the Declarant have ceased in accordance with the Declaration; WHEREAS, at least sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members have agreed to amend the Declaration; NOW THEREFORE, the Declaration is amended as follows: ARTICLE V-JA-t X_. EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE The Association shall maintain the lawn 0fany unfenced area on each Lot. Lawn maintenance only includes mowing such unfenced lawn. However, in the event such unfenced area has an exceptional or excessive amount of landscaping, a.s determined by the Board of Directors of the Association, the Association shall not be responsible for any lawn maintenance on the said Lot. llÿ&l qv lvoÿ,j,tj&atÿjlltjlV IVl $diLV ll/tÿ&,lllV'td&&ÿ#,l&V%d Vl ÿllvll uaJtlÿ=.7 ÿ.4511%.$ I*ilÿi& l%Jl'ÿ.l, in ....... e ............................................... Any lawn or exterior maintenance of the Lot and Unit, exceeding that set forth in Section (1) of this Article, shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner. However, in the event an Owner of any Lot shall fail to maintain the premises and the improvements situated thereon in a manner satisfactory to the Board of Directors of the Association, after approval by two-thirds (2/3) decision of the Board of Directors, the Association shall have the right, through its agents and employees to enter upon said parcel and repair, maintain, and restore the Lot and the exterior of the buildings and any other improvements erected thereon. The cost of such exterior maintenance shall added to and become part of the annual assessment to Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37048 which such Lot is subject, and the expense of such exterior maintenance shall become a lien upon the subject property. It is a condition of these covenants that the Association, is and shall be, deemed general contractor for the purpose of qualifying to file a mechanic's lien, and every lot owner so in default, by the acceptance of his deed, and those claiming lien, and every lot owner so in default, by the acceptance of his deed, and those claiming under him, hereby agrees to pay such expense, and grants permission to the Association, to enter upon such Lot and make such exterior maintenance without being guilty of trespass, and said Association, its agents and employees, shall not be liable in damages to any lot owner except for willful and tortious acts committed beyond the scope hereof. Any assessments under this paragraph and the preceding paragraph hereof, shall constitute liens and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 55-516 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. The Association reserves the right to enter upon Lots, whose appearance is unacceptable, as determined by the Board of Directors of the Association, and mow any fenced or unfenced portion ofthe lawn of said Lots. The cost of this mowing shall be the responsibility of the Lot Owner. Witness the following signatures and seals. Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation By: ";/J .ÿÿ@,ÿ ,(SEAL) Its: f3rÿ,'ÿ.e-ÿ COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF ÿ(M'(iÿ(L,- , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in the jurisdiction aforesaid this q tÿday of March, 2009, by ÿ/\¢.ÿ.Lÿ IS'tTÿCtO\(ÿ , who is D tÿ,ÿ\ÿh-} of n Woods II Owners Association,ÿInc,, a ÿirginia corporation, on behalfof the corporation. My commission expires ÿf'X0Xÿ ,'ÿ, &Or0, Registration number q ÿ \ ÿ) ÿ\\ NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31,2012 ÿ, Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37048 CERTIFICATION Pursuant to section 55-515.1 of the Code of Virginia and XI, Section 4 of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions for Avalon Woods II, Section One, I, ,/.c) ÿ,,/ÿ,%,-?ÿ ÿ., _ÿ=.ÿ-}ÿ¢.ÿ , of the Avalon Woods 1I Owners Association, Inc., a Virgirfia corporation, hereby certify that at least sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members have consented to the adoption of this Amendment. Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation Date: /\ aÿ(ÿ,A By: 'ÿP',,, (SEAL) Its: f!'Vÿ iolaÿ COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF ÿ3-I'ÿÿ( , to wit: n The instrument was by acknowledged before me ,whois in the jurisdiction aforesaid dayforegoing of March, 2009, ÿirÿ___ÿ ÿ(ÿ6 ÿ(ÿ'q'ÿ of this Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Vtrginia corporation, on behalf of the corporation. My commission expires ÿd(c.ÿ ÿ1, ÿ 013,. Registration number qaÿ63ÿ\, NOTARY PUBLIC 09002016 | | ] AMISHA L, PIERCE NOTARY PUBLIC REGISTRATION # 7210311 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA | MY COMMISSION EXPIRES |Ik-ÿ J 3-MARCH31 2012 __ -- led_.__ ..1ÿ _._-" _- ÿ :. : : .aÿ-ÿrrÿ ÿ Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37046 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Chaz W. Evans-Haywood CLERK OF COURT Harrisonburg, VA 22801 80 200900037046 Instrument Number: 2009- 00037046 As Recorded On: November 24, 2009 Amendment Parties: AVALON WOODS II OWNERS ASSN INC To NO GRANTEE Recorded By: COLDWELL BANKER FUNKHOUSER Num Of Pages: Comment: ** Examined and Charged as Follows: ** Amendment Recording Charge: 6.50 !0 or Fewer Pages 14.50 21.00 ** THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT ** I hereby certify that the within and foregoing was recorded in the Clerk's Office For: ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, VA File Information: Record and Return To: COLDWELL BANKER FUNKHOUSER P O BOX 1426 Receipt Number: 156011 Recorded Date/Time: November 24, 2009 01:45:56P HARRISONBURG VA 22801 Document Number: 2009- 00037046 Book-Vol/Pg: Bk-OR VI-3626 Pg-788 Cashier / Station: A Wolverton / Cash Station 3 THE STATE OF VIRGINIA} COUNTY OF ROCKINGHAM} I € e ¢aTy Ihÿt the dooJrnant to which Ihiÿ ButhBntÿ¢Bbon tÿ Iÿ'Ex ÿd is a Irue copy of a record ÿn me Rocldngham County Clrouff tour1 Clerk's Oftlce and that t am the ¢ÿt oÿla,'l of that record, , / ) L, ,, / ; '..,, ',.ÿ \ .......... /,ÿ.' .ÿ.Y ..... ÿ .ÿ .L L '.ÿ;?-" CLERK OF COURT ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, VIRGINIA Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37046 AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, COND)TIONÿ" RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR AVALON WOODS IIÿ SECTION ONE THIS AMENDMENT, made by Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation, (the "Association"), located in Harrisonburg, Virginia, amends the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions for Avalon Woods II, Section One (the "Declaration"), dated December 4, 2003 and recorded on December 9, 2003 in the Clerks Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2404 Page 599, and applied to Avalon Woods II, Section Two by Declaration dated October 20, 2004, and recorded on October 26, 2004, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 2570, Page 302. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Article XI, Section 4 of the Declaration provides that the Declaration may be amended and any such amendment shall be accompanied by a document signed by not less than sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members and the Declarant, Harrisonburg Townhomes, L.L.C.; WHEREAS, the rights and obligations of the Declarant have ceased in accordance with the Declaration; WHEREAS, at least sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members have agreed to amend the Declaration; NOW THEREFORE, the Declaration is amended as follows: ARTICLE ¥ VI_j COVENANTS FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS Section 2. Purpose of Assessments. (2) 9, The Association shall maintain all open and Common Areas, as well as all lights, travel waysÿ and parking areas and mailboxes. The Association shall contract for services for the collection of garbage and trash and shall provide snow removal and grass cutting for the Common Area and the lawn of any unfenced area of each Lot as set forth in Article X. Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37046 Witness the following signatures and seals, Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation By: ÿJÿÿ_WL,..ÿ (SEAL) Its: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF ÿ0dÿX.ÿq,-, , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in the jurisdiction aforesaid this day of March, 2009, by kJkCÿkk ÿ(1"£ÿ,(ÿ , who is ÿ)(ÿ'l(ÿrÿl of Avalon Woods II Owners AssociationÿInc., a Virginia corporation, on behalf of the corporation. My commission expires l"%3JC_ÿ ÿ, ÿ,01 & Registration number q ÿ\ 6ÿtl t \ NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC REGISTRATION #72!0311 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGH, t' ". M¥COMM,SSÿ0. ExP,Rÿ.'.. L_ MÿRc.31,- - - kM--iS-"A--LgJE-RCE" ....... Recorded On-2009-Nov-24 As-37046 CERTIFICATION Pursuant to section 55-515,1 of the Code of Virginia and XI, Section 4 of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions for Avalon Woods II, Section One, I, ;c-ÿÿ\ÿ,;!'-ÿ., ÿrÿ._'ÿiÿ,ÿv'ÿx , ofthe Avalon Woods II Owners Assomation, Inc,, a Virginla corgoration, herelÿy certify that at least sixty-seven (67%) of the Class A Members have consented to the adoption of this Amendment. Avalon Woods II Owners Association, Inc., a Virginia corporation Date: .!ÿl ÿ/€ÿ ,(SEAL) By: Its: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF ÿ06ÿ\ÿ(XÿXJÿI ÿ , to wit: ayforegoing of March, 2009, was by k/lÿ..ÿ l"V't.,x'ÿ0[(ÿ , who is jurisdiction P( ÿVÿ&,ÿ of this ..ÿrÿdThe instrument acknowledgeÿ before me in the aforesaid Avalon Woods II Owners Association,ÿnc., a Vÿginia corporation, on behalf of the corporation. My commission expires !'ÿZ_ÿ ,.ÿ, ÿlÿ Registration number q ÿ1 t3ÿ\ NOTARY PUBLIC 09001771 NOTARY PUBLIC REGISTRATION#7210311 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31 2012 [