Jan - March, Vol. 66, Issue 1
Jan - March, Vol. 66, Issue 1
NO. 1 R EL ATIONSHIP IS KEY volunteer A ACF staff at UCSD, I served on the F E B R U A R Y 2 015 V O L . 6 6 JEMS Board of Directors prior to working at Rev. Rick Chuman, JEMS Executive Director JEMS. All of this still can be summarized by the word "relationship." This past weekend, I had the privilege to speak I during the morning worship service at the San commandments found in Matthew 22:37-39, Diego Japanese Christian Church. I was excited which says, "Love the Lord your God with all about this opportunity because I grew up at this your heart and with all your soul and with all church. I was born in San Diego, but my dad was your mind"... And the second is like it: "Love stationed to Yokosuka, Japan when I was two your neighbor as yourself." JEMS desires to do years old. Four years later in 1969, I moved back these two things in every one of our ministries. to San Diego, and started attending the SDJCC We want to encourage people to love God, with until I was stationed by the Holiness Conference all of their heart, soul and strength. We also as an assistant pastor to San Lorenzo JCC in want to encourage people to love others. 1989. I became a Christian when I was an incoming 7th grader at our youth group summer retreat. SDJCC is a special place because I gained much of my spiritual foundation there, not to mention all the folks that played such a vital role in my walk with God. am reminded of Jesus' two greatest When cabin leaders serve at Mount Hermon, when A ACF staff meet with their students, when short-term missionaries or career missionaries go to Japan or Brazil, we want them to build relationships with others. We want them to encourage others to deepen in their love for In my message that Sunday, I shared a brief time God. Our vision statement of, "Jesus to every line of all the major events that happened in my Japanese, Jesus every day" is built upon the life to bring me to where I am today. I explained importance of relationship. how I felt that living in Japan, having Japanese (Nichigo) parents, majoring in linguistic in hopes of becoming a missionary to Japan, to being a pastor in the Holiness Conference for 20 years, all helped prepare me to become the Executive Director at JEMS. Yet today as I had L ET ' S TOGET HER LOV E GOD A ND LOV E OT HER S . some time to reflect back on this past weekend, I realized something. One key component in my This weekend was special. I enjoyed seeing folks spiritual journey with God can be described I hadn't seen in a while. It was my relationship with the word "relationship." with them that made this reunion that much My friendships at the SDJCC is what made my trip back to San Diego special. Then I got to thinking about JEMS and how we are about relationships. JEMS has played a key role in my spiritual journey too. Mount Hermon has been special since the days I attended as a conferee, more sweeter. Can you imagine the day we will have, when we will be reunited with loved ones and friends, in heaven because of the relationship we share with Jesus Christ? What are you doing to share His love with others? Let's together love God and love others. to cabin leading to being a speaker. I was a 1 she has to be visited. She JAPAN O F U N ATO copies Bible scripture and listens to recorded Christian radio programs. We pray for her growth in knowledge of God. There are another half Chikako & Fred Whitwer In May of 2012 we moved to Ofunato, a town on the Northeast coast of Japan. Through God’s providence He dozen individuals who are keen to learn more and want to know our Lord. provided a house, abandoned since the tsunami, for us to We also host a regular patchwork event at the church. In live in and to serve as a base for volunteer groups. The base the Fall of 2014 nine ladies from temp housing attended a was given the name Grace House. special overnight patchwork event at Kinshuko Christian Camp. A worship service was held Sunday morning as part of the event. It was their first time to be immersed in a Christian environment. We pair up visiting volunteer groups with temporary housing areas. In 2014 we limited our visits to 10 areas per month. Each visit usually involves a volunteer group that provides an event such as craft making or music or meal preparation. The survivors living in temp-housing are eager to attend. We have always sung some Christian songs but in mid-2013 we started sharing short (5 minute) messages or testimonies. Since the spring of 2014 we have We rely on our home church in Campbell CA (SCVJCC) for craft ideas and supplies. Having ready to go craft projects has been a real blessing. In December of 2014 the temp housing residents made Christmas trees out of green craft paper and tiny decorations. This project allowed us to naturally talk about sources of strength in times of adversity. For the tree by living next to streams of water included a closing prayer. As we get to know residents at a and for the believer by putting trust in God, Jeremiah 17:8. deeper level we have given some Bibles and other reading The base house used material. by owner in mid-2015. kids. Each class involves one Bible story read in English There is a possibility then translated into Japanese. At other times adults are tutored in English. Bible verses are included in each of an extension. If returned this will leave Ofunato without a convenient place to host We also have about 20 individuals we visit when we have volunteers. It is perhaps time to begin a new phase in time. With these individuals we are able to connect more ministering to survivors. Many survivors will remain in closely and share deeper about Jesus and our faith. We temp housing well into 2016 at which time they will move do this by praying together, sharing scripture and by to government built apartments. Contacts have been made, listening. One such individual is Sakiyama-san. She has Bibles have been distributed and a fair amount follow-up is confessed faith in Jesus during one of the craft events. necessary. We are praying for full time workers who have However since she is not able to walk without difficulty Japanese language ability who can work alongside us and the survivors. 2 may be returned to the We also hold a weekly English class for elementary age tutoring lesson. volunteers S O U TH A M E R I CA M I N I STR I E S " G O D , H OW D I D Y O U D O T H AT ? " K A T I E E D WA R D S Brazil. It’s a place that is so precious to me. I have been blessed to serve with JEMS South America twice. Both times, I was reminded on how powerful the Holy Spirit can move in such a short amount of time and how desperately this world, myself included, needs Jesus. joy and passion that they had, despite their limited circumstances. Throughout the trip we were able to explain our American nuances as a way to attract people, and then share our Christian testimony as a way of life. This experience has brought me new friends, a greater desire for missions, a nd the wa nting to f ind more ways to g row closer to Him while being home. One main thing I learned was to allow J U L IE K HOU yourself to be vulnerable on the mission field. There were so many moments One of the biggest blessings I've been during our trip when I felt unequipped able to experience was the opportunity and unprepared. However, when you to go to Brazil for a short term missions allow yourself to become vulnerable trip with JEMS. Traveling to South and completely let God take over, He America was scary for me because of moves in ways that are unexplainable how much we needed to travel, the and so rewarding. I found myself in awe, language barriers, and the cultural multiple times saying, “God, how did differences, but if answering God's you do that?” I know it was truly God’s call to 'go make disciples of all nations' providing nature and great power that meant stepping out of my comfort zone we were able to share the gospel message then I was willing to go. We shared in Brazil and Paraguay. I encourage you, our testimonies, played games, and to be vulnerable and consider serving learned a lot about Brazilian culture. God in South America. There is a word I constantly return to when I It was amazing to see people connect with those who attended the reflect upon my time in Brazil, saudade. It is difficult to translate in church. Building relationships with the Brazilians taught me a lot English, but it means a longing for or missing something or someone about God's omnipresence because we were able to share stories you love. Saudade is what brought me back to Brazil the first time about how God's moved in our lives. It showed me that God's power and I know it will bring me back once again. Brazil is a beautiful and love extends far past our little Southern California bubble. The place filled with beautiful people, and I encourage you to experience people I met left a huge imprint on my heart because of their generous it for yourself! hospitality, their willingness to be open, and love for the Lord. JULIA IP A LYS S A G OZ U N Having the opportunity to serve in Paraguay and Brazil really changed "Deus do impossível, não desistiu de mim. Sua destra me sustenta e my perception of the heart we must have to serve the Lord. Serving the me faz prevalecer." churches allowed me to begin to see more of the Lord's bigger picture. It was a privilege to serve them and offer whatever we had. Coming This past year was the most challenging, but most rewarding trip to home from the mission trip I reflected upon the fact that no matter Brazil I've ever had. I had the privilege of working with social projects where we serve and no matter how we are serving, we must have the and teaching English in the state of São Paulo. In those two months, I same passion for glorifying Jesus Christ in all that we do. 1 Peter 4:10- struggled with feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. But ultimately 12 (ESV) says "whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; I had the time of my life because, in those two months, I pursued God whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies— and poured out His love to my brothers and sisters in Brasil. in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." The quote above comes from my favorite worship song that helped me a lot this past missions trip. It translates to, "God of the impossible, CHR IS WONG don't give up on me. Your right hand sustains me and makes me Being able to go to Brazil and Paraguay with JEMS was both eye out of my comfort zone and release my hand of control, that's when opening and rewarding. We were a four person team from CSULB God can step in and do His work. I was reminded that the God we serve who had the opportunity to live life with Brazilians and Paraguayans. knows us before He made us. He is the God who promises us that He We went to visit the Guarani, the indigenous people of Paraguay for a will remain with us and rescue us. And He is the God who loves us and short period of time. Even though this was a small experience, it left longs for us to love Him back. me wondering how come I did not always worship God with the same prevail." I have experienced and graciously learned that when I step 3 BR AZIL W E A R E R E A DY TO TA K E YOU! A R E YOU W IL L ING TO GO? Rev. John Katagi Director of Strategic Development, South America PROGRAM 1 July 6 - 18, 2015 - Team Size: 6 July 6-12: Igreja Evangélica Holiness (City of Presidente Prudente) is requesting English Classes and Vacation Bible School. July 13-18: Colegio Mirassol (Mirassol Academy) - City of São Paulo is requesting sports and recreation activities, cooking and music classes and an evangelistic program for parents of students. PROGRAM 2 July 18—31, 2015 - Team Size: 6 July 18—31: Igreja Cristã Evangélica de Amazônia (City of Belém, Pará) is requesting camping staff to work with 100 children ages 7—12 (first week); 140 Ever thought about how you get involved in ministry in South America? JEMS offers the framework that will enable you to build bridges of connection and friendship with communities there. By partnering with local churches, and using your skills with English, sports, crafts, cooking, computers, etc, God can create an opportunity to share your life with others. Within the context of these cross-cultural relationships, the seed of the gospel is planted. Won’t you be a part of the great commission in South America? Learn about qualifications and the application process by visiting our informational page: bit.ly/apply2jems children ages 13-18 (second week). Ministry: Arts and crafts, music, testimony and theater. PROGRAM 3 July 19—26 (may be put with Program 1) Team Size: 4-6 July 19—26: Igreja Evangélica Holiness(City of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso) is requesting English Camp and Vacation Bible Camp with children and teens. Ministry: Arts and crafts, music, cooking, sports and recreation, English classes and some painting and construction. Application deadline for all programs is March 31. Please contact Pastor John at JEMS for more info about requirements, qualifications and costs. Training begins in April. Find out if you match up with what God is doing in South America. Sometimes, being available and willing to serve God goes farther than having tons of skills and experience. You'll always be used by God if you're willing to serve him! News from the PNW By Rev. Carolyn Shimabukuro There’s a time to be together and there’s a time to be separate. Winter Quarter the students designed the third A ACF Women’s Conference and the first Men’s Conference held on January 31st. The purpose of these gender-specific conferences was to provide an opportunity for developing brother-brother and sister-sister Christ-centered relationships. The men started their day on campus with two-hand touch football—a great way to break the ice and be team mates. Steak for dinner! The guys helped each other with culinary skills and enjoyed a great meal. Alum Nick Tom (A ACF Core Coordinator ’12-‘13) came and shared about his college experience starting as a freshman and not knowing what brotherhood meant. He talked about how he grew into knowing brothers on a deeper level when he served together and learned to be vulnerable with each another. He shared that one of the keys to growth is to have an accountability partner 4 “ it changed the way that I saw brotherhood and it changed the way that I (cont . on opposite page) For the first question: A ACF is about reaching the campus to create AAC F EV EN CA M PUS M I NISTER S G O O N R ET R E AT ! a spiritual home-away-from-home so students may make their faith their own and be empowered with the passion, skills, and knowledge to go into the church, the workplace, and the market place with the life changing message of Jesus Christ. Lance allowed us to dream of having infinite resources in order to fulfill A ACF’s purpose to answer the second question. Our dream Jon Liu short list, having: • Paid and volunteer campus ministers for every campus Coming from University of Washington to UC San Diego and areas in • Seminary level training for campus ministers and student leaders, between, A ACF campus ministers gathered for a weekend of fellowship • E ffective partnerships with the local churches to create young adult to affirm vision for A ACF, enter into God’s Sabbath rest and prepare for ministries for alumni the annual leadership conference, LTC. • Even an A ACF camp which all the campuses could use for retreats. Our speaker was Lance Lee, a trained counselor, ordained minister, Fulfilling the list would be great for A ACF and God’s kingdom. and ministry consultant. He led us through exercises to clarify the But A ACF does not want to become a programmatic organization purpose and assess A ACF’s impact. Lance wanted us to examine two that ferries college students through a curriculum. Instead, A ACF questions: as a kingdom minded ministry will allow students to discover • What is A ACF all about? • W hat is it going to take to fulfill the mission and vision of A ACF? and experience their calling. This happens in relationships: discipleship, mentorship, friendship, leadership and partnership. Campus minister roles are to nurture, guide and develop these relationships. My role on the Leadership Team extends into partnerships. I will be pioneering new partnerships w ith local and national ministries while supporting existing relationships between different A ACF chapters and their college campus. The weekend was an inspiring time, dreaming about A ACF’s reach and strategizing for the next steps need to extend our reach. Jon desires to serve A ACF as a paid campus minister like Victor, Melanie, Dave, Chong, and Arnie. If you would like to contact him to learn about supporting, please visit our website at www.aacf.org . News from the PNW cont. live for God.” He was excited that the current leadership was helping to and that I would walk in the freedom that Christ wants for me!” build up the Men’s Ministry. In small groups the men discussed “what The evening ended at Lincoln Park, where prayers and declarations does it mean to be a brother in Christ”. One student leader said it was a were written on large paper lanterns. The lanterns were lit and we really good time of bonding and getting closer as brothers in Christ ~ watched them float up into the sky—into the heart of God. All in all a very successful first Men’s Conference! As we gathered in Christ as sisters and brothers, we were “community” The women gathered at Seattle Chinese Alliance church with a and amazing revelations and transformations were experienced. We pizza lunch. The tone of the day was set by the testimonies of four know that our fellowship will have increased depth and unity when we of the leaders. Each shared areas of struggle and challenge. Their meet together as brothers and sisters in Christ. vulnerability and transparency led into a time of “stand up for your sister”. The sisters were led through a process of identifying areas of struggle and putting a “check mark” anonymously on a list of issues. As the list of struggles were read aloud, in silence the sisters stood in support of each other. Although we did not know exactly who was struggling, the impact of the time was the knowledge that in our midst we all had hurts and challenges—we learned that we are not alone, and we can be there for each other. Up and coming - We are looking forward to our annual Spring outreach concert that will feature artists and groups who will share their Godgiven talents that will speak of the love and truth of God – April 25th at the Sarang Church, Bellevue, Washington; as well as this summer – mark your calendars and begin inviting friends to the JEMS Warm Beach Conference August 20-23rd. We look forward to serving together as we reach out and share the good news of God’s love. One student shared, “I had a huge breakthrough by making a personal declaration that I would no longer be a slave to sin, 5 KAT H L E E N H ISA KO YA M A D A K ATHLEEN HISA KO YA M A DA, career missionary to the Japanese in the Amazon, passed away on December 12 at the age of 82. Kathy is survived by her husband of 50 years, Hitoshi, 2 daughters, Kimie and Keiko, and their husbands, and 4 granddaughters. A celebration of life service was held at First Baptist Church of Downey, 8399 2nd Street, Downey, CA, on January 3, 2015. Kathy and Hitoshi served the Lord as missionaries in Brazil for 42 years. They led many, many children and adults into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Kathy leaves a rich spiritual legacy and has been described as “a woman that walked with God, served people and made Him known wherever she went.” June 21, 2015 PROPOSED SCHEDULE Staples Center 1:30 Pregame (music) 2:00 L A Sparks game (half-time – Musical Group) 1:30—6:30pm 4:30 (Stage setup) MISSION: 5:00 PRAISE LA 2015 concert— To bring unbelievers into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. To unite people from diverse LA communities together to worship God. Music and Guest Speaker Nick Vujicic 6:30 Concert ends COST: $25 per person which includes a game ticket before the concert. We are seeking corporate donations to offset expenses. Any excess funds will be distributed to the local Christian organizations assisting in this event. PRAISE LA COMMITTEE (TO DATE): Mark Tsuneishi— Event Coordinator; Pr. Evan Chase, VP Straightways; Pr. Scott Fairchild, Crossroads Church; Pr. Robert Taylor, Beulah Baptist Church; Pr. Milton Herring, Community Pastor; Pastora Margarita Monsalve, Jesus Ministries; Pr. Rick Chuman, JEMS, Mary Tabuchi, JEMS; John Woods, Community Leader, Hyepin Im, Korean Churches for Community Development; Maria Oakley, KCCD, Hun Choi, KCCD; Danita Johnson, LA Sparks. This is a very easy way to donate a percentage of your eligible Amazon purchase to JEMS. Tens of millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages. Please go to smile.amazon.com, and select the Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society. Thank you for your support! 6 2015 JEMS EVENT CALENDAR jems.org/events for updates and registration Saturday, March 28 9 AM—3 PM “S TA ND ” W O ME N ’S C O NF E R E N C E (NIC HI G O) Spiritual Care – Pray for oneself. “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) A Japanese Flier is available at JEMS.org. Wintersburg Presbyterian Church, 2000 Fairview, Santa Ana January 25—May 3 JE M S W IN T E R -S P R IN G B A S K E T B A L L L E A G UE Carson Athletic Center. See JEMS.org for league schedule. Sunday, June 21 P R A I S E L A 2 015 — S AV E T HE D AT E ! (Sponsored by the churches of LA – Sparks game plus concert and speaker) Saturday , March 14 Staple Center, 1111 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015 7—8:30 PM P R A I S E A ND P R AY IN G F O R J A PA N (NIC HI G O) JO N A H 4: 2 2 Remembrance of the March 2011 earthquake in Tohoku. Gardena Valley Baptist Church | 1630 W. 158th St., Gardena Mission Statement: • To bring unbelievers into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. • To unite people together from diverse SoCal communities to worship God. (See article on page 6 this issue) Saturday , March 21 9:30 AM Guest Speaker: Nick Vujicic ME N F O R MI S S I O N S S P R IN G BR E A K G O L F T O UR NE Y June 28—July 4 Men/Women Flights, Modified Scramble & Individual Callaway. Sunday—Saturday Register on or before March 9, 2015, 5pm. Fee includes green fee, M O UN T HE R M O N C O NF E R E N C E cart, awards, refreshments and surprises. Optional donation JEMS Building Fund. Registration Form is available at JEMS.org or call 213.613.0022. Victoria Links Golf Course, 340 East 192nd Street, Carson, CA Family Camp, Nichigo Camp, and Youth Camps (Jr. Hi, Inter-Hi, Sr. Hi, College, Special Camp). BR A Z IL T O UR S E P T E MBE R -O C T O BE R , F A L L O F 2 015 (S P R IN G IN BR A Z IL) 10-12 T O UR The tour will include the Amazing Amazon, Iguacu Falls, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia and Sao Paulo and Japanese-Brazilian churches. Details will follow in February. If you have suggestions to visit other sites or are DONATE YOUR VEHICLE to JEMS interested in the tour, please contact Rev. Sam Tonomura at samt@jems.org or call 213.613.0022. and support a ministry, a missionary, a support • PROVIDE ALL DMV PAPERWORK V E A S We accept all types of vehicle donations including autos, trucks, sport utilities, motorcycles, motor homes, and boats. E raising staf f, the general fund , or the building fund! At the time you donate your vehicle to JEMS, you may select to support any one of the ministries, staff workers, general funds of JEMS or the Building Fund. Your gift will extend the life of your vehicle through our ministries and further enable us to creatively develop and provide ministry opportunities in partnership with the churches. T R E A JOIN OUR ELITE GROUP! Do you recycle aluminum cans, bottles, or newspapers? Here is your chance to help save a tree! If you’d like to join our “save a tree” group, please send your request to info@jems.org or complete this slip and mail to JEMS in the enclosed envelope. I have selected to have the below documents sent through email. Jems Journal • TOWING IS FREE Prayer Letters M4M JIHO • FAST PICKUP Your Name: • MISSING “PINK” TITLE SLIP – NO PROBLEM Your Spouse's Name: • FAILED SMOG TEST – NO PROBLEM • NOT IN RUNNING CONDITION – NO PROBLEM Please call JEMS 213.613.0022 for additional information or to donate your vehicle today! Address: Email Address (print): 7 Please Join Us at Mount Hermon! This year we will have Rev. Ken Shigematsu, author of the book, “God in my everything,” published by Zondervan, as our morning expositor. He is the senior pastor of the Tenth Church in Vancouver, BC. He is the recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal, in recognition for his church’s outstanding contribution to the country. His wife, Sakiko and his son, Joey will be joining us that week. Our evening speaker is Mr. Bill Butterworth. He is currently on the Mount Hermon Conference Center’s Board of Directors. Bill is a regular contributor for Home Life, Moody Monthly and Focus on the Family’s Single Parent Family magazine. He was on the faculty of Florida Bible College for eight years and was Director of Counseling Ministries at Insight for Living, the radio ministry of Chuck Swindoll for six years. His family will also be joining us at camp. As you can tell, we will have some terrific speakers lined up. It’s not too late to register. Please join us and invite a friend. You can register online by going to mounthermon.org/jems. Hope to see you there! 8 Rick Chuman Thank you for joining our “save the trees” group and agreeing to receive your JEMS newsletter through Email. For your convenience, we have listed the different ways you may partner with us by supporting the JEMS Ministries: OUTRIGHT GIFTS List of ministries and supporting raising staff are listed below for your consideration. CREDIT CARDS Go to http://www.JEMS.org/Support JEMS for information about credit card donations. You may use your Visa, Master, American Express, or Discover card to make donations online. This service is provided by The CashLINQ Group and is easy, fast, and secure. CASH AND CHECKS By far, most of the gifts given to JEMS is cash or checks. It's the easiest gift for a donor to make and for the organization to receive. Please send your gift to JEMS, 948 East Second Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. If the donor lives outside of the United States, the gift should be a money order in American dollars. If you itemize your deductions, you can take a full tax deduction, up to 50% of your adjusted gross income and carry-forward any excess up to five additional years. ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER (EFT) Go to http://www.JEMS.org/Support JEMS for information about ‘electronic fund transfer’ (EFT). AUTO DONATIONS If you have an unwanted car, truck, heavy equipment trailer, mobile home, boat, or motor home, you can donate it to any of the JEMS ministries funds. The vehicles do not have to be in working condition!! For more information, please call JEMS at (213) 613-0022. OTHERS: Stocks, bonds, and real estate, tangible personal property, gifts through a charitable trust, your will, living trust, or retirement plans. “I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints.” Philemon 4-5 Executive Director _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cut Here_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Donor’s Name_____________________________________________________________ My gift is given to JEMS with a preference for… $____14600 General Fund – Supporting all ministries & staff $____14800 JEMS JOURNAL Publication $____14460 Ministry Worker Emergency Support $____15900 Office Equipment/Improvement $____24100 JEMS Office Building Mortgage $____14430 Evangelism $____15700 JEMS Endowment $____14900 Memorial Gifts in Memory of ____________ (name) _____ AACF – CAMPUS MINISTRIES $____34100 AACF General Fund $____31550 AACF Director $____34420 Melanie Mar Chow, Leadership Team $____37000 Victor Quon, Leadership Team $____34560 Arnie Ong $____37020 Chong Ahn, PNW $____34470 David Fong $____ ______ _ (name) $____ AACF at______ (Specify campus) R2.14 __ MUSIC/MEDIA MINISTRIES $____94100 Music Ministry $____94110 Lowell E. Sue, Director $____94800 Studio Development $____94650 Music Missions NICHIGO MINISTRIES $____10410 Nichigobu Ministry $____10425 Minako Fujimoto, Coordinator $____10440 JIHO Publication MOUNT HERMON MINISTRIES $____83100 Mayumi Lee Coordinator of MH Youth/College $____84900 MH Scholarship – General $____84950 MH Scholarship – Nichigo $____84920 MH Scholarship – Retired Pastors $____84930 MH Scholarship – Special Camp $____84760 MH Special Camp Misc. Fund $____84940 MH Scholarship – Youth $____84960 Sam & June Tonomura MH Scholarship SPORTS AND RECREATION MINISTRIES $____13410 Sports & Rec. Ministries $____13422 Matthew Asami $____13492 Sports Missions PACIFIC NORTHWEST (PNW) MINISTRIES $____11410 PNW Ministry $____11420 Carolyn Shimabukuro $____11460 PNW Administrative Assistant $____11442 PNW WB Nichigo Scholarship $____11450 PNW Special Camp Scholarship $____11455 PNW Special Camp Misc. Fund SOUTH AMERICA MISSIONS $____12410 South America Ministry $____12490 Pr. John Katagi, Director of Mission Development $____12618 Rianna Wong, Mission Coordinator $____12480 Darryl Wong, Missions Admin. $____Short-Term Missionary to South America $____ _______ ___________________ (name) JAPAN AFFILIATES $____64840 Rev. Paul Ariga, All Japan Revival $____64862 Nao/Barbara Hanada, Ibaraki $____64810 Rev. Akira Hatori $____64850 Rev. Timothy Himei $____65858 Moto Kimura & Jo Nakamura OneMusic $____64860 Rev. Yoshihiro Kishi $____65820 Hideo Kobori, Music $____ 65871Virginia Lavallee $____64830 Rev. Nobumichi Murakami $____65810 Burton/Kathryn Sue JAPAN MISSIONS $____64100 Japan Ministry $____64200 Director of Japan Missions $____64380 Darryl Wong, Missions Admin. $____65100 Amakusa Shinsetsu Ministry $____65830 Hope for Japan, Tohoku (JEMS) $____65874 Dei Barnuevo, Tohoku $____65861 Tim and Chie Burns, Nagoya $____65872 Todd/Jayne Fong, Tohoku $____65876 Paul/Yu Kang, Nagoya $____64500 Michael/Chris Mason, Osaka $____64350 David/Yuka Mills, Kanagawa $____65860 Paul/Rie Mizuki - Machida $____65740 Dave/Tomo Robison, Tohoku $____65730 John/Maki Robison, Tohoku $____65000 Lily Suzuki, Amakusa $____65862 Roy/Nancy Toma, Iwakuni $____65720 John/Kazumi VanFarowe, Nagoya $____65200 Kevin/Nozomi West ,Osaka $____Short-Term to Japan_________________ (name) USA AFFILIATES $____ 14477 Mark & Jennifer Bello Suicide is a Lie, There is Hope $____14471 Rev. Chandler Im - Billy Graham $____14467 John Comfort - Here to Praise Ctr $____14468 Amy Lachica – Here to Praise $____14466 Ray Sidney – Here to Praise $____14465 Rev. Roy and Nana Yamamoto - USA Evangelism $____14469 Pat Zukeran - Probe Ministries
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tremendous blessing. Beginning with PNW students (UW,
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