Jan - Jems
Jan - Jems
NO. 1 V OL. 67 JANUARY—FEBRUARY 2016 DON'T FORG ET YOU R SABBATH REST Rev. Rick Chuman, JEMS Executive Director Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. MARK 1:35 I just got back from the Holiness Pastors’ retreat. It was a nice time to enjoy the camaraderie of fellow pastors. The retreat was structured so we had Conference business, teaching, and times for “personal retreating.” During my personal retreat, I took the opportunity to take a 3 mile walk (2X) and read a few chapters of a book on spiritual disciplines. It was through walking, reading and journaling that I was able to rest in God, refreshing my spirit. As I think back to 26 years of full-time ministry, I realize that times of rest are really important. I can get so caught up in “doing” ministry that I forget how ministry should flow out of my relationship with God. If I’m so busy going from one project to another, and I neglect my relationship with God, it can quickly become a recipe for burn-out. Also it seems to go contrary to my Asian American upbringing where I feel like I should always be doing something. When one is on “busy” mode, it seems almost counter-productive and counter-intuitive to sit down and rest in the Lord for a prolonged period of time. Throughout life, we need a prolonged period of rest in God so we can deepen in our relationship with Him by focusing solely on Him. Back in 1998, I had an opportunity to take a two-week post-doctoral course on spiritual disciplines with the late Dr. Dallas Willard (Devout Christian, former Philosophy professor at USC and author of many spiritual disciplines books). The first thing he said was that it would take one week just to learn how to rest. He said that some of us will just need to come to lecture in the morning and sleep the whole rest of the afternoon. Rest was a spiritual discipline. That was news to me. And deep down inside, I felt that was a “spiritual excuse” to be lazy. But in the Gospels, we’re told that Jesus went to solitary places to pray. He slept on the boat when the storm kicked up on the Sea of Galilee. God was the one who instituted the “Sabbath” after he had finished with creation. Sabbath is a time to rest, to reflect, and to re-charge our spiritual and emotional batteries. Throughout life, we need a prolonged period of rest in God so we can deepen in our relationship with Him by focusing solely on Him. This summer, I invite you to come and rest in the Lord. Break free from the busyness of life to enjoy some time of refreshment with God. Mount Hermon is the perfect place to get some rest for our bodies, refreshment for our souls and to recommit our lives to Him. This year, Pastor Jon Hori will be the morning speaker, sharing about his personal experiences on prayer. Pastor Rene Schlaepfer will be the evening speaker, sharing his usual wit and insights in the Word. Please join us if you can. It’s not too late to register. And even if you can’t go to Mount Hermon, I want to encourage you to take a spiritual sabbatical if you haven’t done so. It really can re-energize your life with Christ. There’s a lot of good material out there that can help you on this journey. Sabbath is not an excuse to be “lazy.” It is a necessary discipline we need to remain fresh and alive in our relationship with God. When are you going to do some “retreating?” 1 JA PA N M I S S I O N PLA NS FOR 2016 Darryl Wong Missions Administrator God’s ministry will continue with concentration on children’s English classes, which includes Bible study. Since it is difficult to invite community children to churches, they are invited to my home to join the ‘Saturday -Joy Kids’ where they are introduced to creative activities for boys and girls and evangelized through a Saturday church. I will continue with the kindergarten English class, AMAKUSA men’s English and Bible classes, and a new cooking class with the kindergarten mothers. I am also training local Christians to assist with visitation to homes and hospitals, singing with the elderly at LILY SUZUKI Day Care, and showing them the love of Jesus. We will continue church-planting ministry alongside Pastor and Mrs. Otsuka at the Morioka Minami Church in Iwate, one of Japan's most-northern and least reached prefectures. We are seeing success at making contacts in the neighborhood through kids English and VBS. Therefore, we are expanding the 'Go! Go! Gang' English club, as well as opening some young mothers’ fellowship times and Bible studies. In addition to the work in Morioka, we are exploring ways to be of service to the new church MORIOKA plants in the “tsunami zones” on the Iwate coast, where the Minami Church serves through the 3.11 Iwate Church Network. NOTE: JEMS would like to host short-term missionaries for 2 weeks, July 29—August 10, 2016, during the summer to assist Jon and Maki with their VBS program. Contact: JEMS 213.613.0022 JON & MAKI ROBISON Our mission plan for 2016 is to continue to work as assistants to the pastor at Calvary Chapel Iwakuni doing children's ministry, administration, men's ministry, discipleship, and family ministry. Our community outreaches include: teaching a Firm Foundations class (survey through the Bible) in Japanese, Bible English class, monthly visits to a local orphanage, and IWAKUNI literature distribution. NOTE: JEMS is interested in a short-term missionary for 2 weeks during the summer to assist with Roy ROY & NANCY TOMA and Nancy’s VBS program. The ministry would be for the U.S. military and Japanese communities. Contact: JEMS 213.613.0022. We are also looking for a male missionary to serve 1—2 years. Throughout 2016, Dave will be serving as an intern at Morioka Bible Baptist Church in Northern Tohoku. During that time, the Robisons will help with various ministries at church while also participating in various outreaches to the survivors of the 2011 Earthquake in Tsunami. During this time we trust God will provide valuable experience serving with an established Japanese church in preparation for church planting work on the coast, once Dave's internship is completed. MORIOKA DAVE & TOMO ROBISON JOHN & KAZUMI VANFAROWE For 2016, they will be pastoring at All Saints International Church in Nagoya and continue to establish KeiAi Academy, an alternative Christian high school. They will continue to teach the 100 plus English students in their conversation schools. NAGOYA 2 SOUTH AMERICA MISSIONS STRETCH I NG OU R PE RSPECTIVES Rev. John Katagi Director, Strategic Development South America Our world can become too narrow. Too routine. Too predictable. There is no doubt that God has much more planned for us this coming summer than binge watching Netflix, updating Facebook and checking out that new KBBQ place on Western. But in order for us to discover that plan, it requires us to take active steps to explore opportunities that he provides. Among the many opportunities to serve, to invest , to explore is a three-week commitment to serve cross-culturally with JEMS in South America. JEMS will be receiving applications for team ministry in Brazil or Paraguay from July 5 to 25, 2016. Deadline for applications is March 15th. For specific information, please contact Pastor John by email at john_ ken_ po@yahoo.com or call the JEMS office. AACF S E A S O N S T O R E T R E AT Melanie Mar Chow A ACF Leadership Team At LTC, one of the speakers offered students a discount to attend Urbana, InterVarsity’s triennial missions conference. Thirteen responded and joined other students, A ACF alumni, pastors, and campus workers to learn about God’s story that has been written in their lives to share with others. Our A ACFers kept in touch via Facebook for unofficial check-ins and a community time on the last day gathering 40 students and alums. Urbana 15 held hotel bible studies, speaker plenaries, seminars to I am grateful to InterVarsity for working diligently to provide A ACFers returned home with their stories to bring the life changing message to their homes, work places, and campuses. this conference and for those who sacrificed to attend. But it doesn’t take three years of planning and long distances to travel to gather God’s people. By the end of January, 14 of the 17 A ACF groups have hosted campus retreats. We’ve heard that God’s work in these community gatherings has been a tremendous blessing. Beginning with PNW students (UW, Seattle U, SPU) in Fall, to the recent SF State students sharing process what they heard, and nightly roommate huddles. the gospel with others, retreats provide times to live life One plenary invited prayer for countries where the church is together. If you know of A ACF students or campus ministers persecuted. Others reminded them of God’s heart for all people who serve, encourage them. If you know of any who would and challenged to love others with Jesus as “hostages of hope”. benefit from getting involved in A ACF, please visit our website, The 16,000 attendees finished Urbana celebrating the New Year www.aacf.org to find locations and meeting times. We are by experiencing worship in different languages and cultures. grateful to God for your prayers as you read these praises and A ACFers returned home with their stories to bring the life respond in thanks. Most of all we give thanks for those who changing message to their homes, work places, and campuses. read about A ACF and support God’s purposeful works. 3 29th JEMS Warm Beach E M POWE RE D “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection…” PHIL IPPI A NS 3:10 We thank the Lord for His loving and powerful presence over the six divisions. This year we had two areas of new development – we expanded our Kid’s Camp to enfold children with special needs. Note: this is separate from the long-standing 25 years of Special Camp (18+ years old adults). The Lord allowed us to serve four new children and support their parents. We also made entry points for a focused ministry for career young adults for 2016. COUPLE WITH CHILD opened a huge door for us for August “It was a very good experience and we all enjoyed it a lot. My husband told me already that he would like to come again. . .in fact, he asked me for the next year's scheduled date!! Isn't it awesome?? Surely HE moved his heart! Praise the Lord!! 18—21, 2016 - additional housing has become available! We invite you to pray and listen to whom God puts on your heart to reach out to – your invitation may be the open door for this person to come to know Christ! And for all who come to continue to grow in their relationship with God, and be YOUNG ADULT empowered to love and serve the Lord! ‘Being new to Seattle, Warm Beach Camp allowed me to meet people who look like me, share cultural cues, and those K ID’S CAMP DIREC T OR who I can “just be” with. In my attempts Kristen Shimabukuro to call Seattle home, Warm Beach and JEMS ministry has been a safe place for SPECIAL NEEDS LE AD me to call home when I am doing the We thank the Lord for His loving and difficult work of cultural translation. I powerful presence over the six divisions. am thankful for the perseverance of the Christine Ito Castillo This year we had two areas of new YOU TH CAMP DIREC T ORS saints who support JEMS ministry and development – we expanded our Kid’s Allison Bhang & Karstin Jacobson; commit myself as a young adult coming Camp to enfold children with special up in the world of Asian American needs. Note: this is separate from the ministry to honor and support JEMS in long-standing 25 years of Special Camp my future endeavors.” (18+ years old adults).The Lord allowed YOU TH CAMP “I accepted Christ for the first time” YOU TH CABIN LE ADER “JEMS camp is the highlight of my year! us to serve four new children and support their parents. We also made entry points for a focused ministry for career young adults for 2016. SPECIAL CAMP TE AM LE AD Joan Hirata SPE AK ER Alycia Lee Thanks to the tremendous teams of NICHIGO DIREC T ORS worship leaders, cabin and small group Ben & Junko Fisher leaders, workshop leaders, registrar and SPE AK ERS hospitality, meal time buddies and all Mao & Setsu Shimizu. the behind-the-scene helping hands. We thank the Lord for His Sovereign hand on the conference ministry. His gospel is being communicated in Word and deed. Lives are being changed in this gracious 4 YOU TH CAMP SPE AK ERS Jordan Uomoto & David Sim Christ-centered community. God has PAS T OR IN RESIDENCE /ADULT LE AD Joe Castillo SPE AK ER Paul Kim. M A IN /C A R E E R /NICHIGO C A MP M A IN/C A R EER C A MP EV ENING ENGLISH SPE A K ER Mount Hermon Speakers 2016 M A IN/C A R EER C A MP MOR NING ENGLISH SPE A K ER Pr. Jon Hori Pr. Jon Hori serves as the Regional Director of the West Coast and East Asia for "seeJesus". Previous to joining "seeJesus", Jon helped plant and pastor Lifesong Community Church in Chino, CA for nine years. He and his wife, Sonia, stay busy raising four young children, Kristin, Evan, Eden, and Jaren. Jon has led Rev. Rene Schlaepfer the A Praying Life Seminar both in the US and abroad. Rev. Rene Schlaepfer is the senior pastor of Twin Lakes Church in Aptos, California is the author of five books: "Jesus Journey"; "God Is"; "Grace Immersion"; "Hope NICHIGO C A MP MOR NING NICHIGO CA MP SPE A K ERS Experience"; and "Thrill Ride: Thriving Through Life's Ups and Downs". He lives in Santa Cruz with his wife Laurie. Born in San Jose, California to Swiss immigrant parents, Rene grew up with dual citizenship and briefly lived in Switzerland before settling on the West Coast. There he worked for many years in broadcasting, primarily as an air personality on contemporary music radio stations. While in broadcasting, Rene earned a BA in Radio/TV/Film from San Jose State and an MA Theology from Western Seminary. Since then, he has served as a pastor in San Diego, South Lake Tahoe, and Santa Cruz. Rene and Laurie have three children, Jonathan, Elisabeth, and David. Beside their love of church ministry, Rene and Laurie also advocate together for their favorite causes: local food banks and an orphanage in India. Rene has been a speaker for JEMS Mount Hermon many times and is popular among the JEMS families. Rev. Hidemi Yokioyama Rev. Hidemi Yokioyama - Pastor of Olivet Baptist Church in Hawaii since 2002. He lives with his wife Chie and daughter Hikari and son Keishi. He was born in Kanagawa prefecture and graduated from Wayland Baptist University and Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He has two CDs "For You" and "Under the Stars." The evening speakers will be various pastors that attend the Nichigo camp. 5 2016 JEMS EVENT CALENDAR MOUNT HERMON REGISTR ATION January 18th - Main Camp - Registration Opens January 27th - Youth Camps - Registration Opens Register now: jems.org/mt-hermon/registration.php February 21 - April 24, Sundays Evenings JEMS WINTER BASKETBALL LEAGUE Carson Athletics Center, 1533 East Del Amo Blvd., Carson CA Registration Forms and Info: jems.org/events March 26, Sat., All-day Event CO-ED VOLLEYBALL TOURNEY Long Beach City College Gymnasium 4901 East Carson Street, Long Beach, CA Registration Forms and Info: jems.org/events Entry Deadline is March 7th. February 20, Saturday, 10:00pm—12:00pm JEMS "PROTECT YOUR FAMILY'S FUTURE" Attorneys-Consultants from Hart, Mieras & Morris, Inc. Stephen J. Miyabe, Esq., Andrew Gregson, and Lisa Peterson JEMS Office, 948 East 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA "How to pass your assets to your loved ones while avoiding proate and high estate taxes." Make your reservation by calling 213.613.0022 or emailing samt@jems.org on or before February 16, 2016. An easy way to support our ministries! DONATE YOUR “UNUSED” VEHICLE TO JEMS and support a ministry, a missionary, a support-raising staff, the JEMS general fund or the building fund! You may donate your “non-running” vehicle you may have sitting in your garage, driveway or yard, or taking a parking space in front of your place! Your gift will extend the life of your vehicle through the work of our ministries. We accept all types of vehicle donations including autos, trucks, sport utilities, motorcycles, motor homes, and boats. • provide all DMV paperwork • towing is free • fast pickup • missing “pink” title slip – no problem • failed smog test – no problem • not in running condition – no problem • a good running car? we detail it! Please call JEMS 213.613.0022 for additional information or to donate your vehicle today! May 14, Saturday JEMS MEN4MISSIONS NorCal Golf Invitational for Missions Spring Valley Golf Course, 3441 Calaveras Road, Milpitas, CA Breakfast 9:15AM, Tee from 11AM Registration Form & Info: jems.org/events June 1—10, Wed—Fri JEMS HYMNS SING TOUR OF ENGL AND (Rev. Sam Tonomura - Tour Coordinator and Escort) (Rev. Roland Hazama - Pastor and Music Leader) Visit where well-known hymn writers lived and were inspired to write the great hymns which proclaim powerful biblical truths. Learn their background/history, sing-a-long or listen to hymn music in the chapel or cathedral during evening worship services. Included is a visit to Stratford-upon-Avon (Shakespeare birthplace), C. S. Lewis' home, Stonehenge, Winchester Cathedral, Buckingham Place, Big Ben and Houses of Parliament, tour of London, and St. Paul's Cathedral and galleries. Itinerary: jems.org/events If you're interested, call 213.613.0022 or email samt@JEMS.org. June 26—July 2, Sunday—Saturday MOUNT HERMON CONFERENCE Family/Nichigo/Career Camp, Special Camp and Youth Camps (Jr. Hi, Inter-Hi, Sr. High, College) Register Now! jems.org/mt-hermon/registration.php Fall 2016 (Spring in Brazil) BR AZIL TOUR The tour will include the Amazing Amazon, Iguacu Falls, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo and Japanese-Brazilian churches. If you have suggestions to visit other sites or are interested in the tour, please contact Rev. Sam Tonomura at 213.613.0022 or samt@jems.org. JOIN OUR ELITE GROUP! Do you recycle aluminum cans, bottles, or newspapers? Here is your chance to help save a tree! If you’d like to join our “save a tree” group, please send your request to info@jems.org or complete this slip and mail to JEMS in the enclosed envelope. I have selected to have the below documents sent through email. JEMS JOURNAL PRAYER LETTERS M4M JIHO Your Name: Address: Email Address: Other Members in your Household: Their Emails: 7 LETTE R from the DI RECTOR Throughout the years, JEMS has blessed many people by receiving scholarship requests for camp. Unfortunately, our providing scholarships in order to attend Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon General Scholarship fund this year has roughly Last year for example, we gave out more than $13,400 in $3000.00 in it. I’d like to ask that you prayerfully consider scholarships. The Mount Hermon General Scholarship giving to this special fund, especially if you’ve been to camp helps to provide funding for non-ordained pastors, and were blessed by it or if you have received funds from this youth workers, missionaries (other than JEMS), cabin account before, and you are now in a better place financially. leaders, families, and individuals who are experiencing Why not “pay it forward” with a love offering? Thank you for a financial hardship that might prevent them from your prayers and support for this very valuable ministry. attending Mount Hermon. This year, we are already Rick Chuman 12
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Jan - March, Vol. 66, Issue 1
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