Sample file


Sample file
Requires the use of the
Some material in this book references
Written by Julie Ann Dawson
Edited by Faith Carroll
Illustrated by Brittnay Elizabeth Muckenmuller
Additional Illustrations by Anthony Cournoyer and Bradley K McDevitt
Table of Contents
Alternate Character Creation Rules
Elemental Spirit
Elemental Gifts
Mahoujutsu (Ways of Magic)
Elemental Opposites
Path Focus
Spell Groups
Masters of War
Specialized Weapons
Special Equipment
Monk (Martial Arts Discipline)
Gun-Fu Master (Ranged Weapon Discipline)
Winged Serpent
p 13
p 14
p 16
p 18
p 22
p 25
p 26
p 27
p 28
p 29
p 29
p 30
p 32
p 34
Planning on some over-the-top action? Expect players to be throwing villains through
buildings, or getting themselves thrown through buildings? Envision giant energy blasts that
decimate city blocks? Welcome to
! This supplement for the
Karma Roleplaying System allows you to replicate the intense, superhuman action of your
favorite comics, anime, and action films.
In the Karma core rules system, players, villains, monsters, and NPCs generally all work
under the same basic rules. This provides more consistency and balance to normal gameplay.
However it also means that combat-heavy games, particularly extreme action combat, can
become lethal very quickly. Sure, superheroes and metahumans can survive a 500 ft fall easily.
But that same fall means certain death for the typical player with only 15 DT.
The key point in true superhuman stories is not that everything is tougher per se. The
players are tougher, and the villains are tougher, but for the most part the rest of the world is
the same as always. But this doesn’t mean that the players are suddenly gods among men.
Instead, it adds all new levels of complexity to the game. Stronger heroes means that villains
send tougher opponents. Tougher opponents mean more innocent people can get caught in the
crossfire. Weaker opponents that can’t go one-on-one with the heroes will use alternate means
of control: from kidnapping loved ones to holding city blocks hostage. Part of the superhero
mystique is the need to balance incredible power with an incredible obligation to protect others.
Superhuman powers have other problems. Government agencies take an interest in people
that are living, breathing weapons of destruction. Secret societies and evil organizations may
want the players’ powers for their own purposes. Other superhumans with conflicting goals
may want to eliminate the competition. Secret identities aren’t just cool gimmicks, but a matter
of necessity.
So keep in mind that playing an extremely powerful character doesn’t always make your life
easier. Sometimes, it makes things a lot more complicated.
Attribute Adjustments
Generally, normal NPCs and random encounter monsters should continue to use the basic
core rules for creation. If everything in the world is superpowerful, the players aren’t really all
that unique. These rules should be applied to player characters and important plot encounter or
event encounter antagonists only.
Attributes are the building blocks of your character. Your primary focus not only determines
how successful you are at various tasks, but often defines who you are as a person. While the
typical mortal is only slightly better at one attribute over the others, your character is an embodiment of your primary attribute group. While there are always exceptions, the following offers
some general ideas regarding various character types.
Niku (Physical Attributes)
Characters that focus on their physical attributes will tend to be straightforward, direct, and
focused on the immediate situation at hand. Niku-focused individuals may be visually different
from normal mortals. A Niku-focused character may have ripping muscles to signify his strength,
or elongated, powerful limbs and fingers that highlight her dexterity.
Chinou (Cerebral Attributes)
Characters that focus on mental attributes will tend to be more subtle and tactful, with a focus
more on the long-term goals. Chinou focused characters are less identified by their own appearance than they are by their belongings. A Chinou-focused character with a high Intellect makes
Alternate Character Creation Rules
Starting Character Attribution Point Distribution
Primary attributes: 4 points
Secondary attributes: 3 points
Tertiary attributes: 1 point
Tama (Spiritual Attributes)
Characters that focus on spiritual attributes are often focused on agendas that may span
generations, simply doing their part to ensure the success of plans put into place centuries before
them. Tama-focused characters are often identified by how they make others feel. A Tamafocused character with a high Faith score may radiate an air of calm that puts others at ease, while
a Tama-focused character with a high Charisma walks into a room and mesmerizes everyone with
a casual glance.
ample use of technology and scientific resources. While a Chinou-focused character with a high
Wits can find ample uses for gadgets and items scavenged from the surrounding area.
Advancing Attributes:
It is easier to advance your primary attributes than your secondary or tertiary attributes.
Primary Attribute: New rank x 3 XP or training points
Secondary and Tertiary Attributes: New rank x 4 XP or training points
Being innately stronger doesn’t equate to being more skilled with a sword. Nor does being
smarter automatically mean you know something. Abilities represent those things the character
specifically trains in or develops, and as such they don’t change just because the power level of
the game advanced. With the exception of Chinou characters, abilities are treated just like they
would normally be in the core rules book during character creation.
Chinou characters can more easily advance Knowledge abilities than other characters.
Chinou characters can advance existing Knowledge abilities by spending the new rank in XP or
training points. For example, a Chinou character with two ranks in Mechanical Aptitude can
advance to rank three with only three XP or training points, as opposed to the normal 6 required.
This also applies to specialties related to the character’s knowledge abilities.
Seishou (Mana)
Your Seishou score represents your raw spirit energy. Seishou is used to power magical
abilities, Elemental gifts, and certain other powers. Your starting Seishou is equal to your
Endurance + Willpower + either Faith or Psychic x 4. Whenever one of these related attributes
increases, your Seishou increases as well.
Tama-focused characters can buy additional points of Seishou with training points. Each
point of Seishou costs 3 training points. Such training may involve intense meditation, prayer,
fasting, or other spiritually significant activities. Training should be relevant to the player’s
character concept.
Alternate Character Creation Rules
Gouken (DT)
Your Gouken score represents your total health and vitality. In game terms, this is how much
damage you can take before you risk death. Your starting Gouken is equal to your Constitution +
Willpower + Faith x 4. Whenever one of these related attributes increases, your Gouken increases
as well.
Niku characters can buy additional points of Gouken with training points. Each point of
Gouken costs 3 training points. Such training generally consists of physical training such as
weight lifting or other intense physical activity. However a storyteller could allow Niku characters to apply leftover training points from training in combat abilities to Gouken.
Elemental Spirit:
The difference between normal mortals and superhumans is that superhumans possess an
Elemental Spirit. This Elemental Spirit represents a concentration of elemental energies in the
character, connecting the character to the very building blocks of creation. The character’s
Elemental Spirit provides certain benefits, as well as liabilities. The origins of this connection can
vary depending on your setting. Some examples could be as follows:
Champions of the Djinn: The characters have been deliberately imbued with an Elemental Spirit
by the potent Djinn, the lords of the Elemental Planes. The purpose of this imbuing is not clear,
but seems to have something to do with protecting the material plane from forces that would try
to destroy it.
Past Life Residue: Just as all spirits deposit energy, so too do they pick up energies. Characters
that have experienced multiple past lives become magnets for certain types of elemental energies,
and these energies merge with the mortal spirit to transform it into something truly potent.
Random Chance: Freak scientific experiments. Accidental activation of ancient relics. A rare
combination of genetic mutations. The character developed an Elemental Spirit through a bizarre
chain of events and now must come to terms with the power.
Alternate Character Creation Rules
Ancient Bloodlines: Through deliberate manipulations of elemental forces over countless generations, the very essence of the elements has become concentrated in the blood of the character.
Either through overt interaction with elemental forces, or accidental exposure to such raw
energies, the lineage of the character is blessed (or cursed, depending on the point of view) with
certain affinities toward a specific element.
Chi (Earth Spirit): Chi characters tend to be pragmatic and thoughtful. Chi characters find
comfort in the traditions of the past, and may be slow to adopt new technologies or processes. At
their best, they are often seen as the anchor of their group, bringing stability and order. At their
worst, they can be extremely stubborn and dogmatic. Good Chi characters are generally honorbound and hold loyalty in high regard. Evil Chi characters place order above all else, even the
common good. Both good and evil Chi characters place a high regard on the law, though the
difference is that good Chi characters consider the spirit of the law, whereas evil Chi characters
are more concerned with the letter of the law.
Elemental Perspectives:
Each Elemental type tends toward a certain sort of behavior. The range of behavior and
degree of intensity will vary from person to person. These traits are more guidelines to give
players some context on how to approach their character’s creation, not to pigeon-hole the
character into a specific role.
Ka (Fire Spirit): Ka characters are passionate individuals that are quick to action. To the Ka
character, actions speak louder than words. Honor and respect are important to Ka characters, but
such things are not automatic just because of of the accident of a person’s birth or a lucky break.
Respect is something that must be earned. At their best, Ka characters are brave champions for
their cause that are willing to put themselves in harm’s way for the greater good. At their worst,
Ka characters are vicious hotheads that believe might makes right and will cut down those that get
in their way. Good Ka characters are champions of justice, standing on the front lines to protect
their friends, families, and communities. Evil Ka characters are terrifying warlords and tyrants
that destroy everything in their paths to create their own domains.
Kaze (Wind Spirit): Kaze characters are creative individuals that tend to look at the world in terms
of what can be, not what is. At their best, Kaze characters can look beyond the immediate facts
and see the big picture. At their worst, they are flighty dreamers that lack focus.
Shiki (Aether Spirit): Shiki characters are
often highly spiritual, and often devote
themselves to causes for the greater good
of humanity. At their best, Shiki characters seek to enlighten those around them
and bring about a better world. At their
worst, Shiki characters are fanatical extremists determined to impose the will of
their god or faith on others.
In both cases, Shiki characters see
humanity as something connected to a
greater outside force, and see the solution
to problems in terms of understanding this
Truly powerful individuals often possess telltale signs of their elemental spirit, such as this
deadly Ka character with glowing red eyes.
Alternate Character Creation Rules
Kaze characters embrace new ideas
and are open to a variety of belief systems.
Good Kaze characters look to the future
and try to bring about real change for the
better. Evil Kaze characters are selfish
hedonists that often adopt a “try anything
once” attitude, even if their actions risk
hurting others.