MEDIA DATA CINEMA ADVERTISING NETWORK 2015 UNITED ENTERTAIN – THE FACTS 3D Advertising network in 2015 Why are we unique? • 47 metropolis & cities • One source solution • 60 multiplex cinemas • Extraordinary long contact time (21 min.) with our systems by the viewer • 1.859.711 gross contacts / week • IVW 2.763 Our services • Creation • 12 hours of daily broadcast • Broadcast of loops starting at 10 seconds • Nationwide or regional broadcast • Content creation and conversion • Broadcast • Indivdual loop design • Individual stele and display solutions Expansion in • Sport arenas • Shopping malls Any questions? • Leisure parks Please contact us: or +49(40)-23 51 45-346 • Airports • Additional cinemas 2 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 Advertising Network 2015 Glasses-free 3D Patented 3D technology made by UNITED ENTERTAIN A new trend has conquered the world of cinemas – the third dimension. Never before have movies been more close to reality and a theater visit more exiting. Due to a new and patented 3D production process for Digital-Outof-Home (DOOH), visitors of cinemas may now see 3D-ads, 3Dtrailers and 3D-news without any supporting equipment (glasses) on 3D screens. The Hamburg technology & media enterprise UNITED ENTERTAIN has developed in 2008 a 3D infotainment system for POS / DOOH especially for close-up viewing for the cinema branch and established a unique nationwide 3D network reaching from Flensburg to Villingen-Schwenningen. You are invited to advertise in glasses-free 3D in Germany‘s greatest cinemas! 3 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 Why Glasses-free 3D? Studies prove*: 3D GENERATES greater ATTENTION by 44% compared to 2D-Systems* 3D ADVERTISEMENT IS MORE EFFECTIVE and increases the probability of purchase** 3D INCREASES CUSTOMER SATISFACTION of an advertised product around 18%** RedBull RAISEs SALES by 8,5% at point of sale with 3D glasses-free technology* Compared to 2D ads, 3D ads are more ... *** effective realistic enjoyable credible informative 80,5 66,5 65,9 15,9 9,6 * Source: Study of University of Tilburg - * *** Indicated in per cent, N = 1.000, CineMonitor 2010, 4 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 No display 2D display 3D glasses-free display A ONE SOURCE SOLUTION! The entire infrastructure starting from broadcast, IT- Support until the 3D content production is done in Hamburg – 100% Made in Germany. Content Creation Every 3D Infotainment System (2.62«) consists of black, highgloss polished acrylic glass and includes 1 or 2 screens in 3D (32“ size; diagonal screen measurement 81,0 cm). The »On-Board-System« is connected 24 / 7 with the broadcast center via UMTS router, receiving constantly new playlists and sending exact reportings concerning the program. All systems are administered and serviced by an external, certified computing centre in order to guarantee UNITED ENTERTAIN the highest working reliability. Infotainment Systems 5 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 Broadcast Center 3D-Content Production Our experts for autostereoscopic (glasses-free) 3D create for you impressive content based on decades of experience as well as self-developed and established software. Your content will be produced in the highest quality and can be used for all other existing media formats on the market. Your existing material (2D Commercials, Flash animations and Small FLASH-CONVERSION 2D-flash-levels are placed in the 3D-frame in different dimensions as already known from 3D-cardboard cut-outs. No adjustments of flash-animation. Flash movie categories for conversion: • Flash Banner • Flash Movies • Flash Product / Advertisement Presentation POSTER CONVERSION Advertisement Poster in 3D. Poster elements like packshots, logos and corporate design elements are presented as flat 2D dimensions positioned in a 3D space. Only decent animations come to action: • slight zoom or object enlargement • slow object movements via short distances • no fly-ins, no change of perspective Note: Posters which do not offer different dimensions via different elements might only be partially suitable. An example: flat logo/symbol on mono chrome background. 6 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 existing print products) can be also converted through our digital workflow and prepared for glasses-free 3D. There are four possible packages for your individual content production to choose (see below). More information is available in a separate handout. Medium Large ANIMATED LOGO / TEXT Animated 3D-text in front of customer specific 2D-background. 3D-objects are animated and presented according to the original provided by customer. 3D-backgrounds my either be created anew or also provided by customer. Logo or fonts will be animated as one connected unit, not single letters, words, liquid simulations or alike. ANIMATED LOGO / TEXT PLUS 3D-Logo/Text animated in high-quality in front of 3D-background. 3D-objects are animated and presented according to the original provided by customer. 3D-backgrounds my either be created anew or also provided by customer. Highest quality animation according to storyboard. Possible animations: Flying-in ∙ Turning ∙ Floating Possible 2D-effects: Glow ∙ Gleaming ∙ Shine Effects POSTER-CONVERSION PLUS Advertising poster with expanded 3D-appearance. Single 2D-poster elements are given spacial depths and placed on different dimensions in 3D-space. Text and logos, icons and corporate design elements may be created and animated anew as 3D-objects. Converted 2D-elements receive a 3D-appearance but may not be given a different perspective. Newly created 3D-objects may be placed and animated randomly. ANIMATED PRODUCT Product animation with text and effects. The product will be created as 3D-object according to original followed by highest quality animation and presentation. Highest quality animation according to storyboard. Extra-Large CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS The »Extra-Large« production package includes the whole spectrum of possibilities of the UNITED DIGITAL PRODUCTION. This package knows no limits. Everything can be realized. CONTENT • Making of complex storyboards • High-end 3D-animation • Character animation • Particle simulation • Fluid simulation • Dynamic simulation: solid bodies ∙ clothing ∙ hairs • Atmospheric effects: smoke ∙ fire ∙ fog ∙ explosions • Photorealistic rendering • 3D-Realfilm & -Editing • Conversion from »stereo« to »autostereo« • 3D-post production • 3D-integration • Conversion from »2D« to »autostereo« cross-media Compability Once created, our 3D content can be easily and economically converted into other formats (2D, 3D, moving images, still images) for any other channel like: Cinema, TV, PC, tablets, print or online products. 7 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 media info Digital 3D moving images in the entrance area of leading cinemas in Germany (CineStar and UCI KINOWELT) to broadcast 3D ads, 3D infotainment and 3D movietrailers via glasses-free 3D screens. 60 Multiplex cinemas with 531.346 visitors / week* 47 Metropolis and cities 320 Infotainment systems with 1 or 2 screens (single-/double) 32” (total of 350** 3D displays / screens) 66.000 Total of spot broadcasts per day (120 loops (6 min. loop) x 350** displays) 132.000 Total of spot broadcasts per day (240 loops (3 min. loop) x 350** displays) 462.000 Total of spot broadcasts per week (120 loops (6 min. loop) x 350** displays) 924.000 Total of spot broadcasts per week (240 loops (3 min. loop) x 350** displays) 1.859.711 Brutto contacts per week: i.e. visitors pass 3D Infotainment Systems up to 3,5 times * based on a study of frequency of visitors by IVW in 2012 ** as of May 2012 8 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 3D broadcast program The broadcast program consists of three components: 50% 3D ads Amount loops / day min. 120 x 25% 3D infotainment Duration of loop up to 6 minutes 25% 3D movie trailer Time broadcast / day min. 12 hrs. 1 Movie Trailer / Theme à 20 sec. Movie Trailer / Theme 1 Event theme à 20 sec. CineLady, CineMen, Extra-Tickets, Vouchers, Food-packages, etc. 3 Theme Advertising Partners à 10 sec. Respective Advertising Partners/Sponsors (e.g. Action: Car Brand) 4 Infotainment à 10 sec. Separators, Special Offers, Moviepoints, Previews, etc. 2 Infotainment Advertising Partners à 10 to 20 sec. Infotainment Advertising Partners, e.g. Food-package Pepsi 5 Advertising à 10 sec. Advertising 16 Program blocks 180 sec. CD er ail tr .g. ,e me e Th Cin isin Ad t ver em I/ aC nfo DI C Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 I/ aC o Inf em er rtn a gp Cin 9 The loop runtime is 6 minutes. One spot (10 sec.) will be broadcasted every 6 minutes on each screen. ot Sp DI C ot Sp Cin em I/ aC nfo a gp isin t ver Ad r r tne g isin er rtn pa Ad is p ing ot Sp ot Sp A rt dve r ne art t ver e p ing CD is e Ev r ne art em th nt A rt dve Cin em I/ aC o Inf t ver Ad g isin er rtn pa Socio-demographics of Cinema Visitors 2010 Gender, age and net income Duration of Cinema Visit Gender: How many minutes before the start of a movie do you get to the theater? Male ................................................................................... 44 % Female ................................................................................ 56 % Age: below 20 years ..................................................................... 24% 20 to 29 Years ..................................................................... 26 % 30 to 39 Years ..................................................................... 17 % above 40 Years ..................................................................... 34 % Net income: below € 750,– . .................................................................... 5,1 % € 750,– to € 1.499,– ........................................................... 20,3 % € 1.500,– to € 2.249,– ........................................................ 31,7 % € 2.250,– and above ............................................................ 69,6 % 5 to 10 minutes .................................................................. 6 % 11 to 15 minutes ................................................................16 % 16 to 20 minutes .................................................................26 % 21 and more minutes ...................................................................52 % How long do you stay in the theater after the movie? 5 to 10 minutes ...................................................................19 % 11 to 15 minutes .................................................................40 % 16 to 25 minutes ................................................................. 0 % 26 or more minutes .............................................................. 2 % Why do you like advertising in cinemas? The lastest movies are advertised............................................20 % Commercials are colourful........................................................4 % The commercials are not annoying and are simply part of it.......12 % I get additional information......................................................4 % 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% below 750 € 750 € to 1.499 € 1.500 € to 2.249 € 2.250 € and above Source: Number of visitors in cinema in 2009 on the basis of the GfK Panels April 2010 10 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 Socio-demographics of Cinema Visitors 2010 Affinity to glasses-free 3D commercials Does 3D advertisement/infotainment appeal to you in Movie Theater Foyers? Totally agree . ....................................................................... 30% Agree .................................................................................. 50% Neutral................................................................................. 14% Do not agree at all ................................................................ 6% Why does 3D advertisement/infotainment appeal to you in Cinema Foyers? No more glasses ................................................................... 60% I like 3D............................................................................... 10% Nice moving images at eye level . ........................................... 10% Looks cool ........................................................................... 12% Images seems real ................................................................ 2% It‘s new and different............................................................. 8% This is the new 3D generation . .............................................. 6% fotainment ising/3D in rt e v d a D 3 e I Visitors Glasses-fre % of the UC 0 8 to l a e p ap Source: MAFO-survey 2011, surveying UCI-Cinema Visitors 11 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 PARAMETERS OF COOPERATION PARTNERS IN GERMANY Area 1 Distribution of locations according to Nielsen Area 1 and 2 Nielsen-Area: City Cinema Adress Town CineStar (5 Locations) Bremen CineStar Kristall-Palast Hans-Bredow-Straße 9 28307 Bremen 61 Garbsen CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Rathausplatz 2 30823 Garbsen 43 UCI (5 Locations) IVW Lübeck CineStar - Filmpalast Stadthalle Mühlenbrücke 11 23552 Lübeck 39 Osnabrück CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Theodor-Heuss-Platz 6 – 9 49074 Osnabrück 35 Stade CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Am Kommandantendeich 1 – 3 21680 Stade 28 Wilhelmshaven UCI KINOWELT Wilhelmshaven Bahnhofstraße 22 26382 Wilhelmshaven 29 Hamburg UCI KINOWELT Othmarschen Park Baurstraße 2 22605 Hamburg 65 Hamburg UCI KINOWELT Wandsbek Friedrich-Ebert-Damm 134 22047 Hamburg 63 Hamburg UCI KINOWELT Mundsburg Hamburger Straße 12 22083 Hamburg 56 Flensburg UCI KINOWELT Flensburg Süderhofenden 14 24937 Flensburg 38 TOTAL IVW NIELSEN AREA 1 Area 2 CineStar (7 Locations) UCI KINOWELT (6 Locations) Bielefeld CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Zimmerstraße 10 – 14 33602 Bielefeld 37 Dortmund CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Steinstraße 44 44147 Dortmund 89 Düsseldorf CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Hansaallee 245 40549 Düsseldorf 35 Gütersloh CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Kaiserstraße 30 33330 Gütersloh 32 Hagen CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Springe 1 58095 Hagen 37 Oberhausen CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Luise-Albertz-Platz 1 46047 Oberhausen 65 Siegen CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Sandstraße 31 57072 Siegen 44 Hürth UCI KINOWELT Hürth Park Theresienhöhe 50354 Hürth 64 Bochum UCI KINOWELT Ruhr Park Am Einkaufszentrum 22 44791 Bochum Neuss UCI KINOWELT Neuss Batteriestraße 7 41460 Neuss Düsseldorf UCI KINOWELT Düsseldorf Hammer Straße 29 – 31 40219 Düsseldorf 59 Bad Oeynhausen UCI KINOWELT Bad Oeynhausen Mindener Straße 36 32547 Bad Oeynhausen 49 Paderborn UCI KINOWELT Paderborn Kamp 30 – 32 33098 Paderborn Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 103 31 TOTAL IVW NIELSEN AREA 2 12 457 26 671 PARAMETERS OF COOPERATION PARTNERS IN GERMANY Distribution of locations according to Nielsen Area 3A, 3B, 4 and 5 City Cinema Adress Town IVW CineStar (7 Locations) Frankfurt am Main CineStar Metropolis Eschenheimer Anlage 40 60318 Frankfurt a.M. 100 Area 3A Nielsen-Area: UCI KINOWELT (1 Location) Frankfurt am Main CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Mainzer Landstraße 681 65933 Frankfurt a.M. 22 Fulda CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Löherstraße 41 36037 Fulda 45 Kassel CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Karlsplatz 8 34117 Kassel 45 Ludwigshafen Village Cinema Ludwigshafen In der Walzmühle, Yorckstraße 2 67061 Ludwigshafen 36 Mainz CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Holzhofstraße 1 55116 Mainz 88 Saarbrücken CineStar - Der Filmpalast. St.-Johanner-Straße 61 66115 Saarbrücken 55 Kaiserslautern UCI KINOWELT Kaiserslautern Straßburger Allee 8 67657 Kaiserslautern Area 4 3B TOTAL IVW NIELSEN AREA 3A CineStar (1 Location) CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Schützenstraße 1 78056 Villingen Schwenningen TOTAL IVW NIELSEN AREA 3B 26 Bamberg CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Ludwigstraße 2 96052 Bamberg 43 Erlangen CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Nürnberger Straße 31 91052 Erlangen 53 Ingolstadt CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Am Westpark 2 85057 Ingolstadt TOTAL IVW NIELSEN AREA 4 UCI KINOWELT (4 Locations) 57 153 Berlin - Alexanderplatz / Mitte CineStar - CUBIX Filmpalast. Rathausstraße 1 10178 Berlin 76 Berlin - Hellersdorf CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Stendaler Straße 25 12627 Berlin 33 Berlin - Potsdamer Platz CineStar - Original. Potsdamer Straße 4 10785 Berlin 57 Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg Kino in der Kulturbrauerei Schönhausener Allee 36 10435 Berlin 39 52 Berlin - Tegel CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Am Borsigturm 2 13507 Berlin Berlin - Treptow CineStar - Der Filmpalast Elsenstraße 115 – 116 12435 Berlin 29 Berlin UCI KINOWELT Gropius Passagen Johannisthaler Chaussee 295 12351 Berlin 36 29 Berlin Kino Friedrichshain Betriebsges. mbH Landsberger Allee 52 10249 Berlin Berlin UCI KINOWELT Am Eastgate Märkische Allee 176 – 178 12681 Berlin 35 Berlin UCI KINOWELT Colosseum Schöndorfer Allee 123 10437 Berlin 54 TOTAL IVW NIELSEN AREA 5 13 26 CineStar (3 Locations) CineStar (6 Locations) Area 5 Villingen-Schwenningen 40 431 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 440 PARAMETERS OF COOPERATION PARTNERS IN GERMANY Area 6 Distribution of locations according to Nielsen Area 6 and 7 Nielsen-Area: City Cinema Adress Town CineStar (5 Locations) Magdeburg CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Am Pfahlberg 5 39128 Magdeburg 30 Neubrandenburg CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Friedrich-Engels-Ring 55 17033 Neubrandenburg 23 Rostock CineStar Capitol Filmpalast Breite Straße 3 – 5 18055 Rostock 27 Rostock CineStar - Der Filmpalast. St.-Petersburger-Straße 18b 18107 Rostock 28 UCI KINOWELT (4 Locations) IVW Wildau CineStar – Der Filmpalast Chausseestrasse 1 15745 Wildau 44 Leipzig UCI KINOWELT Nova Eventis EKZ Nova Eventis 06237 Leuna OT Günthersdorf 24 Cottbus Kino Lausitzpark Betriebsgesellschaft mbH Am Seegraben 22 03058 Cottbus 29 Dessau UCI KINOWELT Dessau Wolfgangstraße 14 b 06844 Dessau 28 Potsdam UCI KINOWELT Potsdam Babelsberger Straße 10 14473 Potsdam 50 TOTAL IVW NIELSEN AREA 6 Area 7 CineStar (4 Locations) UCI KINOWELT (2 Locations) Chemnitz CineStar - Der Filmpalast Am Roten Turm Neumarkt 2 09111 Chemnitz 61 Erfurt CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Hirschlachufer 7 99084 Erfurt 55 Jena CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Holzmarkt 1 07743 Jena 32 Leipzig CineStar - Der Filmpalast. Petersstraße 44 04109 Leipzig 77 Gera Kino Gera Betriebsgesellschaft mbH Reichstraße 3 07545 Gera 27 Dresden UCI KINOWELT Elbe Park Lommatzscher Straße 82 01139 Dresden 50 TOTAL IVW NIELSEN AREA 7 Gesamt IVW NIELSEN Locations 14 283 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 302 2.763 60 media PRICING 2015 Digital 3D moving images in the entrance area of leading cinemas in Germany (CineStar and UCI KINOWELT) to broadcast 3D ads, 3D infotainment & 3D movietrailers via glasses-free 3D screens. Pricing netto of network : network Minimum booking: Pricing netto 60 cinemas (totaly network) 10 sec / 12 months € 73.200,00 1 cinema 10 sec / 12 months € 1.200,00 1 cinema 20 sec / 12 months € 2.400,00 Minimum booking: one cinema for 12 months within a 10 sec booking in a loop. IVW totaly network: 2.763 TKP: € 0,76 15 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 * on a study concerning the frequency of visitors by IVW in 2012 TECHNICAL DATA 32“ Single- and Double Infotainment system Material: High-gloss polished acrylic glass with aluminium profile and metal foot (970 mm width x 450 mm depth) Height: 2.218 mm Width: 900 mm Depth: 145 mm Colour: Black 1x 3D monitor LCD or 2x 3D monitors LCD Diagonal screen measurement: 810 mm (31,5“) Format: 16:9 (Landscape) Image resolution: Full-HD 1.920 x 1.080 pixel Screen brightness: 1.200 cd / m2 3D filter brightness: 800 cd / m2 3D perspectives: 8 3D technology: High brightness barrier (HBB) Minimal viewing distance: 1,70 m (optimal: 3,00 m) In- & out screen effect: max. 30 cm PC system with content management software (CMS) Overvoltage Protection WLAN-Router 3G / 4G UMTS for permanent connection (24 / 7) with broadcast center Power Supply: 220 – 230 V Total Weight: ca. 115 kg 16 Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0 Marketing & Distribution CONTACT 17 Kerstin Buddenhagen Head of Media & Sales Phone: +49(0) - 40 23 51 45-342 Mobil: +49(0) - 151 46 13 15 77 E-Mail: Media data 2015, Vers. 1.0
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