ALIA strategic plan 2016-2020 - Australian Library and Information
ALIA strategic plan 2016-2020 - Australian Library and Information
AUSTRALIAN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION ASSOCIATION STRATEGIC PLAN 2016–2020 © 2015 Australian Library and Information Association Strategic Plan 2016–2020 Canberra ACT, Australian Library and Information Association, September 2015 ALIA STRATEGIC PLAN 2016–2020 VISION: ALIA CONTINUES TO BE THE ASSOCIATION OF CHOICE REPRESENTING THE LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SECTOR This is an exciting time for the library and information industry, with technologies creating new ways of fulfilling our fundamental role of connecting people with information and ideas. Change brings with it challenges, and ALIA needs to keep pace with what is happening in the industry and provide the kind of support our Members need to stay ahead. We are constantly evolving as an association, reflecting the rapid changes in the information marketplace. We will be agile, vocal and responsive; we will focus on our leadership role in advocacy, education and professional development. ABOUT ALIA We have been representing the interests of our members in the library and information industry since 1937. We continue to invest in advocacy, education and professional development; supporting library leaders, library and information professionals and people from other disciplines who work in the sector. Our 5,000 members include libraries, information services, library and information professionals, people who work in libraries, vendors, educators, students and retired members. Our membership base continues to evolve and expand as we invite all who work in the information sector and share our ideals to join us. Through our advocacy campaigns we also provide a voice for Australia’s 10 million-plus library and information service users. The Association is established as a not-for-profit company, governed by an elected Board of Directors, and Advisory Committees and special interest groups within the Association enable Members to be closely involved. The Association is supported by a team primarily based at ALIA House in Canberra and a local manager in every state and territory. THE OBJECTS AND VALUES OF THE ASSOCIATION In our Constitution we list the Objects of the Association: nn To promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interest of all Australians and a thriving culture, economy and democracy. nn To promote and improve the services provided by all kinds of library and information agencies. nn To ensure the high standard of personnel engaged in information provision and foster their professional interests and aspirations. ALIA STRATEGIC PLAN 2016-2020 1 nn To represent the interests of members to governments, other organisations and the community. nn To encourage people to contribute to the improvement of library and information services through support and membership of the Association. Our values are: nn Promotion of the free flow of information and ideas through open access to recorded knowledge, information, and creative works. nn Connection of people to ideas. nn Commitment to literacy, information literacy and learning. nn Respect for the diversity and individuality of all people. nn Preservation of the human record. nn Excellence in professional service to our communities. nn Partnerships to advance these values. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ALIA will achieve its vision, provide leadership and influence the successful evolution of the library and information (LIS) sector in Australia through: 1. ADVOCACY We will develop penetrating, topical advocacy that reaches beyond the boundaries of the library and information sector. 2. EDUCATION We will support the viability and evolution of the LIS education sector. 3. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT We will encourage and enable members to develop, adapt and enhance their skills to meet the challenges of an information society. 4. FUTURE-PROOFING We will position the Association to remain sustainable. 2 ALIA STRATEGIC PLAN 2016–2020 STRONG LEADERSHIP ALIA acknowledges and influences changes in the sector. We need to maintain ALIA’s leadership position in helping to define and redefine what it means to be a library and information professional, in partnership with employers and the education sector. nn We will assist our Members to develop skills and confidence in advocacy, encouraging Members to participate in ALIA-generated activities and to develop their own initiatives. nn We will support individuals in their ongoing professional learning and encourage personal responsibility for continuous professional development. nn We will help to build and support the next generation of industry leaders. We can only maintain our leadership position if we are truly representative of the library and information industry in all its forms. nn We will identify issues facing the industry and seek ways of addressing these through the development of activities, programs, products or services. nn We will work with library leaders to ensure that our activities reflect the needs of libraries and information services. nn We will develop closer bonds with vendors, to achieve insight into trends and a broader perspective on the challenges and opportunities for the industry. nn We will aim to involve other stakeholders in the work of the Association, as the opportunity arises. The Association has always promoted and advocated for the library and information profession, and that will not change. However, we need to recognise that the people who work in library and information services no longer come from an exclusively library and information science background. nn We will continue to place a firm emphasis on library, information and allied qualifications and professional development as Australia’s library and information science accrediting body. nn At the same time, we will create a stronger proposition for Members who have entered the library and information industry from other disciplines. nn We will encourage people outside the industry, who share our objects and values, to become involved in our work through initiatives such as the FAIR campaign. ALIA STRATEGIC PLAN 2016-2020 3 FUTURE-PROOFING FOR THE SECTOR AND FOR ALIA The Association will embrace change and assist Members as our industry evolves. nn We will continue to build on the ALIA Futures work, initiated by the Board in 2013, revisiting the findings at an appropriate time. nn We will continue to evolve as an association, further developing the flexibility and adaptability of our team. nn We will find affordable ways of upgrading our technology infrastructure and our engagement with Members through social media and other platforms. nn We will review our activities to identify how new technologies can improve or expand our Member services. The long term future of the Association lies in its ability to manage our resources, respond to the needs and concerns of our Members and retain a strong, broad, sector-wide membership. nn We will maintain a strong focus on recruiting and retaining Members. nn We will aim to maximise current income streams and identify new sources of income. nn We will seek to minimise financial risk through good governance and careful management. nn We will develop a long term strategy for our management of ALIA House as the Association’s major asset. IN CONCLUSION ALIA’s work will be guided by these strategic priorities for the five years from 2016–2020. The ALIA Board will review the Association’s business operating plan and achievements against these priorities and will report back to the membership through the ALIA Annual Report, published each May. For more information: 4 ALIA STRATEGIC PLAN 2016–2020