First Christian Church, 402 E. Noble Ave, Guthrie, OK 73044 Notes from Cathy Sunday Worship 320 Sunday School 66 Children-35 Youth-5 Adult-26 Communion to Shut-Ins25 Budget Receipts 11/30/14 $8,380 Amount Budgeted per week $9,298 Amount Budgeted to date $437,002 Budget Receipts to date $441,176 Budget Expenses to date $402,803 November Giving $50,000 $45,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 Monthly Budgeted Giving Budgeted Giving $40,000 Actual Giving Good Day! Turkey naps, Hallelujah Choruses, and Hanging Garlands are all just pleasant memories now. What lies ahead of us requires all of the Christmas Spirit we can muster to get through more food, friends, and family. What a season! We can get all caught up in the busyness and sometimes forget the reason for the season. It is so important at this time of year to fill our days with meaningful moments. This week at our Unity Service at 10:30am the Chancel Choir is going to deliver another meaningful memory for your Christmas Season. We will be bringing you the Christmas Cantata, “What a Glorious Night!” It is our hope that you will do your best to be there for the presentation. We will have solos from your favorite FCC Artists and amazing harmony from the Chancel Choir. This is one of the two times each year that the choir works overtime to put together a musical experience that will bring tears to your eyes and jump start your Christmas Cheer! We are planning on wearing Christmas Colors for the concert. So don your own red and green and join us Sunday for this joyful expression of love. The bright colors will look exceptional in the group photo after the service. We will sing our benediction song and head to the north pole…I mean north side of the sanctuary to get our picture taken. You may need to run down a choir member (figuratively speaking) to autograph your bulletin after the picture. I am certain they will be happy to oblige you. All joking aside, you are invited to one of the highlights of our church year. I am hopeful you will be there to enjoy our music this Sunday at 10:30 am. Thanks to Jerry Rucker and Marla Belcher for the beautiful solo, “Gabriel’s Message”, and accompaniment last week. Tara Hood was the excellent soloist in the anthem, “People Wait”. We appreciate all their extra work and talent. We are starting the line-up for the rest of the season for our soloists. If you have a favorite please let me know so we can include it. We were very grateful for our readers in the Hanging of the Greens service, Kara Barton and John Kingery. Such great narrators! Our children were such a blessing as they carried in the garlands! Hope you were there to see it. Have a great week! Blessings! Cathy The Tie That Binds (USPS 577280) is published weekly except for the last week of December by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to First Christian Church, 402 East Noble Avenue, Guthrie, OK 73044 Periodical Postage Paid at Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044 402 East Noble Avenue Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044 (405) 282-4080 Fax (405) 282-4088 DIAL-A-DEVOTION: 282-8515 DR. DENNIS CLARK, Senior Pastor KAREN ALLEN, Minister of Christian Education We are a family of faith sharing God’s love by reaching out, touching lives and building relationships. Dennis’ Diary: Binds “Our Music Ministry Is So Impressive” December 3, 2014 Volume 50, No. 48 We have many strengths as a church family – our children's and youth ministry, our mission work in the community, our friendliness and caring for those in our congregation and outside, our ministry of working together with other churches, our Mother’s Day Out ministry, our very strong bereavement ministry, our taking communion to the shut-ins and nursing homes, etc. However one of the most important ministries we offer is our music ministry. For a church our size we have a very talented and dedicated choir (including our Handbell Choir) that inspire us each Sunday. Music is a huge part of creating our worship experience at both services. This will be evident Sunday as the choir shares their Christmas Cantata entitled, “What a Glorious Night.” Cathy has led our music ministry for at least 27 of the 29 years we have been here and I am amazed at the inspiring music she draws out of a volunteer choir who are here because they love to serve in this manner. I hope each of you will come to the 10:30 service for the wonderful choral presentation. It is one of my favorite services of the year and there will not be an 8:30 service this week due to the message in music. Gratefully, Dennis Ministry Opportunities for the week TUESDAY, December 2 8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool 3:30 p.m. – Campfire Meeting 6 p.m. – Worship Team Meeting 6:30 p.m. – Stewardship Meeting WEDNESDAY, December 3 11:30 a.m. – Staff Meeting 6:30 p.m. – Choir Rehearsal 6:30 p.m. – Women’s Small Group 7 p.m. – Property Team Meeting THURSDAY, December 4 8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool SUNDAY, December 7 NO 8:30 service 9:30 a.m. – Sunday School for all ages 10:30 a.m. – Christmas Cantata 11:45 a.m. – Congregational Photo 11:45 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Children’s Christmas Program Practice Congratulations to our new “Territorial Governor!” Mrs. Betty Foster Our love and sympathy go to: Charlie and Teresa Evans in the death of his mother, Pauline. Also to the friends and family of Bill Wagoner. We pray for our church family: Marilyn Walters, Maxine Yost, Myrna Laughlin, Marilyn Irby, Jim Willbanks, Fern Brouchoud, Phil Morrow, Flo Olds, Ruth Ellis, Ada Dilley, Wayne Bennett, Don Bross, Gene Reed, Joan Jones, Viola Dilley, Kathleen Olds Elliott, Ann Geisler, Karen Yancey and Joyce Carter-Eitson. We pray for our friends and family: Sophia Fink, Kay Webb, Rev. John McLemore, Carolyn McLemore, Vivian Bradshaw, Madison Dilbeck, Linda Calvert, Frank Saxton, John Gathers, Joy Kursel, Grace Nelson, Tima Krausse, Norma Cook, Ruth Raymond, Jack Thompson, Toni Blatizar, Sharen Bowers, Brian Vincent, Glenda McKeever, Ashlee Townsend, Glenda Fournier, Taylor Rocheleau, John Krausse, Gary Clay, Jack Bond, Donnie Savory, Donna Jo Carrillo, Earl Johnson, Sherry Hall, Rhonda Lovelace and Hollie Chappell. Our military overseas: Jeremy Wilson and Tauren Sampson. The church we are praying for this week: Newcastle Disciple Church and their pastor, Russ Brown. Christmas Cantata Sunday, Dec. 7 10:30 a.m. “What a Glorious Night” We had a wonderful time of fellowship last Tues. at our Thanksgiving Feast. Our preschoolers were cute in their native American costumes and did a great job of entertaining us. Special thanks to Telena Hawkins and Lindsay Mays for help with set-up and clean-up, and to all parents that brought food for our child-friendly feast. I know a lot of little ones that are thankful for cheese, chicken nuggets, goldfish and marshmallows; and we are thankful for all of our little blessings! Now that Dec. is here, we will begin preparing for Christmas. Our last day of classes before the Christmas break will be Thurs. Dec. 18. Ms. Betty Angel tree shopping & wrapping THIS Sunday following the 10:30 service until 4:00 p.m. Last week in Kid's Worship we began our Advent study. We learned about God's Christmas promise to Mary and about the promises we receive everyday from God! Next week we will learn about the good news God has for us this Christmas as we read Luke 2:1-14. Thank you so much to all those who donated money to help with our Angel Tree ministry! What a difference our group of Kid's Worship and Kid's Worship Extra children are going to make in the lives of these children who will be receiving these gifts! We will have our Angel Tree Christmas store set up again next Sunday for any children who still want to donate money. Poinsettia Order Form If you would like to purchase one of the beautiful, live poinsettias that help decorate our sanctuary and surrounding areas for the Advent season, you may do so in honor or in memory of a loved one. Please fill out the form below and turn it in to the church office or place it in the offering plate by December 21. The cost is $12 each and you are welcome to take your poinsettia home following the Christmas Eve Service. YOUR NAME: __________________________________________ NUMBER OF POINSETTIAS ______ x $12.00 EACH = $__________ Please check one: ( ) IN HONOR OF _____________________________________ ( ) IN MEMORY OF ____________________________________ Keeping Up With Karen Our Family Advent Event was a huge success. We had over 25 families join us to make advent calendars and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Thanks to everyone who participated. If your family was unable to attend I still have four kits that are available and can be picked up in my office. There are step-by-step instructions that will make it super easy to complete. Next up on the agenda is the Chancel Choir’s Christmas Cantata on Sunday! As usual John and I will be running the sound board and visual elements. I always enjoy cantata Sunday because I get to spend Sunday morning sitting with my husband, which doesn’t happen very often. Usually by the end of the cantata, we remember why it’s good we don’t sit together during worship! Haha! Sometimes people in the balcony probably wonder what on earth is happening during musical events such as a cantata or children’s Christmas program as we point back and forth at each other and at the multiple screens and flash hand signals back and forth to communicate about sound volumes, page numbers, slide numbers and other elements. In the end, we usually have a good laugh about all the antics of the “behind the scenes” that happen. For the most part a lot of it goes unnoticed in the presentation. I will say that my husband has learned how to live “on the fly” a lot more than he’d like to over the past five or six years as we’ve worked the soundboard together. I can also say there is no one I appreciate more than him, when he covers my mistakes and I know there are others who would say the same. Which brings me to our next main event, which is the Children’s Christmas program! Our kids have been practicing their little hearts out and I am so excited to see the fruits of their labor. It will be Dec. 14 at 6:30 p.m. The title is “Dude, You Hear What I Hear?” Following the event we will have a tasting party and everyone will also have a chance to meet our new transitional minister Rev. Amy Rogers. Those are some Sunday highlights. I also want to make mention of a big event for the Retired Fellowship Group. We have our annual Christmas Lights Tour scheduled. We will be traveling to the Tulsa area. The plans are to leave at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 11. We will eat dinner at 4:30 p.m. at Fanny’s Country Cookin’, which is an Amish Restaurant in Chouteau. We will have chicken and roast, along with a host of side dishes served family style and all the pie you can eat. Cost for the meal is $15. We will travel to Rhema Bible College to see Christmas lights and then try to find a few stops in Tulsa before returning to OKC. I need reservations in THIS WEEK if you plan to go with us. We have to turn a count into the restaurant by the weekend. You can call the church office at 282-4080 or e-mail me at if you want to go. We will be taking the church bus and vans. I hope everyone has a wonderful first week of Advent and we’ll see you on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Karen Sunday, December 7 ADVENT CANDLE LIGHTERS The Jerry Ball Family KID’S WORSHIP Tyler and Amanda Shipley KIDS WORSHIP HELPER Charity McPeek and Carissa Redman KID’S WORSHIP EXTRA Tyler Shipley CHILDREN’S MOMENT LaMoyne Hardin SCRIPTURE READER Brendan Hanna JR. DIACONATE Brendan Hanna and Brock Parker ELDERS 10:30 – Tommy Johnston and Jana Frey COMMUNION TO SHUT-INS AJ Griffin, Linda Holtz and Alma Hopkins COMMUNION PREPARATION Justin and Andrea Stevens DIACONATE (Please wear nametags when serving) Nick and Shana* Bench, Lindsey Mays, Jerred Young, Mitch and Charity McPeek, Rod and Courtney Poplin, Jason and Desi Rice, Justin and Andrea Stevens * Denotes team captain USHERS Hank Hubbard, Bobby Davison and Doyle Webb GREETERS Karen Bock, Frances Macrory, Pat Free, Kathy Warner and Rita Stowe BREAD MINISTRY Sherry Canning and Carol Allen NURSERY HELPERS Kegan Payne, Logan Payne, and Mikayla Johnston SOUND John Allen VIDEO MINISTRY DELIVERY Margaret McNeely Congratulations on Your Baptisms! Welcome, Faeron! Last Sunday Tommy Bross was baptized in a private ceremony in the early afternoon. Tommy is married to Sandy and they have four children and three grandchildren and one on the way. They live at 4723 Davis Road in Guthrie where Tommy farms and does some construction on the side. Their phone number is 2821561. Congratulations, Tommy! Farewell Receptions Help us celebrate! A retirement party will be held on December 28 from noon to 3pm for Dr. Dennis Clark. A Mother’s Day Out Open House and Celebration of Betty Egelston’s ministry will be held on Wednesday, January 7 at 6pm. Please make plans to join us for these celebrations! Children’s Christmas Program First Christian Church and Dennis, Thank you for your guidance, compassion, love and support of my family – all 4 generations! Amanda Wrede Dec. 14 6:30 p.m. Followed by a tasting party with a special guest! On Sunday Faeron Dewart came forward at the 10:30 service to make her public confession of faith! Faeron is 12-yrs-old and is in the 6th grade. She enjoys reading in her spare time. She and her mother Conna Dewart live at 1327 N. Fogarty. Faeron is the granddaughter of Robert and Diana Dewart. Welcome to the family of God! Kelly Malone and her daughter Taylor Christian were both baptized at the 10:30 service on Sunday. Kelly is married to Angel and is a stay-at-home mom. She enjoys being a homeroom mom and being available for school activities for her daughter. Taylor is 12-yrs-old and a top honor student at her school in Moore where they live. She enjoys playing softball. Congratulations! Memorials and Special Gifts We would like to thank the following individuals and families for their generous donations. Building Fund In Memory of Bill Wagoner By Sherry Canning Mike & Janie Carey Len & Linda Tontz In Memory of Bion Acton By Margaret McNeely Youth Fund In Memory of Bill Wagoner By Boyd & Linda Rice Memorial Fund In Memory of Bill Wagoner By Roy & Mickey Weathers Choir Fund In Memory of Wayman Momsen By Pat Ball Youth Fund In Memory of Peggy Kingery By Pat Ball Christmas Gift Fund In Memory of Jim & Karen Seamans By Mike & Quepha Smith In Memory of Bion & Betty Acton By Sue Durkee Bus Fund In Memory of Bion & Betty Acton By Amanda Wrede Bereavement Fund In Memory of Royal Smith By James & Gail Gauldin Memorial Fund In Memory of Sharon Waner By Evelyn Engelking Handbell Choir In Memory of Sharon Waner By Gloria & Don Siratt Donna & Bob Sewell Debi & Dewey Miller Lynn & George Law Rosetta Ulrich Bill Wagoner 1928- 2014 Family Advent Event 2014