Spartan Spotlight - De La Salle High School


Spartan Spotlight - De La Salle High School
September 2015
De La Salle High School
Spartan Spotlight
Inside this issue:
Principal’s Letter
President’s Letter
September Calendar Snapshot
Vice Principal for Curriculum
Development & Academic Services
Guidance Services
College Center
Advancement Office
Alumni Relations
Office of Admissions
Chief Financial Officer
Business Office
Athletic Department
Campus Ministry
Deans & Attendance Office
Activities Director
In the Spotlight
Educational Technology
Parents’ Corner
Spartan Bookstore
New Faculty and Staff
Back-to-School Night
Spring 2015 High Honor and Honor
NCS Scholar Athlete Award
2015-16 Calendar Framework
Events (clockwise from top left):
8/11/15 Class of 2018 Orientation
8/20/15 STREAM Innovation Center Student Blessing
8/26/15 Mass of the Holy Spirit
8/20/15 STREAM Innovation Center Student Blessing
Dear Parents, Students, and Friends of De La Salle,
We are launched for the 2015-16 school year! For this Spartan Spotlight letter, I would like to share with
you the remarks below I made at the STREAM Innovation Center Ceremony on Sunday, August 23.
May all of us, from the youngest to the oldest, and the newest to the most seasoned, enjoy and celebrate
this special 50th anniversary year.
God Bless!
Brother Robert J. Wickman, F.S.C.
Blessing and Dedication Ceremony
Remarks of Brother Robert J. Wickman, F.S.C., Principal
August 23, 2015
This gathering is one of great joy. It happens at the beginning of our celebration of 50 years of service in
Catholic, Lasallian education in Concord. And at this time our voices ring with the powerful claim of St.
John Baptist de La Salle in the company of the first generation of Christian Brothers in 17th century
France: “Domine, Opus Tuum,” “Lord, the work is Yours.” And we believe that. And we also believe the
words of the 45th General Chapter of the Brothers that took place in Rome a little over a year ago. Those
words also ring true: “Lord, the work is Yours, and ours as well.”
So today we celebrate with you, our supporters and donors. The dream has become a reality in 14 months
--- our new home before us for 21st century teaching and learning. You have helped De La Salle High
School make real the belief that the Lord’s work is ours as well. Our students, those present and those to
come, will always be in your debt, and for this we give deep thanks.
Fifty-year celebrations quite rightly honor our beginnings, acknowledge our years of challenge and
growth, celebrate the present moment, and anticipate with confidence and hope our future as a Catholic,
Lasallian school.
But for our 50 year celebration, I also want to say that we are putting an exclamation point on our life as
an educational home to over 1,000 young men. An exclamation point serves to communicate excitement,
focus attention, and shout praise. And that is what we do today.
This magnificent building at which we gather is an exclamation point. It proclaims several beliefs with
strong conviction and determination. Simply put, they are these:
Catholic, Lasallian education must be committed to excellence and innovation in how we teach
and learn;
Both science and religious faith must be partners in exploring and celebrating the splendor of
God’s creation;
The worlds of science, technology, robotics, engineering, the arts, and mathematics pose
profound questions about the nature of the universe, the development of human ingenuity, and
present many ethical issues with which we must wrestle. We will not, ultimately, be successful in
these fields of study or become wise in our attempts to address the questions of right and wrong
raised as we study and explore without being anchored in the Catholic intellectual and moral
tradition. St. La Salle knew this and responded with a revolutionary idea that religion and all
other areas of human endeavor must be joined within the Christian school in order for human
beings to flourish and come to know their true identity.
And finally: we put the exclamation point on the many historical examples of how religion and
science have worked together for the good of humanity. We remember with gratitude the
Augustinian monk, Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics; the Belgian priest and
physicist Georges Lemaitre, who developed the “big bang” theory of the origin of the universe;
the Jesuit scientists who developed the modern calendar, created the first maps of the moon,
helped discovered the phenomenon we call sunspots, and formed the first spectral classification
of the stars. There are many more contributions by religious believers in the areas of anatomy,
geology, and biology, to name a few. Finally, as a Lasallian school we take pride in the life and
work of Brother Marie-Victorin, a De La Salle Christian Brother who was instrumental in
advancing the field of botany at the University of Montreal. Look for the huge statue of him in
the Montreal Botanical Garden the next time you visit there.
So, when someone tells you that religion and science must be at war, tell them that history goes beyond
the famous Galileo affair and all the inaccuracies reported in that story, that faith and science can and
must be partners, and that we are writing some of the next chapters of that story in the new STREAM
Innovation Center at De La Salle High School.
Thank you and God Bless!
Happy 50th Birthday, De La Salle High School!
It is amazing to think that our school has been offering Catholic, Lasallian education and serving students
and families for 50 years on Winton Drive. What a wonderful progression our school has made over these
years. The early years were a bit of a struggle as the school started to build its identity and a solid
enrollment. However, now, thanks to the Grace of God, we are thriving and looking forward to ensuring
that the Mission continues for the next 50 years.
Speaking of being around for the next 50 years… This summer Pope Francis, in his Encyclical Letter On
Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si'), gives us a new appeal to “every person living on this planet”
for an inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. Pope Francis calls the Church
and the world to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenges and to join him in embarking
on a new path. This encyclical is written with both hope and resolve and is looking to our common future
with candor and humility.
So how do we, as a school, respond? Well, one way in which we try to take care of our common home is
with our new STREAM Innovation Center. This building has been designed for maximum energy
efficiency. A simulation estimate shows the STREAM building is expected to use about 38 units per
square foot, a 60% reduction in operating energy from the existing median.
As we celebrate 50 years of education at De La Salle, we hope you, too, will support the cause of the 50th
Anniversary Campaign to ensure our success. While the STREAM Center was delivered on time (14
months) and on budget ($20.5 million), we still have about $4.5 million left to raise. Your financial
support is important. It will be the small gifts that get us to our goal – no gift is too small. I would be
more than happy to sit down with you to discuss how you can play an important role in our fundraising
efforts. Please feel free to contact me at or call me at (925) 288-8112.
In the Spirit of Saint John Baptist de La Salle,
Mark DeMarco '78
Schoology is providing students with a central place to
find all assignments, resources, information and
calendars to help keep them organized and up to date.
We hope you have found this Learning Management
System (LMS) to be helpful for the students as well. It
will be important for you to follow your son’s progress
in PowerSchool. If you have any problems with
PowerSchool access, please do not hesitate to contact
me directly (, (925) 288-8101).
Remember that instructors have two weeks to post
grades for any assignment once it has been collected.
Special Schedule – Welcome Rally
ACT Test
14-18 Welcome Week
Parents’ Association Meeting (Library, 7pm)
Special Schedule – Peace Prayer
0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 (shorter class periods)
15-18 Kairos #95
Welcome Dance 7-10pm
CHS (9th) & DLS (10-12th) Campuses
Special Schedule - Class meetings
Picture Retake Day
DLS Club Fair
SIP – Mr. Trinidad’s 4th Period Religion
Senior Parent College Night (Theater, 7pm)
Sophomore Family Liturgy/Dinner
(Theater, 4 pm)
OPPS Meeting (Theater, 7pm)
You will have the opportunity to meet your son’s
teachers at Back to School Night on Sept 3rd, where you
will learn more about class and course expectations,
and how to best stay connected with your son’s
teachers. This evening is a busy one, so plan to come
early and wear good walking shoes! Please also refer
to your son’s course information syllabi for additional
information and requirements for your son’s classes,
which are located in each Schoology class from your
son’s account, no matter whether your son’s classes are
at DLS or CHS.
If your son is having academic difficulty, or needs
assistance in any area, please encourage him to see his
counselor. The counselors are already busy getting to
know the Freshmen and reconnecting with all other
students. Together, we can assist your son in finding
appropriate solutions for any academic problem, and
can set him on a course for success. Students are also
able to make up past low grades (Ds) during this
semester through our online programs. Please contact
Mr. Van Bomel (, (925) 2888160) if you would like more information.
Check for updates on the De La Salle webpage:
At this time students may not drop or change classes for
the duration of the semester. Changes to schedules can
only be made through the first week of class. Second
semester changes will be made after Thanksgiving as
necessary. Students should see their counselor if they
have concerns about their schedule. In order to provide
ongoing academic assistance for your son, 7th period
and before/after school tutorials are available in every
subject area. A list of classrooms and teachers
available for these tutorials is posted on our website
(Students > Online Tools). Please note that 7th period
study hall is required for any student who is on
The 2015-16 school year is already in its third week,
and students and teachers both have settled into the
routines of their classes and the schedule for the day.
There has been lots of excitement about two topics: the
new STREAM building and Schoology. Almost all of
our students have at least one class in the new building,
and the students seem to appreciate the work and
thought that has gone into giving them such a fine
facility. The highlight seems to be the water bottle
“refill” stations, which encourage us to be good
stewards of the environment.
academic probation. A parent may also request that
their son be placed in 7th period study hall. We have
added a math lab this year at 7th period to give specific
attention to students struggling in math as well.
Students should actively seek to insure success in
subjects for which they are experiencing difficulty. We
do not want to see any student fall below a 2.0, and so
we are urging students to seek the help that is available
to them. Please note that we do not send out official
report cards until the end of the semester, as grades are
viewable at all times on PowerSchool. However, we do
use Quarter 1 grades to determine athletic and activity
eligibility. Students who fall below a 2.0 are placed in
a mandatory study hall at that time as well.
TRANSCRIPTS: If your son is a senior, he will be
requesting transcripts during the school year. The
College Counselors will be setting up meetings with
your son to explain the procedure. Please keep in mind
that transcript requests must be submitted through
Naviance well in advance of any deadline date. There
will be more about deadline dates in upcoming
newsletters. Questions? Call Mrs. Monica Szczepanski
at (925) 288-8109.
Semester grades (January/June) are posted to the
official transcript and are retained in your son’s
permanent cumulative file. These are also the
determining grades in meeting pre-requisites for
courses in which your son pre-registers in future years
at De La Salle High School. Any semester F grades
must be made up before continuing enrollment at De La
Salle for the following year is allowed. Students who
attended summer school of any kind (including online,
independent study courses) must request that official
transcripts be sent to our Registrar’s Office in order to
have the grade(s) for these courses posted on their
transcript. Please note that any courses taken off
campus, at any time, are not recorded in the De La Salle
Students with recent, up-to-date documentation of
learning difficulties on file at De La Salle can receive
special accommodations for the SAT-I, SAT-II, and
ACT tests. Among the accommodations is the granting
of extended time. Accommodations are offered to
students who have documented learning disabilities or
problems. Written documentation must be on file at De
La Salle High School and must meet specified
guidelines. All documentation must be correct and
updated to within two years of the desired college
entrance test for which your son is applying. It is
recommended that this documentation be on file well in
advance of registering for college entrance tests. SAT-I
and SAT-II tests with extended time or other
accommodations are offered at national test center sites
in October, November, December, January, March,
May and June. On the other hand, ACT offers
extended time and other accommodations only on its
October, December and April test dates. Generally,
documented seniors take the earlier tests during the fall
semester, and documented juniors usually take the later,
spring semester, tests.
Back to School Night will be held on Thursday,
September 3rd, at 6:30 pm, with a welcome by
Brother Robert in the gym for all parents. We
encourage you to come early, as parking can be quite
challenging with so many parents attending from both
campuses, and limited parking is available. Parents will
be directed primarily to park on the back side of
campus. The schedule for the evening and other
information about Back to School Night is included in
this newsletter. You can also find information on the
website. Please download the flyer from the website
and ask your son to list his classes, teachers, and rooms
for you to bring on this evening.
Special registration for any and all of these tests with
extended time or other special accommodations MUST
be handled directly through the high school.
Mr. Michael Otterstedt, Director of Guidance Services,
handles the procedures for test registration with special
Deadlines for registration and
certification of documentation are always the first
registration deadline for the specified test, usually a
month or more in advance of the actual test date.
7:00 - 9:00 PM, DLS THEATER
Warning: Registration requesting any special
accommodations made directly to the test companies
will be denied by the sponsoring company and will
cause delays in registering for the tests of your choice.
You can only register for these tests with special
accommodations through Mr. Otterstedt.
SAT: For the Oct. 3 test, register by Sept. 3
Late registration by Sept. 22
For the Nov. 7 test, register by Oct 9
Late registration by Oct. 27
For the Dec. 5 test, register by Nov. 5
Late registration by Nov. 23
Contact Mr. Otterstedt at or by
phone (925) 288-8123 for additional information, or
ask your son to stop by his office.
ACT: For the Sept. 12 test, registration is closed
Students may register online for standby testing
For the Oct. 24 test, register by Sept. 18
Late registration by Oct. 2
For the Dec. 12 test, register by Nov. 6
Late registration by Nov. 20
have sons with learning differences and special needs,
and who have not contacted him yet, should feel free to
contact Mr. Sean Bristol, the Special Needs
Coordinator. Mr. Bristol will be glad to speak with you
on the telephone, or through email, or meet with you
personally. You can reach him at or
by calling (925) 288-8104. Parents of returning
students are also welcome to contact Mr. Bristol.
To register for the SAT, go to For the
ACT, go to
Fee waivers are available for SAT & ACT for students
with significant financial need. See one of the College
Counselors for more information.
Remember to turn in your OPPS reservation form as
soon as possible.
Senior College Advisory courses will meet weekly
through the fall semester and into the 3rd quarter. Seniors
are required to attend these weekly sessions with their
College Counselor to become familiar with the college
admissions process and complete college application
materials. Individual counseling sessions will be
scheduled as requested.
Wednesday for all students. Juniors and Sophomores
will discuss the upcoming PSAT and Practice ACT
exams. Seniors and Freshmen will have other
informational meetings. More details will be announced
as the date approaches.
Thursday, September 24
7:00-9:00 pm
Where: DLS Theatre
The College Counselors, Janet Appel and Esther Lopez,
will provide an overview of all the steps that need to be
taken this fall for successful selection, application, and
acceptance to colleges and universities. This meeting
will cover different material from that was presented
at the Junior parents’ meeting last February. Please
don’t miss it! Call Mrs. Appel (x8128) or Ms. Lopez
(x8103) if you have questions.
Juniors should wait until Feb/March 2016 to
take their first SAT and ACT tests. Juniors
will be introduced to Method Test Prep (MTP)
and create accounts in January. Junior parents,
please note that we will begin working formally
with you and your student at the beginning of
second semester this year. If you have any
concerns before that time, please feel free to
contact one of the College Counselors (Esther
Lopez, A-L; Janet Appel, M-Z).
Representatives from the Admissions Offices of nearly
100 colleges and universities nationwide (and some
abroad) are visiting from September through December.
These meetings are valuable personal contacts with
college Admissions Officers who can provide specific
information, answer questions, and assess qualifications.
Many are also responsible for reviewing applications
from De La Salle students.
* * * * *
 Seniors planning to take the SAT Reasoning
Test, SAT Subject Tests, or the ACT may
register online. Please see page 6 for date and
website information.
 Many highly selective colleges require at least
two (2) SAT Subject Tests in addition to the SAT
Reasoning Test or ACT.
 Seniors should plan to take the October and/or
November tests to ensure that results will be
forwarded to colleges in time to complete the
application process. Some colleges (e.g. San
Diego State U. and San Jose State U.) require
testing to be completed by the November test
date. Students applying through Early Action or
Early Decision programs to any college need to
be mindful of early testing requirements.
 Virtually all colleges require testing to be
completed by the December test date at the
 De La Salle offers a free test preparation
program, Method Test Prep (MTP), which
provides online preparation for SAT and ACT,
currently for DLS seniors. Seniors are
encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity
to maximize their preparation for the exams.
 The College Center maintains a library of test
preparation materials which students are
welcome to check out if they wish. See the
College Counselors for the complete schedule of
deadlines and test dates, or to pick up test
preparation materials.
Seniors and Juniors should check the Naviance
website for an updated schedule of college visits.
The college visit list is also included on the DLS
website under Counseling > Colleges.
Students should sign up electronically on
Naviance, print out their confirmation page, and
have their teacher sign it at least one day ahead
of time. Detailed instructions are included on the
college visit schedule sign up link on Naviance.
Additionally, many college representatives will hold
evening or weekend meetings in the area for students and
parents from local high schools. Announcements of these
presentations will be listed on Naviance, as well as posted
on the bulletin board near the Attendance Office in the
Student Services Building.
of educating a student. We fill this gap through the
efforts of the Annual Fund.
Over the course of the next 100 days of school, our
staff and parent volunteers will be in touch through
mailings, personal communications, and our phonathon
to share the importance of the Annual Fund to our
school and students. Please join us again and help us
continue to build on the success of the Annual Fund
by making your gift today. Every gift is a major gift
and allows us to tell the world that our community is
100% committed to our mission of delivering a great
2015-2016 Annual Fund Kick-Off!
We were truly blessed to have over 63% of our parent
community participate with a gift to the De La Salle
Annual Fund last year. Over the past five school years,
we continue to see the record setting parent
participation in the Annual Fund! As we celebrate our
50th Anniversary this school year, our hope is that our
parent community will help us build on the success of
our Annual Fund efforts each year and help us reach
100% participation in the Annual Fund in the first 100
days of school.
Help us kick off our fall fundraising efforts by making
a gift to the Annual Fund! In the coming weeks, you
will have ample opportunities to participate:
 Parent Phonathon – Tuesday, September 22
& Wednesday, September 23: Parent
volunteers will be calling fellow parents to chat
and share more information about the Annual
 Make your gift online today: Visit Support De
La Salle at and click Make a
Gift Online.
What is the Annual Fund you may ask? The Annual
Fund is the bedrock of all fundraising efforts and
benefits all students by supporting critical school
priorities such as student programs, faculty
development, and financial aid. It is the “every year”
gift we ask of our entire community to contribute.
Volunteers Needed
The Advancement Office is in need of parent
volunteers wishing to lend a hand for the September
Why is 100% participation important? It is important
for what it tells the world. De La Salle must look
outside its own community for support – to
foundations, philanthropists, and other donors who can
aid our educational mission. These outsiders look for
evidence that the school is strong, well-managed,
thriving, and beloved by those who are closest to it. A
strong sign of this is the participation in the Annual
Fund by those closest to the school: faculty and staff,
alumni, and of course, our parents.
September Phonathon – Tuesday,
September 22 and Wednesday, September
23 from 5:30PM to 8:30PM in the Library:
Phonathon volunteers will enjoy good food and
the company of fellow Spartan parents. Reach
out to fellow parents, share in our Lasallian
spirit, and encourage gifts to the Annual Fund
to benefit all students. Bring a fellow parent
with you! This is a great activity to do with a
We understand that you are already making a
significant and substantial investment in your son’s
education through the tuition you pay each year. To
keep with our mission of making a De La Salle
education available to students from varied academic
and economic backgrounds, we strive to keep tuition
increases to a minimum, which therefore creates a gap
between the tuition each family pays and the actual cost
Contact Director of Development Karla Wiese at
(925) 288-8195 or to lend a helping
hand for one or all of these activities!
campaign will make long term, transformative changes
to our campus possible and will enhance financial
assistance for families in need.
For a limited time only, enjoy access to four great
De La Salle community events during the 2015-16
school year for one great price. Just $325 per person
will guarantee you a seat at the most popular DLS
We have achieved 100%+ of our goal in support of
Access for our students through support of our financial
aid endowment. While construction is complete for the
STREAM Innovation Center, we are not “done”.
Currently, we have secured commitments totaling
nearly $16 million of our $20.5 million fundraising
goal, and are working feverishly to complete this effort
by December 31, 2015. But we still need your help. If
you have already supported the Annual Fund this year,
and would like to talk to us about your investment in
the 50th Anniversary Campaign, please contact Karla
Wiese at (925) 288-8195 or Every
gift matters!
The Super Ticket includes:
 A Classic Evening – October 3
 Crab Feed – January 23
 Taste of De La Salle – February 25
 FETE Auction at Diablo Country Club –
April 30
Only 150 tickets will be sold! Super Ticket must be
ordered online at
Tickets are available until September 25, or sold out,
whichever comes first. If you have any questions,
please contact our Manager of Advancement Events,
Lauren Seeno, at or
(925) 288-8184.
Monday, October 5
The De La Salle Golf Classic is a long-standing
tradition that brings supporters and friends of the school
together to enjoy a day on the links while benefitting
students in need of financial aid.
While our focus this fall is in support of The De La
Salle Annual Fund, you may have heard about the 50th
Anniversary Campaign for De La Salle, as well. You
may be asking, “What’s the difference?”
The 31st Annual De La Salle Golf Classic will be held
on Monday, October 5, 2015 at Diablo Country Club.
We have already received tremendous interest in this
event, but wanted to provide you with the opportunity
to secure your foursome for this tournament. We also
have a limited number of sponsorships available at a
first-come, first-served basis. You can also join the fun
by coming to A Classic Evening on October 3 or join us
and play in the Horse Race on October 5 after the
tournament ($150 entry fee). For more information on
the DLS Golf Classic, contact Manager of
Advancement Events, Lauren Seeno at 925-288-8184
The De La Salle Annual Fund is the cornerstone of all
fundraising at De La Salle and is the “every year” gift
we ask of our entire school community. The Annual
Fund is essential for funding curricular and cocurricular activities each school year. In celebration of
our 50th year in existence, the 50th Anniversary
Campaign for De La Salle is a special capital project to
help the school prepare for the next 50 years. With a
focus on Academics, Access, Arts, and Athletics, this
Golf Classic Volunteers Needed
You are invited! Join your fellow Spartan alumni for
these events and many more student activities on
campus this fall:
September 2015
We are in need of volunteers the day of the Golf Classic
for the following: Hole-in-One spotters, shuttle drivers,
blind tee spotters, and tee prize give-a-ways. Full day
shifts (8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.) or half-day shifts are
available. If you are interested in volunteering, contact
Lauren Seeno at or (925) 288-8184.
Sunday, October 3
DLS Basketball Alumni Coaches Meet and
Alumni Cross Country Run and Social
Grand Reunion Weekend
Alumni Football Dinner and Social
For information for all alumni events, Alumni Board of
Directors, or to check in and see where you can get
involved, contact Lloyd Schine ’94, Director of Alumni
Relations, at or call (925) 2888171.
This reception is the first major social event of the
school year and benefits financial aid.
Activities for A Classic Evening include a sit-down
dinner, live and silent auctions, hosted cocktail
reception from 5:30- 6 p.m., and the opportunity to
meet new friends and reconnect with old ones.
Tickets for A Classic Evening may be purchased online
now at If you need more
information about this event, please contact Lauren
Seeno in the Office of Advancement at (925) 288-8184
Athletic Hall of Fame
Sunday, October 25
3:00 p.m.
Hofmann Student Center
In-Kind Donations Needed for A Classic Evening
Want to promote your business? Have a gift card that
you cannot re-gift? Donate to A Classic Evening silent
and live auction on Sunday, October 3. Gift cards,
wine, trips, jewelry, tickets, hotel accommodations,
Spartan gear, and more are welcomed and greatly
Thomas W. Dixon ‘94
Rashad E. Floyd ‘96
Thomas E. Prindiville ‘97
Chad Taylor ‘01
Maurice Jones-Drew ‘03
Tea Hieta
1992 Football
1997 Baseball
Proceeds from A Classic Evening benefit students in
need of financial aid.
To make a donation or for additional information,
please contact Lauren Seeno at (925) 288-8184 or
Distinguished Alumnus of the Year
Gen. Timothy P. McGuire ’83
For information or to register, visit
identifying information is saved. The scanning
process will take less than a minute to complete. On
return visits, guests will only need to provide their last
name. If the visitor is approved, he or she will receive a
sticker with a picture identifying him or her as an
approved visitor while on the De La Salle campus. If
the system raises a question about a visitor’s
background, DLS administrator(s) will take the
necessary steps to ensure the appropriateness of his or
her visit.
OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, November 1
10 a.m. to noon
We instituted this system as a safety measure to make
certain that 1) we are aware of all visitors on campus
should there be an emergency; and that 2) we screen all
visitors (per Megan’s Law) so registered sex offenders
are not on our campus. We do not receive information
on any other records (e.g. driving citations, etc.). Thank
you for your cooperation in this matter.
Key dates for those applying for the 9th grade:
 Friday, December 4: Freshman Applications Due
 Friday, December 4: Photocopy of Birth
Certificate and Immunization Record Due
 Friday, December 4: Photocopy of Baptism
Certificate (Catholic applicants only) Due
 Tuesday, February 2: Grade Request Form and
Recommendation Form Due
Tuition payments are due and payable on the first day of
the month as per your Tuition Contract. If you should
have any problems with your tuition payments and/or
changes or corrections to your bank information, please
immediately contact Ms. Kathy Resch in the Business
Office via email to or by phone at
(925) 288-8122 to avoid late charges or further action.
We wish you an exciting 2015-2016 school year.
For the online application, please visit our website at, then go to Admissions > Apply Online.
Entrance Exam: Saturday, January 9
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
for 9th grade applicants only
If you have questions, please contact Mr. Joe
at or (925) 288-8102.
ATHLETIC PHYSICALS: This is a reminder to all
student-athletes who plan to participate in any
sport. Pre-participation physical examinations are valid
for one calendar year only. If your physical is not up-todate, make an appointment prior to the start of your
season so you will be ready to compete during your
season of play. Appointments should not be made
during class time. You will not need to fill out forms AD as you did in previous years. The forms are now
included in the online registration process. Freshman
athletes have a physical on file in the Registrar’s Office
and do not need to have another to play a sport unless
that physical expires at any time during participation,
inclusive of tryouts and post season play. If a student
Visitor Check-in Reminder:
We are continuing to use the Raptor ID System to
register parents, volunteers, vendors, and other guests
who come on our campus between 7:45am and 3:45pm.
Guests who need access beyond the Administration and
Student Services buildings must first check-in with the
front desk. They must provide their driver’s license
and/or state ID, which will check the information
against the National Sex Offender database. Raptor
only scans the visitor’s name, date of birth, and
photo for comparison purposes; no other personal
does not have their physical completed by the first
tryout date, they will not be able to participate (until the
physical and all other paperwork is completed). Forms
are available at Completed forms
should be taken to the training room. Contact Mr.
Bauman or Mr. Brown if you have any questions.
Athletic schedules and general information for all
sports are available in the Main Office, the locker
room, and on the De La Salle High School webpage at
 Winter sports (basketball, soccer and wrestling)
begin November 9.
 Spring sports (baseball, golf, lacrosse, swimming,
tennis, track and field and volleyball) begin
February 8.
Hello from Campus Ministry, and welcome back for the
2015-2016 school year!
We have another full slate of retreat, service and
immersion opportunities for your sons. Mass of the
Holy Spirit kicked off the school year on August 26.
Tryout information for these sports will be posted on
the website and announced at school. Teams will have a
meeting on campus prior to tryouts, as well.
This year we are once again offering online registration
for the following retreats: Kairos, Junior, Father/Son,
and Parent/Son. PLEASE NOTE: These retreats fill
up very quickly. To register for a retreat, visit the De
La Salle website at, then Campus
Ministry > Retreats. There are links to all of the retreats
on the right panel as well as the list of participants in
the main panel of the page. These lists are updated
every 48 hours.
EBAL ADMISSION INFO: Admissions will be
charged at all EBAL Championship events plus
football, basketball and sports designated by each
member school. Adults are $8, students (participating
school) with ID, senior citizens and children (under 12)
are $5.
Father/Son and Parent/Son Retreats: Campus
Ministry offers parents and sons a great opportunity to
get away from the “business” of everyday life to spend
some quality time together. The retreat focuses on the
special bond between father/son and mother/son
through a variety of activities and small group
discussions. These retreats are open to all grade levels.
We offer the Father/Son Retreat, November 14-15, and
a Parent/Son Retreat, February 6-7. The cost is $250
for two. If you and your son would like to take
advantage of this great opportunity, please register
online as noted above. Financial aid is available.
all home football games open 30 minutes prior to the
first game. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please do not save seats in the bleachers prior to the
start of games. For all ticket information, check the
website at
La Salle Athletic Department will offer season passes
for fans. These passes are good for one adult, child or
senior admission to each home game at a discounted
rate. These passes are $40 each for adults and $25 for
children (12 and under) and seniors (60 and over). They
are available for purchase at the Bookstore. Please see
the webpage for more information.
As you know, we have the Ven a Ver Immersion
program for juniors and seniors. Every October we
journey to Salinas to spend the better part of a week
living and working with the homeless and poor, serving
breakfast and lunch each day at a wonderful shelter
called Dorothy’s Place. We also visit the migrant
workers’ camps, helping children with their homework,
playing soccer, and doing other activities with them.
The trip culminates in several hours of field
work…picking lettuce side-by-side with the proud men
INTRAMURALS: Students will have the opportunity
to play intramural sports during lunch throughout the
school year. This year the Athletic Department and
Activities Office will offer such sports as freshman flag
football, quad hockey, 3-on-3 basketball, and indoor
soccer. Announcements will be made with regard to
we don’t want anyone who really wants to go to be left
and women who do that noble work every day. There
is an application and interview process for these trips,
and there are a limited number of spaces. The
application deadline for all of the Immersion options is
Thursday, September 3rd.
Financial assistance is available for all retreats and
Campus Ministry-sponsored events. Please do not
hesitate to call our office for more information.
The Sophomore Family Liturgy and Dinner will take
place on Sept. 27. The Mass is at 4:00 p.m. in the
Theater. The Parent’s Association will be sending
information regarding the dinner by email. If you have
any questions regarding the dinner, please contact
Renee Beck ( or Julie
Connolly ( For questions
regarding the liturgy, contact Mrs. Hassett at (925) 2888110.
God bless you all and have a wonderful school year!
to parents regarding the delivery of messages, lunches,
etc., to students: We are unable to make deliveries.
Please make arrangements with your son before school.
The first SIP (Sophomore Immersion Program) will
take place on Thursday, September 24 with Mr.
Trinidad’s Period 4 Religious Studies class. Students
travel to St. Anthony’s Foundation – in the Tenderloin
neighborhood of San Francisco – to spend a day
“walking in the shoes” of the poor and marginalized.
The day involves two hours of service at St. Anthony’s
and affiliated agencies, and having lunch with the
“regular guests” in St. Anthony’s dining room. Prayer
and reflection are also incorporated into the program.
An informational letter and off campus consent forms
have been sent home. If you have any questions,
contact Mrs. Hassett at 925-288-8110.
ABSENCES: The phone number for the Attendance
Office is (925) 288-8222. You may call this number to
leave a message regarding absences 24 hours a day.
Please be sure to call each day of your son’s absence.
If your son will be missing school for any reason other
than an illness, please follow the guidelines under
“Excused Absence” of the 2015-2016 Handbook and
OUT OF TOWN PARENTS: Parents, please advise
the Attendance Office IN WRITING if you will be out
of town. Provide the name, address, home and work
telephone numbers, and relationship of the person who
will be responsible for your son while you are away.
The first of two Junior Retreats will take place
October 29-30. The Junior Retreat is an overnight
experience which explores one’s personal journey of
becoming a “Man of Faith.” It’s a great opportunity to
put one’s life in perspective and bond with fellow
classmates. We are currently accepting registration for
this retreat, as well as the January 21-22 retreat, on a
first-come, first-served basis. Participation is not
mandatory but is highly recommended.
TRAFFIC AND PARKING: As you can imagine, it
isn’t easy to live next to a high school, and our
neighbors are surrounded by three high schools! The
marching band starts their day off bright and early,
followed by the morning drop-off traffic, afternoon
pick-up traffic, and special events traffic. We’re asking
for your help in being a good neighbor by abiding by
the following:
Kairos #95, the first of seven Kairos retreats for the
seniors, will take place Sept. 15-18 at The Bishop’s
Ranch in Healdsburg. Kairos is an extremely popular
program, and the individual retreats fill up fast. At this
time, Kairos #96 is full. We are accepting registration
for Kairos #97, #98, #99, #100 and #101. Please
register on line as soon as possible as space is limited;
SPEED LIMITS: Maximum of five miles per
hour in the campus parking lot and 25 mph
through the neighborhood.
ZONES”: Using the red zone on Winton Drive to
park as you wait for your child is a parking
violation which may result in a citation from the
City of Concord and possibly towing. Parking in
the red zone also substantially compounds the
traffic congestion.
Student ID Cards: ID cards were issued on
Orientation day and will be issued on our picture retake
day on Thursday, September 24. ID cards are required
for entry into athletic games, dances and other
important events. They are also used to load money on
for use at our cafeteria. If your son has lost his ID card
please see Ms. Crane in the Student Life/Campus
Ministry Office. Lost ID cards cost $5 to replace.
Students must park
ONLY in their assigned parking spots and display
their parking tags. Cars found in violation of this
policy will be TOWED at the owner’s expense. If
a parking tag has been misplaced, see Mr. Guelld
for a replacement.
Freshman Mixer: The Freshman Mixer was held on
the afternoon of Friday, August 28, at Carondelet.
Welcome Back Rally: This takes place on Friday,
September 11, on our Grand Reunion Weekend.
LATTER DAY SAINTS: Our neighbor, The
Church of Latter Day Saints, has graciously
opened the gates to their parking lot to our
Only those students specifically
assigned to park at the church are allowed access.
All others will be towed at the owner’s expense.
The students assigned to the LDS parking lot are
aware of the following rules, and now we are
making sure parents are also aware: Gates to the
LDS parking lot will be opened at 7:15 a.m. and
relocked at 8:45 sharp each morning: Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The gates will not
be unlocked until after school at 2:15 p.m. Gates
will be relocked by 3:45 p.m. sharp each
afternoon, except Thursdays when the gates will
be open after school at 1:30 p.m. and close
promptly at 3:00 p.m. On Wednesdays the gates
will open at 8:15 a.m. and be locked at 9:45 a.m.,
reopened at 2:15 p.m. and locked again at 3:45
p.m. Students parking at the church will not have
access to their cars until the dismissal of school.
The church has asked that we keep their gates
locked when a school representative is not present.
Welcome Back Dance: This year’s Welcome Back
Dance will take place the following week on Friday,
September 18, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the DLS Quad.
Tickets are $10 and available at the Spartan Bookstore.
Once again this year, we (DLS & CHS) are running a
companion Welcome Dance just for Freshmen! It will
take place at CHS on the same evening and at the same
time. The cost for the Frosh dance is also $10. Please
check our website for additional information.
Brotherhood T-shirts, 50th Anniversary Version, are
coming in September! Price is $10 and will be available
in the Spartan Bookstore.
Club News: Clubs have begun to meet on campus.
Please speak to your son about joining a club or starting
a new one. New clubs must be requested two weeks
before the Club Fair through Ms. Crane in the Campus
Ministry / Student Activities Office. Club Fair Day is
Thursday, September 24, at lunch in the quad.
Underclass Portrait Re-Order: If you would like to
order or reorder your students school ID portrait go to and click on “Order
Photos,” then select “Order or Reorder Underclass ID
Portrait.” All orders will be shipped to your home in
three weeks.
If you have any questions regarding parking, contact
Mr. Guelld at or call (925) 2888130.
The students are beginning work on our 50th
anniversary yearbook. Some important dates are
coming up:
Hello and welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year from
everyone in Student Activities!
 We need Senior portraits completed by
September 30 to have the portrait included in the
 The other date is far off but will come up quickly.
January 15th is the final day for purchasing a
Senior yearbook ad congratulating your son.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mike
Mattos (x8111,
Save the Date!
Sophomore Liturgy and Dinner
Sunday, September 27th
Liturgy 4pm in the Theater
Dinner 5-6:30pm in the Hofmann Center
CSF Applications are now available through
Schoology and in the College Center. The California
Scholarship Federation, usually called CSF, is a
statewide honor society that fosters high standards of
scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of
California high school students. The motto of CSF is
“Scholarship for Service.” Eligible students can apply
sophomore-senior years and must
reapply each semester. Criteria for membership are
explained in the CSF Application Form. Generally,
students need three As and one B in approved courses
to be eligible to apply. To be eligible as a CSF Life
Bearer and receive recognition at graduation, a student
must be an eligible member for at least 4 semesters (1012th grade), including at least 1 semester in 12th grade.
Cost is $15 per person.
All family members are welcome.
Register at
If you have any questions regarding the event, please
contact Renee Beck ( or
Julie Connolly (
Please have your son complete the application form.
Completed applications must be submitted personally
by your son to Ms. Lopez in the College Center.
Applications are due no later than Friday, September 18
by the end of the school day. Students may apply only
during the application period of each semester. No late
applications can be accepted in accordance to CSF
Bylaws, no exceptions!
Tryouts are under way for our fall comedy:
You Can’t Take It with You.
Auditions: September 1 & 2 – 3:30-5:30
Call Backs: September 3 – 3:30-5:30
Thanks to all of those who audition!
De La Salle and Carondelet High Schools were excited
to implement our new Schoology Learning
Management System (LMS) this August. Schoology
allows students to view upcoming assignments,
test/quizzes, and major projects on a unified calendar,
get electronic access to resources their teachers provide
in class, and even submit work online. Teachers are
working with their classes to implement the different
“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there
am I in the midst of them.”
- Matt. 18:20
features of Schoology throughout the year. We now
invite parents to access Schoology.
You'll need to request your son’s access code from any
one of his teachers; many may provide them at Back to
School Night. Once you have your son’s code, you can
create a free account at The
access code will pair your account with your son’s
courses. Check out our Schoology Information Page
found on the DLS home page, “Schoology Is Now
Online.” You’ll find answers to questions about
Schoology as well as steps for setting up a parent
account. Also be sure to see our Parent Resources at the
Educational Technology Page. From the DLS home
page, click on Academics>Educational Technology.
ANY group that plans to hold an event on campus MUST
have their activity approved through our Scheduling
Committee. The committee meets on Monday mornings to
review requests. Requests must be submitted two weeks in
advance. Event/Facility Request forms are available on the
DLS home page, click on Quicklinks > School Forms.
Bookstore Hours:
DRIVER’S EDUCATION is offered each quarter.
Announcements have been made directing interested
students to pick up an application from Mr. Bradford in
Room 201. Driver’s Ed for Quarter 1 will begin on
September 1st.
7:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
7:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
7:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
7:30 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
We stay open during all HOME football games.
General hours may vary depending on school
A $150 instructor’s fee is due to Mr. Bradford with the
registration form on the first day of class. All classes
are held during Period 7, Monday through Thursday.
There is a state-mandated minimum attendance
requirement. This is classroom instruction only.
Many new items are arriving at the
Bookstore daily! The list of items includes football
sweatshirts and t-shirts, women’s t-shirts, and jackets.
Stop by and get your items before we sell out!
Season Football Passes:
Season passes are now
available in the Bookstore for use at home games only.
Please note that the pass DOES NOT include any playoff games. Adult passes are $45, and $30 for children
(age 12 and under) or seniors (age 60 and over).
The 2015-2016 De La Salle Parent-Student
Directory will be available in early September
through PowerSchool.
If any corrections are needed, please contact
Mrs. Monica Szczepanski at 288-8109 or at
Online Shopping: Visit our Spartan Online Store 24/7!
Send a little something to your recent graduate who has
gone off to college.
Calling DLS Moms to Pray: If you are not praying
for your son, who is? See what God can do for your
children and their school when you are faithful to pray
on a regular basis. Come and pray with the DLS
Moms in Prayer group. We meet every Wednesday at
9:30 a.m. to pray scripturally for our sons, DLS, our
teachers and administrators. For more information,
please call Ellen Dobin at (925) 962-0014.
3rd Annual Sidewalk Sale
Back-to-School Night Thursday, September 3rd: The
Bookstore will be open at 5:30 p.m. We have many
great sale items – don’t miss it!
Welcome to new faculty!
We welcome the following new faculty members to De La Salle High School, who add new excitement and
gifts to this school community:
Meredith Barnidge: Meredith joins our Visual and Performing Arts department as the new Theatre
Director and theatre arts teacher. Meredith obtained her BA from Webster University
in Literature and Screen Writing. She is currently in a Masters Program. She most recently worked at
Contra Costa Christian High School, where she was the Director of Performing Arts as well as a Director
for Community Theatres in the East Bay. She is looking forward to producing new shows this year with
her colleague Thomas Wickboldt.
Tim Bedford, ’03: Tim officially joins the DLS faculty as a math teacher. Tim is an alum of DLS and
was a long-term substitute in math and other areas last school year. Tim received his undergraduate
degree from University of Arizona and holds a Masters Degree in Aerospace Engineering from USC.
Tim continues to be the co-moderator of the Robotics Club on campus, and is happy to make his home as
a teacher/alum at DLS.
Nathan Cormier-Knopp: Nathan joins the Guidance Department as its newest counselor, working with
students who fall alphabetically with a last name E-K. Nathan graduated with both his undergraduate
degree in History and graduate degree in Counseling from St. Mary’s College. He also received his Pupil
Personnel Credential from Brandman University. Nathan worked as an MFT trainee and intern at College
Park High School, where he was also a crisis counselor. Nathan is deeply committed to being punctual,
so he is always early to school. He looks forward to being available to his counselees in the morning
before school.
Karen Hall: Karen joins our World Languages Department as a Spanish teacher this year. Karen
received her BA in Spanish from Chico State, and holds a Masters in Teaching from National University.
She previously taught at Jesuit High School in Carmichael and was a long-time Spanish tutor as well.
Karen is a parent of a CHS graduate and a current DLS student.
Henriette Howett: Henriette joins the Science Department as a teacher of Biology. Henriette received
her BS degree from Cal State East Bay and holds a Life Science credential from SF State. She taught for
several years at Mercy High School in SF, teaching Biology, AP Biology, Physiology and Physical
Science. She loves nature, running, and going on hikes, and is thrilled to teach in the new STREAM
building and have a very short commute to work.
Sr. Jodi Min, OP: Sr. Jodi joins our Religious Studies department this year, teaching Freshmen and
Juniors. Sr. Jodi has a BS in Human Development from UC Davis, an MA in Theology from Providence
College, and has extensive experience in Lasallian studies, having served as the Director of Lasallian
Mission there for several years. Sr. Jodi has been a member of the Dominican Sisters of Oakford for 23
years and is a former hula dancer- and college basketball player-turned nun. She is also the first teaching
Sister at DLSHS.
Jennifer Ricketts: Jennifer is a CHS alum who joins our Visual and Performing Arts Department as an
art and architectural drafting and design teacher. Jennifer received her BS degree from UC Davis in
Environmental Design and has a California Credential in Art from Cal State East Bay. She was most
recently a teacher at Holy Spirit and Queen of All Saints schools in the Oakland Diocese. She took the
original “Tech Drawing” class here at DLS, which inspired her to study Math and Environmental Design
in college.
Rob Rogers: Rob joins our English department this year, teaching English 3 and Senior English. He had
the opportunity to teach in our summer Spartan Success program, as well. Rob has a BA in English from
Kenyon College, an MA in Education from Curry College, and an MFA in Creative Writing from
Emerson College. He holds a California Credential, as well. Rob spent time in his career as a writer and
was most recently a teacher at Clayton Valley Charter High School. He once had the opportunity to attend
the Academy Awards (2001) as a guest.
Alisa Salem: Alisa joins the World Languages Department as the teacher of one of our newest courses,
American Sign Language. Alisa will be teaching ASL 1 and 2 at both DLS and CHS. She received her
BA from Fresno State and Cal State Northridge and has a degree in Deaf Studies from Thomas Edison
State. She has been an ASL teacher at both Amador and San Ramon Valley High School. She taught
herself the ABCs in Sign as well as many other signs in Deaf Studies by the 5th grade. She brings great
warmth and support to her students.
Welcome to new staff!
Join us also in welcoming the following new staff members, who bring passion and talent to the De La
Salle community:
AJ Kuhle, ’00: AJ was a member of the 2000 state championship basketball team. He graduated from the
United States Air Force Academy in 2004. He taught and coached at the Air Force Academy and attended
pilot training. After separating from the Air Force, AJ worked eight years with the University of Denver
on the men's basketball staff. While at Denver, AJ earned a master degree in Organizational Leadership.
AJ married his wife Lindsay in 2013 and welcomed a daughter, Lucy, in October 2014.
Lloyd Schine, ’94: Lloyd joins DLS as the Director of Alumni Relations. He holds a BA in Economics
and Business Administration from Saint Mary's College (SMC). He worked in the SMC Alumni Office
for ten years, completing his tenure as the Alumni Director. After leaving SMC, he finished his teaching
program and taught elementary and middle school for five years in Oakland, Antioch and Richmond. He
holds a Master of Arts in Educational Administration and a Master of Arts in Teaching. Lloyd also
teaches ballroom dance to 7th and 8th graders in Moraga, Orinda, Danville and Piedmont. He is a former
member of both the DLS Alumni Board of Directors and the DLS Board of Trustees.
Shannon Sullivan: Shannon joins DLS as the Administrative Assistant to Brother Robert Wickman,
F.S.C. After graduating Carondelet in 2004, Shannon went to California Polytechnic State University in
San Luis Obispo where she studied English and Psychology. While there, she taught rhetoric and
composition to college freshmen. After leaving San Luis Obispo, she worked as a marketing and sales
assistant most recently for a culinary design and innovation company in Emeryville. She loves reading (of
course) and all matters of fun facts. She is a published journalist, CYO basketball referee, and devout fan
of Bay Area sports teams.
De La Salle High School
Back-to-School Night
September 3, 2015
6:30 – 6:50 Welcome
Welcome and Prayer
Brother Robert Wickman
7:00 – 7:10 Period 1
7:17 – 7:27 Period 2
7:34 – 7:44 Period 3
7:51 – 8:04 Period 4
8:11 – 8:21 Period 5
8:28 – 8:38 Period 6
8:45 – 8:55 Period 0
Period 7
Please join us for refreshments outside in the quad.
Please note this includes 10 minute classes and 7 minute passing times
Rooms downstairs: 101-104, 201-204, 302-304, 400-404
Rooms upstairs: 105-109, 206-210, 306-308, 405-408
Room behind the Theatre: Music Room
Rooms adjacent to the 400 wing: DM1 and DM2
Rooms in the STREAM building: 501-512
College Counselors will be available in the Quad during the evening to answer questions and
will meet with all senior parents in their “college advisory” class at 7th period in the Hofmann
Student Center.
Shop and a percentage of your purchase can benefit the students at De La Salle!
Fundraising - no extra cost to you! Simply enroll, shop, earn and support:
Frosh/Sophomore Class Liturgy/Dinners, Crab Feed, Junior Ring Ceremony,
Senior Mother-Son Brunch, Field Day, and Brotherhood Fund.
We are proud to announce our NEW partnership with scripsense, the premiere online interactive fundraising
program and mobile solution. Every time you shop online or buy electronic Gift Cards for your everyday needs
via scripsense, a percentage will go back to the De La Salle Brotherhood Fund. Start shopping Target online
and earn 3%. Send eGift cards like Amazon earning 3% instantly. Risk averse-no personal information
online, online and mobile 24/7.
How it Works:
 Register: A personal email will be sent to you to join our Private Network of over 300 National and
Local merchants to shop and earn.
 Shop & Spend: As a member, you will be able to shop online and also purchase electronic gift cards.
 Enable Your Mobile Wallet: All cards are now stored on your phone for ease of use! No more lost
cards, expiration dates...just one simple mobile wallet solution.
 Customized Bundles: available in the Gift Giving Made Easy Storefront.
 Complimentary Tools: “Virtual eGift” options allow you to earn rebates while sending birthday gifts,
planning parties and sending thank you gifts! “Invitation Options” invite family & friends to help
Google Chrome Browser: Open the following link with your Google Chrome browser - and
click the "Add To Chrome" button. Every time you shop online when using Chrome, you will be reminded
about earning opportunities through scripsense and have quick access to promotional savings!
Register today! Send an email to with the subject "Register Me." You will be
immediately sent a private email invitation from scripsense which will walk you through the registration
process. Then you can shop away to benefit De La Salle and the Brotherhood Fund!
ONLINE SHOPPING / Local Merchant
After a great deal of careful thought and consideration, Safeway and Vons have decided to conclude their
association with eScrip as the mechanism to donate to local organizations. The current program will officially
end on August 1, 2015. Safeway will continue to make contributions through June 2016 quarterly from our
prior earnings. Starting July of 2016, schools will be eligible to apply for a grant through their online
application system at
eScrip easy sign up:
1. Go to
2. Click "SIGN UP -IT's FREE"
3. Follow instructions to link/update your current grocery category or credit/debit cards.
How it Works:
 Register any one or all of your existing grocery loyalty, debit and/or credit cards (important update credit card) for use in the program.
 Designate De La Salle as your school, must complete to receive credit.
 Participating merchants make contributions to your chosen group based on purchases made by you
just by using the cards you have registered.
 Your purchases are tracked and available online for you to view.
The Target REDcard/Take Charge of Education® program has created a terrific way to raise funds for De La
Salle High School. All you have to do is use your Target REDCard for your regular shopping and 1% of your
purchase will come back to De La Salle and you will receive an extra 5% off of your purchase as well! A
REDcard is a credit or debit card that you obtain from Target.
How it works:
 1% purchases back to school of your choice (1 school per card designation)
 Select De La Salle as school of choice.
 5% discount on YOUR everyday eligible purchases
 FREE Target online shipping & handling.
Sign up for your Target REDcard (credit card or debit card options are available) by visiting your local Target
anytime or click here to sign up for your Target REDcard online.
IMPORTANT: After signing up please remember to call 1-800-316-6142 to designate De La Salle High
School (ID# 3103) as your school of choice or visit the Take Charge of Education website to sign up online.
For more information on any of these options, please go to then Parents > scripsense, Target
REDCard, eScrip.
Congratulations to our following High Honor and Honor students from Spring 2015.
High Honors
Spring 2015
GPA 3.75-4.0+
Class of 2016
Joshua Abesamis
Quinten Adabie
Erick Barrientos
Dominic Bartoni
Julian Bell
Kevin Bentley
Luis Berg
Donovan Blair
Charles Brody
Devin Buchanan
Bailey Chambers
Alexander Cole
Matthew Conway
John Cygan
Philip Datte
Jeffrey Eitelgeorge
Patrick Guidi
Daniel Hassett
Ryan Hays
Andrew Hernandez
Daniel Hinckley
Michael Holmes
Tristan Hourigan
Marshall Huberty
Dimitri Katsanos
Jordan Katz
Matthew Koelzer
Joseph Kratz
Matthew Lencioni
Justin Mariano
Adam Mercer
Bailey Militar
Martin Olson III
Curtis Oxman
Eric Phillips, Jr.
Alexander Raines
Austin Rodgers
Victor Salas
Thomas Schwarz
James Simonelli
Jake Simpson
Casey Smith
Connor Smith
Jack Smith
Liam Spangenberg
Kai Squires
Bernabe Urbano III
Anthony Valentine
Blake Wardy
Forrest White
Ryan Wong
Hunter Wood
Jared Paul
Jordan Ratinho
Christian Gabri Roque
Douglas Scott
Jarryd Fernand Tanedo
Jackson huma
Steven Tomkovicz
Christopher Trinkus
Jared Uang
Jack Valentine
Christopher VanderKlugt
Garrett Vest
High Honors
Spring 2015
GPA 3.75-4.0+
Class of 2017
Spring 2015
GPA 3.50-3.74
Class of 2016
Ethan Abbas
Enrique Barajas
Jonathan Bindi
Giovanni Boss
Jerico Campos
Rohan Castelino
Nicolas Cheng
Ryan Cole
Alex Colello
Nicholas Covaia
Jackson Drake
Robert Driscoll
Taylor Ellis
Declan Flanagan
Maxwell Freeman
Anthony Friedman
Luke Giuntoli
Zachary Gotvald
Matthew Grywczynksi
Luke Harbison
Nicholas Hardwick
Kade Harmon
Eric Headley
Ryan Howard
Eric Iannaccone
Shane Jacoby
William Ayers
Mason Behiel
Nolan Burgstaller
Aaron James Capinpin
Biagio Capp
Colin Fogarty
Andrew Fogel
Ryan Forester
Aria Ghandi
Colin Hartman
Quinton Hughes
Dylan Hunziker
Grant Jones
Ryan Jones
Robin Joseph
Atiba Kimbrell, Jr.
Charles Lagomarsino
Connor Lencioni
Jacob Lezcano
Nicholas Lloren
Conor Maloney
Ross McDonald
Marcus Nikaido
Dylan Nye
Derek Oatley
Joseph Jordan
Jack Levins
Michael Taylor Mapua
Connor Menefee
Daniel Nomura
Sean O'Donnell
Shane O'Hare
Abel Ordaz
Kevin O'Reilly
Zachary Peterson
Daniel Pham
Patrick Reiser
Jordan Rivera
Ryan Rivera
Tyler Rosselli
James Rowan
Nicholas Santiago
Richard Seeno, Jr.
Alexander Sintic
Quillan Sortino
Mitchell Storey
Justin Tahmassebpur
Logan Tingey
Milton Vrionis II
Scott Weston
Wade Willet
Holden Wright
William Wright
Spring 2015
GPA 3.50-3.74
Class of 2017
Cruz Abenoja
Christopher Behring
Matthew Berdiago
Austin Blair
Dillon Bornholtz
Tsvetelin Buhlev
Nicholas Cunningham
Joseph Curran
Nikos Dalton
Miguel DeOsuna
Diego Espinoza
Aezon Fernandez-Bayan
Jonathan Francisco
Jackson Gabler
Alexander Ghantous
Adrian Gomez
Colton H. Hall
Kevin Jacques
Michael Janettas
Jack Kennedy
Jacob Kirkpatrick
Jack Klapperich
Robert Knoll, Jr.
Alexander Lea
Mark Levins
Miguel Lezcano
Jack Lilienstein
Evan Lonestar
Chase Martin
Cade Mayer
Cameron Molyneux
Ryan Naiker
Erik Ornelas
Lorenzo Orozco
Ryan Petersen
Michael Pitek
Michael Quinn
Evan Ruiz
Zachary Sinclair
Nicholas Sypniewski
Isaia Taotua
Jeremy Willis
Justin Woerner
Jair de Jesus Martinez
Christian Mast
Kyle McGrath
Charles Miller III
Ellis Mimms
Luke Morrisroe
Matthew Moynihan
Jacob O'Brien
Nicholas Orecchia
Bryson Patterson
Nicholas Pilgrim-Minaya
Justin Pratt
Jack Reed
John Reynolds
Nicholas Saber
Alfred James Seivold
Ryan Sheffield
Quinn Smalling
Christopher C. Smith
Laurence Andrew
Cooper Tomkovicz
Daniel von Savoye
Ravin Wijesuriya
Teodor Zelenskyy
High Honors
Spring 2015
GPA 3.75-4.0+
Class of 2018
Justin Amen
Dominic Armanino
Jonathan Avila
Ralph Barsi
Logan Bassi
Nicholas Brdar
David Bruzzone, Jr.
Michael Butler
Giles Pierre Carlos
Collin Cate
Nicholas Charbonneau
Emilio Chausse
Steven Cline
Garrett Coleman
Dawson Diaz
Ari Eckhaus
Kyle Eggert
Easton Elting
Harrison Fisher
James Flanagan
Grant Gabrielson
Francis Gallagher
Russell Ghisletta
Juan Gomez de la Vega
Dominic Grupalo
Ali Hannaoui
Casey Johnson
Joseph Keane
Christopher LeCoque
Alexander Lewald
Spring 2015
GPA 3.50-3.74
Class of 2018
Joshua Allan
Carlos Anton Farris
Michael Balousek
Troy Bechtold
Blaine Bumbaca
Corey Burgstaller
Nicholas Chua
Samuel Cooke
Taison Corio
Richard Cunningham
Ryan Domanski
Christopher Falco
Jordan Gutierres
Dominic Hanecak
Luke Happel
Anders Henningsson
Matthew Herin
Brendan Hopkins
Griffin Hunt
Thomas Jansen
Jan Rafael Javier
Omar Khleif
Christopher Koenig
Andrew Maestro
Brandon Nevares
Brian Nimr
Jackson O'Donnell
Jack Powers
Michael Rood
Joseph Schwartz
Maxwell Simmons
Jonathan Slimm
Tyler Tuescher
Alvaro Vazquez
Jackson Walsh
Anthony Ricardo Wright
Congratulations to the following student-athletes who attained a GPA of 3.50 or above (based on the
NCS GPA of 4.0, no weighting) during their participation in spring sports.
Varsity Baseball
Mason Behiel
Ruben Diaz
Grant Jones
Jordan Katz
Zachary Kline
Michael McAdoo Jr.
Ryan McSweeney
John Quinn Jr.
Conner Roberts
Matthew Sanders
Cameron Schneider
Donovan Smith
Nicholas Sparks
Christopher VanderKlugt
Joseph Vranesh
Ethan Romero
Quinn Smalling
Daniel Nomura
Richard Trapp
Ravin Wijesuriya
Varsity Lacrosse
JV Swimming/Diving
JV Tennis
Ian Benz
Brian Buckley
Steven Cademartori
Alexander Cole
Ryan Jones
Christopher Koenig
Matthew Lencioni
Conor Maloney
Eric Morgan
Jack Needham
Thomas Schwarz
Julian Bell
Diego Espinoza
Jonathan Francisco
Michael Janettas
Nikolai Kindy-Baillot
Shane O'Hare
Jordan Rivera
Ryan Sheffield
Quillan Sortino
Daniel von Savoye
William Wright
JV Lacrosse
JV Baseball
Dillon Bornholtz
Ryan Cole
Vincent Del Monte
Cullen Kafka
Brian Nimr
Luke O'Brien
Nicholas Santiago
Nicholas Sherman
Milton Vrionis II
Frosh Baseball
Nicholas Brdar
Zachary Brightman
Collin Cate
Nicholas Charbonneau
Samuel Cooke
Taison Corio
Dominic Grupalo
Matthew Herin
Casey Johnson
Mark Malley
Jack Powers
Jonathan Sullivan
Peter Zhu
Varsity Golf
Nicholas Lloren
Cade Mayer
Joseph Ridgway
Michael Balousek
Jordan Gutierres
Eric Headley
Griffin Hunt
Alexander Lea
Adam Moody
Alfred James Seivold
JV Golf
Garrett Coleman
Zachary Diaz
Brendan Hopkins
Nicholas Orecchia
Frosh/Soph Lacrosse
William Buckley
Michael Butler
Nicholas Chua
Victor Faix-Hernandez
James Flanagan
Russell Ghisletta
Michael Rood
Christopher Stauber
Varsity Swimming/Diving
Zachary Cannon
Robert Driscoll
Jackson Gabler
Tristan Hourigan
Erick Iannaccone
Kevin Jacques
John Madigan
William Marshall-Inman
Tyler Rosselli
Jake Simpson
Varsity Tennis
Daniel Dzenitis
Marcus Ferreira
Luke Happel
Clay Barbieri
Jonathan Bindi
Giovanni Boss
David Bruzzone Jr
Nicolas Cheng
Richard Cunningham
Joseph Curran
Kyle Eggert
Grant Gabrielson
Shane Jacoby
Thomas Jansen
Christopher LeCoque
Mark Levins
Jack Levins
Chase Martin
Evan Ruiz
Nicholas Saber
Mitchell Storey
Scott Weston
Congratulations to the following student-athletes who attained a GPA of 3.50 or above (based on the
NCS GPA of 4.0, no weighting) during their participation in spring sports.
Varsity Volleyball
Varsity Track
Thomas Cunnie
Scott Ficken
Devin Hanel
Jack Klapperich
Bailey Militar
Isaias De Leon
Francis DeMartini
Sean Godkin
Roc Johnson
Colin Monasterial
Jesus Rico
Miguel Ruano-Moreno
Austin Sanchez
Matthew Schumann
Connor Smith
Jack Valentine
JV Volleyball
David Benavidez
Christian Bermudez
Jerico Campos
Steven Cline
Matthew Grywczynski
Kyle McGrath
Jonelson Rodriguez
Seeno Jr
Jack Smith
Bernabe Urbano III
Christopher Walsh
JV Track
Eleazar Barajas
Enrique Barajas
Troy Bechtold
Corey Burgstaller
Ryan Donley
Taylor Ellis
Harrison Fisher
Declan Flanagan
Francis Gallagher
Luke Giusto
Juan Gomez de la Vega
Ali Hannaoui
Kyle Johnston
Jalen Jones
Nikolai Kindy-Baillot
Christian Mast
Cooper Tomkovicz
Samuel White
Frosh/Soph Volleyball
Jonathan Avila
Logan Bassi
Zachary Gotvald
Tyler Henderson
Jacob Padilla
David Wiley
See the DLS website ( for complete information.
September 3
September 4
September 7
Back-to-School Night (Parents only)
Faculty Professional Day (No classes)
Labor Day Holiday (No classes)
October 9
October 12
October 13
First Quarter Ends
Columbus Day Holiday (No classes)
Faculty Professional Day (No classes)
November 1
November 9
November 25-29
Admissions Open House
Veterans Day Holiday Observance (No classes)
Thanksgiving Holiday Recess
December 15-17
December 17
Semester Examinations
Student Christmas Vacation Begins at Dismissal
Semester 1/Quarter 2 Ends
January 7-8
January 11
January 18
Faculty Professional Days (No classes)
Second Semester Classes Begin
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (No classes)
February 12
February 15
Faculty Professional Days (No classes)
President’s Day Holiday (No classes)
March 11
March 22
March 23
Faculty Professional Days (No classes)
Quarter 3 Ends
Student Easter Vacation Begins at Dismissal
Faculty/Staff Retreat/Day of Service
April 4
April 8
Classes Resume
Faculty Professional Day (No classes)
May 22
May 27
May 30
May 31
Gradation / Grad Night
Semester Examinations
Memorial Day Holiday (No classes)
Semester Examinations
June 1
June 2 & 3
Semester Examinations / Semester 2 Ends
Faculty Professional Days (No classes)