2nd reading - Jersey City
2nd reading - Jersey City
~"1 ~.~.". ..~ ..~. 3.A No. Agenda Agenda No. 1st Reading If.A. & Final Passage 2nd Reading ORDINANCE. OF JERSEY CITY, N.J. COUNCIL AS A WHOLE' offered and moved adoptionoHhe folloWing ordinance: . " CITY ORDINANCE 12-064, ., a~ . " . - , TITLE: ORDINANCE DEDICATtNGTHAT MARTIN LUTHER KING DRIVE BETEEN PAR STEGMAN STREET AND WEGMAN KWAY ALSO BE KNOWN AS . ". ,'Bulwp Scotla ß.Baile'J' Wag. .' WHEREAS, Bishop Scotland BaUeywas born to the-late Milton and Edith Bailey in Charles Town, West Virginia; WHEREAS, Bishop BaUey accéptedChristashis personal savior during the late :1950s. He later became a member of the Deliverance Evangelistic Center in Newark; NJ. under the leadership of the ¡ate Apostle Arturo Skinner. It was there ordained to the ministry of Christ in :1963;'and . that Scotland was 'WHEREA, BishapBailey'foundedhischurch, Jersey city the Deliverance Center, in:L967.His ministry and Bailey moved the chi.rch to 1.77 Martin Luther King Drive and the name was Church ~f FarÚiolnthe mid 80's, Bishop Bailey purchased :179 Martin L.utherKing Drive church flourished. In 1.973; Bishop changèd tdFull Gospel to, serve as an anne?, encompaSsing execUtive offces and Classrooms; and . . WHEREA, Bishop Baileylirlkèdthe church with the Universl Temple Churches.of God Worldwide,headquartered in Brooklyii, the of renamed the church,Universal Full Gospel Church. As a part N.Y.-in:L80and the UniversalTemple Churchës Worldwide; Bishop Bailey was ,elevated first to the office of Presiding Elder of Board of Elders. In 2000; he Was elevated to the offce of Bishop and Jurisdictional Prelate of New Jersey. Right Direction Ministries, foul1er; and .' Most recently, Bishop Bailey decided to bring the headquartered in Columbia. SOl,th Carolina church under the covering of where his nephew, Dr. Herbert Bailey, is the senior pastor and WHEREA, Bishop Bailev has receivednuinerous awards, citations and accolades and in 20:L was installed asa chaplain for Hi.pson COuntYin 20:1:1 He is very active in all ofthe ministries on his church and takes ., a extraordinarily humble man with a quiet mentor to rnany. Under.the leadership of Bishop of God has acèoiTplished many great .feàtS ànd lias become a SPecial interest in the youth of theci;mmunity, Bishop Bailey is an spiritHè ¡sa respected pre;:cMr,leåder,visionary and Scotland Bailey, Universal 'Fùll Gospel staple in Church ,its community dÙring its 45 years of existence. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, longstarlding,ministry of that the MUnicipal Council of the City of Jersey City does hereby honor the . Bishop Scotland B. .Bailey and.dedicatethaI Martin Lùther King Drive between , Stegman Street andWegmari Parkway also be known as Bishop Scotland B. Bailey Way. A. All ordinances and partofordinancesinconsistentherewith are hereby repealed. . B. This ordinance shaUbe a part ofthe Jersey City Code as'though codified and fully setforth therein. The City' shall have this ordinance codified and incorporated in the offciaL. copies of the Jersey City Code. C. This ordinance shall takeefféctatthe time provided by law. and in the manner as D. The City Clerk and the èorp6Ì'tiòn Counsel be, anø,they are hereby authorized:and directed to change any chapter numbers, article numb-em and section' nUmbers in the e~ent that the codification 'of this ordinance reveais that tliere'is a conflict between those numbers and the existing code, in order to avoid confusion ,. and posible accidental repealers of existing provisions. ' ~d 'f?\~\-rOLONDA\ROS\RENAisOP SCtld'B. Bailey Wa'f: ~Ia Rjch.a~.wp C~rtca~orl Required 0 . Not Required 0 APPROVED: AP~ROVED: ~ Ord.12-064 MAY 09 2012 , TITLE: 4:A. MAY 1'3 2012 tht Mmn Luther lGngDrive Ordinance dedicating be between Stegman.Street and WegranParkway also knoWn as BìshopSeotland B. Bailey Way. ' " COUNCILPRSON AYE SOnOlAO ,/ 7i/ '"DUNNELlY " , -' LOPEZ .. N.\C NAY COUNCILPERSON ~ GAUGHAN - FULOP AYE NAY i/ -: '" AYE NAY N.V. /' ,/ ,/ BRENNA . ::LVARRO ' i/' RICHADSON -0 'nf1 COUNCILPERSON N.V.. 7 ' ' MAY nll ON INTODUCTION RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAS:SEY' ,l Indicates Vot N. V.-Not Voting (Abstin) , . RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEANG ' CAUGHAAI Counciliierson / , ./ CaUNCILPERSON AYE' SOnOLAO 'Q.ONN£LlY LOPEZ ,: ',N.V. ' .NAY ÇOUNCILPERSON ..:'" AYE NAY N.V. I' ;lA¥AR.R.Q ,/ ./ MASSH ," N. V. -Not Voting (Abstin) ,, .. ' ,' RECORoOF CQU'NCILVOTEON AMENDMENTS;/F ANY ' , ' Councilperson COlJNCILPeRSON .'- ' AYE' NAY N.V. , COUÑCILI'ERSòN " GAUGHAN DONNELiy FULOP" " LOPEZ' , , moved tö amend* Ordinance, sèconded byCouneiipeiSön SQnoLAo ,' .' , N.V. NAY AYE COUNCILPERSON MASSEY, .. sqnOLANO , bONNElLY , LOPEZ NAY N.V. Y COUNCILPERSON GAUGHAN ;/ ; J AYE '/ FULOP RICHARDSON --?': . VOTE NAY'., N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) , , " RECORD Or: FINAL COUNCIL , ,AYE; N.V.'. ',LAVARRO , " - .' COUNCIIJERSON NAY BRENNAN RICHADSON ", & ad()pted AYE , , ,l Indicates Vot COUNCILPERSON N.V. ' ' nt? "', , v' :A~ Sëil 8-0 :,AYE NAY N.V: -/ BRENNA ,/; tAV:ARRO "' 'MÁSSEY' ,l Indicates Vote , N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) Adopted on firSt reading Âdopted on to closeP.H. 7 ,l Indicates Vote i 8-0 23 ?i CQUNCILPERSON-' BRENNAN A~ ;i:iv i- RICHARDSON ' , . N.V. . " FULOP' ,~ NAY AYE GAUGHAN MAY Sor-n€./UlfO, ' ' nïyed, seconded by Councilpeison of the Council of.Jersey City, N.J.oh send andfinal reading after hearing on . This is to cert thai thefOregoing Ordinance was adopted by ~""p~ "r 00 MAW 2012 , '.' ,.'. . Robert ~ Clerk *Amndrnnt(s): ,09 2012 MAY ~:' D " VAILQ~,= . " . ~..,."., .. d MAY ,2 3 2012 Peter M. B,l"eTln~n.' _ .,. CounclPresident . -Date: APPROVED: MA'f23 2012 ¥ ,,2R~ --'H'" .... Date MAY 3 0 2012 MAY 24 2012. Date to Mayor 3.8 1st Reading No. Agenda Agenda Nò. Passage Jf.6. ',2nd Reading & Final ORDINANCE OF JERSEY CITY, N.J. COUNCIL AS A WHOLE ordinance: - . offered and moved adoptionôf the following CLLY ORDINANCE 12-065 TIT: Dedicating That the Northeast Corner of 5tèvens Avenue and -Rutgers Ävenue to AlsoBe Known as .1SißbopWa!'man Wtigbt, ~r. 1Yå!, Whereas, Wayman Wright, Sr. was born in Orangeburg,South'Carolina on November 16,1936, to the late James and Jessie Wright. +Ierelocated to New York City in 1954, where he was employed by New York , Corporation 'as a Senior Cook aridSupërvisor forthe 'Geriatrics .Department for more Health and Hospital , than 44 years; arid Whereas, Wayman Wright, Sr. received the baptism of thelloly Ghost in 1956. He joined the Greater " ' the Refuge Temple coqlJC under Lord JeSus Chi"st of hard work atthe leadership of the Apostolic Faith, Greater the lateBishop R,C. Lawson, founderofthe Churches of Our Junior deacon. Wayman's dedication and Inc., where he served as Refuge Temple propelled him to junior pastor under the leadership of Pastor 'Bishop Wiliam 1. Bonrer the present Chief Apostle; and ,. Whereas,JuniorPastor Wright maFried his sweetheart Sis. Ernestine .Newsome 'in 19S8. Two beãutiful born to this union: Kim andWayman Wright, Jr. In 1968, the couple became the Pastor and Lady of the New Day Refuge Church of Christ in Jersey' City. The church grew arid Pastor Wright was children were First I ." . . elevated to bishopric; ànd ' . Bishop Wright was asked to assume leadership of Rehoboth Church ófc:hrist in 1996 by Pastor Whereas, . Leroy JòhnsondlJeto his failng hEúilth. Bishop Wright agreed to take responsibiltyfortheflockal)d in 1999, in Jersey City; and' 'Christ "located " on,Rutgers.Avenue thetwochùrches merged to become the New Day Rehoboth Church of , . . ,. ,. . Whereas; Bishop Wr'ght serves as the Diocesan Bishop of the New Je~sey Evangelical Diocese while LòrdJesus Christ. He is an example. contiriuingtoearnestly serVe as pastor otthe New Day Rehoboth Church of Our òutsandingrole,model and iientorto countless young men, women and children and leads by City deems it fitting arid Now, Therefore; Be It Ordained, thatthe Municipal Council of the City of Jersey . most appropriate to honor Bishop Wayman Wright, Sr. by-dedicatirïg that the northeast corner of Stevens Avenue and Rutgers Avenue to also be known as Bishop Wayman"Wright Sr. Way. ' , Ä, . All ordinances and parts of ordinances inêonsistent hereWith are hereby repealed. B. This ordinanceshall be a part oftheJersey City Code asthough codified and fully setforth therein. The City shall have this ordinance codified and incorporated inthe offcial copies of the Jersey City Code. , ',.' ,.. ' . shall take effect at the time and in the manner as provided by law. City Clerk andihe CorporatiOn Counsel :be,and they are hèreby authorized ãnd directed to C. This ordinance D. The . change any chapter numbers, article numbers and seCton numbers in, the event thai the codification of this ordinànce reveals that thereisaconflict between those numbers and the existing code, in order to avoid. confusion and possible accidental repealers of existing provisions. G:\WPTOONOA\R~AME\BiShop Wavran Wriht Sr. Way- Soolano.wp FORM __--"~.,,,~~, ~~,Counsei..' . . =-. ,- APPROVED AS TO LEGAL J Certification Required 0 Not Required 0 APPROVED: APPROVED: '&4 '" ORDINANCE NO. Ord.12-065 ' ~.8; 3.B.MAYO 92012' ' TITLE: MAY Dedicatingthafthenorteast coiner of Sr. Way. , RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE ON INTRODUCTION . . COUNGILPERSON NAY' AYE SonOLAO , DONNELLY LOPEZ Avenue and Stevens knoWn as Bishop Wayman Rutgers Avenue to also be , Wright, 2 32012 ¿ II ,/ tOUNCILPERSON N.V. / , FULOP 9-0 NAY AYE N.V. ' .I BRENNAN " ./ tAVARRO ~AS.SEY . -/ RICHARDSON, MAY U~1U 11 COUNCILPERSON N.V. ~c GAUGIi " ,NAY' AYE ./ ,", Ind,icates Vote , N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) , , RECORD "dI!AAJ' . ; Couocilpèrsori 64 V6H-¡N 10 close P.H. " COUNCILPERSON AYE SOnOLANO il :bONNELty' , , LOPEZ N.V.. COUNCILPERSON , " NAY GAUGHAN' J/ "' Indicafes Voe PuJJ:i.E. S-r£iic: ,Y CV\VD1AClK -;£NCL ,ftfl I '" K "" i-'1 tJ 1-6/ AJ ,',' ,', ,'RECORD'OF COUNCIL ,Couililperson ' , moved AYE ,NAY SOnOLAO IIÄ¥ARRO Æ-~ MARciA, AOAI'5 I;. WR.\6 , BRENNAN ;¡ RICHARDSON S'T"EIfC " " COUNCIl.ERSON I "FUiOp: V' COUNCILPERSON NAY N.V. ':' " AYE ',' éiJ 'MASSEY". " ir " " COUNCILPERSON, , GAUGHAN " , AYE ,NAY COUNCILPERSON NAY N.V. , lAVÂRRØ':, , MASSEY:' AYE N:V. NAY 'w' ,/ ,/ " , COUNGILPERSON AYE GAUGHAN -/ RICHARDSON " NAY ,N.V. COUNCILPERSON BRENNAN -I '...'" "A, FULOP LAVARRO . MASSlY , This is,to cert that th foregoing Ordinance ~~ adopted by 8'-0 " NAY N.V. i/ ./, MAY 09 2012, . Cit, N.J. on ~ M~""lk It''09 ~ MAY 23 2012 / ÄYE N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) , MAY 232012 on second and final réading after hearing on , ' RÒb~ Clerk ' MAY?d:i ~m, OF FINAL COUNCIL VOTE ", :' *Amdment(s): AYE BRENNAN , Adopted on first reading of the Council of Jersey Adopted g (Abstain N.V.- Not Voting (Absin) RECORD LOPEZ' ;¡ ,& adopted IN.V. . , " "' Indicats Vq N.V, , , " , "' Indicates Vote DONNELLY NAY V,VlttW 6RA 'ZLL-c IlLM'~Vi;v.cNolVotin , RJI,OP RICHARDSoN SOlTOLANO AYE VOTE ON AMENDMENTS, IF ANY N.V. DONNELLY COUNCILPERSON / ,/ to ameiid*Orliiiânce, seconded, bYCouncilperson LOPEZ 8-0 MAY232012 OF COÙNCIL.VOTE TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEAING , ','maved;secoóde. byCouncilpelSon .GJztl..~ Peter M. Hrennan. ," Council President Date: 'APPROVED: MAY 2 32012 ~. , Jerriah T. aly, Mayor Date MAY 30 2012 MAY 24 2012, Date to Mayor . Or-d. 12-061 City Clerk File No. Agenda " 3.0 No. 1st R~ading 'if.C. Agenda No. - . 2nd Reading & Final Passage . ORDINANCE OF . -' JERSEY'CITY, N!J. COUNCIL AS A WHOLE . " ' offered and moved adoption of the following ordinance: ' ': CiTÖRDINANCE. 12~1' ," 'TITLE: Ordinance' dedlc~Úhg that Wóodla~n',A:vehu~ 'Between.', Knøwn As: ',' . .Bergen Avënueand MaithiiLuther:Kihg Drive Also Be , ,rP/leb.Ql~'6)r¡~~--'", ' -, ":' WHEREAS,' Do~avon Shoemakerfírew up ¡~ rutcf'ndrtEmslårr 'indiana. èÖd c;lIed 'himto,pasioralriii:i~tf at' ", an early age. Upon completing school graduation; Donavon entere~Manon College (IndianaWesleyan, ' high Universltywhèrehe majoredin réligion,mínore(Unpsyc~tilogX cinWmet the love of his life, Viola (Vi) Mayhle. ' The,couplemarned three yearS latercin~' in.thefallof1969, the newlyWeds rnovedtoWilmore, Kentucky. Pastor Shoemaker attended AsburY Theological Semínärywhile Vi taughtfirst grade at Mercer County Elementary School in Harrsburg; and ' d. ..' ','. " WHEREAS; The Shoemakeis panièipatedin'the Urban Ministry p~gra;n for Seminanans in: Chicago dunhg th~ 197 summer of Land íntemedat LaSalle Street Church, a nondenominational congregation COmmitted to diversity and promoting social, justice. Neanng the end of the Jei'eyCity First-Wesleyan Church (FWC), his wife's high schoQI Jersey Cit, onJu,e 22, 1972. The, Greenvile sectio,n of th,e city waS bridging racial and' economic barnerS, embracing seminary, Donavon was called to pastor at spiriual home, The Shoémakersarnved in expenencing a demographic change. Many localhoi.ses of Shoemaker worship were closed or shnnkingquickly. Pastor listened andleamed from.people heinet.Changes,thatwould enable communit were madeslóWly, but steadily, while appreciating the WHEREAS; On June, FWCto congregation's minister to the new history and. ' 10; 20.12, FWC will hostagala banquet tohonot the~ini~tr cifthe Shoemakers for their ' , 40 years of servce and sacrifice to their ,church 8ndcomriunity. Under pàstor Shoemakets leadershipFWC"'. hàsgroWi both in ministry and influence.- Ne', minislnes Wihin thêchurch J:ave been established and ()thers reministries, First FWC has touched the ,Iivesi;f many individuals by listening" counseling, witnessing, providing food, clothes, and praying for people in need..3ridges have been', organized. Beyond specifc' 'encouraging, built with public offcials. local pastors has helped birt three congregations and congregations, community organizationsaiid the neighborhood. FWC since., 1972 Pastor Shoemaker was a strong encourager in the development of Pilgrim Wesleyan Church'in Brooklyn; Several properties have been acquired; and' minister) in The WesleyanGhurch in 1973 aiid,' has pre~ched in many churches of vanous dEmominatiansthroughout the city, the Wesleyan Church, and in, . WHEREAS, Pastor Snoemakerwas ordained an elØer (ordained Venezuela and Jamaica. Pastor Shoemaker is a member and currently ari offCer of'the Interdenominational Ministenal Allance of Jersey' Cit. & VicinitY, a member of the NAACPJersey City Branch, and' has served on boards i;f sevèral community-based organizations. 'He is arnember of the Distnct Board of Administration of the Penn-Jersey District of the. Wesleyan Church and serves wi the Distnct Board of Ministenal Development He received numerous .recognilonsincluding Dìstinguished Pastor'in the Wesleyari .Church (1996), the has , Houghton GollegeClaude A Ries Pastor of the Year Award (1985), Alumnus of the Year A~rdat AsburY, Theological. Seminary (2000), and The Goodman, Schwemer, i;nd Chaney Award for the Honorable Mayot- Glenn D. Cunningham'(2003); and " . . ' way. " is a dedicated husband, father, and grandfather. Hè has three sons:, $tephen, Michael and Bnan;three daughters-in-law: Heather~ Maureen and Ivette; seven grarichildren with one on the WHERES, Pastor Shoemaker , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED; that the Municipal Council of the City of Jersey Citý deems it fittng. and proper to honor Reverend Donavon W. Shoema,ker, an impassioned spintualleader, role model and great member of our Cit. We dedicate that Woolawn Avenue between Bergen Avenue and Martin Luter King Boulevard also be known as Rev. Donavon W. Shoemaker Way. , ' . , ....: i .. . ., Ordinance dedicat,ing that W09dlawn Avenue Between . Bergen Avenue and Martin Luther King Drive Also Be Known As . , Rev. Donavon W. Shoemaker Way , ." A. All ordinances and parts ofordinanees iiiC9nsistent herewih are hereby'repealêd. B. This 9rdiiiance shall bea pari of th~ Jetsey City Code aStlôugh coifed and fully'set forth therein. Cit shall have this ordinance Cpified andincorporated in the offcial copies of the Jersey City Code. C. This ordinance shali takê effect at the Corpration D. The City Clerk a'ndthè The time and in the manner as provided by law. Counsel be and they are hereby authorized and directed to change ariy chapter numbers; article numbers and. secion riumbers in the event. that the codification of this oi-inance reveals that therêis, a "conflict, 'between tho~e numbers and the existing code, in order to avoid confusion and' possible accidental repealers of existing provisions. 'G:IWPDOSITÒLONDAIRESOSURCHESlPastr,Doin Siiker.do " , APR:E LEGA FOR¿2 , Cotion Counsel Certifcätion Required 0 NotRequired 0 ApPROVED: APPROVl=0: . 'ì. . .=:~ ORDINANCE NO; om 12-067 3. i) .MA y- 09 2012 TITL: MAY '23 2012 N-~c . :'. Ordiance dedièatig tlat Woodlawn Avenue~tweèn Bergen Avenue and Marin Luther Kig Drive also be known as Rev. Donavon W. Sho~maker Way. . /. , ," COUNCllPERSON AYE NAY S,()TTOlÄO ~ , RECORD OF CDUNCll.VOTE ON INTRODUCTION N.V. , ~ -DONNELLY GAUGHÀN iI ,/' BRENNA - .¡ 'MASSEY FULOP V , LOPEZ AYE RICHADSON, , ~ Indicates Vote NAY N.V. II ~ 7 117 '~ MAY COUNCILPERSON // 7' COUNCILPERSON -0 AYE '.lAV'-ARRO NAY N.V. N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) , , RECORO'OFCOUNCllVOTHO CLOSE PUBUC HEAING' ',' 'irtOc.,vO CQuncilpe~on CQUNCILPEASON AYE SOTfOUlNO .¡ NAY N.V. ", , i/ i/ " :DOt4NElLY LOPEZ moved, seconded by Counciiperson , AYE GAUGHAN ¡ , N.V. NAY I FULOP t lýc.~ ISAAC , to closeP.H. CÖUNCILPERSON AYE BRENNAN 'oJ lAVARRO r "/H ,.;ê(\ RICHAfDSON 1'"CilH ISA~ ~ Indicates Vote - COUNCILPERSON MAY 23 2012 . 2"-:0 . l) btVlJ€:Ll_Y " 'MASS~Y,,'. NAY N.V. II iJ N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) U'IIJ!A ßvn£ '''VOII''~ Glei.sON ",~uA GlAY Councilperson " ', KÂørL-l'1MARl , IlECOROOF ,COUNCil VOTEONAMENOMENTS~ IF ANY : moved to amend* Ordinaiie, seconded COUNCIIERSON AYE ' NAY GOUNCILPERSON ',' ' N;V. by Càunçilperson AYE , & adopted COUNGILPERSON ' ' SOTfOLANO, BRÈNNA GAUGHAN'', ÖONNEÜY LOPEZ FULOP. " 'tA'v:~RRb RICHARDSON 'MASSKY '. COUNCILPERSON' Ii " SOTTOLANO DONNELLY " REC()ROOF FiNA COUNCil AVE - " NAY N.V. .., II V CQUNCILPERSON ' . A~, GAUGHAN '.',' ,/ FULOP NAy , Aß N;V. , " ,/ " RICHARDSON --, ,0 ' MAr111 VOTE COUNCILPERSON -- BRENNA 11.V'ARRO' 'MASSU:', E:N7 ~ Indcate~ Vote 111 f(.,O. AYE NAY ./ "" V N.V. , , N.V.-Not Voting (Abstin) , .." . MAY 092012 Adopted on first I'eadingof the Council of JerseyCit,N;J. on ' AdbPted 09 N.V. ," N.V.-Not Voting (Abstin) , ,' NAY' ÀYE , ~ Indicates Vote LOPEZ N.V. NAY secnd and finaL. reading after MAY232012 hearing on , .\/4H~. APM 'This is t~ ~rtify that ~ foregoin~ OrdinanceY''JsN-c10P.~Q"pY the MuniClpal ncd a 5 meeting on MAl l. ';j.lOll Yme, Ci Clerk Peter M'-.Breniiiùh;'. Councl President. MAY 232012 ' .. APPR~~~ *Amendmant(s): , Date: ,Jerr~Mayor, ,", Date .MAY 302012 MAY 24 2012 Date to Mayor, City èlerk Rle Nö. Agenda No. AgehdaNo. Otd. 12":068 3.E tf.D. 1st Reading 2nd Reading & Final Passage ORDINANCE OF JERSEY CITY" N .J,. ,- COUNCIL AS A WHOLE . offered and movèd adoption ofthefollowingordinanc~: L~E~R , , ,CIT ORDINANCE 12-068 , " . ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CANCELlATION OF TAXES PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A 54:4-.6c FOR TITLE: PROPERTY OWNED BY,CONTINUOUS FLOW CHRISTIAN CENTER AND 'LOCATED AT 168-170 MONTICELLO AVENUE, ON BLOCK 16803, LOTS 74 AND 75 (FORMERLY KNOWN. AS BLOCK 1919, niEMUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE ORDAIN: CITY OF JERSEY CITÝ DOES, WHEREAS, Continuous Flow Chrilia'ri Center is the own~r 01'168-170 Monticello Avenue, Block 16803, Lots 74 and 75 (formerly known as Blo,* 1919, LotsE and F); and ' ,, . WHEREA, Continuous Flow C,hiislianCenter failed totirIely file a Further Statei:enton cirbefor~November 2Ö05, purSuant to N.J.sA54:4-.4" indicating the faCts which would have entiiled it to an'exemplionfrom real p,roperttaes; and, ' , . the result onhe failure to file', the propert was returned 10 the tax rolls b~ginning In lax year ,WHE~EAS;as 2006thro,ugh 2007; and. ' , ~~~ ' WHEREAS, in DeCember of 2007 ;Conliriuo~s F'iow Chnslian Center fied a Further Statement, together wih an afdavit indicating good cause for the late filing which affdavit is attched hereto; and . ".:~J" WHEREAS, the Tax Assessor has confiiiedthat the proPert would tax have been exempt had the filing been WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.6c,the Municipal Council may cancel iie principal amount oftaxes which we're levied againsttax exempt propert for up to three (3) years', providedgood cause.hs bOn shown for the late filing of the F urier Statement and proof is submitted and the Tax Assessor confirms ihàt the ¿ubjec prcipert would have bèenta:exempt had the Further Statement been timely filed. " NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT:ORDAtNEDby ihe Municipal City òtJersey Cilthat: and ' , G06d ca~se has been 2. Pursuantto N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.6c, the Tax 3. ' CoUncil of the shown forthe iatefiling of the FurierStatemiintfcir 2ooj:2007 concem'irig propert,()wned liyConlinuous Flow Chnstian.Center and locatèd at 168-170 MonticelioAvenue, on BlOC 16803, Lots 74 and 75 (formerly know as Block 1919, Lots E,and F);, and 1.. Assessor has approved the late filing ofthe Further Statement; Purs.uant tciN.J.S.A: 54:4.3.6C, th'e Tax Collector is hereby aiJ~nzed to canæl the real estate taes levied in 200 through 2oo7,.subjeetto cOnfirmation by the Ti;iAssessor, that the subject propert would have been eligible for tax exempt status in 2006. through 2007, butfor the Furter Statement: ' A , All ordinances and parts of B. This ordinance shall bea part late filing of the ordinances inco~sistent herewit are herel:y repeaied. of the ~ersey Cily Code as though codified and fillyset forth therein. The City Clerk shall have thisordiriance coified and incorporated in the offcial copies ofthe Jersey City Code. C. 'This ordinance ,. 'shall take effect at the time and in the, manner as provided by law, D., The CilGlerkànd the Corporation Counsel be and they are herebyautoried cind directed to change ' any chapter numbers, a,rtde number .and secton numbers iritiie evènt that the ccdifcaiion of this ordinance ' Î'veals that there is ii eonflict between those numbers an,d tie existingece, in order to avoid confusion and possible accidental repealers of existing provisions. AP~ NOTE: All materialis new therefore, underlining has been omited. For purposes of advertsing only, new matter islndicated by bold,façE!." and repealed matter by italic, \, ',-'. ., " CoalonCoun'., , Certification Required 0 Not Required 0 APPROVED: APPROVED: ~ll7.0, .~ \, A.AVIT,OFCONTINOUS'FLOW CHRTIA CENTER, ,.. , INC. FOR'TAxEXEMPTSTATUSlRlNSTATEMENT.AS A, NON-PROFIT ORGANAZATION . . - " ::i" , ., STATE OF NEW JERSEY ,COUN OF MIDLESEX SS":' '- ." :;'.:.~ , . "Jäm~s W atterml3~d ' Joyce Wattehnan, of fu . ,.deposeaid say: ", age; bêing dclyswom: '1. We' ar~ the.'Ptesident and, Vice Preside~t, respective.ly and Pa.~ors fqr. ' ,,'.' Continu9us Flow ChistiailCenter, Inc.;- a'NewJerseYNon-:Profit. , 'Corpáration, Whichpuichasedpropertlocatedaf 168':110 Monticello' Avenue~Jersey City, NJ07305:;.Block:.1919. tots~Eand FfroinGreater . LoveFellowsbipÇhurcliofCbrst~' mc'., a NewJeTseyNon~Pröfit " , Córporatiori, otiNovëmher 22, 2005; , ". !he i~meofthepürc.hase::oftbeabdve-describedpropert; we were not 2 At ". awafetbat theregulsite'Tax-Förr for renewal rifTax,Exemptstattsh'ld ' 'been'sent out to tbe prèvious owner, Greater'LoveFellowship Church of Chrst, me., and nof retUii~d. '-,. ..,,3.. We to'ok'o\rer. th~'propeityto,1:e'utlized as a:Churcb,âud weré:uròer the ,". ,',' 'ittipression,at.aU times. :t1at the previcms ~wl1erhad TaxExeniptstatt.: ' .-.,' " 4, .Wei1~vesùb~i~quent1y:beenadvi.sed thafthe previouso\Verwas not' ..,' , jnfonned or awåxetiattbeTax For.s hadto be fi1eèi for, thefr6ont~riuei: .',~ TaiExel11pt státus"àsth:epers'onwhò. was responsible\v:asdeceased~ , '". \.' ", .".", '. ". . . ..... :." ".". ". - . ..-.".. . -" -.' . ". . . . . "':5'-W~, theiefor~j:,ask'for forgiveness and ~òbe reinstate.das aNon-Pròfit ' . . . '.) . ::', "Organtiòri.with'TecExetipts~atl~. ' .' "" '.,', ',. ..-, . ,.; ," . ::~'~~':" . 6: W~, the urdersigIed ,offcers 'of Continuoii8.Flo~ 'Chistian -çent~r,I:~., , "Will: be ÌI full charge and, will file: all papers. as required.:, .-:...... ..': , .., . Sw~m and,subi6ribedto .,bêf()r~'inethis .12tl"day of , . ., . ,__ -Decem er, 2007 ,c ", t' " ',. : ORDINANCE NO. Ord,12-068 3.£. TITL: MAY 09 2012 . Ìl. Ð.' MAY 23 2012 OrdinanceauÌhorizing theeåcelIation of taes pursUat to Flow N.1.S.A. 54:4~3.6c for propert owned by Continuous Chrstian Center and located at i 68- 170 Monticello Avenue, ort Block 168.o3,Lóts74 and 75 (Formeriy known as Block 1919, F). ' , Lots E and -c , UAVlf '01', q~o , ' AYE . NAY RECORD OF COUNCIL V()TE ON INTRODUCTION COUNCILPERSON AYE SOTTOLAO ./ NAY / ./ DONNEllY LOPEZ N.V. " " " ., COUNCILPERSON ,AYE, . GÀÛGHA .J NAY / ./ FULOP RICHADSON COUNCILPERSON N.V. ./ . BRENNA lAVARRO' MASSEY'~. '. ,/ Indicates Vote '7 iI N.V.-Not,Voting (Abstain) . ,', , ',. . MAY "1 ?nf? g~O RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE TOCì.OSEPUBLlC HEARING Councilperson, £-A irAlll-o COUNCILPERSON AYE N.V. COUNCILPERSON , GAUGHAN I FULOP, v' RICHARDSON Ad I) . DONNÚLY ;/ LOPEZ GA IIGfflAl. movèd, seconded by Counèilp'ecion NAY I SOTTOLANO NAY AYE COUNCILPERSON N.V. BRENNA ,/ Indicates Vote UVARRO £J ~MASSEY . I 7 '7 , ' moved to amend*, :Ordinance,sèconded by Councilperson AYE NAY N.V; SOnOLANO COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY & adopted COUNCILPERSON N.V. GAUGHAN DÒNNELLY " N.V.-NirNoting (Absin) '. . . , ' , RECORD .01' ,FINAL COUNCIL VOTE ' ' AYE SOTTOI:ANO ,¡ DONNELLY 1, 7' - . :MÂSSEY" , COUNCILPERSON NAY N.V. COUNCILPERSON: ./ " GAUGHAN FULOP' flY ,AYE , COUNCILPERSON" N,Y- BRENNAN' -Aß , U A V" -; \4" , 0/' RICHARDSON ,/ Indicates Vote ;¡ lAVARRO. ~MASSEY -' " "AYE I . i:-O . NAY ,1/ on first ~eading of thèCouncil of Jersey City, N.J. on final reading after' heanng on This is to certify that the, foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the MunicipalC cil atit meeting' on MAr 2 3 2012 MAY 23 2012 ~l-'~ ".'~ .~ APPROVED:, " , ~eter 'M./"Bteritian,-' , Council President 2 3 2012 Date: MAY APPROVED: Date MAY 3 0 2012 -'MY 242012 Date to Mayor I , t" 09,2012 MAY N.V. N. V.-Nir Voting (Abtain) - " '. _.... ..' *Amendmenl(s): N.V. NAY ilÄÝARRO RICHADSON ,/ Indicates Vote ' AYE , BRENNAN FULOP' LOPEZ Adopted on second and N.V. l '. N.V.-NotVoting (Abstin) RECORD Oi"COuNCIL Vim ON AMENDMENTS,I¡: ANY LOPEZ NAY , , Councilperson COUNCILPERSON to close F!H:. AYE '. , , Adopted N.V. : ,J Ord. 12-069, , Cil Clerk File No. ' , -Agenda No: 3.F . 1st Reading Agei:daNo. If. £ . 2nd Heading & Rnal Passage ,ORDINANCE 'OF ciTY, N.J.~ ,,';JERSÉY, ~ .. .'. . CÓUNCILASA WHOU:,.'. " ' '. ~ offered' and moved aQoption' of the fQlio\Yngordinance: ' ...... . crry OROINANCE .¡2-069 . TiTL: OIIiNANCEAMNDffGCHTERj63.(RTAILANCOMMRCIPREMISES)ARTICLE II (HOURS OF,RETAI BUSINESSES) 'OF TÌIEJERSEY CITY MuCIPAL CODE TO ADI) STRET . ' , . '. . . MONTGOMERY . . . '. . ," '. ,- - . . B:ERGEN AVENu 'AND CIT HEREBY ORDAINS: 'THE-,UNICIPAL COUNCIL OFTHECITY OF JERSEY amendments to Ch"pter263 (Retail and Commercial Premises) Article II (Hours of A. " The following . Retail Businesses) are hereby adopted:' ' ,RETAIL AND COMMERCIAL PREMISES ARTICL:Eii , HoursofRetailBusinesses § 263~2.No ChRnge. . §,263-3; No Change. . .,' 'j', .'. '.. . . to be dosed during certainhoufs; exCeptions. , §263-4.' Businesses A. Subject to Subsection B, no restaiirant or retail. sales'establishment shallcönduct any business between 'the hours of 11 :00 p.m~ and 5:00a,ni. of the next day in any of the following districts of jersey City: ' , , Name of Street From To CommunipawAvenue Martin LlitherKing Drive' Cominunipaw Avenue Mortticello A~enue Communipaw Avenue Pine Street Manning Avenue Franklin Street Central A ~enue Palisade Avenue' NortStieet Secaucus Road Kennedy Boulevard Martin Luther'King Drive 'McAdoo AveÌlue Grand Street. "Westside Avenue , Communipaw A venue Monticello A yeni,e Coiimunipaw Avenue Orchàrd Street Ocean Avenue Bayonne Line Brahall Avenue Pacific A venue Commun.ipaw Avenue Palisade Avenue ,Beacon A vei1U~, North Stret ' Avenue, Summit Avenue Bergen Ayenue , Sip Grarid Street Summit Avenue Narth Street Se~ucus,Road Paterson Plank Road and Centrl Avenue Summit Avenue Secaucus. Road . '. '. . . ,", . '.'. - . . ~..' , Öimi¡A.l'ÇE AMENDlNG Cl;lTER 2b~(RKtÄIL' ~ND COt\RCiÁLlRJ!mSES) ARTICLE H(Hotm.S QF Ial' A.LBUSL"fS$ES) OF THE JERsEY CITY MuNiCIPAL CODE TOADD CENTRAL AVENÊ' AN BOWERs STRET . B. , The restricÜon upon business: hours !mp()~d by Súbsection A shall not apply tophanacies . or other holders of plenar I"et~i1 diStibrition ,licenses under the Alcoholic Beverage Law, N.I.S~A~ 33:1-1 et seq.;' eKcept thiitthe holders business between the hours ,of such Iicenses,may not conduct any of 1 i:oo ,p.m. and 5:00 a,m. other than that p.ermìtted by N.J:S.A. 33:1-40jand Chapter 84~AlêohOlic Beverages. ' , C. Subject to Subsection 13.. nO. ~e~taurart, or rètaiL sales establishment shall' conduct any business, between the hours :of 12:00 in¡. and .5:00 a.m, ,of the next day- in anv of the . .".. . . ~. . . : 'tòll~w¡ngdistri~tS oi:Je~~iCì~:,:.d',~': . -'" , " , - '" . '. Name of S'treet Central A vènue ' ' To' From , , MarthattnA venue Bowers'Street Cåib~ùIg~:'A:v~n\ie BÚgen Avenue Jew~tÁ~~nu~ ,: Montgomery Street Jor¡iån Avenue ~ '- '. -..... Nort street Centnl Avenue. Highland Avenue: , Boland street §'.263~5. No Change. ' B. Aii òrdinancesan'd part,öfordinances inc,onsist~nt herewith are he~eby repealed. C. The City Clerk shall have this ordinance c9dïfie(land incorporated in the offcial c~pies of CiNCode. .", " ' . . . . ' ',.' the JerSèy , D.' Thi~ ~rdina~c.t' shall lie effect atthe .ti,~ea~c1d¡'ithe manner as provided by law. , E. The cityóè~k and theCo¡:pöratio~Coun~~1 ~a;~ha~ge a~y ~håpternu'mbers, article numberS and section ~uribers ,IT còdification of this ordi~ance t~veais' a: (;oilflct existingcodt', ínorder to avóid co~fÙsíon and between 'the thòse numbers and pøssibie aècidentalrepealersQf existing provisio~s. Note: Aii new materiai is underliii~d; woriliil (br) areomitted. For piirpo~es of advertisi~g, ()DIY, iie\\ínatt~risboidf~cearid¡-epealedmatter ~y italiês. , ' .. ' . ' AV/igp' 5/2/12 ,, ..~..= t Not Required 0 ~~ ,ÀPPROVED: APPROVED: bf= BUs~esAdmJO~~ ORDINANCE NO. . ~.F. TITLE: 9.£.' MAY 23 2012 Ordmance amending Chapter 263' (Retail and Commercial Retal Businesses) of the Jersey ,City Muncipal Côde to add Bergen Avenue and Montgomery Street. Preiises) Arcle IT (Hour of , / COUNCILPERSON AYE , SOTTOLANO NAY N,V. LOPEZ COUNCILPERSON GAUGHAN ..( ~ ,'QONNELlY ' , RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE ON INTRODUCTION AYE -c RICHARDSON ./ BRENNAN ./' ./ -MA"SSEY¡ ;¡ UAY 232011 RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING .5() TTl.A-N Ð . COUNCllPER$ON SOTTOLANO, AYE N.V. NAY COUNCILPERSON 7/ i/ 7 iLAV'ARRO Ai 5¡rt\ \,MASSEY' , , 7¡ NAY N.V. COUNCILPERSO'N 'AYE NAY .. DONNElLY FULOP" ' RICHARDSON & a,dóptd COUNCILPERSON N.V. GAUGHAN LOPEZ 'AYE NAY N.V. . BRENNAN LAv'ARRO' . MASSEY ,/ Indicates Vote .N.V.-Not Vofig (Abstain) RECORD : COUNCllPERSON A~ SOTTOLANO , ., NAY ~, , , UAV? ': ?: OF FINA COUNCil VOTE COUNCILPERSON N.V. GAUGHAN II FULOP RICHARDSON AYE ' NAÝ / l. 'AYE BRENNAN 'vi (l-o NAY N.V. ,/ ,,7 lAÝARRO At sC'" r- 11? COUNCILPERSO~ N.V. MASSEY' , ,/ Indicates Vote N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) , MAY 09 2012 Adopted On first reading of the Council of Jersey Çity; N.J. on Adopted on second and final reading after hearing on., certify that th foregoing Ordinance was ad,oi:ted by the Municipal Coun 't itT!ting on MAY 2 ~ i012 , 'RobertEiym *Amendment(s): N.V. N.V.-Not Vofig (Abstain) movedtoarind*Ordinance,'seconded by Gouncilperson SOTTOlAO This is to NAY'. I RECORO OF COUNCIL VOTE ON AMENOMENTS, IF ANY , AYE AYE BRENNAN: ' RICHARDSON &-0 to cloe P.H. COUNCILPERSON N.Y. NAY I FULOP ,/ Indicates Vote ,1'¡tNi. ß A U¿,( COUNCllPERSON AYE GAUGHAN , Gouncilperson ¿AvA;(tlO moved, seconded by,Councilpersòn ./ , DONN£LlY lOPEZ ' _f N.V. N.V.-Not Votng (Abstain) CouncilperSon DONNELLY NAY 7' :lAVARRO ,/ Indicates Vote lOPEZ ' 9-0 ~U1Z AYE -. FULOP MAY U ll COUNCILPERSON N.V. NAY AP~hb MAY13 2012 Petëran:;, ;''-. Council President APP~~ MAY 23 2012 Date: ' Date J er~yor MAY 30 2012 MAY Date to Mayor 24 2012 Ord. li.wo, City CI~rk Fil~ Nu. 3,G 'AgendaNo. "', F: ' Agenda No. 1st Reading ',,2nd Reading & Final Passage ORDINANCE' "OF JERS~Y 'CITY, 'N.J. COUNCIL AS A WHOLÉ, " , ' ' . offered an~mo"ed adOption of too tollowing, brdin?"Ce: . -. . . , çl1.ORDINANCE . . '12.-070 TITLE: AN ORnINANCÊ:SUPPLEMENTG. CHATER 332'(VIICLES ,AND TRAFiC) ARTICLE II,' (P ARG" STANDING' AN sTOPPING) AN ARTICLE IX DISABLED) OF '(II JERSEYÇITY CODE DESIGNATING A FOkTHE (pARG 'RESERVEO 'pARG SPACE AT AvENU;, 117 181 ARSTRONG AvENUE; 98 BAYVW BOORAM AVENU;191CLINON AVEMJ:i;' ,333,FORRST stJiÊt; 31 GIFIJOÍI A VENl; 279 GRAT AVENUE; 289 GRIFJJITH STREET; 95 84 HUTON STREET; 20 'IRVIG 'STREET; '601 JERSEY', HAON stREET; ÁVENUE; 203JË,\VTIAVENU; 48 PLACE; 175 MÀNlIATTANAVENuE; LIENAU 255 NEW YORK AVENn¡ 110 NORTH STREET;d17 ORèHA STREET; 276, 286 STEVENS AVENUE; 101 STUYSAN AVENlE;13TERHlJ AVENu; ANI) 148-150 VÄNREIPEN TERRCE AVENU; US VANNOSTRA AVENUE , ~~=/~~~t:~~ir~::;R~~~~~~~i~~5~~:~~::~N2~' THORN STREET; ',REPEÂL THERESE:ivim PÅRG SPACE AT 412 AN BALDWI AVENUE;33dßARTHOLDI AVENU; 114 BOORAM AVENU; 18 ". . . .., . - - :' . -. . ~ . . - . PATERSON STREET BROADWAY; 289CLARMONI'A VENU AND 102-104 THE DOES ORDAIN: MtCIPAL eOUN,cILòF 'I CITY OF JERSEY CITY I. Chapter 332 (V e~cles and Trac) Aicle nI~arkig, Stading and Stopping) ~d Ari~ie ix (Parkig for the Disabled) of the Jersey City Co.de ishèrebysupplementedasfollows: ,', , , Disabled Pitkig Miiua, , , Section 332-29 3 3 2-69 ,Section Restrcted parkig zones in front of or near residences of disabled drivers. P ARGFÖR THE DISABLED . Restcted parkig spaces, (rieaiigapproximately 22 feet iIi lengt) iIi front of residential . building for use by persons. whó have been issued specîal vehièle identification cards by' the Division of Motor Velucles md.hnndicapped parking permts issued George Atkon 135 Arstrong Avenue 181 Arstrong Avenue 98 BayyiewAvenue Wiliàm Kolpin (Gail KolpinJ Jua J. Para 117 Booraem Avenue (114 Booraem Avenue J ' Bett BroWn (James O. Brown), Chrstie Jones Malissa Aus Magdalene Herbert , Riçhard FigUeroa Aiice Cardwell 'Fgmando Castillo Edward Adams PatrcíaDonnell, . MaraAviles , Leon'S'zpala \ by the Traffc Division. Kenneth MëWiliats 2TBleeëker Street 191 Clinton Avenue.(3 Bartholdi Avenue J 333 ForrestStreet 31 'GiffordAvenue 279 Grant Avenue 289 ,Grffth Street 95 HiùonStreet 84 Hutton Street '20 Irg Street (289 Clàremont AvenueJ . 601 Jersey Avenue 203 Jewett Avenue CFL:pcl (04.30.12) continued \ Mara Lopez "48 Lienau Place ( 102-104 Paterson Street) Mar zavian 175 Mantt Avenue Cindy Merchant 255 New York Avenue (412 Baldwin Avenue) Lorenz Sanchez 1 10 Nort Street ,'' Orhard street (18 Broadway) M:erie Bouabdel , .11 Savitaben Patel (Vasant~m PatelJ Ii lPoplarStret' , LouisaDiBello (Richad Mack; Edward Olszewsif350 SiX Street Robert and Ciitherine Agostino ., 276 Stevens Avenue , AZ Choudh , 101 Stuyvesat Avenue Elaie Daly. ., 13 Terhune Avenue Elvia Castellon '-286 Terrce Avenue ., '.' , , Nuno D?E:lia(Theresa D'Elia) , 29lÌ:orne Street Arlonna Henderson, 115 vim No'stdAvenue 'Joan Beradinell " 148.,150 vai Reipen Avenue 2. All ordinances anel par of ordinances inconsisteJitherewithate hereby repaled. 3. Uisordice shallbe a par of the. Jersey City Code as though còdífied and'incorporated iii the offcial copies of 4. the Jersey City Code, " . , , ' Thisordiceshal tae effect at the time and i!1the1IaDe'r as prescribed by law. 5. The City Clerk and the Corporation Coiìelmay èaange #Dy chapternuibers, aricle numbers and section. . . . -. "numners if codification of this ordinance. reveals a Confiètbetween .thòsenumbers ànd the existig code, in order to avoid cónfión andpossible accident: repealers. (jf~xistig provisions.' , NOTE: The new material to be inerted is undetscored;theinat¡;rialto berepeaed is in CFL: . APPROVED; , (04.30.12) , APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM ~-=-""~= Certificati9n Required 0 N9t Required 0 (bracketsJ. ,/ This summary sh~t is to b~ åttched ,toth" froni of any ordinance, resolution, cooper~tion agreementor \'" contract that is submitted':for Council consideration. Incomplete or sketchy summary šheets wil be returned with the reSolution 'or ordinance. The Department, Division or AgenCy responsible for ,the overall implemenbÎtion of the proposed project- orprograin should provide a concis and accurate statement of facts. ' , 1. Full title of ordinance: , AN ORDINANCE SUPPLEMENTG CHATER 332 (VEHICLES AN TRAFIC) ARTICLE III (pARG, STANING AND STOPPING) AND ARTICLE IX (pARG FOR THE DISABLED) OF THE JERSEY CITY CODE DESIGNATIG A RESERVED PARG SPACE " AT 181 ARSTRONQAVENU; 98 BAYVW AVENl; 117 BOORAM AVENU; 19l CLINON AVE; 333 FORRST STREf; 3 i GIFFORD A VENU; 279 GRA AVE; 289 GRIFFIT STREET; 95 HAON STRET; 84 HUTION STRET; 20 IRVING STRET; 601 JERSEY AVENl; 203 JEWÊTI AVENU; 48 ,LIENAU l'LACE; 175 MANBATIAN STRET; 17 ORCHARD STREET; 276 AVENUE; 255 NEW YORKAVEr;ilE; IiO NORTH STEVES AVENu; ioi STUYVSANT AVE; 13 TERHUN AVE; 286 TERRCE AVENl; n~ VAN NOSTR'AVENU AND 148-150 VANREIPEN AVENl AN ARSTRONG AVE;27 AMND TH RESERVED PARG SPACES AT 135 BLEECKER STRET; 1 Ii POPLAR STRET; 350SIXTI STRET; 29TIORN STRET; AN REPEAL THE RESERVEDPARG SPACE AT 412 BALDWI AVENl; 33 BARTIOLDI BROADWAY; 289 CLARMONT AVE AN AVENU; U4 BOORAM AVE; 18 102- 104 PATERSON STREET' . " the ordÎnance: ¡ , , , . 2. Nàmea,nd titleofperson inititing Lee D. Klein, P.E., PTOE, Division of Engineerig, Trac and Transporttion, Deparent of Public Works Council Commttee for Disabled Parking " . . on behalf of the Municipal 3. Concise description ofprogra~, projector plan proposed in the ordinance/reSolution: Designat a, reservedparkig'space for the disabled at various iocations throughout theCitý, for those disabled individ~als whose applications have been reviewed and approved by The Municipal Council Committee for Disabled Parking. Remove from the Disal;led Parking Mamii reserved ,parking sign that are no longer warted and the sign ,have been reripved. ' 4. Reasons (need).for the proposed 'progrm, project, etc.: , ' . To provide a reServed parking sp¡ice for a disabled individual who has documented that his or her disability is severe enough to limit his mobilty or so Severe that he or she canot be left l1attended while the designated driver brings the vehicle 'to him or her or parks the'vehicle. ' 5. Anticipated benefts to the community: , 'Allow those .disablèd individúáis; whoseáppiication was ,approved by The Municipal' Council Committee for Disábled Paring;iohave a'esè~edparkigspacedes¡giiitêd at his orherresidence. therefore, improving the qualityofhis or her life. ,,',' , , ' , 6. Cost of proposed prog~m, pr~ject, et~(Indicate the dòllar am~unt of City,state, aiid Fede~1 Funds , to be used, as weil as ApproXiately $200.00 match and üi~kiiid contribution: ' per signpost instllation for an approximate total of $6,800.00 52 disabled paringsigI ~ $100.00 ea. $5,200.00 40clianels (approximatùount) (§ $100.00.èa $4,000.00 7.'Date proposed prograni,-or project wil comnience: Pendig adoption bytle Jersey City Municipal Council 8. Anticipated completion date: Twenty days afer adoption. by the Jersey City Municipal Council ,9~ Person responsible for coordinating proposed pr~gram, project, etc.: Patrcia Logan Supervising Trac Investigator, Division ofEngineeri~g, Traffic and Tranporttion ex. 4492 10. Additional commClts: Based on thé information provided to me, I certfy that all the facts presented 'herein are accurate, to the best f 0' ' Ç!t/2cIz. Date¡/ i S¡J ¿oli Dad i \ ORDINANCE NO. Oro J 2-070 JfF. 3.(;. MAY 092012 TITlE: MAY 23 2012 An 'ordinance ~ppcm Chpter 332 (VducJ ai Tra) Ar. m((parii S~g an Scopping) 'ãi Ar~ IX (Png fo th Diled otlh Jc City Cod"degnain a ~ pa spaç ai 181 Aing Ave 9' Bay Ave 117 Bora Ave 191 CltoAvc 333 Fóm St3i Gior Aven 279 Gn Aveue; 289 Grff Str 95 Han s~ M H~noD Stn 20 lrnt-S~ ,601 Jcn Avm'20l Jew Ave 481. Pla I1S Ma Avc iss New Yor AVe 110 Nor S.ti; 17 Or Str 276 Slcv Ave 101 Stues Ave 13-Ternc Ava; 28 Ten Aveue; II S Van Nosd A~uean 148150 VanRcpCAvceaø.anthrc p:s¡aa lJS Amon Avm 27 BloeerSti ili Popla Str JSO Sêc Str. '2 'r Str ai ~ th re pung i; 4i412 . Baldw Ave 33 Badi Aven 114 Boomm A~ is Brodwy, 289 Oa Av:e an 102-104 . Patern Slme NAY AYE '~ SOTTOLANO 'DONNELLY .COUNCILPERSON AYE . GAUGHAN "', BRENNAN ~ ltAVARRÖ FULOP' ,¡ I LOPEZ ' N.\/ fie\/ RICHARDSON NAY , , COUNCILPERSON ' ¿AWU.1l COUNCIlÆRSON' AYE ~ N.\/ NAY /V AYE COUNCILPERSON GAUGHAN V, DONNELLY FuLOP i/ LOPEZ OF COUNCIL VOTE TO CLOSE PUBUCHEARING MAY ? ~ ?nf')R~() , to close P.H. " moved.-seconded, by CouncilperSn ' , riJ L- P ~, SOTTOLAO l ÆJ.seN RICHARDSON N.\/ NAY COUNCILPERSON AYE BRENNAN './, LAVARRO " :, MAS-5EY .I Indicates Vote: AMENDriENJS, ,RECORD OF CÓUNCILVOTE.Oij , COUNCllPRSON AYE NN.- NAY COUNcILPE,RSON GAUGHAN ~ DOflNElLY AYE N.\/ ,NAY .' COlNCILPERSON LOPEz N.V~ N.\/~Not Voting (Abstain) , -: '. ," '.' RECORD Of AYE NAY " N.\/ .I .,./ ' , NAY I-MASSEY':" ," . " ,/ Indicates Vote, AYE ; :MVARRö Indicates Vote .. / ', & adopted BRENNAN RICHARDSON , ::DUNNULY V IF ANY FULOP LOPEZ SOTTOLANO N.V. 'i/ moveØ mal)en¡.* Ordinance,sec!Jn~edby CouncilpelSon " SOTTOLANO COl!NCILPERSON ' NAY N.\/-NotVoting (Abstain) CouncilpelSan .I . N.V. , N.\/-Not Votng (Abstain) .' RECORD " NAY .l ./ .Ilncat Vote Councilp~rSon AYE , , 'MASSEY,_ ' 11 1117 q.O ,MAY IIIl RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE ON INTODUCTION COUNCILPERSON i/ '' ,MAY?1 10" (?--o FINAL COUNCIL VOTE, COUNCILPERSON AYE GAUGHA iI BRENNAN FULOP t' .I:AVARRO ÆßjTNT 'MASSEY, RICHARDSON - ,, This is t~ ~rt that ~ foregoin~ Ordinancella;aif~61' the MUri~cipa , nClI its meeting onMlll " N.V. COUNCILPERSON AYE d NAY , N.V.' iI V ; i/ N. \/ -Not Voting (Abstin) Adopted on firs reading of thè Council of jersey Cit, ~Ü 9n Adopted on second and final reading after hearing on ,NAY AP~.~ "~"',,.,",, . MAY 092012, MAY 23 ,2012 .... Peter M.~Brên:i1àrl"Cou~ *Amendinl(s): MAY 2 3 2012 . Date MAY 2~' 2012 " Date to M~yor . ~ File No.,' 'Órd. 12-071 CitY Clerk Agenda No, Agenda No. 3.H1stReading , " '1. G, 2nd Reading: & Final '/ Passage ' 'ÖRDINANCE '" ':.,'QF " : JERSEY,.'CITY i _ ,",' ..:.. '. N.J. . . '. . .. . : ,COi)NCILASAWHOLÈ"" " ". : ,offe(ed,and FrovedadQptiOlJof lhefollowiiig'()rdinançe: . . '. '.' .' ". . . .. . ...... ~. ", . , - I '. ~. ..... \ ...,' :,: ",' ':':CITORÒIN.NqE:12~O.n .:.: ". "TitLE:' .'ÖRÏHNANCEAMl1tiJ¡NGAio:YEAR.tAXiXlnONAiPRovÈn BY ORDINANCE 07~148 " " FORAMATÏlTEMlnüsltiùmNTAtpROJEcrio BE CONSTiUCTEDBY Gil ,', , ÚIIURAN,imNEWALú,ë.ANUiAN'RÈNEWAL ,ENT;PURiJAN TO TH LONG , . TERiV.ì'TAXEXEM:ÔNLAW :ET SEQ. '", " ' , ',", . ..... ~. . '- . . ....:. .' " '. . N;;.S~A~'40Áà~i -- '. ."' .": -: '. . . " . ~ . :. " .. .'. - :. . '.' ;': '" . . .' . , : Tl-:McwAidêo~ciL OF 't CITY OF .iRSEY ciTY DOES ORDAI:' " '\vRlAs~ drtd LHNTU:rbàn R~ne~alLLC; an urbär renewai entity, fori~d and qiiifiedio , do nusinéss wider tle provisionsofthe LongTe~ Tax Exemption Law: of 1992, as ai~nded and supplemented, N.J.S.A.40A:20-1 ~gm.(Entity); and WHREAS, the Entity is the Owner designted as BJock 60.15, Lot of cert propert previously knowii by the street address öf 18 Park Avenue, andmore pincuiarly descnbedby the mete!\ and bounds descrjption set 1, ald now kIowiüis Block 15901, Lot 15' - Units 1 and 2, more commoriy . fort,as Exlubit i to this Agreement; and the botindares of the Libert Harbor Nort WHREAS; ths propert is located with Redevelopment Plan Area; and WHEREAS,oiiJuly9,.'2007, the Entiiyfied an Applicatioii for a long term ta exemptio~fo¡' a , project consisting of ai eight (8) and sixteen 0 6), story building cOntang approximately four liundied ninety eight (498) residërttialrenta unts witIi approXiately twenty six thousand five hundred fift four(26;554) squ.are feet of ground flooiietalspace and up to five hundred twènty five (525) on site parking spaces to be l,oèatedinthe Propert (ltial Projeët); and WiREAS, by the adoption of Ordiancè07~ 148 on Augut 22, 2007,:te MUIicipal' Council , grted a TO-yea ta 'exemption to the Entity for the Initial Project and authonzed the exeeutioii of a firiàncial iweemerit; and , ' 07-148, the Entity ~d the City ente.red into a fiancial WHREAS, pursuat to Ordinance ageement date Séptember 14, 2007(IntialFinancial Agreement), havig aterm equa to the ealier offifteen (I5) yea of substatial from completion the daÚ~ofadoptioi: of Ordinam;e 07-148 or ten (10) years from of 'the date the Intial Project; and , \iREAS,- sinceeìiterig into the Intial Financial Agreement, the Entity has: (i) obtaned án the ProjeCt and AmendedPrelimin8 andFii Site Plan Approval reducing fue siz.aId density of (ii)determed tht it is developiIig the Propert bywày of a Master conciöinum ronta thee', (3) Units and assoiated master coÌnon elerients;and _ . , WHIlAS; the Entity plan to consct ~buîIdig that will be eleven (II) stones, coIitag approxiately four hundred thousandthreehundred niety six ,and twohuhdred fift eight twenty tWo (422) residential renta untS with approxiately foureen (14,396) squae feet of grund floor retal and lor restaurt space (258) on site parkig spaces with a valet parkig option, (project); and WHREAS, :te Project wi be toèated ii Maser Condoriium Unit 1 and 2 in the Master Condoiium;and ' '. , c , o 20 12 0 7..6 . ; .. '::: vUIll.lIUë:UUI.1 W.I \.uy vrOinance ",':'. page' .' I. (' . WlREAS, oli Mar~h 16, 20 ii, th~ ÈÌitity filed an Application with the CítÝ for an AmeIlded and Restted LOng Term TaX Exemption pUIait to N.J.S.A. 40A:20~1 ,et.~ 'for the Proj~ct that would confOnI the ta exemptìOIl;to the Project and permit an additÍonal thè(3)yea build out period; and ," , WHREAS, since the Entity estìm:ates constrctìÒn ~stsÌht wilIexcèèd $25 millon,th~ ProjeCt shal be subjectto a Project Labor Agreemeiitas ri:qwr~ byOrdinancè 07-123; and WHREAS, Grd LHN I UrbanReiie~~ LLC, haS ag~ to: 1. ' the Annua Gross . r~ . . " pay 'ih~eren:eror(i) the MhliniiimAnniliilRervieeCiiarge or (ii) 10% of estated to be $1,144,735åndwluch shal be subject to statutoiy Revenue, whichSÙ is ,staed incr~s over the tei:Òfthe ta exemptìon;~and . ' 2. AdmsttJveFee; iid ' . ' . .an 3. provide employmenHindother economic opportunites for City residents and businesses; and 4. . pay ananuaswn equa to 2% of each'pri~r y~'s Anua Servce Chage as pay to the City, .f~r'remitt~ to Hudson Cointy: an anount equal to 5% òf,the-Aiiiial . , ServceC~ge ùpon recipt of that charge; and , . ' , . 5. ", Will have paid'the:sw of $786,831 to the City'~, Affordable Housing Trust 'Fund, wh.ch is the amount before the .Aended FiI)ancial stipulated in.theInitìàlFinancial Agreement, Agreement is execut~d;and . WHREAS,theCìtyhereby determines t.at the rel;itive beIiefits of the Project outweigh the cost of the ta exèniptìcin, for tle followig reaons: ". " ' ,1. , the curIlÚeal estate taes ~ouldgeneraterevenue of only $281,400 wher~as, the kiua generate I, Servce Charge as estimated, will 2. 3. it is eXpected that the Projec revenue ofirore than $1,144,735 to the City; will create approximately 150 jobs durg èonstrctìoIl aid: 1 5 neW' permanent jobs; d" , . ' , . , th~ Project will stbilize and contrburetòtheeconomic growt ofbùsinessesin the :. '. . . . .... I .. suroundig area Includig but notiimitt: to. tIe Boys and Girls Club of Hudson County; " 4. 5. :te Project will fuer the overåU redevelopment ~bjectives of 'Redevelopment Plan; , . , the City's impact analysis; on ':fie With the: Offce of the the Libert Harbor Noit City Clerk,', indicates thiitßle . benefits of the Project outweigh the costs to the Cíty; and . \VæREAS~ 'theCiÍ:y, herebydetemes tht the tax, exemptìon . is importt, in obtajtÌng followig reons: " , , developnient of the Projgçt and infhiencingthe locatìonal decisions' of probable occupants for the . ' 1. ' the,relatve stbility and predctabiltyoftheAnuai"ServiceCh~geswill make the Proje~t' ~oreatctiv.e ~o' inv~toi: neeed to fice the Project; , ' , . 2.' " the relatìvestabiltY ard. predctabilty of the Anua Service Chaes Will iiow the owner , the bUilding over' to stabi1iz iis opërating bridget, :àQwig a lugh ¡evel Of maitertce to the lifeofthe Proj~t, whiehwil aItctteianl$ to tIeProject aid inure the likelihood Of, the succesa oftlePIoject;and and :' , 2002Lobbyist RepreseIitatìve Statu" by filig ai appropriate letter in the ' WHREAS;GrdLHN I Urban Reiiewll LLC, haS,intìaly complied with Executìve Order 005 concerng "Disclosure of Offce of the City Clerk; ,IZ-:U71' Continuation of Clty brä¡na~ce 3 , page that: , "',' wiREAS, Grd Ì.HN I Ùrban Renewai LLC has agreed to comply with City of Jersey City, Ordinance 07-123 Requirn&Apprenticeships andProjectLabor AgIeements. " " NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Jersey CitY BElT ORDAID by the Municipal C~uiicii of A. , The application of Renewal LLC; an urban r~newai,company,fòtied" Grd LHN I Urba of 1992, and quaified to dobusines,s ,Under the provi~iQns ofthe',Ikng Term Tax Exemption Law copy 'as 'amended and supplemented N./.SA 40A:20-l' ~~. à of which is on fie in the offce o( the CiìYClerk, for cer propert previousIy designedasBlòck 60.1 5, Lot 1, :änd now known as . : J, ," ". . " .... r Block 15901,1.ot 15 - Units land 2; more ,ê~mimon1ykn9wnby the street address of 1,8 ,Park , Avenue, mnre spècifically descril:ed by m~tes and bolids in the applìcaon is hereby approved'. ' an Amended Financial' that the Amended' Prepayment and Contrbütion Agre~ment relating tothis Propert authoried by separte Resolution, B. The Mayor or Business Admstrtoris hereby authoÍied to execute AgIeement and a Project Empfoynentand'Contrting ÃgIeement, provided The Amended, Financial Agreenient shall include at,a Inirnmumthe has been fuly executed. follöwii; tei:s aid coiiditiori: ' . I, i.' the Within Term: the ealier 003 yearsfrom theadoptiori of Qrdìnance or 10 years froIn the , date the project is Substatially C9mplete; ,', ' d , Anua Service' Charge: each yea the greater of; , , 2. . ..' . (a) " 'the Minum AnualService Charge; or (Q) ,3. estimated to bè$1,l,44,735, which, of the ta exemption: , . '. -"' . . 10% of sum the Anwi Gross Re'iènue, which shaii be subject to statutory increaesdiig the term , ~dministrative Fee': is 2% ofthepriòiyèar's~~l Service Charge; , " ' ,,',,', " ' " ",' . , 'remittce ,',by thed CitY" 4'. "Couity Payment: 5% of the AnUa Servicè Chargèto the City for to Hudson COliniy;" " , , ' , , , 5. that Will be eleven (lÎ)storieS, confug approximately,four hundted ' ~entytWo (422)residential rent: unts Withapproxrátelyfoureen thousaiuithee hindred PrQject: A bnilding niety six (14,396) square feetofgIoiId floor retaÏ àrd restauct space and two hundied fift eight (258) on site parkig spaces wi!h a "alet parkig option; . . 6. Affordable Housing Trut Fund: $786,831, which'lu al!eOy been paid; , 7~ An obligation to, 'exec~te a Project Employrent.and C~ntrctig Agreement to insure . , emplöYment and other ecnomic benefitS to City residents and busines~es; . . "8.', Execution of'a ProjectL~bor AgI~me~t ~r~quledby Ordi~ce 0-7-123. The Project Labor AgIeement shall be in substatially the forr on fie in the offce of the City Clerk. e: The City Clerk shal deliver a certed copy of the 'Ordiice and Financial AgIeeinent to the Tax Assessor mid Director of D. Theapplicatan is on the Division of ,fie with the offce of LOca GoveInent ~,enrices. " '. the CiWClerk.The,Fin~¿ial AgIeeÌnentand Project Employment and Contrctig Agreemei)t shà11 be in substatialy the form on fie in the', Offce.ofthe CitY Clerk; subject to such modification as the Business AdIsttotorCorporation Counel déems appropri~teor necessa.. '- , .. B: Al ordinañces and pars of onlinarces ~ncoiiistentherewith including but not limted to ' , ordinance 07-148,. are hereby repaled: , .~: set fort F. , 1bs,órdinance shall be par o(the Jersey City Code as though codifed and fully 'therein. The City Clerk shall have ths ordIance codified and incorprated in the offcial copies' of the Jersey City Code. G. 1bs ordinance shall tae effèct at the time and in the maner provided by law. "" hereby authorized ançl directed tö 'H. -"Uie City Cl~rk and CorporationCo~lbe aId they are arcle numbèrsand section numbers in the eventtht the codfication change any chapter numbers, of this ordice reveals tht there is a confict betveenthose numbers and the existg code, in order to avoid confion and possible acidenta repeaers o( existing provisions. AIl material is new;thereför~.underlinig has been omitted. For purses ~f. NOTE: , advertsing'only, Iie.w matter:s iidicatt; by bold facea.d repeaed matter by itàlic. JMíhe 5/02/12 " APPRO~l~ ,APPROVED: ' APPROVED: CorPlin Consel '\ Certfication Required '0 Not Required '0 --?U FL. .... .... ORDINANCE NO., Ord 12-071 TITL: 0.H. MAY 09 2012 ' Ll_G, MAY 23 2Ó12 Ordiance amendig al0 year.ta exemption approved by Ordinance 07-148 for a market rate niixed used rental project to be constcted by Graid LHN I Urban Renewal, LLC, an Urbàn ReneWal Entity; puSUàt to the Long Term Tax Exemption L.aw N.J.SA 40A:20-1 et seq. , CàUNCILPERSON SOTTOlAO 'OONNtlLY LOPEZ .I . AYE' ,/ 7i/ COUNCILPERSON NAY ;/, GAUGHAN COUNCILPERSON N.V. BRENNAN 7iI FULOP RICHARDSON lAVARRO ZU1Z'C/-O / ../. AYE NAY RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE TOCLOSEPUBLIC HEAING G ll-/(g H liN- COUNCILPERSON AYE SOTTOLANO " ¡ÐQNNt:LlY iJ J FULOP, LOPEZ w RICHADSON ' NAY AYÈ.. COUNCILPERSON NoV. 7 GAUGHAN BRENNAN i/ ,' '' COUNCILPERSON NoV. NAY Å .LANARRO -- (Abstain) UAV ''l ?n''l R-Ò . ' ..-r t.N 0 moved, seèondedby Counèilperson NoV. i' ' :MASSEY~' NoV.-Not Voting ,- .I AYE Indicaes Vote ,Counc.iIJlerson MAy-- RECORD OF COUNCil VOTE ON INTRODUCTON N:V. ' NAY "MASSEY,: Indicates Vote ::llB lle.CAlItJ to close P.Ho AYE 7I, NAY NoV. .. ,/ NoV.-NotVoting (Abstain) Y"OWIJE ß'AL.Cé IF ANY RECORO OF COUNCIL VOTE ON AMENDMENTS, Councilperson COUNCILPERSON iived toamend~ Ordinance,secoiled by Councilperson AYE NAY COUNCILPERSON N.V. ' .' " SOTTOLANO NAY AYE GAUGHAN ÆlONNE'tty FULOP LOPEZ ' RICHARDSON &'adopled N.V. 0 COUNCILPERSON , DONNtLLY, LOPEZ tAYARRO NoY.-NotVoting (Abstain) AYE /' ./ ,/ NAY ' ' N,y' " MAT LJZ 111: FINAL COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILPERSON AYE GAUGHAN ,/ NAy NoV. BRENNAN' './ FULop , RICHARDSON COUNCILPERSON /10: 'itA~'ÀRRO . -: I MASSEY.' '.i Indicates Vote " , Adopted on second and final Jersey Cit; 7~1 NAY . NoV. , II is to Certif,that the forEloing Ordj~ance was adopted by BYre, Ci Clerk MAY 092012 N.J. on 'reading after hearing on the Municipal 'nel a . s meeting on . MAY 2 32012 *Amendment(s): 7,/ , AYE N.V.-Not Votng (Abstain) 'Adopted on first reading Of the Council of This NoV. :MAS~E1i"': RECORD OF SOTTOLANO NAY BRENNAN ..Ilndìcates Vote CQUNCILPERSON' AYE APG1~__ MAY 2 3 2012 Peter M. BteÍ1nan'~ ':. '" . ,Councl President . _AOVEO~~ Date: MAY 2 3.i012 , enai~ T. iy, ~ayor Date MAY 302012 MAY 2\ 2012 Date to Màyor CrtClerk File No~ Ord. .12-072 Agenda No. 3. I 1st Reading No. 4. H. 2nd Reading & Rnal Pasge Agenda ORDINANCE OF JERSEY CITY, N.J. ,COUNCIL ASA WHOLE offéred and moved adoptiond the foilowingordinahce:'. , CIT ORDINANCE 12-072 "'.', . TITLE: ORDINANCE AMNDING AN SUPPLEMENTING' C~TER 84 '(ALCOHOLIC' :REVERAGES),ARTICLEI(PLENARY-RETAIL CONSUMP'fiÒN ANill)lSTRIBUTION . ' (FE & CHAGES) SECTION I (FEE SCHEDULE ' LICENSES), AN CHATER 160 ESTÀBLìsltD)OFTIlJERSEV cm MUCiPAL CODE . '. , OF TlI ,CITY OF JERSEY CITY:lÌREBY ORDAINS: " , '. . TII MUIciPAL COUNCIL '., WIIREAS, pursuattoN.JS.A. 40:48-239,à :muncipality in which theiiurberdof retal ' pr9videdin NòJ.S.A 33: 1" 12. 1 4, mayprovidereasonable consideratlon to enëourge the retiiernentoÎHcenses; aid ' " . , ,'eonsiiption lië~nses exceeds. tleimniber . WlÍREAS;purUat ,thereto~ the .ctyhas iiposeda fee on a~tive licenseés to fud such retiremeriL$;and. . ' the maket value to . Section 84 of the Muncipal' Code; .and WHERAS ,there have not been ary ápplications f6r retir~meI1tfordécaés since of the licenses ,exceed the iiicentive provided pursuat WHREAS, ,plenar retal 'conSumptiort'feês shotid. not include fees. that have, no purose especialy in'light of the fact tlat .the license renewal fees have recntly been inèreased; and is desirpusófupdtigthe city CÓde to reflect present public WREREAS. the Muncipal Council , interest and evolvig eConoric conditions; and . thm: ' , 'WlREAS;it is in the public interest to àmend Aricle I ofCliapter 84 of the Jersey City Muncipal Code to elinate the retime!lt fee 'impoSed upon active licensees. .' , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIll by the Municipal Coulcil of the City of Jersey City A. The following amendientsto Chapter 84 (Aièoholìc Beverages) Aricle I (plenar R~tal COIlsumption and Distrbution LiceJies) ar hereby adopted: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES "ARTICLEI Plenary Retail Consumption and Distribution Lic:enses §84-L. Through §84-7. . No Change. , §84-8. (Additional) Ljcense Feel, Puipose). A. . (Cóimnendng on Jaua 1, 1982; e) ~h holder of á plenar retal consption license shal pay the sum as provided in Chàpter 160, Fees and Charges~ f0 lieense fee shall be piid in ildditon to the fee as pio.¡de in Chapte 160, Fees and .. ",' Chage.s, paiabte by stieh lieetlSeepmstianto the Code pHeise, Cit.),' (R ' "Th m6~ys itiized t1om theolle~tioiiofth¿ additi~nal lieee fees shaHbèusèd to ietiie lieenses. and shall be C911eeted unil suehtiIie as, stii:rt moneys aie' collect so.as to piovide foi th payment fee as piovidd in chptl 160, Fees ai~ , ' .Chaiges, fol eah license to be ietned, th no additional fee shilhe conected.), (§84~9. . Licenses, Payment to Licënsee~ Pr.ocednIe'fOr Retiring A., Airy hoideiof a plènaiyiet:l ~nsmnpt~òn Úcene who' desiies to ietiie it In.' ¡aeeorttee wit th,pÍoeeme set forth heiein ~lstimit an app~n foi d~~; e~yea~ ' . pmpose to th Seeietay of v th Boaid ofAla;he D.e erag Co:tti01 otJeisejCity , befòre lieeiìse fees aie Pad; Ol noUat than Decenmei 31,tó be effecti ve in th next eac yem,tlie totz stm ~£moiej rea:ized. . , Ð. ' As ~OOii' as possib1eafei Deeenib6 31 or from th cOllecton of tle.aditionafces as piò"ided Ii;'Chapter 168, F'ees aiid Charges, ShaH bè di v ided ealy aiiiorig aU ne w appl who have applied for tlie mexrt thexcÎoie,åf pxo"idi foríh payme . ~ . . '," '. .... retenient ofth lieexlSes às par t pay tö pieviouslyappxovedapplieaiits to whoni,paynient are still owed.* -' * EØtÒi'sNott.' Aiii,end attinie of adption of Code, seeCh.1, Geiierai,Piò~isioilS~AÍt L /"', . C. ' Thxeaft, on AUgust 10£ each yeaoftfiis, piogram, or. as soon as it may be, pracable, af Aiist '1, the 'tOtz moiíe, seolleeted ' foi " eÌ1eh shal, likewise be. . di v ided eqtily atlOng the appicats fOl retiiexnt.qt; mrtilèaei applieant xeeeh es tlie ar Cliaiges.* : .' , . totz sinn aspxovided:in Chapx 168, Fees * Edtor's Note. Axneiroi:d at tineoftiòpion 9fCode"seeGh. ì,Gexieia:l PIQvisions,AiLi.i . (§84-in. Applicant Reqnirements Prior to Retirement layniènt. ' , '," '," . , ,I. ',", to aiiy applieart mtless said applitatshailfnst. , , No,payint shall be made \. , A. 'Smiendex his ox hei: lieetisè totlieSêcie1: ofthe'Boaid'ofAleòholic Beverage ,Control oÜ6sey City., ' , . ' ,,' B.ExtiIf ai.i iieemenfwiti th City of Jersey City C9ntii tlie roHo~Ì1tgteniiS, , .whiCh ageei.nt the Chaipexsonofthe Bo¡nd of Alcolic ßc.er Contol i~ heieb aiiioxized to -eeetr. (1) Seei.eta ofth,Boàidof:Áholie Ileveiag' Contol an Îiéeebe (2) '(3) to th' Th.tlie aplieant shal vøimiilysmxcndci' hisOl het licene' ¡iee.th saicl' retiied pexma~i:. ' " " . 'That th IicéxlSe xievex agn be lc:sStdto aiiyone. Uiát the'appliCa shal 'ree~iv~ th St of money detxuixied,ai iniésird in 'eonsideiono£ and in payment fox t! ietenie .oflusor hex li~e.) '/ , ,(§84:"ll. " ' ray n.ento(F~. llo 'applicaton shaH be' ~eed tiss ili. ste, fcdiai an loCa feà me paid; ix~liding the adtiOn,fCe as setfo hichpter 168, Fees aiCbges; ti 'imposed ~ ths,Aitiele.)" . (§84-ii. Retired Lic:nsa'Not to Be Reissued. 'No lieense soaetied and ietied sha e vei ag be ieissued to aróìi.) ". ... 'l§8~43. Use of Excess t\ney s. ' ~:.., . lÍ th event tI¡.th tOta of th inoneS reaized, fioln tIie eollection of th additonal fees as pro v ided hei em shl eX~ced tJe smnneed foi th ietirei'leirt of sad licenses, sti excess mone s shl be used fo ge mnneip pmposes.l ' B. The followig amendments ,to Chapter 160 . Established) are hereby adopted: ' ,(Fees and Charges) Section I (Fee Schedule FEES AN' CHAGES , S~tiOD, I Fee Schedule,Established §160-1. Fee Schedule EstablishecL C. Chapter 84; Alcoholic Beve~es. licens fee for plena retail consuption license: $720. Additionally, (i) Anua license th anual fee shall be $850 ~ ofJune 1,2001; and $1,000 as ofJune i, 2002~ . "~ 1,2002: ~ " license fee fOf'plenar retail distrbution licens: $720. Additonally, , (2) "Anua ths anUa license fee shalL.be $850 a. of June i, 2001, and $1,000 as of JUIe (51) ,Processing fee foflicensees desirig achaige in the corporate strcture of the distrbution license ):$60. corporate licensee(ple~ retal consumption or (6.l Identification card, for each original issue and renewal: $10. (1- §) Application fee for special permt to sell alCoholic beveriiges: $50. C. All ordinaces and pars ofordinances inconsistentheiewithare hereby repealed. .' D. The City Clerk shall have th~órdinaice codified and licorporat~d in the offcial the'Jersey City Code. ' , copies of E. , Ths orøiniIce shal tae effect at the, tie -and in the maner as provided by law. F." - The City,Clerk andtheèorporation COUIelriiay change any chapter nlIbers,artcle nuibersandsectioIi mimberS ifcod¡fication of ths ordinance reveas a confict betwèen accidental those nUmiJrsaidthe exisg code~ in order to avoid coriion and possible , repeers of existig pro~sionS. ' ,', ' Note: All new material is underlined;, words, in (bracket) are omittèd. For purpses of 'advertsing only, new mater is boldface and reeaed matter by italics. VS/he 5/02/12 ,AP~LFO;;, Colin Counsel ,Certification Required 0 Not Required 0 APPROVED: I APPROVED: êEiWG ."-:: . In the e.ent tlr. th tota of the mones "'. . th aditional fe as ieaized fiOff the eoHeetion of pro. ided heein shaeioeed thm neede roo th ietiiemntofsaIieeiises,sti excess money s sh be uSed WI genra imeipal pmppscs.1 .' . B. The followig amendments t~ Chapter 160 (Fees and Charges) Section I (Fee Sêhedule Estblish~) are hereby adopted: ' , . FEES AN CHAGES Section I Fee Schedule Establihed §160.,1. FeeSche:dule Establihed. ,,' C, Chapti;r 84, Alcoh()lic Beve~es. . . .. (1) Arual license feeforplei.iUretal consumption licens: $720; Additionaly, ths aDual license fee shall be $850 as of June 1; 2001., and $'1',000 as of June' 1,2002. retal distrbution liC~Ile: $720. Additionally, (2) AIualicense fee for plena shall be $850 as ofJune 1,2001, and $1,000 as ofJune -1,2002. ' , thsaIuallicense fee ,, AdtiOnali~ense fee tobe med to ietite lieCJses. $200.1 . E(3) ,Ainomit fooeae lieeeto be ietiied. $15,000.1 EE4) a chaigein the corporate strctue of the ' corporate licensee (plenar retaconsunpIion or distnbutionJicense): $60. (51) , Processing fee for licensees desirg ( . (6J)_ , Identification cad, f~r'eadi original issue andrene~al: f$Wrm. (*Q) Applicationfee for special permt to seU alcoholic ' beverages: $50. C. AllordinaIces and pars or ordii~cesincónsistentherewith are herebyrep~aled. Clerk shall have ths ordinancè codifiedaid incorporated-in theoffcia1 copiesoÎ D. ,Tle City the Jersey City Code. ' E. Ths Òrdice shall tae effect at the tlme and in the maner as providedby law. / R. arcle TI~ City CIerk and' the Corporàti~n Counel may- change 'any chapter numbers: 'iiumbers and section n~bers if eUciiticili of ths ordice reveals a confict between thòse numbers aid the existingcode, in order to avoid confion and possible accidental ri¡peaei' of existing provisíons. ' omitted. ' For pUrses of advertsIIg only, new matter. is boldface and r~pealed matter by italics. Note: Án new material is undèrlined;words in (biaetsJ are VSe: 5/02/1. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM APPROVED:', APPROVED: Corpti Counsel , Certification Required 0 Not Required 0 Busines Adnistrto '" - , ORDINANCE NO. Ord. 12-072 " 3.1. TITLE:' 4.H, MAY 09 2012 MAY 23 2012 Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 84 (Alcoholic Beverages), Arcle I (Plenar Retal Consumption and Distrbution Licenses), and Chapter 160 (FeesàId Chages)Section I (Fee Schedule Established) of Muncipal Code. the Jersey City AYE SOTTOlAO 1/"- NAY N.V. COUNCILPERSON AYE GAUGHAN ' ,/ DONNELLy ,/ FULOP' LOPEZ y' RICHARDSON NAY N.V. .¡ .I Indicates Vote , COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY .,, V , LAVARRO · MASSEY,. N.V.-Not Voting (Abin) , RECORD OF COUNCil VOTEJO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Councilpersón G4va.f+Ato COUNCfLPERSON AYE SOTTOLANO ,¡ 'QQN.NELLY LOPEZ N.V. COUNCILPERSON AYE. "I GAUGHAN I . FULop ;¡ RICHARDSON MAY NAY N.V. to close 'P.H. COUNCILPERSON ./ !lAVARRO erN , RECORD OF COUNciL VOTE ONAMENDMENTS,IFANY AYE NAY N.V. , COUriCILPERSON AYE NAY ,& adopted ', GAUGHAN' N.V. COUNCILPERSON DONNELLY FULOP ¡LAVÄRRO RICHARDSON MÀ$SEY'¡. N.V. N.Y.-Not Voting (Abstain) '. , AYE NAÝ ,/ i/ .I N.V. COUNCILPERSON AYE GAUGHAN ii. ,/ , FULOP, RICHARDSON At. MAY2171l1 , -r-o-i VOTE RECORD OF FINAL COUNCIL NAY N.V. COUNCILPERSON AYE. BRENNAN Ad 17,iA rE"f\ MASSEY Adopted on firS reading of the Council of Jersèy Cit, N.J. on Adoptedon second a~d finaJ reading flA ,10'1 after heàring on NAY - "./ N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) Wid-. ..\. ,MAY 23 2012 Qtt~~ ~ P€ter M. Br,ennair¡,. Council President Date: MAY i3'2012 APPROVED: Jerramiah ..Hear' , Date MAY 30 2012 " MAY 242012 Date to Mayor , N.V. , .I tAVARRO ,/ Indicates, Vote *Amendment(s): NAY ' .' ,/ Indicates Vote LOPEZ AYE . BRENNAN _ LOPEZ SOTTOLANO ; ." 'MASSEY; " moved to amend* Ordinance, sec(¡nded' by Gouncilperson SOTTOLANO ~DONNElLY N.V. N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) Councilperson ' ' , CQUNCILPERSON NAY ./ ,/ Indicates Vote COUNCILPERSON ,AYE BRENNAN ¡fRi il'~ó 2 3 2012 Se:O'c.ANO',' moed, seconded byCouncilperson NAY N.V. A6 ~All\ ' BRENNA ,/ 8-0,.1 MAYIJ~l "J 117 RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE ON INTRODUCTION COUNCltPERSON . City Clerk File No. , Agenda No. Agenda No. Ord~, 12-07,( 3.K 1st Reading & Final Passage if. I. 2nd Reading ORDINANCE OF JERSEY CITr,N.J. COUNCIL AS A WHOLE \, offered and moved following adoption of the ordinance: CITY ORDINANCE 1.2-074 Ordinance Naming the Fieldhouse at Courey Fricchione Memorial Field TITLE: Ellot IISkip", Adams Fieldhouse WHREAS, Ellott "Skip'~ Adar, has been a dedicated member of GreenvileIWestside Baseball, Inc., aka: The League, for mOre than 35 years and bdieves thàt The' Babe Ruth and League is essential for our youngsters in our community; WHEREAS, Skip Adam has serVed The League as a player agent, equipment manager,vièe and president, and president. He Was appointed by the National Babe Ruth Baseball League '. . .. . .. . curently holds the position of District 6 Commssioner!Nortem .New Jersey State Commssioner of the 13 to 15-year-oldDivisions; and WHEREAS, Skip Adams serves as theLeague Advisor of GreenvilefW estside Babe Ruth Baseball, Inc. and the Manager of boys for the 13 t~ I,S-year-old Division; and :te Cow , , WHEREAS, Skip AdamS was worked closelywith City Officials and City Deparents to Baseball, Inc. Clubhouse . . .. . . . facilitate theconstnction of the GreenvilelWestside Babe Ruth on Westside Avenue. ,. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT City deems it fitting Park (Metro the ORDAIED, that and proper to Municipal Cöi:cilofthe CityofJersey name the .fieldliòuse at Courey FiÌcchione Memorial support and dedication to the' Field) the Ellot "Skip" Adam FieldhoUse. His players, coaches, parents and our coimunity at large are hereby applauded. . A. All ordinances and par of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. ,B. This ordinance shal bea par of the Jersey City Code as though codified and fully The City shàll have this ordinance codified and incorporated in the : set fort therein, official copies of C. This ordinance shaif the Jersey ÇityCode. tae effect at the time and in the maner D. The City Clerk and the Corporation Counsel be and they are directed to change any chapter numbers, aricle numbers and section event thatthe codification of and possible repeaers of existing provisions, ~PR~ i" 0' ' ", Co' uri Certcation Required numbers in the this ordinance reveaIs that there is a conflct between' those numbers and the existing code, in order to avoid confusion accidental as provided by law.' , hereby authorized and Not Required 0 APROVED~ APROVD:~ ~ , ' .. ~twaior " ORDINANCE NO. TITL: OUL 12~Q74 3, K. MAY 09 2012 1f"IL MAY 23 2012 Ordinance naing the fieldhouse at Courey Fricchione , Memonal Field Ellot "Skip" Adam Fieldhouse. RECORD / ./ COUNCILPRSON . AYE SOTTOLAO DGN¡'ELlY NAY GAUG1:AN RlLOP ./ LOPEZ OF COUNCIL COUNCILPERSON N.V. RICHADSON ,'. '/indicates Vote MAl 119 '017, a-O VOTE ON INTRODUCTION NAY AYE I ./ COUNCILPERSON . 'N.V. BRENNAN., ./ AYE .r lAVARRO iI MAS SE.Y' './, NAY N.V. 1:.V.-NotVoting (Abstin) COUNCILPERSON ' ' SOTTOlAO ' AYE , NAY NY' COUNCILPERSON /. GAUGHAN , 1/ 'DO¡.NHlY AYE . I NAY COUNCILPERSON N.V. ,- \tA1iARRO I"¿ S£N RICHARDSON to close P.H. BRENNA i/ . ,RlLOP i/ LOPEZ 7:~NfZu-t l1ed, sèconded by Councilpeison AYE r '/ NAY N.V. ,/ MASSEY , '/Indicates Vote t-O MAY? '; ?nt? RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE TI) CLOSEPUBUC HEANG G4vGlMnI ,Councilperson ' N,V.-Not Voting (Absin), , ' , ,RECORDOF COUNCIL VOTE ON AMENDMENTS, IF ANY , , moved to ameri* Ordinance, seconded by Councilperson CouncilperSon tOUNCILPERSON AYE NAY N.V. . SOTTOLAfoO COÜNCILPERSON AYE NAY & adopted N.V. DONNEllY RlLÖP LAVARRO RICHARDSON MASSEY" NAY, N.V. N.V.-NotVoting (Abstin) ,/Indicates Vote , RECORD"OFFINAL COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILPERSON S.oTTOLAO . AYE NAY N.V. " . LOPEZ tI II " '/Indicates Vote COUNCILPERSON GÀUGHAN",. II /DONNÜLY " AYE ,.NAY I. ,. A6 e, Ci Clef! , *Amendment(s): BRENNAN iI r/ f£W1 g-o NAY N.V. ./ MASSEY N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) MAY 092012 MAY 232012 Adopted on second and final reading aft~r heanng on Co il at it meetingon MAY 23 2012 ÀYE (LAVARRO Cit, N.J; on , -This is i6 certif that the foregOing Ordinance wàs a~opted by MAl "i :i") 1Ii' COUNCILPERSON N.V. '.-/ , RlLOP RICHADSON Adopted on firSt reading of theCo~ncil of jerSey th Municipal AYE , BRENNAN: GAUGHAN LOPEZ ' COUNCILPERSON ,~ N:B~ APPROVED: Peter 'M~Brennan.' , eo6ncl' President MAY 23 2012 , Date: APPROVED: ~ J rrmiah T. ai, Mayor Date , MAY Date to Mayor 3 0 2012 . MAY2J 2012
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