NEXT WEEK UNIS Hanoi`s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume


NEXT WEEK UNIS Hanoi`s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume
UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume 22, Edition 4, Friday 11 September
University Information Session, 13.20-14.00, Common
Varsity Boys and Girls’ Volleyball vs. BIS @ UNIS, 16.0017.30, Sports Centre
ISA Tests Grades 3-9, 21-24 SEP
International Day of Peace
Varsity Girls’ Volleyball vs CISH @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30,
Sports Centre
SCO Team Building Retreat, 8.00-15.00
PYP Interactive Workshop for New Parents
POSTPONED after the October Break
MYP Information Night for Grade 6 Parents and Parents
New to UNIS, 19.00-20.00, Library
Child Development Information Session For Parents
(Grades 1 & 2), 8.30-9.30
Library Orientation For Parents (Grades 1 & 2), 9.3010.00, Library
Varsity Girls’ Volleyball vs OLY @ UNIS, 16.00-17.30,
Sports Centre
Community Meeting with Head of School, 8.15-9.45,
JV Boys’ Volleyball @ BVIS, 15.30-17.30, BVIS
UN Day Lunch Prep. Meeting, 13.00-14.00
ECC & G1 Moon Festival Assembly, 13.10-13.50,
G2-G5 Moon Festival Assembly, 14.10-15.10, Theatre
HAC MS Basketball Festival @ UNIS Hanoi, 16.0017.30, UNIS Hanoi
MYP Information Night for Returning Families,
MRISA Leadership Conference @ International School
Eastern Seaboard, Thailand, 17-20 Sept
Child Development Information Session For Parents
(Grades 3 - 5), 8.30-9.30
Library Orientation For Parents (Grades 3 - 5), Library
Grade 12 College Info Night, 18.00-20.00, Theatre
Timberwolves Invitational Varsity Volleyball
Tournament @ CDNIS, Hong Kong, 25-27 SEP
Faculty/ Staff Professional Development - No Classes
for Students
JV Boys’ and Girls’ Volleyball vs HIS @ UNIS,
ES Healthy Snack Sale 1, 8.10-10.40, ES & ECC
Parent and Faculty Social Event, 19.30-23.30
UNIS Hanoi Varsity Tennis Invitational
School News
From the Head of School
We will keep you informed of any
further developments. Please be
aware that sometimes we only find out
just before or even after the changes
have been made so we will do our best.
Dr. Chip Barder
Head of School
I wanted to provide a little information
on a practical matter – accessing
Ciputra and UNIS over the next few
weeks. For those who enter Ciputra
off of the highway near the UNIS
entrance, you may have noticed some
construction being mobilized and
pilings being installed. Ciputra has
decided to put a large arch-type gate
with statues on the top at that location.
This gate will be similar to the main
entrance to Ciputra.
In order to complete the work, that
particular Ciputra entrance will be
closed for approximately six weeks:
from 22 September to the end of
October. During that time, families
entering and leaving Ciputra will need
to use the gate nearest to Jafa.
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
From the Board of Directors
the delegates present were returnees,
having attended the first conference
last year. All were high in their praise
of the enriching experience of the
conference, the skills of the facilitators
and the value of interacting with other
board members.
One delegate wrote `It was an
extremely rewarding experience and
I am and will be forever grateful.. it
was a fantastic and very successful
conference. I look forward to the next
Workshop a
26 Heads of Schools/Administrators
and 58 Board Directors travelled
from as far away as South Africa and
Saudi Arabia to attend the UNIS Hanoi
`Governance as Leadership Workshop’
on campus last weekend. Professor
Emeritus at Harvard University, Dr.
Richard Chait, co-led and facilitated
the two-day programme of forums
and break-out sessions along with his
co-author, Dr. William Ryan.
The purpose of the conference was
to help boards and school heads
work together to improve the level of
governance at their school. Half of
UNIS Hanoi is seen as the vanguard
in the area of school governance and
pioneering in the area of providing
governance workshops. Already UNIS
Hanoi has committed to hosting again
next year - such is the demand for this
type of learning opportunity.
On behalf of the Board I would like
to thank Dr Barder and Emma Silva
Director of Advancement for the
outstanding success of the Workshop.
I would like to thank Dr Chait and
Dr Ryan for hosting the event and I
would like to thank all those schools
who attended this year. We are
delighted that UNIS Hanoi Board of
Directors and Dr Chip Barder can have
such a positive influence in school
Governance across the world.
List of Schools who
attended the Governance
American International School of
Guangzhou (China)
American School in Johannesburg
(South Africa)
American School of Bombay (India)
Bali International School (Indonesia)
Bishop Mackenzie International School
Branksome Hall Asia (Korea)
Chinese International School
(Hong Kong)
Council of International Schools
ICS Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
International School Manila(Philippine)
International School of Beijing
International School of Kenya
International School of Kuala Lumpur
International Schools Group
(Saudi Arabia)
Mercedes-Benz International School
NESA Center (Greece)
Search Associates (Former Admin)
Best regards,
Shanghai American School(China)
Nguyen Van Hieu
Singapore American School
Board Chair
United Nations International School of
Hanoi (Vietnam)
Vientiane International School (Laos)
Western Academy of Beijing
Yokohama International School
School News
Governance Workshop
Photo Special
• Photos by Tim Barnsley
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
From the Elementary School
Our weekly Early Childhood Centre
(ECC) assembly this week was focused
around the concept of being a bucketfiller. A bucket-filler, you might wonder,
what’s that? Carol McCLoud, in her
book, ‘Have You Filled A Bucket
Today?’ describes a bucket-filler
as someone who intentionally uses
acts of kindness to make a positive
impact on someone else. The person
receiving the kindness feels good
about themselves as does the person
being kind and in doing so, both their
imaginary buckets, get filled with
positive feelings and happiness. A
bucket-filler can fill another person’s
imaginary bucket by helping, sharing
resources, telling a loved one that they
are loved or even just by smiling. Our
students in Discovery, K1 and K2 read
the story, saw lots of examples of how
to be bucket fillers in school and sang
about being kind. They have all been
reminded to practice being bucket
fillers in in and out of school. If you have
a child in the ECC, do ask them about
how they might like to be a bucket-filler!
The International Baccalaureate
Organization (IBO) states “The aim
of all International Baccalaureate (IB)
programs is to develop internationally
minded people who, recognizing
their common humanity and shared
guardianship of the planet, help to
create a better and more peaceful
world.” Among many other things,
IB learners strive to be people who
ask questions, wonder why and are
curious, and use their critical thinking
skills to make connections and help
think of solutions. In addition to that
they also learn and practice how to
show empathy, compassion and
respect and make a positive impact
on the world around them. These
qualities form the basis of the IB
Learner Profile, which permeates the
entire International Baccalaureate
philosophy. By practicing how to be
bucket fillers and intentionally thinking
about how their acts of kindness can
positively impact someone else, our
young students are making a start on
doing just that. The question is, have
you filled a bucket today?
Discovery students playing together
happily and making new friends.
A K1 student helping tidy up after
recess and ensuring the playground is a
tidy, welcoming space for everyone.
Nitasha Chaudhuri
ES Lower Deputy Principal
Carol McCould’s book “Have You Filled
A Bucket Today?”
ECC students working as a group and
sharing resources beautifully.
School News
From the Middle and High School
The entire MSHS faculty would like
to congratulate the following MS
Academic Honor
Grade 6 of 2014-2015
Dear MSHS Families,
The Middle School is pleased to
announce Honor Roll and Principal’s
List students for semester 2 of the
2014-15 school year. Students are
recognized for outstanding academic
achievement by being identified with
Honor Status. To qualify for the Honor
Roll, a student must achieve a 6.0
grade point average (Out of a possible
7) on their semester 2 report card. To
qualify for Principal’s List, a student
must attain a 6.5 grade point average.
Middle School students attaining
Honor Roll or Principal’s List were
recognized during the Middle School
Morning Meeting held on Sept. 9.
While I am very proud of all students
who work hard and aim for personal
goals it is also important to recognize
students for academic excellence.
Special recognition must be given to
Tiffany Cheng for achieving a perfect
grade point average of 7 in semester
2 of her grade 7 year. Congratulations
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
Chang Woo Jo
Chuc An Tran
Etoile Boots
Gia Linh Hoang
Grace Cenere
Hannah Moller
Huy Pham
Klara Musilova
Linh Trang Do
Long Tran
Mai Ly Hagan
Martinus Christiaanse
Miki Takechi
Min Jeong Choi
Mina Mok
Natalie Forster
Omaya Munro
Philipp Kunze
Quynh Harris
Shen Ern Wang
So Eun An
Sophia Durbin
Vicente Felipe Valdes Pineda
Yota Suzuki
Grade 7 of 2014-2015
Annie Nguyen
Chi Phan
Chinh Mai
Hye Min Lim
Ji Seok Han
Jonathan Lai
Kaї Humpleby
Khanh Linh Phan
Manato Tsuda
Min Hyung Lee
Minh Quan Neefjes
Molly McDonald
My Anh Truong
Natalia Hanna
Parnika Mathur
Ren Yanagawa
Seokhee Yoon
Shin Young Kim
Sinead O’Brien
Yu Jin Cho
Principal’s List
Grade 6 of 2014-2015
Anya Gerdes
Bao Chau Nguyen
Frances Phan
Jeremy Smith
Jiyeon Yoon
Madina Burkhanova
Na Youn Park
Phuong Thao Do
Sabina Lum
Sarah Lambert
Thu An Vo
Grade 7 of 2014-2015
Elisa Dini
Isabella Todini
Lara Wertheim
Sung Eun Kim
Ting Chih Cheng
Ye Won Kim
Congratulations to all recipients!
Warm regards,
Pete Kennedy
MSHS Principal
School News
UN Day Flag Parade
We are busy preparing for one of the
main highlights of the year – UN Day!
The spectacular Parade of Nations will
as usual launch the ceremony when all
the flags of the countries represented
in the school will be carried on a parade
through our audience and above their
heads on the mezzanine balcony.
In order to select students we refer to
the students’ registered nationalities
on our Admissions database system.
We select the youngest (above grade
1 when possible), oldest and longest
enrolled child to carry their nation’s
flag. If a child has already had an
opportunity to carry the flag we then
look for the next youngest, oldest or
longest enrolled. We consider students
who have a particular nation listed as
their first nationality initially followed by
students who have this listed as their
second nationality where necessary.
Please note our Admissions office can
only record nationalities for which they
have received official paperwork.
Having selected students to carry the
flag for their own countries we then
select our longest enrolled students
to carry the UN flag and to help carry
the flags for nations that have less than
three students of this nationality. If a
student helped carry a flag that was
not their own, in the previous year, they
may still be considered to carry their
own flag the following year.
We will send out invitations to flag
bearers next week and appreciate
prompt replies.
For any questions in what can
become a complex process, please
don’t hesitate to contact our lead
coordinator for the Parade of Nations,
MSHS Deputy Principal, Mike Cyrus:
• Photos by NOI Pictures
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
Info Night
MYP Info Night
PYP Information
September 15 POSTPONED
Parents will have the opportunity
to learn about the IB programme
continuum of international education,
the philosophy of the MYP, subjects,
and assessment and reporting.
The session will explore how the
MYP encourages students to
become critical thinkers, effective
communicators and reflective lifelong
Dear Parents,
Exciting news! This year we are
changing the format of the Parent
PYP information session. Our idea is
to present the information to you in a
more interesting and fun way! We will
present it to you using some of the
teaching and learning strategies we
use in our classrooms to engage our
learners, your children. As there has
been already a number of evening
events for parents to attend recently.
We will present this workshop after
our October break. We will let you
know of the date and time as soon as
possible so that you are able to come.
Please encourage other parents to
come with you to this event. Let’s
work together to continue to build our
community of learners!
Prueann Browning
PYP Coordinator
Click here to RSVP by Monday,
September 14
MYP Information
Night for Grade
6 Parents and
Parents New to
UNIS Hanoi
Cindy Barnsley
MYP Coordinator
We will be holding an information
session on the Middle Years
Programme (MYP) for Grade 6 and
new parents on Tuesday, September
15 from 7 to 7.45pm in the MSHS
The purpose of this session is to
explain the main features of the MYP,
which is the curriculum framework
used from Grades 6-10.
School News
HS Drama
College Night
for 12th Graders and Parents
Physical Theatre Expert Visit Photo Special
When: September 17, 2015
at 18:00 – 19:30
Where: Community Room
This Grade 12 college night
presentation will provide essential
information for both parents and
students to assist in a successful
journey through the college application
process. This presentation will cover
information including: application
deadlines, creating a college final
list, how to request transcripts, IB
predicted grades, generic application
information, and other documents
needed to apply.
This is an important evening that will
explain what the process will look
like for the coming year as we work
together. We expect all grade 12
students and parents to attend.
Scott Loeffler
High School Counselor
University Visits This Week
Date & Time
• Photos by Tim Barnsley
• Monday
• Common Room
• University of Chicago
• September 14
• B5 G29
• École Hôtelière de Lausanne
• John Hopkins University
• @ 13:20-14:00
• Thursday
• Common Room
• Miami University, Oxford Ohio
• September 17
• B5 G29
• University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
• @ 13:20-14:00
• University of Oregon
• University of Vermont
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
School Health Centre
5. Call your doctor if you are
pregnant, nursing. Never use lice
product on your baby.
6. Remove all nits (which will stay on
the hair after treatment). This is
essential! You can do this with a
special lice comb, scissors, or your
7. Wash sheets and recently worn
clothing in hot water and dry in hot
dryer; combs and brushes may be
soaked in hot water for 10 minutes.
8. Vacuuming is the safest and best
way to control lice on mattresses,
rugs, furniture and stuffed animals
10 Steps To
Staying Ahead Of
1. Watch for signs of head lice, such
as frequent head-scratching.
Anyone can get lice….from
another person or from sharing
hats, brushes, combs, etc.
2. Check all family members for lice
and nits (lice eggs) at least once a
week. It helps to use natural light
and a magnifying glass.
3. Treat only those family members
who do have lice. Buy a lice
product at your pharmacy or
call your doctor for treatment
9. Continue to check heads every day
for 2-3 days to ensure head lice are
gone. Regular checking is the best
UNIS Hanoi is inviting applications for
the following vacancies:
Middle School/High School
Part-time (40%) IB MYP Music Teacher
- Specialization in Orchestra/Strings
1. Assistant Manager - Contract
2. Technical Officer
To view more information about these
openings at UNIS Hanoi, and to apply
online, please visit our website at
10. When you find a case of lice, tell
others! Call your child’s school or
daycare. Notify parents of friends
and playmates.
Susan McComic
SHC Coordinator
Phone: 3758 1551 Ext 8911app
4. Follow package directions
carefully! Use the product over
the sink (not in the tub or shower).
Keep the eyes covered with a
School News
High School Volleyball
​ ard hitting, exciting, action packed
volleyball was on display Monday for the
hundred fans who came out to watch
Monday’s defeat of HIS by our Senior
Varsity Girls and Boys teams! Our
Phoenix mascot even made a surprise
guest appearance, delighting all the fans
with more energy, dynamic dance moves
and lots of high fives.
Come be part of the action, next Monday
and Wednesday at the UNIS Hanoi
Sports Centre at 4pm. Watch both
the girls and boys team take on BIS on
Monday, and on Wednesday the girls
will give it their all to provide a show of
amazing sports performance against
Whether you are in ECC, ES, MS, HS or
a parent this is where you want to be...
exciting things are happening at UNIS
• Photos by Brent Freeman
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
Saturday Soccer
Autumn Coaching
On Saturday, September 5 UNIS Hanoi
invited coaches from the Saturday
Soccer Coaching Team to participate
in age appropriate coaching clinics in
the lead-up to the Autumn Season. 47
volunteer coaches braved the heat and
participated with an abundance of energy
and enthusiasm.
Football Academy and Mr. Simon Mills
(UNIS Hanoi Physical Education and
Health teacher and Coach Advisor)
offered the coaches a chance to develop
their skills, technical knowledge and
overall coaching repertoire. Mr. Mills
first delivered age appropriate youth
development content, then handed over
to the Real Madrid coaches for the skill
and technical components. It was evident
that learning was plentiful the coaches
enjoyed themselves at the same time.
If you would like to volunteer as a
Saturday Soccer coach please contact
our Administrative Coordinator,
Ms. Mukhayyo at saturdaysoccer@
Adrian Hubbard
Co-Curricular Activities Manager
The clinics, delivered by certified Real
Madrid coaches from the Passion
School News
School Community Organisation
as opposed to waiting until the 2016 AGM.
This motion was endorsed by a unanimous
vote in favor of moving the voting date to the
first SCO General Meeting of the 20152016 school year.
SCO Constitutional
SCO Constitutional History and
Amendment Process:
In 2009 the Parent Teacher Association
(PTA) worked together with two consultants
to proactively organize and structure the
PTA. In this process, it was decided to
change from the name of the PTA to a more
inclusive name, the School Community
Organisation (SCO) was created and along
with it the SCO Constitution.
When the Constitution was created in
2009, it was based on what they thought
was best for the organisation. Since 2009,
members of the SCO have made their best
attempts to follow the Constitution which
has proven to be a practical tool for the
SCO Executive Committee and Committee
Coordinators. However, for the past 2
years the SCO Executive Committee have
been working on making updates to the
constitution to reflect what has been tested
and tried over the years with transparent,
workable procedures and an effective
system of checks and balances. At this
time, we hope to have reached a structured
yet flexible tool to guide any incoming
committee members.
According to the Constitution,
amendments need to be made at the SCO
AGM. A motion was made to move the vote
for Constitutional Amendments to the first
SCO General Meeting of the school year,
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
Both the Head of School and SCO
Executive Committee have approved the
Constitutional Amendments. At the SCO
All Community Meeting on September 8,
2015, the community voted on approving
the Constitution amendments. The voting
resuts were as follows:
18 approved
0 objected
3 abstained
Through this vote, the SCO has officially
ratified the amendments made to the
Constitution. You can read the approved
Constitution below.
SCO Constitution (June 2015 amended
If you have any questions or concerns
please contact
We look forward
to meeting you
SCO Executive Committee
MSHS Chair –Pippa Wood
MSHS Vice Chair – Chikako Oba
ES Chair –Natascha Senftleben
ES Vice Chair – Carmen Kuebler
Treasurer – Petra Eichler
Committee Coordinators:
The Shop – Malin Niklasson
Spring Fair – TBC
Snack Sale – Bo Young Hwang
Seung Shin Lee, Hiromi Ogura,
Makiko Matsumoto
Used Book Sale – Megan Todd
Phoenix Boosters – Renea Freeman
For general questions:
Elementary School Snack Sale
encourage that each family supports
the ES Snack Sale by providing:
• 10 individually wrapped homemade
healthy snacks (the value of each
treat should be at least 10,000VND)
• A labeled container/dish with your
child’s class and name
• On the morning of the snack sale,
please deliver the snacks BEFORE
8.10am to the designated tables in
the ECC or ES Courtyard
Friday, September 18, 2015
8.10am – 10.30am
Contributing classes:
ES: 2CH, 4MT, 4BM, 4MS and 4NO
Brief history:
Both savory and sweet snacks are
welcome (i.e. fresh fruit bowl, lightly
salted/sweetened popcorn, rice balls,
homemade muesli bars, muffins,
samosas, etc.), below are a few
example of snacks provided in previous
snack sales.
If you have any questions about
what snacks to bring, please contact
the Snack Sale Coordinators and
Your Snack Sale
Makiko Matsumoto
Akiko Nakano
Seung Shin Lee
Bo Young Hwang
If you are interested in volunteering,
just come by the Snack Sale table in
the morning, we need as much help as
possible to sell snacks to the students!
The Elementary School Snack Sale is a
long standing tradition at UNIS Hanoi.
Over 20 years ago, the “Bake Sale”
was created to raise funds for library
books while providing students with
the opportunity to taste a diverse range
of snacks from all around the world!
The Snack Sale has evolved into a fun
opportunity for children to exercise
choice, learn how to handle money
and is raising awareness of the value of
healthy snacks.
What to bring if you are a
contributing class?
As a Nut and Allergy Aware campus
we require all snacks to include a
list of ingredients. When it is your
turn to be a contributing class, we
School News
Discovering Hanoi
No rain could dampen the mood of the
SCO Bus Tour for new families. We had
around 36 parents join the tour of Tay
Ho and the Old Quarters. We visited VIP
Bikes Social Enterprise, pointed out key
places in Tay Ho, visited a wet market
with Hanoi Cooking Centre and went
downtown to purchase Ao Dai’s for Moon
Festival. We ended our tour with another
fantastic lunch at KOTO.
“Thank you very much to the
UNIS SCO for organising
today’s Bus Tour. I enjoyed the
tour and fellowship and also
the opportunity to make new
friends.Thanks once again”
By the end of the day it was so great to
see people exchanging phone numbers!
Hope all the people on the tour feel a bit
more orientated in Hanoi.
Melinda Wheeler
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc
Ramona Corera
“Great Tour Thank You”
Time to Sparkle!
Great fun for all !!
It is only two weeks until our
beloved SCO Sparkly Social, a
highlight of our social calendar!
The tickets for this event for UNIS
Hanoi Parents, Guardians, Staff,
Teachers, Administration and
partners will be on sale from Monday
afternoon, September 7 from the
Advancement Office, the Shop,
or one of the SCO Executive
This year we will head to O’leary’s at
38 Ba Trieu. We have been able to
keep tickets at just 200 000 VND per
person for two hours free flow beer,
wine, and soft drink and delicious finger
food then an open bar where you can
purchase from a limited menu.
old friends, and make some new, and
of course lots of dancing!!!
This event is for adults only, so book
your sitter now! Also please plan to
take taxi or share rides to the venue.
We want everyone to have a great time
and be safe !
SOCIAL 2015 page on facebook to see
pics of the yummy savouries on offer!
Enjoy the live band and entertainment,
and our favourite DJ Neil Taylor.
Purchase your ticket by 5 p.m.
Tuesday September 15 to go into our
lucky draw. Come and catch up with
• Photos by Natascha Senftleden
School News
New to Hanoi and still
getting settled?
Come to our
Connections Fair!
Saturday, September 12
WHAT TIME? 9.00am - 12.00pm
WHERE? UNIS Hanoi Centre for
the Arts.
Want to learn how to drive a motorbike?
Where should I go if my child has a fever?
Which dental services are available in
What gym offers Zumba, Yoga or Pilates
Where is the best place to buy my
What to do with ALL my free time?
Are these some
questions you ask
The purpose of the Community
Connections Fair is to provide useful
information to our UNIS Hanoi community,
especially those newly arrived expats,
by bringing a variety of Hanoi’s service
providers and organizations together to
one convenient location!
Who will be
We will have representatives from a variety
of areas (for example: medical services,
vets, fitness centres, community/cultural
groups, activity groups, transportation
services, to name a few) come and set up
an information/display booths and will be
present on the day to answer questions.
Join us and learn more about what Hanoi
has to offer and get all your questions
For more information, contact our
Community Liaison Officer, Nathalie
Grun at in the
Advancement Office.
his photoshoot. Contact
Malin Niklasson, The
Shop Coordinator, at .
UNIS Hanoi Tin Tuc

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