NETRANewsletter20160.. - New England Trail Rider Association


NETRANewsletter20160.. - New England Trail Rider Association
Follow @netra_org
2016 AA Riders
Riders Chasing National Titles
May 2016
The NETRA News is a monthly publica on of the New
England Trail Rider Associa on. This publica on is
emailed to more than 3000 ac ve trail riders and racers: your customers. It’s also posted to Facebook,
Twi er and Instagram increasing the readership beyond NETRA members.
Ad rates are based on adver ser provided digital artwork. Ads in Adobe PDF format are preferred but
other image types may be accepted. Annual Rate includes 11 issues, February-December.
Deadline for ads is the 20th of the month prior to publica on. John Kelley John charges to the overall win at the 2016 Round 1 hare scramble in Hurleyville NY Photo Credit: Leanne Dutlinger FOLLOW US!
Adver sement Annual Rate Full Page
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A en on NETRA members! Got a road trip you want to share? Do you
have a legisla ve commentary you‘d like to post? Is there a picture you
just have to show off? The content quality of this newsle er is up to
Drop us a line via email
NETRA MEMBERS NETRA's on the Rise! joined NETRA for the first me.
By the me you read this, NETRA will have
had its first four events of the season. As
I'm typing, three of these have already occurred.
I'd like all of us to remember what
NETRA's all about - by riders, for riders.
All of these events I've described above
were spearheaded by volunteers who do
this work for the good of the sport and so
that the rest of us can enjoy a day on the
trail. To make NETRA be er and be er,
we all need to take our turn at hos ng. To
those of you who trailboss, work events,
and maintain trails...Thank you. To those
of you who haven't volunteered yet, talk
to your local club and find a way to contribute...There's a place for everyone in
the NETRA family.
The Rummel's Ride Camp hosted more
than 50 young NETRA riders overnight so
that they could learn safe and proper riding techniques from some of the best in
the region. Thanks to the Rummel family
for hos ng and trailbossing this great
event. Thanks to the volunteer instructors, too. The kids campout is a longstanding NETRA tradi on and it's great to
see that it con nues to be so popular.
The Hoot Owls put on a very popular and And remember.... You. Are. NETRA.
well-received turkey run in north-east
Connec cut. Lots of fresh trail was to be
had. This event had more than 250 riders
in a endance. A spectacular and strong
start to the turkey run series. If you don't
have a street-plated bike, talk to someone
in your club about how to get yours registered. It really opens up a new world of
riding for you. Please do not contact
NETRA for advice on this, though....
The Pathfinders put on their second annual Dam Fun Ride and a racted over 230
riders of all kinds ranging from li le tykes
with training wheels, to the vintage crowd,
AA racers, and lots of trail riders who
Rick Bartoce instruc ng at the Hare Scrambles 101 Clinic. 25 students par cipated in the inaugural Hare
Scrambles 101 Clinic. Students were instructed on the administra ve process, tech, bike set-up, body posioning, cornering, braking, and technical hill climbs. All walked away with having learned some valuable ps.
Thanks goes to Rick and Harrison Schreiner and the hos ng club the Pathfinders!
With the na onal success of so many New England off-road racers,
NETRA sat down with a couple local rising stars and asked them a
few ques ons about how racing NETRA has prepared them for racing
the GNCC series. Here’s what Josh Toth and Ben Kelley of the Trail
Jesters race team had to say.
Nice job on your results so far in the GNCCs. NETRA guys are regularly in the top 20 and even top 10 of the XC2 class. What's the compe on like? JT: Thanks! The compe on in the XC2 class is stacked, there are
riders that are top riders in there own local series from all over the
country in that class. Every rider in the class is very compe ve and
aggressive so it's hard to work your way through the pack. I enjoy all
the compe on though, it makes the racing much more intense.
Ben Kelley and Josh Toth with their bikes in GNCC trim.
What advice would you give to other NETRA riders if they wanted to try GNCCs? JT: My advice to anyone wan ng to try a GNCC would be to pracce se ng a solid pace for a long race and not blowing all your energy in the first hour and line choice, choosing lines can either cost you
a lot of me or save you a lot! One the biggest things is to hydrate a
lot the week beforehand for any race to be physically ready for a
long race. Have fun and push un l the end, it's not over un l you go
through the checkers!
Josh rippin’ by the spectators in fine form.
BK: The compe on at the GNCC series is very s ff. Everyone is
going really fast. You have to be on your game when it comes to a
race weekend if you want to put in a good result.
How has riding NETRA hare scrambles go en you ready for GNCC success? BK: I would encourage anyone interested in racing a GNCC to give it
a try. They are a lot of fun and are just like a NETRA hare scramble.
The only difference is that they are slightly longer. If you can finish a
NETRA hare scramble in the rugged New England terrain, you would
have no problem finishing a GNCC.
Keep up the hard work guys! Always know there are lots of NE rock-riding-mud-ea ng-root-sliding riders roo ng for ya back home!
JT: The NETRA series has go en me ready for the long enduring
races, mentally and physically. It's hard to stay focused and charge
for over 3 hours. Growing up racing two hours has definitely go en
me ready for it. Also the NETRA tracks are challenging and generally
rocky, so as we're coming into some of them more hard packed
rounds of GNCC Its ge ng more and more like home.
BK: Growing up racing the NETRA Harescramble series has prepared me perfectly for the GNCC series. The difficult and wide variety of terrain at all the NETRA races has prepared me for any type of
terrain the GNCC circuit has to throw at me. NETRA's races being 2
hours long has also been a huge help. It has made the transi on to
racing for 3 hours not as grueling as it seems.
Ben taking on the swill.
Visit the all new NETRA Forum!
The latest on up-coming events
Connect with riding buddies
Latest legisla ve issues
Classifieds: Bikes/Parts/Gear
...and so much more!
15% off with Free Shipping Instagram, along with Facebook and
Twi er have become the preferred communica on and marke ng vehicle for our
events. Social media and “sharing” in general are a very effec ve in reaching a wider
audience; an audience outside of our
To that end, NETRA is pleased to announce
that Jordan Ar bani will volunteer his me
to manage the NETRA Instagram account. Jordan can’t be at every event or work party so we are
asking that club members help him out by snapping pictures or videos of your trail leading up to
your event. We suggest clubs nominate a member to be the Social Media Director for this purpose.
Email those pics/vids to and Jordan will do his best to get them posted in a
mely fashion.
And oh yeah, follow @netra_org on Twi er and Instagram!
Our Facebook page is h ps://
Meet NETRA’s 2016 AA Riders By Leanne Dutlinger For the most part, New England racers were graced with an unu- #3 – Jim Senecal is a consistent compe tor in the AA class, as a
sually merciful winter in the Northeast giving them an extra edge veteran to the class and to NETRA Jim’s skillset, knowledge of the
as their seat me was hardly affected by the li le snow that we
received. The me has come. Off season work is in, bikes are
prepped, and thoughts of another rocky, rooty, brownie-ba erdirt filled season is underway star ng May 1st in Hurleyville, NY at
the Tri State Clubs Morningside Hare Scramble. I think I can speak
for us all when I say I cannot wait to see that green flag drop and
the classes let loose, se ng of another ac on packed season.
Last season brought us a year of great compe on, awesome
ba les throughout all the classes, and miles of some of New England’s finest trails. This year will be that of last year and much
more with a stacked AA class packed with fresh faces and numbers being swapped around. You won’t want to miss what this
NETRA season has in store!
#2 Brendan Riordan
#1 – Dylan Macritchie, your 2x Hare Scramble champ as well as
your 2015 Enduro champ, holds the #1 plate again this season
a er an incredible run last year. We know Dylan has the speed,
determina on, and pure talent to fight for another championship, so will he make it 3 in a row? Look for Dylan this year
thumping through the New England woods aboard his 2016 KTM
350 XCF rocking the red #1 plate.
terrain, and unbroken determina on makes him a serious threat
to all the young guns out there.
#4 – Ben Kelley has had one heck of a season taking 4 overall
wins. Ben would have to miss 3 races while qualifying and racing
in the 2015 ISDE where he would gold medal for his second me.
Ben is stealthy through the woods, smooth and logical in his rid#2 – Brendan Riordan has just come off of his best season yet. He ing style, and has put in a ton of work over the winter preparing
is looking faster than ever and seems to only be going faster. You for the GNCC series. The ques on remains, will he make it to
won’t miss him coming as he rails his KTM, blitzing through trees. enough races and take the championship from the series that
Riordan has spent some me down south this off season riding,
started it all?
racing, and prac cing, which has proven to only add speed to this
championship contender. Will he race the full season and fight
for the #1 plate?
#5 – Jake Heins comes into the year a er a strong last season.
He is on a roll and used his winter break to put in some serious
work. While staying on the bike all winter here, and spending
some me down south we look for Jake to be a top AA compe tor this year. Speed runs in his blood and his hardworking demeanor is steadfast.
#9 – Hunter Neuwirth is another rookie to the AA class this season. We have seen some impressive results out of him last year;
his best finish was a 2nd overall from the A250 line at Tuxedo
Ridge. Hunter has been staying out in Texas training and racing.
Although it is unlikely he will do a majority of the season, the
chance for him to make an appearance and s r up the pot is both
likely and hoped for.
#10 – Nick Mar is making his return to the NETRA AA rankings
a er spending several years away from racing. Last year’s impressive results landed the #10 ride. His drive is strong, and his speed
is untamed, and did I men on he can do a backflip on his dirt
bike. Nick pulled many top ten finishes from the A Open class last
year and we expect him to carry these skills into this year’s hare
scramble season.
#5 Jake Heins
#11 – Josh Toth is looking be er than ever on his 2016 KTM 250
XCF. He has the speed to match some of the best racers in the
na on, and adapts to any terrain with ease. Josh’s last season
was riddled with a few injuries as well as missed races for the
ISDE. While Josh’s main focus is the GNCC series we look forward
#6 – Ty Kipp is a silent killer on the track, last season was his first
full year back a er taking some me off. His consistency landed
him in the #6 spot this year, Ty con nuously found himself within
the top ten and within the top five mul ple mes. His unwavering style and his sweet new KTM charged ahead each race. We
expect to see Ty ba ling for podium finishes this year.
#7 – John Kelley is a force to be reckoned with, his reless off
season work, his love for the sport, and his will to give his all has
given him #7 this year a er missing a few races chasing down an
#8 Brian Dussault
ISDE gold medal. John barrels down any trail while on the pipe
and plows over whatever is in his way. A er a busy winter of hard
work look for John screaming his KTM 250 XC to podium finishes to seeing Josh ba ling for wins in whatever races he does make.
this season.
#12 – Jeremy Anthony with extraordinary results that bumped
#8 – Brian Dussault, the 2015 A250 Hare Scramble champ and
him from the B250 class at the start of 2015 to the A250 class
2015 A Light Enduro champ, is a rookie to the AA class this seawhere he con nued to show his hustle and love of the New Engson. Aboard his Beta, Brian has run hard with the big dogs and we land terrain. Keep an eye out for this youngster to crack the top
expect more of the same as he makes his debut. Brian will be
living at college next year to get his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, therefore this will be his final season chasing
points. With Brian’s full steam ahead style and the mo va on of
a last full season, his drive to give it his all will be higher than ever
#13 – James Murphy has showcased his speed throughout his racing career and was
ba ling for top finishes before breaking his leg halfway through last season. James
will be back this season with a serious will to win and undoubtedly be figh ng for
podium finishes.
#14 – Ron Daniels, be er known as Buzzy, started last season strong finishing
10th overall at Tuxedo Ridge. Ron carried the momentum throughout the season
regularly placing in the top 15 from the A Open class. He rides smooth and steady
landing him consistently in the overall points.
#15 – Tyler Weik in his second AA season is going to take what he learned last year
along with vigorous off season training and riding to consistently push to finish in
the top ten at every round. Tyler’s YZ450F will be ea ng up the rocks, roots, and ruts
to steady championship points.
We are ecsta c to begin such a highly an cipated racing series. This year, veteran
racers have another opportunity to prove they’re fit and new racers will have a season of opportunity to develop. To all of our NETRA compe tors, we wish you the
best of luck as you look with wide eyes and open thro les toward obtaining your
2016 goals.
We hope you are as ready as we are; we cannot wait to see you out in the trails!
#12 Jeremy Anthony
Input Needed on CT Green Plan By Russell MacIntyre A en on Trail Riders: Your input is requested on
Connec cut’s Green Plan. Below is the request
from the CT DEEP.
CT DEEP is upda ng the Connec cut Comprehensive Open Space Acquisi on Strategy (Green Plan)
through 2020 to best achieve statewide open
space goals. The Green Plan is a document that
intends to be a guide for land acquisi on that will
meet the statewide open space protec on goal of
conserving 21% of Connec cut's land base as open
space by year 2023. Among other plan components, an ac on strategy is proposed for acquiring
key lands iden fied as capable of providing certain
benefits, for example buffers to climate change,
wildlife habitat, and recreaƟonal trails.
How can we improve your open space plan? Municipali es, land conserva on organiza ons, and
the general public are encouraged to review and
comment on the Green Plan. The new dra Green
Plan, a previous version of the plan, and more can
be found on DEEP's Green Plan webpage. Your
comments can be submi ed to or CT DEEP, Land Acquision and Management Unit, 79 Elm Street,
Har ord, CT 06106. The comment period will close
on June 1, 2016.
the plan. Since 1985, the DEEP has ignored State Law and
failed to provide a place for ORV recrea on on some of
it's holdings.
Sec. 23-26c. Availability of state land for use by
persons opera ng all-terrain vehicles. The Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protec on
shall evaluate the proper es under his jurisdic on
and the jurisdic on of other state agencies for
their use by persons opera ng all-terrain vehicles
and shall make available some of such proper es
for such use. In making such proper es available,
the commissioner shall consider minimizing the
impact of all-terrain vehicles on the environment.
Before making any property available that is under the jurisdic on of another state agency, the
commissioner shall consult with such agency.
I would like to see ORV recrea on as a part of this plan.
This is a legi mate use of state lands, as most states in
the U.S.A. provide areas for their ci zens to use their vehicles.
Please admit my comment into the official record.
Respec ully submi ed,
Russell MacIntyre Suffield, CT
Be sure to men on the need for trails for ORV's. This is our opportunity to make our needs
click the email address and send a comment be known. You do not have to live in CT to respond.
sure to look at pages 115-119. This is what I sent,
a er reviewing the plan:
The full plan can be read here: h p://
Jamie: I would like to comment on the Green plan. Even Dra _Green_Plan_03-18-16.pdf
though it appears in the 2005 and 2011 SCORP surveys,
Off-road trail motorcycling areas are never men oned in
Championship Series
05.07 05.14 05.28 06.04 06.25 07.16 07.23 08.13 09.03 10.08 10.15 10.22 Nutmeg State CATRA Black Fly Clarkie's King Philip Hard Knox Indian Ridge Merrimack Valley Boneyard Stateline Barnes Way Blue Slope Woods‐O‐Cross WWW.NETRA.ORG
Eastford CT Fish House NY Assonet MA Wrentham MA S. Hampton MA Eastford CT Weare NH Meriden CT Hoosick NY Chepachet RI N. Franklin CT Coventry RI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016 NETRA Schedule <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
King Philip
Little Rhody
CT State Closed Course
Tom Noble
Granville Cheese Grater
Black & Blue
Assonet, MA
Wrentham, MA
Exeter, RI
Union, CT
Berwick, ME
Lee, MA
Granville, MA
Stafford, CT
Nutmeg State
CATRA Black Fly
Satan's Kingdom
Flat Rock Farm
Indian Ridge
Merrimack Valley HS
Martin's Mayhem
Richardson's Farm
Dam Good
Hard Knox
Barnes Way
Hurleyville, NY
Eastford, CT
Fish House, NY
New Hartford, CT
Sterling, CT
Eastford, CT
Weare, NH
Union, CT
Burrillville, RI
Thomaston, CT
Hoosick, NY
Granville, MA
Chepachet, RI
Coventry, RI
King Philip
Satan's Kingdom / Sprint
Indian Ridge
Merrimack Valley Junior
CT State Junior
Dam Good / Sprint
Jack Frost / Sprint
Wrentham, MA
New Hartford, CT
Eastford, CT
Weare, NH
Union, CT
Meriden, CT
Thomaston, CT
Conventry, RI
Oxford, MA
Loudon, NH
Somers, CT
N. Haverhill, NH
Fun in the Sun
Nutmeg State
CATRA Black Fly
King Philip
Hard Knox
Flat Rock Farms
Merrimack Valley Peewee
Hard Knox
Little Town
Barnes Way
Blue Slope
Hoot Owl Tri-State 100
New England Classic (Natl)
Somers Fun
Thrill & Chill
Ammonoosuc River
Triple B
Tri State Extreme Fun
Noble Woods
King Philip
PSTR Toy Run
Putnam, CT
Loudon, NH
Somers, CT
W. Greenwich, RI
N. Haverhill, NH
Tolland, MA
Winchendon, MA
Acton, ME
Wrentham, MA
Assonet, MA
N. Smithfield, RI
Eastford, CT
Fish House, NY
Assonet, MA
Wrentham, MA
S. Hampton, MA
Sterling, CT
Weare, NH
Meriden, CT
Hoosick, NY
Granville, MA
Bethlehem, CT
Chepachet, RI
N. Franklin, CT
Coventry, RI
6/11-12 New England Classic (Natl)
Somers Fun
9/10-11 Ammonoosuc
THE 2016
Nutmeg State
CATRA Black Fly
King Philip
Hard Knox
Indian Ridge
Merrimack Valley Vintage
Barnes Way
Blue Slope
Eastford, CT
Fish House, NY
Assonet, MA
Wrentham, MA
S. Hampton, MA
Eastford, CT
Weare, NH
Meriden, CT
Hoosick, NY
Chepachet, RI
N. Franklin, CT
Coventry, RI
Rummel's Ride Camp
Hare Scrambles 101
Dam Fun Ride
Classic Charity Kids Ride
Satan's Kingdom Sprint Enduro
Dam Good Sprint Enduro
Jack Frost Sprint Enduro
Jack Frost Chili Fun Run
PSTR Toy Run
Stafford, CT
Thomaston, CT
Thomaston, CT
Loudon, NH
New Hartford, CT
Thomaston, CT
Oxford, MA
Oxford, MA
Assonet, MA
Rev. 20160426
Nutmeg State Weekend May 7 & 8
1 Buell Dr, Eastford CT
Arrowed from Rte 44 and North Rd
Saturday May 7, 2016 Pee Wee ‐ $30 Championship Vintage Scrambles ‐ $40 Sign‐up 7:30am PW 3, 4, 5 ● Start 9AM ● 50 minute race PW 1 & 2 ● Start 11AM ● 75 minute race Sign‐up 12:00pm Start 1:30pm ● 1 hour race Trail Boss – Carol Hery (860) 377‐9239
Trail Boss – Mike Hery (860) 377‐0923
Sunday May 8, 2016 Championship Hare Scrambles Series
Sign‐up 7:30am 9am Mini A/B, Big Wheel, Girls ‐ $35 11am Novice C Classes ‐ $45 1:30pm Pro, Expert, Amateur AA, A, B ‐ $45 Trail Boss ‐ Kevin Knott (774) 766‐2520 Parking $15 day ● Camping $25 weekend CAPITAL AREA TRAIL
Pee Wee - Entry Fee $30
PeeWee 3/4/5—
Sign up 9:00AM, Start time: 11:00 AM
Parade lap if time allows
PeeWee 1/2—
Sign up 11:00AM, Start time: 1:00PM
Trail Boss: Jim Stoddard
(518) 694-6567
Vintage Scramble - Entry Fee $40
1 Hour Race per NETRA Rules
Sign up 2:00PM
Start time: 4:00PM
Trail Boss: Jeff Hanan
(512) 413-0401
SUNDAY— MAY 15 2016
BigWheel, Mini A/B, Girls
Entry Fee $35, 7:30am Sign up & sound test,
9:00am Race start
Juniors, C (Novice), Super Senior,
Masters, Women, Sportsman
Entry Fee $45, 9:00am Sign up & sound test,
11:00am Race start
AA, A (Expert), B (Amateur)
Entry Fee $45, 11:00am Sign up & sound test,
1:30pm Race start
Trail Boss: Spencer Marzello
(518) 698-1805
PARKING: $10.00 Per Car / $20 for Campers
DIRECTIONS: I-87 N from Albany NY to Exit 12, go Route 67 W to Route 147 N to
Route 29 W and take 1st Right North on Greens Corner Rd, follow NETRA arrows
GPS: 43.1279461,-74.1025008 / 43°07'40.6"N 74°06'09.0"W / Near corner of Fayville and Hans Creek Rd
See NETRA Rules at
NETRA Sound Test Required — 96 dB limit
No Dogs, Fires in designated fire pits only— no open fires
Primitive camping available Friday and Saturday Night
Quiet hours after 10:00pm (generators off)
Concessions available Saturday and Sunday during the races
PeeWee & Vintage
Hare Scramble
May 28, 2016
• Location: Clarkie’s Farm
81 High Street
Assonet, MA
• Sign-up - 8:00 a.m.
• PeeWee 3, 4, 5 – 9:30 a.m.
• PeeWee 1, 2 – 11:00 a.m.
• Vintage – 1:00 p.m.
• Riders Meeting 15 minutes before each heat
• NETRA membership required, available at Sign-In
• $10 Parking Donation
• Pee Wee Entry Fee $30, Vintage Entry Fee $40
• Please see for complete Pee Wee and
Vintage rules
• Pee Wee Info:
• Vintage Info:
• Primitive camping, no fires
• Food available from Tummy Lovin’ Food Truck
Clarkie’s Enduro
May 29, 2016
* Location: Clarkie’s Farm
81 High Street
Assonet, MA
* Course: 50+ miles for all classes
* Gas at start
* Keytime 9 a.m., Sign-In opens at 7 a.m.
* Brand X rules
* Street-registered bikes only
* Send pre-entries to Geoff Wurlitzer, 73 Galleon Way,
Osterville, MA 02655, drawing 5/17
* Pre-entry $40, Post-entry $45
* Info: 508-280-4630
* Primitive camping, no fires
* Food available from Tummy Lovin’ Food Truck
Presents The
June 4, 2016
Wrentham Development Center, 208 North Street, Wrentham MA 02093.
Arrowed from the junction of I495 and Route 1A in Wrentham.
No camping, fires, hookups or dogs. Food available all day.
Mini Enduro: Mini A / Mini B / Big Wheel / Girls
Sign Up: 7:30 AM, Key Time: 9:00 AM
(Bikes up to 85cc 2-Stroke/ 150cc four stroke, Wheels up to 19” front and 16” rear)
Junior Enduro: Junior A / Junior B / Women
Sign Up: 10:00 AM, Key Time: 11:30 AM
(Full sized bikes 18” or 19” rear and 21” front)
Entry Fee: $35.
$5 Parking donation to benefit the Wrentham Development Center.
Approximate 6 mile course with 4 laps for Mini’s, 5 laps for Juniors.
NETRA Membership Required, One-Day Membership Available ($45/$25-one day)
NETRA Sound Test rules will be enforced- 96 dB Limit!
Trail Boss: Joe McLaughlin, 508-930-0803,
Presents The
June 4, 2016
Wrentham Development Center, 208 North Street, Wrentham MA 02093.
Arrowed from the junction of I495 and Route 1A in Wrentham.
No camping, fires, hookups or dogs. Food available all day.
Vintage / Evolution / Retro
Sign Up: 10:00 AM, Start time: 11:30 AM
Entry Fee: $40.
$5 Parking donation to benefit the Wrentham Development Center.
Legendary grass track with fast and fun woods section.
NETRA Membership Required, One-Day Membership Available ($45/$25-one day)
Trail Boss: Steve Lafaille, 617-678-2429,
Presents The
June 4, 2016
Wrentham Development Center, 208 North Street, Wrentham MA 02093.
Arrowed from the junction of I495 and Route 1A in Wrentham.
No camping, fires, hookups or dogs. Food available all day.
Pee Wee: 3 / 4 / 5
Sign Up: 1:00 PM, Key Time: 2:30 PM
(Bikes 50cc-110cc automatic or semi-automatic trans/no clutch)
Riders meeting @ 2:15 PM; Parade Lap only if time permits
Pee Wee: 1 / 2
Sign Up: 1:00 PM, Key Time: 3:45 PM
(85cc and 65cc manual trans/clutch)
Riders Meeting @ 3:30 PM; No Parade Lap
Entry Fee: $35.
$5 Parking donation to benefit the Wrentham Development Center.
Spectator-friendly grass track and woods sections.
NETRA Membership Required, One-Day Membership Available ($45/$25-one day)
NETRA Sound Test rules will be enforced- 96 dB Limit!
Trail Boss: Jim Doustou, 508-561-2311,
Presents The
A NETRA Championship Event
June 5, 2016
Key Time 9:00am
Wrentham Development Center, 208 North Street, Wrentham MA 02093.
Arrowed from the junction of I495 and Route 1A in Wrentham.
No camping, fires, hookups or dogs. Food available at the start.
Pre $40, Post $45. Make checks payable to KPTR.
$5 Parking donation to benefit the Wrentham Development Center.
Pre-entry accepted only on NETRA entry form. Drawing held on May 31, 2016.
Mail Entries to; Phil Mealy, 31 Walnut Street Plainville, MA 02762
Approximately 70 ground miles, Brand X Rules, Shortened course for C Riders, Gas on route,
Gas truck available, NO GAS AT START.
Sign Up:
Sign up and tech inspection opens at 7:00am.
Sound test in accordance NETRA rules, 96 db.
Valid license, proof of insurance, plate/tag affixed to rear fender, Head/tail lights, USFS Approved
spark arrestor. No Exceptions!
Trail Boss: Phil Mealy, 508-463-8323,
Ride NH’s Country Roads & Scenic Trails!
June 11 & 12, 2016
New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Loudon, NH
Rider Benefits
Two-day Trail Ride with optional Hero Sections
for street legal enduro & dual sport bikes.
Includes the best trails and state parks!
One–day Big Bike Rally for the adventure riding
community on Saturday.
Two-Day Kid's Classic.
Free camping and showers at NHMS.
Lunch both days and breakfast on Sunday.
A Goodie Bag with a T-Shirt and Oil.
Chance To Win A 2016 Suzuki DR-Z400!
A Fun Weekend For Everyone...While Raising
Money For A Cure!
What is Cystic Fibrosis?
Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening, genetic disease that causes persistent lung
infections and progressively limits the ability to breathe.
In people with CF, a defective gene causes a thick, buildup of mucus in the lungs,
pancreas and other organs. In the lungs, the mucus clogs the airways and traps bacteria leading to infections, extensive lung damage and eventually, respiratory failure.
In the pancreas, the mucus prevents the release of digestive enzymes that allow the
body to break down food and absorb vital nutrients.