September 2011 newsletter - Wabash Area Lifetime Learning


September 2011 newsletter - Wabash Area Lifetime Learning
Wabash Area Lifetime Learning Association, Inc.
Volume 12, Issue 5
September 2011
Board of Directors
Tom Schott, President
Russell Clark, Vice President
Gail Beck, Treasurer
Barbara Krause, Secretary
Randy Nelson, Past President
Virginia Carter
Sallie Cooke
Jack Delleur
Marilyn Green
Mary Jo Kane
Robert Knill
Etta Lazaros
Russ Noble
Ann Skadberg
Robert Slagel
Patricia Spears
Linda Taulman
Charlene Watson
Judy Wright
Calendar of Events
Focus Groups for 2012
We DO plan in advance! While fall classes are being brushed up for their
not–so-distant presentations, the Curriculum Committee is beginning to
work on the spring session of classes. On Wednesday, September 21,
from 9:00 until noon, the Curriculum Committee will hold its semi-annual
Curriculum Development Focus Groups meeting to create new courses,
recruit presenters, and assign coordinators for the spring and fall 2012
sessions. Your suggestions are welcome.
All WALLA members, in addition to the Curriculum Committee, are
invited, in fact urged, to attend. The meeting will be held in Morton
Center Room 106. There will be two rounds of separate Focus Groups
meetings followed by a General Session. Bagels, juice, coffee, tea, and
other beverages will be provided.
Past WALLA Curriculum Development Focus Groups meetings
have been very productive. Please let us know if you plan to attend by
mailing the reservation form on the enclosed flyer to Jack Delleur, by
sending an email to, or by calling Jack at
(765)-497-4316 by September 17, so we can provide refreshments
for everyone coming.
See stories in this issue about
these events!
Sep 12
Sep 14
Sep 15
Sep 16
Sep 21
Sep 28
Sep 28
Oct 6
Oct 10
Oct 17
Oct 26
Nov 8
Nov 10
Nov 14
Dec 5
6:45 Film at WLPL
7:00 Political Forum
10:00 Anniv Cmte
10:00 By-laws Cmte
9:00 Focus Groups
11:00 Exec Cmte
1:30 Board Mtg
1:30 Coordinators Mtg
6:45 Film at WLPL
Fall classes begin
12:00 Board Mtg
Election Day. No
Fall classes end
6:45 Film at WLPL
Bogstown Cabaret
Our 20th birthday
New: You may check calendar
updates at
Our Birthday Is Coming!
WALLA will be celebrating its twentieth birthday in 2012. Plans are
already in the works. As part of the celebration at the Annual Meeting,
there will be a PowerPoint presentation of photos from years past. We
need your photos! Please share with us if you can.
If you have any photos that you would like to contribute, either film or
digital, the committee would appreciate that help. If photos are not digital,
they can be put in the publicity box in the WALLA office; after they are
scanned, they will be returned to you. Please clearly mark on the envelope
or back of the photo, to whom they need to be returned. If the images are
digital, they can be emailed to and write in
the subject line, "photos for WALLA's birthday."
Sallie Cooke and Etta Lazaros will be working on this project. They can
be emailed at or or
contacted through the WALLA office.
WLPL Films and Friends
The Conspirator on Monday, September 12, at 6:45 p.m.
In The Conspirator (2010), director Robert Redford presents the nineteenth-century military trial that held a
dazed and grieving nation spellbound for well over a month. The trial in question was that of Mary Surratt, the
only woman accused of participating in the plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865.
Starring Robin Wright, James McAvoy, Kevin Kline, and Tom Wilkinson, The Conspirator will be
presented by WALLA on Monday, September 12, at 6:45 p.m. (122 minutes; PG-13)
Shall We Dansu? on Monday, October 10, at 6:45 p.m.
In Shall We Dansu? (1996), quiet salaryman Shohei Sugiyama (Koji Yakusho) finds a new passion for life when
he decides to take ballroom dancing lessons from internationally-renowned dancer Mai Kishikawa (Tamiyo
Kusakari). This charming film--which would be adapted for American audiences in 2004 as Shall We Dance?-will be presented by WALLA on Monday, October 10 at 6:45 p.m. (136 minutes; PG-13)
Audience members should note that the WALLA Programming Committee has decided to move our WALLA
Film Mondays from the first Monday of each month to the second Monday. We trust this will work well for you.
Did We Ever Have a Picnic!?!
We not only had a Picnic in the Park, but we also had
a Catalog Unveiling, too! That means it is time to get
ready for fall classes. Yes, another WALLA picnic
has come and gone. The summer really flies by. 132
of us gathered at Columbian Park on August 18 to eat
fried chicken, potato salad, and other "fix-ins"
prepared by D& R catering. Great Harvest Bread
donated six loaves for our enjoyment; they have been
faithful providers to us for several years.
The picnic is a time to re-connect with the WALLA
friends whom we haven't seen since spring classes.
We know WALLA is as much a social as an
educational organization. It's a great way to meet
and make new friends. Good food, time to visit
with friends, and exciting classes to look forward to
all make for a successful picnic. We are looking
forward to seeing all of you this fall. Don't forget,
there will be free bagels the first two days of
Mary Gardner came bearing the boxes of fall class
brochures. We always anticipate latching on to one of
them and are anxious to read about what we will be
learning. We listened to class presenters tell us what
we can expect in each class. As usual, there are so
many options that choosing courses will be difficult.
Joe Krause emcees the proceedings as Linda
Taulman tells about the course “The Art of Tea.”
Our WALLA president, Tom Schott, is shown
at the August picnic, introducing the fall
session of classes. Presenters and
coordinators present were introduced.
Delphi Trip in Pictures
Nancy Hartman
introduces the canal
program in Delphi on
July 14.
Later she announced
the boat’s departure.
Who knew we could ride in the carts on
the tow path and paddle down the canal?
Picnic Thanks from our President
My mega kudos to the committees and attendees who
came together on this balmy (upper 80s and lower
90s) afternoon at Columbian Park to mark the
introduction of our fall term of classes. I would like
to thank the following committees and the attendees
for making this event the success that it was:
Special Events Committee Co-chairs Virginia
Carter and Judy Wright for the excellent manner in
which they and their committee planned and
organized the event: the additional handicapped
parking, the table setup, checking people in,
serving the dinner, (prepared by the D&R catering
service for the third year in a row), and the cleanup
afterwards. Also, a special thanks to Ann Skadberg
for rounding up the hand fans, which aided in
making the “balmy” afternoon heat just a
bit more tolerable, and thanks to the
Fisher –Loy Funeral Home for donating them.
We were so “cool” with our fans!
Curriculum Committee Co-chair Jacque Delleur
assisted by Joe Krause for the many hours spent in
leading the focus groups in developing a curriculum
for the fall term, which included 26 choices. WOW!
Something for everyone! Also, thanks to Joe Krause
and Russ Clark for leading the introductions of the
presenters in such an efficient manner that the
presentations took just one hour from start to finish and
were accomplished in a manner that explained the
classes in a very succinct fashion.
Audio/Visual Committee Chair Dick Hayden and his
A/V committee for their efforts in this important area.
Purdue Liaison Mary Gardner for developing the
class brochures, from the layout to seeing it through
the printing, the distribution at the picnic, and beyond.
Thanks for all you do for WALLA.
Treasurer Gail Beck for keeping our WALLA funds
in the right place so we can continue to have events
like our annual picnic at Columbian Park.
Attendees for your attendance and kind attention
during the presentations, for without your presence,
there would be no annual Picnic in the Park.
Respectfully submitted by:
Tom Schott
WALLA President
Wabash Area Lifetime Learning
Association, Inc.
Address Service Requested
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
West Lafayette, IN
Permit #79
Morton Community Center
222 North Chauncey Avenue, Room 209
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906-3006
Phone: 765-746-2006, 765-494-5760
Office hours: 10 am– 1 pm weekdays
Newsletter email:
Affiliated with Purdue University
Remembering Our Friends
WALLA volunteers
wanted and needed
Life is very precious and beautiful for us; we try to remember to
treasure it and cherish those around us. Then there are the really
difficult times. We have recently lost two very active WALLA board
members: Edward Connolly of Battleground was a current WALLA
board member, having served for over three years. He was a
Co-Chair of the Curriculum Committee, as well as a frequent
teacher of WALLA classes. Ed died after a
prolonged illness and hospitalization.
James A. Hobbs of Lafayette had his death reported in the Journal and
Courier the same day. Jim was an active WALLA participant who had
served at least six years as a WALLA board member. His financial
expertise was one of the many qualities he brought to WALLA.
Our WALLA organization works
best when many participants see
needs, make useful suggestions,
and especially lend a hand.
Our hearts are heavy. We will remember each of them with fondness.
Consider how you can add to our
growing list of able and
enthusiastic volunteers. Consider
adding your name to our “Help
Wanted and Needed” sheet at
your earliest opportunity.
Changes of Information
If you are changing your address, phone, or email, please let the WALLA
staff know by sending an email to the WALLA office address: Please put “address change” in the subject bar
and clearly list your new information within the note. This would also be
the procedure to use if you want to “unsubscribe.” Thank you very much
for your cooperation in this matter.
The success of our WALLA
programs depends on office
workers, newsletter writers,
course coordinators, preparers of
daily beverages, servers for
luncheons, audio-visual
technicians, and vigilant board
For more information you
may go to the WALLA office
in room 209 of the Morton
Center. Also call Tom Schott
at 765-538-3484 or email him at
9 a.m. until noon----Wednesday September 21, 2011
Morton Community Center, Room 106
Bring ideas, course suggestions, names of potential speakers and coordinators
Help WALLA develop future courses!!!
Enjoy friendship and refreshments!
1.Arts / Music / Film / Architecture / Culture
2. Consumer / Family Issues / Sports
3. Environnent / Natural Sciences /
Social Sciences
5. Government / Politics / Local
Industry / Community Interest
7. Sciences / Technology / Engineering/
Medicine and health
4. Finance (Public & Private) / Law /
6. Internet / Computer / Communication /
Crafts / Gardening
8. History / Biography / Philosophy /
Registration and refreshments
Large group charge to the
Focus Groups
9:30-10:15 Round I: Focus Groups 1-4
10:15-10:30 Rest, relaxation, refreshments
Round II: Focus Groups
5-8 meet
All Focus Groups report
results to large group
Turn in all work sheets
Please fill out the reservation form below. Each participant can choose to be in two Focus Groups.
Choose between Focus Groups 1-4 for First Round and between Focus Groups 5-8 for Second Round.
Save this sheet as your reminder! Bring it to the Focus Group Meeting on September 21
(There is no charge)
I want to participate in Focus Group # ________ and in Focus Group # ___________.
Please mail to Jack Delleur at 124 Mohican Place, West Lafayette, IN 47906. Email him at or call him at 765-467-4316 by September 17.