Feel good-logic Fwd_ Marie and I had a court


Feel good-logic Fwd_ Marie and I had a court
From: Gary S Gevisser <gevisser@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Feel good-logic Fwd: Marie and I had a court victory today.
Date: April 15, 2010 8:33:05 AM PDT
10 Attachments, 2.7 MB
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary S Gevisser <gevisser@sbcglobal.net>
Date: April 15, 2010 8:02:14 AM PDT
To: Broadcast Gevisser <gevisser@sbcglobal.net>
Cc: rest; Jay McMichael - CNN MCMICHAEL <jaymcmichael@hotmail.com>, "Oprah. com" <Membership@oprah.com>, Bill Oreilly
<oreilly@foxnews.com>, jeff <jrk@class-action-law.com>, Roy Essakow - Marc Rich Lieutenant <ressakow@email.msn.com>, Enid Pigors Assistant to Coca Cola CEO <epigors@na.ko.com>, "Patrick. J. Fitzgerald - US Attorney fitzgerald" <patrick.j.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov>, "Ron
Bellows - US Government owned American International Group - Chief Executive Officer, President Barrak Obama - Nobel Peace Prize winner
on 10/9/2009" <Ron.Bellows@AIG.com>, Admiral Ami Aylon - Israel Navy <aaylon@knesset.gov.il>, Jerusalem Post <letters@jpost.com>,
Jason Ritchie - Honored US Navy Submariner Sonar Operator with Top Secret Clearance <jmr_1618@yahoo.com>, USS Liberty-jimandjoe
<jimandjoe@ussliberty.com>, US Navy Vice Admiral John Stufflebeem <johnn3dkz@aol.com>, "Eric McDonald - Retired US Navy Captain - 24
years of service." <emcdonald@hasdic.org>
Subject: Feel good-logic Fwd: Marie and I had a court victory today.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary S Gevisser <gevisser@sbcglobal.net>
Date: April 15, 2010 7:25:21 AM PDT
To: Adam Hochschild - author of Blood & Treasures - founder of Mother Jones <adamhochschild@earthlink.net>
Cc: rest; Stephen Bennett <stephenbennett@ucsd.edu>, The Koala <editor@thekoala.org>, Adam Hochschild - author of Blood & Treasures founder of Mother Jones <adamhochschild@earthlink.net>, "Adam Venit - Actress Diane Keaton's business manager."
<gsiegel@endeavorla.com>, James Carroll - author Constantine's Sword <james.carroll43@verizon.net>, James Crawford - Graduate student
at UCSD - International Business Development <j1crawford@ucsd.edu>, "Erik Gartzke - Associate Professor of Political Science [Oxymoron] UCSD." <egartzke@ucsd.edu>, Professor Ann Craig - UCSD Craig <acraig@ucsd.edu>, Tribe <tribe@law.harvard.edu>, Alan Dershowitz Harvard Law School <dersh@law.harvard.edu>, "Kenneth Standard, Esq.- former President of the New York Bar Association - Harvard Law
School." <kstandard@ebglaw.com>, "American-Russian-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard c/o Dr. John K. Pollard Jr. - Alumnus of MIT and Cornell
University - Proponent of women are inferior in the math and science; i.e. logic." <jkpjkp@alum.mit.edu>, "Dr. Robin Usher - History Faculty,
Oxford University" <robin.usher@history.ox.ac.uk>, "Dr. Louann Brizendine MD - author of The Female Brain."
<louann.brizendine@ucsf.edu>, achmedinjad@gmail.com, adidaborohov@walla.co.il, adidu6@gmail.com, aforsyth@san.rr.com, "benedict.
ashley" <benedict.ashley@gmail.com>, avishybaruchini@walla.com, aztecrosefashion@gmail.com, "David Bellavia - US Soldier, nominated
for the US Congressional Medal of Honor. Now \"blowing the whistle\" on Operation Sparkling." <david@davidbellavia.com>,
berjb123@gmail.com, bobbyj@gmail.com, brenda@imortgagesearch.com, brian.molk@colorado.edu, camilo <camilo@ultrabikex.com>,
cbriggs15@yahoo.com, "peter. chait" <peter.chait@rogers.com>, Christopher Chilson <xic120097@yahoo.com>, chrisblake89@sbcglobal.net,
claire_mercer45@hotmail.com, contven@yahoo.com, cora1900@walla.com, crazyr8erfan@aol.com, cutydavis_13@hotmail.com, dantnicholas
<dantnicholas@gmail.com>, dar.lador18@gmail.com, David Lazarus <dlaz551469@aol.com>, DDMIAMI15@AOL.COM, denis@ourcom.us,
designsbynylie@yahoo.com, dianewelch <dianewelch@dianewelch.com>, dinoz1988@nana.co.il, dionfuterman@hotmail.com, alexis Dizon
<alexismarie84@hotmail.com>, dmalter@aol.com, don@dunebuggymedia.com, dorgariany@hotmail.com, edenbo2@walla.co.il,
elainedaviesoshry@hotmail.com, feelgood <feelgood@iafrica.com>, Gideon Frame <gnframe@shaw.ca>, funney918@sbcglobal.net, "Rabbi
Capers C. Funnye - close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama" <ravfunnye@sbcglobal.net>, gamros <gamros@gmail.com>,
gary_nicky@live.co.za, goodly17@gmail.com, hanni69@gmail.com, hartvi_a@hotmail.com, heather@operationsfirstresponse.org,
idan_barash@walla.com, ilijaneli <ilijaneli@yahoo.com>, jodyperling <jodyperling@comcast.net>, kellitata <kellitata@hotmail.com>,
keren7465@walla.com, laxplayr3193@aim.com, Bianca Lee <stolenwords3@aol.com>, lidor3105@walla.co.il, linzi <linzi@mylife.org.za>,
lior_surf@walla.co.il, maayanooshmintz@walla.com, malul_2007@walla.com, Marco <maayan1dadi@walla.com>, mekov@aol.com,
messy3@walla.com, mfire@walla.com, miriregev@hotmail.com, mirush140@walla.com, mmarois <mmarois@bloomberg.net>,
monicacorcoran22 <monicacorcoran22@gmail.com>, Vaughan Moss <vmoss@plasticbox.co.nz>, nadav.zak@gmail.com, nade@mweb.co.za,
nnofarr1989@walla.com, odel887@walla.co.il, orchen1212@walla.com, orels49@walla.com, ori882@walla.co.il, ortal2606@hotmail.com, R
Oshry <oshryr@btinternet.com>, popo98@wall.co.il, Raymond <raymond@londo.demon.co.uk>, rrsheep@gmail.com, Julia Samaniego
<dixirose@sbcglobal.net>, Nicole Zulman Sarembock <pijonic1@global.co.za>, sbeaudry@beaudrymotorsports.com, SBerk2000
<SBerk2000@aol.com>, Alex Schamp <schamp_6@hotmail.com>, Matthew Schwenk <mschwenk_87@hotmail.com>,
shayleeatary@bezeqint.net, shenhav_h1@walla.com, shimritni@walla.com, shir_4022@wall.com, shir_avr16@walla.com,
shirv4961@wall.com, shlomo_parchi@windowslive.com, sivanbanon@walla.co.il, Jerry Spiers <jerry215@dslextreme.com>, srabinowitz
<srabinowitz@parliment.gov.za>, stefyborsetti84@hotmail.it, sweetshani33@walla.com, teaguecal <teaguecal@aol.com>, tracie
<tracie@rocknroadcyclery.net>, tuna200@gmail.com, Aled Davies - Oxford University student <aled.davies@mansfield.ox.ac.uk>, Montesorri
School of La Jolla of La Jolla <iSBingham1@sbcglobal.net>, Council of the Gods <defaorder@german.umass.edu>, "Barbara Manning Jacana Media, Publisher of David Gevisser's, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER." <publishing@jacana.co.za>, ellsbergpress@gmail.com,
william.tarrant@reuters.com, Trent Aaron - Professional tennis player <trentaaron@hotmail.com>, omejia@princeton.edu, Princeton University
<ilslend@princeton.edu>, Sidney Abelski - lawyer <sidneyabelski@yahoo.com>, "Theodore Bevry Olson Esq. [September 11, 1940 - ] .
Husband of Barbara Oslon [December 27, 1955–September 11, 2001] who on 9/11 was on American Airlines flight 77 which flew into the
Pentagon. US Attorney Olson is mentioned in Gary S. Gevisser's first heavily broadcasted communique sent out on 12.1.2000, 9 months and
11 days prior to 9/11, to the partner of the first victim of 9/11, Israeli Special Forces officer Daniel Lewin who was flying in the business class
section of American Airlines flight 11, the first passenger aircraft to hit the Twin Towers. in Addendum 6 of 14 addendums that were attached
to the email sent to Randal Kaplan who along with Lewin was the co-founder of the Internet algorithm company, AKAMAI, there is reference in
the same paragraph to both Ted Olson and Mark Silverstein Esq. of the ACLU." <media@dcaclu.org>, "Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May ACLU - roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School" <amay@aclu-co.org>, "The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack
The Ripper Essakow - co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California" <jessakow@proteaproperties.com>
Subject: Feel good-logic Fwd: Marie and I had a court victory today.
Mr. Hochschild,
You know that in you well written article Blood and Treasure - click HERE - which begins rather profoundly with the
words, "In 1890" the year of the last massacring of the native American Indians ending 300 years of a genocide like none
other in the history of the world, you failed to answer your question that you have plastered at the top of each page, "Why
one of the world's richest countries is also one of its poorest."
So much for the rights of private citizens to own real estate?
How long do you think you can hide?
At a minimum you cannot feel good, and there is logic in that, right?
Ps - BTW, I think we may have the $ hit list database problem fixed but restoring the original list may still take a while.
Begin forwarded message:
Date: April 14, 2010 9:01:21 PM PDT
To: Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman c/o Arnold Pollak <arnold@signforce.co.za>, "Bernie Gevisser [Oct. 18, 1923 ] - 2nd Lieutenant, South African Air Force Squadron 11 - My father, along with Captain Syd Cohen were the only
Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilots of South African Air Force [SAAF] Squadron 11 during World Oil War II, and whose
Commanding Officer, Field Marshall Jan Smuts who was second-in-command to Churchill during WOW II, is not even
mentioned in the book FRIENDS IN DEED that chronicles the relationship between the modern State of Israel and the
US Government, who those “in the know” knew was "no friend" of the fledgling State of Israel, despite the US being
possibly the first to recognize the State of Israel, and most begrudgingly, on the very day the US Government had
planned to the Nth Degree the total destruction of Israel, the day following David Ben Gurion who was "joined at the hip"
with his good friend Jan Smuts, declared Jewish Statehood, May 14th, 1948" - bernieg@tpg.com.au.
Subject: Marie and I had a court victory today.
She told me afterwards that she was not nervous because she knew God was with us.
Marie does not have a religious bone in her body-mind, just pure logic.
It was the first time in the going on 16 years I have known her that she spoke such an important word that hypocrites
use all the time.
L' Chaim was the first word she spoke as we toasted afterwards.
E=mc2~2 c mE
Shared energy.
Note that she is wearing Grandpa Issy's one 1 pond 1896 gold cufflink.
is now one finger typing an email to her one brother in Montreal, in French of course.
Tonight's mighty sunset celebrations on the deck of the main house.