Reverend Jacek Wrona - Sacred Heart Church
Reverend Jacek Wrona - Sacred Heart Church
The Parish Family of Sacred Heart Joyfully Celebrates the Formal Installation of our new Pastor Reverend Jacek Wrona Saturday, the twenty-seventh day of August In the Year of Our Lord two thousand and sixteen Page Two August 28, 2016 Congratulations, Father Jacek! You are now part of the family and the history of this great parish. May God bless and guide you in your ministry here at Sacred Heart. One thing the Lord asks of you, only this: To act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God. Micha 6:8 Please remember to attend Fr. Jacek’s Reception immediately following Saturday’s liturgy in the Moscow Parish Center. Pierwszy piątek miesiąca września Przypominamy, że w naszej parafii obchodzimy pierwsze piątki miesiąca. W najbliższy piątek, 2 września, przypada pierwszy piątek miesiąca września. Nabożeństwo rozpocznie się o godz. 7 pm wystawieniem Najswiętszego Sakramentu, potem będzie okazja do spowiedzi, odmówienie Litanii do Serca Pana Jezusa, a następnie Msza Święta. Zachęcamy wszystkich, szczególnie rodziców i ich dzieci, do praktykowania pierwszych piątków miesiąca. Page Three TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 28, 2016 You have approached Mount Zion and the city of the living God. — Hebrews 12:22a Perhaps the most familiar traditional symbol that identifies bishops is the crosier that they carry. We see the shepherd’s staff and immediately rich images from scripture come to mind, as well as the recollection that the first to respond to Christ’s presence in our world were the shepherds. The staff is more than a walking stick; its crooked top is useful in snaring errant sheep but also in keeping the flock united. Bishops carry the curve outward, indicating their ministry to the wider flock, while abbots (and some abbesses, too) carry the crosier with the curve pointing in, indicating that their ministry is to the monastery alone. The crosier was once also carried by the pope, but was phased out centuries ago. You may recall that in pre“popemobile” days, the pope was often carried around on a portable throne called a sedia gestatoria. Since he didn’t do much walking, the need for a crosier was minimal. Pope Paul VI introduced the innovation of a walking staff in the 1960s, and everyone remembers Pope John Paul II’s walking staff, not a crook, but a delicately sculptured crucifix. Thus, the pope carries a “pastoral staff” rather than a crosier. Precisely because the pope’s ministry is universal, to the whole world, popes will likely leave crosiers in the hands of the bishops they commission for care of specific flocks. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. We are very grateful for your wonderful generosity towards the missionary work Divine Word Missionaries do for the Catholic Church around the world. Your financial help and prayerful support make it possible for us to continue building up the kingdom of God in some of the most difficult areas around the world. We are only able to spread the Gospel message with your prayers and generous support. We want to thank you for your warm welcome on the weekend of August 13-14, 2016. May God continue to bless all of you! Let us remember each other in prayer. . Janusz Horowski, SVD TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Conduct your affairs with humility and God will favor you (Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29). Psalm — God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor (Psalm 68). Second Reading — You have approached Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant (Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24a). Gospel — When invited to dine, take the lowest place. Those who humble themselves will be exalted (Luke 14:1, 7-14). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Page Four SECOND COLLECTION ~ SEPTEMBER 3 & 4, 2016 ~ FOR RELIGIOUS ASSISTANCE TO POLAND ~ Praise be to Jesus Christ! Now and forever! Since its creation in 1943, the Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia has been helping the Church in Poland. In addition to that commitment, the League is reaching out to the Polish-American communities across the U.S. where Polonia is present. The League's mission proclaims: “Keeping in mind the future of our Polish-American heritage, we cultivate the gift of unity with the Roman Catholic Church of Poland and we promote a transformed Polonia –informed, united, involved, and active.” Bishop Andrew Wypych, the National Executive Director, encourages you to join the many generous people who support the Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia during the annual campaign. The collection takes place on a weekend close to the feast day of Our Lady of Czestochowa, the patroness of the League. We ask for the intercession of Our Lady of Czestochowa and our beloved St. John Paul the Great. May the late Holy Father, Son of Poland, bless the work that is done and beseech Our Lord to bless all who support the Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia. Thank you! For more information please visit: PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA [TO BE SAID EACH DAY UPON ARISING] HOLY MOTHER of Czestochowa, Thou art full of grace, goodness and mercy. I consecrate to Thee all my thoughts, words and actions—my soul and body. I beseech Thy blessings and especially prayers for my salvation. Today, I consecrate myself to Thee, Good Mother, totally with body and soul amid joy and sufferings to obtain for myself and others Thy blessings on this earth and eternal life in Heaven. Amen. Imprimatur: Cardinal O' Boyle, Washington, DC Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus! Teraz i na wieki! Już od 1943 roku, założona przez duchowieństwo polonijne i świeckich, Liga Katolicka Pomocy Religijnej Polsce i Polonii, niesie pomoc Kościołowi w Polsce, a także wychodzi naprzeciw katolickim, polsko-amerykańskim rodzinom w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej, wszędzie tam gdzie Polonia jest obecna. Misja Ligi głosi: „W trosce o przyszłość naszego polsko-amerykańskiego dziedzictwa, pielęgnujemy święty dar jedności z Kościołem Rzymskokatolickim w Polsce i promujemy POLONIĘ PRZEOBRAŻONĄ: INFORMOWANĄ – ZJEDNOCZONĄ – ZAANGAŻOWANĄ – AKTYWNĄ.” Ksiądz biskup Andrzej P. Wypych, D.D., pełniący funkcję Krajowego Dyrektora Wykonawczego Ligi Katolickiej, zachęca Was Bracia i Siostry w wierze, do włączenia się do grona hojnych ofiarodawców podczas corocznej składki na rzecz Ligi Katolickiej Pomocy Religijnej Polsce i Polonii. Jej termin wyznaczony jest w weekend najbliższy dacie 26 sierpnia (Uroczystość Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej, patronki Ligi). Prośmy o wstawiennictwo Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej i Świętego Papieża Jana Pawła Wielkiego. Niech nasz Święty Papież, Syn Polskiej Ziemi błogosławi pracę już wykonaną przez Ligę oraz wyprasza u Naszego Pana błogosławieństwo dla wszystkich dobroczyńców Ligi Katolickiej Pomocy Religijnej Polsce i Polonii, którym serdecznie dziękujemy. Bóg zapłać! Po więcej informacji zapraszamy na stronę Ligi: If you are not able to donate next weekend you can mail your donation to: Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia, 2330 West 118th Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60643 Page Five WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The senior Fun Club is contemplating a trip to Theater in the Center in Munster, Indiana, on Sunday, November 27th, to see Annie Warbucks. The cost is $89.00 per person and covers the bus, Sunday brunch and the show. Please contact Lorraine at 974.2312 for further information. A list of names is needed by September 15th. Jesus wants us to put others first and to treat them with kindness, respect, love and compassion. Allow Jesus to transform your marriage and show you how to truly love your spouse. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are October 79,2016 or December 9-11, 2016, both at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630577-0778 or contact us through http://wwme- ACCW MEMBERSHIP Ladies, the envelope for the annual dues for membership in the ACCW was included with your August envelopes. We will be preparing a new membership book this year and want your name included. Please return them as soon as possible. Please note that if you are 85 or over, you do not have to pay dues but you need to return the envelope so we know you want to be included as a member of the ACCW. Return the empty envelope and check the box indicating you are an honorary member over 85. We will know you are not required to pay dues but want to be a member of the ACCW. Many of you are not in the current book because we did not receive your envelopes. If we do not receive an envelope, we have no way of knowing whether you moved away or just are not interested in being a member. If you have any questions, please call Sue Donofrio at (708) 974-3969. Sharing Parish September Food Drive ATTENTION SACRED HEART PARISH FAMILY NEXT weekend, September 3th & 4th, is our “Summer’s End” Food Drive. School is starting soon, and heavier foods, such as rice and beans, are a good suggestion. Forgot to shop? Our awesome packers will happily accept monetary donations. Each $1.00 donation will buy $2.00 of food at the Greater Food Depository. SUGGESTED ITEMS: tuna, peanut butter, jelly, disposable diapers, baby food, cereal, canned fruits, canned vegetables, meat, soup, pasta, macaroni & cheese, pancake mix and syrup, dried beans, flour, rice, salt, sugar, soap (laundry, bath, shampoo), toilet tissue, and cleaning supplies. Thank you and God bless! Roxene Moloney & The Food Pantry Team UWAGA PARAFIANIE SACRED HEART W przyszły weekend przypada comiesięczna zbiórka żywności w naszej parafii dla najbardziej potrzebujących. Cały czas się modlimy, abyśmy mogli zgodnie z zachętą Pana Boga (“Cokolwiek zrobiliście jednemu z tych najmniejszych moich braci, Mnieście zrobili”) zaradzać niedostatkom naszych braci i sióstr będących w potrzebie. SUGEROWANE PRODUKTY, KTÓRE MOŻNA PRZYNOSIĆ Nie przeterminowane produkty typu orzeszki, sproszkowane kisiele i budynie, produkty zbożowe (mąki, kasze), jedzenie w puszkach (owoce, warzywa, mię so), zupy, makarony, ciasta z proszku, syrop klonowy, suchy groch, ryż, cukier, mydło, środki do prania, mycia i szampony, ręczniki i chustecki papierowe, środki czystości, pieluchy, jedzenie dziecięce. Blessings, Fr. Ryszard Szkoła Języka i Kultury Polskiej im. Zbigniewa Herberta W związku z tym, że wiele osób pyta się o adres i kontakt z polską szkołą przypisaną przez Archidiecezję Chicago naszej parafii, podajemy dokładne dane. Chodzi o Szkołę Języka i Kultury Polskiej im. Zbigniewa Herberta, która mieści się w budynku Southwest Chicago Christian High School, pod adresem: 12001 S. Oak Park Ave, w Palos Heights. Kontakt telefoniczny (mailowy) w sprawie zapisu dzieci: 708 586 9060 ( Zapisy na nowy rok szkolny wprawdzie już miały miejsce w sobotę 13 sierpnia, jednak nabór na nowy rok wciąż trwa. Fr. Ryszard Gron Page Six The Religious Education Office is now making plans for the 2016-2017 year. Registration for classes is taking place NOW. The Religious Education Office will reopen on Monday, August 22. The Religious Education program is for children in grades 1t through 8 who attend public school. Children are expected to attend religious education at all grade levels. Catechesis in each grade is based upon a progressive doctrinal context which ultimately needs to be learned to allow a child to grow in wisdom, age, and grace. Archdiocesan policy states that sacramental catechesis is a 2-year process. For example, children are expected to attend 1st and 2ndnd grade classes to experience First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in Grade 2. The Confirmation program is based upon all that has been presented in Grades 3-7. TUITION AND BOOK FEES One child $295 + Book fee - Two children - $440 + Book fees - Three or more children - $560+Book fees Book Fee is $25.00 Stop by and pick-up registration materials at: Ministry Center Monday — Friday — 8:00 A.M. until 7:30 P.M. Saturday — 9:00 A.M until 3:30 P.M. Or mail completed registration forms to: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 8245 W. 111TH Street, Palos Hills, IL 60465 Classes meet according to the following schedule: Wednesdays Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – 4:30 - 6:00 PM Grades 6, 7, 8 – 6:30 - 8:00 PM Starting date for classes is September14, 2016 First Faith registration will take place on the weekend of Sept. 10th & 11th, after all Masses in the narthex of the church. First Faith is religious education for four and five year old children. Your child must be four by September 1st. Classes start October 9, 2016 and run each Sunday through Mother’s Day, May 2017. The classes are held in the Parish Center during the 9:00 AM Mass. The children learn prayers, hear stories, learn songs, do crafts and activities, and participate in simple plays. We have lessons on “I’m Special”, Family, Our Senses, Our Feelings, Being Thankful, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, The Mass, Noah’s Ark, God’s Unending Love, Forgiveness, Being Different, and many more lessons. First Faith has been in existence at Sacred Heart Parish for 45 years. This is a wonderful way to introduce your child to the love God has for all of us. There is a $50.00 fee per child, which includes all supplies and a schoolbag. If you have any questions please call Geraldine Cody at 708.945.4022. Page Seven Flu Shots On Saturday, September 10th and Sunday, September 11th, expertlytrained Walgreens pharmacists will be available in the Hospitality Room before and after Masses to administer flu shots. Please contact Jennifer at (708) 599 5603 with any questions. The following was baptized on Sunday, August 21, 2016: NOAH ANGELO PRZYSUCHA We welcome, Noah, into the Mystical Body of Christ and into our Sacred Heart Family. Are you being called to serve as a Deacon? Join IDS directors for the first Exploring the Diaconate info session of the new formation year! The session will take place on Wednesday, October 12, 7:30pm, at St. Cajetan parish in Vicariate V. We will meet in Memorial Hall, located in the basement of the school, which is on the east side of the parking lot. The address is 2445 W. 112th Street, Chicago, IL 773-474-7800 We do not require an RSVP. Wives of married inquirers are strongly encouraged to attend. Please note that the application deadline for the 2017-2018 Aspirancy Path is May 1, 2017. Regretfully, IDS cannot accept late applications for the upcoming formation year. Stay tuned! The complete Exploring the Diaconate schedule is coming soon. Sessions will take place in each Vicariate and at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein. For more information, please contact Deacon Bob Puhala, Director, or (847) 837-4564 or Deacon Tom Rzendzian at 708-974-3336 During these hot days of summer, it seems silly too early to think of fall craft shows. However, to duplicate the excitement and success of last year’s craft show, the committee is already working hard to bring you the best craft show EVER! Our one disappointment last year was that we had to turn participants away because of space limitations. To solve that problem, we have decided to make TWO separate events. On Friday, September 23, we will host a vendor only show. Only vendors such as Mary Kay, Avon, Partylite, Tastefully Simple, Pampered Chef, etc. will be invited to participate in this show. Then on Saturday and Sunday, October 22 and 23 , we will host our annual two-day craft show. This show will have crafters only – hand crafted items. There will be no commercial vendors at this show. If you know anyone who would like to participate in either of our shows, please refer them to Sue Donofrio (708) 974-3969 or send an e-mail to: know. nd rd Counseling Services Are you interested in counseling services? If you are, Sr. Jude Moore RN, LCSW, DCSW, will be happy to meet with you. She is located in the Ministry Center of Sacred Heart Parish, 8245 W. 111th St., Palos Hills, IL, 60465. Sr. Jude provides individual, couples and family therapy. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 708.974.3336, Ex 222. Fees are negotiable. Hours are flexible. Page Eight Dear Lord, There are young men and women far from home, called to serve their nation in time of war; sent to defend their nation in time of war; sent to defend our freedom on some distant foreign shore. We pray You keep them safe, we pray You keep them strong, we pray You send them safely home.....for they have been away so long. Bless those who await their safe return. Bless those who mourn the lost. Bless those who serve this country well, no matter what the cost. A02AW/SW Bryan Finnigan, U.S. Maj. Nicholas J. Di Guido, USMC Corporal Jonathon Olsen, USMC Staff Sgt. Joseph Hahn, U.S. Army Pfc Carl Brandon, U.S. Army Cmdr. Brent Lapp, U.S.N. Div.Gunnery Cmdr. Melissa A. Vanek-Ferrin U.S. Navy Spc. Robert Eugene King, Jr. Lt. Col. Kristen Lasica Khaner, USMC Col. Daniel T. Lasica, USAF Amn. Alex Skalski, USAF Major Robert Joseph Bowen, AR Major Veronica Ko, SC Petty Officer Megan Palenik, U.S. Navy Master Chief William J. Egan, USN Sgt. Jacob Hahn, U.S. Army 5th S.F. Airman Zachary Frana USAF Staff Sargeant Matthew J. Milavickas Specialist Mark R. Milavickas, U.S. Army Navy Sgt. Justin Nolan, USMC Petty Ofc. Meghan Casey, U.S. Navy Lt. Steven Lungaro, U.S. Navy Lt. J.C. Shannon Lungaro, U.S. Navy Lance Corporal William Kennedy, USMC Sgt.1st Class Joseph M. Filipiak,10th Mnt. Capt. Amanda Sink, USAF Cpt. Adam F. Werner, U.S. Army Pfc Robert Trevor Martinez, U.S. Army Sgt. Daniel Duffy, U.S.Army Spc. Jesse J. Passarella, U.S. Army Petty Officer Thomas J. Murtaugh, U.S. Navy 2nd Lt Nicholas J. Lenard, U.S.Army Staff Sgt. Timothy R. Gena, USMC Pfc. Daniel E. Symons, U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Jender, USMC Pfc. Nicholas Little, U.S. Army Lt. Ryan Singer, U.S. Army Sgt. Brian Maszka USAF Sgt. Casey Zimmer, USMC Page Nine AROUND THE COMMUNITY Celebrating 100th Year Serving People of the Archdiocese of Chicago St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church 3721 W. 62nd St., Chicago Tel 773.735.1121 You are invited to celebrate with us on Sunday, September 11, 2016. Archbishop Blase Cupich is the main celebrant. A dinner dance at Mayfield will follow. For info call above number. 50TH GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY REUNION Class of 1966 St. Laurence High School, 5556 W. 77th St., Burbank Weekend of Sept. 9—11 Additional info call Tony Blasco 630.25.3592 ( or Gerry Saternus 773.418.3791 THIS WEEK SACRED HEART MONDAY, AUGUST 29 TUESDAY, AUGUST 30 ~ 7:00P Baptismal Preparation. ~ 7:30P Queen of Peace Prayer Group WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 ~ 7:00P BINGO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Veterans Cup O’ Joe & Conversation The City of Palos Hills Community Resource & Recreation Department is hosting a coffee and conversation veterans talk on Friday, September 9th from 9:00 am -10:30 am at 8455 W. 103rd Street. Stop by and enjoy the camaraderie of other veterans and military men and women, tell stories, and share wartime experiences and photos over coffee. Light refreshments will be served. For more information on this free program please call the Palos Hills Community Center at 708.430.4500. Our Lady of the Ridge Knights of Columbus Council #13201 Family Flea Market - 108th Ridgeland Every Second Saturday, June thru October Do you have stuff in the garage, basement, storage? Why not sell it at our Flea Market.. Cost for sellers $15 for a table. For more information call Joe Burke 708.671.8095 or email: All proceeds help the Community, Seminarians and Intellectually Disabled. ~ 7:00P Rosary in Polish ~ 7:00P Door To Hope (PC 5-6) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 4:00P Sharing Parish Food Collection SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 4:00P Sharing Parish Food Collection STEWARDSHIP OF OUR RESOURCES Weekend of August 20 & 21, 2016 Budgeted Collection $15,250.00 Sunday and Holy Day Collection $11,195.00 YTD Weekly Collection Deficit - (-17,056.00) 15TH ANNUAL GALA OF THE ARTS Friday, September 9 at Navy Pier Grand Ballroom in Chicago. Featuring an Art Show & Sale, Silent Auction, Grand Raffle and live tribute to the music of the Rat Pack performed by Rich Daniels and the City Lights Orchestra, with special performance by Ron Hawking. Reservations are $250 per person. For info contact Rose Marie Lesniak-Mendez at 312.655.7290. JOIN US FOR SUPPER! Join us each week at our FREE suppers. Everyone is invited to a meal prepared for you and served by volunteers in the community. For more information call 708.430.0428. SUPPER SCHEDULE: Monday, St. Anne Parish, 16801 Dixie Hwy, Hazel Crest, 6-7pm, Tuesday, St. Christopher Parish, 4130 147th St, Midlothian, 6—7pm, St. Blase Parish, 6101 75th Ave. Summit, 6-7p. Sponsored by Catholic Charities. God Bless You and Thank You! Beth Mikula and Emmett Williamson, Business Office Widowed? For Widowed Men & Women There will be a retreat/workshop on Oct 22 & 23 Nazareth Retreat Hse., Batavia, IL and Nov. 5 & 6, 2016, at Our Lady of the Angels House of Prayer (located in Lemont on Alvernia Manor’s campus). (Overnight included, no commuters)Space limited – register early. Ph: Joyful Again Widowed Ministry 1-708-354-7211 Email: Web: Page Ten SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 4:30 PM — EDWARD & LAVERNE SILEKIS EVELYN & CASIMAR REKRUCIAK REGINA REKRUCIAK, KEN KOWALESKI BERTHA & DAVID RITCHIE, KATHY BASIL ALICE KISALA, ADELINE WOJCIECHOWICZ MARY CAHILL, RUSS & ANGELINE MILLER SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 7:30AM — ELEANOR & RAY SWEISS JOSE MANUEL SALDONA CODENA (1ST ANNIV.) DEC’D MEMBERS OF TROY, BOLBAT, & SPALLA FAMILES 9:00AM — WALTER BRIGHTMORE JANINA FRYDERYK BASISTA, AGNES TOTH KRZYSTOF DUROWSKI, PATRICIA WOZNICKI 10:30AM — BOB BLIGH, VALERIE TRANOWSKI DAN PLECKI, BERNARD P. ANICH, SR. PEGGY LOU FENTON, FR. ROBERT HERNE HILBERTA MALONEY, TONY & MAE KAZMIN 12:00PM — PAMELA & WILLIAM BUTTERY JANIN ZIEBA (4TH ANNIV.) PAULINE & EDWARD MUZIK STANISLAWA OKAS, BUD MC CULLOUGH MONDAY, AUGUST 29 (9:00AM) JEANETTE LUSTYK TUESDAY, AUGUST 30 (7:30AM) POOR SOULS IN PURGATORY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31 (9:00AM) FRANK KOBAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 (7:30AM) VICTORIA IACCINO, FR. ROBERT HERNE EVA & FELIX PAULAUSKIS, PETER QUINN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 (9:00AM) MARGARET DYRDA, RITA STRAUCH EVA & FELIX PAULAUSKIS, VALERIE DELK JOHN & LILIA NAVRATIL, BARBARA IWANIEC BIRTHDAY INTENTION FOR FR. GRON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 7:30 AM — THE KUBILIUS FAMILY 4:30 PM — ROWLEY & MOODY FAMILES EVELYN & CASIMAR REKRUCIAK ANNETTE OLIVO, JAMES KOSMALA ED & SALLY WUCHTER, IRENE URSO ALICE KISALA, ADELINE WOJCIECHOWICZ JUDY MAMPREIAN, CHARLOTTE WOZNICKI SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 7:30AM — ROBERT TUCKER 9:00AM — KRZYSTOF DUROWSKI DARLENE KOHN, PATRICIA WOZNICKI HEALING INTENTIONS FOR DARLENE DEPERSIA 10:30AM — TOM & ELZIA SWETZ MR. & MRS. JOHN MC ENERNEY BOB BLIGH, VALERIE TRANOWSKI DAN PLECKI, BERNARD P. ANICH, SR. MARY PAT FOWLER, FR. ROBERT HERNE LEN & MARY ANNE FISHER (45TH WEDDING ANN.) 12:00PM — ANIELA BARTYZOL, JAN SZLEMBARSKI HARRIET KEMPE, KORZEP FAMILY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 4:30PM—Ariana Iglesia, Jacquelyn & Colin Loomis SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 7:30 AM —Ava McGuire, VOLUNTEERS 9:00 AM — Halie Bala, Dominika Klich, Justin Morgan 10:30AM — Lyra Acosta, Alex Gmiterek, Zachary VanLoon 12:00PM (Mass in Polish) — Damian Kowalik, Jacob Mazurek, Michal Szczerba MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 (LABOR DAY) 9:00AM—VOLUNTEERS, PLEASE! There is a promise of marriage between: I — DAVE SOLIS & JAMIE URBANIAK I—ANDREW WRONKA & KATARZYNA IWANIAK BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Tuesday, August 30, at 7:00 P.M. Parents having a child in the near future are asked to attend ONE Baptismal class. It is mandatory that parents attend the class first. then call and make arrangements for Baptism. Class is held in the Moscow Center. Please call 708.974.3336, Press 0, to register. Please pray for the following: Paul Mikula, Sr., Mary Busch, Roberta Paulauskis, Laura Barajas, Richard Grant, Franciszka Kojs, Elizabeth Wind, Lorraine Garber, Antoinette Paciora, George McCague & Son, Jeanetta Pach, Rev. Michael J. Walsh, Kathy Brzezinski, Rosemary Brown, Richard Pach, Margaret Malonowski, Baby Westyn D’Angelo, Virginia Targosz, Frank Vanderwalker, Christopher Connolly, Connie Jasik, Baby Jeremiah Adams, Baby Adalynn, Tracy Czech, Terry Ryan, Rich & Denise Jandura, Carmella Kinsley, Jerry De Weir, and Lillian Wrobel. Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of: JOSEPHINE JOHNS HENRY W. ENGEL BARBARA JABLONSKA FLORAJANE STEFINSKY Please pray for their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed. 12 6:30P Homeless Shelter Core Mtg. 7:00P Ministry of Consolation 7:00P Opus Dei 7:00P Mercy Prayer Circle 7:30P Welcome Comm. Mtg. 11 7:30A Fair Trade Min. 7:30A First Faith Registration 8:00A Flue Shots 1:30P Baptisms 7:00A Bundle Weekend 7:00A Hospitality 25 12:00P Baptisms Seminaries 26 7:00P Holy Name Meeting 6:00P Domestic Violence Support Group 18 Second Collection for 19 1:30P Baptisms OFFICES ARE CLOSED 1:30P Baptisms 7:30A First Faith Registration 9:00A MASS: 5 LABOR DAY MONDAY 7:30A Sharing Parish Food Collection 4 SUNDAY 9:30A Shawl Ministry 2:00P SVDP Meeting 7:00P Baptismal Prep. 7:30P Queen of Peace Prayer Group 27 7:00P Lovin’ Links Mtg. 7:00P ACCW Meeting 7:30P Queen of Peace Prayer Group 20 9:30A Shawl Ministry 2:00P SVDP Meeting 7:00P ACCW Board Meeting 7:30P Queen of Peace Prayer Group 13 7:30P Queen of Peace Prayer Group 6 TUESDAY 29 7:00P Bingo 4:30P RE Grades 1 thru 5 6:30P RE Grades 6 thru 8 6:30P Grade 6 Bible Enrollment. 7:00P Bingo 22 7:00P Door to Hope 30 7:00P Door To Hope (AA MTG) ACCW Vendor Fair 23 7:00P Door To Hope (AA MTG) 7:00P Bingo 700P Bible Study 5:30P Open Gym Jr. High & High School 16 7:00P Door To Hope (AA MTG) 5:30P St. Vincent de Paul Youth Group 9 4:30P Catholic Charities Info Session 15 7:00P Bingo 8 28 12:00P Fun Club 4:30P RE Grades 1 thru 5 6:30P RE Grades 6thru 8 6:00P RCIA 21 1:00p Bible Study 4:30P RE Grades 1 thru 5 6:30P RE Grades 6 thru 8 14 Orientation 12 Noon Fun Club 6:00P RCIA 6:30P LOSS 7:00P S.H. Chorale 7 7:00P Door To Hope (AA MTG) 7:00P Rosary (Polish) 7:00P Bingo FIRST FRIDAY 2 FRIDAY 1 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY S E PTE M B E R 2 0 1 6 Second Collection Assistance to Poland Second Collection for Seminaries MEETING LOCATIONS CAN BE FOUND ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THE SEPTEMBER CALENDAR. 4:30P Hospitality 4:00P Diaconate Fund Drive 4:00P Bundle Weekend 24 17 4:00P Flue Shots 4:30P First Faith Registration 4:00P Fair Trade Ministry 10 4:00 P Sharing Parish Food Collection 3 SATURDAY
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Sacred Heart Parish - Sacred Heart Church
Bless those who await their safe return.
Bless those who mourn the lost.
Bless those who serve this country well,
no matter what the cost.
A02AW/SW Bryan Finnigan, U.S. Navy
Maj. Nicholas J. Di Gui...