Sacred Heart Parish - Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Parish - Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Parish OCTOBER 25, 2015 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick M. Tucker, Pastor Rev. Ryszard Groń, Associate Pastor Mr. Richard Werner, Deacon Mr. Thomas Rzendzian, Deacon Directors of Religious Education Elizabeth Mikula Michael Lundberg Rita Burns, Coordinator of Liturgy Elizabeth Droel, Pastoral Associate James Grzadzinski, Pastoral Musician Michael Lundberg, Youth Minister Emmett Williamson, Business Manager PARISH CLERGY Rev. Robert F. McGinnity, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Robert R. Rohrich, C.M., Weekend Ministry PARISH OFFICES Sacred Heart Ministry Center 8245 W. 111th St., Palos Hills, IL 60465 (708) 974-3336 FAX: (708) 974-3556 Parish email: Parish website: Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8 AM - 8:00 PM Parish Secretary: Ginny Jankowicz Bulletin Editor: Ginny Jankowicz Receptionist: Steve Schanz Business Staff: Beth Mikula RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE Msgr. Moscow Center (708) 974-3900 FAX: (708) 974-3922 Religious Education Staff: Sharon Arnett Brigid Hammerstein THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12 Noon Mass in Polish at 12 Noon on First and Third Sunday Weekdays: 9:00 AM - Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 AM - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ANOINTING OF THE SICK This sacrament is offered every Monday morning after 9:00 AM Mass and/or by specific arrangement with one of the priests. BAPTISMS Baptisms in Polish will be on the first and third Sunday of each month at the 12 Noon Mass (Maximum of four allowed) and at 1:30PM (Maximum of six allowed). Baptisms in English will be on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM (Maximum of six). A Baptismal Preparation program is offered monthly. Baptism is celebrated following the completion of the program. Arrangements for the Baptismal date can be made by calling the Ministry Office. RECONCILIATION Saturdays, from 3:15 PM until 4:00 PM or by appointment. MARRIAGES The times for Marriages are: Friday at 4:00 PM and Saturday at 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM. Pre-Marriage instructions are required. Arrangements should be made, according to Archdiocesan policy, at least six months before the wedding. All wedding dates and times are not set at initial phone call, but must be confirmed by the officiating priest or deacon. INSTRUCTIONS IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH Phone Ministry Office for information. PARISH BOUNDARIES: On the north, from Will-Cook Road to Kean Ave.; 95th St., from Kean Ave. to Harlem; 99th Street; on the south, Route 83; on the east, Harlem Ave.; on the west, Will-Cook Road. Page Two October 25, 2015 SHARINGS FROM THE PASTOR You may recall that a few weeks ago I announced a contest to provide a name for our weekly bulletin. There has been a significant response to the contest and we have something like thirty different suggestions, with a couple of overlapping ones. The committee will meet so that we can have the changes done by the printer for the First Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the new liturgical year. The end of one liturgical year brings us a number of readings that draw attention to the end times. They remind us that God’s plan for the world is that it be absorbed into the fullness of eternity. What that means exactly, and how that will work out, and when that will work out, are matters of theological speculation on some rather cryptic biblical passages. We are advised to keep our eyes fixed firmly on the Lord so that we do not become unduly distressed by what are ultimately passing changes. Speaking of passing and changes, some of you have already heard that I am rapidly approaching the magic age of seventy. This is the age at which, according to the policies of the archdiocese, a priest is supposed to resign from administrative activities. In plain English, I am scheduled to retire at the end of this fiscal year, which would be June 30, 2016. Those of you with long term memory will remember that when such a change is to take place at a parish, the local vicar (in our case Bishop Andrew P. Wypych) the local dean (in our case, Father Edward Upton, the pastor emeritus from Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in Orland Park) and two members of the priest placement board (to be determined) come to the parish for a set of meetings. They meet with the parish pastoral staff, with parish lay leaders and then there is a general session open to all parishioners. The meeting for Sacred Heart Parish will be on Tuesday, November 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the church building. We hope that there will be a good representation of parishioners for this meeting so that you can let the diocese know the talents and qualities that you feel would be most necessary for the new pastor of Sacred Heart Parish to possess. On behalf of all the potential candidates for the pastorate, I would encourage you to be realistic about the expectations you have. For example you are not going to find a young energetic priest with twenty years of experience. You are not going to find a priest who is able to always be available whenever you call or stop by while he is always at the hospitals, nursing homes, and visiting parishioners in their homes. I think you get the idea. Let me assure you that I do have mixed feelings about this transition in my life. In general I feel that the policy of having priests leave administration at the age of seventy is a good idea, it still is really way too late in one sense, but, it is still better than nothing. By that I mean that we should be at least a bit attentive to the realities of life: namely that the administration of complex operations like parishes would probably run more smoothly if they were administered by younger “executives.” At the same time, the experiences I have had at Sacred Heart have been very good and supportive and I have had the great opportunity to become acquainted with a number of wonderful people who have been very supportive and worked very hard to keep the operations of Sacred Heart Parish going well. So, the basic issue kind of comes down to my expectations for the future. Since my health is still fairly good, do I exercise it in continuing to be pastor of the parish, or to retire and enjoy some time in pursuing activities and opportunities that are not possible while I am trying to run the parish. Obviously, I have decided for the latter option, and I trust that you will accept the decision in the spirit that brought it about, namely that I am grateful to the many wonderful people who have made my time as pastor of Sacred Heart a very pleasant and rewarding one. While I can attest to its being rewarding for me, I cannot be so affirmative as to the feelings of all the parishioners and others that I have dealt with over the years. Where I have failed to be as pastoral and caring as I might have been, I am sorry. This was not intended to be an obituary or a last will and testament. I do have eight months six days and change before I retire. I trust that these days will continue along the lines of the previous six years. Fr. Pat Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Three EVENING OF REFLECTION, RENEWAL AND REFRESHMENT FOR VOLUNTEERS IN LITURGICAL MINISTRY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 7:00—8:30 PM, IN CHURCH Altar Servers — Youth & Adult Environment & Art ~ Ushers Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers) Lectors ~ Music Ministry Sacristans ~ Handmaids of the Altar Ministers of Care We will begin by sharing some time in prayerful reflection on the work of the people of God — the liturgy — and why God calls us out of the assembly to become actively involved in ministry. Following our opening prayer and reflection, we will break out into individual ministry groups to receive updates and/or clarifications and to come to a common understanding of our particular roles in liturgy. Finally, we will spend some social time with one another , get to know the persons behind the names we see on the schedules, and share some light refreshments. ** ALL VOLUNTEERS IN LITURGICAL MINISTRY ** ** are strongly encouraged to attend this evening. ** AT SACRED HEART PARISH ON FRIDAY ~ NOVEMBER 6TH ~ 7:00 P.M. This Mass is offered for All the Holy Souls, however, a special Sacred Heart candle will be given to the families of the deceased whose funerals took place at Sacred Heart Church from November 2014 thru October 2015. Letters have been sent to all the families and a response is requested. All parishioners are welcome to participate in this special celebration. Please allow extra time at this Mass as we remember our faithful departed after the homily of the Mass. We invite all parishioners and families of the deceased to share in fellowship after this special Memorial Mass. Page Four Saturday, October 24, 6P.M.~ 11P.M. Sacred Heart Moscow Center BBQ & Mexican Cuisine, Drinks (Margaritas, Beer, Wine Soda), Entertainment (Mariachis) & DJ, “Split the Pot” & Raffles Price: $50. Each Call 708.430.0428 Sponsored by Catholic Charities THIS WEEKEND Saturday, October 24th & Sunday October 25th Come by and help support your ACCW women's club and the crafters/vendors who are participating. There will be 40 tables of unique and different crafters. There also will be a refreshment table (Hot dogs, Beef sandwiches, Pizza). The craft show will be at 9:00 a.m. until 4:30p.m. on Saturday and 8:30a.m. until 2:00p.m. on Sunday. For more information call Susan Donofrio 708.974.3969. On top of spaghetti … all covered with cheese … Ahhh, did that make you think of a nice dish of spaghetti covered with gourmet Italian sauce with a big meatball sitting on top with a nice glass of red wine?! (Or Dick Biondi?!) Add a little Italian music and the camaraderie of your Sacred Heart family and it reminds you of our annual spaghetti dinner held in January when we are in the midst of our winter doldrums. It will be here sooner than you think and with the growing popularity of this event, we would like to ask your help in planning it. Please bring your thoughts and ideas to a spaghetti dinner planning meeting on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ministry Center. Ciao! Nabożeństwa Różańcowe w naszym Kościele Sacred Heart Zapraszamy na Nabożeństwo Różańcowe w naszym kościele, w każdy piątek o godz. 8 pm: Msza sw., wystawienie Najsw. Sakr. i różaniec Heavenly Music ~ FRIDAY ~ OCTOBER 30TH 7:00pm until 9:00pm In the Ministry Gym Games and Prizes All Jr. High and High School teens are invited. You are welcome to bring a friend. For more information call , Michael Lundberg, Youth Minister, 974.3336. Ex 253, or email Mike at Concert Betania Choir from Venezuela The Family of Servant of God Maria Esperanza The choir will perform live in concert on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 7:00pm. The Concert will be held at: Our Lady Mother of the Church—Polish Mission Church Located at: 116 Hilton Street Willow Springs, IL. The blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Maria Esperanza on March 25, 1984 under the title “ Mary, Virgin, and Mother, Reconciler of all People and Nations.” Servant of God Maria Esperanza (1928-2004), A modern day Catholic mystic with a message of hope. Please come to meet her husband, family, and the Betania Foundation Members and enjoy their incredible voices. For information Dominican Sisters Rosary Hill Home (708) 458-3040. This is a Free-will Donation Page Five Prayer Shawl Knitting/Crocheting Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes and distributes shawls for anyone who has a need. These shawls come with a healing blessing. If you know of anyone who could use one, please call the Ministry Center office and leave your name and telephone number. We meet this Tuesday, October 27, 9:30 A.M. 11:30A.M. Join us in the Ministry Center (Gym). For information call: Diane O’Brien 708 824-1362. Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society are meeting this Tuesday, October 27, at 2:00 pm, in the Ministry Center (St. Boniface Room.) The Lovin’ Links (married couples club) will have a meeting on Tuesday, October 27, at 7:00PM, in the Ministry Center. Please join Fr. Pat for a Bible Study session this Wednesday, October 28, at 1:00 PM, in the Ministry Center ( St. Boniface Room). PLEASE NOTE: The afternoon sessions are held every second and fourth Wednesday’s of the month. NEXT WEEKEND OCTOBER 31/NOVEMBER 1 NAWAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL PILGRIMAGE TO PORTUGAL & SPAIN Featuring Madrid and Barcelona 11 DAYS: SEPTEMBER 26 – OCTOBER 6, 2016 Visiting—Lisbon ▪ Fatima—Santiago de Compostela—Avila ▪ Madrid— Montserrat ▪ Barcelona Hosted By: FR. GREG WOJCIK Only $3199 per person from Chicago (Air/land tour price is $2589 plus $610 govt. taxes/airline surcharges) TOUR PRICE INCLUDES: Roundtrip Airfare from Chicago, $610 govt. taxes & airline surcharges, First Class/Select Hotels, Most Meals, Services of a Professional Tour Director & Comprehensive Sightseeing, All Hotel Service Charges and local tax, porterage and entrance fees. For Further information Call Fr. Greg Wojcik at 773.775.6659 or email: Page Six Dostępne materiały na temat Przemocy domowej w języku polskim 1. Akty Przemocy Domowej w Illinois oraz Biuro Prokuratora Generalnego, Lisy Madigan, która pracuje nad ulepszaniem postępowania spraw nadużyć przestępczych, redukowaniem skali przestępstw wobec kobiet oraz nad bardziej agresywnymi dochodzeniami sądowymi dotyczącymi spraw kryminalnych z nadużyciem kobiet. Po więcej informacji, włącznie z możliwoscią otrzymania ochrony policyjnej (order of protection) , zob. http:// 2. Darmowa Linia telefoniczna z pomocą dla ofiar domowej przemocy w Chicago, czynna 24 godz na dobę, telefon zaufania, który dostarcza ogólne informacje i podaje odsyłacze do poradni, pomocy prawnej i schronisk. Dzwoń (877) 863 6338, by zdobyć biegłego adwokata w sprawie przemocy domowej. 3. Polsko-Amerykańskie Zszeszenie oferuje dwa programy. Pierwszy dotyczy uczenia agresywnych mężczyn alternatywnych, bezprzemocowych metod wyrażania emocji w relacjach intymnych; drugi jest dla ofiar i ich dzieci propnując także usługi doradcze i prawne (wypełnienie papierów-raportu policyjnego, uzyskanie ochrony policyjnej (order of protection), pomoc w przeprowadzce podczas spraw rozwodowych, doradztwo w sprawie sponsorowania imigracyjnego). Po więcej informacji, kontakt: Katarzyna Olender, M. Ed. (773) 427 6331, lub e-mail Zob. również 4. Wspólnotowa pomoc Anioł Stróż, która oferuje porady, klasy rodzicielskie, interwencje powstrzymujące napastnika (dokonującego nadużycia), pomoc prawną i medyczną, tymczasowe mieszkanie. Po więcej informacji, kontakt: (815) 729 0930 albo zob. Jest też dostępna linia telefoniczna 24 godziny na dobę pomagająca w sprawach nadużyć, dzwoń: (815) 729 1228. 5. Strona internetowa: VINELink, automatyczny serwis udostępniony przez rząd Cook County, który pozwala ofiarom przemocy i zainteresowanym obywatelom sledzić status pilnowania pozwanych lub podsłuchów sądowych. Możesz się również zarejestrować, by być poinformowanym przez telefon i przez e-maila, kiedy pozwany jest zwolniony, przeniesiony, lub zbiegł, albo o zmianach statusu spraw sądowych. Po więcej informacji, dzwoń za darmo: (877) 846 3445 lub zob. Are You at Risk for Heart Disease? Fasting Cholesterol Screenings When?: Sunday, November 8th from 8 AM to 11 AM Where?: Church Narthex Hospitality Room Cost: $39 (a $200 value; cash or check accepted) Cholesterol Screenings are offered by Natural Health Solutions and include: TC, LDL, HDL, Non– HDL, Triglycerides, Glucose, and Heart Risk Ratio. Please register with Elizabeth Droel at (708) 974 3336 ext. 6. Please contact Peter Sacharczyk ay (630) 406 6783 with additional questions about the screening. Our Sacred Heart P.A.D.S. shelter is in need of men and women volunteers to help on one shift per month from October to April. Our volunteers work in teams on all shifts. The available shifts are: Fridays 10:45 p.m. to 3:00 a.m., Saturday morning 2:45 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., and Saturday morning 5:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Duties vary per shift. Our homeless guests are men, women and children. Please contact Deacon Tom and Linda at :708-598-2818 Page Seven Fall Dinner-Dance Polish Club is inviting everyone to join in thanksgiving celebration When: November 21, 2015 Where: Moscow Center Time: 7PM Donation: $35.00 Included: Dinner, Sweets, Music Cash Bar For more information please call: Jean Cikowski 708.307.9309 BJ Hejna 708.642.6375 Zabawa Dziekczynna-Andrzejki Polski Klub dzialajacy przy naszej Parafii Zaprasza wszystkich do uczstniczenia w jesiennej zabawie. Kiedy: 21 Listopada, 2015 Godzina: 7:00 wieczorem Gdzie: Moscow Center Cena: $35.00 W cenie obiad, slodycze,muzyka. Cash Bar. Po wiecj informacji prosze dzwonic: Janina Cikowski 708.307.9309 Bogumila Hejna 708.642.6375 Page Eight Dear Lord, There are young men and women far from home, called to serve their nation in time of war; sent to defend their nation in time of war; sent to defend our freedom on some distant foreign shore. We pray You keep them safe, we pray You keep them strong, we pray You send them safely home......for they have been away so long. Bless those who await their safe return. Bless those who mourn the lost. Bless those who serve this country well, no matter what the cost. A02AW/SW Bryan Finnigan, U.S. Navy Maj. Nicholas J. Di Guido, USMC Corporal Jonathon Olsen, USMC Pfc Carl Brandon, U.S. Army Cmdr. Brent Lapp, U.S.N. Cmdr. Melissa A. Vanek-Ferrin, U.S. Navy Spc. Robert Eugene King, Jr. Lt. Col. Kristen Lasica Khaner, USMC Col. Daniel T. Lasica, USAF Spc. Jesse J. Passarella, U.S. Army Major Robert Joseph Bowen, AR Major Veronica Ko, SC Lt. Cameron West, USMC Petty Officer Megan Palenik, U.S. Navy Master Chief William J. Egan, USN Sgt. Andrew Jender, USMC Staff Sgt. Joseph Hahn, U.S. Army Pfc. Jacob Hahn, U.S. Army Airman 1st Class Matthew J. Milavickas PV2 Mark R. Milavickas, U.S. Army Pfc. Nicholas Little, U.S. Army Lance Corporal William Kennedy, USMC Sgt. Justin Nolan, USMC Petty Ofc. Meghan Casey, U.S. Navy Lt. JG Steven Lungaro, U.S. Navy Master Sgt. Patrick Hegeman, USMC Sgt.1st Class Joseph M. Filipiak,10th Mnt. Div.Gunnery Cpt. Adam F. Werner, U.S. Army Pfc Robert Trevor Martinez, U.S. Army Sgt. Daniel Duffy, U.S.Army Sgt. Casey Zimmer, USMC Amn. Alex Skalski, USAF 2nd Lt Nicholas J. Lenard, U.S.Army Cpt. Tom Schueman, USMC Staff Sgt. Timothy R. Gena, USMC Petty Officer Thomas J. Murtaugh, U.S. Nav Second Lt. Amanda M. Bandurski, USAF Maj. Andrew Sedivy, MD, USAF Pfc. Daniel E. Symons, U.S. Marine Lt. Ryan Singer, U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Michael C. Lynch, U.S. Army First Lt. Amanda Sink, USAF Sgt. Brian Maszka USAF Airman Zachary Frana USAF Page Nine AROUND THE COMMUNITY Br. Rice High School Events Sunday, October 18 – Basketball Shooting Clinic 6:00PM8:00PM. Open to all boys 5th-8th grade. Fee: $10 – Includes T -shirt and Pizza. Email for more info. Open Houses — November 1, 2015 & November 22, 2015 11:00AM-1:00PM For parents/guardians and prospective students to receive an individualized tour of the school. Administration, teachers, coaches, and staff will be present to meet with families and answer any questions regarding Brother Rice and the admissions process. Mother McAuley High School Open House 9910 W. 99th St. Chicago, IL Tuesday., October 27, 2015 6:00P until 8:00P Tours begin with a presentation at 6:00P, 6:30P, and 7:00P. More information Or call Jennifer at 773.881.6558 LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY HOSPITAL Little Company of Mary is offering Wake Up Call Screening on October 24th at the hospital. It is a risk assessment of heart disease and stroke, along with a complete blood screening. Ultrasounds are done of the carotids, aorta and peripheral arteries as well as a heart rhythm screening for afib. Registration is a must; $150 required at registration Please call 708.423.5774 to set up screening. CRAFT SHOW AT ST. PATRICIA 9050 S. 86th Ave., Hickory Hills Sunday, November 8 ~ 8A until 3P We are still looking for vendors and crafters, interested get in touch with Elizabeth at or call her at 773.742.0891. VISITATION GRAMMAR SCHOOL (Chicago, IL) CLASS OF 1965 REUNION Saturday, November 14, 2015 6:00PM until 11:30 PM If interested in attending or if you would like further information please contact John Arvetis at 773.581.7800 or visit: SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE! The Chicago Lithuanian women’s club will be awarding two scholarships at their annual fundraiser on Sunday, November 8, 2015. Applicants must be of Lithuanian ancestry and reside in Illinois. For further information please call Gen Maluska at: 708.974.4924 THIS WEEK SACRED HEART MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 ~ 10:00A Soul Core Stretch ~ 5:00P Soul Core Stretch TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 ~ 9:30A Prayer Shawl Ministry ~ 2:00P St. Vincent de Paul Meeting ~ 6:30P Loss ~ 7:00P Baptismal Prep Class ~ 7:00P Lovin’ Links ~ 7:30P Queen of Peace Prayer Group WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 ~ 10:00A Soul Core Stretch (Chair) ~ 1:00P Bible Study ~ 4:30P RE GR 1, 2, 3, 4 ~ 6:30P RE GR 5, 6, 7, 8 ~ 6:30P Confirmation Enrollment THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 ~ 7:00P Lector Training ~ 7:00P BINGO FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 ~ 6:00P PADS (PC-H/K) ~ 7:00P DOOR TO HOPE (PC 5-6) ~ 7:00P Teen Halloween Party SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 HAPPY HALLOWEEN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 All SAINTS ~ 9:00A First Faith Classes ~ 10:30A Grade 7 Family Mass ~ 12:00P Baptisms All you Can Eat Pancake Breakfast Benefiting Boy Scout Troop 1373 Where: Palos Hills Community Center 8455 W. 103rd St., Palos Hills When: Saturday, Nov. 14th, 2015 Time: 8:00A – 12:00 P~ Cost: $7.00 adults $5.00 Children ages 3-11. Kids ages 2 and under free Raffle prizes available ~ Gift Card Tree Raffle/ Bake Sale Bring this ad with you to receive 5 free raffle tickets For info call Karen at 708.785.6945. Page Ten SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 7:30 AM — CATHERINE VARI SPECIAL INTENTION OF MICHAEL & ANNETTE 4:30 PM — RAMONA PRESZ MIKE CASSANO (1ST ANN.) EDWARD & LAVERNE SILEKIS EVELYN & CASIMAR REKRUCIAK SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 7:30AM — DECEASED MEMBERS OF TROY, BOLBAT, & SPALLA FAMILIES 9:00AM — SHEILA RIORDAN, ANN NAGLE ANDRZEJ BYRDAK, LARRY RILEY BAKSHIS FAMILY, MARGARET BROWNE SPECIAL INTENTION OF THERESA MONTGOMERY 10:30AM — FRANK O’NEILL, LARRY HERM 12:00PM — BERNICE BERKAWICZ, RYAN SHEEHAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 (9:00AM) GEORGE MAMPREIAN JADWIGA SKOWRONSKI (15 ANN.) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 (7:30AM) VICTORIA LAONI, SUSAN KELLY JOZEF & FRANK TOMASZKOWICZ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 (9:00AM) ED SIMCOE (10TH ANN), MARTIN HORVATH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 (7:30AM) BOB FITZGERALD, CONSTANTINE RZENDZIAN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 (9:00AM) JOANN REAMER BROGAN PETER DANIEL CURTIS, JOHN G. MURRAY, SR. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 7:30 AM — JOSEPH SAVARD 4:30 PM — EDWARD & LAVERNE SILEKIS ANTHONY GAGLIONE, ANNETTE RUSSO SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 7:30AM — GERALDINE PLAZA 9:00AM — HALINA LEONARD EVA & FELIX PAULAUSKIS ANDRZEJ BYRDAK, KATHLEEN FINNEGAN 10:30AM — RAYMOND VELASQUEZ EDWARD PIETRYLA, LARRY HERM MARTHA, ANGEL, & ZOILA CACHERO 12:00PM — ANDRZEJ RIWINSKI, WALTER PIECKO STELLA PYDYN, JANINA & FRYDERYK BASISTA RYSZARD KOREK, ANIELA BARTYZOL WANDA MALCZYK, KAZIMIERZ RZEGOST BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS TUESDAY ~ OCTOBER 27, 2015 7:00P.M. ~ Moscow Center To register, please call 708.974.3336, press O. Parents must attend class before Baptism can be set up. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 4:30 PM — Jacquelyn, Colin & Catherine Loomis SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 7:30 AM — Kaitlyn Chesniak, Ava McGuire, VOLUNTEER 9:00 AM — John Jukic, Justin Morgan, Frankie Piatkiewicz 10:30 AM — Alec & Phil Anglin, Zachary VanLoon 12:00 PM — Marcin & Damian Kowalik, Jacob Mazurek There is a promise of marriage between: III —SAMUEL KOWALSKI & MIRANDA COVIC II— MICHAEL NERI & JULIE SNORECK I—JAMES WALKER & ANNA ZYGMUND Please pray for the following: Geri Gianfrancisco, Paul Mikula, Sr., Laura Barajas, Irene Urso, Vickie Jablecki, Steve LaRocco, Lorraine Bischoff, Walter Zurek, Dorothy March, Darlene Kohn, Emmitt Hays, Lorraine Unites, Roberta Paulauskis George McCague & Son, George, Mary Ellen Walsh, Fred Medina Keith Donofrio, Doug Leonard, Christopher Connolly, Mary Busch, George Metoyer, Jane Dzielwa, Lucille Mustaccio Anthony Hatherley, Carl & Karen Bonasera, Mary Murphy, Diane Cervencik, Maria Messina, Beata Smrokowska, Joan Brya, Bernard McCarthy, Kateri Garbauski, Jim Kulikauskas, Barbara Gleige, Antoinette Paciora, Connie Jasik, Ethel Hivick, Franciszka Kojs, Concetta Cacciottolo, Rosemary Brown Bernadine Miller, Josephine Capaccio, Shirley Bonasera, Elaine Rys, Edward Rys, Margaret Sostarich, Lillian Wrobel George Smunt, Richard Pach, Catherine Cochrane, Margie Drabicki, Salvatore LaPorte, Bob Bligh, Kathy Smith Chuck Armstrong, Catherine Cochran, and Leta Miller. REST IN PEACE Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of: DAVE PAROUBEK SALVADOR “SAM” NAVARO Please pray for their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed.
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