September 20, 2015 - Sacred Heart Church
September 20, 2015 - Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Parish SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick M. Tucker, Pastor Rev. Ryszard Groń, Associate Pastor Mr. Richard Werner, Deacon Mr. Thomas Rzendzian, Deacon Directors of Religious Education Elizabeth Mikula Michael Lundberg Rita Burns, Coordinator of Liturgy Elizabeth Droel, Pastoral Associate James Grzadzinski, Pastoral Musician Michael Lundberg, Youth Minister Emmett Williamson, Business Manager PARISH CLERGY Rev. Robert F. McGinnity, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Robert R. Rohrich, C.M., Weekend Ministry PARISH OFFICES Sacred Heart Ministry Center 8245 W. 111th St., Palos Hills, IL 60465 (708) 974-3336 FAX: (708) 974-3556 Parish email: Parish website: Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8 AM - 8:00 PM Parish Secretary: Ginny Jankowicz Bulletin Editor: Ginny Jankowicz Receptionist: Steve Schanz Business Staff: Beth Mikula RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE Msgr. Moscow Center (708) 974-3900 FAX: (708) 974-3922 Religious Education Staff: Sharon Arnett Brigid Hammerstein TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12 Noon Mass in Polish at 12 Noon on First and Third Sunday Weekdays: 9:00 AM - Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 AM - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ANOINTING OF THE SICK This sacrament is offered every Monday morning after 9:00 AM Mass and/or by specific arrangement with one of the priests. BAPTISMS Baptisms in Polish will be on the first and third Sunday of each month at the 12 Noon Mass (Maximum of four allowed) and at 1:30PM (Maximum of six allowed). Baptisms in English will be on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM (Maximum of six). A Baptismal Preparation program is offered monthly. Baptism is celebrated following the completion of the program. Arrangements for the Baptismal date can be made by calling the Ministry Office. RECONCILIATION Saturdays, from 3:15 PM until 4:00 PM or by appointment. MARRIAGES The times for Marriages are: Friday at 4:00 PM and Saturday at 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM. Pre-Marriage instructions are required. Arrangements should be made, according to Archdiocesan policy, at least six months before the wedding. All wedding dates and times are not set at initial phone call, but must be confirmed by the officiating priest or deacon. INSTRUCTIONS IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH Phone Ministry Office for information. PARISH BOUNDARIES: On the north, from Will-Cook Road to Kean Ave.; 95th St., from Kean Ave. to Harlem; 99th Street; on the south, Route 83; on the east, Harlem Ave.; on the west, Will-Cook Road. Page Two September 20, 2015 SHARINGS FROM THE PASTOR The annual collection to support the archdiocesan seminaries actually helps out more than just the major seminary in Mundelein, Illinois and the college seminary (Saint Joseph Seminary on the campus of Loyola University). It also provides support for programs that help young men discern whether or not they may have a vocation to the priesthood of the Archdiocese of Chicago. While this is the obvious priority for the church of Chicago, in point of fact, this discernment process also includes reflections on religious life. Just to review: there are two categories of priests. One is of priests who are ordained to serve parishes in a certain local church. If the local church is a major one, it is called an archdiocese. If it is a smaller one, it is called a diocese. These priests are usually referred to as diocesan priests. Sometimes the term secular priest is used, although not too often any more. This term distinguishes the secular or diocesan priest from a priest that belongs to a religious order. These priests are usually already professed members of a community before they get ordained. You are familiar with Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians, Benedictines, Carmelites and so forth. These religious orders have a history that goes back to a founder who wanted to highlight a certain aspect of religious life. For the Dominicans and Franciscans, for example, the role of poverty was important in their living the religious life. These religious men (priests and brothers) live a communal life and share their belongings. In their earliest days, these religious actually went around begging for food. Thus they were called mendicants. Many of these religious communities have specialized in certain types of apostolic ministry and a few of them end up serving in parishes around the world. Because they belong to their specific community they can be sent anywhere in the world. Usually, diocesan priests work in the diocese that they were ordained for, but even here, many dioceses have taken on foreign missions and send some of their priests overseas. Since we are discussing the matter of discerning spiritual callings, let me put in a word for the ministry of the permanent diaconate. It comes as a surprise to some people to learn that in the history of the church, deacons go back further in history than do parish priests. If this surprises you, you should immediately sign up for a class in early church history. But I digress. The Second Vatican Council revived the diaconate as a permanent ministry of the church after it had been relegated to one step before priesthood in the process of priestly formation and education. You should also know that there was more than a little discussion in the council about whether or not those being ordained to the diaconate could be married or not. The answer to this was obviously “yes” since most of our permanent deacons are married. What wasn’t so well known was that some discussion was given (after the council) to the possibility of ordaining women to the diaconate. There are some references in the early church to “deaconesses.” What is not perfectly clear from the record is whether this title actually referred to women ordained to the office, or whether these were women who assisted in Baptismal and service events of the early church, or even if this was a title given to wives of ordained deacons. At this point in time, this issue continues to be discussed in various corners of the church. It is a possibility for the future, but who can say for sure when? Certainly not me! However, the issue is to suggest to some of our married men who are already involved in several ministries in the parish, to consider if this might be something you would want to explore. Please let me know if you’re even remotely interested in learning about this office and the process you would go through to become a permanent deacon. If you are interested in exploring some of the implications of the encyclical of the Holy Father on the environment and its potential for ecumenical interaction, there will be a convocation on this topic at Catholic Theological Union (5401 South Cornell, in Chicago) on Saturday, October 3 from 9 to 5. Information and registration can be obtained via: Father Pat Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Three Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace. — James 3:18 Toward the end of the second century, a churchman in North Africa, Tertullian, described an early form of penance. Imagine if it had survived! There were three steps to this very public ritual. The unfortunate sinner was brought before the community in an itchy garment of goat’s hair. The communities of the day were small and intimate, and everyone knew everyone else. The shame of exposure for a big sin—murder, idolatry, or adultery—would have been profound. The penitent would beg the community for prayers of intercession, and then go sit in a place assigned to penitents. After this public confession, the penitent would be assigned some discipline, usually a relatively severe fast, or the wearing of distinctive garb. This remedy for sin was for a certain period of time, or at least until the bishop (every small community has its own bishop) judged that enough was enough. Then the person would be readmitted to the eucharistic community, although Tertullian doesn’t tell us how. Probably the bishop tenderly placed his hands on their heads, precisely where they were anointed at baptism. We do know that the readmission of penitents to the eucharistic table became in some churches a great celebration, and there are records from Spain of bishops leading penitents in a dance‑like processional into the eucharistic hall on Holy Thursday. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. That We May Have Priests ~ Second Collection for the Seminary System ~ Archdiocese of Chicago THIS WEEKEND SEPTEMBER 19 & 20, 2015 Page Four TO TEACH Who Christ Is A $350 million campaign for strong parishes, Catholic education and faith formation in the Archdiocese of Chicago How Will Our Parish Benefit? As part of the total $350 million goal, To Teach Who Christ Is will raise a minimum of $150 million to support local needs in every parish across Chicago. Our goal at Sacred Heart is $1,125,000. We will receive 60% of the funds raised. We will also receive 100% of any funds raised if we exceed our goal. This means Sacred Heart will receive a minimum of $675,000 for our local needs when we reach our goal! Our share of the funds will be directed to improving: Church Facilities Handicap accessibility, lighting & sound system updates, reconstruction of the parking lot, new electronic sign on 111th street, creation of a meditation prayer garden, landscaping around parish campus, rug shampoo machine for all facilities Moscow Center Facilities Handicap accessibility, completion of roof work & lighting system updates Creation and Establishment of Parish & Ministry Endowments Campaign Update We have raised more than $223,300 thanks to the early commitments from a few families! Thank you for your enthusiasm, generosity, and prayers! Our To Teach Who Christ Is Team continues to invite more and more families to participate each week. Please accept their invitation and prayerfully consider how you might help. Your gift will ensure a vibrant future for our parish, and Catholic education across Chicago. Parish Goal: $1,125,000 Total Pledged: $223,300 Percent of Goal: 20% For more information about To Teach Who Christ Is, please visit You may also contact the parish office at 708-974-3336 or the To Teach Who Christ Is office at 312-5348500. Page Five CATECHETICAL SUNDAY In 1935, the Vatican published a document that asks every country to acknowledge the importance of the Church’s teaching ministry and to honor those who serve the Christian community as catechists. This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 20, 2015, and will focus on the theme “Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person.” Those whom the community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. What does the word “catechetical” mean? The word might be more familiar than you think. Most Catholics have used the word “catechism” to describe the teachings of the Church. The root word, “catechesis,” is from a Greek word which means “to echo or resound.” Catechesis is the act of echoing or resounding the Church’s teachings to the world. By definition, this expands the ministry of catechesis to each and every one of us, not just the “formal” catechists that we recognize today, but also, and especially, parents, grandparents, godparents, neighbors, and those of us who participate in the Mass each weekend. Our witness to the teachings of Jesus and Christianity are as valuable as catechesis in the classroom. So today, as we celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Vatican’s mandate to celebrate the catechetical ministry, we ask the Lord’s blessing upon all of us, but most especially upon those who have acknowledged and accepted their Baptismal privilege to catechize and proclaim the Word of God through the ministry of catechesis. t PASTOR ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Richard Groń Rev. Patrick M. Tucker PASTOR EMERITUS Robert F. McGinnity PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Elizabeth Droel DEACONS Thomas Rzendzian Richard Werner COORDINATOR OF LITURGY Rita Burns YOUTH MINISTER Michael Lundberg BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Richard & Sharon Werner R. E. DIRECTORS Elizabeth Mikula Michael Lundberg FIRST FAITH David & Geri Cody R. E. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Sharon Arnett Brigid Hammerstein Terri SooHoo Rachael Adamczyk Sharon Arnett Laura Barajas Sandra Beltz Mary Burkey Barbara Caracci Rosemary Fialek Edward Fialek Barbara Goutos Brigid Hammerstein Genevieve Jurzec Vita Latorre Angelica Lauletta Cindi Lauletta Heather Lewis Michael Lundberg Darlene Mecaskey Alexia Maldonado Elizabeth Mikula Paul Mikula Carol Mooney Tom Mooney Marilyn Noga Jeanette Owens Marina Peterson Ellen Sarna Pat Skly Kathy Smertene Terri SooHoo William Thometz Debra Werner Elizabeth Werner Besides time spent in the classroom as Proclaimers of the Word, these ministers devote countless hours in formation to keep their own faith alive and active. Many of them have received training to become certified catechists with the Archdiocese of Chicago. All of them have received abuse training to better care for the children and youth of our parish. All of them have completed a criminal background check to ensure greater safety for all. We ask you to include these many volunteers in your prayers. We ask you also to pray for the families of these ministers. By sharing their loved ones, and their time and talent, Sacred Heart is able to function in its catechetical mission. Page Six Help the Knights Help Others! The Knights of Columbus Crusaders Council #10151is sponsoring a Tootsie Roll Drive Here at Sacred Heart. THIS WEEKEND SEPT. 19 & 20, 2015 Please try to stop by after all the Masses ~ Tables will be set-up in the narthex of church and chapel hallway. Suggested Donations Are: Individual Bars: $1.00/Tootsie Roll Can: $2.00 Your donation will help to support the physically and mentally challenged kids. The Knights and Kids Thank You for your support! The Holy Name Society will start it’s first meeting of the year on Monday, September 21, starting with a Communion Service at 7 P.M. in Moscow Center, followed by a short general meeting. Fellowship, refreshments and a light dinner will be served after the meeting. For more information about Holy Name please call Dave Cody, President, at: 708.448.2030. Reminder: All officers are asked to please meet at 6:00PM Prayer Shawl Knitting/Crocheting Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes and distributes shawls for anyone who has a need. These shawls come with a healing blessing. If you know of anyone who could use one, please call the Ministry Center office and leave your name and telephone number. We meet this Tuesday, September 22, 9:30 A.M. 11:30A.M. Join us in the Ministry Center (Gym). For information call: Diane O’Brien 708 824-1362. BIBLE STUDY CLASS RESUMES WEDNESDAY ~ September 23rd Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society are meeting this Tuesday, September 22, at 2:00 pm, in the Ministry Center (St. Boniface Room.) ACCW 84TH ANNUAL FALL ASSEMBLY At 1:00 PM Please join Fr. Pat for a Bible Study session on Wednesday, September 23, at 1:00 PM, in the Ministry Center ( St. Boniface Room). The afternoon sessions meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The evening sessions meet on the first & third Thursday. The next evening session is October 1, at 7:00PM. All ladies of the Parish are invited to attend the ACCW 84th Annual Fall Breakfast with Archbishop Blase Cupich. This year’s scholarship recipient, parish presidents and 2015 Women of the Year, will also be honored. Join us on Saturday, October 24, 2015, at 9:15AM, at Belvedere Chateau, located at 8055 West 103rd St., Palos Hills. If you’d like to attend and be a part of the The Sacred Heart Religious Education Classes start Sacred Heart table, please call Sue Donofrio at this Wednesday, September 23, 2015. 708.974.3969. The cost is $30. per person/checks Grades 1,2,3,4 Start at 4:30P made payable to the ACCW. Grades 5,6,7,8 Start at 6:30P Page Seven It’s time to clean your closets and benefit the needy as well! Our Fall Clothing Drive (BUNDLE WEEKEND) is NEXT WEEKEND, SEPT. 26 & 27. Please bring your clean, useable clothing to the Sacred Heart Parking Lot, where trailers will be available to accept these items. We would really appreciate it, that the individual bags of clothing, not be too heavy. Please use more than one bag if many items are being donated as it is very difficult to lift heavy bags onto the trailer. Once again, we thank you for your generous spirit of caring and sharing! God Bless! The Sacred Heart St. Vincent de Paul Society The following were baptized at Sacred Heart Parish: MIGUEL ANDRE BORJA MAYA MARIA WALKOSZ EMILIA MARIA KOSZAREK EMMETT STANLEY WALSH We welcome these children into the Mystical Body of Christ and into our Sacred Heart Family. Autumn officially begins on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015. AUTUMN Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves! — Humbert Wolfe The Sacred Heart Welcome Committee wants to say “You’re Welcome!” to come and join us. Our next parish Hospitality Weekend will be September 26th & 27th after all the Masses. Plan to reserve a few minutes and join your fellow parishioners and visitors for some quality time and treats. The spirit of Sacred Heart Parish is one that emanates from every person who enters here – long-standing members, new families and visitors. Our Welcoming Ministry consists of individuals who wish to be actively involved in helping to animate and support this spirit. As a committee, we gather to discuss ways to help Sacred Heart be an increasingly welcoming and united parish. As volunteers, we offer our services on weekends and at other opportunities to host gatherings for refreshment and fellowship. We are looking for friendly people to join in this ministry of building the Sacred Heart Family. We encourage FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS or GROUPS to join in boosting our already great parish spirit. You can volunteer once or as often as you prefer. We are also seeking new volunteers for our Welcome Committee which typically meets on a Monday evening every two months or so. We are open to fresh ideas for making the Sacred Heart parish community the best it can be. The more, the merrier—WELCOME! If you are interested or have any questions, stop by the Gathering Room next weekend and see what’s involved. BONUS! Students looking for service hours can use this to fulfill their requirements. Page Eight We at Sacred Heart offer congratulations to Paul Mikula and Elizabeth Werner on becoming Certified Catechists of the Archdiocese of Chicago. We thank them for investing their time and effort to continue growing in their knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Faith, and the skills they will need to hand on those beliefs. Registration for First Faith is still taking place. First Faith is a pre-school religious education for four and five year old children. Your child must be four by September 1st. Classes start October 11, 2015 and run each Sunday through Mother’s Day, May 2016. The classes are held in the Parish Center during the 9:00 AM Mass. The children learn prayers, hear stories, learn songs, do crafts and activities, skits, paint, color and model with clay. We have lessons on “I’m Special,” Family, Our Senses, Our Feelings, Being Thankful, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, The Mass, Noah’s Ark, God’s Unending Love, Forgiveness, Being Different, and many more lessons. First Faith has been in existence at Sacred Heart Parish for 43 years. This is a wonderful way to introduce your child to the love God has for all of us. There is a $50.00 fee per child, which includes all supplies and a schoolbag. To register or if you have any questions please call Geraldine Cody at 708.448.2030. Page Nine LITURGICAL MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES FOR SERVICE Every weekend the Sacred Heart community comes together at Mass to celebrate all that God has done for us, especially throughout the past week. Out of this community gathering, individuals are called to minister as Lectors, Ushers, Sacristans, Altar Servers, Music Ministers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion/Eucharistic Ministers (along with the priests and deacons, the liturgy planners, those who decorate the church, and the church cleaning and maintenance personnel). Each weekend Mass utilizes the service of about 30 persons to prepare and facilitate the “work of the people,” the liturgy. Today we are appealing for your help—we are in great need of more people to come forward and assist in these ministries. If you know of someone (or you yourself) who would make a good candidate for the ministry of Usher, Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Altar Server (youth or adult), or Music Minister, please submit his/her/your name and telephone number to Rita Burns at the Ministry Center, 974-3336. Training sessions and enrichment programs are available at various times throughout the year. Some offerings follow: Training for (new) Eucharistic Ministers Oct. 5 & 12 7:00 p.m. St. Gerald, Oak Lawn (Sessions for new Eucharistic Ministers will also be held in spring, 2016.) Initial Lector Training Sept. 28 & 30 7:00 p.m. Initial Lector Training Oct. 29 & Nov. 5 7:00 p.m. St. Daniel the Prophet SACRED HEART As part of our parish’s participation in the Archdiocese of Chicago Vicariate V Ministry Commission, all programs are free to parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish, unless otherwise noted. The full 2015-2016 Calendar of Events published by the Ministry Commission of Vicariate V can be found on their website: SACRED HEART CCW DAY OF REFLECTION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 10:30AM UNTIL 2:00PM Our Daily Lives: Sacred Ground for the Journey We live in challenging times! Finding our balance and staying centered are not easy tasks for any of us. Sister Mary Ruth Broz, a Sister of Mercy and retreat director, will focus on some of the small ways that we can pause and deepen our awareness of a God who is there to meet us in all the twists and turns of our ordinary lives. The Sacred Heart Catholic Council of Women (CCW) will present this Day of Reflection in the Ministry Center, Sunday, October 4th, 10:30—2:00. Perk up your morning with coffee, juice and rolls, A delicious luncheon will also be served. Such a deal! $10.00 prepaid in the Church narthex the weekends of September 19, 20 and 26, 17. Walk-ins Sunday morning $12.00. All Ladies Welcome! Bring a Relative, Friend or Neighbor. Page Ten America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally September 21-27, 2015 Is your Parish interested in sending a group to this incredible event? Or would you like to go as an individual with a group from the Archdiocese? Marriage and Family Ministries and Faith Journeys Pilgrimage Company will be working together to go to Philadelphia for the full week participating in the Family Congress or just the weekend to experience the Papal Events. To find out more information about the pilgrimage and cost, please contact Amanda Thompson at or 312.534.8391. We will be celebrating in Chicago as well so go to to find out more information! Marriage and Family Ministries “Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!” (Our Lady of Fatima, July 13, 1917) Please join us for a Rosary Crusade on Saturday, October 10th, 12 Noon, at Sacred Heart, in front of the Rectory (street side) This Rosary Crusade takes place just three days before the 98th Anniversary of the miracle of the sun at Fatima. Come, pray with us, as we show our persevering love for Our Lady. For information call Joan Kukuk 708.430.4505. STEWARDSHIP OF OUR RESOURCES Weekend of September 5 & 6, 2015 Budgeted Collection $15,250.00 Sunday & Holy Day Collection ……... $15,119.00 YTD Weekly Collection Deficit: (-10,742.00) Weekend of September 12 & 13, 2015 Budgeted Collection $15,250.00 Sunday & Holy Day Collection ……... $14,677.00 YTD Weekly Collection Deficit: (-10,161.00) God Bless! Beth Mikula & Emmett Williamson Ladies! This year we promise that the Craft Show at Sacred Heart will be the BEST one ever! We have 40 tables and we have limited the vendors’ tables to 10 so as to allow more crafters. We also made sure there will be no duplicates. Therefore, we will have 30 tables of different and unique crafters….with these changes this show promises to be SO GOOD that we are doing it for TWO days– Saturday, October 24th and Sunday, October 25. This way if your unable to come out on Saturday, then you can come by either before or after Mass on Sunday. We will also have food available for purchase on Saturday and snacks available on Sunday. You can also purchase tickets for a huge raffle of prizes donated by the participants. Please come by and help support your ACCW women’s club and the crafters/vendors who are participating. This is a perfect time to start on your Christmas gift list. The craft show will start at 9:00A until 2:00P on Saturday and 8:30A until 2:00P on Sunday. For more information please call Susan Donofrio at: 708.974.3969. You are also invited to follow & share our facebook page featuring our crafters & vendors at: Page Eleven AROUND THE COMMUNITY Pancake Breakfast ~ ALL YOU CAN EAT! ~ Pancakes-Eggs-Sausage ~ Donations: $7 Adults/$4 Kids Hosted by: American Veterans Motorcycle Riders Assoc. (AVMRA) Sunday, September 14th ~ 8A to 12P Bremen VFW Post 2791 17147 S. Oak Park Ave, Tinley Park Contact information: John Bartosiewicz 708.917.3275 or AVMRA Chapter X is an Illinois Non-for-Profit organization. All Proceeds benefit local Veterans Assistance Programs. OCTOBERFEST AT ST. PATRICIA CHURCH 9000 S. 86th Ave., Hickory Hills Come Join The Fun Saturday, September 26 ~ 6:00P until 11:00P Admission: Adults $25., Seniors 65+ $20. Includes All You Can Eat & Drink Imperial Oak Beer Tasting-Live Music by the Wannabee’s Split The Pot & Silent Auction 2nd ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE At the Palos Metra Station 123rd Street and 82nd Avenue Saturday, September 26, 2015 Sponsored by Palos Park Woman’s Club Open to the Public 8AM –1PM Spaces available for crafters to sell hand-made items. Craft Vendor Fee is $125-Resale Vendor Fee $20. For more information call Marie 708.480.4103 or Theresa 708.671.3762. The Metra Coffee Shop will be open for coffee, etc. September is National HIV/AIDS Ethnic Awareness Day. Every 9½ minutes someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV. 25% of those infected with the virus do not know they are infected. If you do not know if you are infected you could be spreading the virus to others. Only way to know is to get tested. September 27th ~ National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Data from U.S. Centers for Disease Control show a sharp increase in the number of new infections among young (13-29) gay & bisexual men. Because of persistent and painful homophobia, stigma & discrimination people are afraid to be tested & seek treatment & healthcare. Free & confidential or anonymous testing is available. For more information / location of testing site call 1.312.948.6500, Catholic Charities/www On Sept. 27, and throughout the year, please pray for those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. THIS WEEK SACRED HEART MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 ~ 10:00A Soul Core Stretch (Chair) ~ 5:00P Soul Core Stretch ~ 7:00P Holy Name Meeting TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 ~ 9:30A Shawl Ministry ~ 2:00P St. Vincent de Paul Meeting ~ 6:30P LOSS Program. ~ 7:30P-Queen of Peace Prayer Group WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 ~ 10:00A Soul Core Stretch (Chair) ~ 1:00P Bible Study ~ 3:30P Music Rehearsal ~ 4:30P Religious Education—Grades 1,2,3,4 ~ 6:30P Religious Education—Grades 5,6,7,8 ~ 6:00P RCIA ~ 7:00P Sacred Heart Chorale (Formation Rm) ~ 7:00P TTWCI Planning Meeting THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 ~ 7:00P BINGO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 ~ 7:00P DOOR TO HOPE (AA Meeting-PC 5-6) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 ~ 4:00P St. Vincent de Paul Bundle Weekend ~ 4:30P Hospitality SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 ~ 7:00A St. Vincent de Paul Bundle Weekend ~ 7:30A Hospitality ~ 1:30 P Baptisms ACADEMY OF OUR LADY ALUMNAE REUNION Saturday, October 17 ~ 5:30P-10P/ Oak Lawn Hilton Hotel 94th Cicero, Oak Lawn 6P –8P Hors d’oeuvres Served ~ Cash Bar Tickets are $50. After Oct. 13Tickets will be $55. Campus tour /Prayer Service on Oct. 17 at 10:30A Reservations are required for the evening reunion but not for the campus tour. Graduates of Academy of Our Lady H.S. in a year ending in 0 or 5 Class will receive a special salute at the reunion. For more information call Alumnae Office 773.445.2300 or visit website Page Twelve SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 7:30 AM — JOSE SALDANA 4:30 PM — EDWARD & LAVERNE SILEKIS MARGARET RONKOWSKI HENRY & MICHAEL PERSAK FRANK O’NEILL, JOHN FRANK EDWARD & ANNE WOJCIECHOWSKI JOHN MILLIGAN, BETTY & JOHN BAHLING EDWARD REKRUCIAK, THOMAS SCAVUZZO SPECIAL INTENTION OF HAYS FAMILY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 7:30AM — JANICE BANASIAK, ERIC LORENZ 9:00AM — ANDRZEJ BYRDAK SPECIAL INTENTIONS FOR JOHN JASIK, HEALING INTENTIONS FOR SCOTT JASIK 10:30AM — EDWARD PIETRYLA, FRANK STAWOWA PAT COSENZA, MARIE MARINI LAWRENCE MC CASLAND 12:00PM — EDWARD NACKLICKE, ZOFIA PAWLAK ZOFIA KOBYLARCZYK, ELZBIETA KONOPACKI KATARZYNA & JAN NOSAL, STEFAN NAKLICKE ANTONINA & JAN FASICZKA, DANIEL NAKLICKE JACENTY FRYZLEWICZ (32ND ANN.) VITOLD, ANNA, & ARVIDAS URBANOVICH BRONISLAW, JADWIGA, & DANUTA GRABLEOSKIJE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 (9:00AM) THERESA SOCHA HEALING INTENTIONS FOR JAMES J. RYAN SPECIAL INTENTION OF MORRISON FAMILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 (7:30AM) EDWARD & LAVERNE SILEKIS DR. THEODORE WEBER WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 (9:00AM) JOSEPH BREHOVSKY ED PAULL JR., TERRI MERWICK, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 (7:30AM) CATHERINE VARI, KATHLEEN FINNEGAN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 (9:00AM) LOUIS LAONI, ERNESTINE & JOHN ZIMMERMAN SPECIAL INTENTION OF THERESA MONTGOMERY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 7:30 AM — FOR OUR PARISHIONERS 4:30 PM — JOSEPHINE WALSDORF, FRANK O’NEILL BILL MCDONALD, LENNY PETERSON JOHN & MARY ANN JERZAK (10TH ANN) EDWARD & LAVERNE SILEKIS, MARY RITCHIE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 7:30AM — JAMES BATORY. RUTH BATORY, RONALD F. MILLER, BRIDGET BRENNAN, DECEASED MEMBERS OF TROY, BOLBAT, & SPALLA FAMILIES 9:00AM — ANDRZEJ BYRDAK, ELEANOR BANASIAK LARRY RIELY, CHARLES & LILLIAN KOCH HEALING INTENTION FOR ALAN O’RSESKE 10:30AM — PATRICK FOWLER RUDOLPH & JOSEPHINE GLASNAK 12:00PM — BERNICE BERKAWICZ, FRANK VALENTE JOHN & MARAYAN JERZAK (10TH ANNIV.) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 12:00P Wedding-Patrick Biernack, Michal Sczerba 2:30P Wedding - Own Servers SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 4:30 PM — Daniel Krzysiak, Katie & Kelly Stotts SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 7:30 AM — Halie Bala, Patrick Landgraf, Ava McGuire 9:00 AM — Mia Dosen, John Jukic 10:30 AM — Alex Gmiterek, Jacqueline Perez, Michal Szczerba 12:00 PM — Patrick Biernack, Johann Cuta, Nicole Lubon There is a promise of marriage between: II—ANDRZEJ GURCZAK & NATALIA DZIUBEK II—TODD SVOBODA & BRIDGET ROHAN I—KYLE MARTINEK & CARRIE BUSCH Please pray for the following: Geri Gianfrancisco, Paul Mikula,Sr., Laura Barajas, Irene Urso, Vickie Jablecki, Steve LaRocco, Lorraine Bischoff, Walter Zurek, Dorothy March, Darlene Kohn, Verna Cavato, Emmitt Hays, Lorraine Unites, George McCague & Son, George, Mary Ellen Walsh, Fred Medina Keith Donofrio, Doug Leonard, Christopher Connolly, Mary Busch, Roberta Paulauskis, John Pavloski,Jane Dzielwa Anthony Hatherley, Carl & Karen Bonasera, Mary Murphy Diane Cervencik, Maria Messina, Beata Smrokowska, Joan Brya, Bernard McCarthy, Kateri Garbauski, Dominic Lescola, Barbara Gleige, Antoinette Paciora, Connie Jasik, Ethel Hivick, Franciszka Kojs, Fr. Anthony Adducci, Cathy Jo Werner, Bernadine Miller, Concetta Cacciottolo, & Josephine Capaccio. REST IN PEACE Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of: DEBRA ZUREK ERIC LORENZ PATRICIA PHOENIX JOSEPH PRZYBOCKI NATHAN C. LENARD MARCELLA MCFALL KATHLEEN CIOLINO JACQUELINE STARKE WALTER STARON, JR. ANDREW RATKOVICH Please pray for their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed.
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