THE APRIL WOODRIDGE WORD 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ News from Woodridge Congregational United Church of Christ woodridgechurchri.org _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ From the pastor’s desk … Although much about the resurrection invites belief, nothing compels it. Faith requires the possibility of rejection, or it is not faith. Philip Yancey – The Jesus I Never Knew As in all aspects of the Christian life, the resurrection is not a command to believe, but an invitation. Obviously, we were not eyewitnesses to the resurrection on that first Easter. Unlike the disciple, Thomas, we cannot place our “fingers in the holes in His hand or His side.” Instead Jesus said: “… blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” In the end, we are left with the decision to believe in the resurrected Christ – or not. And what could it mean to say you believe in the resurrected Christ? First, the Christian life has an endless and dynamic quality about it. That is, Jesus is a living presence and not a memory or a figure stuck in the past. “Because our Lord is a living Lord there are new wonders and new truths waiting to be discovered all the time.” (William Barclay – The Gospel of Mark) Second, the Christian life is one filled with the promise of hope, because God defeated even death. When God won the final victory on Easter morning, all were extended the invitation and hope from that moment on that “nothing again will separate us from the love of Christ Jesus, our Lord.” Holy Week at Woodridge April 13 – Palm Sunday service at 10 am … Dramatic telling of the Holy Week story with an opportunity for a prayer walk and personal devotion following the service. April 17 – Maundy Thursday at 7 pm – worship service in the Woodridge sanctuary – communion and service of Tenebrae April 18 – Good Friday – worship service at noon at Oaklawn Baptist Church, 229 Wilbur Ave, Cranston; Woodridge sanctuary open for private prayer and devotion 9 am - 4 pm; 5 pm dinner & 7 pm worship service at Harrington Hall April 20 – Easter – 3 worship services – 6:00 am Sunrise at Woodridge, outside the front doors of the sanctuary Refreshments and fellowship to follow 7:15 am Worship at Harrington Hall 10:00 am Worship with special music, a time with children and an Easter message -1- Christian Education, Children & Youth The Christian Education committee has been extremely busy lining up teachers and assistants for Unit III, writing preschool curriculum, and planning for the 2014-2015 school year. Kristine Angell has volunteered to teach the Primary class with Amanda Bombardier. Once again, we have received the help of many individuals as assistants in the Intermediate and Primary classes. Thank you to everyone! The committee has spent a great deal of time planning and preparing for the 2014-2015 school year. After looking at the ages and numbers of our current students, tentative plans have been made to create four classes beginning in September 2014, up from our current three classes. This will require the need for additional teachers starting in September as well as additional classroom space. Our lease with The Children’s Workshop allows our use of their space for Sunday school classes, which will be part of our expansion plan. The committee has decided to take a new direction in terms of curriculum. Starting in September 2014, Bible-based lessons and materials will be used in all classes. We continue to consult with Kristin Putney, the RIUCC Christian Education director, as we work through the curriculum choosing process. A final decision on what materials to use will be determined by the end of this school year. A search committee for the new Sunday School Coordinator has been formed. Laura Dillon, Paula Duffy, Marsha Southard and Debbie Therrien have met to finalize the job description, develop interview questions, and review résumés. Candidate interviews will begin at the end of March. On March 23 and 30, supplementary Communion education was provided for the Primary and older Pre-School children. A reminder that there will be no Sunday School classes held on Easter Sunday. Children are encouraged to attend church with their families. Debbie Therrien and Marsha Southard, CE Co-Chairpersons Youth Group & Confirmation News . . . The confirmation class will meet with their mentors on April 6 to continue work on their “statements of faith.” The youth group held a Movie Night on March 7 – Soul Surfer – made their own pizzas and prepared 120 pb& j’s for the men at Harrington Hall homeless shelter. In April, the youth group will help with the church “spring clean-up” and do some mission work on Good Friday. -2- From the Associate Minister of Music & Healing Finding Jesus the Christ "One man who was there had been ill for thirty-eight years." – John 5:5 Have you ever watched the show, “Dancing with the Stars”? Sometimes the most surprising people come on this show to try their skills at ballroom dancing. One person on this season’s show is Amy Purdy, who lost her legs to meningitis at the age of nineteen and managed to win a bronze medal in the recent Paralympics. And she is only 34 years old…and has two prosthetic legs! This individual was given only a 2% survival chance. Much like the man who is the subject of John’s scripture, she had the option to be made well. Yes, imagine someone asking you if you want to be made well! Jesus saw this man and had the respect for his dignity to ask him and not assume he wanted to be made well. In our world, we have homeless people whose sense of dignity needs to be honored in the same way, even though we might feel the altruistic sense that simply jumping in and saving them is the right approach. Knowing the plight of the homeless and the injured in a personal sense, I ask you if it is okay to simply jump in and “save” someone or should you respect their dignity to ask them for permission? Knowing the person, their background, and what they want in life is a great step in ministering to others. Jesus sought out those who desired the healing influence of God’s Love in their lives. Are you truly a seeker for God’s Love? If you are, know that healing and blessings are soon to be realized in your life! With you on the journey, Bob Ministries for you! • • • Review before Worship – each week we gather to “warm up” the hymns. Join us in the sanctuary at 9:30 am before worship! PrayerConnect – come join us on April 27, the Sunday after Easter, to celebrate and contemplate the journey to the cross and Jesus’ resurrection. Hallelujah Chorus – our 5th annual gathering of folks to sing that famous piece from Handel’s Messiah will rehearse 3 Wednesdays prior to Easter: April 2, 9, & 16 in the music room. No experience necessary, just come and share this time in community toward our Easter celebration!! Please contact Bob Nolan by email (nolan1213@verizon.net) or phone (401) 339-6134. Encouraging everyone to help us extend our community at Woodridge by passing the Spirit to all! -3- Lenten Bible Study … Close Encounters with Christ For Lent, the mid-week Bible study is focusing on 4 longer encounters with Jesus from the gospel of John: Jesus & Nicodemus; Jesus & the woman at the well; Jesus & the man born blind; Jesus & Mary and Martha. Pastor Scott leads the Bible study and his preaching is also focused on these same stories on the Sundays prior to each Bible study gathering. April Dates: Wednesdays, April 2 & 9 from 1:30 - 3:00 PM Hosted by: Richard and Mildred Hanson – 123 Westfield Drive, Cranston Rides? Questions? Contact Pastor Scott @ 942 - 0662 Woodridge Reads for Lent Fireflies in December by Jennifer Erin Valent Jessilyn Lassiter never knew that hatred could lurk in the human heart until the summer of 1932 when she turned 13. When her best friend, Gemma, loses her parents in a tragic fire, Jessilyn's father vows to care for her as one of his own, despite the fact that Gemma is black and prejudice is prevalent in their southern Virginia town. Violence springs up as a ragtag band of Ku Klux Klan members unite and decide to take matters into their own hands. As tensions mount in the small community, loyalties are tested and Jessilyn is forced to say good-bye to the carefree days of her youth. The first book in a series centering on the character, Jessilyn Lassister, Fireflies in December is the 2007 winner of the Christian Writers Guild's Operation First Novel contest, and a 2010 Christy Award winner. Format for Woodridge Reads … Anyone who is interested is encouraged to pick up the book summarized above (it should be easily obtained through the local libraries) and to read it at their own pace. Group discussion: April 6 (Sunday after church – 11:30 am) – And then if you would enjoy discussing the book in a group setting, Pastor Scott will lead a group discussion. Easter plants – lilies, tulips and daffodils – may be ordered through the Worship Department, to decorate the altar on Easter Sunday, and may be taken home after the service. Order forms need to be returned by April 6 and may be found enclosed or attached to this newsletter and in the church narthex. The cost is $10 (per lily) and $7.50 (per tulip or daffodil). -4- Woodridge becomes “Open and Affirming” At a special meeting on March 23, the congregation voted to approve the following covenant, to become an Open and Affirming UCC church: Open and Affirming Statement Jesus said: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27 Jesus said: “For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” Luke 11:10 We affirm each person as a child of God, worthy of God’s love and we covenant to support one another in our joys, sorrows, and spiritual growth. As a caring and welcoming community, using the Bible as a resource and the teachings of Jesus as our guide, we joyfully welcome everyone into God’s covenantal community. We believe that: “No matter who you are and where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here”, regardless of race, ethnicity, class, age, mental status, family structure, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender status or gender expression. We invite all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, blessings and joys of our congregation. We are called as Christian disciples to strengthen community, nurture hope, promote wholeness, foster healing, seek justice, and build God’s kingdom as we strive to live up to our mission statement. Submitted by the Open and Affirming Steering Committee- an on-going resource to the Woodridge congregation. Prayer Shawl Ministry We would like to remind everyone of our meeting times and also put out a request for anyone who is able to create shawls, be it knit or crochet, to please make them. We need to replenish our stock of shawls which is down to 2 at the moment. The ministry appreciates everyone who has helped in giving their time and creations to our church. If there are any questions feel free to ask Carol Kinoian or Amanda Bombardier. Meeting days and times: 2nd Tuesday of the month 12:30 pm 4th Wednesday of the month 6:30 pm -5- News & Notes Lenten Collection for Harrington Hall Men’s Homeless Shelter in Cranston – During Lent, the Service Department invites your continued support of the men at Harrington Hall by donating the following items: small travel toothpaste; tooth brush; deodorant; disposable razors; sun screen or spray; cough drops; band aids. These items are easy for the men to use at the shelter or during the day. A collection box is in the narthex outside the sanctuary. Thank you for your support. Financial Statements will be going out for the first quarter of 2014 during the first week in April. If you have an email address in the Woodridge Parish Directory, you will be receiving your statement electronically. If you do not wish to receive it this way or if your email address has changed, please notify me at your earliest convenience. All other statements will be available in the Narthex for the first two Sundays in April, and if not picked up, will be mailed to you. If there is more than one email address listed, I will randomly choose one to use. If you have a preference, please let me know. Pat Fortier, Financial Secretary 401-822-3303 or patricia1172@verizon.net Spring Clean Up … April 5 (Saturday) from 9 am – noon Come help the church clean up from the long winter and get ready for spring … rakes and everything we need will be provided by the Buildings and Grounds Department – please let Grant Southard or Rick Therrien know if you can lend a hand – thanks! THANKS TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED OUR SUCCESSFUL IRISH / ITALIAN DINNER! This year’s event was a great day of fellowship in our community for everyone. Special thanks to those who worked so hard before, during and after the dinner and also to those who baked desserts and made cash donations. Special thanks to Chef Lou Beneduce for making the food. Thanks again to everyone for yet another successful Woodridge Event. FINANCIAL RESULTS: 190 dinners served; Net profit after expenses: $1595.00 Respectfully submitted, Deb Scipione, Chairperson Membership & Fellowship -6- WOODRIDGE CHURCH FAMILY: Thank you for your prayers, love and support. The calls, cards and notes were great to receive. A special thank you to Reverend Scott for setting up the transportation schedule to take me to the treatment center. Thank you to all that provided rides. It was a great help to the Righies. I am proud and grateful to be a member of Woodridge, an open and caring church. Hope to be back with you soon. Sincerely, Jim Righie April Birthdays 1st Bessie Plouffe Rebecca Petronio 2nd Avis Morse 3rd Dorothy Caparrelli Jason Tate 6th Richard Palumbo, Jr. 8th Tom Wallace 11th Gail Pendergast Dale Miller Joe Quintiliani 12th Elizabeth Murray 13th Paula Fortier 18th 19th 20th 22nd 25th Kevin Palumbo Allison Thibault Stacey Cunningham Louise DelVecchio Joan Costigan Tim Cavanaugh & Anniversaries 8th Alan & Patty Brown 14th Rick & Debbie Therrien 22nd Richard & Carolyn Palumbo th th 26 Richard & Rebecca Petronio 25 Lou Beneduce & Lynne Sullivan Prayer List The family of David Anthony, Joan Baldwin, Rebecca Beaton, Rose Bilodeau, Jean Brooks, Richard Chartier, Glen Frank, Jennifer Goichman, Tom Greene, Darlene Hoague, Bev Morton, Carolyn Palumbo, Terry Perrotta, Judi Peters, Jim Righie, Dorothy Riley, Gail Savastano, Barbara Silvia, April Small, Nancy Sullivan, Deanna Therrien and Caleb, Lisa Tucker, Diane Van Nort, Butch, Rita. Shut-Ins: Elinor Narcessian (Scalabrini Villa, North Kingstown); Bessie Plouffe (St. Elizabeth Home, East Greenwich), Jean Salisbury (Cedar Crest, Cranston). EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING March 19, 2014 The Executive Board was called to order at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 by Moderator Ken Kinoian. In attendance were Dave Jeffrey, Pat Fortier, Courtney Lombardi, Rick and Debbie Therrien, Carmen Steinbrecher, Carol Kinoian, Deb Scipione, Ray Perrotta and Rev. Scott Spencer. Rev. Spencer led us in prayer. Prayers were offered for those who have passed away and their families as well as family members who are sick. A motion was made by Dave Jeffrey to accept the minutes of the February meeting and seconded by Courtney Lombardi. All were in favor of accepting the minutes. -7- Pastor's Report - Rev. Spencer spoke briefly about the upcoming vote on becoming Open and Affirming. A paper ballot will be used. The Deacons will be working with Bob Nolan on the Healing Ministry. A discussion took place about the newsletter. Possibly a weekly abridged version containing the minutes and a financial report could be put on the website. The cost and financing of the Mission Trip was discussed as well as funding for the organ repairs. Service - Carmen Steinbrecher reported that the Interfaith Food Pantry served 40 families, consisting of 63 adults, 19 seniors and 60 children. The Feinstein Foundation is offering to match cash donations through April 30th. On March 7th the youth group made 120 sandwiches for Harrington Hall. The collection of toiletries are still being collected in the Narthex. Salvation Army meal site needs volunteers on March 23rd and 30th. Member at Large - Dave Jeffrey had no report. Sr. Member at Large - Courtney Lombardi had no report. Worship - Carol Kinoian reported that Easter plans on underway. Cost for flowers for the Altar will be $10.00 for lilies and $7.50 for tulips and daffodils. Sign up sheets will be available on March 30th and April 6th. Membership and Fellowship - Deb Scipione reported 190 were served at the Irish/Italian Night dinner with a profit realized of $1595.00. This was less than last year. They may reduce the cost for children's meals next year. The Almost May Breakfast will be held on April 26th. Christian Education - Debbie Therrien reported that Communion Education will be addressed on March 30th and April 23rd. Sunday School classes may be split into four classes next year if they can get enough volunteers. Job Description for a C.E. Director has been prepared and a first interview is set up. Curriculum is being discussed. Debbie asked if there was interest in doing another plant sale at Stamp Farms. It was decided to do so because of the minimal amount of work involved. Debbie will contact Stamp Farms. Stewardship, Buildings and Grounds - Rick Therrien reported a rough draft is being drawn up regarding Bereavement Giving. Sandra Lanni offered to help. Some lighting has been repaired and work continues on the hallways. Yard cleanup has been scheduled on April 5th from 9-12 PM. Ray asked if the filters in the furnaces are being changed. Rick will check on that. Courtney asked about updating the directional signs in the hallways. Treasurer's Report - Ray Perrotta presented his monthly report. Income is under budget and Utilities are over budget. New Business - Carol Kinoian asked if we were going to develop a cancellation policy re: snow storms. A discussion took place. A motion to adjourn at 8:35 PM was made by Rick Therrien and seconded by Deb Scipione and unanimously approved by the members present. Respectfully submitted, Patricia E. Fortier -8- -9- INCOME AND EXPENSE SUMMARY January thru February 2014 BUDGET ACTUAL OVER + UNDER - 0 1,810 14,770 15,729 100 32,409 0 1,726 13,122 14,674 154 29,676 0 -84 -1,648 -1,055 54 -2,733 INCOME FUNDRAISING OFFERINGS PLEDGES RENTALS COFFEE HR. TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES CHURCH MAINTENANCE INSURANCE MORTGAGE OFFICE PAYROLL TAXES / SERVICE UTILITIES RI UCC MINISTER DIACONATE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MEMBERSHIP / FELLOWSHIP WORSHIP VANGUARD ENDOWMENT FUND REV. SIMONSON TRAVEL TOTAL EXPENSES 3,040 0 1,710 4,268 553 4,448 0 17,711 50 220 66 3,368 1,340 30 36,804 2,825 86 1,710 4,189 505 5,566 0 17,558 0 237 20 3,257 1,340 0 37,293 OVER UNDER + 215 -86 0 79 48 -1,118 0 153 50 -17 46 111 0 0 -489 NET SURPLUS (+) OR LOSS(-) -4,395 -7,617 -3,222 RECEIVED DISBURSED 572 NON BUDGETED INTERFAITH FOOD MINISTRY MEMORIAL FUNDS MISSION DONATIONS DEACONS FUND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION SERVICE COMMITTEE CHURCH SCHOOL UCC PLEDGED SUPPORT (OCWM) PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY CHRISTMAS OFFERING 200 284 36 504 10 25 572 299 335 Please note: When making a contribution for Sunday’s flowers, please make your check ($30) payable to “Woodridge Church”, noting “flowers” on the memo line – and give it to a Worship Committee member. Thank you. - 10 - Find us on Facebook: facebook.com/woodridgecongregational THE WOODRIDGE WORD ~ April 2014 Published by: Woodridge Congregational United Church of Christ Cranston, Rhode Island 02920 woodridgechurchri.org Rev. Scott Spencer, Pastor Robert Nolan, Associate Minister of Music and Healing Dan Blackford, Administrative Assistant 401-942-0662 / 942-0654 woodridgechurch@verizon.net revscottspencer@gmail.com