Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras
New Orleans Public Library To practice fun activities for building early literacy skills find an EVERY CHILD READY TO READ workshop near you. Sign up for our weekly email Children’s Program & Event Listings on our website -‐ Storytime Anytime Mardi Gras What are the colors of Mardi Gras? Answer: Purple, Green and Gold Go to the Mardi Gras (by R. Byrd a.k.a. Professor Longhair/T. Terry) You will see the Zulu King Get your ticket in your hand While you stroll in New Orleans If you wanna go through New Orleans Down on St. Claude and Dumaire You know, you'll see the Zulu King You ought to go see the Mardi Gras Get your ticket in your hand Down on St. Claude and Dumaire If you go to N ew Orleans If you wanna go through New Orleans An if you stay right there You ought to go see the Mardi Gras You know when you get to New Orleans When you see the Mardi Gras I'm sure you'll see the Zulu Queen. Somebody'll show you the Zulu King Somebody'll tell you what's Carnival for D.J. and the Zulu Parade by Denise Walter McConduit Dinosaur Mardi Gras by Dianne de Las Casas Jenny Giraffe’s Mardi Gras Ride by Cecilia Dartez Mardi Gras Mask: 1. 2. 3. Color or paint template Glue finished mask onto light cardboard, i.e. cereal box, cardstock; Finish decorating with g litter, sequins, feathers, stickers, anything you have. Cut out mask, including eye holes (adult job) 4. Optional: Tape together two straws and tape them to the side of the mask as a handle for the mask. For more mask ideas visit: http://www.dltk-‐ Search: Mardi Gras Masks