Campus High School


Campus High School
February, 2011
Dear Parents,
Campus High School
A tradition in excellence!
I want to welcome the
eighth grade parents to
Campus High School
as we begin to prepare
for the 2011-12 school
year. February is the
month when we begin
planning in earnest for
the next school year. In
practical terms this
means that it is time for
8th grade enrollment.
This year we are again
inviting all students and
their parents to meet
with faculty members
for enrollment. In the
next few weeks you
and your son/daughter
will be invited to enroll
on Feb. 16 and 17 for
the 2011-12 school
year. We hope that
conferences will be a
time when you and
your son/daughter can
map out a plan for future academic work.
This is a great time to
sit down with your son/
daughter and discuss
future academic plans
with the help of a Campus faculty member.
Mrs. Voss, our senior
counselor, has included
an outline of the three
separate graduation
plans that are most
commonly used at
Campus for students in
graduating classes
from 2012-2014. Also
included are the new
requirements beginning
with the graduating
class of 2015.You can
talk with your son/
daughter and map out
the next few years
based on their plans
after high school.
the students that
achieved honor roll
status after first semester. Many times we do
not pay enough attention to the many outstanding students at
Campus High School.
Please take note of the
honor roll students
listed in this newsletter.
Thanks for your continued support of our faculty and staff as they
work to give your student the best education
possible. Parents and
school working together can prove to be
a powerful, positive
force in the life of your
Sincerely yours,
Myron Regier
Congratulations to all
Collaboration Schedule (last day of school each week)
Inside this issue:
Special points of interest:
2011-2012 Enrollment
Project Graduation
KS Qualified Admissions Fact
Hearing & Vision Screening
Curriculum Requirements
ACT Prep Class
1st Semester Honor Roll
Summer Drivers Education
Spring Sports
Get Fit to Benefit Competition
WSU Concurrent Enrollment
 Changes in graduation requirements
Queen of Courts
Summer School
Perfect Attendance
 1st Semester Honor Roll
Freestyle Photos
State Thespian Conference
Volunteers Needed
Junior News to Know
Student Council Community Service
Need Money for College?
Band Annual Plant Sale
 2011-2012 Enrollment Conferences
 Summer Drivers Education information
 Queen of Courts Activities
 Summer School Questions/Answers
2011-2012 Enrollment
To better meet the individual
needs of all students, the CHS
enrollment process underwent
an extreme make over several
years ago. The changes were
very well received by both parents and students. The process
keeps students better informed
and parents more involved in the
enrollment process. Recently,
students have been discussing
future goals, studying their his-
torical grades, graduation progress and have started looking
at enrollment choices with their
Advisory/Seminar teachers over
the last couple of weeks. Advisory/Seminar teachers are currently contacting parents to
schedule enrollment conferences with students and parents
during the spring conferences
Feb. 16-17. Conference times
will be scheduled Wednesday,
Feb. 16 from 5:00-8:00 pm, and
Thursday, Feb. 17 from 8:00
am. to 8:00 pm. Advisory/Seminar teachers will also
provide parents with their student’s results from the EXPLORE, PLAN and Practice
ACT Tests from this fall. CHS
counselors will be available for
students and parents with additional enrollment concerns.
Project Graduation
You may be asking yourself
“What is Project Graduation?”
Project Graduation is an allnight, alcohol & drug free celebration for the graduating seniors. It is organized and hosted
by parents/guardians, who,
through the use of community
contributions and their resources, parent donations, and
fund-raisers gather the necessary funds to pay for the event.
The festivities will be held at the
CHS gym on Sunday night, May
22. Reservations and a parent
signature are required to attend
the event. Forms will be avail-
able in the spring for placing resschool officials, and security
ervations. Check-in time will be
11:00 p.m. Parents will be notiHow can you help?
fied, if the senior is signed up,
Your participation is crucial to
but failed to check in by midthe success of Project Graduanight. Seniors will be “locked in”
tion. Our goal is to have as
and must remain at the party
many parents/
guardians participate
in any way. We need
The upcoming meeting schedule
everyone to help colis: Feb. 7, Mar. 15, Apr. 4, and May
lect donations, moneparental 9. All meetings will be held in the
tary or door
permisprizes. Checks can be
PE Classroom at 7:00 pm.
sion to
made payable to
Campus HS Project
has been secured. The students
will be chaperoned by parents,
Hearing & Vision Screening
In February, health personnel
will be doing hearing and vision
screening of all 9th and 11th
graders, special education students, and new students at
Campus. Parents of students
who are found to have any vision or hearing difficulties will be
notified by mail. If you have any
questions or concerns, you may
call the Campus Health Aide,
Mary King, at 554-2236, or the
district school nurse, Mary Carr,
at 554-2200.
Break) in preparation for the
April 9th test. Students who are
interested in taking the prep
class may pick up an enrollment
form in the counseling office.
There will be a registration fee of
$10 for the class. For additional
information or questions, please
call Caylene Burns at 554-2236,
ext. 1215.
ACT Prep Class
Campus High School will offer
another ACT Preparation course
this spring. Classes will take
place on Wednesdays beginning
February 23 and ending April 6th
(no class the week of Spring
Page 2
Summer Drivers Education
There will be TWO Sessions of
Driver Education held this summer at Campus. The first session will be held May 31 thru
June 28. The second session
will be held July 5 thru August
3. Both sessions will have an
AM and PM class. The AM
classes will meet from 7:3010:00 and the PM classes will
meet from 12:00-2:30 for each
session. They will be held at
Campus High School in I05.
All students who enrolled in
Summer Driver Education
must be at least 14 years of
age on or before May 20, 2011.
Enrollment for Summer Driver
Ed will be held at the same time
as enrollment for next school
year on February 16 from 5 pm
to 8 pm and February 17 from 8
am to 8 pm.
have to go to the other class in
each session.
Students need to pick up an application form and have it completed before the enrollment
dates. You will be able to pick
them up in the Campus Counseling Office or the Middle
School Counseling Offices beginning February 1, 2011.
After the students are enrolled
and accepted in either session,
they must have a State Driver
Education Permit (DE99). This
part of the enrollment will be
done on April 20 at 7:00 pm in
the CHS commons. The student and a legal guardian
MUST be present to complete a
legal application for a Driver
Education Permit. (Space is limited to the student and legal
guardian.) It is also recommended that the student get an
Instructional Permit at the DMV
before the class starts.
Students enrolling for Summer
Driver Education must bring the
application form completed,
along with the fee of $200, at the
time of enrollment. You will need
to pay this fee to Cindy Patry at
the Campus High School Office.
You may sign up for the 7:30 to
10:00 or the 12:00 to 2:30 class
in either session, but if one class
is full, (68 students) students will
If you have ANY questions, please contact Mr. Bressler or Mr. Bernstorf at
Campus High School.
Get Fit to Benefit Competition
This past fall, Campus High
School and the USD 261 Administration Building participated
in a friendly weight loss competition call “Get Fit To Benefit.” For
each pound a participant lost,
he/she would donate at least
one dollar to the Haysville Boys
and Girls Club. The program
was implemented by the Cam-
pus High School Wellness Committee to promote a healthier
lifestyle while benefiting a local
community organization. The
program had over 50 participants and it raised $262. The
Administration Building won the
team competition by having the
highest weight
loss average per
person. Individual winners were
Rhonda Kilmer and Perry Warden. The CHS Wellness Committee would like to thank all
those who competed in “Get Fit
To Benefit” and to everyone who
donated to the Boys and Girls
with member
and other club
needs. We
have 86 students currently
in BGC and are rapidly growing.
Because of you and other generous donors, we accept all mid-
regardless of
their ability to pay. All the Haysville BGC kids and staff greatly
appreciate you!
Thank You
The 21st CCLC Haysville Boys
& Girls Club would like to say a
big THANK YOU to all the staff
at Campus High School and the
Administration building who participated in the recent Biggest
Loser Challenge Fundraiser for
our club. Thanks to your efforts,
$262.00 was raised to assist
Page 3
Queen of Courts -- Dr. Seuss is on the Loose
Queen of
Courts is
fast approaching.
To kick off
the festivities the Pep
was held
on Thursday, Feb. 3.
The theme
this year is “Dr. Seuss is on
The Loose” . Early Tuesday
morning (6:00 am), Feb. 8, students will be decorating hallways, each with a different Dr.
Seuss book as their theme:
Freshmen have B-hall (Green
Eggs and Ham) , Sophomores
have C-hall (Cat in the Hat),
Juniors have D-hall (Horton
Hears a Who), and the seniors
have E-hall (Oh, the Places
You’ll Go). Everyone is encouraged to get involved and show
their school pride by dressing up
as follows: Monday, Feb. 7 - Pajama Day - Crawl out of bed and
come to school in your PJ’s;
Tuesday, Feb. 8 - Crazy Hat
Day - Find the craziest hat you
can (a Cat in the Hat one would
be a good
Feb. 9 - Twin
Day - find a
friend and
dress alike,
Feb. 10 - Will You Still Be My
Friend If I Dress Like This Day hmmm, how crazy can you get?;
and Friday, Feb. 11 - Spirit Day Support the CHS Colts and wear
your Black & White. To introduce this year’s candidates the
formal assembly will be held on
Feb. 9 during seminar. The King
candidates are: Alex Alvarez,
Chase Blaha, Zach Chrisman,
Micah Hancock, Dwight Johnson, and Brett Thomas. The
Queen candidates are: Hannah
Ackley, Samantha Amos, Jessica Coleman, Brooke Harrison,
Ashley Ingram, and Shelby
Welch. The basketball games
against Hutchinson will of
course be held Friday night with
the coronation ceremony happening between the V girls and
V boys games
7:15). The
weeks activities will wrap
up with the
Dance which
follows the
games in the
CHS commons. The Dance will
conclude at 11:30 pm. The cost
of admission is $5 and the attire
is casual.
2010-11 1st Semester Perfect Attendance
This is a list of students who attended school or school related
events every day last semester: William Alvarez, Robert
Baker, Brianna Bernaerts, Lauren Bohne, Bryan Braden, Jon
Brown, Sean Bryant-Thomas,
Brittni Carron, JJ Chanthivong,
Somath Choup, Brandon Cline,
Dorene Creech, Dylan Davenport, David Dorrell, Maddison
Downs, Keli Dryden, James
Duncan, Logan Ellithorp, Dylan
Fletcher, Richard Floyd, Mercedes Fudge, Connor Garrison,
Brittany Gates, Jace Gehlen,
Ally Gingraux, Isabel Gingraux,
Paula Gourley, William Green,
Page 4
Justice Harlmon, Tanner Hayes,
Kody Smallwood, Gavin Stout,
Steven Howerton, Victoria HutBrody Sullivan, Katie Traudt,
chinson, James Hymer, Jordan
Moises Trevizo, Trace Vaden,
Keck, Kaitlyn Keck, Alyson Krier,
Bradley Vandegrift, Matthew
Johnathon Labelle,
VanDorn, Chad
Joseph Lantz, Kayli
Vaught, KimLantz, Gen Li, An
berly Widener,
“Teachers open the
Ma, Zachary
David Widger,
door, but you must
Magee, Jordan
Garret Wiesner,
Mendenhall, ThoBrittani Williams,
enter by yourself."
mas Moore, Jacob
Christian Wil-- Chinese Proverb
Morse, Joseph
son, Thomas
Morse, Eric Nelson,
Cassandra Nguyen,
CleoAnne WortLucas Payant, Kole Poynter,
han, Yesenia Ybarra, and AmKristi Praseuth, Teresa Sam,
ber Zavala
Suzette Sandoval, Tawny
Schoenecker, Kirsten Scroggins,
CHS Mane Stage Theatre Takes Century II By Storm
Campus Mane Stage &
Thespian Troupe #573’s theatre
production of A Christmas Carol
was submitted this past fall in
the Kansas High School Thespian State competition. This
conference is the Kansas Theatre Activity Association version
of State finals. Four schools are
chosen each year, through an
adjudication process, as the top
performing programs in the
state. In Campus’ 50 year history, the theatre department has
never been selected in the top
four to perform at the State Conference. It is with GREAT pleasure that we announce, Campus
High Theatre Department’s production of A Christmas Carol
was selected to perform at the
2011 State conference which
was held at Century II January
20-22. Scores and comments
were reviewed over the holiday
break and Campus tied with
Pittsburg High school for first
place with a high score of 98 of
the top 4 schools selected.
Campus was given one of two
prime time evening slots to perform on Jan. 21st @ 7:30 pm.
The performance day was a
long, exciting and exhausting
one; the cast & crew of 38
7:30, the cast gave one of their
loaded set/props and costumes
best performances; when they
by 7:15 am into a moving van
took their bow at 9:00 pm the
and car trailer. We arrived at
audience gave them a standing
Century II @ 8:00 am, unloaded
applause. We all gave out a
in the basement of the complex
cheer backstage, then out of
and had everything moved up to
costumes and started striking
the main concert stage by 9:30.
set at 9:30. We had the set disWe started the process of remantled by 10:30 pm and
building our set, by 10:30 am we
loaded back on the truck in the
had the turn table back together.
basement by 11:30. We arrived
By 12:00 we had all the walls
back at Campus by midnight
back up. After lunch we trimmed
unloaded by 12:30 am, Wendy’s
the walls, rebuilt the tomb and
hamburger at 1:00 am and hit
doors, gelled the
the beds by 2:00
lights and tested
Thespian Troupe #573 gets a
sound. At 3:30
chance of a lifetime. Their
we ran a cue to
cue for lighting
performance of “A Christmas
out to the cast and
and sound and
crew of A ChristCarol” received a standing
were able to
mas Carol, Camwrap by 5:00 pm.
pus Alumni, SterAt 5:30 we
ling College stustarted spraying the actors for
dents and parent volunteers who
the grey black & white makeup
helped us throughout the day. It
stage effect, by 7:00 we did our
was a once in a life time experitraditional circle back stage for
ence for the Campus theatre
last minute notes. Mr. McGlynn
students to perform on the Censhared a poem with the cast &
tury II stage. Please join us in
crew and the students presented
congratulating the students on a
him with a plaque. We then
job well done, they played their
closed out with the traditional
parts well.
prayer and a song verse from
the play Gypsy). Curtain rose at
“An Old Irish Theatre Blessing”
May the curtain rise to meet you,
May the technical crews always be at your back,
May the stage lights shine warm upon your face,
May the laughter and applause fall softly upon your ears,
And until we meet again,
May you hold the audience in the palm of your hand,
As the Lord holds you in His.
Good Show
Campus Mane Stage
Love, An Old Irishman
Mr. McGlynn
Page 5
Junior News to Know
Wichita Bar Association Summer Internship: Applications
due by Feb. 19 - This internship
is open to any high school junior
who has a 2.8 or higher GPA
and is interested in a law career.
This is a paid internship through
a Wichita Law firm. Competition
for these positions is tough, but
it will be worth it if you are accepted. Details are available in
the counseling office.
KU Junior Days: Students can
learn about life at KU by visiting
the university on one of their
Junior Days. The event will allow
them to begin investigating if KU
is the place for their post high
school education. Registration
forms can be picked up in the
counseling office or you can reg-
ister online at www.admissions.
K-State Junior Days: Learn
about life at K-State by visiting
the university on one of their
Junior Days. Check in the counseling office for a registration
form or visit their website for
more information,
Boys State / Girls State: Any
junior interested in attending this
annual event needs to fill out an
application. The deadline is
March 31 and you can pick up
the form in the counseling office.
To be eligible a student must
rank in the top half of the junior
class and be involved in extracurricular activities.
Cadet Law Enforcement Academy: This academy helps Juniors gain knowledge regarding
the training and responsibilities
of Law Enforcement Officers.
Interested Juniors should pick
up an application in the Counseling Office.
Fort Hays State University Nightingale Experience:
This is a two day event sponsored by the FHSU Department
of Nursing focuses on careers in
Nursing. This event is scheduled
for March 10-11. Interested students should pick up an application in the CHS Counseling Office. Space is limited, application
deadline is February 15th.
Need Money for College?
Parents: Do you have questions
about financial aid? Do you not
know where to turn for help financing your students post high
school education? Many resources are available to you this
month. Please put the following
events on your calendar and
plan on attending so you can get
the answers to all of your questions.
 February 13, 2-4 pm, College
Goal Sunday at Newman University. The event will be held
at Eck Hall. Volunteers will be
available to help students and
parents sort through all of the
FAFSA information.
 February 16, 5-8 pm, FAFSA
help for parents and students
will be offered at Campus
High School. Computers will
be set up in the counseling
office for your use in filing the
Campus will offer the Armed
Services Vocational Aptitude
Battery (ASVAB) March 11th,
8:00 am at Campus High
School. The ASVAB is free to
any Junior or Senior, the test is
used to determine career aptitudes and is the primary screenPage 6
FAFSA form. Counselors will
be available to answer your
questions. If you have questions, or do not have internet
access at home, this is your
chance to get help filing the
FAFSA form. You will need a
PIN (which we can get for you
that night) and your 2010 tax
information in order to complete the form.
ing tool for entrance into the
United States Military. Interested students may sign up with
Mr. Hook in the Campus Counseling Center at 554-2240 or by
Students taking the ASVAB will
have no military obligation.
School will not be in session
on Friday, Feb . 18 for the
Conference Release Day and
Monday, February 21 for
President’s Day.
Page 7
Curriculum Requirement Form
3 Commonly Used Graduation Plans
4.0 Credits in English
1.0 9th Grade
1.0 10th Grade
1.0 11th Grade
1.0 12th Grade
4.0 Credits in English
1.0 9th Grade
1.0 10th Grade
1.0 11th Grade College Bound
1.0 12th Grade College Bound
4.0 Credits in English
1.0 9th Grade
1.0 10th Grade
1.0 11th Grade College Bound
1.0 12th Grade College Bound
3.0 Credits in Math
1.0 Math Standards
1.0 Algebra I
1.0 Geometry
1.0 Algebra II
1.0 Integrated Math I
1.0 Integrated Math II
3.0 Credits in Math
1.0 Algebra I
1.0 Geometry
1.0 Algebra II
4.0 Credits in Math
1.0 Algebra I
1.0 Geometry
1.0 Algebra II
1.0 Trigonometry or Calculus
1.0 AP Statistics
3.0 Credits in Science
3.0 Credits in Science
3.0 Credits in Science
1.0 Physical Science (Lab Studies,
Chemistry, Physics, Science of Technology)
1.0 Biology
1.0 Science Elective
1.0 Physical Science (Lab Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Science of Technology)
1.0 Biology
1.0 Chemistry or Physics
1.0 Biology
1.0 Chemistry
1.0 Physics
3.0 Credits in Social Science
0.5 World Studies
1.0 World History
1.0 US History
0.5 American Government
3.0 Credits in Social Science
0.5 World Studies
1.0 World History
1.0 US History
0.5 American Government
3.0 Credits in Social Science
0.5 World Studies
1.0 World History
1.0 US History
0.5 American Government
*1.0 Credits in Fine Arts (Forensics,
Fine Arts, Art Education, and/or Music
*1.0 Credits in Fine Arts (Forensics,
Fine Arts, Art Education, and/or Music
*1.0 Credits in Fine Arts (Forensics,
Fine Arts, Art Education, and/or Music
1.0 Physical Education
1.0 Physical Education
1.0 Physical Education
1.0 Credit in the following: Computer
Technology, Computer Applications I &
II, Research Drafting, or Basic Programming.
1.0 Credit in the following: Computer
Technology, Computer Applications I &
II, Research Drafting, or Basic Programming.
2.0 Credits of the same Foreign Language
Completion of Integrated Math I and Integrated Math II can be substituted for
Algebra I only.
2.0 GPA is required in the classes listed
10.0 Credits of Electives
25.0 Total Credits
* Effective with the Class of 2009
Page 8
9.0 Credits of Electives
25.0 Total Credits
7.0 Credits of Electives
25.0 Total Credits
2010-2011 1st Semester Honor Roll
3.5 or higher GPA
12th Grade:
Abbott, Kailey L
Ackley, Hannah L
Amos, Samantha K
Archibeque, Danielle A
Babick, Megan D
Brown, Casandra L
Brungardt, Brittany K
Cain, Megan F
Camp, Nicole R
Chanthaboury, Christina D
Chilcote, Kaitlyn E
Cielo, Shaunda N
Clem, Kaleigh D
Cook, Joshua L
Corbett, Sara M
Crow, Kelsey A
Denning, Katie
Desormeaux, Austin G
Dewitt, Elizabeth M
Dickey, Brooke A
Dorrell, David K
Dorsey, Danica AN
Dotson, Destiny L.E.
Dye, Kayla J
Elder, Kara K
Friess, Amber A
Gary, Kyle B
Gehlen, Joseph C
Green, William D
Greene, Nicole M
Greenup, Robin M
Harris, Clinton J
Harrison, Brooke M
Hertel, Jessica N
Ho, Trung N
Howerton, Steven C
Hummel, Shonna L
Ingram, Ashley T
Jennings, Morgan D
Johnson, Brittany R
Johnson, Dwight E
Johnson, Logan A
Jones, Amanda K
Jones, LeRoy B
Kimble, Emily M
Lowe, Katherine J
Maley, Katie M
Mattal, Mallory J
McCluer, Kyle
McKee, Rachel L
McLendon, Ryan E
Meier, Alec J
Moran, Steven A
Murray, Lindsay J
Nguyen, Quang V
Paddock, Joshua J
Pennick, Tyler W
Page 9
Pinkston, Adam T
Ribaudo, Shawn G
Richter, Tiffany L
Roberson, Tyler M
Rogers, Shane E
Rusch, Calvin B
Schraeder, Logan B
Segovia, Jonathan
Shaver, Jon C
Shear, Jeremy M
Shipman, Jackie L
Spence, Ashley D
Stanley, Micol J
Stowe, Tessa N
Talbert, Dylan T
Temaat, Priscilla D (Pat)
Thompson, Nicole K
Troutman, Sharon A
VanDorn, Matthew C
Walker, Maggie N
Ward, Cassandra A
Ward, Samuel A
Way, Becca R
Whitmer, Mitchel J
Winans, Kimberly D
Winkler, Aubrey C
Witt, Justin A
Worthan, CleoAnne M
11th Grade:
Alligier, Joey B
Amposta, Hadaza
Atterberry, Caitlin N
Bailey, Levi C
Barnum, Alexandra
Beard, Cody L
Berry, Delana P
Blaine, Melissa R
Brawner, Cody R
Bruner, Ashley N
Carron, Brittni N
Clayton, Brandon E
Cline, Brandon R
Corbin, Christopher M
Cowell, Samantha J
Cox, Nicole L
Delzer, Jenna B
Downs, Maddison R
Dugan, Starla L
Eastman, Brandon M
Elliott, Taylor L
Everett, Patty WJ
Finch, Chris J
Fitzsimmons, Joshua A
Fleming, Natalie G
Fudge, Mercedes Ann Marie
Gates, Brittany A
Green, Amanda L
Grubb, Cheyenne L
Hall, Elizabeth R
Hill, Courtney M
Hoover, Alyssa M
Hubeli, Joshua C
Hutchison, Victoria Michelle
Johnson, Emily E
Keais, Lindsey R
Keck, Kaitlyn J
Keirns, Bryant H
Keller, Brittney A
Kelly, Christopher M
Knight, Taylor L
Krier, Alyson R
Krier, Ashley G
Ley, Amanda N
Love-Hoffman, Sunshine R
Mackey, Asia L
Mann, J.Konner
Maynor, Kali K
McGrath, Christopher R
Mills, Kourtney S
Morales, Elizabeth
Moutray, Lauren A
Myers, Blake A
Neal, Dalton
Nye, Benjamin G
Oliver, Zachary R
Pin, Cameron W
Reese, Rachael A
Richardson, Kyle
Schmeidler, Robert B
Schoenecker, Tawny R
Shinkle, Zackary J
Smallwood, Briana L
Smith, Kyle R
Stewart, Blain A
Taylor, Jeffrey A
Thompson, Lucas A
Trask, Haley N
Traudt, Meghan A
Turner, Gus W
Vickers, Kali R
Viecelli, Kaitlin, M
White, Shelby L
Will-Gallegos, Helen M
Wilson, Thomas E
Winter, Kristen M
Woelk, Emry A
Yahya, Morgan T
10th Grade:
Agnew, Abigail L
Agnew, Vivian G
Balekova, Zuzana
Bettles, Shelby K
Betzen, Heather M
Bohne, Lauren A
Bond, Katlyn D
Brady, Maria Lourdes Soysa
Burdick, Breanna N
Byers, Brady M
Caire, Ashley M
Capoun, Jacob A
Choup, Somath
Clark, Bailey A
Coleman, Kelly R
Dailey, Lauren M
Dorsey, Krystal A L
Dull, Emily J
Dye, Mylissa A
Edwards, Marissa J
Ellis, Jessica L
Esparza-Ballin, Saul
Findley, Miryah
Flax, Emily E
Gorton, Kaitlyn M
Gourley, Paula M
Green, Brittney N
Guerra, Victoria R
Guerrero, Keiera R
Hake, Genevieve T
Hauserman, Dhonovan D
Hays, Nikki L
Heflin, Libby D
Holder, Jazmine W.R.
Hovey, Brianna K
Howerton, Ryan E
Iraggi, Forrest A
Iribe, Courtney L
Janes, Taylor M
Johnson, Taylor J
Kackley, Krisha K
Klein, Bailey C
Lampkin, Justin R
Langerman, Sophia G
Lively, Mercedes L
Lo, Audrey
Long, Whitney R
Mader, Megan M
Mazas, Milca G
McCaffree, Aurora M
McIntosh, Shawn H
Meier, Madeline I
Miranda, Ian S
Mitchell, Jordyn M
Moore, Kaitlin H
Moore, Thomas P
Nett, Taylor P
Newton, Karissa D
Nguyen, Christina L
Noel, Danielle J
Ornelas, Christina B
Owens, Haleigh R
Peacock, Navante K
Petersen, Sarah R
Porsch, Heather L
Ragan, Kathryn L
Ribaudo, Samantha J
Roberts, Chalon E
Roush, Caitlin C
Sanchez, Kylie R
Sanders, Dalton W
Saucedo, Marcus B
Schlecht, Alexis B
Steven, Abbie R
Stewart, Kimberly K
Sullivan, Brody M
Surland, Christopher T
Talbert, Tommy M
Thompson, Joseph D
Tomlinson, Patric D
Traudt, Katie C
Trenkle, Abigail M
Warren, Erica D
Weilert, Kayla D
Wilson, Amanda R
Wofford, Audrianna R
Wood, Samantha F
Ybarra, Yesenia A
Yeager, Gabrielle
Zavala, Amber B
Zerr, Jared T
9th Grade:
Alarcon, Elijah A
Amposta, Christian
Anderson, Kori M
Apsley, Dominque
Archibeque, Benjamin J
Ayer, Logan W
Bosley, Brianna L
Bruemmer, Joseph M
Burke, Susan E "Betsy"
Cardinale, Savannah M
Carlson, Brent M
Chanthaboury, Katie C
Conley, Jerrod C
Cowell, Jessica S
Cruz, Isaac
Daniel, Katelin R
Davenport, Dylan M
Davis, Anastasia M
Davis, Sydney N
Docter, Brandi L
Dugan, Dakota L
Dull, Kristen D.
Emond, Hunter C
Flowers, Sarah B
Francis, Allison K
Francis, Marissa D
French, Caleb D
Gamble, Ashley E
Garner, Eythan W
Garrison, Connor J
Garrison, Rebecka A
Gehlen, Jace A
Gingraux, Ally
Greenlee, Mitchell T
Griffie, Gabrielle N
Hayes, Makayla D
Hayes, Tanner A
Hein, Aaron H
Hendrickson, Austin
Hernandez, Marisela M
Hoover, Ciara R
Hower, Harley
Hughes, Heather
Jerome, Allison M
Johnson, Allondra N
Johnson, Matthew D
Keck, Jordan D
Keirns, Aubrey A
Keith, Kalib M
Kendall, Kelsey N
Lane, Mariah K
Lee, Whitney M
Ma, An T
Magana, Cera L
Magee, Kevin J
Magee, Zachary M
Maldonado, Jorge U
Manuel, Austin A
McCanless, Brittney A.
McCracken, Masen H
McMurphy, James CL
Medaris, Olivia J
Mercado, Christopher
Miller, Thomas R
Molinar, Aja Janae
Mooradian, Tatiana
Mooradian, Taylor
Munguia, Dulce J
Newport, Brianna N
Nguyen, Cassandra H
Nicks, Cody M
Nye, Amanda P
Patel, Megha A
Payant, Lucas C
Pfeiffer, Amber M
Phothisene, Tina
Pouliot, Jordynne T
Praseuth, Kristi S
Purviance, Caitlyn M
Quigley, Shayna M
Rains, Carrie A
Reeves, Darren J
Rogers, Devon J
Romesburg, Samantha M
Runa, Frank L
Russell, Nicole M
Salas, Selena C
Samo, Jamila M
Sandoval, Suzette
Schultz, Anthony R
Schutt, Kellen C
Shaver, Merrie R
Shetler, Morgan L
Shock, Andrew R
Silva, Joseangel
Smith, Dana E
Stoner, Derek D
Stout, Gavin W
Stowe, Houston A.
Stowe, Thomas S
Taylor, Courtney S
Thompson, Paige N
Tran, Anh L
Turner, Adam N
Ulery, Tyler J
Vanderford, Madison K
Vaught, Chad A
Voelzke, Maranda R
Webb, Leeah G
Wedel, Melissa J
Wegner, Morgan R
Welch, Jamie L
Werth, Brett M
Whaley, Tyler L
Wheeler, Tabitha R
Widener, Kimberly R
Williams, Dalton K
Wilson, Christian E
Wingfield, Caterina R
Woods, Alexis T
Woods, Joshua M
Yahya, Carlee M
Youel, Robert L
3.0-3.49 GPA
12th Grade:
Albertson, Ashley K
Casteel, Catherine B
Coleman, Jessica B
Cork, Alec C
Daley, Lindsey J
Edgar, Brooke L
Ehrmann, Sara L
Florez, Marie T
Galindo, EJ
Hardyway, J.Aaron
Hartman, D.Taylor
Hawes, Katelynn R
Larsen, Megan L
Litz, Tanner B
Longfellow, Tyler R
Norman, Brandon L
Perez, Anali
Prouse, Bryanna J
Reif, Kacie L
Richardson, Melanie B
Robinson, Jessica A
Rupert, McKayla L
Shugart, Shelby E
Skerbetz, Brandon A
Starr, Ashley N
Taylor, Sarah R
Thomas, Brett R
Ulery, Sara Mae
Unruh, Coltin L
Weatherbee, Quinton T
Williams, Justin J
Wilson, Dallas M
11th Grade:
Allen, Katelynn R
Ashley, April N
Atherton, Emilie
Aulbach, Ashley F
Baumbach, Allysa R
Bernaerts, Brianna N
Brand, Matthew R
Brown, Jon W
Broz, Kyle J
Burba, Justin R
Burns, Devon B
Clothier, Nicholas D
Cooper, Rachel M
Cronin, Christopher G
Darbyshire, Brandon M
Davis, Mark L
Edington, Elizabeth R
Farris, Levi N
Gillespie, Eli H
Goldermann, Amber A
Goodman, Kylie S
Greene, Rachel M
Hoglund, Ryan J
Huckleberry, Brody M
Jarvis, Bryce A
Jayne, Tiffani N
Joorabchi, Zachary K
Kimber, Halle B
Kindle, Kaitlin M
Kiser, Zane R
Lewis, Ashlyn V
McCabe, Danielle H
Meier, Kimberly L
Mendez, Christian
Pratt, Brittney N
Rankins, Jessica Raven
Rodman, Holly E
Russell, Aubrey N
Salyer, Brianna N
Schniepp, Cody D
Shelinbarger, Kaci L
Sloup, Aaron T
Smith, Cerae E
Sporleder, Sammantha L
Stamback, Brooke A
Turner, Dalton M
Vann, Logan D
Welch, David L
Wells, Chelsea L
Williams, Justin D
Williams, Kimberly J
Wisley, Alec M
Zogelmann, Audrey M
10th Grade:
Row Labels
Allison, Brittney Gail
Anderson, Justin L
Baima, Christopher A
Baker Jr., Robert A
Barb, Jacob M
Brown, Alexander J
Cepeda, Guadalupe Eugene
Clark, Graceanne J
Crossman, McKenzie J
Custer, Samantha A
Drinnen, Austin L
Estes, Christopher J
Page 10
Ewert, Mykael Lynn
Farrar, Ashton B
Fitzsimmons, Sarah L
Flax, Colton C
Fletcher, Cara J
Higgins, Alyssa J
Howard, Jordan A
Hufman, Hayley Q
Jacobo, Erik
Kim, Tina S
King, Nicholas W
Labelle, James M
Landers, Austin D
Matlock, Samuel P
Mauldin, Allyson P
McNeal, T'Essence R
Miller, Danielle A
Morrow, Jordan W
Mulryan, Alana
Needham, Andryn M
Nixon, Bethany N
Rinke, Jody L
Romero-Hernandez, Cinthia
Rothe, Tanner C
Schoenhoff, Taylor N
Shockey, Harley
Spaulding, Kyle A
Spillman, Solomon D
Springs, Faith N
Stoddard, Hannah L
Sullivan, Marissa D
Swart, Robin
Terrell, Tyler J
Thompson, Erin L
Trinh, Narra
Trudo, Alexis J
Wiesner, Garret E
9th Grade:
Anderson, Jessica M
Barton, Truman T
Braden, Bryan F
Burba, Joel A
Calcote, Haley J
Converse, Madison B
Cook, Haylee A
Creighton, Courtney N
Crocker, Matthew A
Crowley, Bryce E
Everett, Kaylie
Farrell, Stephanie
Garcia, Alec V
George, Kandyce M
Guerrero, Kane A
Hatter, Alexandra R
Hernandez, Andrea Y
Hernandez, Madison R K
Hernandez, Seth L
Hiltunen Cather, Charles W
Hines, Tyler D
Ivy, Kaiden J
Jessup, Bethany M
Johnson, Logan J
Johnstonbaugh, Michaela C
Kegley, John Greg
Lantz, Kayli C
Larsen, Bailey L
Laughary, Trevor T
Li, Gen
Lievanos, Kristiana
Mader-Cauble, Lauren L
Marr, Timothy E
Martens, Danyell A
Matthews, Eric J
McGraw, Trevor L
McKnight, Jacob R
Miller, Matthew W
Nolan-King, Triston W
Peralta, Yomely
Praseuth, Vanessa V
Prospal, Aubry L
Pyle, Matthew A
Redfearn, Carter W
Reyes, Damion
Roberson, Luke H
Rogers, Molly Kaye
Rogers, Victoria T
Rothmann, Brittany
Schmidt, Ashlynn N
Speirs, Katelyn L
Stanley, Brookelynn M
Sullivan, Daren F
Swiggart, Darrick L
Townson, Andrew R
Traudt, Cody S
Tucker, Skylar L
Vaden, Trace T
Vandegrift, Bradley R
Vandegrift, Paige L
Vickers, Zane D
Walker, James G
Walker, Keeli R
Ward, Max C
Weakly, Nathan T
Winger, Bret D
Zogelmann, Amanda J
Spring Sports Right Around the Corner
Feb. 28 is the first day of
practice for Spring Sports. All
athletes must have a physical on
file before they will be allowed to
practice and pay the $10 athletic
fee before the first game.
All parents of athletes planning to play baseball this year
are encouraged to attend an im-
portant meeting on Monday,
February 14 at 7:30 pm in the
CHS Commons.
A meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, February 9 at 7:00
pm in the CHS Commons for
parents of all girls planning on
playing soccer this Spring. Important information will be dis-
cussed so mark your calendar
and please plan to attend.
All girls planning to play softball this year are encouraged to
attend an important informational meeting on Tuesday, Feb.
15 during seminar in the commons.
CHS Students Get the Credits, and WSU Gets a Big Thanks!
Campus High School has a long
working relationship with Wichita
State University for students
wanting to earn college credits.
CHS students can earn college
credits by enrolling at WSU as a
Guest Student or by taking concurrent credit classes at CHS
and enrolled for credit at WSU.
CHS and WSU offer concurrent
credit for English 101/102, Public Speaking, Trigonometry and
Page 11
AP United States Government.
This semester, the opportunity
for students became much more
affordable. WSU has awarded
all concurrent enrolled either a
partial or full scholarship to
cover the cost of tuition. The
cost of each 3 credit hour class
was $586 in the fall. This spring
students paid $130. This spring
Campus has 90 students enrolled in a total of 122 courses at
CHS for concurrent credit and
14 students enrolled in free
Guest Student classes at WSU’s
Southside Center in Derby.
These 104 students have been
awarded nearly $66,000 in
scholarships this semester.
THANKS goes out to WSU for
the great opportunity for Campus students.
Summer School Questions & Answers
Q: When is summer school and where will it be held?
A: Summer School is held at the Campus High School Library. The first session begins May 31 and ends on June 23.
The second session begins June 27 and ends July 21. Classes will be held Monday through Thursday. Classes will
not meet on Friday or on July 4.
Q: What is the cost for Summer School?
A: The cost is $160 per half credit. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunches will receive a $25 reduction. Campus
High School tutoring attendance credit applies. See the counseling office for details.
Q: How many courses can a student take during summer school?
A: Depends on how serious they want to work. Students may enroll in two courses. Completion of a course will enable
students to enroll in additional courses as needed.
Q: What courses will be offered?
A: All classes in English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies offered through Virtual Prescriptive Learning. Elective
offerings include ACT/SAT Prep, Anthropology, Art Appreciation, Economics, Psychology, and Sociology. Contact
us for questions on elective courses.
Q: How is the summer semester different from the fall and spring?
A: Students enrolled in the summer semester will take a computer-based diagnostic test to determine what aspects of
the course they need to complete prior to credit being given. Upon completion of all computer-based and paperbased assignments, credit will be granted to the sending school, provided all financial obligations have been met.
Q: What time does class begin and end?
A: This year there will be 3 blocks: First block 8:00-10:30; second block 10:45-1:15; and third block 1:30-4:00.
Q: What if my student doesn’t finish? Do I get my money back?
A: Our staff is paid by student enrollment, so there are no refunds once you have enrolled. Also, additional fees for
a time extension are due regardless of completion. Fifteen days represents an adequate time for nearly every student considering the amount of help available.
Q: When can I enroll?
A: Enrollment is open now. Enrollment is open until June 27 provided space is available.
Q: Is transportation provided?
A: No. However, we will assist families in finding other summer school students who live in the same neighborhood to
ease the burden of getting students to and from Campus.
Q: Is additional time available if I don’t get done before the end of the session?
A: Yes. A one-week extension (4 days) is available for a fee of $25 to cover additional staff salaries.
Q: My cousin attends another high school but needs a credit. Can she attend Campus summer school?
A: Yes. Students who reside outside of USD 261 are eligible to attend on a space-available basis. There is a $40 outof-district fee per course.
Q: How do I get more information?
A: Call Phil Bressler or Richard Elliott at 554.2236. Or you can e-mail us: or
The Summer School enrollment forms are available in
the Main Office and the Counseling Office.
Page 12
2100 West 55th Street South
Wichita, KS 67217
Phone: 316-554-2236
Fax: 316-554-2241
***IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE*** Freestyle pictures will be taken during 5th block on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Counseling Office
Phone: 316-554-2240
Fax: 316-554-2247
We’re on the Web
Freestyle pictures are great opportunities to take pictures by yourself or with friends, siblings, family etc...
Mission Statement
The mission of Campus
High School is to prepare
students to be life-long
learners and responsible,
contributing citizens in a
changing world.
Student Council
CHS Student Council is planning
its 2nd annual Community Service Week. We are entertaining
ideas for this year’s week-long
project. If you have a suggestion, please email Mrs. Moree at Last
year CHS Student Council
worked with the City of Haysville
in the building of soccer/football
concession stand by the water
tower. Dates for the community
service week are March 28thApril 2.
Volunteers Needed
Campus High School is hosting a career week for sophomores March
14, 15, 17 & 18 from 12:30-2:45. Volunteers are needed from all occupations, volunteers will be asked to participate in panel discussions
from questions presented from students. Interested volunteers may
register for the event by calling Todd Hook at 554-2240 or by
Get Ready for Spring
The Campus Bands are currently holding
their annual plant & flower sale. There are
a wide variety of items available including
plants, flowers and vegetables. Orders
will be accepted until February 11th with a
tentative delivery date of mid April. Additional order forms may be found online
/Home.html under the "Fundraising" page.
February 2011
2:00 Bowling, @ Derby
3:05 Tutoring, C16
3:30 V Scholars Bowl, at
NE Magnet
4:00 9/JV/V Basketball,
H vs Andover Central
3:30 Debate, @ El Dorado &
4:00 9/JV/V Basketball,
@ Salina South
8:00 Debate, @ El Dorado &
9:00 V Wrestling, Goddard Inv.
**Pajama Day**
3:30 Bowling @ Seneca Bowl
7:00 Project Graduation
meeting, PE classroom
**Crazy Hat Day**
6:00 Hall Decorating
3:05 Tutoring, C16
4:00 9/JV/V Basketball,
at Hutchinson
5:00 Jostens rep, gym foyer
**Twin Day**
28 Queen of Courts Formal
Assembly, aud.
3:05 Tutoring, C16
7:00 Girls Soccer Parent
meeting, commons
3:05 Tutoring, C16
3:30 Bowling, @ Seneca Bowl
3:30 6:00 JV/V Wrestling,
@ Maize
3:30 Forensics, @ East
4:00 9/JV/V Basketball,
H vs Hutchinson (coronation
between games)
9:00-11:30 QofC Dance,
8:00 ACT, B-bldg.
8:00 Forensics, @ East
9:00 JV Wrestling, @ Valley Ctr
9:00 JV Boys Basketball,
Goddard Tournament
9:00 Swimming, AVCTL
@ Salina South
TBA 9 girls basketball,
Newton Tournament
TBA 9 boys basketball,
Hutchinson tournament
7:30 Baseball Parent meeting,
3:05 Tutoring, C16
4:00 9/JV/V Basketball,
H vs Derby
5:00-8:00 Enrollment
8:00-8:00 Enrollment
TBA 9 girls basketball,
Newton Tournament
TBA 9 boys basketball,
Hutchinson tournament
Conference Release Day
Swimming, State
3:30 Forensics, at V.Vtr.
4:00 9/JV/V Basketball,
at Maize
TBA 9 girls basketball,
Newton Tournament
Swimming, State
8:00 V Wrestling, Regionals
8:00 Forensics, @ V.Ctr./
Haven/Salina Central
1:00 V Bowling, AVCTL @ West
President’s Day
TBA 9 boys basketball,
Hutchinson tournament
3:05 Tutoring, C16
3:30 Forensics, @ Heights
4:00 9/JV/V Basketball,
H vs Newton
6:30 ACT Prep class
3:05 Tutoring, C16
3:30 Forensics, @ Andover
4:00 9/JV/V Basketball,
@ Salina Central
5:00 Knitting Club Lock-in
7:30 Musical, aud.
8:00 Forensics, @ Andover/
9:00 V Wrestling, State @ Intrust
11:00 Bowling, Regionals,
@ Dodge City
7:00 Musical, aud.
1st day of practice for
Spring Sports
March 2011
3:05 Tutoring, C16
7:00 Mr. & Miss Colt Pageant,
3:05 Tutoring, C16
6:30 ACT Prep class
3:05 Tutoring, C16
TBA V Basketball, Substate
Registration deadline for the
April 9 ACT
TBA V Basketball, Substate
9:00 V Girls Bowling, State
@ Northrock
1:30 V Boys Bowling, State
@ Northrock
TBA V Basketball, Substate
4:00 Band Dinner Concert,
@ Nelson Elem.
7:00 NHS Induction, aud.
3:00 Spring Sports pictures,
gym #1
3:05 Tutoring, C16
3:30 Novice Forensics,
@ Haven
3:05 Tutoring, C16
6:30 ACT Prep Class
TBA: V Basketball, State
3:30 Forensics, @ Newton
TBA V Basketball, State
NO SCHOOL, Inservice
8:00 ASVAB test
3:30 Forensics, @ Goddard
TBA V Basketball, State
8:00 Forensics, @ Goddard/
5:30 Girls Soccer Alumni game,
Colt Stadium
TBA V Basketball, State
6:00 Dance Team Tryout clinic
gym #2
3:05 Tutoring, C16
3:30 CHS Forensics, tourn.
6:00 Dance Team Tryout
Clinic, gym #1
7:00 Project Graduation
meeting, PE classroom
3:05 Tutoring, C16
6:00 Dance Team Tryout
clinic, gym #2
6:30 ACT Prep class
7:00 Variety Show, aud.
3:05 Tutoring, C16
5:00 JV/V Soccer, H vs
6:00 Dance Team tryout
clinic, gym #1
3:30 Forensics, @ Maize So.
5:00 Dance Team tryouts,
gym #2
TBA JV Soccer Titan Classic
8:00 Forensics, @ Maize So.
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
8:00 Forensics, @ Chapparal
TBA V Soccer, Titan Classic
6:00 Cheer Tryout clinic,
gym #1
3:05 tutoring, C16
3:00 JV Tennis, @ Ark City
4:00 Baseball, @ South
4:15 Softball, @ Heights TBA
V Soccer, Titan Classic
6:00 Cheer Tryout clinic,
gym #1
3:05 Tutoring, C16
TBA V Soccer, Titan Classic
6:00 Cheer Tryout Clinic,
gym #2
6:30 ACT Prep class
8:00 District Art Fair,
Gym #1
3:00 JV Golf, Winfield Inv.
3:05 Tutoring, C16
TBA V Soccer, Titan Classic
6:00 Cheer Tryout Clinic,
gym #1