Lycée Pack - Luxembourgish Schools Support Group


Lycée Pack - Luxembourgish Schools Support Group
Luxembourgish Schools Support Group - Lycée Information Pack – Jan2014
(Secondary School)
Age 12+
January 2014
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Luxembourgish Schools Support Group - Lycée Information Pack – Jan2014
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Transition from primary to secondary school .............................................................................................. 4
General Information ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Secondary School (Classical stream) – Lycée Secondaire (classique) ...................................................... 8
Secondary School (Technical) – Lycée Secondaire Technique ................................................................ 10
Alternative Structures ................................................................................................................................ 14
Private Sector Schools .............................................................................................................................. 17
Special Needs ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix A – Guide to the Steps in the Orientation Procedure ........................................................................ 20
Appendix B – Sample Psychological Tests Consent Form............................................................................... 21
Appendix C – Sample of an Orientation Proposition - Avis d’orientation à la fin de l’enseignement primaire .. 22
Appendix D – Sample Enrolment form for 7 – Demande d’inscription en classe de 7 ................................... 24
Sample Enrolment form for 7 (Cont.).............................................................................................................. 25
Appendix E – List of Lycées and lycées techniques publics in Luxembourg, 05.01.2012................................ 26
Membership form .............................................................................................................................................. 30
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The Group aims to provide information in English on the Luxembourgish education
system, and practical help for parents of any nationality with children in the state
schools. Our objective is not to change the Luxembourgish education system, but to
explain it so that you can understand the differences between its schools and any
you may have experienced. This will then enable you to do the best for your children
so that they can obtain the maximum benefit from their schooling.
It is sometimes very important, however, to be able to chat to someone who
understands the frustrations and problems that may occur. To this end we aim to
provide a wider network of people beyond the committee and we would be grateful if
you could complete the enclosed questionnaire so that we can continue this process.
We are not experts, but parents with some experience of the school system. We
have taken care to verify the information given and to ensure it was correct when it
went to print. We endeavour to keep up to date with all new developments and so if
you have any further queries, please contact any of the members listed below.
In addition to producing this information pack, we arrange meetings where you can
meet and pose questions to the professionals, normally two teachers and a third
person from within the education system. An information pack on the Primary School
system is also available.
The committee members of the Luxembourgish Schools Support Group are:
Primary School enquiries
427 103
487 882
621 143417
621 154689
(and secondary schools)
(and Sports Lycée)
Lycée enquiries
Particular experience in:
326 670
2630 5457
621 217138
You can also e-mail us at Please put an appropriate phrase in
the subject line to help us distinguish your message from junk mail or spam.
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Transition from primary to secondary school
During the final year in primary school, the student will continue to take regular tests
in all subjects as in previous years. This will form part of a continuous assessment
which includes noting the student’s attitude and participation in class, oral work and
projects. Appendix A gives a guide to the steps in the Orientation Procedure.
National Tests, les épreuves communes, in the three core subjects of German,
French and mathematics enable the State to monitor all primary schools. Some
schools do a practice version, les épreuves facultatives, at the end of the 1st term in
preparation for the National Tests which take place at the end of the 2 . These tests
serve to standardise your child’s progress with all other 6 year primary school
children in Luxembourg; it must be emphasised that they are only a part of the
procedure for assessing your child. The teacher will discuss your child’s results with
you. You can find the timetable of National Tests and the selection procedure on the
Ministry of Education’s web site at
The pupil's results for each subject are shown visually and are compared to the
average performance of all other 6th year pupils of that year. Above average scores
have a positive number and are represented as a bar to the right of the central line.
Below average scores have a negative number and are represented as a bar to the
left of the central line:
Classe: 00000
Elève: 00
score brut
score standardisé
l’axe central (central line)
-0.33 38%
score brut:
score standardisé:
the total number of correct answers
performance in comparison to the national average
percentage of pupils who scored a mark lower than this pupil
There is also an optional assessment by a psychologist who will visit the class and
set individual and group activities and tests. Based on these activities and tests, the
psychologist gives an opinion as to which type of school would best suit your child,
although currently the psychologist has no vote in the final decision. As the
psychological tests are not compulsory you will be asked to complete a form saying
whether or not your child will participate (Appendix B). Most people opt to participate.
Following discussions with the teacher and the psychologist you will receive a form,
Avis des parents, asking your view on which type of secondary school you feel your
child should attend. This meeting will normally occur in April or May.
The following are the categories of secondary school education you may choose:
• 7e ES for entry to a lycée secondaire
• 7 ES ALLET for entry to a lycée secondaire offering a class for children
needing extra tuition in German
• 7e ST for entry to a lycée secondaire technique
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7 ST ADAPT for entry to a lycée secondaire technique for children with a
weakness in one or more of the core subjects
7 MO for entry to a classe modulaire within a lycée secondaire technique for
children with more widespread weaknesses
The class teacher, a lycée secondaire (classique) teacher, a lycée secondaire
technique teacher and the school inspector, together forming the conseil
d’orientation, then meet to decide the appropriate route for your child to follow, based
on all the information. Towards the end of the school year you will then be sent a
completed Avis d'orientation (Appendix C) signed by the members of the panel. This
indicates the type of school to which you may send your child. You fill in the
Demande d’inscription en classe de 7e (Appendix D) and send it together with the
original Avis d'orientation, a fiche d’état civil certificate (which you obtain from your
commune) and a copy of the child’s last school report, signed by their primary school
teacher, to the school of your choice within the relevant category. Some lycées also
require a copy of the child’s vaccination certificate.
If you disagree with the decision you have a right of appeal, which will involve the
épreuve d’accès to the lycée programme of your choice, which is a written
examination. Full details of the appeal procedure will be forwarded to you at the
relevant time. (Examples of previous years’ examination papers can be found at
Each lycée is obliged to accept any child living in its catchment area but you still
need to submit your application. If you prefer, you may apply to any other appropriate
lycée. Check with the school for their deadline and the date by which the acceptance
/ rejection decision will be made which will often be in July. It may be that the school
you choose is over-subscribed in which case you should be notified and then you are
allocated a place in another school.
Most lycées have Open Days, (known as Portes Ouvertes), where you can gather
information about courses, educational approach and tour the buildings; some take
part in a collective forum at one of their sites. These Open Days are publicised in the
Luxemburger Wort, lycée websites and Note that they often take
place before the child’s orientation is known, sometimes before the tests have
actually taken place (this is especially the case for the private schools). Your child’s
primary school may organise class visits to lycées in your local area.
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3. General Information
School material
Once a school has accepted your child, some will send a list of the required text
books. Some lycées do not send a list and your child will be told what text books are
required during the first lessons. If the school sends you a list, place your order
during the holiday in preparation for start of the new term.
The book list can also be downloaded from the Ministry’s website and
some bookshops also have the booklists online and allow you to pre-order your
books online. Recommended book shops are the Librarie des lycées Luxembourg
( and Ernster ( Books can be ordered online
and then you will be advised when to pick up. This can help avoid long queues later.
However, always keep the receipt and don't mark books until you have final
confirmation from your child's teacher that they need the book, as some teachers do
not use the recommended texts and these may be returned if unmarked.
Note that the Bichermaart, a sale of second-hand secondary school books, is held
shortly after term starts on the place d’Armes – see press or for
Many teachers have their own preference for stationery, exercise books, files etc.
They will tell the student what they require once school has started. For the first day
it is normally sufficient to take a homework book and notepad unless you get
information to the contrary.
School hours
Each lycée has its own timetable, and you should check this at the time of
application. Some still follow a timetable similar to primary school with Tuesday and
Thursday afternoon free and longer lunch-times on the other days for extracurricular
In general, students may eat lunch in the canteen or make their own arrangements;
you may be required to sign a form permitting your child to leave the school premises
at lunch-time.
Many canteens adhere to a Restopolis meal service, which enables you to load
credit onto your child’s account, allowing them to pay for their meals by showing their
student card.
School Psychology and Orientation Service - Service de Psychologie et
d'Orientation Scolaire (SPOS)
Every lycée has SPOS personnel responsible for providing help for students (and
their parents). The basic areas covered are:
• information and guidance on general orientation, subjects and section
choice, further education and careers
• help in cases of learning difficulties e.g. extra tuition and organisation of work
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• psychological problems such as emotional and communication problems or
difficulties in concentration
• more individual personal and educational questions
Each class is delegated a member of SPOS. If you want to discuss your child’s
progress or other problems you can contact this SPOS member and make an
appointment. If you are not provided with the name of this SPOS member, call the
lycée secretary who will tell you who the SPOS member is and give you a contact
telephone number. Alternatively, you can contact the SPOS centre (CPOS) on
45 64 64 1.
Extracurricular activities
The school publishes the options they offer under activités parascolaires which take
place during lunch-time or after school. These may include cours d'appui, extra
tuition for the student, and / or subjects such as photography, music, theatre and
For cours d'appui, the SPOS may arrange for teachers to be available at specific
times each week in the core subjects; the student can request to attend one of these
sessions to receive help with a particular problem. Some schools arrange for older
students to offer help with core subjects to the younger for a nominal fee. Note that
provision of cours d'appui is dependent on the availability of teaching staff and varies
from school to school, subject to subject and year to year.
Communes often organise buses to the schools most commonly attended by their
The school itself will issue a Student card / travel pass (for both bus and train)
entitling the student to free travel between home and school, valid only at school
times. The travel pass is stamped by the school. The pass may also entitle the
student to discounts e.g. at swimming pools, as do some bank cards.
You can also get a Jumbo Card entitling the student to free bus and train travel at all
times; this costs about €75 p.a. although some communes offer them free or at a
reduced rate for school children. You can buy Jumbo Cards at principal railway
stations and the Aldringen bus centre; a photograph will be required.
School Head - Directeur du lycée
In contrast with primary schools, secondary schools each have a director supported
by a staff. They are responsible for running the school in terms of providing teachers
and facilities and arranging the timetable. The directeur will also be involved in any
disciplinary matter a teacher refers to them e.g. lateness, rudeness, failure to
complete homework. It may be that any issues you take up with the SPOS are also
subsequently referred to the directeur or one of his staff e.g. request to change
Form Teacher - Regent / Regente
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One of the teachers of each class will be nominated by the school as the form
teacher or regent / regente. This teacher will be available to help your child with all
sorts of difficulties and may be your first point of contact for questions about your
child’s performance academically, behaviourally, socially etc. Some schools now
provide you with the email addresses of all the teachers of your child’s class so that
you can contact them directly.
Table of classique and technique year classes
Secondary School (Classical stream) – Lycée Secondaire (classique)
Nearly 40% of students progress to lycée secondaire, referred to in the past as
classique, where successful completion of study results in a Diplôme de fin d'études
secondaires or Baccalauréat, commonly known as the “Bac”. This qualification gains
access to universities and other academic institutions. Students can transfer from a
lycée secondaire to a lycée secondaire technique although it is better that this
happens in the first two years before the gap becomes too great in terms of course
content and teaching method.
A national curriculum is followed by all lycées secondaires. Students attend classes
for about 30 hours per week. The years of study are numbered in reverse order so
the student enters in the 7th or 7e, after leaving primary school, and finishes in the 1st
or 1ère.
The seven years of study are divided into 3 stages:
• Division inférieure
- 7 , 6 and 5 (7 , 6 and 5 )
• Classe polyvalent
- 4th (4e)
• Cycle de spécialisation
- 3rd, 2nd and 1st (3e, 2e and 1ère)
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Together the Classe polyvalent and Cycle de spécialisation are referred to as the
division supérieur. Students specialise as they progress through the upper stages by
selecting or dropping subjects, following their interests and subject requirements for
their future careers.
7e ES (7e Enseignement Secondaire)
This year allows students to adjust to the changes of secondary education and to
see if they are suited to a lycée secondaire (classique). Tests continue throughout
the year as in primary school and determine future progress. This is the last year that
Luxembourgish is studied. French is introduced as the teaching language for
mathematics and gradually, by 4e, French is used for all subjects except languages.
Students begin to make their subject choices and can elect to take Latin, where they
enter the classique stream, or English where they enter the moderne stream.
If the classique stream was taken in 6e, then English is begun this year. Students
who took the moderne stream continue to study English and both groups acquire the
same level of English by the end of 4 .
In the course of this year the student repeats and consolidates subjects studied so
far. Physics, chemistry and economics are introduced. All subjects, except
languages, now change to being taught in French. This year serves as a classe
d’orientation where students prepare for the options they will take next year.
3 , 2 and 1
The student now enters the cycle de spécialisation which lasts for three years. As the
name implies, students focus further through subject selection. The seven subject
categories, A to G, lead on to higher education studies and qualifications in different
areas. Where a number of languages in a category is mentioned it means the
number of languages studied in 1ère with two being the minimum. More languages will
have been studied in the preceding years in categories B, C and E.
A. Modern Languages
Four languages are studied. This section aims towards careers such as an
archaeologist, translator, interpreter, journalist, librarian, teacher etc.
B. Mathematics and IT
Two languages are studied. This section aims towards careers such as an
architect, actuary, statistician, engineer, physicist, IT specialist, teacher etc.
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C. Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Two languages are studied. This section aims towards careers such as a
biologist, chemist, agronomist, doctor, veterinary surgeon, graduate nurse,
pharmacist, psychologist, teacher etc.
D. Economics and Mathematics
Three languages are studied. This section aims towards careers such as a
lawyer, economist, accountant, financial / management consultant, teacher etc.
E. Fine Arts
Two languages are studied. This section aims towards careers such as an
architect, interior designer, artist, graphic artist, landscape gardener, teacher etc.
F. Music
The only school to offer this option is the Athénée de Luxembourg. Besides
attending lycée the student spends a large amount of time at a conservatoire
(music school). Two languages are studied. This section aims towards careers
such as a music teacher, musician, theatre producer, sound technician, etc.
G. Human and Social Sciences
Three languages are studied. This section aims towards careers such as an
economist, lawyer, sociologist, psychologist, teacher etc.
At the end of the seven years of studies examinations are held and the Diplôme de
fin d'études secondaires is awarded. The examinations taken are in the subjects
studied in 1ère. Two thirds of the overall marks are based on the results of the
national examinations, written and oral; the remaining third is based on continuous
assessment of oral and written abilities throughout the year.
Secondary School (Technical) – Lycée Secondaire Technique
Lycée secondaire technique is the normal path in secondary school for most
students with about 60% following this route. The technique system is more
complicated than the classique due to the diversity of the programmes they offer,
designed to cater for students of different abilities. The curriculum also has greater
practical content than the more theoretical lycée secondaire (classique). The scope
is enormous, from vocational training to the Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires
techniques or Baccalauréat Technique which qualifies the student for entry to
university and other higher education institutions.
The facilities offered by different lycées secondaires techniques vary, the names of
some indicating their specialities. However, you will have to ask the school in which
you are interested what they offer because they may change their courses each
year. Some lycées secondaires techniques teach only the first three years from 7e to
9e after which the student will have to transfer to another school.
Unlike the lycées secondaires (classiques), most subjects are taught in German,
although students will have a good command of French and English and are able to
pursue further education courses in any one of these three languages.
In contrast to the classique, the years of study are numbered in ascending order so
the student enters in the 7 or 7 , after leaving primary school, and generally finishes
in the 13 or 13 .
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The years of study are divided into three stages, within which students are streamed
according to their ability:
• Cycle inférieur
- (7e, 8e and 9e)
• Cycle moyen
- (10 and 11 )
• Cycle supérieur
- (12 , 13 and in some cases, 14e)
Lower stage
The aim of the cycle inférieur is to complete the students’ general education and to
guide them towards a trade or profession which matches their interests and talents.
For this reason the syllabus features practical classes and workshops allowing
students to come into contact with different types of businesses and professions,
sometimes including visits to firms and / or work experience, stages.
The 7e year is an extension of primary school, teaching the core subjects. The
student continues with German, French, mathematics (taught in French), biology,
geography and history together with music, art and sport but will also begin to gain
an insight into technical and practical subjects in éducation technologique. The
subjects offered in education technologique vary between lycées secondaires
techniques. In general, however, in the first three years the student will study for one
term each practical classes like Cookery, Woodwork, Metalwork, Mechanics,
Electronics and Textiles.
The student is assessed throughout the year with marks from tests supplemented by
marks for participation, completion of homework and general attitude. These results
determine future progression. The student may stay at the same level or move to a
higher or lower a stream. With very good marks it may be possible for the student to
move to lycée secondaire, a move which may be more difficult after 7 as the
courses diverge in both content and teaching methods.
In the 8e year there are two distinct streams: 8e théorique (8TE) - technical training and 8e polyvalente (8PO) which offers more vocational training. Hours and methods
of teaching will be slightly different as will the speed of progression. English, physics
and chemistry are introduced in this year, earlier than in lycée secondaire (classique).
In the 9e year there are three distinct streams: 9e théorique (9TE), 9e polyvalente
(9PO) and 9 pratique (9PR) again with different emphasis on theoretical or practical
aspects and subsequent content and teaching methods. These three streams take
into account the student’s academic ability. In 9TE English is weighted equally with
mathematics, German and French. Students in 9PO take all three languages but
select either German or French as their first language which is then more heavily
weighted. The language they do not select is given the same lower weighting as
English and the marks for these two subjects are combined. This enables students,
particularly foreign students who may favour a language, to exploit their ability.
Students in 9PR drop English altogether and continue with both German and French.
The régime préparatoire (7MO, 8MO and 9MO) is also included in the lower stage.
Often referred to as modulaire, this stream is designed to help students who underachieve because of problems in a particular core subject. The student is able to
progress at his/her own pace in modules, subsequently integrating into mainstream
lycée secondaire technique.
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At the end of the 9 year, all students will have completed their compulsory education
and may leave school to enter working life. However, most will be encouraged to go
on to obtain a qualification by progressing to the upper stage at which point students
have to specialise to some extent. Those wishing to continue in full-time education
need to enrol at the school of their choice by presenting on the specified day (usually
around July 15) their enrolment form, 9e year bulletin and avis d’orientation. Those
wishing to follow an apprenticeship should contact the Service de I’orientation
professionelle de l’ADEM (Administration de l’Emploi).
Middle and Upper stages
Régime technique
Only students from the 9 théorique (9TE) achieving the required standard are
eligible to continue along this route. There is a choice of three categories, after
successful completion of which they will be awarded the Diplôme de fin d’études
secondaires techniques:
Technique Générale
This four year course provides a thorough general and technical education
including non-specialised courses in scientific and technical methods. This
course can lead to a career in engineering or another technical / scientific
subject, languages or teaching. Note that there is a heavy emphasis on
mathematics throughout the curriculum.
Administrative et Commerciale
This is also a four year course. The 10e and 11e years offer a further general
education together with acquiring administrative skills; in the 12 and 13 year
the student chooses between particular commercial studies. Careers options
include administration or management or the student can continue in higher
education in the field of economics, law or accountancy.
Professions de Santé et Professions Sociales
This is a five year course, biased towards a vocation in the health or social
services. The 10e and 11e years are spent at school furthering general
education plus theoretical and practical preparation for the paramedical and
educational professions. Years 12e, 13e and 14e are spent out of lycée.
Students choosing the paramedical option will be attached to a paramedical
school, working as a nurse in different hospital departments. They may
subsequently decide to further their studies by specialising in midwifery,
physiotherapy, radiology etc; in certain cases it may be possible to train as a
doctor, veterinary surgeon or pharmacist. Alternatively, students may choose
the educational option and work in institutions caring for children, adults, the
aged or those with special needs. Further studies to become an éducateur
gradué‚ social worker, psychologist or sociologist may then be undertaken.
Régime technicien
Students from either 9e théorique (9TE) or 9e polyvalente (9PO) achieving the
required standard may select this path. After a student successfully completes this
course they will be awarded the Diplôme de Technicien which will prepare them for a
responsible job or provide them with an entrance qualification to further education. In
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view of the degree of specialisation, the course chosen would need to be very
specific. The student selects one of the following categories:
Administration and Commerce
Hotel Management and Tourism
Mechanical Engineering
Agriculture, Horticulture and Viniculture
Civil Engineering
Car Mechanics
This is a four year course where full-time attendance at school is interspersed with
training periods in a firm. It provides an advanced standard in theory together with
good practical training and is intended for direct entry into the workplace but can also
lead on to further studies.
Régime professionnel
This is an apprenticeship scheme available to students from 9e théorique,
polyvalente or pratique (9TE, 9PO or 9PR). There are many options available
including courses in the fields of agriculture, the food trade, administration and
commerce, hotel management and tourism, industry, mechanics, construction,
fashion and health and hygiene. Depending on the subject chosen, the course
structure may vary:
• 3 or 4 years apprenticeship with a firm on the basis of an apprenticeship
contract with lessons at lycée of between 8 and 16 hours a week
• 1 year at lycée followed by 2 years apprenticeship as outlined above
• 2 years at lycée followed by 1 year apprenticeship as outlined above
• 3 years full time at lycée secondaire technique
For some trades the course may mean several weeks’ theory teaching at lycée
alternated with periods of practical training in industry.
On successful completion of the course the student is awarded a vocational aptitude
diploma, Diplômed’Aptitude Professionnelle. This is intended for direct entry into the
workplace but can lead on to further studies to obtain a brevet de maîtrise.
Students having completed a modular course may go on to follow the Regime
professionel under the Formation Professionelle de Base leading to the CCP
(Certificat de Capacité Professionelle) is a diploma which corresponds to the
practical part of the DAP. A student wishing to continue studies to gain the DAP will
subsequently have to follow courses covering the theory part of the 10 , 11 and 12
professionnelles classes.
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Alternative Structures
Lycée Michel Lucius
This Lycée Technique now also offers an IGCSE programme (International General
Certificate of Secondary Education) and A-Level Programme in English. Your child
can enter the preparation year in 5 e which is then followed by a two year IGCSE
programme. In 2014/15 the school plans to add a preparation year for the AS exams
and in 2015/16 preparation classes for the A-level exams.
As all the subjects are in English, an adequate level of English is a prerequisite to
enter these classes. Since students apply from all over the world and since they
come from many educational backgrounds, an English entry exam must be taken for
all classes. A mathematics entrance exam must also be taken by all students.
German and French placement exams must also be taken if students wish to enter a
higher level language class.
Further information can be found on the school's website including admission exam
schedules and sample papers.
Athénée de Luxembourg - International Baccalaureate Program in English
It is possible to follow the International Baccalaureate within the Luxembourg state
school system. It is offered as a four year course after 5e by the Athénée de
Luxembourg in English for classique students and after 9e by the Lycée technique du
centre in French for technique students. In both cases German is studied at a lower
level than English and French and Mathematics is the fourth compulsory subject.
Since the remaining subjects must be taught in English in the Athénée de
Luxembourg, it currently offers fewer subjects than the Lycée technique du centre
which is teaching them in French. Note that the International Baccalaureate at the
former has been pitched more for children arriving late in the system rather than
those who have followed it from primary school or earlier.
Lycée Ermesinde (Previously called Neie Lycée)
In 2005, a pilot secondary school opened in Luxembourg, offering an alternative to
the traditional educational system in existing lycées techniques and classiques.
Originally called the Neie Lycée (New Lycée) it is now called Lycée Ermesinde. It is
situated at 45 rue de la Gare, L-7590 Beringen (Mersch).
The Lycée Ermesinde has classique, technique and préparatoire régimes. In the
régime classique the student may study at the Lycée Ermesinde for four years, until
the end of 4e. In the régimes techniques and the régime préparatoire the student
studies for three years, until the end of 9e (called 5e at the Lycée Ermesinde). After
studying at the Lycée Ermesinde students in the technique sections must transfer to
a traditional lycée to complete their secondary education. Students in the classique
sections A B C D and G can complete their education at the Lycée Ermesinde.
The methods of teaching are multiple. Autonomous learning is central to the
approach and every student is strongly encouraged to work independently and feel
responsible for his/her progress.
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Subjects are divided into two categories:
• the branches disciplinaires: mathematics and the three languages German,
French and English, which are taught from 7 , except in the régime
préparatoire. These are the fundamental subjects. Teaching methods allow a
certain freedom for exploration and in-depth study, adapted to the students’
• the branches interdisciplinaires: art and society, science and technology, sport
and health, éducation aux valeurs. The emphasis is put primarily on project
work, involving the pupils’ social skills (group work, peer teaching) and
encouraging them to use a critical approach to the subjects
In contrast to the conventional evaluation through tests and marks, the student is
given written comments on his/her work, i.e. the output and reports he/she writes, the
oral presentations he/she makes, as well as his/her participation in class. Special
emphasis is put on individual progress; in other words, the student is compared to
him/herself, rather than to the other students.
A written report is presented at the end of each term by the pedagogical team which
accompanies the students of three classes throughout the first cycle (7e to 5e/4e).
The composition of the different teams remains the same during the whole cycle, as
far as possible. At the end of the year, the team also decides whether the student
has developed his/her competences enough to move on to the next class, or whether
repeating a class or continuing in a different régime would be more suitable. At this
point the parents’ and students’ opinions are also taken into consideration.
At the end of the first cycle, the student is assessed by a committee, consisting of
the student’s tutor and four teachers from other secondary schools, who look at the
student’s term reports and at a portfolio of the student’s work.
The Lycée Ermesinde offers a full-time programme. Compulsory school hours are
from 08:10 to 16:20, five days a week, but students can stay at the school from
07:00 until 19:00. School hours will vary once students enter the cycle superior.
Students have three ninety-minute lessons a day, with breaks, study periods (with or
without teacher assistance) and activités complémentaires (arts and crafts, drama,
circus, music, cooking, gardening, etc.) in-between.
Every student has a personal tutor whom he sees at least once a week and who
assists and counsels the student throughout his/her time at the Lycée Ermesinde.
The tutor is a further link between the student and the other members of the
pedagogical team. Last but not least, every team has two education workers who
organise various activities, advise the students on learning techniques and look after
their well-being.
Further details may be found on
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Schengen Lyceum, Perl, Germany
The German-Luxembourg Schengen Lyceum Perl is a cross-border joint school
teaching children and young people mainly from Germany and Luxembourg.
The Schengen Lyceum opened on 27th August 2007 with Class 5 (Luxembourg
equivalent to 5th Primary). Luxembourgish Students can apply to attend from 5th
Primary. The admission requirement is the successful completion of 4th year
Primary. Students from Luxembourg can also apply to begin in year 7 after finishing
6th year of Primary, however, it is recommended that students begin in Class 5.
From Class 7, students are streamed in Maths, French and German and begin to
study English. Students are then streamed again in Class 9 with English and
It combines elements of both school systems. It offers the opportunity study a
grammar school education with a view to university (resulting in a Diplôme de fin
d’études secondaires) or a vocational track – the Diplôme de Technicien
Administratif et commercial. The teaching language in most subjects is
German. Some subjects are taught in French. Classes are held in ethnically mixed
classes and study groups. Languages still play a special role in the school. The
actual language teaching is based on a communicative approach and is given in the
target language.
German and French throughout from grade 5: In grades 5 and 6 will be expanded
taking into account the previous knowledge of the language competence. In
addition, there is one hours for in-depth language training in either German or
Luxembourgish in grade 5 and 6 (per one-hour, focus on oral communication and
English from grade 7
Spanish from Grade 10
The structure of the education system at Schengen can be seen here:
Applications for Class 5 are done directly through the school. The dates are available
on the school website and are usually in February. You need to go in person to the
school to fill in the application form. To complete the application process you also
need a copy of the latest school report.
Applications for Class 7 are done via the Luxembourgish Lycée Application process
although it is highly recommended that children begin in Class 5. Priority is given to
children with siblings already in the school and those within the catchment area.
Based at the National Sports Institute (INS) in Cents, the Sportlycée provides a
structure where young athletes can further their sporting ambitions whilst pursuing
their secondary education in a supportive environment. It is possible to attend the
Sportlycée in the Classique and Technique streams, however, after the 3 year of
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secondary school in the Technique stream, pupils must transfer to another partner
technique lycée (normally the Lycée Technique de Bonnevoie).
In order to be accepted, pupils must be nominated by their particular sports’
federation and pass a physical proficiency test. Pupils must maintain their sporting
level and maintain satisfactory academic results.
The principle of the Sportlycée is centered on the athlete-pupil with 3 main aims:
academic achievement, sporting success and normal social integration. For more
information please see the school’s website:
Lenster Lycée
Opens September 2014 in Junglinster. No more information at this point!
Private Sector Schools
There are several private schools in the Luxembourg system. They are fee-paying,
though the fees tend to be low. They follow the same syllabus as the state schools,
although some subjects, like English, may be offered earlier and there may be no
choice between religion and moral studies. However, parents may be offered the
possibility of withdrawing their children from the religion classes.
Enrolment for these schools is normally done much earlier than in the public sector
and must be done in person; the school may hold an open day at the same time.
The dates for enrolment will be published in the Luxemburger Wort or can be found
in the appropriate school's website in the Luxembourg education website or If enrolment needs to be
done before the Avis d'orientation is issued, the choice between sections will be
made when the Avis is received. Requirements for enrolment are otherwise the
same as for state schools.
Private schools in Luxembourg Ville itself are:
• Lycée Ecole Privée Fieldgen which is a girls-only school offering all three
types of lycée (classique, technique and préparatoire)
• Lycée Ecole Privée Notre-Dame Sainte-Sophie offering classique and
technique in addition to its primary section
• Lycée secondaire technique Privé Emile Metz offering technique only
Private schools outside Luxembourg Ville are:
• Lycée secondaire technique Privé Sainte-Anne in Ettlebrück offering
technique and préparatoire
• Lycée Ecole Privée Marie-Consolatrice in Esch-sur-Alzette offering
technique and préparatoire
• Ecole Professionnelle in Differdange offering technique only
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Special Needs
Passage is a support group and social network of parents, professionals and experts
related to the field of education and child’s social development in Luxembourg. They
aim to provide a forum for discussing and addressing the modern day challenges of
parenting for the English-speaking community who may not have access to support
in their chosen language.
They hold regular meetings which are open to any parent or professional who would
like information, advice or a forum to share ideas and experiences.
If you would like to know more about Passage, contact:
Remedial help and learning support
The mainstream system accommodates students with special needs through
remedial teaching or learning support that is co-ordinated by the CPOS. The schools
provide parents with the names of the psychologists at the beginning of each school
year. For more information, contact:
Centre de Psychologie et d’Orientation Scolaires (CPOS)
58 Boulevard Grande Duchesse CharlotteL-1330 Luxembourg
2477 5910
Profound special needs
Students with profound special needs are catered for outside the mainstream system
in specialised centres run by the Education Différenciée (Dept of Special Education).
Each student is given an individual education plan which emphasises functional skills
in the following ten areas: personal independence; communication; basic skills in
reading; cultural skills (life skills, art, religion etc); psycho-motor development;
academic skills (reading, writing, mathematics etc); health and hygiene; social and
emotional development; personal responsibility; preparation for adult life and leisure
activities. For more information, contact:
Education Différenciée
16 Boulevard Royal
L-2449 Luxembourg
2478 5178
In recent years, backed by Luxembourgish legislation, there have been moves to
integrate more special needs students into mainstream schools. Most integration has
been in primary schools via the concept of support teachers assisting individual
pupils. Cases of students being integrated into secondary schools are rare. Those
interested in their child being integrated can contact:
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Service Rééducatif Ambulatoire (SREA)
17a Route de Longwy
L-8080 Bertrange
2644 441
Currently, the only lycée with a special unit attached is Michel Rodange with a unit
for autistic students. For more information, contact:
Institut pour enfants autistiques
15 rue de Cessange
L-3347 Leudelange
Tel: 37 85 24
Support groups
Info Handicap is the Luxembourgish equivalent of a National Disability Council. It
represents 32 associations covering different disabilities. If you wish to contact a
support group for a particular disability, you can contact:
Info Handicap
65 ave de la Gare
L-1611 Luxembourg
36 64 66-1
Fax: 36 08 85
This is a special needs group run by English speakers. Although its primary concern
is dyslexia, there are members who can give a more personal view on services
available in Luxembourg. The group meets up every first Monday of the month
between 19:00 and 20:30 at the Coffeeshop/bookshop Altrimenti, 15 avenue de la
Faïencerie in Luxemburg (Limpertsberg). You can easily park at Glacis.
621 261 952
Contact: Raymond Claes
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Appendix A – Guide to the Steps in the Orientation Procedure
Information meeting on the orientation procedure organised by the
class teacher
First evaluation by the psychologist – as requested by the parents
November and
January and
Second evaluation by the psychologist – as requested by the
First consultation between lycée teachers and the class teacher
Standardised exams period
Teachers receive the opinion of the parents and of the psychologist
if applicable
Orientation Council meeting to prepare the orientation propositions
(avis d’orientation)
mid-May to the
beginning of June
end of June at the
beginning of July
Orientation propositions posted to parents towards the end of the
school year, stating the right to admission in one of the following
o classe de 7e secondaire (7e ES) - 7e secondary (classical)
o classe de 7e secondaire technique (7e ST) -7e secondary
o classe modulaire du régime préparatoire (7 MO) – 7
preparatory school
Start of the enrolment period for the 7e classes
Parents disagreeing with the orientation proposition may request an
appeal (demande de recours)
Final date for the enrolment to the admissions exam for classical
(ES) and for the appeal for admission to a 7e ST class
Date limite pour l'inscription à l'examen d'admission ES et pour le
recours vers la classe de 7e ST
Appeal admissions exam and meeting of the appeals committee
Final decision on the appeal request, and enrolment into a lycée
classique or lycée technique
Final date for enrolment into a 7e class
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Appendix B – Sample Psychological Tests Consent Form
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Appendix C – Sample of an Orientation Proposition - Avis d’orientation à la fin de l’enseignement primaire
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Sample of an Orientation Proposition (Cont.)
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Appendix D – Sample Enrolment form for 7 – Demande d’inscription en classe de 7
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Sample Enrolment form for 7 (Cont.)
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Appendix E – List of Lycées and lycées techniques publics in Luxembourg, 05.01.2012
Region – Centre
Lycée de Garçons (LGL)
Directeur: M. Bernard Schroeder
Place Auguste Laurent
L-1921 Luxembourg
Lycée Robert Schuman (LRSL)
Directrice: Mme Michèle Remakel
Bd Emmanuel Servais
L-2535 Luxembourg
Fax: 47.52.88
Athénée de Luxembourg (AL)
Directeur: M.Jos Salentiny
24, bd Pierre Dupong
L-1430 Luxembourg
Lycée Michel Rodange (LMRL)
Directeur: M. Jean-Claude Hemmer
30, bd Pierre Dupong
L-1430 Luxembourg
Lycée Aline-Mayrisch (LAM)
Directeur: M. Gaston Ternes
38, bd Pierre Dupong
L-1430 Luxembourg
Lycée Josy Barthel Mamer (LJBM)
Directeur: M. Claude Christnach
rue Gaston Thorn
L-8268 Mamer
Lycée Technique des Arts et Métiers (LTAM)
Directrice : Mme Véronique Schaber
19, rue Guillaume Schneider
L-2522 Luxembourg
Fax: 47.29.91
Lycée Technique du Centre (LTC)
Directeur: M. Jean-Paul Lenertz
106, avenue Pasteur
L-2309 Luxembourg
Fax: 46.02.98
Annexe Kirchberg
rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg
Tél: 43.43.32
Lycée Technique Michel Lucius (LTML)
Directeur: Mme Pascale Petry
Directeur (English section): Mr Chris Chapman
157, avenue Pasteur
L-2311 Luxembourg
Fax: 46.39.28
Lycée Technique de Bonnevoie (LTB)
Directeur: M. Jean-Marie Wirtgen
119, rue du Cimetière
L-1338 Luxembourg
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Uelzecht – Lycée (UELL)
Directeur : M. Serge Winandy
20, rue Nicolas Hein
L-1721 Luxembourg
Lycée Technique Ecole de Commerce et de
Gestion (LTECG)
Directrice: Mme José Frideres-Poos
21, rue Marguerite de Brabant
L-1254 Luxembourg
Lycée Technique pour Professions de Santé (LTPS)
Directrice: Mme Marianne Gillen
27, rue Barblé
L-1210 Luxembourg
Tél :
Centre de formation Ettelbrück
Directrice adjointe: Mme Thérèse Tesch
79, rue de Welscheid
L-9090 Warken
Centre de formation Luxembourg
Directrice adjointe: Mme Marie-Louise Bissen
Val. St. André
L-1128 Luxembourg
Centre de formation Bascharage
Directrice adjointe: Mme Albertine Flammang
13, rue de l‘Église
L-4922 Bascharage
Fax: 54.64.93
Region – West
Atert-Lycée Réiden (ALR)
Directeur: M. Claude Boever
1, rue du Lycée
L-8508 Redange-sur-Attert
Fax: 26.62.32h.299
Region – South
Lycée Hubert Clément (LHCE)
Directeur: M. François Maroldt
2, rue Général Patton
L -4277 Esch-sur-Alzette
Tél: 55.71.55
Fax: 57.24.04
Lycée de Garçons (LGE)
Directeur: M. Lucien Thill
71, rue du Fossé
L -4123 Esch-sur-Alzette
Fax: 57.09.94
Lycée Bel-Val
Directrice: Mme Astrid Schuller
B.P. 115
Tél : 26 55 47 312 ou 621 74 29 78
Fax : 26 55 12 60
Lycée Nic-Biever (LNB)
Directeur: M. Roger Roth
28, rue du Parc
L-3542 Dudelange
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Lycée Technique Mathias-Adam (LTMA)
Directeur: M. Edgar Muller
avenue de l'Europe
L-4802 Lamadelaine
Adresse postale:
B.P. 25
Tél. : 50 87 30 209
Fax: 23 65 18 50
Annexe (Régime préparatoire) :
Chargée de Direction : Mme Denise Hermes
rue Pierre Frieden
Adresse postale :
Tél: 58 44 79 1
Fax: 58 44 79 40
Lycée Technique de Lallange (LTL)
Directeur: M. Claude Loesch
bd Hubert Clement
L -4064 Esch-sur-Alzette
Lycée Technique Esch (LTE)
Directeur: M. Gilbert Engel
32, rue Henri Koch
L-4354 Esch-sur-Alzette
Annexe de Wobrecken
Av. de la Paix
L-4275 Esch/Alzette
École de la 2e chance
Directeur: M. Carlo Welfring
B.P. 29
L-4701 Pétange
(ancien LTMA)
Tél: 26.65 03 50
Region – East
Lycée Classique d'Echternach (LCE)
Directeur: M. Henri Trauffler
L-6401 Echternach
Tél: 72 87 15 - 1
Fax: 72 87 15 – 400
Lycée Technique Joseph Bech (LTJB)
Directeur: M. Gilles Estgen
rue de Muenschecker
L-6760 Grevenmacher
Schengen-Lyzeum Perl (SLP)
Directeur: M. Volker Staudt
Auf dem Sabel 2
D-66706 Perl
Tel: 0049.
Fax: 0049.
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Region – North
Lycée Classique Diekirch (LCD)
Directeur: M. Robert Bohnert
32, avenue de la Gare
L-9233 Diekirch
Tél :
Fax : 80.95.84
Lycée du Nord (LN)
Directeur: M. Pierre Koppes
rue Général Patton
L-9551 Wiltz
Fax: 95.77.37
Nouveau bâtiment
Directeur adjoint: M. Frank Eyschen
rue Joseph Merten
L -9257 Diekirch
Nordstadlycée (NOSL)
Directeur: M. Jean-Claude Havé
17, rue Joseph Merten
L-9257 Diekirch
Annexe Mersch
Directeur adjoint: M. Hubert Bauler
Square Princesse Marie-Astrid
L -7523 Mersch
Fax: 32.99.54
Lycée Technique agricole (LTA)
Directrice: Mme Martine Hansen
72, avenue Salentiny
L-9080 Ettelbruck
Fax: 81.21.70
Lycée Ermesinde (LEM) (anc. Neie Lycée (NL))
Directeur : M. Jeannot Medinger
45, rue de la Gare
L-7590 Beringen (Mersch)
Adresse postale :
B.P. 179
L-7502 Mersch
Lycée Technique Hôtelier Alexis-Heck (LTHAH)
Directrice: Mme Elisabeth Reisen
rue Joseph Merten
L -9257 Diekirch
Fax: 80.25.08
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Membership form
If you want the Luxembourgish Schools Support Group to keep in touch with you, please complete our online
membership form:
You will then join our list of participating parents and we will keep you informed of the Group’s activities. All
information submitted will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used by the LSSG in the context of
informing you of relevant information.
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