Community - Ville de Waterville


Community - Ville de Waterville
Municipal Newsletter
The Watervilleans’ monthly source of information
Ville de
170, Principale South Street
Waterville, Quebec J0B 3H0
819 837-2456
Edition of September 2012
Vol. 04 - No 07
19th edition of the Mayor’s Golf Tournament, page 6
Good Retirement Linda, page 7
Municipal Information . . . . 3
News from the Council . . . 4
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Press Release . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Youth Center . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Press Release . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
FADOQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Community . . . . . . . 11-12-13
Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Scool and Library . . . . . . . 16
Phone Book . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Community Center . . . . . . 18
Environnemental Health . 19
The Mayor’s Office
8 am to noon
1 pm to 4:30 pm
8 am to noon
Business Hours
From Monday to Thursday:
Friday :
Municipal Office
170, Principale Sud, Waterville, Quebec, J0B 3H0
Tel. : 819 837-2456 Fax : 819 837-0786
Email :
819 837-2789
Public (24 h)
counsil Meetings :
The first Mondays of each month at 7 pm at the municipal office.
FIRE 911
(Sureté du Québec)
819 849-4813
Gladys Bruun
138, Jeanne-Mance Street, Coaticook, QC
Tel. : 819 849-9102
Tel. : 819 849-4876
de la MRC de Coaticook
819 849-4876
Centre hospitalier universitaire
de Sherbooke (CHUS)
3001, 12e Avenue Nord, Sherbrooke,
Quebec, J1H 5N4
Antoine Deacon
Ann Marie Francis
Councillor No 01
Councillor No 02
Hôtel-Dieu : 580, Bowen Street,
Sherbrooke, Quebec,
Tel. : 819 346-1110
How to submit your articles :
«La Source» is published and distributed around
the third week of each month. Organizations in
the municipality and those in charge of activities
are invited to send in their articles or news
Bastien Nadeau
Gordon Barnett
Councillor No 03
Councillor No 04
General Manager & Secretary Treasurer
Mr. François Fréchette
Acounting Secretary
Mrs Marie-Céline Corbeil
Elyse Audet
Nathalie Dupuis
Councillor No 05
Councillor No 06
2 • La Source de Waterville • September 2012
Jean Rousseau
MP Compton-Stanstead
Monique Gagnon-Tremblay
Member for Saint-François
Tel.: 819 565-3667
Articles should be submitted
before September 12th.
Articles should be fowarded as Word files photographs in separate files (JPG or BMP) by email
to :
For more information: 819 837-2456
Town Planning Committee:
Mr Bernard Houle, president
Legal Deposit
Library and Archives Canada
Conception : Duokom
Printing : M.B.G. Production
Constituency Office
5142, boul. Bourque, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1N 2K7
Tel. : 819 347-2598 Fax: 819 347-3583
Municipal Information
Public Notice
44% of household waste can be turned into compost!
ACCEPTED materials:
✓ Food residues
(fruits, vegetables, leftovers, etc.)
✓ Trimmings (grass, leaves, etc.)
✓ Hand paper towels, tissues, paper towels
Please be advised that the regulation entitled « Bylaw no. 528
concerning the zone no 2008-472 to the zone R-5 » has been adopted
by the Waterville Municipal Council on July 3rd 2012. This is effective on
the day of the publication of this notice.
✓ Paper bags
or certified
compostable bags
✗ All plastics
Given at Waterville, August 21th of 2012.
François Fréchette - Secretary-Treasurer
✗ Oxo–biodegradable bags
✗ Glass (e.g., bottle of wine)
2012 schedule of the Waterville
Municipal Council public meetings
September 5th 2012 at 7 pm
November 5th 2012 at 7 pm
October 1st 2012 at 7 pm
December 3rd 2012 at 7 pm
New date for the september Council
is moved to wednesday september 5th
Waste Collection schedule
Do not put the
compost in plastic or
biodegradable bags. Only
To reduce LARVAE
Larvae (grubs) can appear in your brown bin after flies have laid eggs
in the meat residues. To reduce this problem, simply bloc any access:
• Wrap meats and leftovers with newspaper;
May collections will take place according to the following schedule:
• Cover cooking residues with dry materials
(leaf litter, newspaper, sawdust);
• Add salt or vinegar to kill them.
Brown bin: 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th of september
Blue bin: 7th & 21th of september
Garbage: 5th & 19th of september
Agricultural plastics:21th of september
down your bin
day of
Hours of lawn mowing
The council took note of a request
for citizens to legislate hours of lawn
mowing. Many people deplore the
fact that the mowing is done at times
less appropriate in the day such as
early morning or dinner time, among
The council recognizes that the
problem exists and appeals to your sense of good neighbourliness by
not mowing you lawns during the hours referred to if possible. Choose
a time during the day to enable everyone to enjoy the beautiful outdoor
• Avoid placing bin in the Sun;
• Add dry matter (dead leaves, newspaper, and sawdust);
• Place the odorous residues in the refrigerator or freezer
and put it in the bin on the day of collection;
• Rinse bin with water and mild soap.
• Add a little baking soda in the bin.
• Composting is very economical: the cost of municipal
composting is $ 40/t while burial is $ 139/t?
• Composting produces 20 times less greenhouse
gases than burial?
September 2012 • La Source de Waterville • 3
News from the Council
Hello everybody,
We hope you enjoyed the wonderful summer we experienced
this year! Here is a summary of cases handled during the months
Thanks and congratulations
At its regular council meeting held August 6th 2012, the Town Council
passed a motion to congratulate Mrs Monique Gagnon-Tremblay on
her retirement. Therefore, the following letter was addressed to her.
of July and August.
Dog park
Earlier this year, the Town of Waterville received a request
to provide a dog park. To assess the need, the council sent
a survey to all dog owners registered with the SPA residing in
the urban area of the Town of ​Waterville to assess the public
interest. The questionnaire was also available on the website of
the Town of Waterville. Following the responses and the limited
number of people interested in the project, the council decided
to not prioritize this project considering the costs for opening and
maintaining a dog park and perspectives of use.
Adoption of Bylaw 528 concerning the rezoning
a portion of the zone R5.
The council has adopted Bylaw No. 528 at the meeting of July.
The MRC has issued a certificate of conformity in August 2012.
Primarily, this amendment is to allow the deployment of a real
estate project in the Highland / Swanson area.
Filtration Plant Project
At the meeting of august, the council gave notice of a motion
for presenting a borrowing bylaw to complete funding for the
completion of the work of the future filtration plant.
A tender for the construction supervision was also launched for
the upgrading of drinking water facilities in the Town of Waterville.
Next council meeting
Whereas the provincial election held on 4 September 2012
and that the council wants to encourage citizen participation in
the election, it was decided to move the september meeting to
Wednesday, September 5 at 19h in the boardroom.
Mrs Monique Gagnon-Tremblay
Member for St Francois
Minister of International Relations
Minister Responsible of La Francophonie
Following the announcement of your retirement from
politics, the Town Council
passed a motion wishing to
underline your continued
support. Please accept our
congratulations for your
27 years of political life as
member of parliament for
the riding of St François and for
the many responsibilities and different ministerial functions
that you held with dignity and integrity. Thank you for your
availability, your willingness to act and your determination to
promote the success of the different files and projects that
were entrusted to you.
You were always sensitive to the complex realities of the
vast territory of the St. François riding, whether industrial,
tourism, agricultural or community projects which were presented to you whether local or regional.
On behalf of the Waterville Town Council and in my name,
Mrs Gagnon-Tremblay please accept our thanks and sincere
congratulations for your 27 years of political life and our best
Gladys Bruun
Mayor’s golf tournament
A big thank you to all players and guests of the 19th mayor’s
golf tournament. Thank you to all sponsors of the event. It was a
real success.
4 • La Source de Waterville • September 2012
The council congratulated Miss Jeanne LarichelièreBanken to obtain a silver medal in the sport of pole vault
final at the 47th Quebec Games and encourages them to
Waterville fire
safety service
The presence of a fire extinguisher could save your life,
your loved ones and your property. But do you know how to
maintain it and how to use it? Do you know where to put it?
The following article will focus on tips to help you learn more
about this device.
Choosing a fire extinguisher
What type of fire extinguisher is appropriate? The
ABC type fire extinguisher is recommended for homes. It
contains powder that can extinguish fires of class A, that
is to say ordinary combustible fires (paper, wood, fabric,
etc..), The Class B fires, flammable liquids (gasoline , oil,
solvents, paint) and Class C for electrical fires (electrical panels, heaters, motors).
How to maintain it?
The extinguisher should be shaken slightly at least once a month
to prevent the powder to freeze when a need for any use. In addition, it is important to ensure that the pressure of the extinguisher
is good. To verify this, just look at the position of the gauge, which
should be in the green. Sometimes the fire extinguisher discharge
when subjected to temperature changes frequently. It is important
to have it checked annually by a qualified person.
Where should it be placed?
The extinguisher must be placed in an easily visible and
accessible to a maximum height of 5 feet from the ground near
an exit. It must be out of the reach of children and must be far
from the stove and heaters.
Mother of three children aged 4 to 8 years, residing in one minute
south of Sherbrooke, available to keep preschoolers, 4 days per
week, Monday to Thursday.
When to use it?
Attention! Its use should be limited to a fire that is
not being spread! Fire with a diameter of one meter by
one meter height is the maximum size that can extinguish
extinguisher. In addition, before using make sure of the
• Occupants must have been alerted to the danger and
have left the residence;
• Notify the fire department (911), even if the fire appears
to be extinguished;
• When using, place yourself between the fire and the
• Check if the gauge is in the green zone and weigh the
extinguisher to make sure it is full and it is functional.
• You must know the operation and be aware of the capacity
of the extinguisher.
• Never attempt to extinguish a fire with a fire extinguisher in
circumstances other than those mentioned above. When in doubt,
leave the home immediately, close the door behind you and call
the fire department once outside.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact your local
fire protection service of Coaticook or fire prevention MRC of
Jonathan Garceau,
Prevention technician
To all my customers for the winter:
After much thought before making a final decision, I am announcing
today that I will no longer be in service to maintain your driveway.
I want to say «THANK YOU» for the trust you have bestowed
throughout these years.
Guy Bouchard
Receipts for tax purposes will be issued entitling
a refund may vary from 70% to 90%, depending on your family
income and can be seen in advance.
Country house, rural landscape, quiet area (no roads), large
indoor and outdoor space, no television for hours security, healthy
food biological part.
Contact Catherine at 819 569-9794
Or visit the 755, de la Perdrière, in Canton de Hatley.
Le Quincailler
Quincaillerie des rivières inc.
Louise Breton et Bernard St-James, propriétaires
51, rue Compton Est
Waterville, Québec, J0B 3H0
Tél.: 819 837-2466
Télec.: 819 837-2467
September 2012 • La Source de Waterville • 5
Press release
The 19th Mayor’s Golf Tournament was a succes!
The sun was at the rendezvous on August 8 for the 55 golfers
present at the Waterville Golf Club which held the 19th Annual Mayor’s
Golf Tournament. The players all played very well ... but we can say that
some stood out more than others! Here are the results:
The winners of the tournament: Foursome Waterville TG
with K Maeda, S Veda, Jean Brisebois et Gaetan Fauteux
Closest to the pin no 1 men : Pierre Langevin
Closest to the pin no 1 women : Joyce Boudreau
A big thank you to all the contributors and sponsors of the tournament
who have contributed to over $ 2000 in cash or prizes for organizing this
The results will be announced shortly but we can already announce
a handsome profit to be presented to the Association of Recreation and
Sports Waterville whose members have worked tirelessly to organize
this day.
All photos taken during this event are available on the website, under the tab municipal board.
On road for the 20e edition in 2013!
More pictures on page 15
Longest drive on hole no 3 men : Francis Lussier
Longest drive on hole no 3 women : Ghislaine Leblond
The Mayor would like to thank all the participants present
at the event and wishes to acknowledge the presence of the
mayors who responded to his invitation:
Fernand Veilleux, Compton
Réjean Masson, Martinville
et prefect of the Coaticook MRC
Lucie Tremblay, St-Herménégilde
Richard Belleville, East Hereford,
Pierre Levac, Canton de Hatley
Bertrand Lamoureux, Coaticook
Ghislaine Leblond, Barnston-Ouest.
Jacques Madore, St-Malo
Ian Warcup, president of the sport & leisure association of Waterville, Jean Brisebois, S Veda,
Gaetan Fauteux et Gladys Bruun, mayor of Waterville. Absent : K Maeda.
Thank you to our generous sponsors
Major sponsors
Sponsor for present prizes
and other financial sponsorship
Sponsor $ 100 and more for holes of he course
Rendez-vous Fadoq
de Waterville
de Lennoxville
6 • La Source de Waterville • September 2012
Press release
Aerial Spreading
From August 20th to August 24th, 2012, aircraft will be flying at a low
altitude over an area of 4 800 km2 to release 373,400 vaccine baits. It is
mainly forest habitats that will be covered by the spreading operations.
In the following pages, you will find a list of 23 municipalities in Estrie
and 53 municipalities in Montérégie that will be involved in the aerial
For your information, here are the instructions we provide for
the general public in these circumstances:
• Avoid handling vaccine bait. Although considered safe for people,
pets or the environment, it is intended for wildlife.
• In the event you come into contact with
perforated or broken bait, call the number
that appears on the bait or call 811 to contact
the Info-Santé service.
These instructions are also always recommended:
• Never approach any unknown wild or domestic animals;
• If you are bitten by an animal, wash the wound with water and soap
for 10 minutes and contact Info-Santé at 811;
• Consult a veterinarian to vaccinate pets, including dogs and cats,
against rabies;
• Make sure that the content of outside garbage cans is inaccessible
to animals in order to avoid attracting them near houses;
• Report raccoons, skunks or foxes that are either disoriented,
abnormally aggressive, paralyzed or dead to Services Québec at 1
877 644-4545 or on the website : www.rageduratonlaveur.
For more information on raccoon rabies, visit www.rageduratonlaveur.
Happy Retirement!
Last June 27th 2012, thirty people
gathered at the Waterville Golf Club for
5-7 celebrating the retirement of Linda
Ouellet, after 27 years of service at the
City of Waterville.
Beautiful reunion was experienced
during this event. Linda had a small wellcooked even from his former boss, Gilles
Boisvert, Director General at the time of
her hiring in 1985.
All agreed to pay tribute to Linda for the excellence of her work, her
availability, her knowledge of the city and citizens, her participation in
the cultural and community life, her kindness and her great desire to
serve the public.
For now, she intends to pass her summer in Quebec, spending time
at his cottage with her family.
However, she intends to devote time to the Waterville Historical
Society to properly organize and maintain beautiful collections for
Linda will also come to the town hall for replacements and some
220, rue Principale Sud, Waterville (Québec) JOB 3HO
819 837-2351
Pierre-Paul Morin et Jean-François Morin, propriétaires.
Alain Pouliot
819 238-2381
September 2012 • La Source de Waterville • 7
News of our Youth Center
Les Pacifistes (the Pacifists), Waterville’s Youth Center isn’t a recreational center, but a place with animated meetings and a
mission, which is to help adolescents from 12 to 17 years old of Waterville area to become critical, active and responsible citizen.
Upcoming special events in September
Sports Wednesdays: they are back! On the move
every Wednesday: beach volley-ball, hockey ball,
soccer, etc. Go check out the calendar on our
Facebook page.
Movie and popcorn evening: Every second
Friday of the month, watch a movie and eat
popcorn (offered by the Youth Center) and then
discuss the movie’s subject.
Match of the Coaticook Dynamik: Come
and attend the 1st game of the season, at
Friday, September 21.
Departure will be at 20: 00 from the Youth Center. Back around 23: 00.
Registration deadline: Wednesday, September 19.
Cost: prices of the entry. Transport is free of charge.
Pizz’ supper: Saturday September 29th, 18 h. Come
make you very own pizza with healthy ingredients of
your choice. Cost: $2.
Afternoon opening:
exceptionally on Friday September 21th,
educational day, we will open
from 13: 00 to 19: 00.
monitoring or only having fun with young people. The animators use
activities to build relationships based on trust with young people and do
prevention if necessary. They must sometimes intervene on more specific
issues that require specific knowledge and skills.
That knowledge and those skills, our Youth Center has them through
a blend of training and experience:
Olivier Girondier, Coordinator-animator, Bachelor and Master’s
degree in education, 19 years’ experience in day camp, vacation and
teaching, 2 years of experience in youth center.
Amélie Valières, social moderator, student in her 3rd year of the
Bachelor in High School Education, 1 year of experience in youth center.
Eliane Fortin-Burns, social moderator, student in her 3rd of the
Bachelor’s degree in Psycho-education. 5 years day and holiday camp
Annik Bélanger, on call social moderator with 16 years’ experience
in youth center.
Catherine Foster, on call social moderator, 3rd year student of the
Bachelor’s degree in Psycho-education, 1 year experience in youth center.
And of course, the team is also on continuous training: being an
animator in a youth center; suicidal crisis intervention; body image
among young people; mental health; prevention of the escalade to drug
injection; first aid on workplace; etc.
In addition, 2 to 3 times a year, our animators participate in days
of exchange with other animators from 10 other youth centers of the
Youth Center’s Association of the Eastern Townships.
Back to regular schedule on August 27th:
This schedule can be modified for special activities, watch our Facebook
New project: Street Worker
The Youth Center launched a pilot project to reach young people
directly in the village. Thus during this fall, an animator will be strolling
in our streets and parks one evening per week. Her objectives will be to
relate to young people and prevention.
The Youth Center team: trained
and experienced animators
Work in a youth center is not like keeping a teenage daycare,
Regular schedule
Samedi :
6 pm to 9 pm
6 pm to 9 pm
6 pm to 11 pm
6 pm to 11 pm
Olivier Girondier, Coordinator
Facebook page : DOJ Waterville
Aide communautaire
de Lennoxville et des environs
Lennoxville and District Community Aid
C.P. / P.O. Box 292,
succursale Lennoxville
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1M 1Z5
Sylvie Gilbert Fowlis
directrice générale / Director General
819 821-4779
Répondeur téléphonique 24h / 24-hour ansering machine
8 • La Source de Waterville • September 2012
Centre de services Waterville
130, rue Compton, Waterville, Québec
Téléphone : 819 849-9822 Télécopieur : 819 837-3112
Press release
Passport Culture Coaticook
is now available!
Complement the Culture Portal Coaticook demonstrates the concern
of four of our cultural pillars (Library Françoise Maurice, Pavilion of
Arts and Culture, Museum and Historical Society Beaulne Coaticook)
harmonize their approach and services to their members: Passport
Culture Coaticook. A membership card unique, it allows to become a
member of four organizations at once.
Passport is offered at a cost of $ 35 for regular fare and $ 20 for the
student discount.
Benefits of Membership Passport Culture Coaticook:
Become an individual member of the Hall of Arts and Culture, Library
Françoise Maurice, Beaulne Museum and Historical Society and as such
is entitled to all the privileges of regular members, including those
described below ;
• 1 free ticket for a show at the Pavillon des Arts and culture Coaticook;
• Doing research in archives free and get photocopies discount the
Historical Society Coaticook;
• Free Internet access to the Historical Society Coaticook;
• Get a free copy of the bulletin POWER Historical Society Coaticook;
• Borrow materials free of charge to the Library Françoise Maurice;
• Free internet access in the library Françoise Maurice;
• A 50% discount on the purchase of a book at the store TO OLD
• Get 40% discount on conferences, meetings with authors and
literary events at the Library Françoise Maurice;
• Visit the Museum of Coaticook Beaulne free to regular business
• Enjoy a special rate for casual visitors (parents and friends)
accompanying a member - $ 2 per person and free for children
under 13 years Beaulne Museum of Coaticook;
• A discount during certain activities organized by the Museum of
Beaulne Coaticook;
• Consult the documentation center and get free copies at a reduced
price Beaulne Museum of Coaticook;
• Get 10% off on sale items at souvenir kiosk Beaulne Museum of
Available from August 1st, the Passport will be available in four
organizations concerned. You can also get your Passport Culture Coaticook
Happening at the registration to be held at the Frontier 16 and August 17
from 17 am-20 pm. Participating organizations will be on hand to welcome
you and provide you with the necessary information. For more information
on Passport Culture Coaticook, please contact cultural organizations or
visit the Culture Portal to Coaticook
Edith Thibodeau
Agente de développement culturel
September 2012 • La Source de Waterville • 9
Time flies so fast! The Fadoq’s
meeting club will be 30 years old in September!
Happy birthday FADOQ!
Back to school dinner.
our activities will resume on Friday, September 21st of 2012.
«SPECIAL» menu. (You can bring your own drinks.)
Location: City Hall basement at 6 pm
Cost of meal : :
When you register for dinner and you can’t come, please inform
Claudette Picard to 837 819-2990 no later than Wednesday, otherwise
we will have to charge you the cost of your meal,
because we will have to pay the caterer. Thank you.
Members and non-members, you are welcome.
September is the time to renew
your FADOQ membership.
With your card, you can benefit from discounts and privileges on
exclusive services and products: Virage magazine, the FADOQ workshops,
insurance, travel agencies, subscriptions to journals, magazines,
newspapers, discounts on eyeglasses and hearing aids, and more... Cost
of membership: $22.
FADOQ network counts 265,000 members, it is involved in programs such
as Ainé-Avisé (advised-elder), Quality Program Logi-Être, mentoring...
and its many decisions in files, caregivers, old age care, safety in CHSLD,
abuse and fraud, guaranteed Income Supplement... Join us.
We wish you to fully enjoy all the summer fun and return to us in great
shape in September.
Diane Tremblay
THE OWNER of a PLOT in the Catholic Cemetery of Waterville
The person who owns a plot in the cemetery is called a plot owner and
must always appoint a person as heir to this lot; to enable the head of
the cemetery to join him if needed, these people have the responsibility
of notifying the Parish Office of any change of address or telephone
The plot owner must inform himself about regulations from the
Cemetery Manager before performing any work on his lot, whether it is
to add or correct a monument or place a new stone.
Since the adoption of the new regulation, the plot owner is not
allowed to define his lot with a fence, a hedge, chains or any other
means. He must not place, sow or plant flowers, a shrub or a tree and
the surface must be completely covered with grass. The placing or the
installation of flower arrangements on the monument is however
It is no longer permitted to place more than one monument on a
lot and, if the owner adds a stone on the ground (foot stone or head
stone), its dimensions must be 20 inches long by 12 inches wide and 4
inches thick and inscriptions must be written lengthways; stones shall be
installed at the ground level and must not interfere with the maintenance
of the cemetery.
The owner has to ensure the good condition of the monument and
is liable for any damage or body injury resulting from decay of the burial
work executed on his lot. Meanwhile, the Cemetery is not responsible
for acts of vandalism or any other damages caused by others, or by bad
For any questions, please call the Office (819 837-2272) and leave
your name and phone number to the Cemetery Manager and he’ll call
you back.
Gérard Lefebvre
Racine santé
178 Queen Street, suite 103
Sherbrooke, Quebec
Phone.: / Fax : 819 822-1939
Owner : Karrie Parent
Come in and see us!
• Gluten Free Section • Cleaning Products
• Organic Fruits & Veggies • Supplements
• Beauty Care
• Baby Section
• Gift Ideas
• Local Products
• Nutritional Consultations
For your good health…as well as the planet!
10 • La Source de Waterville • September 2012
Canned food
for Church!
You have a talent for preparing
cans of summer products! The
Church of Waterville invites you to
its fundraiser by making some home
canned food. Berries, tomatoes,
ketchup, rhubarb, spaghetti sauce or
any other culinary preparation of your
own allowed.
We invite you to contact us if
you’re interested in participating. We can also deliver jars for canning.
We will have a sale of various canned food after the 9 a.m. mass Sunday,
October 7 (Thanksgiving) under the Church.
We are counting on your participation and we look forward to
discovering your little delights!
Rachel Blanchard 819 837-2484
Fernande Goulet 819 837-2368
Gilles Lizotte 819-837-2315
Sincere condolences
• To the family of Monsieur Jacques (Jack) Brisebois,
who passed on August 15th 2012.
• To the family of Madame Edna (Knapp) Garbutt,
who passed on August 18th 2012.
• To the family of Madame Myrtle (Anderson) Raffan,
who passed on August 20th 2012.
Blood pressure clinic
By Sylvie Gilbert Fowlis
Community aid of Lennoxville
and the surrounding area!
There will be a blood pressure clinic on Tuesday
September 25th at 170 Principale Sud (Main South)
Street, Waterville, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Recreational transportation
By Thérèse Côté
Next departure for the Carrefour de l’Estrie
will be on Monday, September 4th 2012.
Bus will leave City Hall at 9h30 a.m.
and return from the Carrefour at 2 p.m.
The price per person is $ 7. People of all ages are invited to use this
mean of transportation.
St Barnabas Church, Milby
will hold a Harvest Supper on
Saturday September 15 at 5 P.M.
At Ives Hill Community Hall
Cost: $12 adults, $6 children
Menu will include: ham, scalloped
potatoes, squash, coleslaw, homemade rolls and apple crisp and ice
cream for dessert.
Come out and enjoy a delicious meal
and help support one of our community’s treasures.
Ostéopathie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Lemay D.O.
Acupuncture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yoan Lefebvre, Ac.
Karèya Audet, Ac.
Waterville-North Hatley United Church
Massothérapie . . . . . . . . . . . . Mélanie Miousse
Herboristerie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marie-Soleil Larouche
The official First day of sunday school will be on sunday
eptember 23, 2012 at 11:00 am
Come and join us for storytime, singing and crafts!
We serve a snack with juice after each class
Children of all ages are welcome!
Une équipe professionnelle
et multidisciplinaire
819 837-2013
- Reçu pour impôts ou assurances
- Certificat cadeau disponible
262, rue Principale Sud, Waterville.
Entrée sur Compton Est (en haut du restaurant)
*Soins pour toute la famille : femme enceinte, bébé,
enfants, sportifs, travailleurs, retrairés...
September 2012 • La Source de Waterville • 11
Something original for the group of the 2nd Waterville Cub Scouts
During 3 weekends, from late May to the end
of June, the cub group of Waterville participated
in a special project. With the help of sculptor
Marcel Dubuc, they created a beautiful fountain
which will be given to the Community Center of
During the first weekend of the project,
children 8 to 12 years old have studied
the geography of the Coaticook River and
reproduced it with clay on long tables. They have
learned what a stream is made of, what are its
relations with the elements and human beings
that surrounds it, how it is driven from the source
until its discharge in a lake or the sea. They have
sculpted trees, animals and houses; they went
collecting stones near a river to place them in and
on the banks of their creek. They have even seen
real water run into their work with the help of a
pump. Children loved the experience and worked enthusiastically for two
days for this achievement.
The second weekend of the project, they were initiated to masonry.
They made a mixture of concrete and stone and then poured this mixture
in tiers (bowls) and pool molds. They helped
to cut, sand, stain and oil wooden legs for the
fountain. They had also lots of fun burning their
signature on the bottom of the tiers.
On the third weekend, they participated
with excitement to the mold opening of the
tiers and the pool. They gave the finishing
touches and finally, installed the fountain to
ensure for proper functioning of their work and
admired the water flow into this magnificent
Coaticook River inspired fountain.
This project initiative was taken by two
animators and parents of the group who knew
Mr. Dubuc and had admired his work with
young people in schools. Mr. Dubuc is part of
the «Artist in School» program and often works
with children.
The objective of the project was to give kids
MEDIUM depuis 1986
privées et ateliers
pour elle et lui
the opportunity to create an artistic work very
close to nature. Indeed, the kind of fountain that
was built is said to be very organic. The shape
of the fountain is stream inspired and the water
flow seems natural. Almost all of the materials
that were used in the project come from nature.
The children have learned a lot and they knew
that their doing would be a gift for the new
Community Centre of Waterville and that all
citizens could admire and enjoy the serene
atmosphere that creates a fountain in a facility.
The entire project was made to fully comply with
Scouting values.
Many thanks to the Coaticook MRC for the
children assistance to accessing to culture grant,
to Verts Sommets de l’Estrie Caisse Populaire, the
City of Waterville, Waterville Community Center,
Marché Morin, Rona of Waterville, Golf of Waterville, TG Industries and
PRJ workshops. Thank you for your generous donations!
Christine Bolduc
Elle est l’auteure de
L’ange gardien (un best-seller)
et de L’intuition.
12 • La Source de Waterville • September 2012
1140, rue Principal Sud
Waterville, Qc J0B 3H0
819 677-0510
The Work-Study Conciliation Program
More and more active in Waterville!
Did you know that five companies of Waterville are part of the workstudies conciliation program of the Coaticook MRC? Indeed, the Waterville Youth Center, Marché Morin, Waterville Convenience Store (Dépanneur), the Covered Bridge Camping ground and Val-Estrie Camp decided
to become involved in the regional youth perseverance and academic
It has already been more than a year that the Youth Employment
Services of Coaticook program is in motion in the area and still recruits
employers seeking to make a difference in the lives of the young people
that they employ. And because the economic, cultural and community
future passes through education and job succession; help us promote the
program’s mission which is: student retention for tomorrow’s better qualified working class.
For more information about the Work-study Conciliation program, consult
or contact the development officer,
Emilie Drouin, at 819-849-0440 ext. 232.
This program is supported by the Youth Employment Services of Coaticook and was made possible by the participation of; Partners for Educational Success in Estrie, the Estrie Regional Conference of Elected Officials,
Estrie’s Youth Forum, Emploi Québec Estrie, Rural Pact and Neil and Louise
Tillotson Foundation, in addition of receiving professional support from
other partners of the area.
Therefore, if you hire one or several students during the school year
or that your child is working in the family business, this program is for you
and has many benefits to offer!
You are currently studying and looking for a part-time job, why not go
and see these employers who have decided to get involved towards their
student employees.
September 2012 • La Source de Waterville • 13
Discussion with Acupuncturist Yoan Lefebvre
Studies on happiness
are going in the same
(Here in Waterville, at the Synergy Health Clinic)
A new series of health chronic
In the upcoming months, a new series of health columns
entitled «Discussion with...» will be published! Discussions
with other health professionals (nurse, family doctor,
massage therapist, osteopath, psychologist, midwife,
etc.) have been organized just for you! In these exchanges,
an important question will be asked to each professional:
What does the word health mean to you? The objective
is not to publicize the various health professions, but rather to hear
thoughts from different individuals who practice with their heart and
soul. What moves them? How do they see their profession? How do they
embody it? What do they get back from attending to people’s health?
How do they want people to take care of their own health and get
involved in a follow-up with them?
Let’s get started now...
Karine: what does health mean to you?
Yoan : Health, contrary to what one might think, this is not the
absence of illness or discomfort. It is rather our ability to retain and
regain our psychological and physical balance. According to each person
and the stage of their life, this adaptability can be more or less easy,
efficient and fast. It is, for example, the speed at which one is recovering
from a fall, flu, mourning, or from a few sleepless nights, etc. Being
healthy is therefore a constant body and mind exercise that the balance
can be maintained. Because in order to stay alive, our body must ensure
keeping a certain level of acidity, a temperature of 37 degrees, adequate
hydration, good blood pressure and so forth. However, our ability of
doing so is conditioned by several elements. Our genetics, food that
we eat, our mental state, quality of sleep, our social network, physical
activity, our environment...
Karine: Could you tell me a little more about what determines
our ability to be healthy. According to you, are there some things
that people should first attend to?
Yoan : I believe that the most important aspect is, in a broad way,
the inheritance. Not only our genetics, but also what has been passed
on to us by our parents and our entourage growing up. This broad
legacy has an impact on our strengths as well as our psychological and
physical weaknesses. It will not only influence your overall health, but
also your ability to take care of it, neglect or even destroy it. Some of us
have greater or lesser tolerance to sleep deprivation, alcohol, stress, fat,
solitude or whatever. From these strengths and weaknesses, the only
thing giving us power over our health is the ability to recognize them,
respect them and use them. For this matter, it is sometimes useful to
seek help. I would say even that is a sign of healthiness.
Karine: Thank you for sharing, Yoan!
In fact, positive psychology
scientific studies show that; 50%
of our happiness is determined
by genetics (temper for example);
10% of our happiness is determined by the external circumstances
(beauty, wealth, employment, status, education, etc.); and 40% of our happiness is related to our personal
power (from Sonja Lyubomirsky’s book, The how of happiness)! If we
think that health and happiness go together, there chances (40% and
more!) to live both happy and healthy!
To contact Yoan or get acupuncture services:
Yoan Lefebvre, Ac, 819 580-6551,
Do not miss the next month: Discussion with Lucie Mandeville,
Feel free to contact me for ideas of topics that you are interested in or for
questions about psychological health services.
Karine Morin, doctoral student in clinical psychology,
Sherbrooke University.
819 346-9265,
Michel Toujas cpa, cga
Comptabilité et administration
Tel. 819-837-0770
 An Accountant near You
 Affordable Rates
 Bookkeeping,
 Free First Meeting
 Financial Statements
 Self-Employed
Individuals and
 Administrative
 Payroll , Source
Deductions and
 GST/QST Returns
 Business Start-up
Français, English,
14 • La Source de Waterville • September 2012
Press release
Entrepreneur Général
Démarche écologique
Construction Alain Boucher
5005, route 147
Waterville Québec
Tél.: 819 678-0327 Fax : 819 566-0527
Produits et services:
Clef en main
Revêtement de bois
Commercial & Institutionnel (Maibec)
Galerie en cèdre
Produits de sécurité,
d’entretien et d’outillage
Albert Pageau
1365, rue Principale Pud
Waterville (Québec)
J0B 3H0
Achat en ligne
Tél. : 819 562-8827
Fax: 819 780-3130
Sans frais: 877 562-8827
Gérance de Chantier
Restauration / Bâtiment
Historique / Patrimoine
Toiture acier
sans vis apparente
Services après sinistre
Démarche écologique
Entreprise qui se démarque par ses produits,
ses services et ses pratiques d’affaires responsables
en matière d’environnement.
September 2012 • La Source de Waterville • 15
School and Library
Mrs. Lacroix, tell us your secret!
Troup guide
26th Delaplace
On June 22th, one of our citizens, Mrs. Medora Lacroix, celebrated
her 95th birthday.
Scouting is a movement that has proven itself in the field of youth
training. It aims to develop full physical, intellectual, emotional, social
and spiritual. Pedagogy is centered on the life of the game and team.
A troop guide has just been founded at Collège François-Delaplace
and will host from September 2012 girls aged 12 to 17 who want to live
the great adventure of solidarity, friendship, outdoor and transcendence.
Meetings will be held on Wednesday evening from 18:30 to 20:30 at
Collège François-Delaplace. A winter camp for a weekend and a summer
camp of 10 days are also part of the program.
Expenses for the year (including camps): $ 300
Uniform fee for $ 100
For more information,
contact the Guider:
Geneviève Babin
Phone. : 819-573-0007
Email :
Native from Ascot Corner, Mrs. Lacroix came with her husband,
Hubald Lacroix in Waterville in 1952 with their beautiful family
today consists of five children, eight grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren, soon to be 12.
While involved in her community, Mrs. Lacroix, was founding
member of the Golden Age of Waterville, was involved for the HLM,
the parish and the parish traditional dinner to name only some of its
Today, she remains in her house, she is healthy, she loves to cook,
go out for shopping or visit the hairdresser and meet her friends.
Her famous secret? A positive attitude, exercise, leisure activities
and a beautiful family.
Her hidden secret? The stairs! She did not fear because his room is
on the second floor of the house and as Madame Lacroix does not like
to be doing nothing, she uses them very often!
Welcome to you!
Volunteers Needed
Like reading, talking, playing games or simply
love spending time with others, then this is for you!
The Community Aid Lennoxville and District is
looking for volunteers for the region of Lennoxville
North Hatley and Waterville to spend an hour a week
with elderly community. If volunteer for this service
in your community or in your neighborhood you are
interested, do not hesitate to contact the Community
Aid 819-821-4779.
Crampons souples seulement
Soft Spikes Only
Club de golf de Waterville inc.
600, chemin Compton, Waterville, QC, JOB 3HO
Tél.:/Fax: 819 837-2780 • Départ: 819 837-2966
Individual Training and/or Nutrition Sessions
Compton, Quebec
Entretien & Réparation
819 238-2584
Francine Hamel
ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer & Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
16 • La Source de Waterville • September 2012
Tondeuses • Tracteurs de jardin • Souffleuses
Murray Luce
Tél.: 819 835-1241 • Cell.: 819 212-1868
Opening hours
of the library
Important Numbers
Regular hours
Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Closed
6:30 pm to 8 pm
6:30 pm to 8 pm
6:30 pm to 8 pm
2:30 pm to 4 pm
10 am to 11:30 am
Waterville Library
150, rue Compton Est
Waterville (Québec) J0B 3H0
819 837-0557
The tale hour is an opportunity for your child
to be introduced to the wonders of books.
Starting from a chosen story or a pre-determined theme,
we reinforce the story using all sorts of stimulating games like
crafting, songs, games, etc. This enables your child to familiarize
with books and develop fine motor skills, while having a good time
socializing with friends his or her own age.
One or two half days a week,
Tuesday and/or Wednesday morning,
at the price of 6$ / half day.
Registration at the
Waterville Library
Or contact
Marie-Claude at 819-837-1125.
Fire Services
Travaux publics (24 h)
Municipal Office
Post Office
Société protectrice des animaux
La Ressourcerie
819 849-4813
819 849-4876
819 837-2789
819 837-2456
819 837-2988
819 821 4727 #5 (plaintes)
819 804-1018
Recreation & culture
Val Estrie Camp
Golf Club Camping du Pont Couvert
Association des Loisirs et Sports
Huntingville Park
Milby School
Youth Center
Parc Minier Capelton
819 837-2426
819 837-2966
819 562-6421
819 837-2918
819 562-6178
819 346-6746
819 408-3103
819 346-9545
819 837-0557
819 837-2403
L’Aide communautaire
819 821-4779
(Comprend la popote roulante et le transport
d’accompagnement, la pression sanguine)
Centre communautaire
819-837-0275 (boîte vocale)
Site web :
Courriel :
Division de 3099-3562 Québec Inc.
Bruno Bouchard
• Chauffage
• Ventilation
• Métal
• Vente et réparation
Directeur des opérations
1021, rue Child, Coaticook, Québec, J1A 2S5
Bur.: 819 849-0532
Fax.: 819 849-0816
Cell.: 819 822-5867
4855, route 143 Sud
Waterville (Québec) J0B 3H0
Tél. 819 566-5633
Sans frais. 1 888 566-5633
Fax. 819 566-0008
550, rue du Parc Industriel
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1C 0J2
arrondissement Bromptonville
Tél. 819 846-4433
Fax. 819 846-2138
September 2012 • La Source de Waterville • 17
There’s a varied program, including
several NEW Courses and workshops
for the whole family !
A pamphlet will be
mailed at the beginning
of September
Conferences on various subjects, rooms to
rent at the Centre, and other activities
now under development!
For more information, visit our website:
Everyone is welcome at 660 du Convent Street
for your loose
leaf tea needs
104 rue Queen, suite 2
Sherbrooke (Lennoxville) Qc.
18 • La Source de Waterville • September 2012
Environmental Health
Trihalomethanes in drinking water
What can I do to reduce my exposure to THMs?
You don’t have to stop drinking tap water. But, as a precautionary
measure, it is nevertheless a good idea for those who drink a lot of
water, as well as pregnant women, to use the following means to reduce
their exposure. These measures should be applied in particular during the
summer, when THM concentrations are higher.
• Use an activated charcoal water treatment unit, such as a filter
pitcher. The unit must be ANSI/NSF-certified. This type of unit
requires regular maintenance because it can become contaminated
by bacteria in the water.
• Be sure the bathroom is well ventilated when you take a bath or
shower, by opening a window or turning the fan on. Note that there
is less risk of exposure to THMs if you take a short bath rather than
a shower. The use of colder water reduces skin absorption of THMs.
• Keep water in the refrigerator in an uncovered pitcher for a period
of 24 hours. This allows the THMs to partly evaporate into the air.
• Drinking bottled water can be an alternative to drinking tap water.
The water distributed to the public in your area contains levels of
trihalomethanes (THMs) above the level recommended to protect health.
This pamphlet is designed to inform you about THMs in drinking water,
their potential effects on health and the way to reduce your exposure
to them.
What are THMs?
The term “trihalomethanes” designates a group of chemical
substances formed when chlorine used to disinfect water reacts with
naturally occurring organic matter (vegetation, decaying leaves, etc.)
in the source water. This happens particularly in distribution systems
supplied by surface water (from lakes or rivers). THM levels tend to
increase in summer and early fall when conditions are conducive to their
Without adequate water disinfection, the health
risks associated with these microorganisms are
much greater than those caused by THMs.
Why is chlorine added to the water?
Chlorine is used to disinfect water and is very effective in destroying
bacteria and viruses. The product is essential in preventing diseases,
some of which can be very serious and even life-threatening.
It is therefore vital to ensure effective, on-going disinfection of the
water distributed in drinking water systems.
What are the effects of THM on health?
A high concentration of THMs in the water may slightly increase the
risk of bladder cancer. But the risk is uncertain and is said to arise only
after a very long period of exposure, of at least 20 years.
A number of studies have found that THMs may affect pregnancy by
causing the birth of low-weight babies, for example. However, proof of
this is meager.
These health risks have not been wholly proven.
Research is continuing in order to confirm whether
they really exist.
How can I be exposed to THMs?
You can be exposed to THMs in tap water in several ways:
• By drinking the water
• By breathing the water vapour or by contact with your skin when
taking a bath or shower
Is there any problem in using that water?
Tap water can be used without risking significant THM exposure to
• Brush your teeth
• Wash fruits and vegetables
When using water to prepare infant formula, boil it at least one
minute—as recommended to ensure that it is free of bacteria or viruses—
which also reduces THM concentrations.
What can the municipality or person in charge of the water
distribution system do?
Those who operate drinking water distribution systems must comply
with the requirements and standards of the Regulation respecting the
quality of drinking water. Should a violation of THM standards occur,
water system officials are required to take all measures necessary to
resolve the situation.
For more information
You can contact the Info-Santé service at 8-1-1 to find
out more about the health effects of trihalomethanes.
For any additional information on the quality of your
drinking water, you can contact your municipality or the
person in charge of your water distribution system.
Institut national de santé publique du Québec.
Fact sheet on trihalomethanes (information taken from summary fact
sheets on drinking water and human health):
Health Canada. It’s Your Health.
Drinking Water Chlorination:
September 2012 • La Source de Waterville • 19