WPD Charity Golf Classic


WPD Charity Golf Classic
City News
September & October
Recycling Weeks:
~ September 8-11
~ September 21-25
~ October 5-9
~ October 19-23
The City’s 2015
Annual Report is now
available. You can
view/print or read it
on our website:
WPD Charity Golf Classic
The Waterville Police Department is
hosting a Charity Golf Classic on Monday
October 12, 2015 to benefit Waterville’s
High Hopes Club House. It is in scramble
format and will take place at the
Waterville Country Club with registration
at 7:00 a.m. and tee-off at 8:00 a.m.
Sergeant Dan Goss, who is the event
organizer, says, “This is the first of what
will hopefully become an annual event”.
The cost is $80 per person or $320 per
team. You may also provide sponsorship
at the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Level.
FMI: Please contact Dan Goss or
Kathleen Kenney-Haley at the Police
Dept. 680-4700, OR print a registration
The following information regarding the
High Hopes Club House is taken from
their website: The High Hopes Clubhouse
is a program for adults with mental
illnesses based on the Clubhouse
Model of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. The
Clubhouse offers members a supportive
environment in which they can work
alongside staff in the daily operations of
the Clubhouse. High Hopes provides a
place where self-confidence and hope for
the future can be regained. Membership
leads to continued growth, increased selfesteem, and a sense of empowerment. A
Clubhouse is first and foremost a
community of people with mental health
difficulties working together towards the
common goal of recovery.
Upcoming Holidays
Come out and join the fun on the 12th.The police department is looking forward to
a really strong showing from the community and beyond for a great day of golf
and to help the High Hopes Club House.
All City
except emergency
services, will be
observance of
the following
Proposed RiverWalk Project
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans’ Day
November 26/27
The Waterville Rotary Club is celebrating its Centennial Anniversary with a $150,000
grant for the proposed Kennebec Riverwalk at Head of Falls! This innovative project, a
collaboration between the City of Waterville and Kennebec Messalonskee Trails, is
designed to encourage greater public use of the waterfront area at Head of Falls. The grant
was awarded through a competitive RFP process and will assist in dramatic improvements
to this underutilized public space. It will also assist Main Street Continued on pg. 4...
Comments or Questions? Email the City News Editorial Staff at info@waterville-me.gov.
New Faces
Braxton Campbell, began
his career with the
Waterville Fire
Department as a Career
Firefighter on
August 17, 2015.
Flu Shots
The City's Wellness Committee will again
be sponsoring annual flu shot clinics for all
interested full-time employees during the
month of October.
Look for more info coming soon
via email!
Fall Yard Waste
When: Sept. 8 - Nov. 26
Monday - Friday 7:30am–4:00pm &
Saturday, Oct. 24 & Saturday, Nov. 7;
7:00am - Noon
Where: Public Works Compound
6 Wentworth Court
Contact Public Works, 680-4744
Residents can bring yard waste such as
leaves, brush, tree branches and grass
clippings for disposal. NO CONTRACTORS
Curbside Leaf
Curbside leaf collection will begin on Monday,
Oct. 26th and will end on Wednesday, Nov.
25th. Leaves will be picked up weather
permitting. Residents are asked to place their
unopened bags of leaves curbside and should
use the same types of bags used in the past for
collection. The bags will be emptied and left
behind for residents to reuse.
Leaves should not be placed curbside in the
Waterville purple PAYT bags.
FMI: www.waterville-me.gov/publicworks/
Thayer Bridge Rededication
At the August 18, 2015, City Council Meeting, Mayor Nick Isgro
proclaimed that, in honor of the later former Mayor L. Eugene Thayer, and in
recognition of his service to the community, the City
will formally rededicate the bridge on Gilman Street
as the Thayer Memorial Bridge on the 81st
anniversary of the original dedication.
In 1934 the City Council voted to change the name
of the then Gilman Street Bridge to the Thayer
Memorial Bridge in recognition of Mayor Thayer.
However, the plaque that had been installed to
commemorate this dedication was later removed and
disappeared from public awareness only to resurface
earlier this year.
The rededication ceremony will take place at the
bridge site on Saturday, September 12th, at 11am
and all are welcome to attend.
Read more about Mayor Thayer and the bridge plaque in the Morning
Sentinel: www.centralmaine.com/2015/05/12/waterville-thayer-memorialbridge-plaque-mystery-unravels/
WPD News
The Waterville Police Department, in conjunction with Thomas College, is
participating in the College Student Intern program again this year. The new
intern, Doug Morrill, is a Thomas College senior and Criminal Justice Major.
Doug will be with the P.D. until December and will be working on the crime
analysis and the department’s social media presence.
The 2015 Citizens’ Police Academy will be held at the police station on
Wednesdays Sept. 9-Nov. 18, from 6:00PM-9:00PM. The positive response from
last year’s class was so strong that it was decided to offer it again this year.
There was a diverse application response from the community and WPD
personnel are looking forward to his/her week of instruction. Weekly classes
consist of 2 blocks of instruction on various law enforcement topics including
the Hiring Process, Criminal Law, Use of Force, Computer Crime and Crime
Scene/Evidence. Students will be offered the opportunity to go on ride-alongs
with the patrol officers, observe in the communications center, and participate
in the Laser Shot firearms system simulations.
“It is envisioned that
graduates will gain an
understanding of the
diverse demands and
operational requirements
of the Waterville Police
Department and develop
appreciation of various
challenges & decisions
faced on a daily basis by
police officers.” – Police Chief Joseph Massey
Comments or Questions? Email the City News Editorial Staff at info@waterville-me.gov.
in Waterville?
 Central Maine Bicycle Repair recently opened for business next to Thompson’s
Volkswagen on upper Main Street. FMI: https://goo.gl/OQi7GK
 Colby College recently purchased three (3) downtown buildings with plans to renovate
and revitalize them. The College is under contract for the 16-20 Main Street building,
next to the Silver Street Tavern. The building burned in May of 2013 leaving it
uninhabitable. This purchase adds to the College’s purchases in July of the former
Levine’s building (9 Main Street) and the Hains building (173 Main Street).
 Businessman Bill Mitchell also recently purchased two old buildings on Common
Street which he plans to lease to a restaurant, artists and professional people.
 The former John Martin’s Manor restaurant at 54 College Avenue is currently under-
going renovations. The owner, Patrick Casey, hopes to lease the 29,000 sq. ft. building
and has invested in replacing the heating system, removing and replacing the sun room
roof, installing all new ceiling tiles, painting, and installing new flooring. Casey
suggests the space could be used for a call center, fitness center, or banquet hall.
 GM Pollack and Sons Jewelers recently closed their 12 stores in Maine and New
Hampshire, including the one in Waterville's Elm Plaza, and filed for bankruptcy.
 Flo’s Flower Cart, in business since 1936, closed their doors at 43 Elm Street in late
June, 2015. They had moved to the Elm Street location from 220 Main Street in late
Upcoming Election: Nov. 3
Election Day is coming right up! Here’s what you need to know:
Voter Registration is
available for new voters to
register, or for existing
Waterville voters to change
their name and address,
as follows:
 At the polling place on
election day;
 At City Hall during
regular business hours;
 Voters who wish to
register must do so
in-person after October
To register you will need:
 Proof of identification
(driver’s license, state
ID, passport, birth
 Proof of residency (any
piece of mail with your
Waterville address)
Absentee Ballots may
be requested by:
 The voter by calling
 Written request to
City Clerk, 1 Common
Street, Waterville
 Visiting the City
Clerk’s Office inperson during regular
business hours
 Coming soon: Visit
the Clerk’s web page,
to print an Absentee
Ballot Application
and view a Sample
The deadline to request
an absentee ballot is
Thursday, October 29th
at 5pm.
Election Day - Tuesday,
November 3:
 All voting will take
place at the American
Legion located at 21
College Avenue.
 Polls will be open from
8:00am to 8:00pm.
Visit the City Clerk’s
web page: watervilleme.gov/clerk
Comments or Questions? Email the City News Editorial Staff at info@waterville-me.gov.
City Council Meetings
3rd Tuesdays ea. month  7PM
City Council Chambers, 93 Main St.
FMI: www.waterville-me.gov/council
1st and
BMV Days
Monday. and 2nd & 4th Fridays of
ea. month  9AM-1PM; 2PM-3PM
City Council Chambers, 93 Main St.
FMI: www.waterville-me.gov/
Downtown Farmers’ Market
Now through November 19  2PM-6PM
Concourse Plaza, downtown
FMI: http://www.snakeroot.net/
Waterville Walks Wednesdays
Weekly through October  12-12:20PM
Downtown Waterville
FMI: www.meetup.com/WatervilleWalks/
Thursday Bike Rides
Weekly through October  6PM
Leaves from Waterville Farmers’ Market
Concourse Plaza, Downtown
FMI: www.facebook.com/
Learn About Solarize Mid Maine
September 16  6:30PM
Room 141, Diamond Building
Colby College
FMI: www.sustainmidmaine.org
WFD Historic Open House
September 20  10:00AM-2:00PM
Central Fire Station
FMI: www.waterville-me.gov/fire
More events on page 5!
Parks & Recreation Summer Wrap-Up
Another great summer in the books!
First and foremost, I’d like to thank
ALL Parks and Recreation staff for a
job well done. I’m very proud of our
full time staff (Bobbie-Jo, April, Sam,
and Steve) as well as our seasonal
maintenance crew, lifeguards, & sports
instructors. We have so many hardworking, dedicated people to help
make Waterville a great place to be.
The Department was happy to help
with several successful summertime
events here in town. It all began with
the North End Night Out in June,
followed by National Night Out, Taste
of Greater Waterville and Waterville
Senior High School’s Fall Open House.
All events were very well attended and
went off without a hitch. Over the years,
the groups we work with have become
more and more involved in helping
themselves, not solely relying on the
City. The by-product is simple: better
events and activities as there is shared
ownership for what’s being
put on.
Recreation: Our summer adult
softball program has ended and men’s
fall softball has begun. This year we
have 16 men’s league teams competing
in two separate divisions. Adult
Volleyball will begin in October, and
we will be gearing up for our Youth
Basketball league.
Some notable Park projects over the
summer months included:
Foot Bridge Installation, Island Park:
With help from City Engineer, Greg
Brown, and Peter Garrett from the
Kennebec Messalonskee Trails group,
our crew installed a foot bridge over the
river inlet behind the Hathaway
Complex.Charlie Poulin, long time
South End resident, hand-made some
great wayfaring signs directing people
to the bridge. Thank you, Charlie!
Improvements at Quarry Road: The
Friends of Quarry Road brought in JR
Fabrication from Kingfield to raise air
and water lines through the meadow.
The improvements will help make the
system more effective/efficient and also
much more operator
Dog Waste Stations:
Crews installed dog
wastenstations at the
North Street boat
landing, Head of
Falls, Quarry Road,
and Green Street
Park. Now we just
need to get people to
use them.
Mountain Bike Course Installation,
Quarry Road: (Below from
Mountain Bike Club member Tony
“Central Maine Cycling p/
b Falls Road Veterinary Clinic
race team and club are a group
of riders from beginners right up
to semi-pro racers from central
Maine. Our primary goal with
Quarry Road is to develop a
training area for Cyclocross
Comments or Questions? Email the City News Editorial Staff at info@waterville-me.gov.
practice and racing. Cyclocross is a
form of bicycle racing. Races typically
take place in the autumn and winter
and consist of many laps of a short
course featuring pavement, wooded
trails, grass, steep hills and obstacles
requiring the rider to quickly dismount,
carry the bike while navigating the
obstruction and remount. Races for
senior categories are generally
between 30 minutes and an hour long,
with the distance varying depending on
the ground conditions.
We are very fortunate to have such
an awesome venue to host these
practices and races. The Quarry Road
area has all the perfect terrain to make
it a world class venue. Thanks so much
to the City of Waterville and the Parks
and Rec Dept. for helping to develop
and maintain the trail system. We are
very excited to get out on course.”
Finally, we’d like to update folks on
the Department’s Carry In, Carry Out
policy at all City parks, fields, trails
and ballfields. The program officially
began last fall and was fully
implemented this spring.
We’re happy to report the
program has been a success.
After some initial, let’s say,
friction, users seem to have
adjusted to the policy and
appreciate this effort. We
monitor all our facilities
closely and can say with 100%
certainty that our parks were
cleaner this spring/summer than years
prior. — Matt Skehan, Director
How to Start a Small Business
September 23  2:30PM
Waterville Public Library
FMI: www.watervillelibrary.org
Job Fair!
September 23  3:00PM
Waterville Public Library
FMI: www.watervillelibrary.org
The 39 Steps
September 24, 25, 26  7:30PM
September 27  2:00PM
Waterville Opera House
FMI: www.operahouse.org
Maine Craft Weekend
October 2-4
Downtown Waterville
FMI: http://watervillemainstreet.org/
HarvestFest &
Festival at the Falls
October 4  10:00AM-4:00PM
Head of Falls
FMI: http://watervillemainstreet.org/
Kevin Liberty In Concert
October 3  8:00PM
Waterville Opera House
FMI: www.operahouse.org
Finan¢e Number$
During the month of August the Finance Office was very busy filing 289 Tax Liens (last
year was 327) and then going right into tax billing. We mailed 5,218 Real Estate Tax
bills and 808 Personal Property Tax bills.
Property tax payment due dates for the 2015-16 fiscal year are as follows:
1st quarter: 10/09/2015; 2nd quarter: 12/11/2015; 3rd quarter: 3/11/2016; and 4th quarter:
Reminder: All dog licenses expire on December 31st of every year.
Comments or Questions? Email the City News Editorial Staff at info@waterville-me.gov.
WPD Charity Gold Classic
October 12  8:00AM-2:00PM
Waterville Country Club
FMI: www.waterville-me.gov/police
The Rocky Horror Show
October 23, 24, 30, 31  7:30PM
October 25, Nov. 1  2:00PM
Waterville Opera House
FMI: www.operahouse.org
More events on our website!
RiverWalk Project, Continued
businesses by providing an additional highlight destination for local residents and visitors. This contribution will, in part, fund
improvements including a meandering path, entry pavilion, walkway with ornamental railing, decorative lighting, seating, and
landscaping. Examples of some other riverwalks are shown below.
Read more about the Waterville RiverWalk Project: http://tinyurl.com/rotarycentinnial
Riverside, Bangor, Maine
Geography and biology on display in San Jose, California
2015 Big Truck Day
The 9th Annual BIG Truck Day, which is sponsored jointly by the
Waterville Public Library and Public Works Department, was held on
Thursday, August 15, in the downtown Concourse parking area. Staff with
vehicles and equipment were on hand from Waterville’s Fire, Police and
Public Works Departments as well as from Waterville’s Robert Lafleur
Airport and Delta Ambulance. There were many visitors, young and old,
who came out to enjoy a spectacular array of big trucks and equipment.
Comments or Questions? Email the City News Editorial Staff at info@waterville-me.gov.
An information kiosk gazebo on the Chadiere
River, St. Georges, New Brunswick, Canada
What is SCALE?
“Spreading Community Accelerators
through Learning and Evaluation” or
SCALE is a national initiative to speed up the
improvement of well-being for all. Waterville
is the ONLY SCALE community in Maine!
Waterville was chosen from 200 applicants as
one of 20 pacesetter communities in the USA
and is first in the wave of a bold plan to reach
1,000 communities and to improve 100
million lives by 2020.
Why Waterville? Waterville is poised for
transformation with dozens of organizations
and individuals collaborating to create a
Culture of Health.
In 2014, Healthy Waterville convened 11
focus groups and listened to people low living
in poverty, with low or no income, who
receive services such as general assistance,
homeless shelter and HeadStart. People who
have been marginalized were empowered to
share their views about what is working well
to help the community be healthy. People
desired healthy food, safe places to walk and
affordable children’s activities, but felt these
were unattainable.
In 2015-16 Healthy Waterville is developing
an Improvement Team and plan to use the
community’s assets to support health for
Look for more details coming soon!