DIRECTOR PROFILE - Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce
DIRECTOR PROFILE - Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement January/February 2013 Albion • Belgrade • Benton • Burnham • Clinton • Fairfield • Hinckley • Oakland Assistance Plus Host Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce’s BAH Assistance Plus wants to welcome you to the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, as the Benton company begins its 20th anniversary celebration. In 1993, Johnna Bowen opened the agency, providing only home health care services in central Maine. Today, Assistance Plus offers several different community based services to adults and children with medical, intellectual disabilities, and behavioral health diagnoses. Psychiatric medication management and outpatient therapy are provided in their Benton clinic to assure adequate, comprehensive care for central Maine residents. The agency has opened additional offices in Brunswick and Wilton in order to better serve those clients who live further away. In March of 2012, Assistance Plus expanded its Benton campus. The new building, located at 11 East Street, allows the agency to provide job specific training to its employees and other agencies in its new training center. The new building also houses administrative offices, as well as a newly expanded Home Care division. The well-known farmhouse, on the corner of Benton Avenue, has been redesigned to provide office space for behavioral health services, as well as medication management and outpatient therapy clinic. Assistance Plus’ mission is to be the agency of choice for consumers, employees, and partnering agencies. The company works hard to establish collaborative relationships with other providers in order to better serve the people of central Maine. Its employees further this mission by lending its support to various organizations in the mid-Maine community. Company volunteers have helped at and raised money for the Maine State Credit Union Walk to Stop Hunger, the AIDS Walk sponsored by the Horizon Program of MaineGeneral, Christmas gift packaging for the Maine Children’s Home for Little Wanderers, Special Olympics Maine summer events, and the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter. Please help Assistance Plus kick off its 20th anniversary by attending them at the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours at its new location on 11 East Street, Benton on January 16, 2013 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Wishing you and yours a prosperous new year from Assistance Plus. DIRECTOR PROFILE Name: Scott Bullock NEW MEMBERS Place of Birth: Bryn Mawr, PA Education: Secondary - Hingham (MA) High School College - Duke University, Durham, NC, Bachelor’s (1972); Master’s (1974) Place of Employment: MaineGeneral Health Position: President Length of Employment: 21+ Years Current Service & Civic Organization: Waterville Rotary Club Member, Waterville Development Corp. Board Member, Waterville Regional Arts & Community Center Board Member Past Service & Civic Organizations: Past Board Member/Chair of Central Maine Growth Council Personal Data: Family: Wife, Patricia; Children: Scott & Sarah; Grandson: Rowan Hobbies: Golf, Reading Chamber Involvement and Statement of Purpose: I have supported the work of the Mid-Maine Chamber for many years and look forward to making a greater contribution as a Board Member. Dorval Consulting LLC Alan Dorval 28 Cook Hill Road Vassalboro, ME 04989 692-2433 MaineBiz Jenna Grant 2 Cotton Street Portland, ME 04101 761-8379 Electricity Maine Michelle Gosselin 306 Rodman Road Auburn, ME 04211 333-3610 Peak-Careers Consulting James (Jim) Peacock 52 Riva Ridge Road Vassalboro, ME 04989 649-9761 Financial Services Larry Griffin 1 Silver Street Waterville, Me 04901 872-8689 S.A. Swift, LTD. Tina Swift 33A Elm Street Waterville, ME 04901 872-2078 Maine Film Center Shannon Haines 17 Railroad Square Waterville, ME 04901 861-8138 Thomas Gilmore 40R Merrimac Street Newburyport, MA 01950 978-228-1018 Maine.htm 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brad Fisher, Chair * Matthew Clark, 1st Vice Chair * Jeff Corey, 2nd Vice Chair * David Roy, Director at Large * Nicole Desjardins, Past Chair * Gary Zemrak, Treasurer * SHOP Y! L L A C O L Kimberly Lindlof, President & CEO * Beth Gibbs Bruce Harrington Dan Bickford Darlene Ratte Darryl Sterling Janitorial Service Carpet Cleaning Mold, Fire, Water Restoration 24 Hr. Service - T.J. Bolduc 873-1241 • 1-800-564-1241 CASWELL’S GROCERY LIQUIDATION CENTERS 873-5181 Waterville Gary Levesque Joe Karter Kelly Winslow Ken Hoehlein Mary Carpinito Mike Fortin Renee Hawthorne Sara Dyer Scott Bullock Tonya Clark *Indicates Executive Board Member COSGROVE INSURANCE AGENCY Order Prints Online Digital Printing Old Photos Restored 257 Main St., Waterville 866-356-2489 • 226 Main St., Suite 2 873-0181 HAMELIN FURNITURE CO. Quality and Value Since 1912 Your Sight is Our Vision Marc B. Daniels, M.D. • Peter C. Kohler, M.D. 40 Airport Rd. ~ Suite 1 • Waterville • 873-6048 • 1-800-568-0494 259 Main St., Waterville, ME 872-8132 Beer, Wine, Liquor, Soda, Bottle Redemption Center Auburn • Bangor • Belgrade Boothbay Harbor • Brunswick • Damariscotta Fairfield • Farmington • Greenville Pemaquid • Portland • Skowhegan Toll Free 1-866-HAMMOND Kennedy Memorial Drive Waterville • 861-3000 MacKENZIE 52 Front St., Waterville 873-6228 Discount Beverage Corner of Western Ave. and South St. Waterville • 872-8433 Augusta • 622-5801 Waterville • 872-5563 Winthrop • 377-5801 Gardiner • 588-5801 LANDSCAPE SUPPLY CENTER Granite • Pavers • Wall Blocks Stone • Bark Mulch •Loam Compost • Trees • Shrubs • Gravel Augusta Rd Winslow 873-1621 Route 3 Vassalboro 445-5552 Homeowners Welcome 149 North St. and 30 Chase Ave. Waterville 872-1000 Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Rome • Shawmut • January/February 2013 Sidney • Thorndike • Unity • Vassalboro • Waterville • Winslow Waterville Opera House & Golden Pond Wealth Management Host Business After Hours Waterville Opera House is celebrating its reopening season in 2012-13 with a full schedule of music, theater, dance, comedy, film and educational events. The historic venue reopened in April 2012 after a yearlong, $5 million renovation, which was spearheaded by the Harold Alfond Foundation and supported by the generosity of area individuals, corporations, and foundations. The renovations have made it possible to offer more events to the community than ever before. Thanks to the new freight elevator and the state-of-the-art sound system, the Opera House can now host such international touring artists as Mary Chapin Carpenter, who called the theater ‘a jewel box’ during her September concert. The new stage rigging allowed sophisticated scene changes and, along with a fabulous cast, costumes, lighting, and orchestra, made Jekyll & Hyde one of the most thrilling productions to grace the stage. With the new balcony seating and enhanced lobby area, audiences can enjoy performances in a comfortable and gracious environment. New projection equipment and a permanently installed projection screen make it possible to show films year-round. Tours will be available of the Opera House during the After Hours on February 13, 2013. Golden Pond Wealth Management was “Born on the shores of Golden Pond” in Belgrade Lakes in 1996 and became a member of the Waterville community in December of 2002. Although it calls 129 Silver Street its home, it is often reminded by clients that they visited the building on numerous occasions in the past, as it was the longtime home of Dr. Pomerleau and his wife. Golden Pond Wealth Back row: Holly Caron, Brian Bernatchez-CFP®, Bert LanguetManagement is a family CFP® and Judy Albair. Front row: Danielle Amerault, Beryl Lord owned firm in its 17th and Louise Young. year of providing indeJoin Golden Pond Wealth Management and pendent financial planning and investment Waterville Opera House on February 13, management services to families and insti2013, from 5:30-7 p.m. for their Business tutions throughout central Maine. It looks forAfter Hours at Waterville Opera House, 1 ward to serving generations of central Common Street, Waterville. Mainers in the years ahead. Wednesday, March 27 Colby College Field House 4000 Mayflower Hill Waterville 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. Free with a business card or General Admission $5 Thank you to our Major Sponsors: Thank you to our Media Sponsor: $1,000 Cash Prize Sponsor: Thank you to our Program Sponsors: Inland Hospital, Skowhegan Savings Kennebec Electric Thank you to our Reception Sponsor: Colby College Please contact Christian Savage at 873-3315 or if you would like to participate in the Business to Business Showcase. A better place to do your banking. Maine State Credit Union Augusta: 200 Capitol Street • 162 Hospital Street Waterville: 81 Grove Street 207-623-1851 • 1-800-540-8707 • Serving Kennebec and Somerset Counties 61 Grove St., Waterville 72 Cony St., Augusta 1-800-326-6190 MARDEN’S MID MAINE MARINE, Inc. Surplus and Salvage 885 Kennedy Mem. Dr. Oakland, ME 04963 Biddeford • Brewer • Calais • Ellsworth Gray • Houlton • Lewiston • Lincoln Madawaska•Presque Isle • Rumford Sanford • Scarborough • Waterville 227 China Rd. Winslow, ME Ph: 207-873-7711 Fax: 207-873-7022 1/2 MILE OFF EXIT 127, I-95 465-2146 • 1-800-649-BOAT (2628) FAX: 465-2866 Morning Sentinel 31 Front Street Waterville 873-3341 St. John Regional Catholic School 800-303-9511 15 So. Garand St. Winslow, ME Member FDIC 872-7115 SHOP LOCALLY! Open 7 Days 87 Armory Rd. • Waterville 873-2500 Picked The #1 Tanning Salon In The Greater Waterville Area 14 North St. 145 Lakewood Rd. 33 Depot St. Waterville Madison Livermore Falls 873-3371 474-9771 897-3861 Let us help you with all your building and remodeling needs!
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