August 28, 2016
August 28, 2016
August 28, 2016 Mass Intentions—22ndWeek in Ordinary Time Monday August 29: The Passion of John the Baptist 7:00am 9:00am Louise Stutzman Lawrence Holmes, Sr. Tuesday August 30: Weekday 7:00am 9:00am Tom Bello Vincent Kennedy Wednesday August 31: Weekday 7:00am 9:00am Emily, Nate, & Angelina Sanzo Huynh Diep Teresa Poon Thursday September 1: Weekday 7:00am 9:00am Miguel & Mark Melendez Vincent Kennedy Friday September 2: First Friday 7:00am 9:00am Candelario Basio Kathleen Kelly Saturday September 3: First Saturday 9:00am 5:00pm Vigil Paul J. Lee People of the Parish September 4: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Times Joan Cribben Vincent Kennedy Rene & Nancy Jarquin Sunday 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 Noon Please Pray For The Ill Of The Parish: Moises Avila, Suzanne Bercier, Sandy Bertini, Norinne Browning, Carole Boland, Louise Chevalier, Jo Couch, James & Joan Dooley, Caroline Doyle, Conor Doyle, Casey Doyle, Beverly Germann, Natalie & Ed Habert, Helen Hargenrader, Mia Fernanda Hernandez, Amy Hobbs, Betty Hunt, Neil Keefe, Edwin Keitz, Frank Killelea, James Robert Lewis, Stacee Lindholm, Vicki Lorenc, Jim Kenna, Audrey Martinez, Raymond Mele, La Davian Mills, Arvilla Moyers, Patricia Paradise, Miguel and Julita Pascual, Kristin Rector, Fr. Paul Richardson, Joan Robair, Constance Ross, Virginia Rotunno, Amelia Sanares, Chuck Sanders, Fr. Spychala, Beau Swallow, Charles Taylor, William Taylor, Len Trahan, Fernando Troncoso, Arya Vivar, Vivian Vu, Deborah Young Please Pray For Your Priests August 29 Rev. Patrick Holroyd August 30 Rev. Edward R. Horkan August 31 Rev. Jose Eugenio Hoyos September 1 Rev. James C. Hudgins September 2 Rev. Dominic P. Irace (Ret.) September 3 Rev. Michael C. Isenberg September 4 Rev. Joel D. Jaffe Sunday, September 4, we will hold our monthly Diaper Drive. Please deliver your diapers by the start of the 12 noon Mass. Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Schedule of Events: CH- Church, PH-Parish Hall, PL-Parish Library, SCH-School Monday August 29 9:45am Legion of Mary (PL) Tuesday August 30 7:00pm High School Youth Ultimate Frisbee Wednesday August 31 No events scheduled for today. Thursday September 1 No events scheduled for today. Friday September 2 :First Friday 9:30am—3:30pm Eucharistic Adoration (CH) 10:00am Mom’s Group (PH) 10:30am Bible Study (PL) Saturday September 3 9:00am Mass and Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (CH) 9:30am, 3-4pm Confessions (CH) Sunday September 4 All Masses Monthly Diaper Drive Please pray for the repose of the souls of Joan Carrico, Joe Ligaya, and Elizabeth Arnett Calling All Parish Musical Talent We are looking for Musical Talent for our Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 25th. If you are interested please contact Fran Riley at Also, if you have any “gently used” boardgames we could borrow for the picnic please drop them off at the Parish Office. Using Faith Direct for Automated Giving Can’t find your checkbook or envelope Sunday morning? Join the parishioners who are using Faith Direct for automated giving to St. Ambrose. It is secure, convenient and Faith Direct will provide you an offertory card to place in the basket during the collections. There is no cost to you, and the program provides a great benefit to our parish. Sign up today by visiting, our parish code is VA401. First Friday Adoration This Friday, September 2, is First Friday. Eucharistic Adoration will be held in Church from 9:30am to 3:30pm. August 28, 2016 Saint Ambrose Catholic School Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time St Ambrose YOUTH MINISTRY For information on all activities below contact: Therese Ryan at Welcome back, teachers. We have had a great week of preparation and look forward to welcoming our students next week. Our annual ice-cream social, for new and returning families, will be held on Friday, August 26 in the evening. This event is hosted by the Knights of Columbus, to whom we are very grateful. More details on these events to follow. You can call the school at (703) 698-7171 if you have any questions. A new parent orientation will be held on Thursday evening, August 25. We invite all interested families who would like to learn more about our wonderful parish school to stop by – we would love to show you around! We are looking for a few people to help with recess, lunch room and Extended Day supervision. If you are interested in a few hours work every week, please contact Angela Rowley at 703-698-7171 or Religious Education News You made a difference… ***Prayers for our college students who head back to school over the next couple weeks. ***College students, check out the Catholic Campus Ministry at your school. They will help you keep connected to Jesus while you are away from home! *** High School teens…Get ready! 2016-2017 Youth Ministry Kick-Off is Sunday, September 11th5:45 -8pm! Save the date! This is the power of God’s love & your life- in action! WEEKEND WORKCAMP Next WWC will be...***September 10th 8:45-12:30pm Great opportunity for service & discipleship hours and acts of Mercy! * High School Youth Ministry * SAVE THE NEW DATE! “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.” Religious Education Grades K through High School: Contact Religious Education Registration is now open for 2016-17. Registration forms were sent home and may be found on our website. Religious Education classes for grades K-High School are Sundays 8:45-9:45am. Registration is going on now. Reminder, the late fee applies after August 1, so if you haven’t turn in your registration and payment, please be sure to include this fee. Thank you! Religious Education Catechists and Catechist Aides Needed. If you feel the Lord is calling you to teach his little ones about Christ and His Church, please contact Laura Mead 703-280-1122 or LMead@stambroseva. All volunteers must be fully compliant with the requirements of the Diocesan Office for the Protection of Children/ Young People. Please volunteer early so we may help you to begin that process. Youth Ministry Kick-Off 2016-17 New Date: Sunday September 11th 5:45-8pm! Back by popular demand…Slip-n-Slide Kickball! Join us for BBQ – MUSIC - INSANE FUN …and a year of faith , fun & friendship including: retreats, gym nights, Adoration, Frisbee, guest speakers, hot topics, small groups, dinner, Scripture & many more opps to grow in & share our beautiful Catholic faith! Kolbe’s Kids 5th-8th graders Mother Mary*Rosary*Service*Oreos*Friendship Kick-0ff Monday Sept. 19th! Join us for our 3rd year! 3:30 – 4:45pm in the parish hall! ***YOUTH MINISTRY-Volunteers Needed!*** Are you interested in serving our parish youth? St. Ambrose Youth Ministry is looking for all kinds of volunteers to help with Sunday nights: if you love Jesus and are a practicing Catholic, living the Faith, we would love to have you join our youth ministry team! If you can cook, sing, pray, play a musical instrument or drive, we would love to talk to you about working with us! Contact :Therese Ryan, Coordinator of Youth Ministry and let’s talk August 28, 2016 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Pro-Life Corner: You Can Understand the Bible! Bible Study Group begins Sept. 28th If you want a better understanding of our faith, and a deeper relationship with God, then you should join us for The Bible Timeline Study, beginning Wednesday September 28 . By being a part of this study, you will not only benefit personally, but you will also help to bring about a profound renewal in our parish as we all grow closer to Christ. Preborn children are God-given gifts created in the image of God. “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you.” Jeremiah 1:15 “America you are beautiful...and blessed...The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless. If you want equal justice and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life.” Saint John Paul II ***YOUTH MINISTRY-Volunteers Needed!*** Are you interested in serving our parish youth? St. Ambrose Youth Ministry is looking for all kinds of volunteers to help with Sunday nights: if you love Jesus and are a practicing Catholic, living the Faith, we would love to have you join our youth ministry team! If you can cook, sing, pray, play a musical instrument or drive, we would love to talk to you about working with us! Contact :Therese Ryan, Coordinator of Youth Ministry and let’s talk! St. Ambrose Adult Choir Seeking New Members. Season begins Sunday, September 11th, 10:00 AM Mass. First rehearsal on Thursday, September 8th 7:30PM in the Parish Activities Center Music Room. The St. Ambrose Adult Choir sings every Sunday at the 10AM Mass and on Holy Days. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:00PM. Please come and join us for our first rehearsal. Experience the joy of singing with a terrific ensemble and discover what we are all about. All are welcome.For more information, please contact Mr. Don Cotton: or (703) 698-0374 Spiritual Exercises Weekends in Bethesda, MD! You don’t have to travel far to get away! Plan a get-away with Christ! Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center offers silent retreats based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Spiritual Exercises for Women Sep 9-11 / 3-day retreat / $190 per person. Spiritual Exercises for Men Sep 29- Oct 2 / 4-day retreat / $275 per person. Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center offers silent retreats based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Located at 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817. Visit our website to register for these or other upcoming retreats Or call 301-365-0612. The Bible Timeline is a Catholic Bible study that can help anyone to make sense of the Bible and experience the life-changing power of God’s Word. The study takes you on a journey through the entire Bible and brings you deep into each period of salvation history, so that you can discover the amazing story woven throughout all of Scripture. The Bible Timeline has helped hundreds of thousands of people to have a better understanding of the Bible and a deeper relationship with Christ, and it will help you too. The study will include a series of twenty-four videos presented by Jeff Cavins. Each video will be preceded by a lively group discussion. Everyone who participates will receive this color-coded Bible Timeline Chart as well as The Bible Timeline Study Kit. We will begin the 24 week Study of The Bible Timeline on Wednesday, September 28 at 10am and at 7pm. The cost for the binder of materials is $40. For more information or to register Laura Mead at or 703-280-1122. Saint Ambrose Mom’s Group The Saint Ambrose Mom’s Group meets two Fridays a month during the school year in the parish hall. Come join other moms to share conversation while the little ones play! The first meeting of the year will be held on Friday, September 2 from 10-11:30AM. Please email Bond Cavazos at for the full schedule or if you would like more information. “Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you.” LUKE 14:13:30 We have a difficult time with the concept of giving without expecting something in return. Even when we give to charity we often want something in return—a raffle ticket, a dinner, or a chance to play golf. Yet as Christian stewards we need to remember that the true reward for our giving awaits us in heaven. World Youth Day “Thank You!” Coffee SAVE THE DATE! Save the Date: September 11th Parish Mission at St. Ambrose September 17—22 Details to follow in the Parish Hall immediately after the 10AM Mass! We can’t wait to share our adventure with you! August 28, 2016 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith? Join us for RCIA classes Monday evenings from 7pm-8pm in the Parish Hall beginning September 12 The RCIA process includes periods for growing in faith. These periods are stepping stones marked by liturgical rites, such as the Rite of Acceptance and Rite of Election, that are celebrated by the Church and within each parish community. RCIA also provides education in the faith (catechesis) which consists of the teaching of Catholic Christian doctrine. RCIA encourages prayer and builds a community of faith so that those entering and the Church and those already Catholic can learn and grow in the faith together. RCIA provides a path to enter the Church, most commonly at the Easter Vigil Mass, through receiving the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism (if not already received), Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist. The RCIA program is available for those who are currently Catholic and wish to receive more education in the faith, especially in preparation for sacraments. The program is also open to anyone who wishes to learn more about the Catholic faith. The full program begins in September and continues through May. We ask that people who intend to enter the Church attend the classes regularly, live in a manner consistent with the faith, and discern prayerfully their calling. To inquire about the life, beliefs, and teachings of the Catholic Church or to register for RCIA you are invited to contact: Laura Mead, Director of Religious Education 703-280-1122; August 28, 2016 Celebrating A Silver or Golden Wedding Anniversary This Year? The annual Mass for gold and silver jubilarians who were married in 1966 or 1991 will take place at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 16 at the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Paul Loverde. To register, either contact the parish office no later than September 23 or take a Registration Form from the back of the church and return to the Parish Office by September 23. For more info, visit Tennis Anyone? The Fall St. Ambrose Tennis Program will start soon. It is open to all students, including beginners, grades one to eight, in the school, CCD or parish. For registration or other information, please contact Olaf Burke, the St. Ambrose Tennis Coordinator, at or at(703)425-2062. Corpus Christi Procession 2017 St. Ambrose will be celebrating Corpus Christi in 2017 with a procession. It has been a long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church to hold a procession to honor Our Lord in the Eucharist on the great feast. We are organizing a committee to plan the details for this event. If you are interested please contact Kathleen Coady at or call (703)989-1521. Our first meeting will be held in September. Thank you for sharing your talents with our St. Ambrose Community. Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time “A Celebration of Life” On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Paul Stefan Foundation would like to cordially invite you to our 9th Annual Gala “A Celebration of Life.” This year we will be celebrating our 10th year as a foundation! During these 10 years we have given a safe haven of hope, love, and spiritual guidance to approximately 200 women and babies! As we endeavor on a new decade with our newly renovated Regional Center; we hope to change the lives of many, many more women and children for generations to come. This year’s Gala will be the best ever as we have as our guest speakers Raymond Arroyo and Father Stefan Starzynski. Raymond is the host of World Over Live News on EWTN, and Father Stefan is the Co-founder of the Paul Stefan Foundation. September 23, 2016 Waterford at Fair Oaks Fairfax, Virginia 5:00 to 6:00 Private reception with Raymond Arroyo 5:30 to 6:45 Open reception complimentary Hors d'oeuvres & Wine 7:00 Dinner 8:00 Keynote speaker-Raymond Arroyo 9:00 Dancing/DJ Silent auction and raffle Individual Ticket : $100 Table sponsorship of (8): $1,000 Baby Paul sponsor : $2,000 Includes private reception and table of (8) Event sponsor: $5,000 Includes private reception and dinner seating with Raymond Arroyo table of (8) Volunteers to Drive Residents to Mass For more information on this event please call 540-379Are you looking for a way to help your community but don’t 7077 or visit have much time during the week? Volunteers are needed to drive residents to and from Sunday Mass. These individuals will not need assistance during the Mass, only transportation. This isn’t a weekly commitment, even if you can only help once every few months that would be helpful. And when you help, you are free to go to whichever Mass is convenient for you. Please contact Joan Baxter at if you are interested. Save the Date! Saint Ambrose Celebrates a 50th Anniversary Lunch N’Life: Are you 50 or Better? Please join us for the next Lunch N’Life sponsored by the Shepherd’s Center of Fairfax-Burke on Thursday, September 15, 2016 (12:002:00pm) at The Lutheran Church of Abiding Presence located at 6304 Lee Chapel Rd, Burke, VA 22015. The guest speaker will be Sharon Lynn, Director of Area Agency on Aging Fairfax County. For reservations, call Bea Stephenson at 703273-5730 by September 9th. The cost is $10.00; checks payable to SCFB. If transportation is needed, call the SCFB office (703) 323-4788. See for more information. Parish Picnic Sunday Afternoon, September 25, 2016 Keep an eye out for details in the coming weeks. We plan to have a moon bounce, popcorn machine, cotton candy, relay races, snow cones, hot dogs and hamburgers, and much, much more. It will be a wonderful celebration! Bring the whole family!