February - Greece Chamber of Commerce
February - Greece Chamber of Commerce
Belong. Engage. Succeed. 2496 West Ridge Road, Suite 201 Greece, NY 14626 Telephone: 585-227-7272 Fax: 585-227-7275 Email: info@GreeceChamber.org Save the date k n i L s s Succe Journal Volume 20, February 2012 Achieving Great Business Relationships Today’s business professionals find communication tools to be key Thurs., Feb. 16th, 2012 7:30am— 8:30am Eggs & Issues Legislative Breakfast Brook House Restaurant Guest Speaker: NYS Assemblyman Bill Reilich Tues., Feb. 28th, 2012 7:30am-9:00am Tech Tuesday Social Media Marketing Presenter: Robin Taney, Studio4PR Chamber Conference Room Inside this issue On the cover... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Achieving Great Business Relationships! Page 2 What Does Our Membership Look Like? Page 3 Chamber Events Page 4 & 5 Chamber At a Glance US Congresswoman Kathy Hochul Speaks at Chamber Luncheon D&C Business Editor Steve Sink Presents at Chamber Seminar Page 6 Greece Chamber Travel Page 7 First First Friday of 2012 Civic Award Nominations New Marketing Packages for Chamber Members Page 8 Benefit of the Month Page 9 Member News— Rockcastle Florist Non-profit News— Lollypop Farm Page 10 Member Spotlight: USA Payroll, Inc. Calendar of Events Page 11 Dewey Ave. Corridor • Follow us on... Pictured above: Robert Rosario, General Manager at Fuccillo Hyundai of Greece, NY, Inc. Today’s business professionals are finding that the vast amount of communication tools available to them are key tools in building great business relationships. The combination of face-toface, telephone, written, and online communications are all vital to business success and future growth. Telephone communication is the perfect facilitator for breaking the ice and can often be the start of a good business relationship. There is no replacement for face-to-face communication and it can be done through ‘leads’ groups, tradeshows, networking events, business meetings, and roundtables. On Friday, January 27th, 2012 The Holiday Inn Express arranged a “Meet Your Local Elected Officials Breakfast.” “The breakfast helped to raise awareness of the hotel’s features and benefits for Chamber members as well as within the Greece community. It also served as a facilitator to open communication between our local elected officials and Chamber members,” comments Marci Miller, Director of Sales for Hemisphere Management. “The complimentary breakfast buffet was offered to showcase some of the exceptional features and benefits the property has to offer and at the same time brought together local business professionals and elected officials in an Marci Miller, environment where they Director of Sales could discuss important Hemisphere business issues.” Management Written communication such as emails, business letters and things of that sort are always good for keeping records and make for a great reference tool. The submission of press releases to the media and using your benefits as a Chamber of Commerce member are two more very effective Cont on Page 11 Business Matters February 2012 What Does our Membership Look Like? BOARD of DIRECTORS Chairman: Paul Chatfield Vice Chair: Del Smith Treasurer: Brian Ward Secretary: Chrissy Andrews Immediate Past Chair: Al Meilutis Member At-Large: Donald Felter Jr Patricia Anthony Laura Bennett Cheryl Ann Bilski James Cummings III Russell Herman James Hofford Michael Masiello Kirk Morris Wendy Rockcastle Todd Schirmer Michael West COMMITTEE CHAIRS Civic Awards Banquet: Wendy Rockcastle Erie Canal: Todd Schirmer & Dave Pandina Ambassador: Barbara Giancursio & Debi Kirkey Small Business of the Year: Jim Cummings Race on the Ridge: Anne Loria Dewey Avenue Roundtable: Paul Chatfield Youth Hall of Fame: Ralph DeStephano Taste of the Town: Laura Bennett GREECE CHAMBER CHARITABLE FOUNDATION President: Kyle Van Putte Vice President: Jodie Perry Treasurer: Gilbert Cooper Secretary: Raymond DiRaddo P. Robert Fox Joan Korsch Bonnie Kuppinger Anne Loria Dan Richardson William Selke Eugene Welch Al Meilutis John Cirella STAFF President/CEO: Jodie A. Perry, IOM Director of Member Services & Events: Sue Edgett Director of Marketing & Communications: Terry Hogan Director of Finance & Member Benefits: Christine Sortino Office Manager: Rae Shults Membership Development Manager: Ann Hallick -By Jodie A. Perry, IOM, President & CEO Last month, I was meeting with a potential member vendor and they asked me for some information about our Chamber Members. I gave them some broad statistics about the Chamber but thought it might be a great time to write a column on our Members. I think some of the numbers might surprise you. These statistics are current as of 1/19/12: Number of Members: Number of New Members since July 1, 2011: Average Employee Size of our Members: Median Length of Membership: Number of Employees Among our Members: % of Business Members from Greece: % of Business Members from outside Greece: 738 67 1-5 Employees 4.5 years 10,000+ 58% 42% People are always surprised to find out how many members we have outside of Greece. As you know, you don’t have to be located in Greece to join. Many people join because they do business in Greece (or want to do business in Greece) even if they aren’t physically located here. It also tells me that we have a broader reach than just Greece. Businesses see value here, even if they are located elsewhere. Incidentally, we are a multinational Chamber. We have one Canadian company who has joined the Chamber (Indus Travels). In terms of the new members we have signed since July, 67 is a very good number, especially in this current economy. In fact, we’ve stayed largely very steady in membership over the last two years. If the trend continues this year, we will log in a modest increase in membership. Across the country, Chambers have seen large declines in membership with the struggling economy. I’m proud to say that we haven’t seen that here in Greece. Once again, the Rochester market is ‘steady as she goes’. Just like other Chambers across the country, the majority of our members are small businesses. The average employee size of our members is 1-5 employees. We also have a substantial amount of sole proprietors who are members. If you take all of the employees of our 738 members and add them together, you have over 10,000 employees. We don’t always track the exact count of employees so the real number is most likely more impressive. The average ‘age’ of a membership is just shy of 5 years. That tells me (again) that we are a pretty steady membership. Once they have joined, our membership tends to stick around. You will always have members who don’t renew their membership but with the average age being a little bit ‘older’ that tells me that we aren’t seeing the volatility that some other Chambers are. All that added up means that your Chamber is healthy and strong. I’m pleased to give you this report and look forward to continuing to work with you for the betterment of our community! Page 2 Chamber Events NYS Assemblyman Bill Reilich Eggs & Issues Legislative Breakfast First Friday Networking Breakfast Thurs, Feb. 16th, 2012 7:30am - 8:30am Guest Speaker: NYS Assemblyman Bill Reilich Fri., Mar. 2nd, 2012 7:30am - 8:30am Center for Reiki Wellness & Hypnosis—550 Latona Road FREE event Brook House Restaurant 920 Elm Ridge Center Drive $15 for Greece Chamber members $20 for non-members Sponsored by: The Villages at Unity NYS Assemblyman Bill Reilich will be the featured guest speaker at the upcoming Eggs & Issues. Get an update on New York State, the challenges that it’s facing and how they can affect business in 2012. Tech Tuesday Social Media Marketing Presented by: Robin Taney, Studio4PR Small Business Success Series seminar January 2012 Tues., Feb. 28th, 2012 7:30am - 9:00am Greece Chamber Conference Room $15 for Greece Chamber members and $25 for non-members Sponsor of this event is: Bryant & Stratton College Robin Taney, owner of Studio4PR, will present this 90 minute seminar. Learn how Facebook, Twitter, blogs and other social media tools can help you market your business more effectively. The seminar will be held in the Chamber Conference Room and will include a continental breakfast. Pictured above: Kim Tanner (Holiday Inn Airport) & Mike Fischer (Faber Homes) January 2012 First Friday Networking event at the Holiday Inn Airport First Friday Breakfast are a great opportunity to network with local business professionals before the workday begins. Be sure to bring plenty of business cards to this FREE event. SAVE THE DATE Greece Chamber Civic Awards Banquet Thursday, April 26th, 2012 Rochester Marriott Airport Hotel 1890 West Ridge Road 6:00pm—Social Hour 7:00pm—Dinner & Program To learn more about Greece Chamber events, visit us on the Internet at www.GreeceChamber.org or call our office at 585-227-7272! “Like” us on “Facebook” and we will “Like” you back! www.facebook.com/greecechamber Member Testimonial “Being a member of the Greece Chamber for the last 8 years has proven to be one of the best decisions I have made. The Greece Chamber offers a wide variety of information and networking options that have proved to be a positive impact in my business. I hope to continue my partnership with the Greece Chamber for many more years to come!” -Jackie Wilke, Account Executive with Toshiba Business Solutions Page 3 Greece Chamber At-a-Glance Chamber Networking Luncheon February TO-DO LIST REGISTER—for the Chamber’s upcoming Tech Tuesday seminar: “Social Media Marketing” with Robin Taney, Studio4PR on Tues., Feb 28th. FOLLOW—the Greece Chamber on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and join us on SuccessLink! US Congresswoman Kathy Hochul was the featured guest speaker at the Greece Chamber’s January 2012 Networking Luncheon. The Congresswoman gave attendees an update on what is happening in Congress, and discussed the challenges that businesses and individuals are facing today. The luncheon was held at Ridgemont Country Club. The event was sponsored by Unity Health Foundation. ENTERTAINMENT PICK OF THE MONTH: ATTEND— Eggs & Issues Legislative Breakfast with featured guest speaker NYS Assemblyman Bill Reilich at Red Fedele’s Brook House Restaurant on Thursday, February 16th, 2012 ENGAGE—Learn more about BRN Have you ever thought of learning as a form of entertainment? Guess what? It certainly can be. Greece Community Education offers community education classes in a wide variety of subjects. In addition to business oriented classes, you’ll find classes in the Performing Arts, Hobbies & Crafts, Home & Garden, Genealogy, Personal Enrichment, Language, Photography, and more. Many of the classes can be taken in a traditional classroom setting or online in the privacy of your own home. Have fun with Dance, Creative Writing, Floral Arranging, Perennial Garden Design, Creating Fancy Cupcakes, Knit & Crochet, Pleasures of Poetry, Drawing, Guitar, Get Paid to Travel, Secrets of Better Photography or possibly learning a new language such as Spanish, German or Italian. And these are just some of the courses that are offered. Whether you are looking for something fun and entertaining to do by yourself or with a group of friends, consider taking a course with Greece Community Education. The courses are informative and inexpensive and you’ll enjoy the journey of Living, Laughing & Learning! Looking for the perfect gift? The Greece Community Education eGift Card is perfect for someone who enjoys learning! For more information on taking a community education course through Greece Community Education, visit their website at http://greece.augusoft.net or call them at 585-865-1010. MEMBER TESTIMONIAL Thank you so much for inviting Mr. Sink from the D&C to educate us on the techniques used to bring our businesses more public attention. He explained specifically in detail the process we need to follow to get our businesses recognized in the business editorials. Mr. Sink educated us on the processes used for consideration when determining which business would be well positioned for a spotlight editorial including how we would be selected, who to contact, press releases, public interest, accomplishments, etc. -John Sieminski, LaserSensations (Business Referrals Network) the Chamber’s ‘Leads’ group. Visit www.GreeceChamber.org Erie Canal Mural Prints Available Prints of the new murals installed on the bridge at Henpeck Park are available for purchase. Contact the Greece Chamber office at 585-227-7272 for details. Page 4 Small Business Success Series Seminar THANK YOU RENEWING MEMBERS Nick’s Refrigeration Prompt Cleaning Service See The Thin Within Unity Home & Community Based Services Upstate Business Builders Upstate Refreshment Services * As of January 9, 2012 MEMBER TESTIMONIAL Greece Chamber is an ACTIVE & VITAL organization in our community!! Thank you for providing great opportunities for our business and others in education, community outreach and networking!! - Keith & Wendy Rockcastle, Rockcastle Florist Pictured above Steve Sink, Business Editor at the Democrat & Chronicle Attendees filled the Chamber Conference Room on Tuesday, January 24th, 2012 for the 90 minute seminar “The Media & Your Business.” Steve Sink, Business Editor at the Democrat & Chronicle, did a phenomenal job of presenting the seminar. It was part of the Chamber’s Small Business Success Series—Professional Development Track. Steve had the complete attention of each attendee as he talked about print vs. online, press releases, business editorials, articles, and what types of things about businesses that might attract the press. The session was highly interactive with engaged conversation and questions and answers throughout the entire time. Event sponsored by Bryant & Stratton College. Receive discounts from fellow Chamber members through the Greece Chamber Members F1RST program. For a complete listing of discounts visit the Chamber website at www.GreeceChamber.org. If your business is interested in offering a discount to members, call Terry Hogan at 585227-7272 or email her at Terry@GreeceChamber.org Mutual of Omaha, 255 Woodcliff Drive, 585-615-8686, www.MutualOfOmaha.com, Contact: Patrick LoMando— Discount: Members of the Greece Chamber receive a 15% Discount on Mutual of Omaha Disability policies. Rapid Dry, 434 Elmgrove Road, Suite 6, 585-663-0510, www.RapidDryNow.com, Contact: Janet Hess—Discount: Greece Chamber members receive 15% off of carpet, tile or upholstery cleaning. Minimum order of $200.00 applies Sponsored by: The Chamber’s Leadership Greece Class spent the day at the Greece Town Hall Campus for Government Day, part of the program’s curriculum. This class day is designed to give the class an overview of the role that government plays from the local, state and national levels as well as how it interacts with businesses. Guest speakers for the day included: Greece Town Supervisor John Auberger (pictured above), NYS Senator Joe Robach, Dennis O’Brien from Congresswoman Kathy Hochul’s office, and a panel of department heads from the Town of Greece. The sponsor of this program is Unity Health System. Rochester Knighthawks, 144 Exchange Blvd., 585-4544295, www.knighthawks.net, Contact: Nicole Petix— Discount: The Rochester Knighthawks would like to extend a discount offer to the Greece Chamber members on the following dates: Feb. 4th, 2012, Feb. 18th, 2012, Mar. 24th, 2012, and Apr. 14th, 2012. The ball drops at 7:30pm at the Blue Cross Arena. Tickets in the 100 Premium seats will be $27 (originally $30) and the 100 end seats will be $22 (originally $24). To take advantage of this offer, you need to call Nicole Petix. This offer is not available at the box office. Rubino’s Cafe, 1659 Mt. Hope Avenue, 585-317-9212, Contact: Tommy Plantone—Discount: 25% off any purchase. Not to exceed $500. Keller Williams Realty, 1934 Ridge Road West, 585-3628999, www.SharonQ.com, Contact: Sharon Quataert— Discount—Call Sharon to sell or buy real estate and Page 5 receive complimentary Legal Fee PAID!!! Page 6 Chamber Members Begin 2012 Networking! Chamber members wasted no time starting 2012 out with some serious networking. The Chamber’s first First Friday Networking Breakfast of 2012 was held at the Holiday Inn Airport on January 6th. As you can see, the event had a great turnout! Nominate Outstanding Businesses & People Each year the Greece Chamber honors businesses and individuals for their outstanding contributions to the community at its annual Civic Awards Banquet. The banquet is the Chamber’s premier evening of the year. The celebration will be held on Thursday, April 26th. The 2012 Civic Awards will recognize local residents and business people in the following categories: Greece Business Person of the Year, Girlie Goodwin Citizen of the Year, William E. Selke Senior Citizen of the Year and for the first time this year, Educator of the Year has been added to the list. Educator of the Year can include a teacher, coach, administrator or anyone who has provided a positive and enriching influence in the lives of youth in our community. Chamber’s New Marketing Packages Can Lead to Greater Business Exposure The opportunity to make your business stand out even more in the Chamber’s online business directory is coming soon. If you haven’t already received a telephone call from Terry Hogan to discuss the options and packages available to you with your online ChamberMaster Member Directory Listing, you will soon. Imagine having your banner ad on the Chamber’s homepage or in your business category. Did you know that the Greece Chamber Website takes about 3500 hits per month. Depending on the package that you choose, you will have options for longer business descriptions, bulleted highlights, be able to post a video, photos and more. The enhanced listings give your business an opportunity to reach Greece Chamber members as well as visitors to the Greece Chamber Is there a business or individual that you feel should be website in a more unique way. Enhanced listings also recognized? If so, be sure to fill out the nomination form serve as a great branding tool. These packages will begin that you will receive shortly and return it to the Greece Chamber office by Monday, February 20th, 2012. If you have at just $99 a year. Take your business promotion to the any questions, call Sue Edgett at 585-227-7272 or email next level and belong, engage & succeed with YOUR Sue@GreeceChamber.org. Details on sponsorship personal Chamber! opportunities are included in this mailing. Page 7 New Members Benefit of the Month BEE KEEPER Baldeck Bees Melanie Baldeck, Owner 33 Williams Street Mumford, NY 14511 (585) 538-2612 MANUFACTURING/ ENGINEERING Zman Design for Manufacturing Michael Zimmerman 75 Miramar Road Rochester, NY 14624 (585) 317-3483 MARKETING Wilsonworks, LLC Darrick Wilson, Owner 130 Mount Ridge Circle Rochester, NY 14616 (585) 713-0502 Fax: (800) 918-3503 www.wilsonworksmarketing.net REAL ESTATE Vampiro Ventures, LLP Diane Springer, Partner 1770 Emerson Street Rochester, NY 14606 (585) 647-1200 Fax: (585) 647-1212 TRAVEL Lori’s Travel Service, LLC Michael Chaba, Vice President 879 North Greece Road Rochester, NY 14626 (585) 225-5291 Fax: (585) 227-9290 www.loristravelservice.com * As of January 18, 2012 Become a Member of the New Chamber Leads Group, BRN! 750+ Businesses Reading Our FullColor Publication! BRN (Business Referrals Network) is a group of dedicated Include YOUR full color business card ad in SuccessLink professionals who meet weekly or biweekly to share business Journal (Greece Chamber monthly newsletter) for as little as $50 per month (12 month commitment) $60 per month (6 month leads and learn more about one another’s business. Each commitment) or just run for one month for $75. Call the business category is exclusive. Chamber office at 585-227-7272 for details or to reserve your Member Benefits of BRN spot! ⇒ Directly receive exclusive and qualified leads ⇒ Create new business networks ⇒ Form relationships in a non-competitive environment ⇒ Refine presentation skills ⇒ Enjoy peer-to-peer “agenda-free” business support ⇒ Take advantage of leadership opportunities offered within the networks Interested in joining BRN? Call Terry Hogan at 585-227-7272 or email her at Terry@GreeceChamber.org for details or a BRN application. Page 8 Member News Rockcastle Florist Named Best Florist in Ontario County Congratulations to Greece Chamber member Rockcastle Florist. Keith & Wendy Rockcastle recently opened their 2nd location in Canandaigua, NY. From November 1st, 2011 thru January 10th, 2012 Ontario County patrons were able to vote for their favorites businesses. “The Best of Ontario County” was conducted through an online poll. Everything from arts & entertainment to sports was included in 43 different categories. Messenger Post Media referred to the winning businesses as “The best of the best” and “The cream of the crop.” By the end of December 2011, nearly 4,000 votes had been cast and Rockcastle Florist was named “Best Florist in Ontario County.” DON’T MISS OUR GREAT SMALL BUSINESS SUCCESS SERIES & TECH TUESDAY SEMINARS COMING IN 2012 Sponsored by: Feb 28th—Social Media Marketing presented by Robin Taney from Studio4PR—This seminar will cover how Facebook, Twitter, blogging and other social media tools can be a cost effective way to market your business. Mar. 27th—Success For the Home-Based Business Owner presented by Cheryl MacCracken, Senior Sales Director for Mary Kay Cosmetics—Learn more about becoming more organized, building a positive image, how community involvement can help your home based business prosper, and more at this seminar. Non-profit News Lollypop Farm—Humane Society of Greater Rochester Lollypop Farm—Humane Society of Greater Rochester has two Greece, NY locations: The Mall at Greece Ridge (585-223-1330 ext. 223) open Monday-Friday from 12:00pm— 8:00pm, Saturdays from 11:00am—6:00pm and Pet$aver Super Store (585-621-0890) located at 1596 West Ridge Road in Stoneridge Plaza. Beginning on Saturday, February 4th, 2012 The Mall at Greece Ridge location will offer dog adoptions once a month. The organization offers a Young Professionals Group and Start a Youth Service Project. Start a Youth Service Project is for school age children and can be used to help fulfill community service projects for school and scouting activities. Lollypop Farm is committed to building lifelong bonds between people and animals through education, community outreach programs and prevention of cruelty. They have been serving pets and people in our community since 1873. For more information on pet adoption or Lollypop Farm programs and services call them at 585-223-1330 or email them at info@lollypop.org. Apr. 24th—Getting Started with YouTube presented by Rhett VanScoter, VanScoter Insurance Agency, LLC—YouTube is free, easy to use and a great business marketing tool. Rhett will walk us through creating a YouTube account, uploading videos, tags, and more. Learn how to reach out to current and prospective clients using video at this exciting seminar. May 22nd—Essentials for the Employee Handbook presented by Rich Pinckney, USA Payroll, Inc.—This seminar will cover the importance of having an employee handbook and guide you through the essential information that should be included in a well-written one. June 26th—Create Professional Relationships Using Social Media presented by Jerry Grundman, The BrandBuilder Company—Learn how to harness the power of social media for building professional relationships using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and blogs. Building two-way communications, being perceived as an expert in your field and increasing brand awareness will all be topics of discussion at this fascinating seminar! Nine students from Greece and Spencerport High Schools are participating in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) for the 2011-12 year and are planning to launch 8 businesses among them. In January the students continued the idea generation phase and started writing their business plans. Guest speakers for the month included Hector Urena (McDonalds) who talked about the pros and con of franchising and Gene Welch (Attorney) who gave the students an overview in legal things they need to keep in mind as they launch. Mentors started meeting with the students later in the month as well. Page 9 Member Spotlight— Spotlight—USA Payroll, Inc. USA Payroll, Inc. has been in business since 1994 with their headquarters based in Rochester, NY. They have six offices located along the U.S. eastern coast that includes the NYC area, New Jersey, Georgia, and Florida. Ralph Fornuto and Jim Williams are the company’s founders. Canandaigua National Bank is a major stockholder of USA Payroll, Inc. owning 20%. Payroll and payroll tax services are just the start of the services that USA Payroll, Inc. offers. In addition, they offer background check services, compliance posters, drug testing services, an Employee Assistance Program, Employee Handbooks, Harassment Training, HR Audits, New Hire Packets, and On-site HR Specialist Support. Comprehensive Insurance Services such as: Health, Dental, Exact Pay Workers’ Compensation, and NYS Disability can also be obtained through the company. Enhanced payroll services include: 401K Reporting, Job Costing, Automatic Billing, Direct Deposit, EFT Child Support, Paperless Payroll, Tax Payment Services, and much more. For a complete listing of all of USA Payroll’s services and business solutions visit their website at www.usapayroll.com. “Everything the big boys can do, we can do,” remarks Andy Gray, Sales Rep for USA Payroll, Inc. “And we can do it better, faster, and more cost effectively.” Andy has been with the company for about seventeen years and has 27 years’ experience in payroll. What makes clients trust their payroll to USA Payroll, Inc.? The company has approximately 3500 local clients and is the second largest payroll company in Rochester. “We carry a $5 million dollar performance bond, are certified by the AICPA as a SAS70 Level 2 provider and because Canandaigua National Bank & Trust owns 20% of USA Payroll, our tax trust accounts are routinely audited by the NYS Banking Commission,” says Andy Gray. “But really it goes much farther than that. We partner with our clients to provide them with a customized solution to their needs for information. It is the difference between providing a service rather than a commodity.” The USA Payroll website is user friendly and offers a lot of information for clients and prospective clients. In addition to information on the company’s products and services, visitors will find important announcements regarding issues about payroll, taxes, IRS, Labor Law Changes, and things of that sort. Existing clients will find links for signing into secure areas for web payroll, employee self service, HR Support Center, background checks, time keeping, and electronic quarterlies. Payroll and benefit/health forms can also be downloaded right from their website. If you are looking for an experienced payroll company, USA Payroll, Inc. is a member of the American Payroll Association and the majority of their employees are Certified Payroll Professionals. Exceeding the expectations of their clients and supplying business solutions as clients’ needs change is a top priority. The staff is cross trained so that should a client have an emergency and their payroll specialist is unavailable, someone from the staff will be able to provide immediate service. Customer calls are returned within a two-hour time frame. For more information on USA Payroll, Inc. services and discounts for Greece Chamber members, call Andy Gray at 585427-2010. Be sure to tell USA Payroll, Inc. that you saw their spotlight in SuccessLink Journal. –Terry Hogan, Director of Marketing & Communications Calendar of Events February 2/7, Tuesday – Canal Committee meeting ~ 8:00am to 9:00am ~ Northwest Savings Bank, 860 Long Pond Road 2/8, Wednesday – Civic Awards Committee Meeting ~ 3:30pm to 4:30pm 2/9, Thursday – Dewey Avenue Business Development SubCommittee Meeting ~ 7:30am to 8:30am ~ Chatfield Engineers, 2800 Dewey Avenue 2/10, Friday – Leadership Greece Class Day 2/16, Thursday – Eggs & Issues Networking Breakfast ~ 7:30am to 8:30am ~ Brook House Restaurant, 920 Elm Ridge Center Drive ~ Guest Speaker: NYS Assemblyman Bill Reilich ~ Sponsored by The Villages at Unity 2/21, Tuesday - Board of Directors meeting ~ 7:30am to 9:00am 2/23, Thursday – Ambassadors meeting ~ 8:00am to 9:00am 2/28, Tuesday – Small Business Success Series – Tech Tuesday, “Social Media Marketing,” presented by Robin Taney, Studio4PR ~ 7:30am to 9:00am ~ Greece Chamber Conference Room, Suite 202 ~ Sponsored by Bryant & Stratton College ~ Register online or contact the Chamber office for more information March Hosted by the Center for Reiki Wellness & Hypnosis, 550 Latona Road, Bldg. E 3/2, Friday – Youth Hall of Fame Committee Meeting ~ 8:00am to 10:00am ~ Greece Chamber Conference Room 3/6, Tuesday – Canal Committee meeting ~ 8:00am to 9:00am ~ Northwest Savings Bank, 860 Long Pond Road 3/7, Wednesday – Civic Awards Committee Meeting ~ 3:30pm to 4:30pm 3/8, Thursday – Dewey Avenue Business Roundtable Meeting ~ 7:30am to 8:30am ~ Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 4115 Dewey Avenue 3/9, Friday – Leadership Greece Class Day 3/15, Thursday – Monthly Networking Luncheon ~ 11:45am to 1:15pm ~ Ridgemont Country Club, 3717 West Ridge Road ~ Speaker(s) TBD 3/20, Tuesday - Board of Directors meeting ~ 7:30am to 9:00am 3/22, Thursday – Ambassadors meeting ~ 8:00am to 9:00am 3/27, Tuesday – Small Business Success Series, “Success for the Home-Based Business Owner, “ presented by Cheryl McCracken, Senior Sales Director for Mary Kay Cosmetics ~ 7:30am to 9:00am, in the Greece Chamber Conference Room, Suite 202 ~ Sponsored by Bryant & Stratton College ~ Register online or contact the Chamber office for more information 3/2, Friday - First Friday Networking ~ 7:30am to 8:30am ~ Reservations are requested for all Chamber luncheons & events; call 227-7272 to make reservations. All committee meetings and training sessions, unless otherwise noted, will take place in the Greece Chamber’s Conference Room at 2496 West Ridge Road, Suite 202. If you are interested in one of our many active committees or you would like to gain more exposure for your business, please call us at the Chamber. Page 10 Much is Happening in the Dewey Avenue Corridor The Greece Chamber of Commerce Dewey Avenue Business Roundtable continues to meet on a monthly basis to discuss the issues associated with business, community development and neighborhood improvement. Participation in the monthly meetings is encouraged for businesses in the Dewey Avenue Corridor and surrounding areas. The calendar of meetings for the Dewey Avenue Business Roundtable is posted on the Chamber web site. Typically the meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 am. Construction of the Northgate Wal-Mart is well underway and out of the ground, with the exterior structure nearing completion. It appears that work continues to take place inside the building as the wind blows and snowflakes come and go. I remember when Northgate Plaza was a bustling plaza and the place to hang out as a kid. Those were the days my friends. Well someday our kids or our grand kids will say the same thing about Wal-Mart in the coming years. Maybe there should be a section on the Greece Chamber website dedicated to “Remember When”. LOL! Paul Chatfield Greece Chamber of Commerce Chairman of the Board The Town of Greece recently held a Public Hearing for the Dewey Avenue Mixed Use District. This effort by the Town was well received by most of the 50 or so residents, property owners and business owners in attendance at the Public Hearing. I applaud the efforts of the Town of Greece in initiating this ordinance and acknowledge the efforts of the Design Team of Ingalls Planning & Design and the Steinmetz Planning Group to incorporate elements that are unique for the Dewey Avenue Corridor. I believe that a strong business community needs the neighborhood to remain healthy and to support local businesses as much as possible. The proposed Dewey Avenue Mixed Use District is a fine example of how commerce and residential uses can be intertwined to create prosperous opportunities for both. Some of the businesses in the Dewey Avenue Corridor appear to be prospering as evidenced by lines out the door at Triano’s Meat Market and Jackson Bakery during the holiday season. Somehow the word needs to get out more to residents of the community to encourage better support of our local small businesses when making their buying decisions. The next time you are about to make a purchase for your home or business, please consider the small businesses along the Dewey Avenue Corridor and throughout the entire Town of Greece. Also check out the Greece Chamber of Commerce website to find a Greece Chamber of Commerce Member that you can do business with. Embrace the winter weather upon us, find something fun to do other than shoveling snow, visit our local restaurants and business establishments throughout the Town of Greece, and count the days until the flowers bloom and the grass turns green. Sincerely, Paul R. Chatfield, P.E. Greece Chamber of Commerce Chairman of the Board Cont from Cover (Building Great Business Relationships) ways to spread the word. Fuccillo Hyundai on Ridge Road West uses all forms of communication. “We use print, television, radio, social media, websites, press releases, and more,” remarks Robert Rosario, General Manager at Fuccillo Hyundai of Greece NY, Inc. “I like to refer to it as surround marketing. Everywhere you turn you will be exposed to Fuccillo Hyundai. It continuously exposes our theme “HUGE” to our community and beyond. We are looking at Chamber sponsorships and possibly hosting a Chamber First Friday utilizing our Chamber membership as one more communication tool.” The Internet now serves as a valuable and very affordable communication tool. We are conducting business in the age of open communication and engaged dialogue. Consumers are looking for businesses to become more transparent and personal. It’s great personal customer service that they want and the Internet and social media are providing the opportunity to give them just that! T. Kevin Sheehan from T. Kevin Sheehan & Associates has found great success with email connection tools. “We use e-Relationship, an email connection tool for connecting with clients and prospects,” remarks Kevin Sheehan. “My clients automatically receive an email that tells them what I do and supplies them with information about insurance, investments, and long T. Kevin term care solutions. It offers Sheehan, T. storyboards, videos, articles, and Sheehan & more. It also takes them to my Assoc. website. It is the most cost effective advertising and awareness tool that I have found in the marketplace.” Kevin also uses email blasts through the Chamber, participates in our tradeshows and attends networking functions. His communications approach must be working, he has over 1000 clients. Sites like Twitter and Facebook allow companies to communicate with and hear what their customers have to say. It also allows them an opportunity to respond to customer complaints quickly should they arise. And of course it is a great feeling for any company to have their products or services complimented across the World Wide Web. More and more companies are finding that interacting with their clients through social media platforms is paying off. How do business professionals keep up with all that is available in the world of communications. Blink your eyes and you have already missed something. Another thing to consider is your local library or book store where you will find books and magazines that focus on business and communications. New business related books are released continuously and on every imaginable subject. Reading can be an invaluable tool for business communications. The Greece Chamber is now working out the logistics for a Chamber business book club. Watch for details. Each business is unique and the way they communicate with prospects and clients is also unique, but one thing is for sure: there are plenty of communication tools to achieve great business relationships! -Terry Hogan, Director of Marketing Page 11 & Communications 2496 West Ridge Road, Suite 201 Greece, NY 14626-3053 Return Service Requested