Spring 2011 - Eno River Association


Spring 2011 - Eno River Association
Spring 2011
Eno River Association – Connection to the Past – Protection for the Future
March – June 2011
Spring Wildflower Hikes
March 13 – April 17 & May 8
Each Sunday afternoon at 2pm
Spring Stewardship Workdays
March 19, April 16, May 21, June 4
10am – 1pm
Durham Creek Week
March 19 – 26
Orientation & Training
Saturday, March 26
10am – Noon
Neuse River Cleanup
Saturday, April 2
Two Properties Protected at the End of 2010
Kurt Schlimme, Director of Conservation
n December 30, 2010, LinkBros, LLC donated a one-acre tract of land
on Pleasant Green Road to the Eno River Association to fill a missing
section in the route of the North Carolina Mountains-to-Sea Trail. The
property, which has approximately 200 feet of frontage on the Eno River, will be
donated by the Association to the State of North Carolina for inclusion in the
Eno River State Park.
More than 500 miles of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail have been built in
segments across the state, joined together by temporary connectors on back
roads and state bike routes. Acquisition of the Link property will allow
completion of the section of trail through the Eno River State Park between
the Cabe Lands area and Pleasant Green Road. On June 4, as part of National
Trails Day, the ERA—in partnership with the Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea
Trail—will hold a trail construction workday for this section of the trail.
In addition to its contribution to local and state-wide recreation, acquisition
of the property will provide critical ecological and resource protection. The
donation of this property completes over 8.5 miles of
(see Properties, page 3)
Kurt Schlimme
Eno Spring Picnic
Sunday, May 1
Stream-in Family River Day
Saturday, May 28
(tentative date)
NC Land Trust Day
National Trails Day
Walkable Hillsborough
Saturday, June 4
Visit www.enoriver.org
for details on these
events and more!
Another missing link protected­—thanks LinkBros!
Eno River Association – Celebrating 45 Years of Conservation
In our own words….
– a column devoted to the thoughts, comments, and perspectives of the staff and board
oin us in welcoming our newest staff member, Cynthia Satterfield, Director
of Development, in her own words…
The mission of the Eno River Association
is to conserve and protect the nature,
culture, and history of the Eno River basin.
Board of Directors
Milo Pyne, President
Ron Bodkin, Vice President
Don Moffitt, Treasurer
Meredith Barrett, Secretary
Chips Chapman
Mark O’Neal
Don Cox
Bercedis Peterson
Barbara Driscoll
Holly Reid
Tom Driscoll
Aaron Stoertz
Joy Cagle Harper
Susan Tillotson
Duncan Heron
Matt Hoover
Annette Jurgelski
Nancy Gustaveson
Joe Liles
Norm Gustaveson
Bruce Middleton
Holger Nygard
Robin Jacobs, Executive Director
Greg Bell, Festival Coordinator
Kathy Lee, Director of Education
Cynthia Satterfield, Development Director
Kurt Schlimme, Director of Conservation
Eno River Currents is a
quarterly newsletter published by the
Eno River Association,
4404 Guess Road, Durham, NC 27712
Phone 919-620-9099 • Fax 919-477-0448
Layout & Design, Jennifer Armstrong
Printing, Grass Roots Press
2 Currents
“I was lucky enough to grow up in a house overlooking the Eno River
just outside of Hillsborough. Just outside my back door, the river and the woods
were an enormous playground for me, and my friends. Without a doubt, I know
that my curious nature, adventurous spirit, and passion for the natural world are
tied completely to my early outdoor escapades.
After graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill, I left Orange County and worked
for several years in the cultural resources management field—first as a field
technician on archaeological projects in North Carolina, Virginia and New
Jersey—then as a researcher and surveyor of historic resources across the state.
I met my husband Dean Ruedrich, a restoration contractor and gravestone
conservator, while working at Historic Stagville in the mid-90s. Our first date
was to the Festival for the Eno and last year we celebrated our 15th anniversary
at the Festival!
Before joining the ERA staff, I worked for six and a half years raising money
and awareness for another North Carolina land trust based in Louisburg. Now I
feel like I’ve finally come home, and am so excited to be a part of the Eno River
Association family.
To be sure, ERA has an impressive 45-year history. But in order to remain
a conservation powerhouse, we need to stay nimble and ready to act on critical
land acquisition opportunities.
We need to be responsive to
legislative and local planning
issues, and able to provide
quality education
programs that nurture
our next generation
of environmental
stewards. What this
requires is money—
both unrestricted
funding that allows
us to be alert to the
opportunities that
exist, and program
funding that allows us to pursue them.
I’m going to need your help raising these funds and urge each of you to
re-commit yourselves to the ERA cause. The Eno is not only an extraordinary
natural resource; it’s a place that holds very deep personal meaning to many of
us. I look forward to working with each of you and as a community to save this
place we love!”
(Properties, from page 1) permanently protected frontage
along the southern bank of the Eno River, stretching from
Pleasant Green Road in Orange County to Roxboro Road
in the City of Durham.
The donation of the property was made by John
M. Link Jr., Thomas E. Link, and Robert E. Link, the
Members of LinkBros, LLC, in loving memory of their
great grandfather, Emmett Green Link, and their mother
and father, Peggy Sykes Link and John M. Link Sr. The
Link family has deep roots along the Eno River. This land
has been owned by the family for more than 100 years.
“We have always called it the Spring Lot,” says Thomas
Link. “Fable has it that the spring on the property has
never dried up in the last 250 years.” The Links are also
no strangers to conservation along the Eno River. In 2009
they worked with the Association to donate 17 acres for
inclusion into the Eno River State Park.
In addition to the Link donation, the Association
also helped the Orange County Lands Legacy complete
a “forever wild” conservation easement on a five-acre,
undeveloped parcel near the Association’s Confluence
Natural Area. Conservation of this property, which has
approximately 400 feet of frontage on the Eno River, will
provide permanent protection for important riparian areas
and wildlife habitat and add to the significant amount of
protected land already located along this section of the
Eno River.
July 2, 3 & 4, 2011
10am - 6pm each Day
West Point on the Eno – Durham City Park
Volunteers are needed before, during, and after
the event. Sign up at volunteer@enoriver.org
Christopher Ammon
More info, schedules, tickets, etc: www.enoriver.org
Traveling ts
Elias Ammon—age 4½, wearing the 2010 Eno
cottontail rabbit t-shirt—traveled with his family to the
Great Smoky Mountains National Park last September.
Highlights from the trip included an encounter
with a black bear and the entire family (mom
Kristen, dad Christopher, and baby brother Ethan)
reaching the top of Clingman’s Dome (6,643 ft),
the third highest mountain east of the Mississippi!
The two highest peaks east of the Mississippi are
both located in Mt. Mitchell State Park in western
North Carolina.
Trivia Question: What “mountain” is the highest point
in Orange County?
Answer: Occoneechee Mountain, 867 ft.
Send your Eno traveling tee image and story to
Currents 3
he iWalk the Eno camp for
rising sixth-grade students
is expanding! This popular
day camp was founded in 2008 as a
partnership between Orange County
School and the Eno River Association,
with funding from the Burroughs
Wellcome Fund Student Science
Enrichment Program. We are pleased
to be opening the program this year
to several Durham Schools, with the
goal of reaching all of the schools in
the Eno River basin within the next
five years.
• Rising sixth-grade students from
Orange County School district and
Durham Public Schools
Easley, Eno Valley, and
Hillandale are eligible to
apply for the 2011 camp.
• Student applications can
be downloaded at www.
• The deadline for submitting
a student application is
March 4.
Our camp website has lots
of photos and information
about the program—please check it
out at iwalktheeno.org or contact
the Eno Education program director
Kathy Lee at kathy@enoriver.org or
919-620-9099 x204.
Eno River Association & Neuse RiverKeeper
Foundation team up to present a NEW
RiverWatch in the upper Neuse River basin
RiverWatch Orientation & Training
Sat, March 26th, 10am – Noon
North Regional Library
221 Milton Rd, Durham, 27712
FREE but registration required: http://ow.ly/3m6S0
Eno River Contact: Kathy Lee at 919-620-9099 x204,
RiverWatch educates, engages, and empowers
citizens to learn about their local waterways and the
challenges to those special places, helping you address
challenges to your own neighborhood stream and
better understand the watershed as a whole. The
curriculum helps people understand the characteristics of a healthy stream and recognize hidden threats.
You can join a network of other volunteers at monthly
meetings to learn from area experts, hear how others
have made a difference, and share success stories from
your neighborhood. 4 Currents
Everyone’s Eno Calendar
We’ve decided it’s time to put together an Eno calendar
that reflects a community effort and a mosaic of
what makes the Eno special from many perspectives.
Everyone is invited to
submit something to the
2012 Eno calendar, from
digital or film images
to short personal essays
or poems. Look back
through your photo files
and journals for gems
from the past, or let the
Eno be your muse today!
Visit www.enoriver to
download the submission
Todd Gambling
form and guidelines.
Deadline: May 1, 2011
Mail (see address page 2) or email your submissions to
iWalk staff
Emma Skurnick
iWalk the Eno Science & Nature Day Camp
June 20 – 24, 2011
A Wildflower Walk with Milo Pyne: Willie Duke’s Bluff
Duncan Heron
s we cross the abandoned railroad tracks and
flowers are followed by the famous sweet, custardy fruits
walk past boulders and scrap metal, we cross a
in August.
sunny power line and enter the shady woods.
Farther downstream, we find a large swamp chestnut
The south side of the river has a diverse character, and
oak (Quercus muehlenbergii) towering over the trail. We
differs from the upper river, with high, rocky ground
climb a little hill and find the ruins of the foundations
in places, and a steep drop to the water. There is a
of small cabins where people enjoyed the view of the
distinctive area, a kind of backswamp where low ground
river here. The tallest and steepest of the bluffs is said
meets a rich slope. This is the first place we encounter
to be the place where Brother Willie Duke, the brother
Dutchman’s-breeches (Dicentra cucullaria), one of the
of the tobacco magnate Washington Duke, practiced
unusual wildflowers found here. Some years, the flowers are
his preaching to the critters of the forest. Below us are
abundant, other years the river has recently overflowed,
mountain laurel shrubs (Kalmia latifolia) that indicate an
and water covers some of their habitat.
outcrop of acidic sandstones, adding to the plant diversity
We get our first
we enjoy on our hike.
glimpse of the habitat
We pause to take in the
for which this area is
scene, and embrace the
best known: a narrow
seeming remoteness of
floodplain which meets a
this place, before heading
steep, north-facing bluff.
back on the trail to more
The buckeye (Aesculus
familiar and civilized
sylvatica) and pawpaw
(Asimina triloba),
Read more from Milo’s
which are normally
Willie Duke’s Bluff walk
small shrubs, become
in the Eno Calendar,
subcanopy trees and
April 2011.
tower above our heads.
We make a mental note
A listing of our 2011 Spring
to come back and see if
Wildflower hikes can be
the brown pawpaw
found at www.enoriver.org
Dutchman’s-breeches (Dicentra cucullaria)
The Association, Donated Conservation Easements, and You
he Eno River Association is working to greatly
expand our conservation easement program in
2011. Easements can be a powerful tool for land
conservation. Under a conservation easement, land
remains in private ownership, use, and management.
However, certain restrictions for future development or
other management activities are placed on the land. The
extent of these restrictions is tailored to each individual
case, with landowner objectives and the property’s natural
resources being considered. When conservation easements
are donated, there can be significant tax benefits to the
landowner. In fact, at the end of 2010 Congress renewed
the enhanced federal tax incentives for conservation
easement donations, including bargain sales. The
incentives, which had expired at the end of 2009, will have
significant impact on the benefits most landowners are able
to reap from a conservation donation.
The new law:
• Raises the deduction a donor can take for donating a
voluntary conservation agreement from 30 percent of
their income in any year to 50 percent;
• Allows farmers and ranchers to deduct up to 100% of
their income; and
• Increases the number of years over which a donor can
take deductions from 6 to 16 years.
While this renewal is a wonderful vote of confidence
for the importance of land conservation by individual
landowners, currently these incentives are only temporary.
At the end of 2011, benefits revert back to their earlier
limits. If you have considered placing an easement on your
property, this coming year is the time to make it happen.
For more information about placing a conservation
easement on your property, please contact Kurt Schlimme,
Director of Conservation, 919-620-9099 or kurt@enoriver.org.
Currents 5
The Wildflower Society
(Contributions of $500+ from January – December 2010)
We thank the following major donors for their financial leadership
and extraordinary commitment to the work of the Association.
Diane Allen & Chad Hughes
Phyllis & Robert Andrews
Azalea Graphics
Barbara Baker & Don Kritsch
Andrew Balber & Frances Kerr
Greg Berg & Barb Mozena
The Bicycle Chain
Burroughs Wellcome Fund Student
Science Enrichment Program
CT Wilson Construction Inc
Jeffrey Chase & Nonna Skumanich
Mike & Jean Chitwood
Ann Colosia
Don & Judy Cox
Amy Csorba & Bob Schmitz
Erik Daubert & Andrea Miele
Shirley Drechsel & Wayne Vaughn
Barbara & Tom Driscoll
Christopher Eubank
Susan Gidwitz & Gail Freeman
Elizabeth Wade Grant
Norman & Nancy Gustaveson
Meg Guttman
Corinna & Gordon Herbert
Harriet Herring
Tom & Elvira Howard
Barry & Robin Jacobs
Randy & Cathy Lambe
Lex & Kathy Larson
Cliff & Lynn Leath
Kathy Lee & Mike Herbert
LinkBros, LLC
Little-Reid Conservation Fund
Frances Lynn Fund of Triangle
Community Foundation
Michael Malone &
Maureen Quilligan
Jeanne McCullough
Melissa McCullough
John Manuel & Cathy Murphy
Mary Love May & Paul Gabrielson
Tom & Linda McCurdy
Karen McLachlan
Laurie McNeil & Pat Wallace
Steve, Lori, Isaac & Sadie Musick
Carolyn Norris & Marc Fowler
Bercedis Peterson
Redwoods Group Foundation
Hildegard Ryals
Garth, Sarah, Max &
Maggie Saunders
Anthony & Stella Schomberg
Fund of Triangle Community
Todd & Kathleen Shapley-Quinn
Garrick Skalski & Amy McSwain
Trapani Family Charitable Fund of
Triangle Community Foundation
Allen & Claire Wilcox
James & Mildred Wilkinson
Charitable Trust
Estate of St. Clair Williams
Thanks also to all our other contributors and volunteers
for the invaluable support they provide
(Gifts from November 1, 2010 – January 31, 2011)
Special Gifts
Gifts of Land
In Memory of their Great Grandfather,
Emmett Green Link, Mother & Father,
Peggy Sykes Link & John M. Link Sr.
from John M. Link Jr., Thomas E. Link,
& Robert E. Link, through LinkBros,
Blazing Star
Lady’s Slipper
Phyllis & Robert Andrews
Mary Love May & Paul Gabrielson
James & Mildred Wilkinson
Charitable Trust
Crested Iris
Diane Allen & Chad Hughes
Andrew Balber & Frances Kerr
Greg Berg & Barb Mozena
Jeffrey Chase & Nonna Skumanich
Shirley Drechsel & Wayne Vaughn
Susan Gidwitz & Gail Freeman
The Little-Reid Conservation Fund
Estate of St. Clair Williams
Ann Colosia
Don & Judy Cox
Norm & Nancy Gustaveson
Lex K. & Kathy A. Larson
Frances Lynn Fund of Triangle
Community Foundation
Laurie McNeil & Pat Wallace
Todd & Kathleen Shapley-Quinn
Garrick Skalski & Amy McSwain
Trapani Family Charitable Fund of
Triangle Community Foundation
6 Currents
Margaret S. Babb
Barbara Baker & Don Kritsch
David & Kerry Burch
Cimarron Homes
Laura Drey
Darrell & Jo Edgley
Christopher Eubank
Mike & Ruth Freeman
Jan Grossman
Uli Hartmond & Sara Stratton
Albert & Elizabeth Harris
John Stewart Jones
Richard Kay & Blythe Williams
Bercedis Peterson
Peter & Ona Pickens
John & Kristen Pormann
Karen Prus & Lewis Carson
Karsten & Carol Rist
Anna Stout & Rand Allingham
Julie & Richard Mooney
Alexander Van Nievelt &
Laurie McLennan
Jenny Warburg
Chuck & Jean Wilson
John & Vicki Bachmann
Jay & Rachel Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Baragona
Bob Barrett & Linda Atkinson
Robin Barth
Bill & Patti Brideson
Scott, Kathleen & Lizzy Broaddus
Stephanie & Kevin Brown
Mary Ann Chap & Nancy Kneepkens
David Connelly
Phil & Gail Cooley
Elizabeth Cruise
Stephanie Curtis &
Ronald Swanstrom
Martha Davidson
Pat Dickinson
Tom Diehl & Cynthia Wallis-Hill
Fred Dietrich & Jenny Tenor
Kate Dixon & Dan Wilkinson
Barbara & Tom Driscoll
Robert & Margaret Ehle
Marc & Laura Fraioli
Geoffrey & Jane Gledhill
Frannie Goodrich
Glen, Judith, Bradley &
Mark Gordon
Christy & Jim Gudaitis
Maggi & Ron Hall
Peter Harrell & Ellen Cooper
Bob Hellwig & Gordon Whitaker
Tom & Elvira Howard
Robin & Barry Jacobs
Richard H. Jenrette
Ronnie Kolotkin
Tyre Lasitter & Anne Minnotte
Anita & Harold Layton
Norman & Sonna Loewenthal
Rep Paul Luebke & Carol Gallione
Louise Markert
Mary Z. Martin
Richard & Margaret McCann
Tom & Linda McCurdy
Scott McElroy &
Elizabeth Obenshain
Jennifer McGovern &
Steven Unruhe
Hervey & Jane McIver
Lisa McQuay
Pascale & Volker Mittendorf
Dr. & Mrs. Joe Moore
Owen & Annette Oakeley
Dan Oldman &
Catherine Starkweather
Todd & Macey Owen
Ariana Pancaldo & Michael Salemi
Margaret Parker
John & Kate Paup
Nicholas Plummer & Jennifer Peifer
Warren A. Resley
Mary Ross
Rachel Royce & Matthew Farrelly
Timothy & Peggy Sanford
Sue & Richard Schlimme
Nancy Scott & David Henderson
Larry Bohs & Libby Searles-Bohs
David, Max & Jake Shore &
Karen Catoe
Earl J. & Edna M. Smith
Mindy, Andrew & Natalie Stahl
Clarke & Alice Thacher
Duane & Sheila Therriault
Susan Tillotson & Rose Auman
Billy & Sandra Totten
Jim & Pat Travis
Amy & David Turner
David & Ann Umbach
Allen Valpey
Barney & Vivian Varner
Jane & Steve Vogel
Bruce Wilks & Margaret Stetson
John & Nancy Wyman
Susan E. Zarutskie
Kelly Allen
Nan & Bob Dietrich
Nathan Berolzheimer &
Trish Barron
Jack & Donna Blackmer
Christopher Boyce
John Buhrmann
Rick Burt
Christine Cabot & Tim Cummins
Aaron & Stephanie Cain
Lewis Cheek
Rhonda Cohen & Jay Cunningham
Thomas B. Cole
Suzann & Dave Coy
David & Shannon Currey
Rebecca Currie
Ross J. Curry
Denny & Barney Dale
Barbara Dickinson
Eric Dietze & Victoria Seewaldt
Paul & Joanne Dreyer
Muriel Easterling
Suzanne Edwards
Sue Eldon
Barbara Williams Ellertson
Jo Watson Fisher
Ms. Tobin Freid & Dr. Scott Schwartz
Michael Gering & Marsha Feree
Richard Goldberg & Edie Kahn
Grass Roots Press
Joe Hackney
Rose Halperin
Margaret Henderson
Kimberly & Edward Hill
Culley Holderfield & Jodi Lasseter
Bill Holman & Stephanie Bass
Valinda, Gaelen, & Aaron Jordan
Joy & Mike Kerner
Kenneth & Aspasia Knoerr
Jane & Phil Korest
Chris & Rachel Larsen
Lynn A. Maguire
Jennifer Maher
Diane Maia & John Domena
Mary Malicki
Joe & Melissa Marion
Diane Markoff
Kevin McClain & Donna King
Lucinda McDade & John Lundberg
Alicia & Peter McKinnis
Max Preston & Pat Merriman
Edwin Moore
Daylin Munoz-Nunez
Bo Newsome
Terry & Elizabeth Oas
Carla Oldham
Billy & Eve Olive
Richard & Janice Palmer
Bernadette Pelissier & Vann Bennett
Elizabeth P. Pullman
Nancy Ranney & David Levi
Neal Ready & Lynn Bowlby
Susan K. Reimer
Lucinda Rich & Gary Orswell
Ruth & Russell Roberson
Mary Ann Rood
Cherie Rosemond &
David Woodmansee
Barbara Roth
Melanie & Michael See
Scott Shore & Rebecca Boston
Gilbert & Wendy Smith
Diane Spangler
Judy Stafford
Mark Straubel & Marjorie George
C. E. & Aileen Tennyson
Charles R. Tucker
Les & Carol Walton
Doris Wells
Emily Wexler
Gretchen Wolf & Daniel Deter
Ellen M. Agnew
Margaret Anderson
Carol Anderson
Mike & Jennifer Armstrong
Gail Austin Curry
William S. Baker
William S. Baker
Bonnie Barry
Andy & Caelia Bingham
Eilene Bisgrove
Susan Bowers
Ann & Michael Broadway
Barbara & Eric Buschman
Chips Chapman
Lewis Cheek
Sheila Kerrigan & Steve Clarke
Chuck Davis
Bill Dickerson
Kathleen Dittrich
Elizabeth Dyer & Art Mines
Emily Eidenier
Mary E. Eldridge
Joline Ezzell
Lea Ray & Tracy Feldman
Dianne Freund
Hugh Giblin
Bruce Guild & Linda Convissor
Julie Hall
Barbara Harvey & Keith Jensen
Ronald & Dongmei Hodgson
Charlotte Hoffman
Cara Lise Hudson
George & Ronnie Jackson
Stephen Jaffe & Mindy Oshrain
Irene Janis & Chris Skowronek
Kay & Reed Johnson
Caroline Keizer
Arthur W. Kelley
John N. Kent
Judy Kincaid & Phil Lehman
Peggy Kinney & Andy Stewart
Carolyn E. & Robert M. Kozelka
Patricia Lester & Jerry Oster
Gordon Light
Keith Luck & Beth Gerall
Marcia Mandel & Daniel Assael
Jim & Beth Maxwell
Mavis Mayer
Ken McAdams & Eileen Shea
Belinda & Michael McFee
William H. & Kim Rae Mikkelsen
Dr. & Mrs. D. Edmond Miller
Debra Bailey & Mike Mitchell
Tina Moon
Joseph Moran
Jim & Sherry Morrison
Alec & Ann Motten
James & Amanda O’Donnell
Coin Page
Lisa Poser
Horse & Buggy Press
Commissioner Ellen &
Kenneth Reckhow
Douglas Register
Joy Rubenstein
Paula & Phil Rubio
Cynthia Satterfield &
Dean Ruedrich
Betsy Saylor
Monica Schmucker
Martha Scotford
William E. & Barbara Self
Ted & Amy Smith
Remus Smith
Cherri Smith
Jane A. Spanel
Elizabeth A. Stabenow
Elizabeth Taylor & James Palmer
Dock Terrell
Christina M. Trexler
Anthony & Elizabeth Walker
Wayne & Pat Walker
Jo Anna Walker
Joan Walsh
Robert Warren & Karen Fisher
Jane Wettach & Paul Baldasare
Katharine Whitmore
Diana Whittinghill Steele
Peg Wolfe
Henrietta & Gerald Wolinsky
Recognition Gifts
In Honor Of
In Memory Of
George & Donna Allision
from Alision Marquis
T. W. Chitwood
from Mike & Jean Chitwood
Greg & Boykin Bell
from Jim Struve & Jeff Bell
Ronnie Guttman
from Meg Guttman
Contributions are restricted
to protecting land
along the Upper Eno
Robert Burke
from Brandi Burke-Hicks
Sue Liner
from Evelyn Lloyd
(Allen Lloyd Fund for Upper Eno)
Kathy Cox & Tim Rowles
Lucy Wilson
Ed Panek
from Mary Panek
The Land Steward Fund
Carol & Bill Charping
from Anonymous
Bill & Carol Charping
from Irene & Jim McNamara
Marcia Eickmeier & Larry Watkins
from Lynn Wilson & Paul Killough
Bob & Julia Lackey
from Anonymous
Lee-Hone Family
from Kathy Lee & Mike Herbert
Greg Taylor
from Carol Taylor
Contributions are restricted
to the perpetual stewardship
of Association-owned
conservation lands
Nancy Yates
from Evelyn Lloyd
(Allen Lloyd Fund for Upper Eno)
Dan Deal
Matt, Kathy, & Kira Hoover
Mareah Steketee
John Scarlett
from Robin & Barry Jacobs
Caroline Becker Long
from Lynda Becker
Linda McGill
from Hank Kravetz
Mr. & Mrs. Elroy Nieweg
from Elizabeth Wade Grant
The Children & Families of
Bill & Virginia Sanders
from Jenny Prince
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Schwendler, Jr.
from William Schwendler
The Allen Lloyd Fund
for the Protection of the Upper Eno
The Margaret Nygard Fund
Contributions are restricted to
protecting land along the Eno
Stacy & Natalie Barbour
Kevin & Patti Clayton
Ted & Siv Dossett
Edna & Todd Gambling
Joseph Halby & Elizabeth Livingstone
Maidi Hall
Pete Hall
Margaret Heath
Tom & Elvira Howard
Tom & Linda McCurdy
Ocie & Millie Snider
Patrick Stanforth
Thomas Struhsaker & Theresa Pope &
Sam Struhsaker
Bruce & Lee Vrana
Laurel Wilkinson
Stewardship Volunteers
Kelly Allen
Meredith Barrett
Greg Beck
Blake Billmye
Ron Bodkin
Alex Bodkin
Baird Bream
Denise Bruce
Mike Burrows
Troy Campbell
Bob Ciski
Ben Evans
Sean Finch
Paige Gerbin
Alex Hardee
Ariel Hayes
Ben Hudson
Erik Jolles
Kelly Jones
Cindy Lincoln
Emily Lynch
Kevin McDonough
Brian Miles
Fiona Morgan
A.D. Morgan
Kim Pelak
Maureen Richey
Shannon Ritchie
Carl Ritchie
Mike Roberts
Ali Saaem
Betsy Saylor
Erin Sigel
Rick Sloane
Aaron Stoertz
Kevin Straughn
Derek Tattersall
Amanda Valeri
Sam Verrill
Loren Winters
Dahl Winters
Currents 7
Non-Profit Org.
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Permit No. 680
4404 Guess Road, Durham, NC 27712
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The Eno River Association newsletter is
printed on 100% post-consumer content.
Please recycle or reuse
Eno River Currents by
passing it along to a friend.
The Eno River Association is a member
of Earth Share of NC. Please look for
us in your
giving campaign.
Eno River Association Membership
Join us! We are always in need of members who want
to help protect the nature, culture, and history of
the Eno River. If you are not a member, why not join
today? If you have already paid your dues, share your
love of the Eno with a friend or family member and
encourage them to join the Eno River Association.
Memberships also make great gifts!
Currents is online!
The Eno River Association’s newsletter, Eno River Currents, is
also available online at our website, www.enoriver.org. If you
would like to receive the newsletter electronically instead of
(or in addition to) the paper edition, please call 919-620-9099
or email: association@enoriver.org
Eno River Association
Membership Form
Membership Level
o $5000 Blazing Star*
Clip and Mail to: 4404 Guess Road, Durham, NC 27712 or
o $2500 Lady’s Slipper*
join online at www.enoriver.org
o $1000 Crested Iris*
o $500 Trillium*
o $250 Steward
City______________________________ State________ Zip____________
o $100 Protector
o $50 Supporter
o $35 Patron
Method of Payment
o $25 Friend
Check (Please make payable to the Eno River Association)
o $10 Student
Mastercard o
Visa Credit Card #___________________________
* Wildflower Society
We do not share our email list.
Signature__________________________________ Exp. Date___________
Or, click on “Donate Now” online at www.enoriver.org
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