Fall 2009 - Eno River Association


Fall 2009 - Eno River Association
Fall 2009
Eno River Association – Connection to the Past – Protection for the Future
of Events
Eno Reading Group
4th Wednesday each month, 12:30 pm
The Regulator Bookshop, Durham
Sept. 23, Oct. 28, Nov. 25
Fall Stewardship Workdays
Sept. 13, Oct. 10, Nov. 8
(more info inside)
Eno Volunteer Appreciation Event
Saturday, September 26
Eno River Watch
Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring
September 12–27
NC Big Sweep
Saturday, October 3
Frog Hollow Outdoors Support Your
Local River Paddling Trip
Eno River at Occoneechee Mt.
Sunday, October 11
By Kathy Lee, Director of Education
he autumnal equinox will be
right around the corner when
you receive this newsletter,
when the days and nights are the
same length and time seems to stand
still. The equinox is a great time to
stand still and think back over the
past few months, and for me that
means thinking about the iWalk the
Eno Science and Nature summer
day camp. Six months ago, around
the time of the vernal equinox, we
*official iWalk the Eno chant
were well into planning our second
year of the iWalk the Eno program,
including hiring teachers and mentors, reviewing student applications,
arranging meals and transportation,
and much more.
In 2008 we received funding
for the iWalk the Eno camp from
the Science Student Enrichment
Program of the Burroughs Wellcome
Fund, in partnership with Orange
County Schools. We learned a lot
that first year, including just how
much goes into a summer camp with
sixty rising sixth-grade students,
fifteen staff, plus volunteers and
guest presenters traveling each day
to a new location on the Eno River.
Hillsborough Arts Council
Handmade Parade
“The Waters of the Eno &
Her Creatures: Metamorphosis”
Saturday, October 17
Annual Membership Meeting
& Calendar Celebration
(info coming soon)
Visit www.enoriver.org
for details on these and
other activities.
Eno River Association – Celebrating 42 Years of Conservation
see Love, page 3
f you were at the Festival for the Eno on the 4th of July you may have heard
Keith Nealson, the new Superintendent of the Eno River State Park, singing
a song he wrote about the Eno. The song debuted during the iWalk the Eno
summer camp and we were so thrilled we asked him to sing it at the Festival.
The mission of the Eno River Association is
to conserve and protect the nature, culture,
and history of the Eno River basin.
Board of Directors
Holly Reid, President
Barbara Driscoll, Vice President
Don Moffitt, Treasurer
Bercedis Peterson, Secretary
Meredith Barrett
Matt Hoover
Ron Bodkin
Annette Jurgelski
Chips Chapman
Joe Liles
Don Cox
Bruce Middleton
Tom Driscoll
Mark O’Neal
Nancy Gustaveson
Milo Pyne
Norm Gustaveson
Aaron Stoertz
Joy Cagle Harper
Susan Tillotson
Emily Herbert
Duncan Heron
Holger Nygard
Robin Jacobs, Executive Director
Greg Bell, Festival Coordinator
Have you ever given thought to where the water
that you drink comes from? Comes From…
And do you even have a clue of exactly what you’d do
if you did not have the water that you do?
Sometimes the water bubbles up from below
Sometimes it falls as the rain and snow
But an awful lotta water that we need to share
Comes from the river that is right over there.
And I love the Eno…and the Eno…loves me
Yes I love the Eno…and the Eno…loves me
The river is a place where the animals meet
Where the turtles swim and the herons eat
And if you didn’t have a river what would the fishes do?
They cannot move into your house with you.
The river is a place that the plants all know
Where the sycamores and the birches grow
Where the panhandle pebble snail meets his match
And the Neuse river water dog plays catch.
The river is a resource we need to share
Help keep it clean just to show we care
And if we take care of the river like we ought to do
Then the river will take care of us too.
Chorus (as many times as you want to!)
Music and lyrics by Keith Nealson, 2009
Kurt Schlimme, Director of Stewardship
Kathy Lee, Director of Education
Christy Smith, Outreach &
Volunteer Coordinator
Maddiey Straubel, Assistant Festival Coordinator
Mark Simonsen, Festival Site Coordinator
Rebecca Moore-Painter, Festival Assistant
Erik Daubert, Senior Development Associate
Natalie Davis, Festival Intern
Eno River Currents is a
quarterly newsletter published by the
Eno River Association,
4404 Guess Road, Durham, NC 27712
(Front row) Mari, Elena, and Keith Nealson. (Back row) City Council
Member Cora Cole-McFadden, County Commissioner Becky Heron,
Rep.Paul Luebke, Sherriff Worth Hill. Learn more about Keith at
Love, cont’d from page 1
We made some changes this year,
most significantly the decision to stay
at one location for most of the week.
Spending time in one section of the
river (the Few’s Ford access area of
the Eno River State Park) allowed
the students and staff to develop a
deeper connection with the river by
returning to the same place each day,
something that didn’t happen in the
first year of the traveling camp program. We did travel downriver for one
day this year to go on a canoe trip and tour the historic
mill at West Point on the Eno in Durham.
The iWalk campers spent a week in the out-of-doors
getting dirty and wet; they made new friends and met some
of the teachers who will be at their middle schools this fall;
they hiked along the trails of the Eno and paddled happily through the gently flowing water at West Point. There
were arts and crafts, songs and skits, and they learned about
science and nature through hands-on exploration. But
perhaps most importantly, they had a chance to experience
the treasure that is right in our own backyards—the Eno
River—a place
they can come
back to again,
and again.
Visit www.iwalktheeno.org to see pictures from the
2009 and 2008 camps.
Many thanks to: Everyone at the Eno River State Park; Sue
Monahan and her amphibians; the Eno Education Committee members; Julie Reynolds and Duke Engage students, Katie
Henderson and Chen Huang; Beth Highley, West Point on the
Eno Park Manager; and Garth, one of the millers; Banks Dixon
and all of the staff at Frog Hollow Outdoors.
Earth Share & Eno River Workplace Giving Options
ook for the Eno River Association (Association
for the Preservation of the Eno River Valley) and
Earth Share of North Carolina in your workplace
giving campaign. You can join other North Carolinians
supporting our environment by making a payroll deduction
contribution at your work. ESNC is a giving option in all
North Carolina state and
federal workplaces, as
well as many local
government and
private company campaigns:
Triangle United Way
Local Government (Eno #5030)
State Employees Combined Campaign (Eno #1129)
Combined Federal Campaigns (Eno #89037)
Check out ESNC’s website for a complete list of employers
who have opened their annual workplace campaigns to
Earth Share of North Carolina: www.earthsharenc.org/
ust before the Festival for the Eno, Denise
Dickinson (Eno member and volunteer)
stopped by the office to purchase more than
a dozen Eno t-shirts to take with her to Costa
Rica and Nicaragua as gifts for her host families.
Pictured are members of the Pavon, Gutierrez
and Vado families taken in Nandaime, Nicaragua
wearing their new Eno T-shirts. Thanks to
Denise and her family for sharing their love of
the Eno with their friends in Central America!
Email your Eno Traveling Tee images to
Eno Stewardship 2009: “Best Year Ever”
Lesley Starke
dmittedly, summer is not the most active time for
stewardship here at the Association. Given the heat and
humidity and the presence of a little thing called the
Festival for the Eno, we often find time to pause in July and
August and evaluate what we have accomplished and what needs
to be done. Luckily, the first half of our stewardship year was
highly productive, making our mini-siesta a well deserved break
for staff and volunteers.
What exactly was accomplished? First off, with the assistance
of Will Murray, a soon-to-be Eagle Scout with Troop 820 in
Chapel Hill, and numerous Eno volunteers, we were able to
complete a nature trail on our Old Oxford Nature Preserve. In
addition, as mentioned in the summer edition of Currents, we were
able to rid our Blue Indigo Slopes Nature Preserve of Chinese privet.
Other invasive species removal projects have also seen a great deal of
progress, including tree-of-heaven removal at the Confluence Natural
Area, Japanese stilt grass removal on our Stanley Road properties, and
privet removal up on the Flat River. If you add in the countless bags of
trash and recyclables as well as a couple thousand feet of barbed wire
removed from the Confluence, Blue Indigo Slopes, and Stanley Road
properties, it makes for a pretty darn good six months. A big thank
you has to be sent to the nearly 100 volunteers (who contributed over
300 volunteer hours) who have already helped make 2009 one of the
greatest stewardship years ever for the Association!
The plan for the rest of the year is to build and improve upon the
success of the first half. This fall we will be focusing on continuing
Volunteers stand triumphantly over hundreds
and instituting new invasive removal projects on Association
of feet of barbed wire at the Confluence Natural
Nature Preserves. Rare plant enhancement activities will also be
Area (top). Volunteer Erik Jolles fighting against
pursued at both the Blue Indigo Slopes Nature Preserve and the
tree-of-heaven (bottom).
Confluence Natural Area. Clean-up activities at the Dimmocks Mill
Conservation Area, the Stanley
Road Conservation Area, and the
Confluence Natural Area will also
be a focus for the fall. Additional
projects that are currently in the
Are you available to help us with stewardship work on weekdays? We often have
planning stages for early next year
projects that require smaller groups or ones that we are not able to plan for.
will be the construction of several
If you’re interested in being on an email list for weekday opportunities, please
miles of trail and the reforestation
contact Kurt at kurt@enoriver.org.
of some of the abandoned fields out
at the Confluence. The Association
will be in need of volunteers to
Confluence Natural Area: Tree-of-heaven hacking
accomplish all of these projects and
Sunday, September 13th, 10am–1pm
we welcome new volunteers. If you
Blue Indigo Slopes Nature Preserve: Princess tree removal
are interested in helping on any of
Saturday, October 10th, 10am–1pm
the fall stewardship workdays or
wish to be added to the Association
Dimmocks Mill Conservation Area: Property clean-up and invasive wrangle
stewardship volunteer list, please
Sunday, November 8th, 11am–2pm
email me at kurt@enoriver.org.
Reflections from the River
The Summer Intern Edition
Giovanna Allegretti
UNC Chapel Hill
Education Intern
Working with the ERA this summer was a real privilege. Watching these kids become informed of the existence of crayfish and
box turtles was so rewarding, and witnessing their exposure to
careers such as park ranger, soil scientist, or wildlife biologist
was reassuring. My experience has given me high hopes for the
next generation.
One thing I will always remember was a moment on the
river. The kids were having a blast searching for critters on the
river bottom. I was teaching a couple of kids how to use a kick
net, I lifted it out of the water to reveal a bunch of debris, and
as I pointed out the tiny mayflies and dragonfly larvae, a girl
smiled and said “and I thought that was just dirt!” A whole
new world, revealed!
Natalie Davis
Carolina Friends School
Festival Intern
Hi everyone, I’m one of
the summer interns at the
Eno River Association.
I’m the Festival intern, so
most of my summer was
spent helping Maddiey
and Greg plan and prepare for the 30th Annual
Festival for the Eno. Some
of the time we were in the
office, but we also spent a lot of time at West Point on the Eno,
getting the site ready for the Festival.
“I think [the Eno River] is a big part of the culture of the
Durham and Chapel Hill area, kind of a trademark of the counties.
The Eno and the Festival are great places for people to come and
gather and enjoy the natural world.” (from N&O, July 3, 2009)
Lesley Starke
Duke Nicholas School–
Masters, Environmental
Stewardship Intern
Eli Edson
Guilford College
Education Intern
Eli left for another summer camp almost immediately after finishing the iWalk the Eno camp in mid-June, and we haven’t heard
from him since! Knowing how much energy and enthusiasm he
brought to the iWalk camp we can only assume he has immersed
him self fully in anther great camp experience. Eli’s connection
with the iWalk campers was genuine, and combined playfulness
with a sensitive
eye and ear for
campers needing
some one-on-one
time. He shared
his extensive canoe and waterfront
experience with
all of us and we’re
sure anyone who
experienced his
goofy camp songs
will never be the
same again!
This has been a great
summer for me at the
Eno River Association. My various projects
included preparing for
accreditation, leading
workdays for the community, and hot days in the
field mapping rare and
invasive exotic plants. I
led one stewardship workday with ERA members who came out
to treat invasive exotic plants at the Confluence property on
Father’s Day. I was also able to engage Durham youth who
helped me clean up garbage and invasive plants across the watershed at our Stanley Road properties in June. I plan to continue
the stewardship work I began through the academic year so that
I can apply my experiences with the Eno River Association to
my graduate studies.
Reflections from the River is a regular column in the
Eno Currents quarterly newsletter, inviting new voices
and perspectives from people of all ages with a theme
of connection to the Eno River and surrounding land.
UÊkathy@enoriver.org or fax 919-477-0448
30th Annual Festival for the E
Greg Bell, Festival Coordinator
e could not be more thrilled with the success of our 30 Annual
Festival for the Eno! Attendance was excellent, the weather was
beautiful (albeit a bit wet on Sunday), and we had a grand ol’ time
out at West Point.
Mandolin Orange
A thousand thanks to our
incredible, hard-working, dedicated volunteers!
We’ve highlighted some of our volunteers in this year’s newsletter (see
page 8), because the Festival couldn’t happen without each and every
one. Thanks!
Peter Holsapple
The Big Top
Joe Newberry with Mike
Craver and Jim Watson
Dancing couples
George Higgs
Jamesie of Albannach
Mie Hirshfield
with Old 86
EEEK! area for kids
Highlights of the
2009 Festival included:
with Scottish pipes and drums band
our juried craft show
winning the 2009 sofi Award Gold medal for
Outstanding Condiment
EEEK! (Eno Environmental Education for
Kids) down at the river
from environmentally friendly lawn care to
100% cotton pocket discs produced under
fair trade conditions
Free Committee and Sustainable Duke
jams, workshops, and a ukulele drawing
the Eno Confluence by Joe Liles
See you next year!
hether or not you attended the Festival for the
Eno and had the opportunity to shop under the
Big Top, if you are a member of the Eno River
Association or join by the date of the Members-Only sale
in December, you can make your
holiday gifts give twice this
year! Your friends and loved
ones will receive fabulous
original Eno designs including
a selection of t-shirts, posters,
art prints, mugs, bandanas, and
water bottles, and your purchase
will help support our work of
protecting land on the Eno.
If we have your current email address
and you are receiving our monthly email updates, you
will receive an evite in late November. If you’re not sure
if we have your current email address, please forward it to
christy@enoriver.org and we’ll add you to our list.
If you are not currently a member of the Association
you can join using the form on the back of this newsletter
or online at www.enoriver.org. Remember to include your
email address.
If you do not use email regularly, please call us at
919-620-9099 ext.205 and ask to receive a sale notice
in the mail.
Donation Wish List
Stewardship Tools – Wheelbarrow,
Shovels, Hand tools
Field Guides (eg. NC trees, wildflowers)
Networkable laser printer
Working tractor
Fireproof File Cabinet
We have been without a digital projector for a
long, long time. Recently Eno board member
Chips Chapman and the Triangle Mac User
Group had a chance to upgrade their digital
projector and so they decided to donate their old
one to us. Thanks TMUG!
Joanne Abel
Angie Abrams
Danielle Adams
Bruce Allen
Diane Allen
Shane Allen
Rachel Alley
Donna Allison
George Allison
Elizabeth Amend
Emily Ander
Katelyn Ander
Emmy Lou Anderson
Jamie Anderson
Robin Andrews
Kent Anglin
Anna Arceneaux
Katie Armstrong
Dave Aspenson
Nate Aspenson
Mary Auen
Leigh Aultman
Gail Austin Curry
Marv Axelrod
Barbara Baker
Frank Baker
Molly Bancroft
Jessica Barnhill
Stokes Barnes
Jim Barrett
Meredith Barrett
Robin Barth
Feliciano Basurto
Elaine Bauman
Missy Baxter
Greg Beck
Greg & Suzi Beckwith
Boykin Bell
Rachel Bell
Mary Ann Bella
Marilyn Bell-Hawley
Don Belsma
Laura Benedict
Steven Berkowitz
Barbara Birkhead
Nancy Blacker
Alice Blake
Cheryl Blake
Lewis Blake
Tolly Boatwright
Carmen Bocanegra
Ron Bodkin
Sarah Bogle
Larry Bohs
Howard Bomze
Buddy Bomze
Kathy Bonner
Will Borstleman
Mildred Boyd
Richard S. Boyd
Stephen Boyd
Mary Beth Brandt
Lydia Broadway
Naomi Broadway
Amadia Brown
Candace Brown
Henry Brown
Jeff Brown
Larry Brown
Lisa Brown
Timothy Brown
Paula Brown
Doug Broyles
Annette Brun
Laure Brun
Philippe Brun
Barbara Buckley
Xuan Bui
Gil Buker
Jane Burch
Debbie Burdick
Cara Burrows
Veronica Burrows
Bob Burtman
Emily Buschman
Eric Buschman
Kelly Buschman
Chris Butz
Christine Cabot
Marena Campa
Mike Campa
Pam Campa
Laura Campagna
Margaret Campbell
Ryan Campbell
Sandy Carlin
Charles Carpenter
Rachael Carpenter
Carrie Carreno
Claire Carson
Lewis Carson
Pat Carstensen
Gwyndolyn Carver
Becky Cary
Jay Cashman
Lucia Centeno
Mary Ann Chap
Chips Chapman
Bill & Carol Charping
Bob Ciski
Ed Clayton
Kevin Clayton
Patti Clayton
Ruth Clayton
Kim & Dave Cohen
Travis Cohn
Kathy Coleman
Ann Colosia
Michael Colvin
John Cosmetto
David Cottingham
Linda Coulter
Andrew Covington
Nancy Covington
Don Cox
Judy Cox
Cathy Cozart
Greta Crayton
Bill Crowther
Ben Cummins
Tim Cummins
Andrea Daubert
Janet Daughtry
Scott Daughtry
Susan Davenport
Jim Davis
Linda Davis
Spring Davis
Connor Dean
Tracy Delius
Michele DeRose
Alex Deyneka
Charlie Dill
John & Glenda Dinyari
Rebecca Dnistran
Mark Dolejs
Barbara Driscoll
Tom Driscoll
Helen Drivas
Mellie Durrett-Johnson
Elizabeth Dyer
Edgar Eatman
Melany Eberhart
Suzanne Edwards
Marcia Eickmeier
Molly Eldridge
Cindi Emerson
Pam Epperson
Julia Etter
Ricky Eubanks
Roxanna Evans
Joline Ezzell
Katy Finn
Karen Fisher
Sandi Fisk
Irene Fitch
Thanks to All of our Volunteers
John Fitch
Mikki Fleming
Kendra Fortmeyer
Kurt Fortmeyer
Nina Fortmeyer
Chase Foster
Jim Foster
Liska Foster
Beth Fowler
Cindy Fowler
Terry Fowler
Walter Fowler
Colleen Fox
Paula Fratazzi
Susan Fratazzi
Gail Freeman
Emily Frenzel
Rachel Galanter
Ann Gale
Julia Gartrell
Stefan Gary
Allen Gee
Chip Gentry
Drew Gentry
Marge George
Susan Gidwitz
Margaret Gifford
Shannon Gigliotti
David Glenn
Michael Godwin
Sue Graham
Kylie Graves
Jerri Greenberg
Carol Greenwood
Martha Grice
Susan Grindstaff
Jan Grossman
Mindi Grossman
Ron Grunwald
Nancy Gustaveson
Amy Laura Hall
Forrest Hamilton
Christian Harold
Pete Harrell
Waverly Harrell
Doracy Harrison
Ed Harrison
Sean Hartung
Barbara Harvey
Lisa Hatch
George Hausen
Larry Hawley
Melissa Hayden
Bob Healy
Mike Heaney
Haley Hedrick
Corinna Herbert
Emily Herbert
Gordon Herbert
Mike Herbert
Becky Heron
Duncan Heron
Kay Hesse
James Hill
Anna Hinshaw
Michele Hodgson
Devone Holmes
Glenn Holzapfel
Matthew Holzapfel
Daniel Hood
Kathy Hoover
Kira Hoover
Matt Hoover
Jane Hoppin
Bruce Horvath
Shelly Houghton
Joyce Houk
Alanna Howard
Elvira Howard
Larry Howard
Tom Howard
Herman Huang
Michelle Hubbard
Stewart Hubbs
Cara Lise Hudson
Challe, Tom, Garrett &
Talis Hudson
Amanda Huegerich
Charles & Linda
Kae Huggins
Brian Hughes
Michael Hughes
Jessica Hulick
Nick Hunnicut
Fay Huskey
Alice Jackson
Charley Jackson
Crystal Jackson
Aaron Jenkins
Keith Jensen
Akehia Jerkins
Jabari Jerkins
Archie Johnson
Hugh Johnson
Jean Jordan
Klugh Jordan
Erik Jolles
Annette Jurgelski
Charles Kafoure
Ed Karolak
Linda Karolak
Erin Kennedy
Kim Kidwell
Leslie Killeen
Carole King
Rosalie Kingsbauer
Gene Kingsley
Robin Kirk
Nancy Kneepkens
George Kolasa
Donna Kovalick
Leonard Kovalick
Don Kritsch
Cynthie Kulstad
Nandini Kumar
Julie Kuo
Maureen Kurtz
Steve Kye
Steve Lackey
Daniel Lakin
Michael Lakin
Joseph Lane
Tracey Lanier
Lisa Lark
Marc Lee
Alex Leiro
Simone Leiro
Kimberly Leonhardt
John Lestina
Jesseca Letke-Cummins
Deb Lewis
Joe Liles
Ursula Lobacz
John Lohnes
Brian Lutz
Dory Lutz
Helga MacAller
Sven MacAller
Karen & John MacAuley
Daryl MacGregor
Rob MacGregor
Sheryl Madden
Marcia Mandel
Alexia Maneschi
Mindy Marcus
Eve Marion
Georgia Marion-Spencer
Stuart & Martha Marks
Emily Martin
Mary Z. Martin
Jenny Mauger
Nancy Mayer
Keary McClernan
Jeff McDermott
Dick McFall
Lisa McFarland
Bonnie McGill
Hervey McIver
Paul McKenzie
Peter McKinnis
Colleen McLean
Susan McLean
Josie McNeil Owen
Kevin Meehan
Tom Melby
Hope Melton
Liz Melvin
Bruce Middleton
Loriane Miele
Art Mines
Levi Mines
Simon Mines
Jack Mitchell
Pascale Mittendorf
Volker Mittendorf
Rajinikanth Mohan
Don Moffitt
Pat Montgomery
Jenifer Montsinger
Colleen Moody
Kim Moore
Alec Moore
Ann Morris
Jay Morris
Jim Morris
Will Morris
Chuck Morton
Ada Most
Bernie Most
Alec Motten
Margret Mueller
Mary Murphy
Lisa Nadler
Susan Navin
Benson Neethipudi
Lewis Nelson
Fran Neylan-Moore
Charlie Nichols
Jennifer Niles
Andrea Novicki
Flora O’Brien
Julie Oliver
Denny O’Neal
Karen O’Neal
Mark O’Neal
Sara O’Neill
Alison & Jim O’Reilly
Anne O’Donnell
Dan Oldman
Diane Owens
Matthew Owens
Enrique Palacio
Miriam Palacio
Ben Palmer
Diane Palmer
Erica Palmer
Joanna Parker
Peg Parker
John Parton
Charlotte Pate
Kristen Patterson
Rick Payne
Chris Peacock
Molly Pearlstein
Hannah Peele
Albert Peloquin
Bercedis Peterson
Dennis Pfeiffer
John Pfuntner
Ian Phillips
Anne Pippen
Ira Planer
Alyssa Platt
Justin Poe
Blaire Pollock
Neal Pollack
Michael Pope
Lisa Poser
Ruth Proctor
Karen Prus
Ken Pugh
Sandy Quinn
Rebecca Radisch
Jackie Randell
Scott Randell
Kathleen Rands
Sid Ray
Sue Regier
Bill Reid
Gwen Reid
Holly Reid
Indy Reid-Shaw
Margie Reinitz
Ladiner Rhett-Blaylock
Carol Rist
Karsten Rist
Jason Robson
Molloy Rogers
Rich Rogoski
Stephanie Roses
Brianna Ross
Maddy Ross
Shemel Rountree
Paula Rubio
Phil Rubio
Mike Rychener
Mary Sagan
David Salman
Tim & Peggy Sanford
Bill Schlimme
Allison Schmitt
Jeff Schmitt
Linda Schmitt
Teresa Schubert
Greg Schuster
Hally Searles-Bohs
Liam Searles-Bohs
Libby Searles-Bohs
Georganne Sebastian
Lorisa Seibel
Fred Seidler
Kavya Sekar
Steve Sellars
Mary Sewell
Susan Sewell
Jon Shaffer
Preeyanka Shah
Rich Shaw
Indy Reid-Shaw
Katherine Shelburne
Paul Sherblom
Ronda Sherman
Liz Shimkus
Jerry Silverbush
Micah Simonsen
David Singleton
Janice Sitzes
David Skaar
Rick Sloane
Emily Sloop
Kattie Somerfield
Kayleigh Somers
Bonner Sparrow
Ben Spiller
Tim Spitzer
Ella Srikhirisawan
Liz Stabenow
Judy Stafford
Kay Stagner
Lily Stagner
Len Stanley
Autumn Star
Jack Steer
Meredith Stevenson
Pearson Stewart
Aaron Stoertz
Nicole Strachan
Russell Strand-Poole
Simon Strand-Poole
Mark Straubel
Dave Strausfeld
Elizabeth Sudduth
Joe Supple
Phil Sweigart
Rachel Tanner
Tweedy Tattersall
Jill Tauber
Sheila Tayrose
Julia Teasley
Dock Terrell
Alice Thacher
Maria Thekkekandan
Carl Theodore
Betty Thomas
Clark Thomas
Kieth Thompson
Phyllis Thompson
Tommy Thompson
Wayne Thompson
Elizabeth Thurstone
Susan Tillotson &
Rose Auman
Laura Tuscon
Mary Umstead
Rachel Hall Utz
John Valentine
Janice Vandyke
Piera Varela
Tom Varner
Gwen Von Klan
Margaret Wainwright
Kathleen Walchle
Dave Walser
Donna Walser
Grayce Walters
Carol Walton
Les Walton
Paul Walton
Robert Walton
Steven Walton
James Ward
Mary Ann Warner
Bob Warren
William Scott Warren
Cecilia Warshaw
Steve Warshaw
Binta Watkins
Larry Watkins
Walter Weather
Emily Weinstein
Deb Wesley
Bruce Westbrook
Michael Westrich
Emily Wexler
Lynn Whitaker
Fred White
Jesse White
Paul White
Veatrice White
Jean Whitt
Ellery Wiebe
Ted Williams
Muriel Williman
Dall Wilson
Johnny Wilson
Sarah Wilson
Robin Winfrey
Ed Wolf
Jeff Woolf
John Wong
Edna Wood
Frances Wood
John Wyman
Nancy Wyman
Gayle Young
Valerie Yow
Dale Zuckert
Elizabeth Dyer,
Performer Hospitality
Manager with her
son and hospitality
Levi Mines.
Devo Holmes, tracking
Festival finances
Festival photographer James Hill
(photo by Jim Davis)
Emily Wexler, Festival Committee member
and Greg Bell, Festival Coordinator survey
the scene
Festival ‘09
All photos by James Hill unless noted.
Dennis Pfeiffer leads the Trash Free pickup team through the Grove.
Chips Chapman hangs
the very last sign (with
hours to spare!)
Trash Free managers Judy Stafford and Marcia Eickmeier train
volunteers at Recycling Central.
Drinks Coordinator
Chip Gentry in control.
We are pleased to present the 39th Annual Eno River
Association calendar featuring Invertebrates of the Eno.
Each month you will learn about the many small life
forms such as dragonflies, butterflies, and moths found in
and around the Eno River. Featured on each page of the
calendar is a color photograph, information about habitat
and interesting facts, plus original artwork submitted by
local students during our calendar art contest this spring.
Enormous appreciations go out to Tom Driscoll, Eno
board member and chair of the calendar committee.
Thanks also to the volunteer photographers, writers,
and young artists who submitted their work for use in
the calendar.
The Eno River calendar inspires and reminds us every
day about the reasons we’ve been working to protect the
riverfor more than 40 years.
For a listing of local retail shops selling the 2010 Eno
calendar visit www.enoriver.org/calendar/calloc.htm or
contact Christy to purchase a calendar directly from us:
calendars@enoriver.org or 919-620-9099 ext.205.
or more than 40 years the Eno River Association
has worked throughout the Eno River watershed
to protect and preserve the natural beauty, water
quality, plant and wildlife habitats, and recreational
opportunities afforded by the Eno River and its tributaries.
Our work has been a community effort, and we are
proud of our membership and volunteer participation,
the partnerships we have created with state and local
governments and other conservation organizations, and
of our reputation for leadership. The national land trust
accreditation program recognizes land conservation
organizations that meet national quality standards
for protecting important natural places and working
lands forever. The Eno River Association is pleased to
announce that it is applying for national accreditation.
The Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an
independent program of the Land Trust Alliance,
conducts an extensive review of each applicant’s policies
and programs. The Board, staff, and committees of the
Association have spent the past year reviewing the
organization’s policies and procedures in preparation for
submitting our application, and we believe this process
has made the Association an even stronger organization.
The accreditation application process includes an
opportunity for public comment, which is now open. The
Commission invites public input, and accepts signed,
written comments on pending applications. Comments
must relate to how the Eno River Association complies
with national quality standards for the ethical and
technical operation of a land trust. A full list of these
standards can be found at www.landtrustaccreditation.
To learn more about the accreditation program and
to submit a comment, visit www.landtrustaccreditation.
org. Comments may also be faxed or mailed to the
Land Trust Accreditation Commission, Attn: Public
Comments: (fax) 518-587-3183; (mail) 112 Spring Street,
Suite 204, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Comments on
the Eno River Association’s application will be most
useful if received by December 28, 2009.
The links listed above can also be found on the
Association’s website at www.enoriver.org.
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Cliff & Lynn Leath
Greg Berg & Barb Mozena
Corinna & Gordon Herbert
RTI International Community
John Stewart Jones
Paul & Bessie Carrington
Jay & Beth Davis
Kathy Lee & Mike Herbert
Trish Kohler
Karen McLachlan
Tom & Lyn Olson
Scott Randell & Barbara Buckley
Mary Ross
Appliance Center
Robert Ciski
Sheila Kerrigan & Steve Clark
Kevin & Patti Clayton
Mary H. Dawson
Wyatt & Caroline Dixon
Barbara & Tom Driscoll
Lori Etter & Jeff Welty
Linda & Mark Fraioli
Elizabeth Wade Grant
Lorisa Seibel & Ron Grunwald & Ben
Lonna & Richard Harkrader
Emily Herbert & Jacob Traverse
Silvia Heyden
Burns & Marcia Jones
Ed & Linda Karolak
Bill & Mary Joy Keane
Trish Kohler
George & Rosemary Kolasa
Lisa Lark, Bennett Pointe Grill
John Lohnes
Norma & Ray Longo
Diane Markoff
Marshall Resources
Jarvis & Norma Martin
Dick McFall
Pamela Morse
Brian & Jeanne Murray
Jim Neri
Coin Page
Bonnie Parker
Barry Popkin
Laura & Jeff Qualls
Sue Regier
Alan & Linda Rimer
Clarence Rogers
Henry & Linda Scherich
Evelyn Schmidt
Phillip Sweigart & Karen Landis
Robert & Marjorie Taylor
Jane Thorn
Barbara & Bill Ware
Renee Weisner & Ken Schmader
Greg & Marguerite Adkins
Sandra Andaluz
Meredith Barrett &
Aaron Stoertz
Laura & William Benedict
Howard Bomze &
Laura Quigley
Christine Cabot &
Tim Cummins
Diane & Chuck Catotti
Rhonda Cohen &
Jay Cunningham
Kathy Davis & Jeff Brown
Robert & Ann DeMaine
Charlie Dill & Linda Davis
Stuart Dyer
Ken Eaton
Mary E. Eldridge
Sandi Fisk
Jim & Dee Foster
Emily Friedman
Kay Hesse
Matt, Kathy, & Kira Hoover
Tom & Elvira Howard
Larry & Lu Howard
June R. Johnson
Katherine & Jeffrey Johnson
Annette Jurgelski
Lee & Burton King
Jonathan Kirsch
Ronnie Kolotkin
Roland Leary
Patricia Lester & Jerry Oster
Jeff Mahagan & Tammy Hill
Larry & Linda Mercer
Max Preston & Pat Merriman
Peter Michelson
Paul Mortensen &
Pat Berryman
Fred & Nell Mowry
Richard Palmer
Ariana Pancaldo &
Michael Salemi
Neal L. Paris
Martha Payne &
Derek Hampson
Sid & Betty Ray
Jon & Joyce Regier
Chuck Roe &
Charlotte Jones-Roe
Larry Bohs &
Libby Searles-Bohs
Susan Sewell
Ralph & Reta Slade
Dwight Smith
Ocie & Millie Snider
Mareah Steketee
Pearson Stewart
Janice Stratton
Fran Thompson
David & Ann Umbach
Mary Umstead
Angela Jo Verdone
Patricia Vincent
Ann Von Gruenigen
Cynthia Walker
John & Terry Wall
Steve Wall
Rebecca Warren
Darlene & Donald Wells
David & Judi Wilkinson
Twyla & David Wilson
Barbara Yoder &
Wendy Trueblood
Carol Anderson
Hannah Andrews
Wilson & Jonlyn Angley
Maureen & Alan Avakian
Stacy & Natalie Barbour
Lewis D. Blake, III
Margaret Brill
Karen K. Bronson
Alastair Browne
Veronica Burrows
Barbara & Eric Buschman
Lewis Cheek
Carolyn Colsher
Bill Dickerson
Ted & Siv Dossett
Cynthia Drake & Tim Garvin
Emily Eidenier
Joanne Finkle
Mikki Fleming
Jim & Dee Foster
Leon & Jeanne Fox
Michael & Nila Godwin
Ed Harrison & Pat Carstensen
Robert Heinich
Caroline Herbert &
Michelle Reader
Brandi Burke-Hicks &
Greg Hicks
Glenn Holzapfel &
Mindy Marcus
Joyce Houk
Fay Huskey
Leslie Killeen & Ken Pugh
Dave Kirby
Cynthie Kulstad
Emily Martin
Connie & Randall McLeod
Nelda Mold
Duncan Monserud
David & Beverly Moser
Dave Owen & Josie McNeil
Miriam Palacio
Kathleen & Gary Palmer
Judy Plemons
Chandler Reubush
Victor Rhodes Jr.
Mary Ann Rood
Ken Rose & Beth Silberman
Rachel Royce &
Matthew Farrelly
Jimmy Royster
Janet L. Sadler
Sue Schlimme
Summers Family
Judith Shapiro &
Robert Adamson
Remus Smith
Jack Steer
Alan & Erika Stone
Carolyn & Sandy Stopford
Susanna C. Swoboda
Tommy Thompson
Leslie Tobin & Riki Friedman
Liz Turner
Steven J. Warr & Ann V. Poor
Carol Wills
Robert & Kathleen Wright
Valerie R. Yow
Joseph & Nancy Zawadowski
Jane Umstead
from Mary Umstead
Lincoln Baugus
from Twila & Bowman Kelly
Mike Wagner
from Robin Wagner
Dr. Siegfried Heyden
from Tom & Jill Bashore
from Walter & Betty Cavell
from Dan & Dorothy Heyden
from Francoise Heyden
from Jane Schogel
from Elaine Tamsen
from Tapestry Weavers South
Tom Driscoll
from Bonnie Parker
Jerry Lee, Holly, Max, Tibi, Pepper
& Kiska Longo
from Norma & Ray Longo
John Laney Melton Jr.
from Ellen & Kenneth Reckhow
The Wedding of Meredith Barrett
& Aaron Stoertz
from John Lohnes
Martha Peterson
from Evelyn Lloyd
Commissioner Evelyn Lloyd
Ted & Siv Dossett
Robert & Margaret Ehle
Tom & Elvira Howard
Trish Kohler
Barry & Diana Phillips
Welcome New Members
Hannah Andrews
Carolyn Colsher
Cynthia Drake &
Tim Garvin
Jonathan Kirsch
Emily Martin
Peter Michelson
Duncan Monserud
Jim Neri
Barry & Diana Phillips
Chandler Reubush
Jimmy Royster
Summers Family
Liz Turner
Steve Wall
Boykin Bell
Non-Profit Org.
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of Earth Share of NC. Please look
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Eno River Association Membership
Join us! We are always in need of members who want
to help protect the nature, culture, and history of
the Eno River. If you are not a member, why not join
today? If you have already paid your dues, share your
love of the Eno with a friend or family member and
encourage them to join the Eno River Association.
Memberships also make great gifts!
The Eno River Association’s newsletter, Eno River Currents, is
also available online at our website, www.enoriver.org. If you
would like to receive the newsletter electronically instead of
(or in addition to) the paper edition, please call 919-620-9099
or email: association@enoriver.org
Eno River Association
Membership Application/Renewal Form
Membership Level
! $50 Supporter
join online at www.enoriver.org
! $100 Protector
Name _______________________________________________________
! $250 Steward
Address _____________________________________________________
! $500 Conservator
City _____________________________ State _______ Zip ___________
! $1000 Guardian
Phone ______________________________________________________
We do not share our email list.
I would like to make an additional contribution of $ _________________
Method of Payment
! Check (Please make payable to the Eno River Association)
! Mastercard
! Visa
Credit Card # __________________________
Signature _________________________________ Exp. Date __________
! $25 Friend
! $35 Patron
Clip and Mail to: 4404 Guess Road, Durham, NC 27712 or
Email _______________________________________________________
! $10 Student
! $5000 Champion
Volunteer for the Eno
! Please inform me of volunteer opportunities with
the Eno River Association. (Please provide an email
address if you have one.)
All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your contribution.