September 11 - Southwest Research Institute
SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE® RRA.SWRI.ORG SAN ANTONIO, TX SEPTEMBER 2013 Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Program The RRA Outreach Committee is in the planning phases for its third year of a program with Big Brothers Big Sisters. We recently completed our second successful year in teaming with Anson Jones Middle School to pair students with oneon-one mentoring here at SwRI. The students are bused to SwRI once per month for meetings (lunch is provided) over a one-hour period. “Bigs” are also encouraged to visit their “Little” occasionally during lunch at school. We started with a sixth-grade class and followed them into seventh grade. We will resume with them in the fall. We are looking for interested new “Bigs.” If you are interested, please contact Shane Siebenaler at San Antonio Food Bank: September 11 Join SwRI family, friends, and children at least 8 years of age, on September 11, from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM to volunteer at the San Antonio Food Bank. There are over 38 million people in the San Antonio area that are without food that need your help. The Food Bank is located off of Hwy 151/Hwy 90. Contact Shane Siebenaler at x5758 or shane.siebenaler@ for additional details. Southwest Mobile Banking Slick Talkers Toastmasters Club We are excited to introduce Southwest Mobile Banking. Now you have a safe and convenient way to access your SwRCFCU account directly from your mobile phone anytime, anywhere. Now whether you’re out of town, at work, or at home, you can rest easily knowing that your account information is always with you. This service is free and requires you to be enrolled in Southwest Online Banking to check account balances, view account history or transfer money between accounts. Visit our website at to watch a short video or call a Member Services Representative for more information at 210-684-1054. Where else can you learn how to deliver a joke, think on your feet, and give feedback, all while making new friends and having a good time? Each Slick Talkers Toastmasters meeting has all these components. Members progress at their own pace, adding to skills and confidence along the way. And the meetings are fun! Join us. We meet every time-sheet Friday, from 11:30-12:30, in the first floor conference room of Bldg. 77. Call Laura Vela, x2736, or Alana Woods, x3760, for more information. Weight Watchers at Work September is National Preparedness Month On the website you can find many resources and suggestions to help you and your family become better prepared for disasters and emergencies. BE INFORMED: learn how to receive emergency alerts, know the hazards, prepare the appropriate shelter, having a ham radio or FRS radio and knowing how to use it can help provide valuable information before, during and after a widespread emergency. The Weight Watchers (WW) group has lost 237.4 lbs. this year. The weekly meetings are held every Thursday at 11:00 AM for weighins and 11:15 AM to discuss different topics which promote better nutritional habits and a healthier lifestyle. Weight Watcher Lifetime members are welcome to attend with the appropriate WW identification. This is a monthly pass group and there are no end dates provided we have enough members. Membership includes free eTools. Registration is available to all employees at any time. Nonemployees are welcome to join too, but without subsidy. SwRI pays 25% of the cost for SwRI employees! Want to join Weight Watchers on our campus, please call or e‑mail Linda Estes at x5664 or for more information. MAKE A PLAN: review the PDF Family Emergency Plan, be aware of supplies needed to care for infants, young children, elderly and your pets BUILD A KIT: compare the materials you already have at home with the list of the Basic Disaster Supplies Kit, do you have adequate water available? a manual can opener? Tools to turn off utilities? Do you have supplies to purify water if necessary? GET INVOLVED: you can be better prepared by learning from local specialists, such as the volunteer instructors that conduct Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) classes. This training can be used right in your own neighborhood if it experiences a disaster. NEW: Greeting Cards Forget your Anniversary and need a card before you go home? We’ve got you covered! Need a card for baby shower, wedding shower, or birthday coming up? We’ve got you covered! The RRA store has just received new selection of greeting cards from Marian Heath Collection. Stop by today. The RRA Store is located within the SwRI Fitness Center. Your choices of action and education can play a big role in the outcome you experience in destructive events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, floods or terroristic attacks. Don’t wait until you see smoke before you decide to buy a fire extinguisher, be prepared! Balloons: Where are the Balloons? Information shared by the RRA Amateur Radio Club. The RRA store has adjusted their balloon service. Now special occasion Mylar balloons will be pre-ordered up to four days in advance of the special day. These balloons will then be delivered by an outside vendor to the store. Special occasions: Boss’s Day – October 16, 2013 (order between October 1 – 10 by calling x5100), Valentine’s Day (2014), Administrative Assistant’s Day (2014). The store will have a selection of Marian Heath greeting cards available for these special order days as well. 2 Thank You to the August Blood Donors A big THANK YOU to the 171 people who participated in the August Blood Drive – including 15 new donors! And many thanks to the generous people at the SwRC Federal Credit Union who provided the ice cream in August. We’re on track to reach more than 1,000 participants again this year – but we need to see you again at the final two Blood Drives in 2013 (October & December). Encourage your family, friends, and co-workers to donate too! Mark your calendars for the next Blood Drive on Thursday, October 17. REMEMBER – When you give blood, you give life. Name CC Shane Aaron 75 Jason Aley 16 Joel Allardyce 10 Daniel Anctil 08 Pascual Arambula 11 Mark Arnold 30 Kipp Axton 14 Sheri Baetz 01 George Bailey 03 Joe Barfield Retiree Paul Barrera 57 Taylor Bartholomew 11 Jay Basinger 11 Chris Bemben 01 Bill Bendele 01 Michael Blanton 10 Steve Bourland 14 David Branyon 03 Tim Brenner 01 Daniel Broesche 09 Pablo Bueno 18 Dinah Buentello 01 Hal Burnside Retiree Malva Burrahm 71 Juan Cantu 42 Norma Cantu 01 Karen Carpenter 01 Jim Carroll 03 George Castillo 08 Mark Castle 11 Jesse Castoreno Family Joshua Cavazos 09 David Chambers 10 John Charlton 16 Crystal Chudej 72 Steve Clay 18 Myles Cooper 18 Carly Currier 08 Michael Davis 15 Terry Davison 03 Abel deHoyos 01 Norma Diaz 18 Laura Domyancic 18 Name CC Adolfo Duenas 08 Alma Duenas Family Edmond DuPont 10 John Elliot 31 Jonathan Esquivel 11 Linda Estes 18 John Eterno 15 Dustin Falcon 11 Tony Fall 72 Jack Fernandi Retiree Tim Fey 18 Sharon Fielder 70 Alberto Fuentes 11 Danny Gabriel 09 Richard Garcia 10 Paula Garza 11 Jason Gassaway 10 Susan Gehring 08 Deborah Gohmert 18 Steve Gomez-Leon 11 Christian Gonzales 01 Chris Gourley 01 Janice Grantz 16 Steve Green 18 Margaret Guerra 01 Norberto Guerra 11 Steve Gutting 14 John Harrison 14 Sara Harrison Family Joseph Hayden 11 Linda Kay Hill 11 Ralph Hill 11 David Hintz 01 Michele Holzer 08 Kevin Honeyager 14 Josh Hunt 18 Robert Hunt 03 Bob Inouye 11 Tom Jaeckle 16 Nakul Jeirath 10 Mike Jordan 01 Duane Jungman 03 Raham Kirkwood 08 Name Michael Kocsis Kyle Kondoff Kris Kozak Lindsay Laviada Philip Leal Mike Ledesma Alton Ledwig Star Lee Nino Limfueco William Livermore Michael Lochte Joe Loomis Justin Loredo Bruce Mabrito Tony Magaro Frank Maldonado Leonard Martinez Ron Mathis Patsy McBee Stephanie McCormack-Brown Dylan McDaneld Larry McDaniel Yong-Li McFarland Mary McGovern Blair McLaren Sandra Meckel Andrew Medelez Darryl Miley Scott Miller Mark Moczygemba Herman Monroe Dennis Moy Art Nicholls Andrew Nordquist Marcus Nugent Hector Ochoa James Oxley Kathy Parks Jay Pastwa Bev Patterson Heather Pelley Matthew Pena Benny Piepgrass 3 CC 03 01 10 77 11 20 08 11 09 25 08 10 11 72 70 75 01 14 14 57 01 15 08 01 11 59 18 11 10 10 18 42 18 20 16 16 01 73 08 08 73 32 15 Name Susan Pope Luke Powell John Quinby Epifanio Quiroga Alfredo Ramos Eva Ramos Greg Rawson Joe Redfield Mary Reyes Mike Rigney Aaron Rimpel Dennis Robertson Samuel Rocha Monica Romero Daniel Rossiter John Salcido Mary Sattler Deb Schmid Nikki Scott James Sczepanik Jasmin Serna Kevin Shannon Nils Smith Sean Soriano Joe Sosa Steven Spence Stuart Stothoff Kevin Sultenfuss Steve Tenay Briana Terrazas Pablo Terrazas Joshua Terry Jim Vande Zande Jonathan Wade Greg Wattis Dan Weissling Will Westover Bill Williamson Nolan Wright Michael Yowell Julia Zangirolami Albert Zweiner CC 15 11 14 08 11 14 01 Friend 32 10 18 03 03 73 10 01 15 67 18 03 72 01 16 01 03 09 20 11 03 Family 11 01 31 18 18 Retiree 08 01 03 01 09 01 Discount Shows Discount Movie Passes: NEW StarPlex Cinemas The RRA Store now has discount movie passes to the Boerne Starplex Cinemas. These supersavers can be used for one admission to movies including new releases that may advertise “no passes”. There will be a surcharge for any 3D format. Prices are only $6 per ticket and can be purchased at the SwRI Fitness Center. To view other entertainment specials offered via the RRA, visit the RRA website at to view the Discounts tab. Peter and the Starcatcher - Majestic Theatre October 22-27, 2013, Majestic Theater Peter and the Starcatcher provides a humorous and fantastical backstory for the beloved character of Peter Pan and his archnemesis Captain Hook. In this wickedly imaginative play, we meet a poor orphaned child on the high seas simply called Boy because, in the absence of a mother and a father, he was never given a name. His sad and lonely world is turned upside down when he meets Molly. The daughter of famous Starcatcher Lord Astor, our heroine is on a mission to save the world and protect a treasure trunk filled with magical star stuff from getting into the hands of evil and greedy pirate Black Stache. As they travel aboard the Neverland ship headed for a faraway land, Molly and Boy learn about love, friendship and forge an unbreakable bond. All movie passes can be purchased at the SwRI Fitness Center. Theater Gate Price RRA Price Savings Santikos Theaters $10.00 $7.50 $2.50 Alamo Drafthouse $9.00 $6.50 $2.50 Regal Theaters $9.00 $8.00 $1.00 AMC Theaters $8.50 $6.50 $2.00 Starplex Boerne $7.00 $6.00 $1.00 Is Peter and the Starcatcher for Kids? Peter and the Starcatcher is perfect for kids ages 10 and up (no children under four will be admitted). While the play does include some pop culture references and sophisticated dialogue that might fly over the heads of very young children, the coming-of age-tale explores first loves, first kisses and the secret desire we all have to stay young forever. Scorpion Soccer Tickets The RRA has secured tickets to the Scorpion Soccer matches for August 31, September 21, and the October 26. These tickets can be purchased online via the RRA website under Discounts & Tickets/Entertainment. To purchase tickets, go to; password: discount. How the Grinch Stole Christmas December 26-29, 2013, Majestic Theater Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical is the record breaking Broadway holiday sensation which features hit songs “You’re A Mean One Mr. Grinch” and “Welcome Christmas” (written by Albert Hague and Dr. Seuss) from the original animated series. Max the Dog narrates as the mean and scheming Grinch, whose heart is “two sizes too small,” decides to steal Christmas away from the Holiday loving Whos. Magnificent sets (John Lee Beatty) and costumes (Robert Morgan) inspired by Dr. Seuss’ original illustrations help transport audiences to the whimsical world of Whoville, while the Music and Book of Mel Marvin and Timothy Mason breathe new life into this timeless story of the true meaning of Christmas. The 2012 production is directed by Matt August and choreographed by Bob Richard based on the original choreography by John DeLuca and originally created by 3-time Tony Award® winning director, Jack O’Brien. Texas Rangers Baseball Tickets All RRA members, family, and friends qualify for discounts on select games in 2013. To access discount, visit www.texasrangers. com/grouptickets, click on the Southwest Research Institute link, and enter password RRA13. To purchase tickets, go to; password: discount. 4 Bracken Bat Cave Adventure Saturday, September 21 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM Braken Bat Cave $15 per person Pay in advance at the SwRI Fitness Center. Deadline for payment and/or refunds is Sept. 19. Must be age 7 or older. Space is limited. Questions? Contact Sheri Baetz at or x6667. Open to all RRA Members (SwRI, SwRCFCU, and Texas Biomed employees) and their guests. Saturday, October 26 save the date Children’s Fall Festival SwRI Cafeteria Parking Lot Friday, November 15 Fall Holiday Arts & Craft Fair Location TBA If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sheri Baetz at x6667 or Friday, December 13 Holiday Dance Red Oak Ballroom, Wonderland Mall If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sheri Baetz at x6667 or 5 This publication is provided to advertise employees’ personal items. There is no charge for this service. No commercial ventures will be advertised except those that offer substantial discounts to the SwRI staff. To include an item in this publication, send an email to or mail a note to RRA Ads building 170. Only those items with an SwRI/Texas Biomed extension or with a specified retiree name will be accepted. This is a publication service for employees and retirees only. The RRA is not responsible for any item presented, for any typographical errors, or for any omission in the items included. Submit your ad by the 20th of the month for the following month by using the address If you are calling from outside SwRI, use prefix (522) with the four digit extensions. Appliances Large capacity LG washing machine (model: WM0642H), white, front load, high-efficiency, purchased new for $780 five years ago, works great. $200. Contact Steve Fritz at x3645 or 210-887-6714. 1997 GMC Suburban LS, 169K miles, good mechanical condition, third row seat w/ rear AC. New Michelin tires 10K miles ago, new factory transmission at 110K miles, all service records since 10K miles. $2,100. Contact Steve Fritz at x3645 or 210-887-6714. Sharp Microwave Carousel II with turntable. $60. Skil 3/8” electric power drill. $15. Contact Sue at 210-379-2505 or sule_ 1999 Nissan Sentra with 129,800 miles. $2,000 OBO. Call Frieda at 210-535-4981. Auto • Boat • Recreational 2004 Acura, Rsx Type S., 4 cylinder V-TEC engine, 6 speed manual transmission. 93,700 miles. Red with gray leather interior, Bose sound system, 6 CD changer, and built in sub woofer. New tires, excellent running condition. Photos available. $8,800. Call Matt at 210-584-3325. RV, 2001, model Fleetwood Pioneer, 24’, fifth wheel. Everything running and good condition. Pictures available. $3,800. Call Jenn at 210-218-4653. 2005 Chevrolet Equinox LS, silver, automatic. $4,800. Call Norma at x6026. K&N factory air filter, new, still in box, will fit 2010 and up models for 3.6 V6 Camaro. $25. Call Richard at 210-643-3507. 2004 Toyota Sequoia SR5, grey two-tone paint w/ grey leather int., 203K miles. Consistently maintained and in excellent mechanical condition. Power everything, cold A/C, tinted glass, towing pkg., spoiler, running boards. Brand new tires and Interstate battery. Rear seat DVD system with wireless headphones. Original owner, never had a major repair or accident. $8,200. Call x3041 or text 210-632-8693. Electronics Two Samsung SyncMaster 915N LCD 19” monitors, 1280 x 1024 resolution. Excellent condition. $55 each or $100 for both. Email Electric organ, includes bench seat with storage. $500. Call 210-824-0558 for details. Used Sony DVD/VCR combo, works great, no remote control. Pictures available. $40. Call Dora at x5672. MacBook Pro 15” w/ retina display, used, like new, retails for $2,600 + tax. Includes the original box, two chargers, soft case, and MS Office for Mac 2011 student edition. Windows 7 is also installed through boot camp (can/will remove at buyer’s request). 15.4” display (2880 x 1800 resolution), 2.6GHz quad core Intel i7, 8GB RAM, 512GB flash storage, Intel HD graphics 4000/NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, running OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.4. Covered under Apple’s limited warranty until Dec. 2013, warranty can be extended for an additional two years. $2,100. Contact James at 210-549-7049 or email at Sony HT-CT100 Soundbar theater system for television, three years old, in great shape. $50. Call Scott at x2340. 6 Furniture Tables, cast iron with thick glass tops. $500/set. Wicker love seat, purchased from Pier-1 for $500, like new, includes: cushions and end tables with glass tops. $250. Oriental (Persian) rug, 8’ x 10’, very high quality, high density, thick pile rug. $315. Set of two swivel bar stools, metal and leather with inlaid wood, like new, one year old. $150/pair. Contact Sue at 210-379-2505 or Vintage upholstered tub chair (boudoir) on four casters. $150. Call Norma at x6026. Oak roll-top desk with cherry finish, excellent condition. $750. Oak computer desk, includes desk plus left return and hutch. $500. Call 210-824-0558. Iron headboard, queen size, from Pier 1, only a year old, excellent condition. $100. Kathy Ireland dresser with eight drawers and mirror, excellent condition. $375. Two Kathy Ireland nightstands with two deep drawers and a pull out shelf, excellent condition. $175 each. Call Frieda at x3602 or 210-535-4981. Queen-size mattress, 2” thick Dream Essentials brand, Memory Foam fresh gel, topper and cover. Paid $99, used less than one month and always with two layers of protection, like new condition. $50. Call Linda at 210-685-3619. Real Estate/Rental Custom one story house located in Leon Valley: 7521 Linkview (google address for pictures). Built in 2002, 4 sides brick, has 4 bd/2.5 ba, and 2,413 sq.ft. Large bedrooms, master has separate office, walk-in closet, separate vanities and separate shower. Side entry two car garage, all ceramic flooring, covered front/ back porches, on .3581 acre lot. Low maintenance xeriscaped yard, drought tolerant trees/plants, privacy fence. Great location, only six miles to SwRI and close to major highways and medical center. $319,900. Contact Mario at x6325 or 10823 Buckskin Spur: 3 bedrooms w/ closet and storage space, 2.5 baths, including a separate garden tub and shower. Has wood laminate floors in formal dining and family room w/stone fireplace; open kitchen w/ceiling height cabinets, an island and window seat in the breakfast room which over looks backyard; game room is wired for surround sound. Pictures available. $199,000. Contact Miscellaneous HoMedics Quad-Roller massaging cushion. $10. Quart-size decorative bird feeder. $5. Contact Dennis at x2976 or 830-510-6004. Savage rifle (model 110) in 30-06, like new condition with synthetic stock, less than 40 rounds fired. $395. Savage rifle (model 114), American Classic in 30-06, less than a box of ammo thru it, walnut stock with ebony forend cap, walnut with minor surface cosmetic blemishes, no dings or dents. $450. Savage rifle (model 111), XP Hunter with synthetic stock, dropdown floorplate, 35 rounds fired. $550. All three have shoulder recoil pads, will shoot 1 moa or less with decent ammo. Also have scopes that can mount on any rifle for additional price. Contact Jerry at 210-288-5252 or Two musical and word learning centers for toddlers, both in good working condition, gently used, and in smoke-free environment. One from Vtech and the other from Fisher Price. Pictures available. $20 or both for $30. Call Dora at x5672. Austin City Limits Music Festival weekend one pass, October 4-6: The Cure, Depeche Mode, Muse, Fun, Vampire Weekend, Kendrick Lamar, and many more. Complete with wristband registration instructions. $265 OBO. Call David at x2150. 40’ to 140’, water and weather resistant. $85. Used, Craftsman scroll saw, 16”, 1/6 hp with max degree of cut at 2”, cast iron base, table tilts 1-45 degrees, works well. Pictures available. $65 OBO. Call Dora at x5672. White metal rollup door w/chain drive, 12’ x 12’, great condition. $500. Call Kurt at 210-215-6538. New, Tupperware items, all sizes. Pictures available. Call Norma at x6026 for price list. Twenty huge Asian/oriental round red lanterns (used), made of material not paper, very sturdy. Lanterns do not have light as they more for decoration. Pictures available. $5 each or OBO for all. Call Dora at x5672. Elliptical cycle, Body Rider brand, one year old, practically new. Pictures available. $50. Call Willie at 210-695-0471. Ladies’ dresses, men’s suits, shoes, new/ gently used. Pictures available. Call Norma at x6026 for prices. New in package car parts and accessories, never used, include: Fram oil filter (ph3980) and Duralast distributor cap (dr978) for ‘98 Chevy (ph3980); AC Delco oil filter (pf47) and two STP oil filters (s2827) for ‘92 Maxima); six Autolite spark plugs (#605) for ‘99 Chevy. Pictures available. $25 for all, will not sell separately. Call Dora at x5672. New Ikea TV/media unit, black and brown, dim: 47 1/4” x 15 3/4” x 12 5/8”, mountable or stand alone. $80 OBO. Call Norma at x6026. Pro-Form 215 CSX upright exercise bicycle, practically brand new, used maybe 3 times. Pictures available. $175. Call Kim at 210-218-6870. Alvarez student/beginner acoustic guitar, good condition, full size, new strings, includes case. $125. Call Shari at 210680-9522. Used, Porter Cable twin-stack jet-stream air compressor, 135spi, 3hp, 4-gallon with 50 foot hose. Equipped with highflow regulator to allow for more workable air pressure, adjustment leaks air a bit and switch loose but switch still works, compressor works well. Pictures available. $75 OBO. Call Dora at x5672. If you need light housekeeping done, contact Brenda at 210-846-2970 or Wanted Interested in renting or borrowing, items looking for: white tent, dried baby’s breath, buckets, vases, plates and utensils, rectangular table clothes or runners, fabric, and etc. Call Amy at x5750. Selmer Signet wood clarinet, regularly maintained, clarinet for middle or high school student, new corks and ligature. $300. Call Shari at 210-680-9522. New, still in package, Voltec 100’ outdoor extension cord with lighted end: 12 gauge, 15 amp extra heavy capacity, flexible from Submit your ad for Free! Submit ads on the RRA website: by September 20 for the October Happy Times. 7 Contact Information Gold’s Gym Gold’s Gym offers employees a corporate rate which is discounted from the general membership. Bring your work ID into any location and ask for the discount. Real Living Best Homes Realty Offering a discounted listing commission for sellers, and a comparable contribution toward closing costs for buyers on all offers for SwRI, Credit Union, and TX Biomed employees and their families. The contribution for buyers is contingent on their lender’s approval. Contact Jane Baker at 210-844-2159. E&G Automotive Offers employees a 15% discount, free shuttle service, and accepts all extended warranties with employee work ID. They are a one stop ASE certified automotive center for domestic, foreign, and European vehicles. Mention this ad and receive a BG Fuel Induction service for only $79.95 plus tax (reg. $129.95 plus tax) and a free brake inspection. Located at 5504 Bandera Rd. #105 (across from HEB Marketplace). Call 210-520-0608 for more information. Wash Me By Hand Car Salon A full service automated hand car wash and detail center providing professional car washing and detailing services with top-notch customer service. SwRI, CU, and TX Biomed employees receive $1 off the spa package or $2 off any wash salon/salon plus package. Visit for a complete lists of services, prices and coupons. Open Monday - Saturday 8 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 9 AM to 5 PM. Call 210-681-WASH (9274) for more information. Hope Lutheran Learning Center This child care center, which serves infants up to twelve years old, offers 20% off registration fee of new enrollments. Also provides 10% discount off weekly tuition. Discounts also offered to families currently enrolled when they refer someone. Call 210-433-2011 for more information. Old West Burgers Old West Burgers offers a 10% discount to employees. Located at 4553 NW Loop 1604. Visit their website at for more information or to check out the menu. Call 210-267-1774 for more information. Unforgettable Floral Unforgettable Florist specializes in weddings but is a one stop shop for all your floral needs. Fresh flower arrangements available for Birthdays, Anniversary’s, Condolences, Get Well, Valentine’s Day, and more. SwRI employees and family members receive a 10% discount. Visit or call 210863-2959 for a free consultation. Call 210-863-2959 for more information. 8 The RRA operates through committees headed by a chair. The RRA Board of Governors Officers and Committee Chairs are listed below. RRA Executive Board Chair Linda De Salme x3229 Vice Chair Cissy Martinez x3829 Secretary Mary Ramos x3353 Treasurer Debi Reeh x2609 Executive Secretary Ernest Gomez x3503 SwRI Fitness Center JoLyn Swain x5100 Committee Chairs Athletics Jason Nave x2925 Finance Crystal Chudej x6067 Fundraising Terry Davison x2609 Health & Fitness Mark Griffin x3502 Membership Linda Estes x5664 Outreach Shane Siebenaler x5758 Publicity/ Historical Cynthia Luna x3036 Recreation Sarah Thomson x6585 Social Sheri Baetz x6667 Travel Lora Neil x5157 For questions or comments about the Happy Times, call 210-522-2687.
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