Sacred Heart Church, Glyndon, Maryland


Sacred Heart Church, Glyndon, Maryland
P.O. BOX 3672 ♦ GLYNDON, MARYLAND 21071-3672
PHONE: (410) 833-1696 ♦ FAX: (410) 833-2676
JANUARY 24, 2016
Rev. Msgr. Lloyd E. Aiken
Rev. Hamilton Okeke
Associate Pastor
Rev. Hilario Avendaño
Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministry
Rev. Walter J. McGovern
Retired – In residence
Mr. James A. Ryan
Mr. James Nuzzo
Sr. Judith Cianfrogna, SSJ
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Cecilia Cyford, SSJ
Director of Religious Education
Sr. Helen Wiegmann, SSJ
Health Care Ministry
Mr. Zachary Coyle
School Principal
Mrs. Jeanne Cossentino
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Anne Purnell
Assistant Middle School Principal
Sr. Karen Washabaugh, SSJ
School Campus Minister K-5
Mrs. Kathryn Swisher
Director of Youth Ministry
Ms. Kathy Whitelock
Director of Development
Rev. Michael L. Barré, P.S.S. Rev. James McKearney ,P. S.S.
Rev. Gilbert J. Seitz
Rev. Daniel Moore, P.S.S.
Victor Sanchez
Michael Merritt
Chris Pinto
4th Year Theology
3rd Year Theology
1st Year Theology
Weekend Masses:
4:00 p.m.
7:30 (Quiet), 9:00, 10:30 a.m. (Choir);
12:00 (Contemporary Choir) & 5:00 p.m.
Spanish Mass:
Saturdays — 7:00 p.m. (Little Church)
Sundays — 1:30 p.m. (Main Church)
Weekday Masses/Communion Service (Little Church):
7:00 & 9:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Holy Day Schedule: Consult bulletin (except Christmas and New
Eucharistic Adoration: (Little Church)
First Fridays:
Exposition following the 9:00 a.m. Mass,
concluding at the 8:00 a.m. Mass Saturday
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; 1:15-9:00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Parish Office/Rectory
Hispanic Ministry
Development Office
Sacred Heart School
Religious Education Office
Sacred Heart Youth Ministry
WELCOME! You are most welcome to Sacred Heart Church. Parish
registration forms are available in the Gathering Space and at the
Parish Office. If you are moving out of the parish, please notify us.
BAPTISMS: Saturdays at noon and within the celebration of Mass
(except during Lent). Parents are required to attend a Preparation
Class held on the 2nd Monday of the month. Please call the
Religious Education Office to arrange for both Preparation Class
and Baptism.
RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard on Saturdays from
5:15-5:45p.m. (Little Church) and by appointment. Parish
Reconciliation Services are held during Advent and Lent.
MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married should contact a
priest or deacon at least six months before the anticipated date.
All engaged couples must take a Marriage Preparation Course. Do
not set a date until you have met with the priest or deacon.
COMMUNION TO THE SICK: If someone is in the hospital or
homebound and unable to attend Mass and wishes to receive
communion, please contact the Parish Office. Mass is celebrated
at FutureCare-Cherrywood Nursing Home on the 2nd Wednesday
at 10:30 a.m.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: In case of emergency call the Parish
Office/Rectory at anytime. Please notify the Parish Office if you
know someone in the hospital or at home who wishes to be
anointed. Masses of Anointing are celebrated several times a
adults (English and Spanish speaking) for full communion in the
Catholic Church. Sessions meet year round on Monday evenings
at 7:00 p.m. Call the Parish Office for information.
BULLETIN DEADLINE. Notices must be
received in the parish office TEN days
(Thursday) before the bulletin date requested.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 24, 2016
Sacred Heart Parish Mission Statement
We, the people of God in the parish of Sacred Heart, are constantly attempting to become a faith community of
those who, believing in Jesus, proclaim God’s Kingdom and share the mystery of faith by worshipping the Father,
enabling all members to grow in their relationship with each other through the Son, and witnessing our gifts through
active service to others in the Spirit.
Weekly Liturgical Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass, January 23
4:00 p.m. Mass
Pauline Nolan
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass
Sunday, January 24
7:30 a.m. Mass
Roseanita Coffey
9:00 a.m. Mass
Bruce Lewis
10:30 a.m. Mass
12:00 p.m. Mass
Matthew Ryan Clifford
1:30 p.m. Sp. Mass
5:00 p.m. Mass
Stephen Keoseian
Monday, January 25 – The Conversion of St. Paul
the Apostle
7:00 a.m. Mass
Douglas Rusta
9:00 a.m. – Communion Service
Tuesday, January 26 – Sts. Timothy and Titus,
7:00 a.m. Mass
Bob & Peggy Wells
9:00 a.m. Mass
Annie Rickle
Wednesday, January 27
7:00 a.m. – Communion Service
9:00 a.m. Mass
Karl Herbert Turk
Thursday, January 28 – St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest
and Doctor of the Church
7:00 a.m. Mass
Blanche Hyatt
9:00 a.m. Mass
Pedro Joves
Friday, January 29
7:00 a.m. Mass
Dick Washabaugh
9:00 a.m. Mass
Joan Huppmann
Saturday, January 30
8:00 a.m. Mass
Joanna Nicolay
Saturday Vigil Mass, January 30
4:00 p.m. Mass
Charlotte Lorraine Gale
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass
Sunday, January 31
7:30 a.m. Mass
Marge Sparks
9:00 a.m. Mass
Jean Konkus
10:30 a.m. Mass
Linda Mercado
12:00 p.m. Mass
1:30 p.m. Sp. Mass
5:00 p.m. Mass
Alma Beryl Wiles
Prayer and Worship
Presiders’ Schedule: January 31, 2016
4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 Noon
1:30 p.m. (Spanish) (MC)
5:00 p.m.
Fr. McKearney
Fr. Avendaño
Fr. Seitz
Fr. Seitz
Fr. Barré
Fr. Barré
Fr. Avendaño
Msgr. Aiken
St. Charles Presiders’ Schedule: January 31, 2016
4:00 p.m.
Msgr. Aiken
8:30 a.m.
Msgr. Aiken
11:00 a.m.
Msgr. Aiken
Scripture Readings January 31, 2016
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19 Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17
1 Cor 12:31 – 13:13 or 13:4-13 Lk 4:21-30
“No prophet is accepted in the prophet’s hometown.”
Thus did Jeremiah and Jesus encounter opposition and
lack of faith (1,3); thus did both place their hope in the
Lord (Ps). Paul speaks eloquently of the greatest of all
the gifts: love (2)
For Reflection: From where/whom do you draw the
strength and inspiration to live a life of loving?
Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Enero 24, 2016
Misión de la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón
Nosotros, El pueblo de Dios en la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón, estamos intentando constantemente hacernos
una comunidad de fe, que creyendo en Jesús, proclamamos el Reino de Dios y compartimos el misterio de la fe
adorando al Padre, permitiendo a todos los miembros un crecimiento en su relación interpersonal a través del Hijo
y siendo testigo de nuestros dones a través del servicio activo a otros en el Espíritu.
El hombre de hoy debe abstenerse de muchos medios de
Preparación para la Cuaresma
consumo, de estímulos, de satisfacción de los sentidos:
El Ayuno y la Abstinencia
ayunar significa abstenerse de algo. El hombre es él
El ayuno consiste en hacer una sola comida fuerte al día.
mismo sólo cuando logra decirse a sí mismo: No.
La abstinencia consiste en no comer carne. Son días de
No es la renuncia por la renuncia: sino para el mejor y
abstinencia y ayuno el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes
más equilibrado desarrollo de sí mismo, para vivir mejor
los valores superiores, para el dominio de sí mismo.
La abstinencia obliga a partir de los catorce años y el
Lecturas Dominicales
ayuno de los dieciocho hasta los cincuenta y nueve años
Enero 31, 2016
de edad.
Primer Lectura:
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19
71:1-6, 15, 17
Con estos sacrificios, se trata de que todo nuestro ser
Segunda Lectura:
1 Cor 12:31 – 13:13 o 13:4-13
(espíritu, alma y cuerpo) participe en un acto donde
Lc 4:21-30
reconozca la necesidad de hacer obras con las que
reparemos el daño ocasionado con nuestros pecados y
Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia
para el bien de la Iglesia.
“ Vuelven a la mente las palabras cargadas
El ayuno y la abstinencia se pueden cambiar por otro
sacrificio, dependiendo de lo que dicten las
Conferencias Episcopales de cada país, pues ellas son
las que tienen autoridad para determinar las diversas
formas de penitencia cristiana.
¿Por qué el Ayuno?
Es necesario dar una respuesta profunda a esta pregunta,
para que quede clara la relación entre el ayuno y la
conversión, esto es, la transformación espiritual que
acerca del hombre a Dios.
El abstenerse de la comida y la bebida tienen como fin
introducir en la existencia del hombre no sólo el
equilibrio necesario, sino también el desprendimiento
de lo que se podría definir como "actitud consumística".
Tal actitud ha venido a ser en nuestro tiempo una de las
características de la civilización occidental. El hombre,
orientado hacia los bienes materiales, muy
frecuentemente abusa de ellos. La civilización se mide
entonces según la cantidad y la calidad de las cosas que
están en condiciones de proveer al hombre y no se mide
con el metro adecuado al hombre.
Esta civilización de consumo suministra los bienes
materiales no sólo para que sirvan al hombre en orden a
desarrollar las actividades creativas y útiles, sino cada
vez más para satisfacer los sentidos, la excitación que se
deriva de ellos, el placer, una multiplicación de
sensaciones cada vez mayor.
de significado que san Juan XXIII
pronunció en la apertura del Concilio para
indicar el camino a seguir: « En nuestro
tiempo, la Esposa de Cristo prefiere usar la
medicina de la misericordia y no empuñar
las armas de la severidad … La Iglesia
Católica, al elevar por medio de este Concilio Ecuménico
la antorcha de la verdad católica, quiere mostrarse madre
amable de todos, benigna, paciente, llena de misericordia
y de bondad para con los hijos separados de ella ».[2] En
el mismo horizonte se colocaba también el beato Pablo VI
quien, en la Conclusión del Concilio, se expresaba de esta
manera: « Queremos más bien notar cómo la religión de
nuestro Concilio ha sido principalmente la caridad … La
antigua historia del samaritano ha sido la pauta de la
espiritualidad del Concilio … Una corriente de afecto y
admiración se ha volcado del Concilio hacia el mundo
moderno. Ha reprobado los errores, sí, porque lo exige, no
menos la caridad que la verdad, pero, para las personas,
sólo invitación, respeto y amor. El Concilio ha enviado al
mundo contemporáneo en lugar de deprimentes
diagnósticos, remedios alentadores, en vez de funestos
presagios, mensajes de esperanza: sus valores no sólo han
sido respetados sino honrados, sostenidos sus incesantes
esfuerzos, sus aspiraciones, purificadas y bendecidas…
Otra cosa debemos destacar aún: toda esta riqueza
doctrinal se vuelca en una única dirección: servir al
hombre. Al hombre en todas sus condiciones, en todas sus
debilidades, en todas sus necesidades ».
Bula De Convocación Del Jubileo Extraordinario De La
Pray for those who have died.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully
departed rest in peace. Amen.
Mary Beachboard, Fr. Brendan Carr
We Welcome the Newly Baptized
Grayson Hawk Sanders, Grace Maryann Proy,
Celia Mae Mudgett, Morgan Alexa Jackson
Lucy Angerer, Danny Baum,
Debbie Beaven, Stan Behnken,
Brian Bence, Mary Ellen Berry,
Lena Bouchard, Bob Brosso, Mary
Lou Brosso, Alice May Brosso, Tracy Burroughs, Frank
Carlucci, Betty Carpenter, Frank Chengery, Laura
Ciois, John Dargakis, Maria Dargakis, Nick Dargakis,
Kimberly Devlin, Elizabeth DiPaolantonio, Maurice
Eyler, Rosa Elena Fernandez, Altea Frebertshouser,
Nancy Glorioso, Sue Grabus, Walter Hanrahan, Troy
Heiner, Chaneice Hayden, William Hayes, Lynda
Henry, Maria Hlahol, Barbara Hoare, Donna Hoffman,
Sharon Hopkins, John Jarkowiec, Gerry Kleiman,
Richard Kretzschmar, Ted Lawson, Rosemary Lazzati,
Tim League, Rita MacNeish, Ed Mooney, Scott Moser,
Denise Ovelgone, Austin Phillips, Carole Pritchett, Beth
Ralston, Kevin Regert, Sherry Rielly, Katie Riggin,
D’Ann G. Rittie, Robbie Robertson, Matt Schaefer,
Rose Sebald, Ellie Skipper, Deli Strummer, Jay Stonik,
Matt Swisher, Jackie Weir
Names will remain on the Sick List for 5 weeks
If there is a need to have the name of your loved one on
the list for a longer period of time, we will be happy to
accommodate you, but you must contact the Parish
Office (410-833-1696) between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00
P.M. to make this request.
NB: Fr. Hamilton’s an “Hour of Glory”
Fr. Hamilton’s an “Hour of Glory” will resume on
February 15, 2016 in the Little Church from 7:00 P.M.
– 8:00 P.M.
Daily Rosary Recitation
A Holy Rosary for the Protection of Religious Liberty
will be prayed weekdays at 6:25 A.M. before the 7:00
A.M. Mass or Communion Service. Please join us in
prayer in honor of the Blessed Mother.
Charismatic Prayer Meeting
The Life in the Spirit Charismatic Prayer Meeting will
be held every Wednesday at 7:30 in the 2nd floor Youth
Room. Individual Prayer will be held 7-7:30. Come
and share singing, giving thanks to God and hear what
the Lord is saying to us through His gifts of the Holy
Spirit. Call Ruby Wilson if you have any questions,
Our Stewardship
Weekly Offering
Offertory (January 17, 2016)
($ 19,730.50)
($ 5,280.38)
Special Care
Electronic Fund Contributions
(not included in above total)
$ 1308.50
$ 105.50
Special Care
$ 15.00
Next weekend the second collection will be for Catholic
2016 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
Next weekend at parishes across the Archdiocese of
Baltimore, parishioners will be asked to pledge support
to the 2016 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, A Light
Brightly Visible. Ministries supported by the Appeal
include the Office of Religious Education, which
provides oversight and assistance to our Religious
Education program, and Catholic Charities, where funds
collected are used to support programs like My Sisters
Place, Our Daily Brea Employment Center as well as
the Food Bank of Western Maryland. In advance of
next weekend, please prayerfully consider how you will
support the 2016 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Making
a pledge, which can be paid in monthly installments
through December 31, 2016, is a powerful way to
maximize your contribution. For more information on
the 2016 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal or to pledge
online, please visit Thank
you for your prayers and support.
In order to assure that your
envelope contribution is recorded
accurately, please be sure to write
the amount of your contribution on
the face of your church envelope or
on a plain envelope with your name
and the amount.
Christian Formation and Evangelization
DO YOU KNOW when Baptisms occur at Sacred
Heart? Two Saturdays a month there are group
Baptisms at noon. There may also be private Baptisms
scheduled with one of our priests or deacons or with a
visiting priest. Baptisms may also be scheduled for the
4:00 PM or Noon Mass.
Sister Cecilia is our Baptism coordinator who schedules
all our children’s Baptisms.
Parents are asked to attend a Baptism class before the
actual reception of the Sacrament.
Jeff Ment
coordinates these meetings.
Our Sodality provides the material for the white
garments that are given to our children. Dorothy Clarke,
Janine Christie, Ann Lindblade and Enza Cina make the
garments. The children also receive a candle, a rosary,
a guide on how to say the Rosary and a holy card with a
medal. Dee Ryan faithfully makes sure that the card and
medal are available for our children.
Thank you to all who help in any way to prepare for the
Sacrament of Baptism!
Liturgical Ministers
All liturgical ministers (lectors, altar servers, EMS) are
asked to hand in their “un”availability schedules for
March, April and May by January 31.
Holy Week and Easter Sunday will not be scheduled.
You may sign up for those days in the Sacristy
beginning February 20/21.
Year of Mercy
Pope Francis has declared a Year of Mercy beginning
on December 8, 2015 and continuing until November,
Pope Francis outlines what the Lord Jesus himself show
us as the steps along this pilgrimage of mercy. “Stop
judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning
and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will
be forgiven. Give and gifts will be given to you; a good
measure, packed together, shaken down and
overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the
measure with which you measure will in return be
measured out to you.”(Luke 6: 37-38).
This Jubilee Year of Mercy summons us, then, to turn to
our God, the God of infinite mercy, to ask forgiveness
and to give praise for God’s boundless gift of mercy.
Adult Confirmation
Confirmation is a requirement to be a godparent or a
sponsor for Confirmation. If you are over 18 and have
never been confirmed, please contact Sister Jude (410833-1696; for more information.
Our next Adult Confirmation will be Sunday, May 15,
Welcome Home
If you are a Catholic who has been away, we invite you
to be an active part of us again. LANDINGS is an eightweek program that offers “a safe place to land,” a place
for listening and for being heard, a place for asking
questions and for reconnecting with the faith as an adult.
If you are interested either to participate in the program
or to help coordinate the program, please contact Sister
Jude (410-833-1696; for more
A Message to Parents
Parents, Parents, if your son said YES to priesthood,
would you say NO?
Young Adult Volleyball
Join us on at 9:00 P.M. on Friday evenings (Jan. 29,
Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26) in the school gym! Contact Jeff
Ment (410-833-8515; for more
Sacred Heart Youth Organization
You can find information on the Parish Website for
Youth Ministry at: Follow us on Facebook (Sacred Heart
Youth Ministry – Glyndon) and Twitter (Mrs Kathryn
@SHG_youth) as well!
Sacred Heart School
Fellow Parishioners,
I would guess that many of us can relate to the concept
of the challenges of a vital and enduring prayer life with
God. At times, our prayer life can feel almost on fire
with a true connection to our Lord. We can encounter
greater peace and focus while we pray and feel more
certain and assured of God’s love and providence. At
other times, we can feel distracted and disconnected,
and our prayer life can feel more like a struggle. We can
keep working at it but feel like the tangible reality of
God’s presence is less evident. Theologically, this is
connected to the ideas of consolation (a close feeling of
God’s presence and love) and desolation (a feeling of
absence of God and isolation), but in terms of a shared
human experience, this is probably why we use the word
faith for our relationship with God. Faith can be an
incredible feeling of closeness to God, but at its core, it
is a choice, a decision we make from both our intellect
and emotion to believe that God truly did reveal Himself
to all of us, first through the history of Israel and then
fully in the person of Jesus Christ.
Why do I write about this? This concept was very much
on my mind in the week of January 11th. That Thursday,
we had our first school rosary of 2016. Many of you
probably recall that this year, we have started a tradition
of gathering twice a month for this essential prayer, on
Thursdays in the main church, while two of our
homerooms instead visit the 9:00 daily parish mass.
Many of you who are familiar with that mass have seen
our students often this year!
Our school rosary that day was at 9:00. On the way in to
work, I typically pray a few decades of the rosary as I
focus for the day. However, that morning, I was feeling
distracted and more disconnected in my prayer life, and
I truly had trouble focusing. Yet, when I got to the
rosary, that all changed. Twelve of our seventh grade
students led rosary that day, and they all were incredibly
reverent and prayerful. At the same time, our entire
school modeled that reverence back. If you have never
seen a group rosary, we use the call and response format
that is the part of our Catholic tradition. The leader
initiates each prayer, saying only a part of the Our Father
or Hail Mary, etc., and then the entire gathering joins in
for the ending (a symbol for God initiating the gift of
life and love and our call to join to that gift by sharing
our lives and love with others). That morning, in the
reverence and symbol of that prayer, in the seriousness
with which our students took that prayer, those earlier
feelings of disconnect and distractedness were gone, and
I instead could focus. That focus brought me peace, and
that peace made me feel more connected to God.
Usually, a feeling of disconnect, stress, or distraction
doesn’t dissipate so quickly. However, God gave me a
great blessing on that Thursday morning, and He
enabled the blessing to come through the reverence and
worship of our prayer leaders and our entire student
body. This week, may we all pray together for the peace,
focus, and quiet to allow us to better connect to our
Heavenly Father, and may He generously grant this
request through our Lord Jesus.
In Christ,
Mr. Coyle
Cookies and Crafts Social for Kids!
Come out to The Sacred Heart School of Glyndon on
Sunday, January 31, 2016 from 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.
for cookies and a craft. Your kids will be entertained
while you learn about our Pre-K (3s &4s) and
Kindergarten Programs. Afterwards, visit our school
library for the Annual Scholastic Book Fair. 63 Sacred
Heart Lane, Glyndon, MD
Visit for more information or call 410833-0857 to register. Walk-ins are welcome. Enter via
Gym Lobby.
School Open House
The Sacred Heart School of Glyndon will be holding an
Open House on Monday, February 1, 2016 between
9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Tours will be given for PreK (3s & 4s), Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle
School grades. Sacred Heart Schools develops the
unique, God-given gifts of each student in a safe,
nurturing and diverse environment. Before and after
school care is available. For more information, visit or contact Paula Caponiti at 410833-0857, x 122 or Enter via
Main Lobby.
Reading Rodeo Book Fair
Come “rope a book” at our Sacred Heart School’s
Reading Rodeo Book Fair during our Parish Sunday
Family event Sunday, January 30th from 10:00 to 2:00.
and our Encore Event Thursday, February 4th from
3:00 until 7:00. Sacred Heart School students will visit
our Reading Rodeo Book Fair during school hours.
Parents and very-special persons are invited to join their
students. Early bird shopping on-line starting January
Religious Education
Children’s Religion Program: Pre-K – 8th Grade
Sacrament Preparation
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Sunday Nursery during 10:30 A.M. Mass
First Eucharist Parent Meeting
Our 1st gathering for parents of children who are
preparing for First Eucharist will take place on the
following dates in the Media Center (please come to
one): Sunday, February 7 at 10:15 A.M. –OR–
Tuesday, February 9 at 3:15 P.M.
This gathering is for parents only. Our first meeting is
not for the children. (If your child is in a Sunday
Religious Ed. class, he or she should go to the regular
class as usual.) Even if you’ve prepared another child
for First Eucharist in recent years, we ask that at least
one parent of all children come to this session.
Inclement Weather Class Cancellations
As a reminder, when Baltimore County Schools are
closed due to inclement weather, our Religious
Education classes on Monday evenings and FamilyHome Study gatherings on Wednesdays are also
cancelled. On Sunday mornings, we try to make a
decision about cancelled classes as early as we can. In
these situations, we always leave a recorded phone
message at 410-833-8515 (so check before leaving if
there is any doubt), and you can also check the home
page of the parish web site for cancellation
announcements (
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) continues to be
celebrated most Sundays during 9:00 A.M. Mass for
children age 4 through 3rd grade.
Prayers for Children in RCIC
Please keep in your prayers our RCIC catechumens and
candidates who are preparing to receive the sacraments
and fully enter the Church after Easter!
Sunday Nursery
Would you like someone to watch your toddlers so that
you and others can fully appreciate Mass without
distractions? A free nursery service (child care) is
available on most Sunday mornings for children under
the age of three years old from 10:15 - 11:30 A.M. in
Room 126. For more information, please contact Sister
Cecilia at 410-833-8515 or
First Communion Suit and Dress Donations
Do you have a child’s First Communion dress, suit,
pants, shirt, tie, or sport coat that is no longer needed?
If you are willing to donate any of these items to another
family, please bring it to the Religious Education office
in the parish center or call us at 410-833-8515. Thank
Social Justice
“…The idea of infinite or unlimited
growth, which provides so attractive to
economists, financiers and experts in
technology…is based on the lie that there
is an [immediately available] infinite
supply of the earth’s goods, and this leads to the planet
being squeezed dry beyond every limit…Laudato Si
St. Vincent de Paul Society
St. Vincent de Paul Society will meet Monday, January
25th at 6:15 P.M. in Room 104.
Our Daily Bread
Thank you to everyone that contributes casseroles for
Our Daily Bread. Please take home a casserole pan or
two with you this weekend and return the finished
product this Tuesday evening, January 26, or Wednesday
morning, January 27. The pans and recipes are located by the
entrances of the church.
Please put your casserole in a plastic grocery store bag
and freeze or refrigerate it before you drop it off. Both
of these actions help to prevent spillage during delivery
to Our Daily Bread.
If you don’t have time to make a casserole, please
consider donating dry goods such as: canned
vegetables/fruit, coffee, tea, sugar, peanut butter and
jelly, powdered drink mixes, and non-food kitchen items
such as paper cups, paper and plastic sandwich bags, and
kitchen cleaning materials.
Our volunteer will be standing by at the rear of the
school cafeteria this Tuesday evening January 26 from
7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. and again on Wednesday
morning, January 27, from 7:30 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. to
collect your casseroles and/or dry goods donations.
If you have any questions, please contact Mark
Grabenstein at 410-654-0414.
Parish Life
STAND Training
All volunteers (ages 18 or older) for the school
and parish will need to complete the STAND
process before beginning their volunteer
service. This process is now online through Shield the
Vulnerable – a compliance management system that
will allow all parishes and schools to facilitate
compliance with archdiocesan child protection
requirements for all volunteers who work with minors,
employees, and clergy. Step-by-step instructions are
at: . Many have asked
how long it takes to be STAND approved. There is a
minimum processing time of 3-4 weeks for all new
volunteers and 2-3 weeks for volunteers seeking
renewal. After completing this process and/or should
you have any questions, please contact Mary Lee
McCusker at or 410-8336877.
Prayerful Sing Along
Please join us for prayers, songs, food and fellowship at
the Prayerful Sing Along on Friday, January 29, from
7:15 P.M to 9:15 P.M. in the Mother Seton Room. Our
theme is "Thanking God for the Gift of Life." We invite
you to bring a donation for the pro-life pregnancy center
(e.g. diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, and new or gently
used clothing (size infant - 3 T). Child care will be
provided. Children will join us for songs, fellowship,
and light refreshments. Please call Denise Blair-Nellies
at 410-795-6852 for more information
Best Years
The Wednesday, February 3, meeting of the Best Years
Group will feature a presentation by Rob Dyke on the
history and significance of Soldiers Delight. Seniors 55
or older are invited to join the Group in the Mother
Seton Room at 7:00 P.M. Refreshments and a business
meeting will follow this presentation.
Lunch Bunch for February will be held at the Olive
Garden in Owings Mills on Tuesday, February 23 at
noon. Members can sign up at the February meeting or
contact Stan Behnken. Best Years will help serve a
Lenten Meal on Friday, March 4. Those who wish to
help can sign up at the February meeting or by
contacting Charlie Baker. Phone numbers and
additional information can be found at the Sacred Heart
website under “Fellowship.”
Best Years charitable outreach will continue to support
Sarah’s Hope Women’s Shelter. At the February
meeting, Best Years will collect cleaning supplies. Best
Years meets on the first Wednesday of each month and
welcomes new members who wish to join. Membership
is just $5 annually.
Holy Hour for Life
The Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee invites you
to pray and sing at the Holy Hour for Life during
Eucharistic Adoration on Friday, February 5, from 4:00
P.M. to 5:00 P.M. in the Sacred Heart Little
Church. We will sing songs of praise, listen to children
read prayers/scripture verses, and pray before the
Sacrament. Psalm
For you created my inmostbeing; you knit me together
in my mother's womb." We pray all will respect the
sanctity of life from conception to natural death. If your
son/daughter would like to read, please arrive at 3:50
P.M. Please call Denise Blair-Nellies at 410-7956852 for more information.
The Frederick M. Gossman
Memorial High School Scholarship
Designed to assist those Brother Knights holding
membership in councils within the jurisdiction of
Maryland in paying tuition for their sons and daughters
at accredited Catholic High Schools; three grants of
$1,500 per year, for up to four years, will be awarded.
Awards will be made on the basis of academic
excellence, personal qualifications, and financial need.
The children of deceased members are also eligible,
provided the member was in good standing at the time
of death.
The William J. O’Brien Jr., Memorial Scholarship
Three grants of $1,500 per year for up to four years will
be awarded. This program is open to any Catholic
student who is a resident of the state of Maryland to
include children and grandchildren of a member of a
Knights of Columbus council within the jurisdiction of
Maryland. Applicants must have been officially
accepted at or must be students at accredited Catholic
High Schools. Applications will be judged on academic
excellence, personal qualifications, and financial need.
For scholarship information go to
The application period for both of these scholarships is
due on/before February 1, 2016. All applications must
be received by the Scholarship Committee no later than
February 1, 2016.
Knott Scholarship Funds
Knott Scholarship Funds announced the availability of
four-year, full tuition scholarships for the 2016-2017
academic year. These scholarships are awarded on the
basis of academic achievement. Catholic students now
in grade 4 or grade 8, living in Baltimore City, Anne
Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Harford, or
Howard Counties may apply. Scholarships may be used
to attend a Catholic parish elementary school or
Catholic high school within the geographic areas of the
Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Information regarding qualifications and an application
form describing eligibility requirements and deadline
may be obtained from
Community Events
Celebrate YOUR Marriage
Physically and Spiritually
The C.H.E.R.I.S.H. Evening of Sat, March 12, 2016,
will be at St, Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic Church
Hall, at 8499 Virginia Ave, in Pasadena, MD,
21122. All married couples are welcome to begin the
evening with our parish Mass at 5:00 P.M., or just begin
with a delicious dinner, at 6:00 P.M., in the Parish Hall.
Fr. Michael DeAscanis, Pastor of St. Philip Neri in
Linthicum, will be the speaking on,
Daily Mass and Snow Policy
Now that we are in the winter months, let us reiterate
our snow policy with regard to daily Mass. If Baltimore
County Schools are closed due to weather, then daily
Masses are canceled. If Baltimore County Schools are
one or two hours late, then the 7:00 A.M. Mass is
canceled, but the 9:00 A.M. Mass will be celebrated as
usual. This will allow our maintenance crew time to
clear the parking lots and sidewalks. In any event, use
your best judgment. God would rather you be safe than
come to daily Mass in bad weather.
Radio Mass of Baltimore
Radio Mass is broadcast live Sunday mornings at 9:30
AM on two stations, WQLL-1370AM and
WCBM-680AM. Mass is rebroadcast Sunday
evening at 6:03 PM on WCBM-680AM.
“Catholic Baltimore” a new locally produced Catholic
program from the Archdiocese of Baltimore airs
immediately following Radio Mass. If you have any
questions, please call 410-539-7812.
Community Events
2/13 - Cash Bash at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 103
Church Street, Thurmont, MD, 3:00-9:00 P.M. Call
301-447-2367 for more information.
2/6 – Super Babysitter Class. Saint Agnes Hospital
from 9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. Call 1-866-690-9355 to
register and for more information.
2 /17 – Health Screenings Blood Pressure Only at St.
Agnes Hospital from 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. for more
information call 1-866-690-9355.
3/18-3/20 – “Married Couples” Retreat at Priestfield,
WV. Call 410-252-5355 for more information.
Father / Daughter
Saturday, February 27, 2016
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Sacred Heart Gym
Semi-Formal Attire Required
Note: Professional Portraits by Portraits on the Way
are available for purchase at the dance
Discount on corsages is available at Belle Fiore Florist
Tickets: $9 per person if ordered prior to February 19
$10 per person if ordered February 19 or later
Ticket sales begin February 1, 2016
(Tickets will not be sold at the door)
Anyone attending the dance must purchase a ticket
Any questions, please contact Rick Siebert
(443) 789 - 0094
Please return this ticket request form with a check payable to K of C #5208 to the Sacred Heart Parish Office
or the Sacred Heart School Office, Attention: K of C Father/Daughter Dance. All ticket orders must
be submitted to either the Parish Office or School Office.
Name: _____________________________________
No. Tickets: _________ X $9 = ____________
Amount Encl:
Sacred Heart School students will receive their tickets through the school. Please provide the following:
Home Room Teacher: ___________________________________________
Other tickets can be picked up at the Parish Center. Allow at least 3 working days to fill ticket order.