12th June 2015 - Port Macquarie Campus


12th June 2015 - Port Macquarie Campus
Friday12th June, 2015.
What’s happening in Week Eight
Monday: Yr7-10 English Assessment
Tuesday: Yr7-10 English Assessment
Friday: Yr11 PE Assessment task
School Website: www.hastingssecondarycollege.nsw.edu.au
Phone: 65831844
Wednesday: Yr11 Subject Selection Interviews
Thursday: Yr11 Subject Selection Interviews
School Email Address: hsc-portmac-admin@det.nsw.edu.au
Fax: 65841632
Year 10 Student Receives a Principal’s Award
Samantha Cheng received her long awaited Principal’s Award at a formal assembly held in the MPC at the
Hastings Secondary College, Port Campus on Tuesday, 9th June.
Deputy Principal, Mr Darryl Mason presented the Year 10 student with a certificate and a book voucher to spend
at ‘Bookface’ at Port Central.
Samantha had achieved four Merit Certificates and four Faculty Certificates to qualify her for a Principal’s Award.
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Bands Play At Assembly
Port Macquarie Campus of Hastings Secondary College held a formal assembly in the MPC on Tuesday, 9 th June.
College staff and students were fortunate to hear performances from two ‘student’ bands. The first band to
perform were the ‘Withernecks’. This band recently achieved third place in the Hastings Valley, ‘Battle of the
Bands.’ Members, Jaxon Pollard, Ryan Johnson, Christian Familiar and Liam Eastwell demonstrated their musical
talents in front of a packed hall.
Second to perform were ‘The Shonas’. Billy Axford, the lead singer, along with his band members, Liam Clark,
Lachlan Byron, Ethan and Aran Dennis belted out their ‘rock’ piece. Both bands were much appreciated by the
young audience.
‘Withernecks’ – Jaxon Pollard, Ryan Johnson, Liam Eastwell and Christian
‘The Shonas’ – Billy Axford, Liam Clark, Lachlan Byron, Ethan and Aran Dennis.
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From The Relieving Principal
Week 8 has been busy even though we had a public holiday. We have had our Year 10 into 11 night, another
barista course, our formal assembly and the Year 10 careers match activity.
College News
The college has started its organisation for 2016. This will be the first year that we have had across campus
students in Year 12. As their assessment booklets will be given out at the beginning of Term 4 we have had
to set the times for the Year 12 Half Yearly and Trial Exams. There are exclusion periods for assessment
tasks for both exams. This is to give students time to focus and study. We are also starting to think about
staff development day for the beginning of next term. We always start the day with a combined college
activity. We are looking at a session on the alternate learning centre proposal and another on how best to do
lesson observations. We are also looking at the agenda for the combined executive meeting in Week10.
There is always much work to be done for the college.
Stage 4 CAPA night
Last Thursday we had a marvellous night to celebrate the
achievement of our Art and Music students in Year 7 and 8. In
each year students do one semester of Art and 1 of Music. Over
200 people attended the night. Art works were on display for
everyone to admire. We had a great piano solo from Year 8 to
start the evening followed by a song from two of the Year 8 girls
accompanied by Year 8 musicians. Year 7 musicians have been
learning a band instrument, some for as little as seven weeks,
because of the need to purchase some new instruments. They
formed a concert band and showed some of the exercises and
songs they were learning. Mrs Holland the CAPA Head Teacher introduced the
night and the other teachers Mrs Noble (Art), Mr Heddles (Music) and Miss Farmer
(Music) explained about the courses they were teaching. The evening ended with
the Year 8 rock band and singers performing Eye of the Tiger. The parents were
very appreciative of the work their students are doing and are looking forward to
next semester’s night. Thank you to our wonderful CAPA faculty for the investment
they are putting into our students.
Accreditation of Teachers
Ms Haddon has been at a course for learning how to become an accreditor for the
Institute of Teachers. Beginning teachers have two years to submit their evidence to become accredited at
the proficient level. This process includes lesson observation, a report from their supervisor and the
compiling of a body of evidence that would include material such as programs and lesson plans. Casual and
temporary teachers have 5 years to complete their accreditation. Teachers must address the 7 professional
standards over 3 domains of teaching and annotate their evidence to show how it relates to the standard.
From the beginning of next term Miss Haddon will be assessing each submission at the proficient level.
Term 2 Reflection Assembly
Last Tuesday we had our Term 2 Reflection Assembly in the MPC. There were many highlights during Term
2 which included:
 A trip to Italy for students studying Ancient History, organised by Mr Littlefair and accompanied by
Miss Bourke. From all reports this was an outstanding experience for the students and many
memories were brought back with them.
 A very emotional ANZAC Day Assembly, organised by Mr Jackson with the assistance of the HSIE and
CAPA staff. This was followed on ANZAC Day with many staff and students participating in the
ANZAC Day March.
 Students volunteering to assist in the running of the Port Macquarie Iron Man event, under the
direction of Mr Duck.
 The BROSPEAK Program being introduced into the school for our young, male Aboriginal students,
organised by Jamie Donovan and assisted by Mr Rogers.
 A group of our Year 9 and Year 10 Science students attended and won the Science and Engineering
Team Challenge. These students were under the guidance of Miss Bourke and Miss Leach.
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22 students travelling to Sydney to participate in In-Concert, held at Town Hall. Ms Haddon was
privileged to attend this concert, and reported that our students rose to a difficult challenge in a
magnificent manner.
A very successful Year 6 into Year 7 Transition evening, where prospective students experienced
“taster” lessons in Science, History, Food Technology and Music.
The audience at the assembly were also treated to some amazing music and dance routines. It is wonderful
that our students are able to be exposed to so many experiences.
The assembly concluded with a PBL skit, run by Mr Duck and assisted by Christian Familiar, Liam Eastwell
and Ryan Johnson. This skit provided advice to students on behaviours expected in non-classroom settings,
in a humorous and clever manner.
I would like to thank Mrs Holland and the CAPA staff for the organisation and running of the assembly.
Year 11 Subject Selection Night.
On Thursday we held a combined college Year 11 Subject Selection Night at Panthers. This gave the students
currently in Year 10 the opportunity to seek the advice of teachers in relation to their curriculum patterns in
the Preliminary Course next year, and ultimately their HSC in 2017. It was pleasing to see so many students
and their parents and carers take advantage of this opportunity. I would like to extend my thanks to
everyone who attended to make this night a success.
Week 9 sees our People to People visit of 40 American students, interviews for Year 10 students and their
parents/carers about their subject selection for 2016, many assessment tasks, a Year 12 Physics excursion to
Sydney and the North Coast Deputies Association conference at Coffs Harbour. 50 students will also be
performing in Circus Fantastica in Weeks 9 and 10. We will be very busy until the end of term.
Darryl Mason
Relieving Principal
Port Macquarie Campus – Cross Country Age Champions – 2015
L-R: Brodie Knott (12 yr boys), Jack Higgins (13 boys), Toni Hurket (Senior Girls). Ashlyn Dures (16 girls), Dane Perry (15
boys), Callam Murray (Senior Boys), Jack Terley (14 boys), Natarsha Ciardi (15 girls), Skye Vaughan (14 girls), Kingslee
Marks (12 yr girls champion) Absent: Sam Harris (16 yr boys champion), Tegan Wood (13 yr girls champion)
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A Look back at Camp Rock The Musical
Have you ever wondered what happens when a popular stage show comes to an end? How do those involved
feel after it is all over? Is there a sense of anti-climax? As the dust has been swept off the Players Theatre
stage and Camp Rock The Musical has finally had its curtain call, it is time to reflect on the four months that
it took to bring the show to opening night.
We asked Hamish Keddie, the Director and drama teacher at the Port Macquarie Campus of Hastings
Secondary College, how he felt now that it is all over.
“Now that it is over, I’m looking for a new venture to sink my teeth into? Time will tell I suppose. It’s all but a
distant memory,” Hamish admits. “In the end it was an amazing time and I hope I have inspired many in the
cast and backstage to believe in their abilities and push the limits.”
Hamish auditioned students from all the local secondary schools for the stage roles and also had the help of
numerous students backstage with a large contingent from his own school and drama classes.
“The cast, the band and the backstage crew were all fantastic,” Hamish continued enthusiastically. “I love the
help of the parents in the dressing rooms; it makes things run so much more smoothly. Thank you to all Port
Macquarie Campus staff, students, family members and general public that gave up their time to come and
see the show at the Players Theatre.”
Billy Axford is a student at the same Port Macquarie Campus as Hamish Keddie. Billy auditioned successfully
for the male lead role as Shane Gray in Camp Rock The Musical even though he had never been on stage
“Camp Rock has been the most amazing experience of my life,” Billy said. “From acting and singing on stage
to learning how to dance, it's been an unreal journey full of laughs, smiles and bright eyes. Mr Keddie has
been such an important part of my life and has contributed to getting me up and started in the theatre scene
dramatically. He has inspired me to come out of my shell and be the greatest I can possibly be. Camp Rock
has allowed me to express myself in a way I never had before, and I'm so lucky to have been given the
opportunity to be in it.
Despite how much Hamish has inspired me, the cast and crew, the amazing friends I've made along the way
have inspired me greatly also. I went into the show only knowing two or three people in it, now everyone
that was in the show is like family. The friendships have been the most special part of this whole experience
and I'm so happy that I decided to join in with this production.”
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Careers News
Year 10 “My Career Match” Program
On Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th of June all of the Year 10 students of Port Macquarie Campus
completed the “My Career Match” program in the school library. My Career Match is a tool used by the
Future Moves Team from Charles Sturt University to help students identify their personality type and
possible career options that suit that personality type. Students were given results of their personality
types in the categories of: Driver, Promoter, Supporter and Analyser. They were shown the Simpson
Family (see picture below) as a sample to highlight the different personality types. At the end of the
session the students took away a printout of their My Career Match results which can be used as a
valuable resource to discuss career options with their parents and help with the upcoming subject
selection process.
Upcoming Year 12 Senior Success Night
Hastings Secondary College will be running the SENIOR SUCCESS PROGRAM in conjunction with the Future
Moves Team from Charles Sturt University on this Tuesday 16th June from 6pm at CSU in Grant Street Port
Macquarie. This session will cover study skills, preparing for examinations and information on transitioning
to university. This is a highly recommended program to all current Yr12 students and parents to enhance
their HSC achievement.
Mr White – Careers Adviser
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Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability
Notification for Parents and Carers
From 2015, all Government and non-Government schools across Australia are required to
participate annually in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with
Disability (NCCD).
All Australian schools will collect data on their students who are receiving adjustments to meet
additional learning and support needs in accordance with their obligations under the Disability
Discrimination Act 1992 and Disability Standards for Education 2005. This data will be provided to
the Australian Government to assist in the development of a consistent, national picture of the
education needs of students with disability.
The data provided to the Australian Government by the NSW Department of Education and
Communities is provided in such a way that it cannot be used to identify any individual student or
General information about the national data collection can be found on the Australian
Government Department of Education and Training website at http://education.gov.au/factsheets-nationally-consistent-collection-data-school-students-disability.
Privacy Protection
The NSW Department of Education and Communities follows the requirements of the Privacy and
Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act
2002. Schools will collect, record, store and use data about individual students in line with these
requirements. Data security and protection is a priority and students' personal details will be kept
Under Clause 52 of the Commonwealth Australian Education Regulation 2013, data collected by
the NSW Department of Education and Communities for the NCCD must be provided to the
Australian Government Department of Education and Training. This includes the number of
students at each level of education, the number in each category of disability and the number at
each level of adjustment. The information is provided to the Commonwealth as a series of number
sets that cannot be used to identify any individual student or school.
The Australian Government Department of Education and Training follows the requirements of the
Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 when handling any data provided by NSW Department of
Education and Communities in connection with the national data collection. A privacy notice has
been developed to by the Australian Government to provide students, parents and carers with
important privacy information in relation to the data collection. This notice is available on the
department's website at http://education.gov.au/notices
If you have any questions about the data collection, please do not hesitate to contact:
Hastings Secondary College, Port Macquarie Campus
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