koala talk - Cowlishaw Elementary School
koala talk - Cowlishaw Elementary School
KOALA TALK NEWS FROM THE PTA Cowlishaw Elementary School 1212 Sanctuary Lane, Naperville, IL 60540 NOVEMBER 2010 Important Phone Numbers: Office: (630) 428-6100 Fax (630) 428-6101 Attendance (630) 428-6114 A MESSAGE FROM OUR S TUDENT SERVICE COORDINATOR With the recent tragedies in the news lately about bullying and October being named “Bully Awareness Month”, there has been an increase of reports of bullying occurring not just at our school but across the district. I was recently given the opportunity to attend a very informative workshop on bullying at Aurora University entitled “It’s Not Just Joking Around” given by Jodie Blanco, author of Please Stop Laughing at Me. After reading this book over a year ago, I was excited to hear her speak as she relived her experience with being a victim of very aggressive bullying from middle school all the way through high school and how she overcame the ridicule to become a successful career woman. It was a remarkable presentation and one that taught me much more than I ever thought. In reflecting on this presentation, I came to realize that not everyone has the same definition of what it means to bully. In researching the school district’s Bully Prevention Curriculum, I found “A Research Definition of Bullying” by Dan Olweus, a renowned Norwegian researcher on Bullying behavior. Some of the information included in this research is: distinguishable power differential. Examples of bullying included are: Saying hurtful and unpleasant things Inside this issue: Calendar 2 Mrs. Howicz continued article 3 LMC 6 Making fun of others PTA News 4 Using mean and hurtful nicknames Holiday Shop 5 Manna News 9 Completely overlooking someone Manna Form 10 A person is considered being bullied when he/she is “exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons. Negative action is when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort upon another person, through physical contact, through words or in other ways.” Deliberately excluding someone from a group of friends Bullying behavior happens over an extended period of time to the same student and there is a Trying to get other students to dislike another person Hitting, kicking, pulling hair, pushing or shutting a person inside Telling lies Spreading false rumors Sending mean notes ~Continued on page 3 2 N E W S F R OM TH E P T A NOVEMBER 2010 Sun Mon 1 7 8 14 15 Tue Wed 2 No School 3 9 5th 10 Grade Band Night—Hill Conferences 4:30-8:00 16 17 21 22 23 28 29 30 24 No School Thu Fri 4 5 Early Conferences 4:30-8:00 Game Hour 7:50 am 11 No School 12 Early 18 PTA 19 Early Reflections Assembly Game Hour 7:50 am 25 No School 26 No School Sat 6 13 Game Hour 7:50 am November 2 No School—Conferences November 9 5th Grade Band Night at Hill M.S. 6:30 pm November 9 PTA Dinner at Wendy’s November 11 No School—Veteran’s Day November 18 Reflections Assembly 6:30 pm November 24,25,26 No School—Thanksgiving Break 20 27 * early Game Hour is for 1st—5th Graders and a signed form must be turned in to Mr. Soto. Next PTA Meeting: December 9 2 pm Multi Purpose Room Each Friday wear your Cowlishaw Apparel or the school colors of Blue and Green. Show your School Spirit! 3 N E W S F R OM TH E P T A ~continued from Page 1—Mrs. Howicz The information learned from this research and after listening to a surviving victim share her account, I believe we often either misuse or overuse the word “bullying”. Bullying behavior is a repetitive behavior that has an element of power associated with it. Are students, at times, being disrespectful to each other? Yes, we do observe this happening. One way that we are working on that is through our COOL TOOLS which are taught throughout the school. Since the beginning of the school year, our teachers have repeatedly taught and commented on what it means to show respect to adults and peers within the school setting. In addition, at the end of October, we will begin focusing on Conflict Resolution within our schoolwide COOL TOOL. Many of the challenges we see happening between students is the ability to demonstrate respectful problem solving skills to resolve conflicts. Often, students who have not been shown or taught how to problem solve with respect, resort to using disrespectful language or physically aggressive actions toward others. Is this necessarily bullying behavior? Not always. It could lead to bullying behavior if a power differential is noted; but initially, it often begins with conflicts and the inability to resolve them respectfully. With this information, we continue to ask of your support to talk with your children and encourage them to share with you or a special adult when something “unnerving” occurs in school. Without being informed, we cannot help our children. But please note; the staff at Cowlishaw is working hard at creating a safe environment for your children as well as building on their skills to become respectful and responsible citizens of the world. ~Mary Howicz Special Needs PTA Mark your calendar for November 16. The Special Needs PTA will be hosting our second Resource Fair at Still Middle School. There will be approximately 45 “vendors” in attendance. The list is too long to include everyone here, but if you think of the types of services our families use, you can visualize the crowd. Special Needs attorneys, recreational opportunities, various types of therapists, medical-field professionals, educators, financial advisors… the list goes on. We will have a brief PTA meeting at 6:30, and the resource Fair will begin immediately afterward. I hope Cowlishaw Special needs families take advantage of this great opportunity. It has been suggested to me that families may benefit from sharing of resources together here. So, to get things started, I’m listing a few of my favorite websites. http://www.oneplaceforspecialneeds.com/ This is a clearinghouse of information, services, social opportunities. http://www.autismillinois.org/ The Autism Society of Illinois. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ autismcc/ Autism Community Connection. Sharing of advice and information about local events. http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/ index.htm TACA provides resources, information and support. http://www.autism.com/ Autism Research Institute As I’ve said before, I am an Autism Mom. I encourage (OK--- ask, plead, beg) other Special Needs Parents to contact me to suggest other “Gold Nuggets” to be shared with the rest of our community here. I would love to use our newsletter to pass along information pertinent to other parents. PLEASE feel very free to contact me! ~Karyn Borden kborden@wideopenwest.com 4 N E W S F R OM TH E P T A COWLISHAW VALUE CARDS: The Cowlishaw PTA now offers creditcard-size cards featuring 12 local businesses (such as IHOP, Papa John’s Pizza, DQ, Jimmy John's, Payless Shoes and Sport Clips, to name a few) offering specials and discounts on regular purchases! Get yours now for just $10! Contact Kim Schwenneker at 630-536-8742 or 3msmom@gmail.com. Thank you and congratulations to everyone who participated in the International Walk To School Day event this year! Walkers can be proud of themselves for doing their part to become more familiar with their neighborhoods, reduce noise and air pollution and traffic congestion, and increase their physical activity! Congratulations, walkers!! Visit our Website For the very latest-up-to-date Cowlishaw PTA news……..visit the Cowlishaw website and click on PTA on the left side. http://cowlishaw.ipsd.org/Default.aspx Cowlishaw PTA Members: Watch for your copy of the Cowlishaw Elementary School Directory which will be sent home with your child this month. Dinner at Wendy’s! Thank you and congratulations to everyone who participated in the events supporting Red Ribbon Week 2010! We can all appreciate the emphasis on encouraging the qualities of good character, including trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship and we all enjoyed the fun dress up days and goodies! We're proud of our students who follow the Cowlishaw Rules of Thumb; showing good character and making good choices — every day. Please mark your calendar for Tues. Nov. 9th for a PTA dinner out at the Wendy’s located at 1283 Rickert Dr . Come join your friends from 5-8 p.m. and 15% of the total sales will go directly to the PTA general fund. No flyer is needed just grab your friends and neighbors and come on by! The PTA is really in need of money to keep funding educational programs, fieldtrips, and classroom initiatives. Coming out to dinner will help raise funds to support the PTA and make these programs possible. Thanks and see you on the 9th! 5 N E W S F R OM TH E P T A HolIday Shop Saturday December 11th 10am—2pm Your students are invited to holiday shop in a fun environment! Save the date! Volunteers are needed to assisting the day of our holiday shop. This event allows students to purchase gifts for friends and family at a very reasonable cost. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Dana Jacobson (630/548-3005) creativedana@yahoo.com and Jessica at jsmom002@yahoo.com (630/579-1715). The following are the volunteer shifts available, but feel free to volunteer for more than one! 1) Friday December 10 4-6 pm 2) Saturday December 11 9:30 am- 12:00 pm 3) Saturday December 11 12:00-3:00 pm 6 N E W S F R OM TH E P T A NEWS FROM THE LMC Birthday Book Club 2010—2011 Great start! Our Birthday Book Club 2010-2011 continues to be very successful. As of October 21st we added 14 students and 2 staff members to our club. We wish all Cowlishaw students and teachers who are celebrating their birthday a happy day! If you are visiting our school, please stop by to see our special Cowlishaw's Birthday Book Club bulletin board. It is never too late to participate in this program. Forms are available in the LMC or you may get the form online @ http://cowlishaw.ipsd.org/uploads/Cowlishaw%20BBC%20form%202010-2011.pdf Sarah H. 3R Killer Whales by Natalie Lunis Clay B. 3G Brian Urlacher by Michael Sandler Christian Vasquez S. 1H Ladybugs by Martha E. H. Rustad Christopher J. 3R Miss Laney is Zany by Dan Gutman Nyah W. 3R Miss Mary is Scary by Dan Gutman Mrs. Rebstock 4th Grade Teacher Diamond Willow by Helen Frost Michaela H. 3G Keena Ford and the Field Trip Mix Up by Melissa Thompson Varsha M. 2HO Kung Fu Panda by Susan Korman Mr. Klein 5th Grade Teacher The Alchemyst by Michael Scott Rohan V. 2HO Fly Guy Meets fly Girl by Tedd Arnold Spence V. 3L Shredderman: Secret Identity by W. Van Drannen Paige H. KSW If you Give a Cat a Cupcake by Laura Numeroff Huzefa T. 4S They Red Pyramid by Rick Riordin Ujjawal A. KW You are the First Kid on Mars by Patrick O’Brien Olivia T. 2MB Gabriella the Snow Kingdom Fairy by D. Meadows Isabella G. KR Clifford the Champion by Norman Bridwell BOOK FAIR THANK YOU! Our first Book Fair this year was a great success thanks to all of the wonderful and dedicated volunteers who were able to help us during the book fair. We couldn’t have done it without all of you! We would like to add a special note of thanks to Mrs. Verma for her extra effort in organizing and scheduling the book fair volunteers. Proceeds from the Book Fair are used to purchase books, audio books (Playaways), Accelerated Reader quizzes, and software for the LMC. THANK YOU again! ….. LMC Staff Thank you to all of the book fair volunteers: Mona Verma Jen Phelan Amy Wittersheim Bianca Ballard Jeiifer Billadeau Vicky Khairalah Jeane Kern Michelle Baker Anette Dunfee Sanjila Dhar Kim Schwenneker Monica Houston Ellen Dube Karpaggam Avidalappan Lakshmipriya Sukumar Jill Toole Danielle Thurmon Barkha Sharma Mirmala Chandrasekharan Sheila Aquino Mariah Shafer Dana Jacobson Vaishali Shah Usha suresh Stephanie Dawson 7 N E W S F R OM TH E P T A NEWS FROM THE LMC Cowlishaw Parent Library The Cowlishaw LMC offers thousands of books for children, but did you know there are hundreds of Parenting Resource books available to you? Do you ever feel like you need a second opinion on something or need guidance on how to explain something to your child? Why purchase a book or drive to the Public Library when you can get what you need right here in Cowlishaw’s LMC? There are books on almost every parenting topic you can imagine. The resource library is for you, the parent, and offers diverse choices. Maybe you are in the mood for casual reading or need help on a specific topic. Whatever the case, the book is probably here. Some of the topics include, but are not limited to: Discipline, Allergies, 100 Best Books for Children, 100 Best Movies for Families, Autism, Cyber-Safe Kids, Down Syndrome, Self-Esteem, Gifted Kids, Bullies, Nerds, Divorce, Homework Talk, Siblings, ADD, Growing and Developing Bodies, Bright Minds; Poor Grades, Speech and Language, and Cliques. There are two easy and confidential check-out options: 1. You can visit the library, Monday - Friday from 8:30 3:15 and search by title and/or topic. See either Mrs. Chmielecki or Mrs. Wright for check-out procedures. 2. Visit Cowlishaw Elementary’s website at http:// cowlishaw.ipsd.org/Default.aspx, go to Web Resources, For Parents and click on Parent Library by Title OR Parent Library by Call Number. After you decide on your selection, call Mrs. Chmielecki at 630-428-6109, or send her an e-mail at marzenna_chmielecki@ipsd.org and let her know what book(s) you would like to check-out and she will send the books home with your child in a sealed envelope. You can return the books in person or send them back to school with your child. Come in and look through the books...you will be amazed with the selection. The LMC staff is always on the lookout for a new book, so if there is a book you would like to see in the Parent Resource Library please feel free to call or send us an e-mail. Accelerated Reader News We are extremely proud to announce that we have 197 students in grades 3-5 who have met their AR goals in the 1st quarter. The AR points were based on student’s reading level, daily minutes each grade should read and on the number of weeks students attended school in the 1st quarter. Each student’s picture was taken and displayed on Accelerated Reader Wanted bulletin board in the LMC. Also, every student received a small prize as recognition for a great job. The 2nd quarter will end on Thursday, January 13, 2011. Congratulations and keep on reading! 3G Nandini, Sanchali, Clay, Grace, Xavier, Colin, Aaliya, Olivia, Ahmad, Arartik, Annie, Ethan, Demari, Abigail 3K Edna, Marvin, Julianne, Eleanor, Joshua, Daniel, Kristan, Yash, Jordan 3L Hope, Michael, Surya, Sydnee, Nina, Jordan, Arsalan, Rachel, Maille, Serenity, Feina, Erik, Cora, Kushal, Diya, Ladarious, Sahana, Ethan, Arnell, Spence, Nicholas, Darien, Kyle 3R Amin, Hamza, Julia, Jordyn, Juan, Heinrich, Amita, Christopher, Jamie, Rowan, Dhruv, Nithi, Anand 4H Darla, Conno,r Alex, Savannah, Neha 4M Sabbie, Amrith, Mikahla, Kellie, Cayley, Abigail, Adrian, Romaana, Soham, Alexander, Beatriz, Rylee 4R Aayush, Hadi, Arturo Ananya, Varshney, Kevin, Amogh, Amaar 4S Ben, Niya, Jeramiah, Abigail, Everett, LaJanae, Nicholas, Trissha, Eric, Kyle, Matthew, D Uriel, Michelle, Racheal, Isabella, Kody, Ellen, Matthew S. Sadie, Svanik, Huzefa, Mariah, Imarius, Ryan, Jessica 5G Omlara, Pooja, Shiksha, Trinitee, Eshan, Aura, William, Luke, Rafay, Harish, Cameron, Mya, Timothy, Leslie, Michael, Malik, Anirudh, Savan, Hannah, Diksha, Mildrena, Christian, Dylan, Nikita, Xavier, Abigail, Mitchell, Kendall 5JK Rohan, Varun, Daniel, Connie, Megan, Erla, Jada, Maxim, Nicholas, Samantha, Minh-Anh, Thomas, Ethan, Margaret, Jonathan, Dean, Harish, Kayla, Oliver, Sophia, Shruthi, Jayson, Sneha, Nisa 5RK Pranav, Melissa, Aditya, Zarina, Rohan, Vasuduhasri, Martin, Jeremy, Lauren, Rokas, Abshar, Tariq, Devansh, Megh, Liam, Kaylin, Elida 5W Carolina, Hari, Alper, Surina, Emily, Jacob, Saloni, Spoorthi, Kevin, Angelica, Jeremy, Brianna O., Alyssa, Rahul, Anchit, Cameron, Brianna S., Robert 8 N E W S F R OM TH E P T A Get Pies! 5th grade Farewell Fundraiser Give Pies! Bakers Square Sweet Returns Cards Available for purchase from the 5th Grade Farewell Committee throughout November & December The 5th Grade Farewell committee will be selling Bakers Square Sweet Returns Cards throughout the months of November and December to help raise funds for the 5 th Grade Farewell class gift. The cards are $13 each and have “No Expiration” date! The Sweet Returns cards can be used for one whole FruitabulousTM, Silk or Classic Pie at Bakers Square. Pies not included in these categories have an additional small up-charge of approximately $2 at time of pie purchase with the Sweet Returns card (with the exception of cheesecake & carrot cake). Use the Sweet Returns Cards to get pies for upcoming holidays & family gatherings or to give pies as teacher gifts & holiday gifts. You can purchase them now and save them to use for future holidays and end of the year teacher gifts. Better yet, treat yourself! You may order your Bakers Square Sweet Returns Cards by printing out the order form on the right. Thank you for your support. We will receive about 30% of our total Bakers Square Sweet Returns card sales which will be used toward the purchase of the 5th grade Farewell Class Gift. Bakers Square Sweet Returns Card Order Form Sweet Returns cards are $13 each Please make checks payable to: Cowlishaw PTA (no cash) Name: _________________________ Phone: _________________________ Email: _____________________ Order amount due: _____________ Please send in the order form along with your check to school in an envelope marked “5th Grade Farewell – Bakers Square Fundraiser” Your Bakers Square Sweet Returns Cards can be sent home with your child via Backpack Mail or you may pick them up before or after school at my house 2519 Blakely Lane, Naperville. Thanks ~ Jeanne Kern 5th Grade Farewell Chairperson # of Sweet Returns cards ordered:________ Marked box at left indicates Bakers Square Sweet Returns Cards should be sent home by Backpack Mail. I will take full responsibility. Marked box at left indicates Bakers Square Sweet Returns Cards will be PICKED UP at 2519 Blakely Lane before or after school by you. Questions? Jeanne Kern 630-778-1811 or JPKFamily@wowway.com N E W S F R OM TH E P T A 9 N E W S F R OM TH E P T A 10