October 24, 2014 Issue
October 24, 2014 Issue
25¢ TIDE TABLE RESTAURANTS The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area OCTOBER 24 – NOVEMBER 6, 2014 © 2014, Snook Publications P O Box 617, Everglades City, FL, 34139 HALLOWEEN TRICK OR TREAT Everglades City annual Trick or Treat Community Party will be held on Friday, October 31, at McLeod Park. Schedule of Events Trick-or-Treat around town 5 - 8 pm Hot Dogs & Cookout 6 - 8 pm Water Balloon Party 8 - 9 pm Be sure to decorate your homes and have your treats ready for the little goblins! Come join the fun at the McLeod Park! Haunt on Allen Ave “Visions of Gothic Terror” Freddy’s and Amanda’s House 207 Allen Avenue Kiddie Pumpkin Patch 5 - 8 pm Haunted Walk 7:30 pm – till ??? Haunted Walk is free but please bring a can of wet dog or cat food (donations will go to Naples Humane Society and “Haunt on Allen Avenue” will match all donations). CONTENTS Calendar p. 2 Gulf Coast p. 8 Events p. 3 Book Review p. 9 School p. 5 Museum p. 9 Taxing p. 7 Savannah p. 9 Recipe p. 7 Florida Tales p.10 Health p. 7 Sheriff’s Report p.10 Fishing p. 8 Obituaries p.11 TIDES & RESTAURANTS p.11 CLASSIFIED p.12 FEATURE: The Booger Man, p.10 email: mulletrapper@gmail.com Volume VIII z Issue #222 EVERGLADES SEAFOOD DEPOT The Everglades Seafood Depot Restaurant recently closed its doors and is now for sale. This Spanish-style stucco building (an excellent example of early Florida architecture) first opened in June 1928 and served as the old Everglades railway depot and a terminus for the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, the original owner of the building. The station master had living quarters on the second floor and a number of rail workers cottages were dotted along Collier Avenue. Construction for the railroad was parallel to the building along Route 29 from Everglades to Immokalee, where it continued to Plant City. Originally, the land only included 225 feet of the Collier Avenue and Lake Placid frontage. After more than 30 years of service to Everglades City, the ACL gave up rail service and the depot passed into private hands. Eventually, the property was deeded to the University of Miami, with the hope of being used for a marine laboratory. Just before Hurricane Donna hit in 1960, the depot was dressed up to resemble the first Miami railroad station for the Budd Schulberg movie "Wind Across the Everglades.” Some of the stars from the movie that came to the depot were Peter Faulk, Christopher Plummer and Burl Ives. Since that time, the depot has housed other restaurants. Originally, it was called the Old Station Restaurant. Later, it was part of the Captain’s Table Hotel complex until it was purchased separately in 1993. The Potter family of Chokoloskee bought the restaurant in 1997 and re-named it the Everglades Seafood Depot. After decades of great service and food, the Seafood Depot closed. The community would like to express its appreciation to Billy, Crystal and the Potters for all their contributions over the years in helping so many organizations and school functions. Their catering service was extraordinary and they were wonderful hosts to many fishing tournaments, graduation and birthday parties, banquets, wedding celebrations, city functions, museum luncheons, sports events, Christmas parties, Chamber meetings, State Park dinners; too many to mention them all. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We hope the new owners will be able to continue the tradition of maintaining the historic character of the building and be of service to the Everglades community as the Potters have so graciously been over the years! x x x PAGE 1 x x x www.evergladesmulletrapper.com What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area The MULLET RAPPER OCTOBER 24, 2014 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2014 SUN MON TUES WED 19 20 21 22 Hour of Prayer Little Gator Clinic Ladies Coffee Early Voting RAPPER 24 Early Voting Sweet Mayberry’s Café 8 am see p.3 see p.3 Everglades Community Church, 7 pm THURS { 23 new moon FRI VA Support see p.3 SAT 25 Early Voting Youth Rally Pre-Release Party see p.3 26 27 28 29 30 31 Early Voting Early Voting Early Voting Early Voting Early Voting see p.3 see p.3 see p.3 see p.3 see p.3 Hour of Prayer Little Gator Clinic Ladies Coffee Early Voting Butcher 2015 Calendar Copeland Baptist Church, 7 pm see p.3 NOV 1 Early Voting see p.3 see p.3 Havana Café 8 am Halloween Parties see p.1 2 z full moon 3 4 5 Hour of Prayer ELECTION DAY Ladies Coffee Chokoloskee Church of God, 7 pm FME Meeting Congressional Aide Visit City Council City Seafood 8 am ESHP Mtg City Hall, 8:30 am 6 Everglades Arts Studio Opens see ad p.9 RAPPER 7 Harry Chapin Food Drive see p.5 see p.9 VA Support Art in the Preserve see p.3 see p.9 see p.3 9 10 11 12 OFCD Advisory Meeting 8 Museum Reception 13 14 RAPPER 21 VA Support 15 Ladies Coffee Island Café 8 am see p.3 Hour of Prayer Holy Family Catholic Church 7 pm 16 17 18 19 20 Hour of Prayer Little Gator Clinic Ladies Coffee Everglades Book Club Everglades Community Church 7 pm see p.3 Sweet Mayberry’s Café 8 am Nov 27: Thanksgiving Dec 5: Big Cypress 42th Anniversary Dec 13: Christmas Tree Lighting & Parade Dec 19: Santa Arrives THRIFT SHOP: Tues, Sat, 11 am – 3 pm DR DEMARTINO: TBA LIONS CLUB: 2nd Thurs, 6 pm, Oyster House Restaurant AL-ANON: Thurs, 12 noon, Community Church VA SUPPORT: Alternate Fridays; 10 am, Community Church MUSEUM: Mon – Sat, 9 am to 4 pm CARNESTOWN Recycle and Trash: 2nd Sat, 9 am to 1 pm { 22 new moon see p.3 ESHP Historical Talk see p.3 Dec 6: Swamp Heritage Festival Dec 20: Art-in-the-Glades Dec 13: Fakahatchee Talk Jan 31: Smallwood Music Fest SKATING RINK: Fri, Sat, 7-10 pm LITTLE GATOR CLINIC: Oct 28, Nov 18, 5-7 pm AA: Wed, 5:00 pm, Community Church NA: Sat, 11:30 am, Community Center (Skating Rink) WEIGHT LOSS: Tues, 5 to 6 pm, Community Church SMALLWOOD STORE: Daily, 11 am to 4 pm FOOD PANTRY: Sat, 8:30 to 10:30 am, Community Church SHERIFF AT CITY HALL: 1st Tuesday (4:30-5:30 pm), other Tuesdays (10-11 am) POST OFFICE HOURS: Everglades City 9:30 am to 1 pm and 2 to 4:30 pm; Sat: outside pick-up 3:45 pm; Chokoloskee 9:30 am to 1 pm and 2 to 4:30 pm; Sat: outside pick-up 3:30 pm; Ochopee 8 to 10 am; 12 noon to 4 pm; Sat: Open for service 10 to 11:30 am. SHERIFF: 252-9300 CITY HALL: 695-3781 PUBLIC LIBRARY: 695-2511 AIRPORT: 695-2778 FAKAHATCHEE: 695-4593 BIG CYPRESS: 695-2000 CURBSIDE TRASH PICKUP (FRIDGES, WASHING MACHINES, TVS): 252-2380 email: mulletrapper@gmail.com x x x PAGE 2 x x x CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: 695-3941 EVG NATIONAL PARK: 695-3311 COLLIER COUNTYGOV’T: 252-8999 www.evergladesmulletrapper.com The MULLET RAPPER EARLY VOTING Early voting will be available to all registered voters 9:00 am to 7:00 pm in City Hall from Thursday, October 23, through Saturday, November 1. For information call 252-VOTE or visit website www.colliervotes.com. REGIONAL YOUTH RALLY All youth are invited to attend Regional Youth Rally on Saturday, October 25, at Broadway Church of God, Ft. Myers. Transportation will be provided by local Chokoloskee Church of God. PRE-RELEASE PARTY “Murder on O’Hollow’s Eve and other Short Stories” by Danielle Swisher Camellia Street Grill Saturday, October 25, 6 pm Contact / RSVP 280-8971 or 695-2003 Collier Area Transit (CAT) Proposed Route Modifications CAT will host three public meetings to solicit public input on proposed bus route modifications: •Wed, Oct 29, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Golden Gate Community Ctr, 4701 Golden Gate Parkway in Naples •Thursday, Oct 30, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Mackle Park, 1361 Andalusia Terrace, in Marco Island •Monday, Nov 3, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Immokalee Library, 417 N. First St., in Immokalee Current bus route information, as well as proposed route modifications, can be found on the county’s website at http://colliergov.net/CAT. A copy of the proposed route modifications is also available at 3299 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 103, in Naples from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; or by contacting Trinity Scott at (239) 252-5832 or by emailing trinityscott@colliergov.net. The public comment period will end on Nov. 18. Clyde Butcher 2015 Calendar This beautiful calendar of black and white photographs of Florida is now being offered at a 15% discount only until October 31. To order telephone (941) 486-0811 or visit website online enter coupon code CAL15 http://www.clydebutcher.com/gift/792. email: mulletrapper@gmail.com What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area OCTOBER 24, 2014 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fakahatchee Strand Schedule of Tours RESERVATIONS REQUIRED!!! see www.fofreservation.eventbrite.com Ghost Rider Tram Tour - starts Nov 1 Moonlight Tram Tour - starts Nov 6 Biologist’s Swamp Walk - starts Nov 7 Boardwalk after Dark - starts Nov 7 Tram Tour & Wet Walk - starts Nov 13 Coastal Cruise: two trips December 22 & March 21 CONGRESSIONAL VISIT Enrique Padron, the District Representative for Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, will meet with constituents in City Hall on Tuesday, November 4. For information, phone 348-1620. CITY COUNCIL The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 4, at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall. If you would like to speak during Public Comments, sign up before the meeting. Public Involvement Plan The Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization announced a 45-day public comment period (ending November 17) for the Public Involvement Plan (PIP) Revision which serves as an outline to the public involvement process in regards to MPO planning related activities. It identifies goals, objectives, policies, and the process by which the public will have full access and participation in the planning activities. The document may be viewed at colliermpo.net by going to the “Latest News” on the left side of the screen, then select the link, “45-Day Public Comment Period for the Public Involvement Plan (PIP).” The MPO Board will consider the adoption of the PIP together with comments received at its regular meeting on December 12 at the Board of County Commissioners Chambers (3rd floor of the Collier County Gov’t Ctr in Naples). The meeting starts at 9 a.m. The PIP Revision will also be on display at Everglades City Hall. OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT 10/06/14: 10/07/14: 10/08/14: 10/09/14: 10/10/14: 10/11/14: 10/14/14: 10/15/14: 10/14/14: 10/14/14: 10/15/14: 10/15/14: 10/16/14: 10/16/14: 10/17/14: 10/17/14: 10/17/14: 10/18/14: 10/18/14: 10/18/14: 10/18/14: Vehicle Accident, Copeland Fire Alarm (Mutual Aid), Marco Is Public Assist, US 41 W of POI Emergency Med, Everglades City Vehicle Accident, 65 MM I-75 Emergency Med, Everglades City Emergency Med, Copeland Emergency Med, Everglades City Emergency Med, Port of Islands Structure Fire (Mutual Aid), Marco Structure Fire (Mutual Aid), Marco Boat Rescue, Mud Bay Emergency Med, Everglades City Emergency Medical, Copeland Emergency Medical, 65 MM I-75 Emergency Med, Port of Islands Fire Alarm (Mutual Aid), Marco Is Emergency Med, 45 MM US 41 Vehicle Fire, 63 MM I-75 Plane Crash, Everglades AirPark Vehicle Accident, US 41 & SR 29 The next meeting of the OFCD Advisory Committee will be held on Monday, November 10, at 4 pm at the Fire Chief Office at Everglades City Fire Station, 201 Buckner Avenue in Everglades City. DOCTOR’S CLINIC Dr. Kirk DeMartino’s clinic in Everglades City is closed until later in the fall. Call (239) 642-5552 for appointments in Marco Island. Little Gator Clinic The free walk-in clinic (behind the fire station) for youngsters will be open Tuesday, Oct 28, and Nov 18, from 5 to 7 pm when Dr. Barnard and Kathy will see patients aged 18 and under. There are no drugs but Dr. Barnard can write prescriptions. THRIFT SHOP The Thrift Shop, located behind the Fire Station, is open every Tuesday and Saturday from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. SHELTER FOR ABUSED WOMEN & CHILDREN If you are in an abusive relationship, call the 24-hr crisis line: 775-1101 or TTY (239) 775-4265; the Shelter provides all services free of charge. Visit www.naplesshelter.org for more info. EVERGLADES BOOK CLUB Veterans Support Group Thursday, November 20, 9:30 a.m. Patty Huff’s Home, 207 N. Storter Ave “What Happened to Ochopee” by Jeff Whichello Everyone Welcome ! Meetings are held every other Friday at 10 a.m.: Oct 24, Nov 7 and 21. Veterans and family members of veterans meet at Everglades Community Church. Please join us & thank you for your service! x x x PAGE 3 x x x www.evergladesmulletrapper.com The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area OCTOBER 24, 2014 Daily z Weekly z Monthly Rentals River Wilderness Ì WATERFRONT VILLAS Ì FREE WI-FI - SCREEN PORCH - CANOES SWIMMING POOL - BOAT RAMP - DOCK - OUTDOOR BBQ 210 Collier Ave. Everglades City, FL 34139 239-695-4499 riverwilderness@localline2.com Hardware Unusual Gifts Marine Supplies T‐Shirts Knives – Apparel Tackle ‐ Caps WIN-CAR, INC. TrueValue. Open 6 am 209 N. Collier Ave. Carolyn Thompson and Suzan Griffis Post Office Box 247 (239) 695‐3201 Everglades City, FL 34139 Fax: (239) 659‐3344 Email: wincar209@gmail.com Sweet Mayberry’s Café and Gifts Now Serving Lunch Daily 10:30 to 4:00 Season Hours: Sun thru Thurs 8 am to 5 pm; Fri ‐ Sat 8 am to 9 pm Call Ahead for To‐Go Orders (239) 695‐0092 Dinner on Thursday, Friday, Saturday Gourmet Coffee, Organic Hot Teas, Italian Gelato In the morning we offer a light European Breakfast Triad Seafood Market & Café 10:30 am – 5:00 pm; daily Full Table Service Stone Crabs ● Shrimp ● Conch Crab Cakes ● Homemade Key Lime Pies Orlo & Pam Hilton (239) 695-2662 “On the River behind the School” Copeland’s "Jesse's Lawn Service" 'We Aren't the Biggest, Just the Best & Fairest' We do it all! Call (239) 298-1772 / (239) 450-7364 email KJDeJesus@centurylink.net email: mulletrapper@gmail.com x x x PAGE 4 x x x www.evergladesmulletrapper.com The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area OCTOBER 24, 2014 SCHOOL NEWS Everglades City School phone: 377-9800 www.evg.collierschools.com _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT DATES Tuesday, Oct 28 Distribution of Report Cards Thurs, Oct 30 Financial Aid Information Night Friday, Oct 31 No School / Hurricane Make-up Date Halloween Party – McLeod Park Friday, Nov 7 Harry Chapin Food Drive Letter from the Principal Dear Parents, Students and Community, The first grading period, along with volleyball and cross country seasons have come to a close. This is just a small example of how quickly the school year passes and how we have to take advantage of each and every day. We continue to be proud of the progress our students are making both in the classroom and on the athletic fields. Before we realize it December will be here, along with semester finals, basketball season and winter recess. These are very exciting times for our students, especially our seniors, who are preparing for the walk across the stage in May and the walk into an independent adult life. We want to thank all of the community volunteers who offered their support for the October Harry Chapin Food Drive. We are scheduled to host one more on November 7 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Anyone who is interested is welcome to assist us with distribution. Your help is both needed and appreciated. We would like to give a very special shout out to some of our unsung heroes. Our bus drivers Robin Smallwood, Debbie Hooks, and Jimmy Brewer who get our children to and from school and to all athletic events safely each and every day. We also want to thank our cafeteria workers Carmen Grimaldo and Lorraine Burgess who feed our children breakfast and lunch every school day. It truly takes a village to raise a child! Gratefully yours, Bob Spano, Principal Thanks to Sue Gentry for this photo from the Celebrate Safe Communities Night on October 8 at McLeod Park, featuring Kingston Potter Robinson and his friend Deputy John Neiderhiser. Lots of families came out to enjoy the food, fun and entertainment. Thanks to the Collier County Sheriff’s Office who sponsored this event. A very special THANK YOU from the Everglades Community Center kids to Mitch and Jan House for the new roller skates! SPORTS SCHEDULE Visit website www.evg.collierschools.com/sports for a complete schedule Boys’ and Girls’ Sub-Varsity Cross Country Friday, October 24 VOLLEYBALL HOME GAME Girls’ Varsity Volleyball Thursday, October 23 Championships Everglades City School, 7 pm Everglades Area Youth Soccer Adult Education Classes Everglades City School is now offering classes on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Class times are from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. The purpose of these classes is to teach non-English speakers our English language. For more information, contact Marlene Dimas at 377-9800. Fall session began on Tuesday, October 21, but it’s not too late to join the group! Volunteers Needed Everglades City School is seeking volunteers for the classrooms, media center and general office assistance. If you would like to assist, please contact Angela Nicholson at 377-2852 or 377-9800. Your assistance is both appreciated and needed! email: mulletrapper@gmail.com TBA at Celtics Invitational Saint John Neumann High School x x x PAGE 5 x x x Practice will be on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 at the Community Center. Please bring a water bottle with something to drink. For more information, please call Shannon Snyder at 695-8462. www.evergladesmulletrapper.com The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area OCTOBER 24, 2014 Driftwood Spa and Wellness Massage Therapy and Spa Services Organic skin care Handmade soaps Unique gifts (239) 695-0069 803 Collier Ave Everglades City, FL 34139 Driftwoodspa-Everglades.com email: mulletrapper@gmail.com x x x PAGE 6 x x x www.evergladesmulletrapper.com The MULLET RAPPER TAXING THINGS by Mike, The Tax Guy Self-Employed Fishermen Certain fishermen who work on a fishing boat are considered to be self-employed for purposes of employment and selfemployment taxes. A fisherman is considered self-employed if he meets all of the following conditions: 1. He receives a share of the catch or a share of the proceeds from the sale of the catch. 2. His share depends on the amount of the catch. 3. He receives his share from a boat (or from each boat in the case of a fishing operation involving more than one boat) with an operating crew that is normally made up of fewer than 10 individuals. This requirement is considered to be met if the average number of crew members on trips the boat made during the last 4 calendar quarters was less than 10. 4. He does not get any money for his work (other than his share of the catch or of the proceeds from the sale of the catch), unless the pay meets all of the following conditions. • He does not get more than $100 per trip • He is paid only if there is some minimum catch. • He is paid solely for additional duties (such as for services performed as mate, engineer, or cook) for which additional cash payments are traditional in the fishing industry. Please note these rules may or may not apply to Foreign Crewmembers. A taxpayer qualifies as a fisherman if at least two-thirds of the taxpayer’s total gross income was from fishing. Normally, fishermen who choose not to make quarterly estimated tax payments are not subject to a penalty if they file their returns and pay the full amount of tax due by March 1. Fishermen may request a penalty waiver by submitting Form 2210-F to their tax return. The form can be submitted electronically or on paper. The taxpayer’s name and identifying number should be entered at the top of the form, the waiver box (Part I, Box A) should be checked, and the rest of the form should be left blank. Forms, instructions and other tax assistance are available on IRS.gov. Mike, The Tax Guy, provides income tax services. His phone number is 695-0595. email: mulletrapper@gmail.com What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area OCTOBER 24, 2014 Recipe for Good Eating KALE – SWEET AND SAVORY by Pat Rinkevich Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes INGREDIENTS: 2 tablespoons olive oil ½ medium onion – chopped 3 cloves garlic – minced 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 1 – 1lb bag Nature’s Greens Kale 1/3 cup sliced cranberries Salt and pepper to taste ¼ cup sliced almonds – optional 1 ¼ cups chicken stock (used 2 chicken bouillon cubes with 1 ¼ hot water) In a large stock pot, heat olive oil on medium high heat. Add onion and garlic; sauté until onion softens, stirring often, about 5 minutes. Stir in mustard, sugar, cider vinegar and chicken stock. Bring to a boil on high heat. Add kale, cover, and cook 5 minutes stirring often. Add cranberries and continue cooking on medium heat, stirring often. The liquid should reduce by about half and cranberries will get plump in about 10 minutes. Season with salt & pepper. Sprinkle with almonds, if desired. Serves 4–6. Prepared this recipe without the cranberries. No almonds. Enjoyed it very much. If you have a favorite recipe to share, please email us at mulletrapper@gmail.com. Health, Wellness, and Green Living by Shannon Snyder Pedicures Are Not Just For Fancy Feet Your feet do a lot of serious work every single day. They support the weight of your entire body, they help you get from point A to point B, and they help you perform various physical activities. The average person takes between 8,000 and 10,000 steps each day, which works out to about 115,000 miles over the course of their lifetime. Your feet are an essential part of your healthy lifestyle, yet so many people neglect their foot health. Your Foot Health Matters There are many common foot problems that can occur if you don’t take proper care of your feet. Neglected feet can result in calluses, heel fissures (cracked heel), athlete’s foot, ingrown toenails, or toenail fungus. These can all be painful conditions that will worsen if they are left untreated. One great way to keep your feet looking and feeling good is regular pedicures. As we get older it is sometimes harder to reach our feet, or see what they really look like. Mature feet can need more attention more often than sometimes we are able to give them. Getting a professional pedicure can help with regular maintenance of your feet. Pedicures will make your toes look pretty, but they also help improve the health of your feet. The exfoliation removes the dead skin that can result in bunions or corns. It will also encourage new cell growth. The foot massages that usually accompany a pedicure will also promote circulation in your calves and feet. Pedicures are a great way to keep your feet clean and healthy. It will clean out the gunk trapped behind your nails and protect them from developing into painful infections. Even wearing a little polish on your nails will help protect the nails from splitting or cracking. Most establishments that offer nail services will have products that they can apply during your pedicures to help with fungus, dry and brittle nails, and to help with growth. Finding a Good Pedicurist There are some fundamental things you should consider when you are searching for a good place to get a pedicure. A pedicurist should be accredited, licensed, and make you feel relaxed. The place should look clean and all instruments should be properly sterilized to prevent the spread of bacteria, diseases, or fungus. Make sure to ask for referrals and to do a little online research on the establishment. You can also spend a little time watching other people get a pedicure from the same person. Happy & Healthy Feet When you consider everything your feet do for you, the least you can do is give them a monthly pedicure. It will keep them clean and free from common foot problems. This will also ensure that they remain happy and healthy feet, no matter how much time you spend walking on them. Shannon Snyder lives in Everglades City with her husband Billy, their two sons and their dog Ruby. She is the owner of Driftwood Spa offering massage therapy and spa services. Call Shannon at 695-0069 for an appointment. x x x PAGE 7 x x x www.evergladesmulletrapper.com The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area Living Gulf Coast November Fishing Report Water levels in October have been very high in the backcountry, making fishing difficult at times. This should change as water begins to drop all over the Glades, concentrating snook and redfish. Trout fishing around the oyster bars in the backcountry has been great and should remain that way all through November. Out on the Gulf Captain Mike Merritt has caught lots of nice snook and redfish. Some of these fish are caught on bait and others on artificial lures. Cold fronts will start to move cobia, mackerel and jacks into our area. While fishing the grass flats out on the edge of the Gulf, it is not uncommon to pick up mackerel or even a pompano. If the weather is calm, ride up and down the crab floats and look for tripletail. Traditionally, November is a top redfish period. Outside oyster bars and creeks should hold schools of slot-size fish. In short, November is a great month to fish here. Capt. Bill Lindsay lives in Chokoloskee and has been fishing in the Everglades National Park for over 35 years. In 1992 he was Master Angler of the MET Tournament. Capt. Lindsay’s telephone number is (239) 695-0314. Clyde Butcher’s Big Cypress Gallery Clyde has a lot of events this 2014/15 season: swamp walks on Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays; for a private walk call 695-2428. Plan your visit for this 2014/15 season. Reservations and information may be found online at http://www.clydebutchersbigcypressgallery.com. For a complete list of events, museum openings, book signings, and lectures visit http://www.clydebutcher.com/events-exhibits. Loop Road Excursion If you’re headed west to Everglades City or east towards Miami along the Tamiami Trail (US41), you might want to take a drive on Loop Road, part of the Big Cypress National Preserve and is considered its best scenic drive. Expect to experience a true Florida wilderness with lots of wildlife, dense vegetation, a beautiful cypress swamp, and much more. From Miami, just past Shark Valley and the Miccosukee Indian Reservation, you’ll hit “40-Mile Bend” (“40 miles” from Miami and a “bend” in the Trail). Take a left onto Loop Road. For 24 miles you will be traveling first on a paved then a gravelsurface road. Approximately seven miles into your journey, you’ll come to a small town known as Pinecrest, the center of operations during road construction in the 1920s. At its peak in the 1930s, Pinecrest once had a population of nearly 400. It is here, some say, the infamous gangster Al Capone had a home, hotel, and brothel. There was also the “Gator Hook Lodge,” a rough and rowdy bar and dance club until the 1970s. In later years, it was also known for the fiddle-player Ervin Rouse who was famous for writing the musical hit “The Orange Blossom Special.” Continue another 16 miles through backwoods to historic Monroe Station (one of Collier’s original patrol stations where “mounties” on motorbikes would assist travelers while their wives sold gas and sandwiches). This is the western terminus of Loop Road (just 17 miles from Everglades City). Visit http://www.nps.gov/bicy/planyourvisit/upload/BICYLoop-Road-Scenic-Road-FINAL-2.pdf for a map and detailed information about Loop Road Scenic Drive through Big Cypress. email: mulletrapper@gmail.com OCTOBER 24, 2014 by Charles Sobczak Southern Stingray (Dasyatis americana) Other names: stingray, whip stingray / Status: FL=stable, IUCN=DD / Life span: to 15 years / Length: 3-5 ft across (.91-1.5 m) / Weight: 20-50 lb (9-22 kg); Florida record: n/a, IGFA: vacant, but known to grow to 214 lb / Found: In all inshore and offshore waters of Southwest Florida. Although fatalities are extremely rare, the poisonous barbs of stingrays have been known to kill people. The most famous incident was the untimely death of Australian crocodile hunter Steve Irwin, who was stabbed by a stingray while filming on the Great Barrier Reef. Irwin made the fatal mistake of pulling the barb out, leaving a hole where it had pierced his heart. A similar incident occurred in Florida in 2006 when an 81-year-old man was stung in the chest by a stingray. The medics left the barb in until it was later removed from his heart by surgeons. The victim survived. The stingray is normally docile and will flee almost any disturbance. In the Cayman Islands, as well as Antigua, several dive sites are designated for swimming with stingrays. Exercise caution when encountering these cartilaginous relatives of the shark, as larger members of this species have been known to be aggressive, and the barbed tail is a formidable weapon. Although most stingrays found in and around southwest Florida are less than 50 pounds, the stingray can grow to be seven feet across and weigh more than 200 pounds. Every spring and summer children and adults are “stung” by stingrays all along the gulf coast. The warm gulf waters bring mating rays into the shallows along the beaches where the unsuspecting victim may step on one. The best method of avoiding this painful mistake is by shuffling your feet as you enter and leave the water. Getting stabbed by a stingray is extremely painful. It has been compared with having a hot andiron stuck into your foot or leg. Immediate treatment includes application of near-scalding water, which eases the pain by denaturing the complex venom protein covering the barb. Immediate medical attention should follow since the wound needs to be thoroughly cleaned to prevent infection. Further exploration of the injury is often needed to remove any embedded barb fragments. If you or someone you are with is injured by a stingray, get to a clinic or hospital immediately. Do not attempt to remove the barb, which generally breaks off at impact, as it may have penetrated a large vein or artery. The stingray is a bottom feeder, consuming crustaceans, mollusks, and annelids such as tube worms. Young stingrays are born live and are heavily preyed upon by larger fish such as snook and tarpon. Adult stingrays are a favorite food for the larger sharks, including bulls, lemons, and hammerheads. Stingray meat is consumed in Singapore and Malaysia, where it is barbecued. It is also eaten in Iceland, where it is pickled. Although not authenticated, stingray wings are said to be an illegal substitute for scallops at some restaurants. The texture and flavor of the meat are very similar to shark meat. This article is from Living Gulf Coast – A Nature Guide to Southwest Florida. Charles Sobczak lives and writes on Sanibel Island. Visit www.indigopress.net. x x x PAGE 8 x x x www.evergladesmulletrapper.com The MULLET RAPPER Off the Shelf Book Review Florida Fiction Theodore Pratt by Marya Repko We've all heard of The Barefoot Mailman who walked along the east coast Florida beach with Post Office deliveries in the early 1900s but author Theodore Pratt wrote more novels portraying Florida's early times and development. I've just read The Big Bubble about an architect who goes to Palm Beach and decides Flagler's cottage-style hotels in yellow-painted wood just aren't right for the area. The gargantuan hero designs a club in the Spanish style for a wealthy entrepreneur and becomes a huge success with the snow-bird social set who ask him to build little "cottages" for them on the shore, maybe with 40 rooms or more. The theme reminds me of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead which was published in 1943, almost ten years before Pratt wrote this book. His central figure also has no doubt that his visions are right and is not afraid to insult potential clients. However, Pratt was also interested in male/female relationships and there is quite a bit of romance tied up in the story. He was widely travelled before settling in Florida and wrote a number of novels, not all related to Florida. Some of Pratt's books are available at Collier County Public Library on request for delivery to Everglades City. MUSEUM OF THE EVERGLADES 105 West Broadway, Everglades City OPEN: Monday – Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (239) 695-0008 www.evergladesmuseum.org Opening November 6 What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area OCTOBER 24, 2014 MUSEUM of the Everglades Pauline Reeves Gallery Bruce Hitchcock’s exhibit “Portraits of Paradise” will continue through the end of October. In November the Museum will host “Through the Eyes of Locals,” an exhibit by local photographers Helen Bryan, Kathy Daniels, and Tommy Owen (his photo is shown on the left). Join us as we explore the unique Everglades landscape through the lens of three longtime area resident artists as we enjoy their view of the place they call home, its people and the amazing sunsets that should not be missed. The artists’ reception, hosted by the Friends of the Museum of the Everglades, will be held Saturday, November 8, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Pauline Reeves Gallery. A very special thank you to Mary Margaret Gruszka from the Collier County Museums in Naples. She has been the Volunteer Coordinator for many, many years and was gracious enough to come to the Museum of the Everglades to assist. Mary Margaret is always welcome here and we appreciate her enthusiasm for our Museum. The Museum is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and located at 105 W. Broadway. Come visit! From Savannah’s Eyes It’s almost Halloween which means that Thanksgiving is just around the corner (aka we get to eat a lot of food - my favorite past time)! I’m still debating on what I’m going to be this year; in the past I’ve been all the Disney Princesses, a flapper girl, Strawberry Shortcake, a witch, and Alice in Wonderland. But this year I was thinking about being either a superhero or something to do with Star Wars since I’ve never been anything from either of these categories. Also, I can’t wait to wear my costume to the school’s Halloween dance that the student government is organizing this year! It’s called “Hallowbash 2014” (I helped come up with the name), and it’s going to be held in the Cafeteria on October 30; I am so pumped for it! I’ll tell how it went in one of my next articles! Volleyball season is ending. I am so upset because I wish it would last the whole year; unfortunately, all good things come to an end. I’m just glad that I got to spend my last seven years playing volleyball with my team. And now after Districts, it’s on to cheerleading and then softball. As some of you already know, a few weeks ago we lost a beautiful, strong woman to the ugly disease cancer. Stacia Ferguson was one of the best, sweetest, and honest of all the people that I’ve ever met in my life. She was always there when you needed help and didn’t ask for anything in return. I remember when I had her Agra-science class at school; I would help her with the Coca Cola rewards thing by reading the codes inside the caps out loud to her while she typed them into the computer. I always looked forward to her class because she was an outstanding teacher and person. When she took a year off of teaching to get better, she would always write me a message on Facebook to see how I was doing and I would go visit her and bring her flowers. I loved her big happy smile that she would always have on her face, no matter what. She will forever be in my heart and will be truly missed by many. And now, she’s an angel in Heaven watching over all of us. Can’t wait for the dance and for the tournament! Love, Savannah Savannah Oglesby is 17 years old and a senior at Everglades City School. Everglades Arts Varick Niles Studio 110 Camellia Street “GLADES IMAGES” by Varick Niles Oils, watercolors & acrylics Thursdays & Fridays, 11a.m - 4 p.m. www.varickniles.com (239) 261-9592 email: mulletrapper@gmail.com Art in the Preserve Fakahatchee Strand The first of two “En Plein Air” sketching and painting session this winter will be held from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday, November 8; the second on January 10. Places are limited and reservations are required. Phone Karen at 695-2886 or email lizardart@gmail.com for more information. x x x PAGE 9 x x x www.evergladesmulletrapper.com The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area Florida Tales “The Booger Man” verses “Mister Bear” "Did your child miss school today"? by Chester Keene Back before there were school resource officers in the schools, the Collier County Sheriff's Office had one. Later on, the Naples Police Department employed Don Harris who was a former Deputy and also worked with juveniles. Deputy Rogers was known to all the school kids and they tried to stay on his good side. He was also the deputy that was in juvenile court for whom Judge Richard Stanley presided. Any infractions regardless of what they were; if you had a driver license in his court you didn't leave with one. That was if you were the defendant, no matter what. He was a fair and great Judge. Now Mr. Rogers, as he was known, struck fear into the ones that got into trouble at school or on school property and elsewhere. His retention rate on would be school skippers was very good. He had a yearbook from the high school of all the students’ pictures. He sometime referred to it for reason of identification when others were involved and names were not known. Lots of the kids had street names, but they were in the book if they went to school. One incident that happened was told to me by a girl that skipped school, thinking who will know? She got home and was in the kitchen and her mother asked "how was school today?” Before she could reply to her mother, Mr. Rogers showed up in the neighborhood and knocked on her door. She saw him at the driveway and it scared her so bad she fainted. After she recovered she asked Deputy Rogers "what are you going to do with me?” He looked at her mother with a smile and said "I think you learned your lesson; don't do it again." She was a perfect student until she finished school. Deputy John Rogers was known to all as Major John. Chester Keene is a retired law enforcement officer and Florida native. He retains the copyright to this article. SHERIFF’S REPORT On October 6 a burglary to a residence on Egret Lane was reported. Upon arrival and investigation a suspect was identified and charged. Sometime between October 7 and the 9th an outboard boat motor was removed from the rear of a boat located on Harmon Terrace. The outboard motor is described as a 1996 Mercury 200 HP 2.5L which is black in color. The owner of this motor also installed a flush mounted stern light directly underneath the cowling on the right side. Remember you can make a difference by always reporting and suspicious activity immediately to the Collier County Sheriff’s Office at 252-9300 or in an emergency by dialing 911. PLANE CRASH On October 18 a small Piper aircraft crashed during an attempt to land at the Everglades Airpark. The pilot (only occupant) was not injured. Photo by Helen Bryan email: mulletrapper@gmail.com OCTOBER 24, 2014 by Gerald Colson Well, there is a strange phenomenon going on in what used to be known as a sleepy, little community, Copeland (Lee Tide Water Cypress). Copeland is a small ex-logging village tucked away in the swamps of the Everglades. In the past, attitudes were reserved and kinda laid back. But, recently a new twist has sprung up, leaving the folks of this small community in awe. Not just in awe, but some are downright mad and have a darn good reason to be. It seems when the sun goes down, two mischievous characters come out to wreak havoc. One is a bear who loves to dine out in the evenings, turning over the large, green county garbage cans, and scattering its contents all about the neighborhood. If you happened to drive through early the next morning after he has had a good night, the streets look like a war zone. Garbage will be scattered from one end of the streets to the next. He particularly likes the little Churches garbage. Everyone knows precisely at what time he has started his mischievous rendezvous because any one that owns a canine (hound dog) will be alerted by the constant howling. I myself have seen this culprit and let me tell you, the rascal is pretty healthy. This bear has found a gold mine and, believe me, I don't think he plans on leaving anytime soon. The bear’s objective in all this is to survive. Now, for the second mischievous character. He is known as “The Booger Man”. No one knows for sure his real identity but several feel they have a good idea of who he is. “The Booger Man” also comes out when the sun goes down. His M.O. is to take anything that is not nailed down. Some of his prize items are, guns, bicycles, tools, televisions, lawn mowers n weed eaters, hence we have to consider some of the bicycles as being borrowed as he has returned a few of them when no one is looking. Here is where “The Booger Man” and “Mister Bear” have a big factor in common. Another select item for the “Booger Man,” as for “Mr. Bear,” is food. He has been known to come into a person’s residence while he or she is not at home and help himself to a nice, sit down country meal. For sure it’s not the bear as he would not be as tidy as “The Booger Man.” Not that he does dishes when he is through. A freezer on the back porch? Look out!!! He will take fish, dear meat, gator tail, frog legs, or anything he feels he can sell on the black market (“The Dopeland Market”). “The Booger Man's” objective in all this is to survive and get high. My thought is, how is it that these two do not collide? Maybe they have. They work the same hours, in the same small area. Could it be these two are in cahoots? For sure their paths have crossed at one time or another. If “The Booger Man” is running with a sack full of snook and comes upon the bear, I am sure that he will surrender the smelly fish to Mr. Bear rather than fight. If “The Booger Man” bumps into “Mr. Bear” pushing a shiny lawn mower, will he try to wrestle the mower away from “Mr. Bear?” This one I doubt. Their sleeping quarters? Could it be that they bunk side by side? Mosquitoes fear no one so I am sure they are not prejudiced as to whose plasma they are feeding on. No one knows for sure who “The Booger Man” is so no one knows for sure where he resides. I am not trying to make light of a very serious situation. I am merely trying to give some of the facts as told to me in hopes that both problems might soon be resolved. This story has some fiction and some facts. You decide!!! Jerry Colson (Braman) grew up in the Everglades area from 19481968 at which time he joined the service; afterwards, he returned home and now resides in Copeland/AKA Lee Tidewater Cypress FL. x x x PAGE 10 x x x www.evergladesmulletrapper.com The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area OBITUARIES RESTAURANTS Angler’s Cove, Port of the Islands (239-642-1025): 11:30 am – 9 pm; Tues-Sunday Closed Monday Camellia Street Grill (695-2003): 12 noon – 9:00 pm; daily City Seafood (695-4700): 6:00 am – 6:00 pm; daily Glades Haven Deli (695-2091): 6:00 am – 9:00 pm; daily (Marina: 6 am - 4 pm; daily) Havana Café (695-2214): 7:00 am to 3:00 pm; Sun thru Wed 7:00 am to 8:00 pm; Thurs-Fri-Sat Island Café (695-0003): 6:00 am – 9:00 pm; daily Ivey House (695-3299): 6:30 – 9:30 am; daily Joanie’s Blue Crab Café (695-2682): 11:00 am – 5:00 pm; Wed thru Mon Lucky’s Loop Rd Outpost (695-2550): 12 noon – 6:00 pm; Sat-Sun Oyster House Restaurant (695-2073): 11:00 am – 9 pm; Sun thru Thurs 11:00 am – 10:00 pm; Fri, Sat Rod & Gun (695-2101): 11:30 am - 9:00 pm; daily Subway at Gator Express (695-3937): 7:00 am – 7:00 pm; daily Sweet Mayberry’s Café (695-0092): 8:00 am – 5:00 pm; Sun thru Thurs 8:00 am – 9:00 pm; Fri, Sat Triad Seafood (695-2662): 10:30 am – 5:00 pm; daily Right Choice Supermarket (695-4535): 9:00 am – 7:00 pm; daily Grimm’s Stone Crab (695-3222): 8:00 am – 6:00 pm, Mon-Sat Loco’s Fresh Produce: (239-462-7050) (next to the ECity Post Office) 7:00 am – 4:00 pm; Thurs thru Sun SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES Chokoloskee Church of God 10 am Sunday School 11 am Sun Worship Copeland Baptist Church 10 am Sunday School 11 am Sun Worship Everglades Community Church 11 am Sunday Worship Everglades First Baptist Church 9:45 am Sunday School 11 am Worship St. Finbarr Catholic Church 8 am (Spanish) and 10 am Mass San Marco Catholic Church 8 am and 10:30 am, 6 pm Sunday Mass email: mulletrapper@gmail.com OCTOBER 24, 2014 Another beautiful Chokoloskee sunset captured by Helen Bryan TIDES FOR BARRON RIVER Lat: 25.87ºN Long: 81.37ºW http://TIDESANDCURRENTS.NOAA.GOV 10/24 10/24 10/24 10/24 10/25 10/25 10/25 10/25 10/26 10/26 10/26 10/26 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/28 10/28 10/28 10/28 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/31 10/31 10/31 10/31 11/01 11/01 11/01 11/01 11/02 11/02 11/02 11/02 11/03 11/03 11/03 11/03 11/04 11/04 11/04 11/05 11/05 11/05 11/05 11/06 11/06 11/06 11/06 11/07 11/07 11/07 Fri Fri Fri Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Mon Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Tue Wed Wed Wed Wed Thu Thu Thu Thu Fri Fri Fri Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Mon Mon Mon Mon Tue Tue Tue Wed Wed Wed Wed Thu Thu Thu Thu Fri Fri Fri 02:49am 10:43am 04:01pm 10:47pm 03:10am 11:22am 04:43pm 11:20pm 03:32am 12:03pm 05:31pm 11:55pm 04:02am 12:47pm 06:28pm 12:35am 04:40am 01:38pm 07:30pm 01:26am 05:31am 02:36pm 08:35pm 02:39am 06:46am 03:43pm 09:38pm 04:10am 08:49am 04:51pm 10:37pm 05:28am 10:28am 05:55pm 11:29pm 05:32am 10:47am 05:52pm 11:13pm 06:28am 11:53am 06:44pm 11:51pm 07:19am 12:49pm 07:33pm 12:26am 08:07am 01:37pm 08:19pm 01:00am 08:53am 02:22pm 09:03pm 01:34am 09:38am 03:06pm 3.2 0.0 2.9 0.7 3.3 -0.1 2.9 0.8 3.3 -0.1 2.8 0.9 3.3 -0.1 2.7 0.9 3.2 0.0 2.6 1.0 3.0 0.1 2.5 1.0 2.8 0.2 2.6 1.0 2.7 0.3 2.6 0.8 2.7 0.3 2.8 0.6 2.8 0.4 2.9 0.3 2.9 0.5 3.1 0.1 3.0 0.5 3.3 -0.1 3.0 0.6 3.4 -0.2 2.9 0.7 3.4 -0.3 2.9 x x x PAGE 11 x x x H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H Jo Ludford, of Barrington, IL, and Chokoloskee passed away on October 9 with her loving family by her side. Jo had multiple talents and skills; in addition to working as the CEO of REL Graphics for over 20 years, she sang in the choir at the Everglades Community Church and was very proud to have been a majorette for the Ashland Tomcats, leading the Inaugural Parade for President Truman as the lead majorette. Jo loved gardening, fishing, cooking, spending time with her grandchildren and she was an avid Chicago Bears fan. Jo is survived by her loving children, Rebecca (Daniel) Nance, Roberta (Joseph) Priser, Trey (Colleen) Ludford, Joseph Bianchi, Maria (Mark) Gabryszewski, John Bianchi, Liz (John) Raviolo, Michelle (Steve) Naggatz; 45 grandchildren and great-grandchildren and sister Carol (Jorge) Topete. Funeral services were held on October 15 at Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, IL, with burial at Motrose Cemetery in Chicago. To express condolences, visit www.davenportfamily.com. Jean S. Wagner, age 80, of Bloomington, MN, passed away on August 24. She and her husband Don were well-known winter residents in Everglades City until Jean’s health prevented them from traveling south. Don helped organize the daily tennis matches for many years while Jean hosted weekly bridge games. Both Jean and Don enjoyed entertaining visitors, especially for Saturday game nights. Jean was preceded in death by her parents Emil & Helen Bohne, and sisters Virginia and Elizabeth. Survived by husband Don; sons Jeff (Gloria) and Matt; granddaughter Brooke; nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Jean was a kind, loving and forgiving soul who, because of CMT (CharcotMarie-Tooth disease), spent her final years in a wheelchair, never complaining. Memorial services were held at Oak Grove Presbyterian Church in Bloomington. Jean requested no somber attire as she wanted everyone to be happy. Memorials preferred to Oak Grove Presbyterian Church or donor's favorite charity. www.evergladesmulletrapper.com The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area SNOOK CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: Jacuzzi, 2-seater, used but never used; it costs $4,995; get in now for $495. Call 695-0611 for more information. ------------------------------------------------FOR SALE: Waterfront 3 BR/2 BA mobile home, one lot away from Halfway Creek, 150’ on the water, with dock and boat ramp. 2 ½ lots, large fenced yard and 10’ x 40’ screened decked porch. Furnished. Must see to appreciate! $225,000. Call 340-4770. ------------------------------------------------FOR SALE: Lot #26 in Fisherman’s Cove; dock included. $40,000. Call (239) 300-7077 or (239) 682-6025. ------------------------------------------------FOR SALE OR RENT-TO-OWN House & Barn on 1.02 acres in Fakahatchee Strand. $139,000 purchase or $1200/mo. Rent to Own. Call Don (321) 439-7635. See info & pictures at www.DonsHouse.com. -----------------------------------------------WANTED: All Motor Homes, 5th wheels and travel trailers. Any condition. Cash paid on the spot. Call Paul at (941) 347-7171. ------------------------------------------------FOR SALE: Chicks & Chickens (assortment of breeds) and farm fresh eggs. Bedford Farms, call 695-0500. The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area PUBLISHER Patricia A. Huff, Snook Publications P O Box 617, Everglades City, FL, 34139 (239) 695-2397, mulletrapper@gmail.com EDITORS Patty Huff & Marya Repko PET PICS CONTRIBUTORS to this Issue Helen Bryan, Jerry Colson, Chester Keene, Bill Lindsay, Elaine Middelstaedt, Savannah Oglesby, Shannon Snyder, Charles Sobczak Marya’s two little pets, Missie and Boyo, enjoy an afternoon snooze in the Everglades. Send us your Pet Pics by post or email. PRODUCTION layout: Marya Repko, printing: Hinson Studios JOBS & SERVICES PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT We aim to provide local news of interest to the extended community of Everglades City, Chokoloskee, Plantation Island, Lee Cypress, Copeland, Jerome, and Ochopee. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Volunteers Wanted Everglades National Park is looking for volunteers to help out on ranger-led canoe trips this winter. Volunteers will paddle in canoes or kayaks. If you would like to help, please contact Andy Webb at 695-3311. We strive to present the facts accurately with no political bias or personal opinion. The views expressed in signed articles are not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 25¢ per issue or $40 per year by US Post ---------------------------------------------------------------------- © 2014, Snook Publications. Housekeeping Position Open Ivey House B&B All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission. www.evergladesmulletrapper.com Seasonal (Nov-April) - Full time Must speak/understand English Contact ASAP at (239)695-3299 or email resume to info@iveyhouse.com NOW SERVING EVERGLADES CITY ------------------------------------------------------- Maintenance Position Maintenance position opening at ORA at Chokoloskee; must have good English skills including reading and writing, able to lift 50 lbs. overhead, driver’s license and be able to obtain a CPO pool license. Full time, year round starting mid-November. Send resume to ORA At Chokoloskee, PO Box 55, Chokoloskee, FL 34138. S.W. FLA’s Pest Authority since 1990 CALL 239-455-4300 ------------------------------------------------------------------- WANTED CASH REWARD Antique & Used Fishing Tackle Buy & Sell – Reels, Wood Rods, Lures, Fish Mounts, Tackle Boxes, Fly Rods & Reels, Gaffs, Fighting Chairs, Nets, Nautical Items Old Rod & Reel Collector 239.695.4288 OCTOBER 24, 2014 CAREGIVER Looking for experienced CNA/HHA and companion caregivers for in-home senior care. Call Visiting Angels at (239) 561-7600. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RODENTS Freelance Writer for articles, books, advertisements, etc., and Music Lessons & Tutoring Call Danielle Swisher at 280-8971 or Email: dmswisher85@gmail.com ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS CollierPestControl.com 3899 Mannix Dr #412 See the Rapper in full color! Visit our website. date _______________________ Please make check payable to “Snook Publications” and send to Snook Publications, P O Box 617, Everglades City, FL, 34139 ___ The MULLET RAPPER by post ($40) ___ The MULLET RAPPER by email ($10) NAME ___________________________________________ EMAIL _______________________________________________ STREET / P.O.BOX: ALTERNATE ADDRESS _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ CITY ____________________________________________ CITY _________________________________________________ STATE ________ STATE _________ ZIP ____________________________ ZIP _________________________________ MONTHS AT ALTERNATE ADDRESS __JAN __FEB __MAR __APR __MAY __JUN __JUL __AUG __SEP __OCT __NOV __DEC 10/24/14 email: mulletrapper@gmail.com x x x PAGE 12 x x x www.evergladesmulletrapper.com
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