Entertainment - Motorola Retirees Club Arizona
Entertainment - Motorola Retirees Club Arizona
Volume No. 20 Issue No. 3 DECEMBER 6TH HOLIDAY PARTY 11:00 am - Socialize 12:00 pm – Catered Luncheon 1:00 pm – Entertainment November 2006 Entertainment Marshall Trimble Arizona State Historian, Musician, Author, Story Teller and Poet PLEASE WEAR Y0UR BADGE Select your entrée and order your tickets before the deadline. Can goods and new toys will be collected at the luncheon for distribution to La Mesita for Christmas. Deadline to make reservations is November 28th If you reserve by mail, the post mark has to be no later than the 28th of November. Anything received after the 28th will be returned. Tickets will not be sold the day of the event! Directions: Find your way to AZ 51. Travel on AZ51, to Exit 11, the Thunderbird Road. Turn right onto North 32nd Street. The Elks Lodge is on the west side of the street. TICKET ORDER FORM Holiday Catered Luncheon December 6, 2005 11:00 AM Elk’s Lodge 14424 North 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ. Print/Type NAME________________________ Select one entree per person Chicken Marsala $18.00 ea_________ Prime Rib $20.00 ________________ Amount enclosed ____________ Mail check to: MOTOROLA RETIREES CLUB OF ARIZONA P.O. Box 42157 Mesa, AZ 85274-2157 NO REFUNDS - ALL SALES FINAL All tickets will be held at the door Arizona native son Marshall Trimble began his career as a folk singer in the 1960’s. His first book, “Arizona” was published by Doubleday and Co. in 1977. He has published 19 books on Arizona and the West. He returned to the stage, this time as a solo act, performing as a cowboy singer, storyteller, and poet. Today he is one of the state’s most popular entertainers. He appears frequently on radio and television as a goodwill ambassador for the state. In 1997 the governor of Arizona appointed him Official Arizona State Historian Marshall has taught Arizona and Southwest history, music and folklore at Scottsdale Community College since 1972 and is recognized as the dean of Arizona historians. In 2000 he was selected as one of the states representatives in the Library of Congress Honors program, Local Legacies. Marshall can also be heard pm KMYL Phoenix, KVNA Flagstaff, KRXS Globe and KBSZ Wickenburg with Trimble’s Tales and hour long stories of Arizona. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Co-Chair’s Message Who were all those strange beings at the Granite Reef Senior Center? On October 25th, we enjoyed the costumes worn by some of our members to celebrate the Halloween theme. We had civil war veterans, witches, mustard and catsup bottles and “the beard” just to mention a few. Many thanks to those of you who helped make the occasion more memorable. And, how about The Craig Davis Comedy, Magic and Juggling Show? How’d he do that? In addition to the festivities, we welcomed 5 new members to the club. There is no new information on the selection of a president for our organization. The Executive Board will be meeting on November 8th to discuss possible candidates and we could have something to share after that. In the meantime, would any of you be willing to “govern” us for the balance of this years term which ends in April of 2007. That is only a period of about 6 months, so please search your souls and, if you can possibly do this, contact one of the board members and give them your name. Your board members are listed on the last page of this newsletter. Don’t forget that there will be no meeting this month. But do remember the Holiday Party which will be held on December 6th at the Elks Lodge on North 32nd Street. It will be an event to remember, so make your reservations now. A ticket order form is included in this newsletter also and we look forward to seeing you all then. Bill and Carolee Volunteers Wanted Fiesta Bowl 2006 Wells Fargo Fiesta Bowl Million Dollar Holein-One presented by NetPro is promptly approaching and we are once again securing volunteers. The event will run from Thursday, November 9, through Sunday, November 19. Each day is separated into three shifts; 8:00 am – noon, noon – 4:00 pm and 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Fifteen volunteers are needed for each shift. You may volunteer for as many or few shifts as you would like. Activities include registration table, set up ball bins, and assist around the tee and green. If you would like to volunteer, please do not hesitate to contact Katie Dunn at 480-517-6295 or KDunn@fiestabowl.org THE ARC of TEMPE (One of MRC charities) Are you looking for a place to volunteer your time? Volunteers are the backbone of The ARC of Tempe. A list of volunteer opportunities at the ARC of Tempe is available on their Website at: www.tempearc.org, or call Brett Petersen at 480-9668536 or Ellen Reisland at 480-967-0303. The list includes tasks that one person can do and projects for a group, or people with special skills. If you are looking for a place to volunteer your time, why not try The ARC of Tempe? They would love to have you!! Shirley Tucker – Ray Orth Chairman La Mesita Lodge This year our Christmas charity will be La Mesita. The facility, located at 2254 W. Main Street in Mesa, is a 30-unit family shelter providing temporary emergency housing, case management, job development, licensed childcare (by the Department of Economic Security) and ancillary services to help homeless families with minor aged children become self-reliant. Infants and preschool children may receive child care services in their Child Development Center. School-aged youth may participate in the Youth Development Center. This facility has a computer lab. The staff will teach the families to use computers to help prepare them to find employment. La Mesita was last years Christmas charity with families receiving food, clothing, books and other necessities. Please bring Can goods or a New Toy to the Holiday Luncheon to support the children at this facility. Sharon Carey, Chairman Motorola Retirees’ Club of Arizona Minutes – October 25, 2006 The October General Meeting and luncheon was one of the best meetings given those varied and wonderful Halloween costumes. Carolee and Bill conducted the business meeting portion with special recognition given to those who dressed up in those creative costumes especially for the retirees. Rod O’Connor gave the invocation (he was a great Prospector in disguise!). There were many unique costumes for the luncheon. Bill Fulton led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Minutes were reviewed and approved by the membership along with a review of the Financial Report which was also approved. A special Happy Birthday was expressed to all our October birthday members! Bill reminded everyone that there will be no meeting in November 2006 due to our annual Holiday Luncheon being held on December 6th at the Elks Club (see details within the Voice). Donna Pavey is the Chairperson of the wonderful event and has promised that the festivities will be a great deal of fun with the well known Marshall Trimball as the keynote speaker for our entertainment. Food choices for the event are Chicken Marsala and Prime Rib. We will need to please purchase your tickets for the festivities prior to the luncheon. Canned food and new toys will be collected at the luncheon for the families at La Mesita Lodge in Mesa. A.S.U. many years ago. He commandeered Phil McNett to come on stage and help him with his tricks. We should have made a video. The entire audience was mesmerized with his slight of hand. Carolee cut the rope with a sword, and others from the audience were involved with his card tricks. The door prizes were won by George DeWitte and Susan Potts. The Ray Orth Raffle was won by Ed Lyons. He picked the Scholarship Fund for the raffle donation. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted by Sharon Carey, Secretary Oct 2006 Finance Report Receipts: Expenses: Balance on Hand: Scholarship Fund 2007 $ 3,120.66 $ 1,092.59 $30,832.76 $ 1,260.73 Carolee discussed an input she & Bill had received from an anonymous individual who cited the fact that by the time their table was called (which was one of the last tables) that most (if not all in some cases) all the food was already gone. She asked all those attending to please remember that there are still quite a few people who have not eaten and to please leave some food for them. She promised that when all tables were called that she would let people know they could now take seconds! The tables were called by drawing a number until all tables had gone through the line. Volunteers are wanted to help at the 2006 Well Fargo Fiesta Bowl Million Dollar Hole-in-One presented by NetPro is promptly approaching and we are once again securing volunteers. The event will run from Thursday November 9, through Sunday November 19. Please call Katie Dunn at 480-517-6295 or KDunn@fiestabowl.org. Craig Davis was our phenomenal entertainment and was an excellent Magician not to mention his juggling skills and humor. He learned his craft from a street vendor at Welcome New Member: WELCOME NEW MEMBER Gates, William T. – GEG Kowalchuk, Nick – SPS Kurtz, Richard – SPS Lundy, Evalee – GED Mowrey, David W. – SPS In Remembrance OCTOBER 06 1/28/06 9/06 9/29/06 9/29/06 9/30/06 9/30/06 10/1/06 10/15/06 10/17/06 Carpenter, Robert, 80 – Supervisor GEG Shures, Garth Perkins, Darlene J., 66 – Ser. Center Corp Harr, Raymond Louis, 70 – Mach. 15 yrs. Younghans, David W., 61 – Mgmt. Fuget, Jack E., 87 – Asst. Adm. 30 + yrs Lewis, Charles E., 51 – Tech. Wibirt, James A., 76 – Purchasing 28+ yrs Hawthorne, Lloyd, 79 – Maint. SPS Attention Retirees Retiree Benefits Protection Association The Retiree Benefits Protection Association was created a year and half ago to provide a unified and effective voice for Motorola retirees on benefits issues, and to finance initial legal research into the actions of Motorola relative to its retiree health and pension benefits. As many know, almost two years ago Motorola shifted the responsibility for administering healthcare benefits for its semiconductor business retirees to Freescale Semiconductor. Given the pending buyout of Freescale by the Blackstone Group, the necessity to take steps if any, need to be taken now, to protect our rights. This purchase of Freescale will have the effect of making it a privately-held company, one which will have no obligation to report to the public about its business operations. Regardless of whether this pending purchase occurs, we believe all Motorola retirees may have reason to be concerned about the security of their promised Motorola retiree healthcare benefits. To date, the RBPA has been successful in growing membership to 265+ members and has raised financial assets of just over $34,700. The goal of our first drive has always been to raise a minimum of $50,000. We need to grow our membership by at least an additional 100 more members immediately. All Motorola retirees living in the U.S. are eligible for membership. The mission of the Retiree Benefits Protection Association has been, and will continue to be, providing a clear and effective voice for retired Motorolans on important retiree benefits issues. We must influence Motorola and Freescale to take reasonable steps to control the growth of retiree healthcare costs, while at the same time preserving our promised healthcare and pension benefits for now and for the future. Motorola must understand the necessity of treating all of its retirees ethically and equitably. The ultimate strength and clarity of our voices will be directly related to the size of the RBPA membership. If you are not yet a member, you can join the RBPA organization by going to the web site, http://www.rbpa.info. Information and a membership application are available on the web site. You may also call Jeff Gorin at 480-831-6623 for additional information and we can ensure an application is mailed to your address. Do not wait. Join now, to preserve your hard earned health benefits. Some are still searching Freescale Annual Enrollment Information Freescale Semiconductor has announced its annual enrollment schedules, including the reopening of their Retiree Benefits Web Site. 1 Million ScoreCard Reward Points! Yep, we said 1 million, and YOU could win them.* As part of the TruDifference, we’re adding a million reward points giveaway to our Visa® program! Not only that, it’s only available to TruWest members. And you know what that means. You won’t be competing with hundreds of thousands of people throughout the nation. Does it get any better? It’s a piece of cake to enter: ? Shopping: Use your TruWest Visa card for your holiday shopping, eating or general merriment and earn one ScoreCard point AND one entry into the million point drawing per dollar you spend. ? Balance transfer: Are you feeling nickeled and dimed by another card you’re carrying in your wallet? Transfer over a balance to your TruWest Visa and get one entry per dollar transferred. Call us today or visit any branch and we’ll make the transfer process a piece of pie (in case you don’t like cake). Basically, the more you use your TruWest Visa, the better your chance for winning. Can you think of any other card in your wallet that has this offer? Probably not. So what are you waiting for? Start earning your entries today! Don’t have a TruWest Visa card? Call today! 480.441.5900 MillionRewards.ORG *Must be 18 years of age or older and a legal U.S. resident to participate. Promotion period: November 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006. Entry in this promotion or acceptance of any prize constitutes acceptance of the official rules. Contact the Credit Union at 800.528.1441 for a copy of the official rules. Drawing for prize will be held in January 2007. Winners will be notified by phone. Winners are responsible for any applicable taxes or other expenses related to any prize awarded Age 65+ retirees, family members, and survivors will enroll from October 1 – November 15. Enrollment is by paper enrollment form. Coverage will be provided by a new Humana Group Medicare Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) plan. Each covered person needs to submit a separate paper enrollment form by the November 15 deadline. If you have any questions about this new plan, please call Humana at the special line dedicated to Freescale retirees at 1 (800) 733-6592. Information and electronic copies of communications are available now at the Freescale Retiree Benefits Web Site at: www.freescale.com/retiree. Pre-65 retirees, family members, and survivors will enroll from November 6-17. Enrollment is online at: www.freescale.com/rewards. Information about the coverage options and costs will be posted on the Freescale Retiree Benefits Web Site in mid-October. If you have any questions about the 2007 coverage and your enrollment process, you may contact Freescale Rewards Customer Service at 1 (888) FSLBENS (375-2367). Important Information for All Retirees Are the Social Security numbers of your covered family members on file with Freescale Rewards Customer Service? You can check your information online at: www.freescale.com/rewards. Or call 1 (888) FSL-BENS (375-2367) to ensure these records are complete. Without this information, 2007 coverage for your family members could be delayed. YEAR AT A GLANCE 2006-2007 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Attention Grandparents: Wednesday, Dec 6 – Catered Luncheon “Holiday Party” Entertainment – Marshall Trimble Wednesday, Jan 24 – Luncheon Wednesday, Feb 28 – Luncheon Nomination of officers Wednesday, Mar 28 – Luncheon “Picnic in the Park” Bingo Wednesday, Apr 25 – Luncheon Graduation - Scholarships Election of officers Wednesday, May 23 - Luncheon Installation of officers Wednesday, June 6 – Luncheon “Picnic in the Park at Payson Do you have a grandchild graduating from high school in the spring of 2007? Will your grandchild be seeking higher education? The Motorola Retiree’s Club will be awarding scholarships to students who have grandparents who are members of the Club. The Grandchildren must be attending high school in the state of Arizona. If you have a grandchild who would be interested in applying for the available scholarship, contact Phil McNett at 602-971-2837 or via email at: mcnett34@cox.net, for further information. Applications will be available at the December luncheon. __________________________________________ Dear Motorola Retirees’ Club ...no matter how big government gets, and no matter how many services it provides, it can never take the place of volunteers. Ronald Reagan Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life....It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop. Dr. Dorothy I. Height Thank you for my scholarship, it has helped me out a lot. The alarm clock has come in handy and it is very nice. I am very honored that I was invited to your luncheon. Thank you so much. Nicole Hill _________________________________________________ Scholarships For Our Future Leaders The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve. Albert Schweitzer Season’s Greetings!!!! Don’t be afraid to say: Merry Christmas ya all. SCHOLARSHIP DONORS – Oct. 06 Chacon, Josie Fish, Joan M Greenburg, Ralph Lyons, Ed (Orth Raffle) Schmidlin, Jim & Navajo School former Faculty members Straub, Betty L. Williams, Juanita L. MOTOROLA RETIREES’ CLUB OF ARIZONA – OFFICERS and COMMITTEES President* TBD Entertainment Equipment Manager Holiday party Information Fair Trips/Events Past President* Scholarship Eadie Beckstein Rod O’Connor Donna Pavey TBD Jim Schmidlin Phil McNett TBD Jim Schmidlin Lucy Zurick Bill Gunther Carolee Bryan Vice President* Luncheon Manager Lunch Supplies/Transportation Lunch Setup/Decorations Vice President* Membership Roster Advertising Vice President* rodoconnor@cox.net 480-947-4946 602-971-2837 schmidlinjm@aol.com mcnett34@cox.net 480-947-4946 480-947-4853 480-946-9027 schmidlinjm@aol.com 480-473-0174 ncarolee@cox.net 480-948-6649 wfulton@cox.net TBD TBD Bill Fulton Nominating Chaplain Galvin Parkway 602-454-2214 602-840-3785 480-854-1956 TBD TBD TBD Secretary* Sharon Carey 480-649-0055 sharon022211@msn.com Shirley & Tom Tucker Hank Szot 480-857-7955 480-893-9633 wetuck@cox.net szot@cox.net Treasurer* Frances Peterson 480-964-6379 frances2000@msn.com Voice Editor Historian Web Master Photographer Sunshine Sunshine *Elected Officers/Executive Board Jan Simon Jan Simon Len Suckle Ed Lyons Eadie Beckstein Lillian Dudzik 480-838-0084 480-838-0084 602-867-3087 480-921-1171 602-454-2214 480-981-5803 janet_simon@msn.com janet_simon@msn.com lens@lsnent.com ednancyhome@aol.com Orth Charities Knitting Projects DISCLAIMER The Motorola Retirees Club is pleased to provide information on activities and businesses that may be of interest to its members. The club does not endorse any business or assume any responsibility for their performance. Each member should make his or her own decision concerning the use of these businesses. The Senior Voice is published monthly except for June, July, August and December. New or Renewal Form The Motorola Retirees’ Club of Arizona Yearly dues are $10.00 – (Includes you and your Spouse) Mail your check directly to: Please fill out completely: Motorola Retirees’ Club of Arizona P.O. Box 42157 Mesa, AZ 85274-2157 ___ ___ ___ ___ Renew Membership New Member Scholarship Donation Lifetime Membership $________ $________ $________ $250.00__ Name _____________________________________ Spouse’s name ______________________________ Street _____________________________________ City, State. Zip ______________________________ Phone _____________________________________ E-Mail _____________________________________ Retirement Date _____________________________ Sector Location ______________________________ (MCG, SPS, SSTG, GEG, GED, FREESCALE, ETC.) Moving or Email change: Please notify acting Membership Chairman Frances Peterson – 480-964-6379 – email: frances2000@msn.com Dues are due 1 year from when you join. Your membership expiration date is printed on the mailing label on your newsletter. Dues for an affiliate member whose spouse is deceased are $10.00 annually. To pay dues for one or more years, clip the form and mail to the address above or bring to the next meeting. Club Directory Coupon The Motorola Retirees’ Club of Arizona Directory is available for $4.00 by mail Mail check to: Motorola Retirees’ Club of Arizona P.O. Box 42157 Mesa, AZ 85274-2157 Name _________________________ Street _________________________ City, State, Zip___________________ Note: The directory is not to be given to anyone for solicitation or any other purpose. The price is $3.00 at club luncheons MOTOROLA RETIREES’ CLUB of ARIZONA P.O. Box 42157 Mesa, AZ 85274-2157 FIRST CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX, AZ PERMIT NO. 41 First Class Mail These Advertisers Support the Scholarship Program!! MERIDIAS CAPITAL Your Ad Could Be In This Space Philip L. McNett Mortgage Loan Consultant Direct: 602-795-0553 Cell: 602-717-4684 Members Only Free Pre-approval Home Purchases Contact McNett Full Service LenderPhil Refinances Great Rates 602-971-2837 BKBR-0108168 Dreams Through Customized Financial Advice Individual Investment Strategies: Steve Derosier ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Mutual Funds Annuities Pension & Profit Sharing Plans Tax Planning Strategies Long-Term Care Planning IRA/Keogh Plans Financial Advisor 11811 N Tatum Blvd #1030 Phoenix, AZ 85028 Office: 602.956.0538 Direct: 602.794.8207 steven.r.derosier@ampf.com Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc Formerly American Express Financial Advisors Inc. The Motorola Retirees’ Club Web Site Is New and Improved!! motorolaretirees.org Check it out. You will find club organization and benefit information. Also, membership forms and links to various sites of interest.
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