Matthew13 - Blessed Sacrament
Matthew13 - Blessed Sacrament
Blessed Sacrament Parish Matthew13 Roman Catholic Collaborative Parishes of Walpole The Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time • July 12, 2015 MARK 6:7 FIRST READING: Amos 7:12–15 RESPONSORIAL: Psalm 85:9–14 SECOND READING: Ephesians 1:3–14 GOSPEL: Mark 6:7–13 MATT13CATHOLIC.ORG | WHAT’S INSIDE: In the Face of Intolerance, 2 A Native Son Seeks Support, 5 Introducing Our New Youth Minister, 7 The Church’s Mission, 8 BULLETIN@MATT13CATHOLIC.ORG | 508-921-1028 St. Mary Parish “Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two.” In the Face of Intolerance, Christ Offers Love and Mercy Rev. Chip Hines Pastor “So they went off and preached repentance.” They didn’t go off and preach “do whatever you want to” or “everything goes”, they went off and preached repentance. So that means they went off and told everybody they needed to change the way they were living. I can only imagine how fun and popular that was and it is not surprising that all of the Apostles, except for John, died a martyr. We have lived in a time that historically has been kind to Christianity. The past couple of hundred years or so has been pretty good for the Christian and in the United States, the Catholic has flourished for some time. The old prejudices against Catholics seemed to have gone away and we probably hit our zenith when John Kennedy was elected president in 1960. I’d argue that from that point it has been an slow but accelerating downward spiral. Being Catholic in 2015 is once again somewhat difficult, which we can see in part from Mass attendance, which is at an historic low, and we can see it when so many self-identified Catholics seem content to ignore the moral teachings of our faith. Yet the last 50 years or so I would also argue that perhaps we have contributed to our own slide downward by ignoring the Gospel line quoted above. We have heard in our parishes a kind of wishy-washy, “I’m ok, you’re ok” Christianity that has led to some believing that being faithful to the Church that Christ instituted is optional. I’m here to tell you that is not the case. We need to get back to our Gospel values and proclaim them in the face of a world that wants to tell you and me to shut up. They want to tell you and me that our faith is now equated with hate, which is simply not the case, but we cannot let those who disagree with us frame this argument. We cannot take ourselves from the public discourse and we cannot let ourselves be marginalized by those who would let a warped sense of tolerance dominate the national discourse. In other words, we must preach repentance, all of us. We must preach a loving God who wants us to be in communion with him. We must preach a God who loves us enough to offer us the chance to receive His Son in a sacrament and also receive forgiveness in a sacramental form. We must preach repentance because we sin and despite our sinfulness God has still provided for us to be reconciled with Him. Mercy means there is something to be merciful about. One doesn’t need mercy if one is not a sinner but if we’re honest with ourselves we all know in our hearts that we are sinners and so Jesus offer us this mercy. Wonderful right? Except we know that people ignore this offer. They ignore it for it is far easier to stay the same than it is to change. Repentance and mercy require change, and are we willing to live that out? This is the question we must ask ourselves, each one of us, so that we truly can be called Christian. Peace. Catholic Homeschool Conference The Immaculate Heart of Mary New England Homeschool Conference will be held at the University of Massachusetts Lowell Inn and Conference Center, 50 Warren Street, in Lowell, on Friday, August 14, 12pm–6pm. Confirmed speakers include: Dr. Amy Fahey, Dr. Bill Thierfelder, Mrs. Mary Ellen Barrett, and Mrs. Colleen Billing. Admission is free and pre-registration is not required. For more information, please visit, email: or call 540-636-1946. Career Opportunity The Knights of Columbus is seeking a Field Agent for a career opportunity representing their insurance program. They offer a complete benefits package with this full-time positiion. In order to qualify, one must be eligible for membership in the Knights of Columbus. For more information, please contact Michael Lehman, 401- 921-4834, For Your Marriage Jesus sent out the Apostles two by two to preach. Our marriage sacrament is a sign to others. What sign are we showing? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are September 19–20, October 23–25 and December 4–6. For more information call Steve and Michelle O’Leary at 1-800-710-WWME, visit their web page at, or go to Catholic Appeal Through your support of the 2015 Catholic Appeal, we are able to bring the Gospel message to life. If you have yet to make a pledge to the 2015 Catholic Appeal, please complete a pledge form available in the back of the church or visit Thank you for your prayers and support. The Life of Prayer “In the New Covenant, prayer is the living relationship of the children of God with their Father who is good beyond measure, with his Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit. The grace of the Kingdom is ‘the union of the entire holy and royal Trinity . . . with the whole human spirit.’ Thus, the life of prayer is the habit of being in the presence of the thrice-holy God and in communion with him.” —Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2565 How to Submit a Bulletin Item We welcome submissions to the bulletin of parish or community events. Please keep the submissions brief, no more than 150 words and we suggest for best effect you answer the following questions: Who is my audience? What do I want them to do/know? Why do I want them to do/know that? When should they do that? Where should they do that? How should they get more information? If you have a photo or graphic or logo to accompany the announcement, please include it, but keep in mind we have limited space. Please send any submissions to Summer Bulletin Deadlines Due to upcoming summer vacation schedules for staff, the deadline for the August 2 bulletin and August 9 bulletin will be Tuesday, July 21. All deadlines for the weeks before and after remain the usual Mondays. Thank you for your understanding. Parish Results as of June 2, 2015 Gifts Gifts Goal #Donors Donors Goal Blessed Sacrament $40,313 $55,150 173 180 St. Mary $70,433 $64,713 155 133 Parish Goals are based on past Appeal performance. 3 Blessed Sacrament Parish Ten Diamond Street, Walpole, MA 02081 | 508-668-4700 | Friends of Fr. Leo, Old and New Join together to celebrate a reunion with our beloved Fr. Leopold Mushobozi on Sunday, July 19. He will be coming from Tanzania, where he serves 4,000+ parishioners and many more at 19 Outstations in his Diocese, to Walpole to spend his well-deserved vacation. Fr. Leo is looking forward to seeing and being with us. A reception after the 11am Mass on the 19th, will be held in the Blessed Sacrament School Cafeteria. We hope to see you there. A Message from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul In the Gospel today we see how Jesus sent his Apostles out two by two. From the beginning of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, members have visited those who are less fortunate in pairs, “two by two”. It is there, in the family setting, that Vincentians listen, offer humble advice, and render assistance. Have you considered answering the call to help serve the needy by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Seeking Your Hymnal Help Erica Johnson, Director of Pastoral Music, is still seeking your input. After years of using annual hymans that must be bought and recycled each year, she is planning to equip our parish with a permanent hymnal. The time has come to settle on one book of liturgical music that we will use for years. There are many options available, but all have different sets hymns and there will necessarily be a change in our repertoire. Some will be new to us and some may not appear in these other hymnals. To help Erica in this Photo: Matt Sciba/Flickr. process, she would love to know what hymns are important to you. If you have a moment after Mass or over email (, let her know specifically the hymns that you want to continue singing year after year. And thank you for your input! Second Collection This week’s second collection will be the monthly Balance the Budget collection, typically held on the first or second Sunday of each month, and is used to do just that: balance our operating budget. During the summer months as people go on vacation, the need becomes even greater, and so the monthly Balance the Budget collection helps to offset the deficit. Many thanks for your generosity! 4 Prayers For Our Service Members Zachary Bannon Frank L. Brunetta Peter Conroy Michael McKay Matthew McKay Robert Dunne, Jr. Michael Edwards Caitlin Brunetta Kyle Bradbury Timothy Merrigan Al Goetz Kevin Day Francesco Carpeno(Lamperti) Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for their selfless service to us and our country. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen. Please remember our military in your prayers. To add or remove a name, call Margaret 508-668-4700 x1007. Newly Baptized Jackson Charles Anastos was recently baptized into our parish family. We offer our heartfelt welcome and congratulations to his family. We invite you to sing the Eucharistic Acclamations with us during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. If you attend the 4pm, 8am, and 11am Masses, you can locate the music in the pew hymnal, #864, 866, 868, 869 (Mass of the Resurrection.) For the 9:30am Mass the music is found at #874, 876, 878, 879 (Mass of Renewal.) Please lift your voices in song! Remember in Your Prayers Each week during the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass, we pray for those in our community who are sick. If you have a family member whose name should be added to the prayer list, please contact Margaret Manning at or 508668-4700 x1007. We kindly request that only immediate family members of the sick add names to the list. Through our parish prayer line, we also remember all our shut-ins, our unemployed, our sick, our grieving, and our own parish dead. Call 508-6682448 with your prayer intentions or to join the prayer line. A Native Son Seeks Your Support My name is Mike Hyatt, and I have been a member of Blessed Sacrament Parish my whole life. I attended BSS and then Xaverian Brothers High School, and I recently graduated from Northeastern University. During my time at Northeastern, I became very involved with the Catholic Center, the university’s campus ministry run by the Brotherhood of Hope, which has continually challenged me to enter into a deeper relationship with the Lord and the Church. My experience has lead to a calling to continue to serve the spiritually poor on college campuses and evangelize those around me. This upcoming year, I will serve as a missionary at Florida State University. My role as a Mission Leader will consist of reaching out to the young men on campus and meeting with them in a mentor role to help bring them into our Catholic community and into a deeper relationship with Christ, as well as a leadership role for upperclassmen who are eager to evangelize on campus. Although much of what I will be doing is outreach work, I know this year will be pivotal in my own faith formation, equipping me to be a more radical disciple when I return home in a year. In order to take part in this service opportunity, I must raise the funds to be able to support myself. My goal is to raise $15,000 for 10 months of expenses, including room and board and ministry-related costs. The weekend of July 18/19, Blessed Sacrament will be holding a second collection to support my mission. I would be grateful for your support in helping me answer God’s call. You can write a check made out to the Catholic Student Union at Florida State University, with my name designated in the memo, or donate online, following the instructions for designating my name at This is also useful if you would like to make a monthly donation instead. To learn more, please feel free to call me at 508-272-0998 or email me at Again, thank you for your support, and you are all in my prayers. God bless! 5 Blessed Sacrament Parish Sung Acclamations During Mass St. Mary Parish 176 Washington St, East Walpole, MA 02032 | 508-668-4974 | Holiday Fair Meeting There will be a meeting of the Holiday Fair Committee on Monday, July 13 at 7 pm in the Parish Center (parking lot side, far door). All are invited to come and help make this year’s fair the best yet. Photo: Carsten Pescht/Flickr. Seeking Choir Members & Cantors Kevin Di Lorenzo, the new Director of Liturgical Music, is seeking parishioners who are interested in participating in the Liturgical Music Program for St. Mary’s Church. If you have a musical talent you would like to share or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer Cantor or member of one of our growing Choirs, please introduce yourself to Kevin after Mass or contact him via email at or call him at 508-668-4974 ext. 1029. Photo: Brian Smithson/Flickr. Prayer Requests We are asked to pray for all our sick, our grieving, and our suffering. If you wish to add a name to the prayer requests, please contact Louise Fahey at St. Mary Parish Photo: George Martell/BCDS. Used with permission A Summertime Prayer For birds, bugs, and butterflies, We thank you, God. We thank you, God. For popsicles, parks, and picnics, For hot dogs, hamburgers, hiking and home runs, We thank you, God. For lollipops, lemonade, lilacs, licorice, ladybugs, and love, We thank you, God. For sand, sunshine, and sprinklers, We thank you, God. For family, friends, and fun, We thank you, God. —Janet Schaeffler, OP 6 Photo: Dreamstime Collaborative & Other News Introducing our new Youth Minister Hi! My name is Valentina Rossi, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as your new Youth Minister. I am originally from New Hampshire, but I grew up in Tennessee just outside Nashville. I’ve been involved in youth ministry since I graduated high school myself, and I’m ecstatic to be here serving your parish. I truly mean it when I say, “serve”. Primary catechisis is the responsibility of parents, so parents, I work for you! I’m here to help you evangelize to your teens, and I have lots of ideas of how to do that, but I also need your help. I would love to hear what ideas you have for the teens in this parish, and I’m also going to need your help as volunteers and chaperones for all of our activities. Whether it’s our weekly youth group meetings for high-schoolers, our monthly meetings for middle-schoolers, overseeing individual service projects, or chaperoning trips, you can be involved in many different ways and commitment levels. I will be sharing my time between Blessed Sacrament and St. Mary’s, but you can always reach me at (508) 9211028 ext. 1030 or at Summer Session Faith Formation We are so excited to introduce a new and exciting way to keep faith alive this summer for our pre-teens and teens—a summer Faith Formation program! This 4-day program focuses on the Mass and surprising new ways to look at our faith and traditions. In this unique learning experience, with the aid of powerful cinematography and guided workbooks, students will learn to appreciate the beauty and mystery that is the Mass and grow to desire to attend more often. Middle school students will attend the program Monday-Wednesday, 8–11am and Thursday, 9am–12 noon during the week of July 20–23. The students will participate in daily Mass each morning, so we ask that you arrive promptly each day. They will be required to attend every day in order to receive credit for completing the program. They will also be required to participate in 4 service project/activities—with a variety of times and places available—throughout the school year—along with attending Mass, of course. If you have any questions, contact Karen Brady,, 508-668-4974 ext 1003. To register, please go to Seeking Middle & High School Blessed Sacrament and St Mary’s Students It’s that time again as we approach the beginning of summer and we prepare to host Vacation Bible School 2015: Everest, “Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power” and we need you. The key to the week’s success has always been the volunteer work of our middle and high school students. We have been blessed over the past few years to have the most amazing volunteers that have truly made our weeks at VBS so memorable. VBS will be held July 13 to 17, from 9am to noon for children in grades 1-5. An organizational meeting will be held during the week of July 6, (date and time to be determined) and more information will follow. We hope that volunteers can work for a minimum of three days. VBS is a very fun way to earn service hours for Confirmation, National Honor Society, sports teams, and school as well as other programs. To sign up to volunteer, please visit http://13ma. tt/2015Matt13VBSVolunteer. The volunteer website will ask for your information and ask for your preferences. Please send Mrs. Karen Brady an email at and let her know your availability as soon as possible as we will need to evaluate staffing needs. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. 7 Don’t Miss the Mt. Everest Expedition This Summer Have you ever wanted to climb to the highest peaks in the world and see the view from the top? Or maybe, you just want to explore the beauty God created in faraway places and exotic lands? You have just a few days left before we depart! Join Klymer, Mallory, and all our animal friends for a fantastic trip to the frosty peaks of Mount Everest this summer at our week-long Vacation Bible School program. Together we’ll explore what it takes to reach the icy peaks of Everest, journey through Nepal with our Sherpa Guides and learn how we can conquer any challenge with God’s Mighty Power! The program is Monday to Friday, July 13-17, 9am to 12pm at St Mary Parish, East Walpole. The cost is $50 per child with $100 family max. Any child entering Grades 1-5 in Fall 2015 is eligible to enroll. Where else can you find icy winter fun in the summertime without leaving town and enjoy it alongside all your best friends? Online registration is still open and will accept PayPal and credit & debit cards. You may also select the Pay-By-Check option. Scholarships are available (please inquire if your family is eligible before requesting a scholarship on the registration form). Go to to register online. Looking for Blessed Sacrament Alumni This year Blessed Sacrament School celebrates 50 years of academic and spiritual excellence! If you attended Blessed Sacrament School or you are the parents of an alum/alumna, we would love to hear from you so we can share information about all 50th Anniversary events. Please contact BSS Director of Advancement, Seana Dorich at for more information on how you can get involved. The Church’s Mission In commissioning the apostles in today’s Gospel, Jesus gives them, and us, a preview of His Church’s mission after the resurrection. His instructions to the Twelve echo those of God to the twelve tribes of Israel on the eve of their exodus from Egypt. The Israelites likewise were sent out with no bread and only one set of clothes, wearing sandals and carrying a staff (see Exodus 12:11; Deuteronomy 8:2–4). Like the Israelites, the apostles are to rely solely on the providence of God and His grace. Perhaps, also, Mark wants us to see the apostles’ mission, the mission of the Church, as that of leading a new exodus— delivering peoples from their exile from God and bringing them to the promised land, the kingdom of heaven. Like Amos in today’s First Reading, the apostles are not “professionals,” who earn their bread by prophesying. Like Amos, they are simply men (see Acts 14:15) summoned from their ordinary jobs and sent by God to be shepherds of their brothers and sisters. Again this week, we hear the theme of rejection: Amos experiences it, and Jesus warns the apostles that some will not welcome or listen to them. The Church is called, not necessarily to be successful, but only to be faithful to God’s command. With authority and power given to it by Jesus, the Church proclaims God’s peace and salvation to those who believe in Him, as we sing in today’s Psalm. This word of truth, this gospel of salvation, is addressed to each of us, personally, as Paul proclaims in today’s Epistle. In the mystery of God’s will, we have been chosen from before the foundation of the world—to be His sons and daughters, to live for the praise of His glory. Let us, then, give thanks for the Church today, and for the spiritual blessings He has bestowed upon us. Let us resolve to further the Church’s mission—to help others hear the call to repentance and welcome Christ into their lives. —Dr. Scott Hahn, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, 8 Message of the Week Mark 6:7-13 Jesus gave the Twelve Apostles a remarkable mission. He sent them out two by two to preach repentance, to cast out evil spirits, and to heal the sick. And he made them do it in a spirit of complete dependence upon God. These men—who did not even have the witness of other apostles or saints to inspire or give them courage, and who had not yet beheld the Resurrection of the Lord—stepped out into the world with literally nothing but their faith in this man named Jesus. And look what happened! “The Twelve drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.” The apostles’ trust in God’s power to work these miracles through their hands began with trust in God’s power to provide for their own needs. This experience bolstered their faith and encouraged them in their mission. When we find ourselves questioning whether we really have the “power” to do what God wants us to do, then we ought to step back and try to depend a little more directly upon God’s providence. Surrendering this element of care for ourselves allows God to meet our Weekly needs himself. And Readings when he does, our faith will flourish too. Questions of the Week Readings for the Week of June 7, 2015 Sunday: Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 Mark 6:7-13: Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7/Mt 5:1-12 What do you imagine were the aposTuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22/Mt 5:13-16 tles’ biggest challenge in their misWednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11/Mt 5:17-19 sionary Thursday: work? Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Mt 5:20-26 Friday: Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9/Eph 3:8-12, 14-19/ Amos 7:12-15: Jn 19:31-37 How do Saturday: you defend the faith? 2 Cor 5:14-21/Mt 5:33-37 Immac. Heart: Is 61:9-11/Lk 2:41-51 Ephesians 1:3-14: Next Sunday: Ez 17:22-24/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk What would be your prayer of blessing to God?4:26-34 Weekly Mass Intentions Readings for the Week of June 14,Mary 2015 BSP-Blessed Sacrament; STM-St. Connolly EzThomas 17:22-24/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34 Sat, Jul Sunday: 11 4pm BSP: Monday: 2 Cor 6:1-10/Mt 5:38-42 4pm STM: Richard McLaughlin Tuesday: 2 Cor 8:1-9/Mt 5:43-48 Sun, Jul 12 7:30am STM: Kay & Bernie Brady Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-11/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 11am BSP: Leo Vaccaro Thursday: 2 Cor 11:1-11/Mt 6:7-15 11:30am2 STM: Beth Connors Friday: Cor 11:18, 21-30/Mt 6:19-23 Richard McLaughlin Wed, JulSaturday: 15 8am STM: 2 Cor 12:1-10/Mt 6:24-34 9am BSP: Fr. James Lanergan Next Sunday: Jb 38:1, 8-11/2F.Cor 5:14-17/Mk 4:35-41 Sat, Jul 18 4pm BSP: Carmen Joseph DiMartino, Jr. 4pm STM: Kevin Walsh Readings for the Week of June 21, 2015 Sunday: Jb 38:1, 8-11/2 Cor 5:14-17/Mk 4:35-41 Everyday Stewardship When one works for a parish or church organization or is closely aligned with a Christian community, it causes some to be nervous. I always get a kick out of meeting people for the first time and when they hear I work in the church, they want to tell me how they have been meaning to get back to attending a church, or how they have not yet found a place to attend on Sundays since they moved to the area, like, ten years ago. Of course, it’s funny now how all my non-Catholic friends want to tell me how much they like Pope Francis, as if I have tea with him every Friday at the Vatican. That being said, as a Christian I do have a responsibility to share the Good News with others. If I had a powerful experience losing weight, finding a great restaurant, or hearing a great piece of music, I would want to share that with others. Surely my relationship with Jesus Christ and what He has done for me by transforming my life is better than any weight loss, steak, or new band. How can I hide the most important aspect of my life? Being a good steward helps them see what Jesus has done for me. They see that I am striving to be more giving, more gracious, and more welcoming. Hopefully, they see something they want also. I can tell them more Readings for the Week of Julymy 5, 2015 about my faith, but hopefully actions will cause them to inquireEzfirst. If they choose to 6:1-6a reject me for who Sunday: 2:2-5/2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk I am I can onlyGn pray the next good steward that crosses Monday: 28:10-22a/Mt 9:18-26 their path intrigues them more. Meanwhile, I can love Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33/Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a/Mt 10:1-7 them as they are, people just like me, looking for what I Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5/Mt 10:7-15 have already found. Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30/Mt 10:16-23 —Tracy Earl Welliver Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a/Mt 10:24-33 Next Sunday: Am 7:12-15/Eph 1:3-14 or 1:3-10/Mk 6:7-13 Readings for the Week of July 12, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Am 7:12-15/Eph 1:3-14 or 1:3-10/Mk 6:7-13 Ex 1:8-14, 22/Mt 10:34—11:1 Ex 2:1-15a/Mt 11:20-24 Ex 3:1-6, 9-12/Mt 11:25-27 Ex 3:13-20/Mt 11:28-30 Ex 11:10—12:14/Mt 12:1-8 Ex 12:37-42/Mt 12:14-21 Jer 23:1-6/Eph 2:13-18/Mk 6:30-34 Readings for the Week of July 19, 2015 9 Weekly Events Calendar Sunday, July 12 Wednesday, July 15 7am BSS Lego Camp, School 9am STM Vacation Bible School, Parish Hall 9:30am BSP Morning Prayer Group, Community Room 4pm BSP Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Chapel 6:30pm STM Adult Bible Study, Parish Hall Regular Sunday Mass schedule 1pm STM Baptisms Monday, July 13 7am BSS Lego Camp, School 9am STM Vacation Bible School, Parish Hall 10:30am BSP Bible Study “Ignatius Catholic Bible”, Community Room Thursday, July 16 7am BSS Lego Camp, School 9am STM Vacation Bible School, Parish Hall 9:45am BSP Praying the Scriptures, Community Room 7pm BSP Beloved Community, Community Room Tuesday, July 14 7am BSS Lego Camp, School 9am STM Vacation Bible School, Parish Hall 9:30am BSP Bible Study, Community Room 7:30pm BSP Book Club, Community Room 8pm BSS Dads Basketball, Community Room Friday, July 17 7am BSS Lego Camp, School 9am STM Vacation Bible School BSP Blessed Sacrament Parish BSS Blessed Sacrament School STM St. Mary Parish Saturday, July 18 Regular Saturday Mass & Confession Schedule No events Matthew13 Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Blessed Sacrament & St. Mary Sunday: 7:30am St. Mary 8:00am Blessed Sacrament 9:00am St. Mary 9:30am Blessed Sacrament 11:00am Blessed Sacrament 11:30am St. Mary Daily Mass: Monday 8am St. Mary Tuesday 8am St. Mary Wednesday 8am St. Mary; 9am Blessed Sacrament Thursday 9am Blessed Sacrament Friday 8am St. Mary; 9am Blessed Sacrament Saturday 9am Blessed Sacrament Confession Times Saturdays: 3:00pm St. Mary & Blessed Sacrament or by appointment 10 MATT13CATHOLIC.ORG Collaborative Staff Rev. George “Chip” Hines, Pastor Margaret Manning, Pastoral Associate Martin Murphy, Director of Finance & Operations Dom Bettinelli, Director of Communications Rev. Joseph Diem, Parochial Vicar James Spillman, School Principal Karen Brady, Faith Formation Director AnneMarie Dion, Faith Formation Coordinator Margaret Kelly, Assistant to the Pastor Debbie Lafleur, Faith Formation Asst. Valentina Rossi, Youth Minister Blessed Sacrament Parish St. Mary Parish Dcn. Reynold G. Spadoni, Deacon Dr. Erica Johnson, Director of Pastoral Music Susan Glancy, Director of Youth Music Lee Smolinsky, Business Manager Mike Lamperti, Facilities Manager Janet Neubecker, Office Manager Kerry Pitman, Office Staff Pat Chitvanni, Office Staff Ray Lane, Facilities Staff Tom Whearty, Facilities Staff Kevin DiLorenzo, Director of Liturgical Music For Collaborative Staff contact information, visit For Parish Staff contact information, visit or Social Media
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