Matthew13 - Blessed Sacrament


Matthew13 - Blessed Sacrament
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Roman Catholic Collaborative Parishes of Walpole
“It is easier for a camel
to pass through the
eye of a needle
than for one who
is rich to enter
the kingdom of
MARK 10:25
Twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time • October 11, 2015
Photo: Noam Chen/Israeli Ministry of Tourism.Flickr.
Radical Love for All Life, 2
Pastoral Planning Update, 3
The Possibilities Are Many, 7
Message of the Week, 7
Everyday Stewardship, 9
St. Mary Parish
FIRST READING: Wisdom 7:7–11
RESPONSORIAL: Psalm 90:12–17
SECOND READING: Hebrews 4:12–23
GOSPEL: Mark 10:17–30
Radical Love for All Life
Rev. Chip Hines
It is with sadness that we watch in the news as another mentally ill person take the lives of the innocent. The devaluation of human life and the politicization of life issues are the great reasons we look at the culture we live in and say
it is in decline. Of course that doesn’t mean it is ruined completely, but if we continue to allow our society to look at
human life as if it is a disposable commodity, well then we might be in big trouble.
I look at the news and see the trouble in Oregon and I ask myself how we got here, how in these United States we ended up with a view that human life is so easily destroyed. One need only look to the legalization of abortion, the sexual
revolution and a mentality that says life is for me to choose, not God, and you can see how we got here. The callous
disregard for life isn’t just contained to the taking of innocent life, but it is also there when we speak of the death
penalty. While one can be a Catholic and believe that the death penalty is a just punishment, Saint John Paul and now
Pope Francis have told us that we must consider its abolition because even a life that isn’t innocent is still a human
life that is due the dignity and respect that all human life deserves.
The Catholic view of life is pretty straightforward and consistent and it is one of the many reasons why our current
political party system doesn’t do much for the practicing Catholic, because no political party completely represents
our view.
So we see the victims of the Oregon shooter and we weep, and we should, but it is not enough to just weep; we must
act as well. We must change the cultural view that life is our choice, when in fact it is God’s choice. We must change
the idea of human life being disposable and we must be merciful to those who need God’s mercy for it is when we
show mercy that we show the face of God. These are not easy things but they are the call of the Gospel. The Gospel
shows us the way, the truth and the life and it is not a program but a Person. His name is Jesus Christ and He extends
His love to all of us, and extends His forgiveness extends to all of us, but we must also cooperate with Him. He always
shows his love but He also shows us that love sometimes means offering correction and exhortation to go and sin no
more. Are we ready for this kind of radical love? Are we ready to forgive? Each of us needs to ask and answer these
questions for ourselves, and I hope the answer will be yes. You and I can change the world but only by doing the will of
Jesus Christ. Jesus is the answer to all problems and the solution to all of the world’s ills. Let us love each other, even
if to love means to get hurt sometimes, for we do not live if we do not love.
Photo: Joshua Rappeneker/Flickr.
Confirmation Parent
A mandatory parent meeting will be held on Oct. 18 and
19 for all confirmation candidates. (Students are expected to attend with parents.) You will have the opportunity to learn more about the programs we are using,
along with the expectations and requirements of each
year. You may attend the session for your child’s Year
at either Blessed Sacrament Parish or St. Mary Parish.
If you have any questions, please email
Parent Meetings
October 18, Blessed Sacrament School Gymnasium
Year I
Year II
October 19, St. Mary Parish Hall
Year I
Year II
A Message from the
Society of St. Vincent
de Paul
In today’s Gospel, Jesus says: “Go,
sell what you have, and give to the
poor and you will have treasure in
heaven; then, come follow me.”
This week put a gift in the St. Vincent de Paul poor box, knowing that through your kindness someone in our community who is suffering will be
touched by God in a miraculous way.
World Mission
Sunday Next Week
Next week’s second collection supports Catholic World
Missions. By Baptism, all Catholics are called to participate in the mission of the Church and share their faith
as missionaries. World Mission Sunday gathers support
for the pastoral and evangelizing programs and needs
of more than 1,150 mission dioceses in Africa, Asia,
the Pacific Islands, and remote regions of Latin America. The funds gathered on World Mission Sunday are
distributed in the pope’s name by the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith—a Pontifical Mission Society.
Please visit for more information.
Pastoral Planning
The process of writing a Pastoral Plan for the Matthew
13 Collaborative, as well as collaborative leadership
training for the staff, continued at the end of September.
The Pastoral Plan process has moved from the preliminary stages to the important goal writing stage. After
setting the four priorities for the collaborative over the
three years the plan will be in effect, the plan team will
set two goals for each priority that are specific, measurable, motivational, relevant, and time-based. (The priorities are where the collaborative puts its primary emphasis in resources, and are in addition to all the other
work of the parishes and school that is ongoing.)
During this phase of pastoral planning, Fr. Chip and
members of the plan writing team will schedule time to
meet with groups of parishioners and members of the
school community to brief them on the planning process and answer questions. The team will then compile
the goals into a draft plan that will be presented to Cardinal Seán for his initial response. At Fr. Chip’s request,
the collaborative has been exempted from the deadline
previously set for Phase II collaboratives because of the
changes we’ve undergone this past summer.
For more information on the pastoral plan, visit www. There is a form on
the page to submit feedback. You may also contact the
planning team at or call
Dom Bettinelli at 508-921-1028 x1021.
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Ten Diamond Street, Walpole, MA 02081
Serve at the Altar
Be part of a select group of boys and girls in your parish who serve at
Mass. Represent your community as a Catholic and assist as we celebrate
Jesus’ sacrifice. Send an email to Maura Clow at
to show an interest in becoming an altar server.
Three instructional meetings will be held next month and you will be
asked to attend two: Thursday, October 22 and Thursday, October 29,
7pm and Sunday, October 25 at noon. Minimum age to join is 4th grade
(9 years old).
What is the time commitment? The commitment averages once per month, for one Mass on Sunday morning or Saturday
at 4pm. The more servers we have, the more flexible the schedule. The schedule comes out every 3 months and accomodates seasonal changes and personal schedules. A big commitment is not what’s important. What is most important
in becoming an altar server is your desire to participate in the Mass in a new way and to be an integral part of your parish
Coffee Hour Returns
Coffee Hour has begun for the fall following the 9:30 Mass. Please consider volunteering as a hosting family and contributing to this important ministry. You can sign up
online at the following link: and if you need
assistance, contact Mike Stover ( You can host any available Sunday as a family or join with another family, or sign up as a youth group,
peer ministry, or other community organization (KofC, Boy Scouts, etc). Tasks
include setting up coffee urns, providing baked goods, and purchasing Dunkin
Donuts Munchkins with reimbursement. Instructions and sign-up sheet are on the
website. Thank you for your consideration, and many thanks to the families that have
contributed to the success of this ministry over the past few years.
Photo: Dreamstime
New Hymnals as Memorial Gifts
In a few weeks we will begin using our new hymnal, JourneySongs,
for Masses. Offering new songs as well as old favorites, it will be a
very good fit for our parish community. The Sunday readings will also
be included within the hymnal. You can help defray the cost of the
new hymnals by sponsoring one or more with a small donation. Each
sponsored hymnal will contain a bookplate that reads, “Given as a gift
by _____ in the name of _____.” Honor loved ones or commemorate
a special event by sponsoring a hymnal. We ask for a donation of $30
to sponsor one hymnal with one set of names. Please enclose a check
made out to the parish and a separate sheet with the names to be included in the hymnal. You can mail it to the parish
offices at 10 Diamond Street (Attn: Erica Johnson) or give it to Erica after Mass over the weekend. Donations will be
gratefully accepted on an ongoing basis over the next few months until all of our 375 hymnals are sponsored. Please
contact Erica for any questions:
Sung Acclamations During Mass
Remember in Your Prayers
Each week during the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass, we
pray for those in our community who are sick. If you
have a family member whose name should be added
to the prayer list, please contact Margaret Manning
at or 508-668-4700
x1007. We kindly request that only immediate family
members of the sick add names to the list.
Through our parish prayer line, we also remember
all our shut-ins, our unemployed, our sick, our grieving, and our own parish dead, including Odile Huddleston and Eleanor Cleary, whose funerals were this
past week. Call 508-668-2448 with your prayer intentions or to join the prayer line.
Book Club
Blessed Sacrament Book Club
meets next on Tuesday, October 13 at 7:30 in the Community Room. The book selected for
discussion is Ragtime a novel by
E.L. Doctorow.
Published in 1975, Ragtime
changed our very concept of
what a novel could be. An extraordinary tapestry, Ragtime
captures the spirit of America in
the era between the turn of the century and the First
World War.
Bulletin Submissions
We welcome submissions to the bulletin of parish or
community events. Please keep the submissions brief, no
more than 150 words and we suggest for best effect you
answer the following questions: Who is my audience?
What do I want them to do/know? Why do I want them to
do/know that? When should they do that? Where should
they do that? How should they get more information? If
you have a photo or graphic or logo to accompany the
announcement, please include it, but keep in mind we
have limited space. Please send any submissions to
We invite you to sing the Eucharistic Acclamations with
us during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. If you attend the
4pm, 8am, and 11am Masses, you can locate the music
in the pew hymnal, #864, 866, 868, 869 (Mass of the Resurrection.) For the 9:30am Mass the music is found at
#874, 876, 878, 879 (Mass of Renewal.) Please lift your
voices in song!
Organ Project Update
We are very pleased to announce that the long-awaited
organ renovation project will begin in November and
will be conducted by the McNeely Organ Company of
Waterford, CT. Alan McNeely has serviced our instrument for years, and in addition to being a very talented
organ builder, he brings with him engineering expertise
and his own supplies and equipment for this large undertaking. Beginning in late October/early November,
Alan will replace the existing console, begin rewiring
the console and chambers with solid state relays (relays
control the key and stop action), and clean the pipes
and wind chests. The Wicks organ has provided service
to our parish for close to 70 years and this will be its first
major renovation. Replacing the relays will improve
the reliability of the instrument immediately and is a
very welcome and necessary repair. Later stages of the
project will continue into early 2016 and will bring new
sounds and modest changes to the façade. The overall
project will preserve the musical character of the organ
and will make it more reliable and musically versatile
for many generations. We thank all parishioners for
their generous support of the organ project and music
ministry at Blessed Sacrament.
Eucharistic Ministers Needed
In order to facilitate the distribution of the Eucharist at
our Masses, we are in need of additional Extraordinary
Ministers of the Eucharist. This is a great way to serve
the Lord and your parish community and you can continue going to your preferred Mass. Training will be provided. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact George Sabatini at 508-668-1397
or Margaret Manning at 508-668-4700x1007 or
The following children have been baptized at Blessed
Sacrament Parish in recent weeks. We congratulate
their families and welcome them to the community:
Aiden James Alexander
Ryan Martin Toomey
Audrey Ann Boch
St. Mary Parish
176 Washington St, East Walpole, MA 02032 |
Knights of Lithuania
The Knights of Lithuania Council will meet next Sunday, October 18, at the
St. Mary Parish Center meeting room (205 Washington Street, parking lot
side door) following the 7:30am Mass. All are welcome.
Thanks for Breaking Bread
Thank you to the group of St. Mary’s parishioners who volunteered at
the September 21 Breaking Bread dinner. They helped with the set-up,
cooking, serving and clean-up of dinner and making desserts for the
guests. A big thank you for doing a terrific job to Jen Valja, Elizabeth
Viano, Pat Bigelow, Pat Schick, Mark Barry, Eileen & Mary Hickey, Mimi
Connell, Tricia Kelly, Tom Waitekus, Mike Grant, Ann Mari St. Germain,
Rita Walsh, Mary Garrity, Bob and Mary Gould, and Liz and Kevin Kouri.
Photo: Dreamstime
Pine Street Inn
Our collection of tuna, peas, noodles and desserts for the guests of the
Pine Street Inn will take place on Friday, October 23 from 5–6pm in the
Parish Center (far door, parking lot side). Please note that this date is a
week earlier than usual, due to Halloween. Last month Henry Elmhurst,
Katie O’Leary, Justin Andre, and Maggie Lally served 162 guests. We had
a very good collection with plenty of dessert items.
Bible Study
St. Mary’s Bible Study will begin October 14 in the Parish Center Hall at
6:30 pm. The subject this year will be a continuation of the Great Adventure Series by Jeff Cavins. We will look at the book of Exodus: Called to
Freedom. For further information contact Virginia McLaughlin, 508-6601326 or
Photo: Lightstock
The Possibilities are Many
Jesus said to his disciples:
“You are the salt of the earth.
But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned?
It is no longer good for anything
but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
You are the light of the world.
A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.
Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket;
it is set on a lampstand,
where it gives light to all in the house.
Just so, your light must shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds
and glorify your heavenly Father.”
—Matthew 5:13–16
Photo: Dreamstime
The passage above is another example of Jesus helping us to stop, pay attention, and to see from a different perspective and in a new light, all that we are called to be as God’s people; all that we can be with God’s help (the gifts we are
given and the grace we are given to use them).
“You are the salt of the earth.” What’s curious is that Jesus continues in the rest of the verse (Matthew 5:13) to talk
about salt losing its taste, but scientifically speaking, salt does not lose its taste. Nor does it expire. It is actually a preservative. According to the Salt Institute, there are about 14,000 ways to use salt!
Salt can be used in many ways and it is always good for some thing or another. The gifts God has given each of us are
like salt. No one can take them away and they don’t expire; although they may grow rusty or become hidden without
use, i.e they can lose their “flavor”.
The gifts God has given me, given each of us, are part of who God created us to be. Someone may be able to take away
or control access to opportunities for me to use my gifts, but no one can take away another’s God-given gifts. Regardless of the obstacles along the way, there is always a way or ways to use the gifts God has given us.
It doesn’t matter how big or small that way may be. Remember, we are called to simply use our gifts in life-giving ways
(so they may bring glory to God), and to use them with joy. In this spirit, invite God to help you to use your gifts. If you
don’t already know what your gifts are, ask God to help you to see them. When you run up against obstacles, remember, you are the salt of the earth. There is a multitude of possibilities! Let your light shine!
—Carissa A. Kane, Certified Spiritual Director
Republished from the Blessed Sacrament web site.
Message of the Week
Mark 10:17-30
When the rich man in today’s Gospel first approached Jesus, he was
excited, optimistic, and confident. We know this because he “ran
up” to the Lord and “knelt down before him.” He may have been
quite proud of himself when he was able to say about the commandments, “all of these I have observed from my youth.” The fellow
probably thought his work was done. But Jesus knew this man better than he knew himself.
When Jesus challenged him to become detached from his wealth—to
sell his things and give to the poor—it was too much. The man left
Jesus. His excitement and confidence were gone, and he was sad.
What are we clinging to that prevents us from accepting Jesus’ invitation? For some of us it may be wealth or possessions, for others the quest for success or the desire for popularity. Or it may be entirely different. God knows, and deep
down we do too. Today, Jesus is calling us to love him with our whole heart, not just a comfortable percentage. It may
seem too much to give, but this faithful surrender is the path to happiness, both now and in the life to come.
Illustration: “Christ and the rich young man,” A.N. Mironov/Wikimedia Commons.
School and Other News
Golf Tournament Thanks
Thank you to all the volunteers, players and sponsors who
helped to make this year’s Blessed Sacrament School Golf Tournament at the Norton Country Club a tremendous success. The
event raised over $15,000 to support the school’s financial aid
St. Joseph Prep Open House
Saint Joseph Prep in Boston, a co-ed Catholic, independent school for 250 young people in grades 9-12, will
hold an Open House on Sunday, October 25 between
1-4 pm. Sponsored by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of
Boston, and collaborating with Boston College and Regis College, the school provides young men and women
with a holistic, student-centered and outcome-oriented educational experience that is both exceptional and
affordable. Technology is integrated into all aspects of
the curriculum via a 1:1 iPad program, with emphasis
on the development of critical thinking and problem
solving skills. The school offers small class sizes, an
Academic Support Center, Chapel Speaking and Advisor programs, extensive athletic and extra-curricular
opportunities, and individualized college counseling.
Transportation, scholarships and financial aid are available. Visit for more information.
Sunday at the Seminary
Saint John’s Seminary cordially invites all Boy Scouts
and 5th grade students and their families, parish priests,
religious education directors, principals, and teachers
to attend an Open House Sunday, Nov. 15 from 2–4pm.
This is a great opportunity to learn firsthand about the
Sacrament of Holy Orders and to meet the Seminarians
who would like to share their stories with you.
For more information or to RSVP please contact maryjo. or call 617-746-5423 For more information
about Scouting or RSVP please contact
Archdiocesan Justice Convocation
The 7th Annual Archdiocesan Justice Convocation will
be held on Saturday, October 24, 8:30am-1:30pm. This
year's theme is "Care of our Common Home - Welcoming Immigrants/Refugees and promoting Environmental Stewardship." Pope Francis has launched his long
awaited encyclical Laudato Si! (Praised Be! On the Care
of our Common Home). One of the Convocation Keynote
Speakers, Dr. Carolyn Woo, President of CRS, was with
the Pope in Rome speaking at the launch. To register
please see the Archdiocese web site, The objective of the Convocation is to explore
ways that local parishes can address these global challenges and how we, as a church, can make a significant
impact in promoting justice and peace. The convocation will be held at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center,
66 Brooks Drive, Braintree. For more information or if
interested in carpooling, please contact Philip Czachorowski at
Thoughts of a Disciple
Oh how we love to tell the story of the rich young man—
and sometimes tell it smugly: “He walked away sad because he had many possessions.” Who says that this is
the end of the story? Of course he’s sad—he has “stuff”,
and he loves his “stuff”. But he is also a good man who
keeps the commandments. Where does it say that he
didn’t return? Jesus loved him, and we find hope in the
words, “All things are possible for God” If you find yourself living the lyrics of the 1980s pop song, “We are living in a material world, and I am a material girl (guy)”,
pray that “stuff” doesn’t become your idol.
Prayers For Our Service Members
Zachary Bannon
Frank L. Brunetta
Peter Conroy
Michael McKay
Matthew McKay
Robert Dunne, Jr.
Caitlin Brunetta
Kyle Bradbury
Timothy Merrigan
Al Goetz
Kevin Day
Richard Veno
Lord, hold our troops in your loving
hands. Protect them as they protect
us. Bless them and their families
for their selfless service to us and our
country. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and
Savior. Amen.
Please remember our military in your prayers. To add or
remove a name, call Margaret 508-921-1021 x1007.
LIFT Worship Night
Join LIFT Ministries on Tuesday, October 13, 7pm for
an inspiring night of worship at St. Richard Church in
Danvers with speaker Fr. Mark Murphy. The night will
include uplifting music, a relevant talk, confessions,
Eucharistic Adoration, and is free to attend and open
to all ages. A downloadable flyer, along with more information about LIFT, can be found on their website
at Come and worship with hundreds of Catholics from around the Boston area! For Your Marriage
In today’s gospel Jesus challenges us to live as God
calls us to, not the world. Have you allowed the world’s
way to detract from your marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Oct. 23–25 and
Dec. 4–6. For more information call Steve and Michelle
O’Leary at 800-710-WWME or visit them at www.wwme.
org or at
Wedding Banns
BSP-Blessed Sacrament; STM-St. Mary
BSP III - Megan Kenyon & Joseph Kelly
Weekly Mass Intentions
BSP-Blessed Sacrament; STM-St. Mary
Sat, Oct 10 4pm BSP: Michael & Mary Gordon & John &
Catherine Hughes
Sun, Oct 11 8am BSP: Paul & Esther Nolan
11am BSP: William Walker
Wed, Oct 14 9am BSP: Fr. William F. Glynn
Sat, Oct 17 9am BSP: Evelyn Raymond
10am STM: Frances Park
4pm BSP: Thomas William Quinn
4pm STM: Raymond Rockwood
Everyday Stewardship
One evening at my house the skies were filled with intense lightning, and rain was pounding the windows.
So the TV along with all the other electronics were
turned off, including the lights, and the blinds were lifted so we could watch the event further unfold. My wife
mentioned a family in our neighborhood that had recently lost everything in a house fire caused by a lighting strike. She asked all of us in the family, “What would
you run and get if we had to leave the house due to a
lightning strike?”
I mentioned that I would grab my laptop, but that was
only so I could communicate with the outside world. I
thought about my books, guitars, sports collectibles,
clothes, electronic toys, et cetera. I realized that there
wasn’t anything I was that attached to that I felt I needed to save. Then I thought of the financial debt I have incurred because of all that stuff and it made me wonder
how that happened.
The reality is that most of us who are trying to live a
stewardship way of life have been Christians much longer than good stewards. I thought I knew what being
a disciple of Jesus Christ meant years ago. I had two
theology degrees so I thought I already got it. Before I
began taking the stewardship message to heart, I would
have answered my wife’s question differently.
The reality is that good stewards will see their money,
time, and talent as investments in what lasts. I will need
a few
years toReadings
pay off my poor investment in things that
were temporal and, in fact, many of them are already
is a way
life that
for the Week
of of
2015 happen
that reSunday:
Gn 2:18-24/Heb 2:9-11/Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12
Jon 1:1—2:2, 11/Lk 10:25-37
nothing that
Jon 4:1-11/Lk 11:1-4
Earl Welliver,
Mal 3:13-20b/Lk 11:5-13
Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2/Lk 11:15-26
Jl 4:12-21/Lk 11:27-28
Next Sunday: Wis 7:7-11/Heb 4:12-13/Mk 10:17-30
or 10:17-27
Readings for the Week of October 11, 2015
Wis 7:7-11/Heb 4:12-13/Mk 10:17-30
or 10:17-27
Rom 1:1-7/Lk 11:29-32
Rom 1:16-25/Lk 11:37-41
Wednesday: Rom 2:1-11/Lk 11:42-46
Rom 3:21-30/Lk 11:47-54
Rom 4:1-8/Lk 12:1-7
Rom 4:13, 16-18/Lk 12:8-12
Next Sunday: Is 53:10-11/Heb 4:14-16/Mk 10:35-45
or 10:42-45
Readings for the Week of October 18, 2015
Weekly Events Calendar
Sunday, Oct 11
Tuesday, Oct 13
No Faith Formation Classes
7:30am STM Mass
8am BSP Mass
9am STM Mass
9:30am BSP Mass
11am BSP Mass
11:30am STM Mass
1pm STM Baptisms
6pm BSP Handbell Choir Rehearsal
7pm BSP Divorced, Separated & Beyond, Community Room
No Faith Formation Classes
7pm BSS Boy Scout Troop 44 Meeting, BSS Cafeteria
7:30pm BSP Book Club, Community Room
Wednesday, Oct 14
9:30am BSP Morning Prayer Group, Community Room
4pm BSP Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Chapel
6:30pm STM Adult Bible Study
7:30pm BSP Divorced Step II, Community Room
Thursday, Oct 15
Monday, Oct 12
9:45am BSP Praying the Scriptures, Community Room
2pm BSS Brownie Meeting, Community Room
5pm BSP Youth Choir Rehearsal
6pm BSP Handbell Choir Rehearsal
7pm BSP Beloved Community, Community Room
7pm BSP Adult Choir Rehearsal
7pm STM Senior Choir Rehearsal
Columbus Day, All Parish Offices Closed
No Faith Formation Classes
10:30am BSP Bible Study “Ignatius Catholic Bible Series”, Community
BSP Blessed Sacrament Parish
BSS Blessed Sacrament School
STM St. Mary Parish
Friday, Oct 16
No public events
Saturday, Oct 17
No public events
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil:
4:00pm Blessed Sacrament & St. Mary
7:30am St. Mary
8:00am Blessed Sacrament
9:00am St. Mary
9:30am Blessed Sacrament
11:00am Blessed Sacrament
11:30am St. Mary
Daily Mass:
Monday 8am St. Mary
Tuesday 8am St. Mary
Wednesday 8am St. Mary; 9am Blessed
Thursday 9am Blessed Sacrament
Friday 8am St. Mary; 9am Blessed Sacrament
Saturday 9am Blessed Sacrament
Confession Times
3:00pm St. Mary & Blessed Sacrament
or by appointment
Collaborative Staff
Rev. George “Chip” Hines, Pastor
Margaret Manning, Pastoral Associate
Martin Murphy, Director of Finance &
Dom Bettinelli, Director of Communications
Margaret Kelly, Assistant to the Pastor
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Dcn. Reynold G. Spadoni, Deacon
Dr. Erica Johnson, Director of Pastoral
Susan Glancy, Director of Youth Music
Lee Smolinsky, Business Manager
Mike Lamperti, Facilities Manager
Janet Neubecker, Office Manager
Rev. Joseph Diem, Parochial Vicar
James Spillman, School Principal
Karen Brady, Faith Formation Director
AnneMarie Dion, Faith Formation
Debbie Lafleur, Faith Formation Asst.
St. Mary Parish
Kerry Pitman, Office Staff
Pat Chitvanni, Office Staff
Ray Lane, Facilities Staff
Tom Whearty, Facilities Staff
Kevin DiLorenzo, Director of Liturgical
For Collaborative Staff contact information, visit
For Parish Staff contact information, visit
Social Media

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